Nouvelle année scolaire - Paroisse Sainte


Nouvelle année scolaire - Paroisse Sainte
Bulletin de la paroisse Sainte-Famille de Calgary
4 septembre 2011 - 23e DIMANCHE DU TEMPS ORDINAIRE A
Redresseurs de torts?
Toute vie sociale a ses règles, y compris au sein de la communauté chrétienne.
Le Seigneur nous propose aujourd’hui une démarche fort pertinente: la correction
fraternelle. Nous y découvrons que nous sommes responsables les uns des autres.
Exercée dans l’amour et le pardon, cette responsabilité est porteuse de vie.
Intentions de messes
de la part de
Sam 3 sept: † Patricia Ajavon
- Yao Fidegnon
Mar 6 sept: † Claire Carpenter, sœur de Bernadette Pagé
- Claire Lamarre
Mer 7 sept: Pour les femmes humiliées, battues, violées, tuées
- Marguerite Sigur
Jeu 8 sept: 50 de mariage d’Althé et Cécile Doucette - ta sœur, Georgette et Patrick Tardif
Sam 10 sept: † Paul-Henri Fafard
- Tes filles Annie et Julie et ton épouse Suzanne
 Pour les lundis et vendredis, voici les intentions pour les messes privées de l’Abbé Noël.
Nous vous encourageons de garder ces mêmes intentions dans vos prières.
Intentions de messes
Lun 5 sept: Intentions particulières,
Ven 9 sept: Intentions particulières,
Vérifications policières
Si vous offrez des services
l’eucharistie, de la parole, de
chantre, musicien ou encore
comme ministre de la liturgie
des enfants, vous devez
remplir le formulaire Volunteer
Information Form que vous
objectifs : 1) faire en sorte que
le nom et les coordonnées de
conservés au secrétariat de
notre paroisse; 2) vérifier que
chaque bénévole de plus de
18 ans a pris conscience du
document Diocesan Model
Code of Conduct en le
signant et en le remettant au
secrétariat de la paroisse.
Il est important de nous faire
parvenir ces documents le plus
tôt possible afin de vous
protéger et de protéger les
plus vulnérables.
pas à appeler le secrétariat si
vous avez des questions ou
des commentaires.
de la part de
- assignation diocésaine
- assignation diocésaine
Messages Variés
Calendrier paroissial
Jeudi 8 sept – Messe/réunion des Dames de Ste-Famille à 19h.
sam 10 sept – Cours de préparation au baptême à 11h.
Lundi 12 sept – Souper et réunion des Chevaliers à 18h.
Dimanche 18 sept – Brunch des Chevaliers.
Mardi 27 sept – Réunion du comité des finances à 19h.
Notre site web
Vous trouverez à la 2e et 3e page après le bulletin, les
déclarations du Premier Ministre Jens Stoltenberg's suite aux
attentats du 22 juillet.
Nouvelle année scolaire
Oublie ton passé, qu’il soit simple ou composé,
et participe à ton présent
pour qu’ensuite ton futur soit plus-que-parfait. 
Aux enfants, aux enseignants et aux parents : que cette
nouvelle année scolaire vous comble de la joie d’apprendre et
de reconnaître à tel point nous avons de la chance de pouvoir
fréquenter l’école en toute quiétude. Bonne année scolaire!
Faire part
Mme Olive Labrosse est décédée le 26 août. Les
prières et la messe de funérailles ont eu lieu le
mercredi 31 août et le jeudi 1er septembre. Nous
avons eu l’honneur de témoigner l’amour et les
soins que sa famille lui a prodigués tout au long
de sa maladie et pour les préparatifs de la
célébration de sa vie.
Aux membres de la
famille d’Olive, nous offrons nos plus sincères
Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg's Address
at the City Hall Square - July 26, 2011 (after July 22nd attacks)
Dear all of you,
What a sight! I am standing face to face with the will of the people. You are the will of
the people. Thousands and thousands of Norwegians – in Oslo and all over the
country – are doing what you are doing this evening. Taking over the streets, the
squares, the public space, with the same defiant message: We are broken hearted,
but we are not broken. With torches and roses we are sending a message out to the
world: We will not allow fear to break us. And we will not allow the fear of fear to
silence us.
The sea of people I see in front of me today and the warmth I feel from people all over
the country convinces me that I am right. Norway will pass the test. Evil can kill
individuals, but it can never defeat a whole people.
This evening the Norwegian people are writing history. With the strongest weapons in
the world – freedom of speech and democracy – we are staking out the course for
Norway after 22 July 2011. There will be a Norway before and Norway after 22 July.
But it is we who will decide how that Norway will be. Norway will be recognizable.
Our response has grown in strength through the incomprehensible hours, days and
nights we have been through, and it is amplified powerfully this evening: More
openness, more democracy. Resolve and strength.
That is us. That is Norway. We will take back our security!
Since the attacks in Oslo and on Utøya, we have been united in shock, despair and
grief. And we will continue to be, but it will not only be like this. Slowly, the first of us
will begin to be able to face everyday life again. Others will need more time. It is
important that we respect these differences. All forms of grief are equally normal.
Still we must take care of one another. Show that we care. Talk to those who have
been hardest hit. Be fellow human beings.
We who are gathered here have a message to all of you who have lost one of your
loved ones: We are here for you.
We will also look towards Norway after 22 July 2011. We must be careful not to draw
too many or too definite conclusions while we are a nation in mourning, but there are
certain things we can promise one another this evening.
Firstly, Out of all this pain, we can glimpse something valuable that has taken root.
What we see this evening may be the largest and most important march that the
Norwegian people have taken part in since the Second World War. A march for
democracy, solidarity and tolerance. People all over the country are standing shoulder
to shoulder at this moment.
We can learn from this. Do more of this. Each and every one of us can make the fabric
of democracy as little stronger. This is what we are seeing here.
Secondly, I want to say this to all the young people here. The massacre on Utøya
was an attack against young people’s dream of being able to help to make the world a
better place. Your dreams have been brutally crushed. But your dreams can be
fulfilled. You can keep the spirit of this evening alive. You can make a difference. Do
that! I have a simple request to make of you. Get involved. Care. Join an
organisation. Take part in debates. Use your vote. Free elections are the jewel in the
crown of democracy. By taking part, you are saying a resounding yes to democracy.
Finally, I am infinitely grateful to be living in a country where, at a critical time, people
take to the streets with flowers and candles to protect democracy. To honour and
commemorate those we have lost. This shows that Nordahl Grieg was right: “We are
so few in this country; each of the fallen is a brother and friend.”
We will carry this with us as we start to shape Norway after 22 July 2011. Our fathers
and mothers promised us, “There will never be another 9 April.” We say, “There will
never be another 22 July.”
Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg's
speech at the national memorial ceremony for 22 July 2011
Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Ladies and gentlemen, Dear all of you,
Today we are stopping the clock to remember the dead.
We are doing so as one nation.
Together we lost what we could not, and should not, lose. 77 lives.
Together we defeated hatred.
Together we are embracing openness, tolerance and fellowship.
We have cried together with you who were forced to say a last goodbye at the
We commiserate with those of you who cannot forget the images, the sounds and the
smells of that black Friday. We have thanked those of you who saved lives. Those of
you who have mitigated the pain. Every candle has warmed. Every thought has
comforted. Every rose has given hope. We are a small country. But a proud people.
Together we have many questions. Together we are looking for honest answers. Not
to blame other people than the perpetrator. But to know. To learn. To proceed.
In respect for those who were torn away we must look ahead. It also means parting.
In everyday life differences and disagreements await us. Variety and diversity. We
welcome that.
We must address three tasks in the spirit of solidarity we experienced in connection
with 22 July.
The first is that we must see those of you who have only just begun to walk the path of
grief. It is difficult for us to fully grasp the depth of the grief of losing a loved one in
such a way. The empty chair at Sunday dinner. The birthday without the birthday
child. The first Christmas.
You can help. Bake a cake, invite someone in for coffee. Go for a walk together.
Kindness is our greatest asset.
The second task is to be alert to any signs of extremism. We must learn from the
young. We must counter hatred with arguments. We must invite in those who have
gone astray. We must oppose those who want to use violence. We must meet them
with all the arms of democracy. We must meet them everywhere.
Our third task is to create safety and security. Good preparedness creates security.
Police in the streets creates security. Controls. Exercises. Equipment. We must do
all of this.
But we need something even more important. We need you. No matter where you
live. No matter what god you worship. Each and every one of us can take
responsibility. Each and every one of us can guard our freedom.
Together we make an unbreakable chain of solidarity, democracy, safety and security.
That is our protection against violence.
A Breathing Life into Ministry Program
Taking Time for Reflection on the
Emmaus Road
With Ron Semenoff and John Griffith
Reconnecting with the Purpose & Passion of Your Ministry
Thursday, September 22, 2011, 9 am to 3 pm
Mount St. Francis Retreat Centre, Cochrane, Alberta
$45 per person
At the beginning of a new season, take time to hear
the Spirit of God speaking to you.
The day will include
Meditative beginning
Reflecting on the Emmaus Walk and your own
ministry/faith walk
Conversations with a stranger: Identifying the issues and
challenges in your life and ministry
Remembering God’s presence in our midst
A message of hope: then and now
Listening to and encouraging each other
Summary of the gifts of the day
Breathing Life into Ministry© co‐founded by Ron Semenoff and John Griffith, engages Ministry
Personnel in a flexible, effective and efficient process of professional development.
Cheques are payable to Competency Inc.
10244 Hidden Valley Drive NW, Calgary, T3A 5B7
Space is limited so please pre‐register by leaving a message at
403‐703‐4169 or [email protected]
Mount St. Francis is off Highway 1A just before Cochrane.
To get there take Crowchild Trail north. It turns into Highway 1A to Cochrane. MSF turnoff
(Range Road 40) is on the right just before the hill going down into the town. Watch for signs.
Breathing Life Into Ministry©: Professional Development and Stress Management for Clergy (BLM)
[email protected] 403‐703‐4169
Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary
Announcements from the Catholic Pastoral Centre for
September 4th 2011, Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Religious Education Secretariat
The Diocesan Catechetical Certificate Program will be offering Level I, of its three level program,
starting on Saturday September 17th at the Catholic Pastoral Centre. Each level has six Saturday
morning sessions. The program is designed to give lay people the necessary catechetical background to
feel more confident in the following areas of parish ministry: sacramental preparation, R.C.I.A., youth
ministry and parish-based catechesis. An excellent opportunity for faith enrichment and updating oneself
on the Catholic faith including Scripture, sacraments, liturgy, prayer, social justice, Vatican II and more.
For more information and registration call the Religious Education Office at: 403-218-5501.
The Western Conference of Catholic Religious Educators (WCCRE) will be at the Banff Centre,
November 10th to 13th 2011. Our diocese will be hosting this year’s conference entitled: “Come to the
Mountains, Joyful Bearers of Good News!” Bishop Claude Champagne, of Edmonston, New Brunswick will
be the keynote presenter on the topic of “The New Evangelization” together with Anne Walsh of the
Archdiocese of St. John’s, NL. This is an excellent opportunity for anyone interested in learning more
about their Catholic Faith. Details and registration at or call the Diocesan Religious
Education Office at 403-218-5515.
Office of Liturgy
Echoing God’s Word: The Diocese of Calgary and the North American Forum on the Catechumenate are
sponsoring this Institute on liturgical catechesis Friday Sept 23 and Saturday Sept 24, 2011 in Calgary.
Registration information is available at Contact
[email protected] or Simone at 403-218-5524.
Charities and Development Office
Please join us for the 2011 Bishop’s Dinner. We are contemplating “The Growing Issue of Elder Care” and
supporting the new Assisted Living Project for Priests as well as the very meaningful work of the Father
Lacombe Care Centre Foundation. October 13, 2011 at Commonwealth Hall featuring Bishop Henry and
the Bishop Grandin High School Show Choir. Tickets $150.00 each or $1,200.00 for a table of 8. Please
contact 403-218-5531 or [email protected].
Stewardship Office
FaithLife: Stewardship Forum on Faith on September 9th 2011 at St. Anthony’s Parish located on 5340 –
4th Street SW, Calgary from 8:00pm to 9:00pm.
International Catholic Stewardship Council: 2011 Annual Stewardship Conference in Orlando, Florida
from October 23rd to 26th 2011. Early Bird Deadline is August 1st! Registration information is available at
Sharing the Gifts: 2011 Western Canadian Catholic Stewardship Conference in Winnipeg, Manitoba
from October 28th to 30th 2011.
For more information about these events please contact [email protected] or Eden
D’Souza, Stewardship Coordinator at 403-218-5520.
Social Justice Office
Fall Study Group on Caritas in Veritate: Another study of Pope Benedict XVI’s encyclical Caritas in
Veritate on Integral Human Development and Charity in Truth will be offered in September. For more
information contact Jana Drapal at the Social Justice Office at 403-218-5519 or e-mail
[email protected].
Life and Family Resource Centre (LFRC)
Transitions – a 15-week program for those newly separated/divorced will begin September 27, 2011. For
more information or registration call 403-218-5504.
The Life & Family Resource Centre is accepting registrations for the Effective Co-Parenting: Putting
Kids First. It will be offered on Thursday evenings from 7:00-9:00 pm. on the following dates: Sep 22, 29,
Oct 6, 20 & 27. This 5 week program provides tools to create effective communication skills for parents
who are separated or divorced. It is recommended that parents do not enroll in the same course. For
information and alternate program dates call 403-218-5504.
Post Abortion Healing: Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat is for women and men who are struggling with
emotional or spiritual pain of a past abortion experience and is scheduled for October 28 – 30, 2011. For
more information or registration call Project Rachel at 218-5506 or toll-free 1-877-597- 3223. E-mail:
[email protected]
Retrouvaille: A Lifeline for Troubled Marriages offers couples the chance to rediscover themselves,
their spouse, and a loving relationship in their marriage. You are NOT alone. Please don’t wait. Next
program begins September 30-October 2, 2011. Pick up a brochure at the back of the church and bring
new hope to a family. Check the web:
The Marriage Preparation program “For Better and For Ever”, has been adapted for couples in one or
more of the following special circumstances: living together (cohabitation), previously married, beginning
marriage with children, couples 45+, or those married in a civil ceremony and wish to have their marriage
blessed in the Church (convalidation). For information and/or to register call the LFRC at 403-218-5504
email [email protected]
Natural Family Planning Association (Alberta) presents: Basic Teacher Training Workshop, September
23 - 25, 2011. (A Friday night session, from 7 to 9:30 pm, is available for those who are seeking more
information on the BOM method or wishing to use the method personally. See our brochure for more
details.) A modern method of natural family planning: Developed by doctors and based on proven
scientific research. 99.64% effective with proper instruction and user motivation. Useful for both planning
and postponing pregnancy. Natural and harmless. Reliable through all reproductive phases of a woman’s
life. Is NOT the Rhythm method. Helps establish and maintain respect & harmony in marriage. Fully
endorsed by the Catholic Church.
St. Bonaventure Church, Fr. Stephenson Room, 1600 Acadia Drive, SE, Calgary, AB,
Social Support Group at Catholic Family Service - an ongoing social support group for men and
women who would like to make connections to others and develop self-confidence in building
relationships. New members are welcome the first Tuesday of every month. Meetings are Tuesdays from
1:30 to 3:30 p.m., located at the Catholic Family Service office at 250-707 10 Ave SW. Fees are set on a
sliding fee scale. Call 403.233.2360 to register or for more information.
Father Lacombe Care Centre
The 6th Annual Outdoor Mass with Bishop Henry will be held at Father Lacombe Care Centre on Sunday
September 11, 2011. Mass starts at 11.00 am. BBQ lunch will follow. You are all welcome. (332 - 146
Avenue SE, Calgary, East of St. Mary’s College).

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