Ouvrages disponibles au CRECS Enseignement de l`anglais Des


Ouvrages disponibles au CRECS Enseignement de l`anglais Des
Ouvrages disponibles au CRECS
Enseignement de l'anglais
Des ouvrages de didactique et des méthodes d'enseignement :
1. Jazz, chants for children. Carolyn Graham. Oxford of American English.
2. 1000 + Pictures for teachers to copy. Andrew Wright
3. The story telling handbook for primary teachers. Gail Ellis and Jean Brewster.
Picture Puffins
4.Saynètes en anglais; expression théatrale. François Fontaine, Sophie Rosenberger, Lalie
Edition Retz.
5. L'anglais à l'école. Méthodologie et activités. Sophie Rosenberger. Edition Retz
6. Anglais cycle 3. Niveau 1. Une fiche par semaine. Sophie Rosenberger. Edition Retz
7. Petite méthode pour débuter en anglais. Magdalena. Guirao Jullien. Editions Retz
8. Anglais cycle 3 CM2. Cup of Tea. Gisèle Albagnac. Randolf Boyd. Editions Hachette
9. Enseigner l'anglais à l'école primaire. Susan Halliwell. Editions Longman.
10. Hullabaloo. Cycle 3. Anglais. Class BOOK. Editions Hatier
11. I SPY. Livre du maître. Julie Ashworth et Clark. Oxford University Press.
12. CAT IN THE BOX. L'anglais à l'école élémentaire. Livre 1. Editions DIDIER
13. The Usborne first thousand words. Heather Amery et Stephen Cartwright. Revised
14. Jingle Bells and other songs. John Byrne and Ane Waugh. Oxford.
15. ANGLAIS CYCLE 3. Anne Igual et Catherine Judell-Dufour. Outils pour les cycles.
Des albums
1. The very hungry caterpillar. Eric Carle. Picture Puffins
2. The very quiet cricket. Eric Carle. Picture Puffins
3. Spot goes to the circus. Eris Hill. Picture Puffins
4. Spot goes Splash! And other stories. Eric Hill. Picture Puffins
5. Spot goes to school. Eric Hill. Picture Puffins
6. Spot stays ovenight. Eric Hill. Picture Puffins
7. Spots' first easter. Eric Hill. Picture Puffins
8. Spots' first christmas. Eric Hill. Picture Puffins
9. Monster in the box. Cristina Ivaldi. CIDEB
10. Mowgli learns to swim. Ruth Hobart. CIDEB
11. Something else. Kathryn Cave. Cris Riddell. Picture Puffins.
12. One, two,three Jump! Penelope Lively et Jan Ornemerod. Picture Puffins
13. The twelve days of christmas. Ladybird.
14. Dem Bones. Bob-Barner. Picture Puffins
15. The elephant and the Bad Baby. Elfrida Vipont. Picture Puffins
16. Lucy and Tom's christmas. Shirley Huhes. Picture Puffins.
17. Happy birthday, Sam. Pat Hutchins. Picture Puffins
18. The large family. All in one Piece. Jill Murphy. Walker Books.
19. Dinosaur Raor! Paul ant Henrietta Stickland. Picture Puffins.
20. I'm going on a dragon hunt. Maurice Jones. Picture Puffins.
21. Who Sank the boat? Pamela Allen. Picture Puffins.
22. Winnie the witch. Korky Paul and Valerie Thomas. Oxford University Press.2
23. Pinocchio. Eli.
24. Mrs Hen's Day. Anne Noisier et Alessandro Sanna. Grandir
Des préparations de séances
1. Sur le lexique :
Class vocabulary, classroom commands.
The english alphabet.
The colours.
English words every where.
English-speaking countries.
The clothes.
The body parts.
The numbers.
Days, months and birthdays.
2. Sur les fonctions langagières :
What's your name?.......My name is..........
Where do you come from?.....I come from........
How old are you?........I'm ........years old.
When is your birthday?.....My birthday is in.........( month ).
My telephone number is..........................................
There is.............................There are............................
décrire :
What colour is ....................?
I'm / He / She's wearing................
What's the weather like ?...It's snowy.
What is the time ? .....It's........
● Les goûts :
I like / I don't like...........
I like wearing..................
What's your favourite clothes ?...My favourite clothes is.........
What's your favourite.........?My favourite..................is...........
se présenter :
Possession :
Do you have ...........? I've got................I don't have got............
Capacité :
I can.....................but I can't...............................
Des documents audio :
1. Muzzy in GODOLAND. BBC English.
2. English Assistant files 07-08
3.CD audio Anglais. IEN SORGUES
4. Winnie the witch. Vidéo. Korky Paul. Oxford vidéo
5. The very hungry caterpillar. Eric Carle. UNIVERSAL
6. Pinnochio
7. The jelly beans ( CM1 ). 12 chansons. Nathan.
8. CD audio langues accompagnant le CD Rom de langues 2004. IEN de SORGUES.
9. CD. ERLV ( 2004 )
10. Fanfare 1. Madeleine MC Hugh
11. I SPY. Cassette 1, 2 et 3. IEN SORGUES
12. CD Rom évaluation des compétences langagières du cycle 3. 2004. IEN de SORGUES
13. CD L.V. ANGLAIS. CD-ROM. ( 2 )