Examens Eng.indd


Examens Eng.indd
Tell us if these statements are true or false.
Question 1
Any legal or illegal substance that changes the body’s mental or physical reactions
is called a “drug.”
Question 2
If you “tell,” you’re just a tattletale.
Question 3
Graffiti is just about having fun.
Question 4
Les victimes de taxage ne dénoncent pas leurs agresseurs parce qu’elles ont peur ou parce
qu’elles ignorent qu’il s’agit d’un crime.
Question 5
Drinking coffee reduces the effects of alcohol.
Question 6
A street gang is a group of young trouble-makers who commit various crimes ranging from
threats to murder.
Question 7
You should protect your own and your friends’ personal information by not sending it over
the Internet.
Sources: SAAQ, Sûreté du Québec, GCC LaViolence, Tel-Jeunes, Société de transport de Montréal, Le Réseau Enfants Retour, CyberAverti.ca
Question 1
Question 5
Any legal or illegal substance that changes the body’s mental or
physical reactions is called a “drug.”
Drinking coffee reduces the effects of alcohol.
True. Medicine, alcohol, and cigarettes are all examples of legal drugs
that change the way the body or mind functions. There are also illegal
drugs, like marijuana.
False. There is no magic potion to prevent alcohol from getting into the
blood stream. Eating before and while you drink will slow down the
effects, but no matter what you do, if you drink too much, you’ll get drunk!
Question 6
Question 2
If you “tell,” you’re just a tattletale.
False. There is a difference between telling someone about a problem
in order to protect yourself or another person and tattling, which
suggests that the tattler expects to receive something in return or is
doing it to cause trouble for the person they are tattling on.
A street gang is a group of young trouble-makers who commit various
crimes ranging from threats to murder.
True. The exact definition of a “street gang” is a group of individuals,
usually teenagers and young adults, who use intimidating group
force to routinely commit serious crimes and regularly engage in
acts of violence (misdemeanours, theft, robbery, sexual assault, drug
trafficking, homicide, etc.).
Question 3
Graffiti is just about having fun.
False. It’s more than just having fun: graffiti “artists” want to attract
attention to an idea, a design or a signature. Graffiti is a kind of
vandalism and graffiti “artists” can be charged in court.
Question 4
Taxing victims don’t tell on their aggressors because they are afraid
or because they don’t know taxing is a crime.
Question 7
You should protect your own and your friends’ personal information
by not sending it over the Internet.
True. If you or your friends want to sign up for an online contest or
activity, you should ask for your parents’ permission before completing
the registration form. You should also read the website’s privacy
protection policy to make sure your personal information won’t be
sold or given to third parties.
True. Taxing is robbery, and that means it’s a crime. If you are taxed
and you don’t report it, you are more likely to be targeted again. It’s
important to break the wall of silence because it gives power to your
Sources: SAAQ, Sûreté du Québec, GCC LaViolence, Tel-Jeunes, Société de transport de Montréal, Le Réseau Enfants Retour, CyberAverti.ca