Liste complète des publications


Liste complète des publications
Daniele Joly
Emeritus Professor University of Warwick
2015 (Forthcoming) Joly, Danièle and Khursheed Wadia, Muslim women and power : civic and political
engagement in west European societies Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan
D. Joly, L’Emeute, Paris: Denoël.
D. Joly with J. Beckford and F. Khosrokhavar, Les musulmans en prison, Louvain La Neuve:
Presses Universitaires de Louvain.
D. Joly with J. Beckford and F. Khosrokhavar, Challenge and Change: Muslims in French and
British prisons Basingstoke: Mamillan Palgrave.
D. Joly (ed.) International Migration in the New Millennium, Aldershot, Ashgate
D. Joly (ed.)Global changes in asylum regimes, Basingstoke: Macmillan, Palgrave.
D. Joly Blacks and Britannity, Aldershot: Ashgate.
D. Joly (ed) Scapegoats or Social actors: the exclusion and integration of minorities in
Western and Eastern Europe, 241p, MacMillan, Basingstoke.
D. Joly with Clive Nettleton and Lynette Kelly, Refugees in Europe: the hostile new agenda,
London: MRG.
D. Joly, Haven or Hell: Asylum policies and refugees in Europe, Oxford, MacMillan 215p
D. Joly, Britannia's Crescent: Making a place for Muslims in British Society, Aldershot:
Avebury 197p
Mano Candappa and D. Joly Local authorities ethnic minorities and "pluralist integration",
Monographs in Ethnic Relations No.7, CRER, University of Warwick 159p
D. Joly, with Clive Nettleton and Hugh Poulton Refugees: Asylum in Europe? London: MRG,
1992 also published by Westview, USA 1992 166p
D. Joly, The French Communist Party and the Algerian War, Oxford: MacMillan, 1991 181p
D. Joly with Clive Nettleton, Refugees in Europe, London: Minority Rights group, London:
MRG 1990 42p
D. Joly and R. Cohen, Eds. Reluctant Host Europe and its Refugees, Aldershot: Gower Press
1989 237p
J. Rex, D. Joly and C. Wilpert, Eds. Immigrant Associations in Europe, Aldershot : Gower
Press, 1987 247p
2012 Joly, Danièle, ‘Race ethnicité et religion : acteurs sociaux et politiques publiques FMSH Working
Papers 10 novembre 2012.
‘Race’, ethnicity and religion: emerging policies in Britain’ in National Models of Integration
and the Crisis of Multiculturalism: A Critical Comparative Perspective , Christophe Bertossi et Jan
Willem Duyvendak (eds), Patterns of Prejudice, Vol. 46, no. 5, December 2012
2012 ‘Race ethnicité et religion : acteurs sociaux et politiques publiques FMSH Working Papers 10
novembre 2012
2012 Féministes et musulmanes Dossier coordonné par Danièle Joly et Khursheed Wadia Hommes et
Migrations Décembre 2012
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2012 ‘Les musulmans dans la société britannique’ dans Féministes et musulmanes Dossier coordonné par
Danièle Joly et Khursheed Wadia Hommes et Migrations Décembre 2012
2012 ‘Les théâtres de l’action: femmes, Islam et politique en France et en Grande-Bretagne’ Féministes
et musulmanes Dossier coordonné par Danièle Joly et Khursheed Wadia Novembre 2012
Joly, D., ‘Les musulmans et l’institutionnalisation de l’Islam dans la société Britannique’,
Diversité urbaine, Vol 8, No. 2, Décembre 2008, pp 13-36.
Joly, D. (2007), 'Race Relations and Islam in the Prison Service', International Journal of
Human Rights, 11/3: 307-326.
Beckford, J and Joly, D “Race” Relations and discrimination in prison: the case of
Muslims in France and in International Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies, vol. 4,
Issue 2.
D. Joly, "Hacia un paradigma de lo musulmán en Francia y Gran Bretaña", Revista
Migraciones, Madrid No. 18 (dic. 2005): 7-46.
La gouvernance de l’immigration et de l’intégration” in Hommes et Migrations n: 1255 MayJune 2005, pp19--27
‘I parametri del nuovo regime di asilo in Europa’, La Critica Sociologica Vol. 143144, Autunno 2002/Inverno 2002-2003, pp. 129-143.
‘Odyssean and Rubicon Refugees: toward a typology of refugees in the land of exile’,
International Migration Vol. 40, No. 6, pp. 3-25.
‘Convergence towards a single asylum regime: a global shift of paradigm’, International
Journal of Human Rights, Vol 5, No 4, Winter 2001 pp. 1-17
‘L’Europe contre le droit d’asile’ in Le Monde des Débats, No 21, January 2001 pp. 42-43
'Héro hier, zéro aujourd'hui: le nouveau régime d'asile' in Le Monde des Débats Novembre
'Some Structural Effects of Migration on Receiving and Sending Countries' in International
Migration, December 2000. Vol.38, no.5, pp. 25-40.
‘Ethnicité et Violence Chez Les Jeunes Antillais: une intervention sociologique a Birmingham’
in Cahiers internationaux de Sociologie, Vol. CV pp. 383-413
”Temporary Protection Within the Framework of a New European Asylum Regime” in The
International Journal of Human Rights, Vol.2, No.2 Autumn pp49-76
“An agenda for reception and integration: the Western European experience and Central
Europe” Budapest. European Series: Vol. 3 Nb 2 December 1997, Geneva: UNHCR
"The porous dam: European harmonisation on asylum in the nineties in International Journal
of Refugee Law, Volume 6 pp160-193
"Questions d'actualité et, initiatives européennes sur le problème des réfugiés" in, Les réfugiés
en France et en Europe Quarante ans d'application de la Convention de Genève 1952-1992,
Paris, OFPRA, 1992.
"La jeunesse pakistanaise musulmane de Birmingham" Les Temps Modernes, juillet-août 1991,
N6 540-541 pp202-238
"Her majesty's minorities", European Journal of International Affairs, 10, 4, 1990 Erasmus
Press pp77-99.
"La Grande-Bretagne, ses Asiatiques, ses Antillais" co-auteur Harry Goulbourne, L'Evénement
Européen, L'Europe et ses immigrés, Octobre 1990, N. 11, Seuil.
"Les musulmans en Grande-Bretagne" in CIEMI, Migrations et Société, Vol. 2, No. 7, JanvierFévrier, 1990 pp9-19
"Les musulmans dans les écoles de Birmingham", Revue Européenne des Migrations
Internationales, Vol. 5, No.1, 1989.
"Le droit d'asile dans la Communauté Européenne", International Journal of Refugee Law,
Vol. 1, No.3, 1989, Oxford pp366-377
"Religion and the Asian and Caribbean Minorities in Britain", co-author Harry Goulbourne in
Contemporary European Affairs, Vol. 2, No.4, 1989.
"Ethnic minorities and education: the interaction between Muslims and schools in
Birmingham", Muslims in Europe, Research Papers No.41, March 1989 28p
"Britain and its Refugees: The case of Chileans" Migration, I (I) July 1987 pp91-108.
Making a place for Islam in British Society: Muslims in Birmingham, Coventry: CRER,
University of Warwick. (Research papers in Ethnic Relations No 4) 86 27p
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Muslims in Britain: an annotated bibliography, 1960/1984, with Jorgen Nielsen Coventry:
CRER, University of Warwick. (Bibliographies in Ethnic Relations No 6, avec J.Nielsen)1985
The opinions of Mirpuri parents in Saltley, Birmingham, about their children's schooling,
Centre for the study of Islam and Christian-Muslims Relations, Birmingham, Muslims in
Europe. (Research paper No 23, September 1984, also reprint CRER Research papers No 4,
1986) 30p
Chapters in Books
2015 Joly, Danièle et Jim Beckford, ‘Les aumôniers de prison musulmans en Angleterre et au Pays de
Galles ‘Actes du colloque organisé par la direction de l'administration pénitentiaire (DAP) 28 et 29
octobre 2013 à Sciences-Po Paris dans le cadre des Journées d’études internationales sur Le fait religieux
en prison. Publié par la DAP, Paris.
Joly, D. ‘Group formation, riots and immigrants: social movements in Britain’ in Antimo Farro
and Henri Lustiger-Thaler Movements, cultures and global transformation Farnham: Ashgate: 263-273.
Joly, D., Toscano, E., 2008, “Regno Unito: tra sinistra radicale e rivendicazioni della
differenza”, in Farro, A. L., Rebughini P., (eds.), Europa Alterglobal. Componenti e culture del
“movimento dei movimenti” in Europa. Milano: Franco Angeli.
Joly, D with J. A. Bedford: “Research context for Muslims in Prison” in Christophe Bertossi
(ed.) European anti-discrimination and the politics of citizenship, Basingstoke: Macmillan
Joly, D: “Asilo Europeo Y Convergencia Global.” El Refugiado: Hérow Antaño, Paria
Hogaño” in Blanco, C. (ed.) Migraciones, Nuevas movilidades en un mundo en movimiento,
Spain, Anthropos Editorial.
Joly, D and Astri Suhrke “A New Paradigm for the European Asylum Regime” in J. Edward
Taylor and Douglas S. Massey, International Migration: prospects and policies in a global
market, Oxford: OUP, 2004 pp 295-317 and also in Oxford Scholarship Online (OSO) series.
‘Immigration et intégration en Grande-Bretagne et en France après la Seconde Guerre
mondiale’ in Richard Mayne, Douglas Johnson, and Robert Tombs (Eds) Cross Channel
Currents: 100 years of the Entente Cordiale, London: Routledge.
Joly, D “The Governance of Immigration and Integration” Fourth session – The Governance of
Globalisation: Ethical and Philosophical Perspectives p.236. The Proceedings of the Ninth
Plenary Session of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences 2-6 May 2003
D. Joly, “Temporary Protection and the Bosnian Crisis: a Cornerstone of the New European
Regime” in D. Joly Global Changes in Asylum Regimes, Basingstoke: Macmillan, Palgrave,
2002, pp 48-78.
D. Joly, “Between Exile and Ethnicity” in D. Joly International Migration in the New
Millenium, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2002, pp 143-179.
D. Joly and Karima Imtiaz “Muslims and citizenship in the United Kingdom” in Rémy Leveau,
Khadija Mohsen-Finan and Catherine Withol de Wenden (eds) New European identity and
citizenship, Aldershot, pp117-133.
“Refugees and citizenship in the framework of the new asylum regime” in Remy Leveau et al.
(eds). Nouvelles Citoyennetés: réfugiés et sans-papiers dans l’espace européen. Paris: IFRI
Documentation Française.
'Temporärer schutz für Flüchtlinge im Rahmen eines neuen europäischen Flüchtlingsregimes’ in
Jochen Blaschke (Ed) Ost-West-Migration, Berlin: Edition Parabolis, pp79-120.
'A new asylum regime in Europe' in Frances Nicholson and Patrick Twomey (eds.) Refugee
rights and realities. Cambridge: CUP
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‘An analytical framework for decisions on asylum’ in Göran Rystad (Ed) Encountering
Strangers, Lund: Lund University Press pp39 - 73
‘Asylum between politics and ethics’ in Contemporary International Law issues: Conflicts and
Convergence. Proceedings of the Third Joint Conference held in The Hague, the Netherlands
July 13-15 1995 pp385-392
‘Whose protection? European harmonisation on asylum policy’ in Cambridge Survey of World
Migration Robin Cohen (ed.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press pp496-501
‘Is 'Multiculturalism' the answer? Policies on ethnic minorities in Britain’ in Panayotis
Grigoriou (ed.) Questions de Minorités en Europe. Bruxelles: Presses Interuniversitaires
européennes pp125-155
‘Les musulmans dans la société britannique’ in L'Islam et les musulmans dans le monde, Tome
I, L'Europe occidentale, Mohammed Arkoun, Rémy Leveau, Bassem ER-J (eds.) Beyrouth:
Hariri, 1993 pp245-269
‘Minorités ethniques et risques de ségrégation’ in Didier Lapeyronnie Immigrés en Europe
Politiques locales d'intégration, Paris: Documentation Française, 1992 pp111-145
‘Die Harmonisierung der Asylpolitik’ in Europa, in Jochen Blaschke and Andreas
Germershausen Sozialwissenschaftliche Studien Uber Das Weltfluchtlingsproblem, Berlin: Ed.
Parabolis, 1992 pp279-309
‘France's military involvement in Algeria: the PCF and the oppositionnels’ in Michael Scriven
and P. Wagstaff, (Eds.), War and Society in Twentieth-Century France, Oxford: Berg 1991
‘Minorités ethniques et politiques locales en Grande-Bretagne’ in Didier Lapeyronnie, Les
politiques locales d'intégration des minorités immigrées en Europe et aux Etats - Unis, Paris,
ADRI, 1991 pp103-115
‘Immigration, citoyenneté et pouvoir local : les Pakistanais à Birmingham’, in Rémy Leveau et
Gilles Kepel, Les musulmans dans la société française, Paris Presses de la Fondation Nationale
des Sciences Politiques, 1988 pp32-53
‘Making a place for Islam in British society: Muslims in Birmingham’ in T. Gerholm and Y.G.
Litman (Eds.), The new Islamic presence in Western Europe, London: Mansell, 1988
‘Associations amongst the Pakistani populations in Britain’ in J. Rex, D. Joly and C. Wilpert
(Eds.), Immigrant Associations in Europe, Aldershot: Gower Press, 1987 pp62-86
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