Clubde lecture


Clubde lecture
Club de
Book Notes
1. Je suis capable! : C’est la fête des Pères! PB Celebrate Father’s Day
with Olivia and Gustave!
2. Un bébé Alligator? B What? An alligator baby? But where is the
real baby?
3. Voici l’été. PB The sunny season has arrived! Let’s pull out the
hammock and go for a swim!
4. Le voyage en Chine. IN Florence opens a small booth where she
sells goods and services to finance her trip to China. Origami
workshops, Tai-Chi lessons… She is very creative!
5. Pat le chat : À la ferme de Mathurin. PB Join Pat the cat in a visit
to the farm.
6. Créations couleur : Papillons. A Blue, green or yellow,
watercolours, crayons or pencils… Illuminate these 48 butterfly
scenes with harmonious colours.
7. La vie compliquée de Léa Olivier : Trou de beigne. N, Tome 7 A
new job, an absent boyfriend, a crazy family… Léa’s summer
holiday will NOT be a holiday.
8. Apprendre les formes et les opposés en jouant. A Learn about
shapes and opposites through fun games and exercices!
9. Garfield : Pas si bête que ça! CO 120 p. of full colour comic strips.
dance at the Jungle Ball but he is too shy to dance in front of his
friends. Can he overcome his fears?
11. Cinq souris sans soucis. PB The mice are disappointed: they are
never invited to the frogs’ concert. But they have an idea…
12. Je bricole. C, H 3 books Summer is around the corner! It’s an
excellent time to engage in fun craft projects!
13. Petits classiques. PB, 2 books Heros and dinos are ready for you!
14. Mon amie Fraisinette. PB, 3 books Join Fraisinette and her friends
in 3 charming stories.
in the company of your favourite characters!
16. Bingo de l’argent. G Do you know your Canadian coins? Have fun
and learn to count with these two bingo games.
and to control your anger.
everyday : that’s the equivalent of 20,000 sausages. Wow!
22. LEGO Friends Brickmaster : Chasse au trésor à Heartlake City.
A, H Read, build and play with Mia and Chloé in the marvelous
city of Heartlake.
23. Quel génie! PB You need a lot of imagination and perseverance to
create the most fantastic object ever!
24. Chiens à assembler : Exposition canine. A Meet 6 adorable dogs
and assemble them for hours of fun during rainy days! All you
have to do is to cut them out, put them together, accessorize
them and play!
25. Bonne fête maman et papa. PB, H, 3 books Celebrate mommy
and daddy on their special day!
26. Contes réinventés : Cours, petit bonhomme, cours! PB Run, run,
run little gingerbread man otherwise you will be caught and
eaten. Who is in good enough shape to keep up with him?
27. Trio Ruth Ohi. PB, 3 books Sometimes, friendship can be
28.Ma vie de... PB, 3 books Meet fly, spider and worm through their
diaries. HI-LA-RIOUS!
29. Marcello. IN Marcello is the classroom bird. He has lots of friends
and even learned to read and write. But one day, he suddenly
disappears… What could have happened to him?
30. Ma grande famille. PB My great-grandmother, my grandfather,
my uncle, my cousin… Discover the family tree of a young boy
proud of his ancestors.
31. Trio 100 blagues! Joke books, 3 books Laugh your way through
32. Savais-tu? Les Vers de terre. NF Did you know that earth worms
are invertebrates and that they are both male and female at the
same time?
adventure after the next!
34. Ensemble d’aquarelle. C includes 1 eraser, 2 mechanical pencils, 2
18. Il y a quelqu’un sous mon lit. PB All of the monsters in Jules’ room
want to sleep in his bed. Will Jules have to sleep on the carpet?
19. Trio Nestor. PB, 3 books Nestor always has fun stories to share
with beginner readers.
21. Si j’avais une baleine… PB Blue whales eat 4 tons of krill
33. Méchant Minou. IN, 2 books With Méchant Minou, it’s one
17. Parlons émotions. PB, 3 books Learn to recognize your emotions
CD: audio CD
CDB: CD book
cow plush named Meuh Meuh, but today she forgot her outside in
the rain… What will happen?
15. La boîte à lecture Star Wars. PB, 10 books Learning to read is easy
A: activity book
B: boardbook
C: craft
20. Docteur La Peluche : Meuh Meuh est trempée. PB Alma loves her
10. Est-ce que les girafes dansent? PB Jango the giraffe would like to
CO: comic book
F: with flaps
G: game
GN: graphic novel
H: hardcover
IN: illustrated novel
brushes, 12 paint colours, 6 colouring pencils and 6 watercolour
tubes The perfect gift to offer to your budding artists!
35. Klutz : Bidules en perles. C Use different kinds of beads to create
bees, lizards, spiders, and more!
J: journal
M: manipulative
P: with pen or pencil
PB: picture book
PC: picture clue book
PCO: padded cover
PU: puzzle
R: reference
S: with stickers
ST: short stories
36. Minecraft : Le guide officiel pour bien débuter. R, H Learn how
to eat, how to build a shelter and how to make tools to survive
as long as possible in Minecraft.
37. Minecraft : Redstone. R, H All you need to know about the use
and properties of the Redstone mineral!
38. Mots cachés secrets. A + giant pencil Spend hours of fun doing
word searches and crosswords.
39. C’est moi le héros. IN, 2 books Make the right choices: destiny is
in your hands!
40. Collection Fées des animaux. IN, 7 books + paw print bracelet
The Bonhomme Hiver has stolen all of the magical animals from
the fairies. How can they retrieve them?
41. Je sais tout : Le soccer. IN Photos, anecdotes, history… All you
should know about soccer to kick start the season!
42. Quatuor Nous conjuguons! NF, 4 books Learn to conjugate the
French verbs "to be", "to have", "to love" and "to finish" with
43. National Geographic Kids : Les requins. NF It‘s quiet. It is fast. It
can detect a drop of blood among millions of drops of water.
What is it?
44. Collection L’album des chiots. IN, 5 books All puppy fans can
enjoy the whole series!
45. Mini-justiciers. CO Who will become Capitaine Admirable’s new
55. Papeterie Léopard. Stationery with 40 mini envelopes, 12
cards, 1 notebook, 20 sticky tabs, 1 eraser, 1 roll of stickers, 1
stamp and 6 markers Share your wild adventures with your
family and friends.
56. Le Trio rigolo : Salut Daphné! N Daphné has a new boyfriend, a
new dog, but always the same sister… Follow her series of
misunderstandings, love quarrels and funny situations.
57. Scènes de crime : Cybercrimes. NF, H How does the police
protect us from computer hacking? Discover their investigation
58. Le Mondial des records Guinness 2015. NF, H The biggest pizza
in the world, the longest snake… Welcome to the amazing
world of Guinness!
59. Jeunes explorateurs : Survie et exploration en forêt. Guide
What to wear on a hike? What to do in front of a black bear?
How to orient yourself with a compass? Rules and tips to ensure
your safety in the wilderness.
60. Bine : Au royaume des 10 000 mouches noires. N Bine, Maxime
and Tristan’s parents enroll them in a wilderness survival camp
for the summer. They will face some exciting challenges and
you will have some laughs along the way.
61. Chemin du Lotus : Lulu la très chic. IN Manicures, pedicures,
make-overs… Lulu LOVES everything that’s chic and
62. Les Sisters : Mon coup d’soleil, c’est toi! CO Fun in the Sun with
46. À l’eau, les chiens! PB Did you know that dogs look funny
underwater? Have a good laugh with these hilarious
Les Sisters!
63. Une amie pour Licorne. PB All the unicorns make fun of Licorne
because she thinks that little girls are real. She would love to
meet one and to play with her… Do little girls really exist?
64. Origami magique. A with 100 sheets of origami paper, detailed
47. Les princesses ne portent pas de jeans. IN + tiara necklace Lili is
new at the school. Paul likes her incredible stories but the other
students make fun of her and call her a liar. Can Paul defend his
new friend?
48. Vert chardon : Beauté fatale. N When a new tall and pale
student arrives at the school, Rachel is no longer the only one to
make heads turn.
49. Mini-Souris. CO, 2 books Join Mini-Souris in her summer
instructions for each model and a 19cm x 26cm box 20 origami
models to work your imagination! Create a boat, a snail, a flower
and more!
65. Cora, tu veux une crêpe? PB If you offer a pancake to Cora, she
will ask for syrup. She will make a mess with it and will want to
take a bath to clean herself up and then… What will she want
next? A never ending story!
66. L’autruche et l’ours polaire. IN Due to lack of space and the
total disorganization of the Cahin-caha Zoo, ostrich and polar
bear must share the same cage. Can they get along?
67. Les Dragouilles : Les rouges de Beijing. GN, NF In China, red
50. Pulsar Powerballs. A Choose between eight different colours of
crystals, add water, and build five brilliant bouncing balls!
symbolizes happiness. This trip with the Dragouilles promises to
be full of enjoyment and "joie de vivre."
51. Minecraft Papercraft : Hostile Mobs. G, M with cardboard
sheets, stickers and instructions in a 19cm x 28cm x 2.5cm box
Add some bad guys to your Minecraft world!
52. Nate perd la carte. GN Nate and Francis won’t let Gina work on
the yearbook by herself; they want to participate! But their bad
habits make the situation somewhat difficult…
53. Dessins magiques : Safari sauvage. A, H Tigers, chameleons,
hippos… Enjoy this colourful safari!
54. Téa Stilton : À la recherche du bébé lion. IN The Téa Sisters are
in Kenya for work. While on a safari, they discover that a baby
lion has been kidnapped… Who can be responsible for its
A: activity book
B: boardbook
C: craft
CD: audio CD
CDB: CD book
CO: comic book
F: with flaps
G: game
GN: graphic novel
H: hardcover
IN: illustrated novel
J: journal
M: manipulative
P: with pen or pencil
PB: picture book
PC: picture clue book
PCO: padded cover
PU: puzzle
R: reference
S: with stickers
ST: short stories