New York September 24th 2012 Your Excellency the


New York September 24th 2012 Your Excellency the
New York September 24th 2012
Your Excellency the President of Haiti,
The Honourable Prime Minister of Haiti,
Madam the Representative of the United Nations,
The Director, Ministry of Planning and External Cooperation,
The Representative of the United Nations Special Envoy to Haiti,
Representatives of NGOs,
Representatives of different countries,
Ladies and gentlemen from the press.
Dear guests,
As representatives of the Framework for Inter-NGO Liaison (CLIO) and the Coordination Committee
of NGOs in Haiti (CCO), we are pleased to take part today in this initiative of the Haitian government
- “towards a new partnership”. We applaud this positive approach and appreciate the political will
to develop a roadmap that can contribute to improved collaboration between NGOs and the Haitian
state. We also look forward to the continuation of these exchanges in Haiti in the coming six
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Tel: +509 3701 8293
Email : [email protected]
Tel: +509 3784 5212
Avertissement: Toute opinion exprimée dans ce message ne représente pas nécessairement les vues et positions de tous les membres du COC et CLIO
Disclaimer: Any opinion expressed in this message do not necessarily represent the views and positions of all CCO and CLIO members
Some 560 NGOs are currently registered with the Coordination Unit of NGO activities (UCAONG) of
the Ministry of Planning and External Cooperation. Of these 176 are currently recognized as being
active by the Ministry. Article 1 of the Decree of 14th September 1989, amends the law of 13
December 1982, governing NGOs, and has clarified the definition of NGOs in Haiti. NGO’s are thus
defined as, and I quote: “''Development Assistance Non Governmental Organizations'', identified by
the acronym NGO, including any private institution or non-profit organization without political
affiliation, who have the aim of achieving development objectives at national, departmental and
municipal levels; and are accordingly resourced to carry-out programs to achieve its objectives.”
The CCO and CLIO bodies together represent 66 of these NGOs currently playing a significant role in
CLIO is an association founded in 2005 which brings together 42 Haitian and International NGOs.
CLIO provides a space for dialogue, information exchange, consultation on issues of common
interest, partnership promotion and advocacy; and it is an interface between members and
government institutions, between donors and civil society.
Created in 2010, the CCO brings together 44 International NGOs operating in Haiti in Humanitarian
and Development cooperation. The CCO has as its objective to increase the coherence and
effectiveness of International NGOs contributions to improve living conditions of the Haitian people
by strengthening the institutional dialogue and collaboration between different sectors.
Given their expertise and through partnerships:
NGO’s complement and strengthen the state in the provision of certain services and
reach areas not yet served by the state. Around the world, NGOs have demonstrated the
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +509 3701 8293
Email : [email protected]
Tel: +509 3784 5212
Avertissement: Toute opinion exprimée dans ce message ne représente pas nécessairement les vues et positions de tous les membres du COC et CLIO
Disclaimer: Any opinion expressed in this message do not necessarily represent the views and positions of all CCO and CLIO members
role they can play in society, especially for the benefit of the poor and most vulnerable
NGO’s have the capacity to respond quickly and effectively in case of emergency
NGO’s are able to raise financial resources, especially from the international
community, institutional donors and individuals in ‘northern’ countries, and are dedicated
to using these resources to benefit the most vulnerable people in society
NGO’s have the expertise to build the capacity of local actors, state and non-state
actors especially at the local level where may NGO’s are focused
NGO’s can also play an advocacy role, mobilise quickly when required and act as an
independent witness.
After the January 2010 earthquake in Haiti co-ordination and planning challenges with regard to the
development agenda and the management of humanitarian emergencies were evident. In particular
co-ordination problems in terms of dialogue and collaboration, related in part to the large number
of actors involved in the emergency response, were common.
NGOs that we represent here today understand the different perceptions that exist around the
definition and role of NGOs. The role of NGOs is often confused with other development and
humanitarian actors such as associations, foundations, and international organizations which
themselves have a different status – for example the United Nations or the Red Cross family.
The partnership initiative presented today is a result of ongoing, and successful efforts, over a
period of time to establish better collaboration between the Haitian government and NGOs.
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +509 3701 8293
Email : [email protected]
Tel: +509 3784 5212
Avertissement: Toute opinion exprimée dans ce message ne représente pas nécessairement les vues et positions de tous les membres du COC et CLIO
Disclaimer: Any opinion expressed in this message do not necessarily represent the views and positions of all CCO and CLIO members
Examples include the establishment of the Interim Commission for the Reconstruction of Haiti,
where NGOs have a seat; certain round-tables, where NGOs are represented, and the presence of
departmental workgroups involving MPCE and NGOs; meetings and joint initiatives.
CLIO and CCO are looking forward to an open dialogue with the Haitian government; and as a result
the development of mutually acceptable principles of collaboration which can guide our cooperation in the future.
Improved relations and understanding will require strong commitment by both parties to be
realised. It is thus important to mention:
NGOs in Haiti want to be aligned with national priorities related to humanitarian
assistance and development aid. However the definition and understanding of these
priorities is essential; and we hope that the dialogue which takes place today will aid this
process for all parties.
The harmonization of NGOs activities with reference to the approach and standards
being discussed by the government will need to be clearly communicated to the NGO
community. For some NGOs support will be required for them to be able to meet these
criteria; the same applies to the communication of program achievements.
Improved coordination mechanisms is certainly a must for the NGO community; and
consultations with NGOs to define these mechanisms and how they will work in practice
will, we believe, bring greater efficiency
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +509 3701 8293
Email : [email protected]
Tel: +509 3784 5212
Avertissement: Toute opinion exprimée dans ce message ne représente pas nécessairement les vues et positions de tous les membres du COC et CLIO
Disclaimer: Any opinion expressed in this message do not necessarily represent the views and positions of all CCO and CLIO members
Whilst acknowledging the laws being developed for NGO’s, we hope at the same time
that the government will in due course adopt a similar approach for defining laws
applicable to Associations.
We hope that the development of this new partnership based on dialogue and mutual trust can be
achieved rapidly and in a context of mutual trust and openness; and that it includes all development
and humanitarian aid stakeholders in Haiti.
We hope that the government will encourage the participation of NGOs in the development of
sectoral strategies, thus drawing on the field experience and expertise of NGOs, and at the same
time enhancing the effectiveness and applicability of these strategies. In this way NGOs can become
strategic partners for the Haitian government, as well as implementers in the field.
We would welcome, for example, being invited to discuss the Country Framework for the
Coordination of External Assistance, so we can develop a more strategic role for NGOs, especially at
the sectoral level.
We will be pleased to engage with the government, in the near future, to put in place a road map to
achieve the advances above ie:
A national Forum of NGOs in Haiti: and the CCO and CLIO would suggest that their
involvement in the preparation and organization of this event would be beneficial to all
The putting in place of a process of consultation around the new framework/laws on
NGOs in particular, and in general on the framework of external aid
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +509 3701 8293
Email : [email protected]
Tel: +509 3784 5212
Avertissement: Toute opinion exprimée dans ce message ne représente pas nécessairement les vues et positions de tous les membres du COC et CLIO
Disclaimer: Any opinion expressed in this message do not necessarily represent the views and positions of all CCO and CLIO members
The development of improved coordination mechanisms with the involvement of
NGOs to help define these mechanisms and how they will operate. This we believe will
bring greater efficiency
Decide how the voice of NGOs can best be heard and represented in the various
national bodies.
In conclusion, we are looking for the firm commitment of both the government and the NGO
community to move forward together. The commitments discussed today must be implemented
according to the plan established in the roadmap. Elements of the roadmap should serve as
indicators enabling us to measure progress. CLIO and the CCO undertake to encourage their
members to meet the commitments pertaining to this initiative.
Let’s together define a society in the image of what the Haitian people want. Let’s specify clearly the
roles and responsibilities of each actor in this project. Let’s be clear and transparent in this regard.
The NGOs who have signed this joint statement want to be partners in a self sustaining state where
the rule of law is upheld and respected, in a state in control of its future and in a state that has a
clear vision of society and a blueprint for development that is understood and shared by all.
Thank you.
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +509 3701 8293
Email : [email protected]
Tel: +509 3784 5212
Avertissement: Toute opinion exprimée dans ce message ne représente pas nécessairement les vues et positions de tous les membres du COC et CLIO
Disclaimer: Any opinion expressed in this message do not necessarily represent the views and positions of all CCO and CLIO members