Dynamique religieuse Religious dynamics


Dynamique religieuse Religious dynamics
Dynamique religieuse
Religious dynamics
Religion e,t opinion et comportement
Religion, and opinion and behaviour
General studies
BOCK, D.C. and WARREN, N.C., Religious belief as a factor in obedience
.to destructive commands &dquo;. Review of religious research, Spring 1972, vol. 13,
n° 3, pp. 185...191..
CAMPBELL, Th.C. and FUKUYAMA, Y., The fragmented layman. An empirical
study of lay attitudes. Philadelphia, Pilgrim Press; 1-970, 252 p,
DAVIDSON, J.D., Religious belief ’as an independent variable &dquo;.. Journal for the
scientific study of religion, 1972, vol. 11, n° 1, pp.65...75...
GLASS, K.D., Denominational differences in religious beliefs, practice, anxiety
and dogmatism &dquo;.. l~eligious Education, 197.1, vol. 66, n° 3, pp. 203-206.
HEINZ, W.R. und GEISER, S.R., &dquo; Eine kognitive Theorie des Antisemitismus
im Kontext der religiosen Ideologie ‘’ (LIne theorie cognitive de 1’antisemitisme dans un contexte d’iddologie religieuse). Ko2~ner Zeitsehrift, 1971,
vol. 23, n° 3. pp. 519-5:4;3.
HELPBURN, -L.R., Religion in the social studies. The question of religious
attitudes &dquo;. Religious Education, 1971., vol. 66, n° 3, pp. 172-179.
JENNINGS, F.L., -&dquo; Religious beliefs and self-disclosure &dquo;. Psychological report,
vol. 28, n° 1, pp. 193~194.
LANGE, A., De autoritaire persoonlijkheid en zijn grodsdienstig~e wereld. V oorafgegaan door een onderzoek naar de motieven om kinderen naar jopdse scho-
len te striren.
(La personnalitc-
autoritaire et
Precede par
enquete sur les motifs pour envoyer les enfants dans les dcoles juives).
Assen, Van Gorcum, 1971, 208 p.
LEHMAN, E.C., Jr., &dquo; On perceiving the relevance of traditional religion to
contemporary issues &dquo;. Revierv for religious research, fall 1971, vol. 13, n° 1,
pp. 34-41.
MiRELS, H.L. and GARRETT, J.B., &dquo;The protestant ethic as a personality
variable &dquo;. journal of consulting and clinical psychology, 1971, vol. 36, n° 1.,
pp. 40-44.
ROOF, W.C., &dquo; The local-cosmopolitan
orientation and traditional religious
commitment &dquo;. Sociological Analysis, 1972, vol. 33, nO 1, pp. 1~15.
WENZEL, K., &dquo; The religious belief system. A further refinement on the defined
: relationship between religion and society &dquo;. Sociological Analysis, Spring
1971, vol. 32,
* Rassemble
1, pp.45-60.
par /. Worked out by W. VAN BOURGONDIEN, KASKI,
Haag, Nederland.
Religion et attitude .et cdmportement
Religion and behaviour
ALANT, C:J., &dquo; The relevance of socio-economic groups in the analysis of the
Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk in South Africa &dquo;. Social Compass, 1972,
vol. 19, n° 1, pp. 21-28.
BAER, D.J. and IVIOSELE, V.F., Political and religious beliefs of catholics and
attitudes in the Vietnam War &dquo;. ’The Journal of Psychology, 1971, vol. 78;
no 2, pp. 161-164.
BARDIS, P.D., Modernization and the birth control. An international survey
of attitudes toward oral contraceptions &dquo;. International .journal of Sociology
of the Family, 1971, viol. 1. no 1, pp. 21-35.
BOTIVIER, L.F., Catholics and contraception &dquo;. journal of Marriage and the
Family, 1972. vol. 34, n° 3, pp. 514-522.
BURGALASSI, S., &dquo; Gli Italiani, il divorzio e il diritto di famiglia secondo una
recente indagine psico-sociologica &dquo; (Les italiens, le divorce et .le droit familial
d’apres un sondage psycho-sociologique recent). La Famiglia, 1971, n° 27,
pp. 211-230.
Jewish student attitudes toward interreligious and intra Jewish
marriage &dquo;. American journal of Sociology, 1971, vol. 76, no 6, pp. 1064-1071.
CLAYTON, R.R., Religiosity and premarital sexual permissiveness. Elaboration
of the relationship and debate &dquo;. Sociological Analysis, 1971, vol. 32, n° 2,
. pp.81~96~
CROWLEY, J.W., Religious preference and worldly success. An empirical test
in a Midwestern city &dquo;. Sociological Analysis, 1971, vol. 32, n° 2, pp. 71-80.
HAMPL:~ G.D., Interfaith dating. Religion, social class and premarital sexual
attitudes &dquo;. Sociological Analysis, 1971, vol. 32, n° 2, pp. 97~106;
KEEP,; P.A. VAN, Religion und einige Aspekte der Familienplanung (Religion
et quelques aspects de planning familial_) . Internationale Dialog Zeitschrift,
1972, vol. 5, no 3, pp. 230-236.
L-ijPHART, A., Class voting and religious voting in the European democracies.
A preliminary report &dquo;. Acta Politica, 1-971, vol. 6, n° 2, pp. 158-171..
MAM6, Ch., &dquo; Cross-national comparisons of Catholic-Protestant creativity
differences &dquo;. British journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 1971, vol. 10,
2, pp. 132-137.
RAY, J.J.,
Religiocentrism and ethnocentrism. Catholic and Protestant in
Sociological Analysis, fall 1971, vol. 32, n° 3, pp. 170-
Australian schools &dquo;.
Religious differentials in reproductive behavior. Replication
and extension &dquo;. Sociological Analysis, Spring 1972, vol. 33, n° 1, pp. 26-33.
TAYLOR, R.W., &dquo; Hindu religious values and family planning &dquo;. Religion and
Society, 1969, vol. 16, n° 1, pp. 6-22.
TYGART, C.E., &dquo; .Religiosity and university. student anti-Vietnam war attitudes.
A negative or curvilinear relationship ? &dquo;. Sociological Analysis, 1971, vol. 32,
n° 2, pp. 120-129.
et communication
and communication
GE~N, E., &dquo; A
travers les ,cat~chismes des 150 dernieres annees Recherches
C.C.LP., 1971, n° 71, pp. 107.131.
GoovAERTS, L., .Catechists in Rwanda-BurundiL &dquo;. Lumen Vitae, 1972, vol., 27,
no 3, pp..385-416. Resume de W. Hilgers, e.a. Rwanda-Burundi. ; recherche
inter-africaine sur les catechistes:. Cfr. Bibl. S.C., 1971, p. 648.
et debats du
al~, Les,
dans la ,catéehèse. Etude
transmission des, codes religieuac. Louvain, Centre de Recherches Socio-Reli,
gieuses, 1971, 223 p. Cfr. : Catechesis and anti-semitism. A research work
into the transmission of -religious codes &dquo;. Social Compass, 1971, vol. 18, n° 3,
pp. 427-443.
Instruction, dducatloh
Instruction, education
ALWALL, E., The celigious trend in secular scottish schoolbooks, 1850-1861 and
1873-1882. With a survey of the debate on education in Scotland in the
middle and late 19th century. Lund, Gleerup-, 1970, 177 p.
CARRIER, H., Orientations rdcentes de 1’Université Catholique &dquo;. Didaskalia
(Lisboa-Faculdade de Teologia), 1972, vol. 2, n° 1,, pp~ 3...21.
Los colegios cat6licqs en la Arquidi6cesis de Panama (Les colleges catholiques
dans 1’archeveche de Panama). Panama, Centro de investigaciones socioreligiosas de la arquidi6cesis de Panama, sept. 1971, 67 p.
DELFOSSE, .J.&dquo; Les catholiques et 1’avenir du système scolaire &dquo;. La Revue Nouvelle, 1972, vol. 28, n° 2, pp. 185...192.
DOLBEARE, K.M. and HAMMOND, Ph.E., The school prayer decisions. Chicago,
University of Chicago Press, 1971, XI, 164 p.
DuNDON, M.C., The christian character of certain liberal arts colleges with
a focus on the academic arena &dquo;. Sociological Analysis, 1971, vol. 32, nO 2,
pp. 107-119.
First annual report on catholic schools. New York, National Association of
Laity, 1972, 18 p. (offset).
GREER, J.E., The attitudes of parents and pupils to religion in school &dquo;. The
Irish Journal of Education, 1970, vol. 4, no 1, pp.39-46.
.GR6NBLOM, G., SANDHOLM, A., Pinlandssvensk skolungdom om religion och
moral (Opinions on religion and morals in Finnish schools). En undersokning
on instfillningen till religion, religions undètvisnjng, morgon ban samt vissa
moral-och skolfrágor hos aldre svenskspákig liiroverksungdom. S.L., Kyrkans
Forskningsinstitut, 1971, 115 p.
HENLEIN, G.A., BLACKBURN, R.T., Faculty views on identity and professionalism for Catholic colleges and universities &dquo;. Sociological Analysis, Winter
1971, vol. 32, n° 4, pp.215-228.
&dquo; Die katholischen Schulen in den U.S.A.
(The Catholic schools in the
U.S.A.). Herder Korrespondenz, 1972,, vol. 26,~0 6, pp.286-291.
KEMENADE, J.A. VAN, &dquo; Roman Catholics and their schools &dquo;. Sociologia Neer,
landia, 1971, vol. 7, n° 1, pp. 15-27.
KRATCOSKI, P.C., &dquo; Catholic college faculties. An
examination of their educa.
tional and professional attainments and value commitments &dquo;. Sociological
Analysis, Winter 1971,, vol. 32, n° 4, pp.1.99-214.
,KRATGOSKIy P.C., ’-’ Sources of professorial role satisfaction at value specific
colleges &dquo;. Sociological Analysis, 1972, vol. 33, no 1, pp. 16-25..
KRATCOSKI, P.C., &dquo; The sources and strength of professorial’ value commitments, &dquo;. Review of. Religious Research,. Fall’ 1972,; vol. 14, n° 1.&dquo; pp. 25-29.
LEE, J.M., Tlie sk6pe of religious instruction. A social science approach. Dayton,
Pflaum, 1971., 330 p..
PREWITT, K., VAN DER MUHLL, G. and COURT, D., School experiences and
political socialisation. A study of Tanzanian secondary school students &dquo;.
Comparative Political Studies,. July 1972, vol. 3, n° 2.
ROEST, P., &dquo; Verkenning en vergelijking van het. godsdienstonderwijs in Nederland, Engeland en West:Duitsland &dquo; (Exploration et comparison de 1’enseignement religieux aux Pays-Bas, en Angleterre et en Allemagne). Neder,
lands Theologisch Tiidschrift, 1972, vol. 26; n° 1, pp.47-77.
STEFFENSKY, F., &dquo; Het godsdienstonderwijs in Duitsland (L’enseignement reli,
gieux en Alldmagne). Wending, okt. l~972, vol. 27, n° 8, lip.391A03;
pp.403~405: Naschrift betreffende de Nederlandse situatie door P. Roest
(Post-gcriptum sur la situation nderlandaise, par P. Roest).
Education, secularization, desecularization and resecularization &dquo;. A Sociological Yearbook of Religion
in Britain, vol. 3. Ed. by D. MARTIN and M. HILL. London, SCI~I~Press,
1970, pp. 130-145.
TOBIN, W.J., Trends
religious education &dquo;.
Lumen Vitae,
1971, vol. 26,
pp. 651-657.
WESTHUES, K., .&dquo; An alternative model for research on Catholic education &dquo;.
American Journal of Sociology, 1971, vol. 77, n° 2, pp. 279-292.,
Presse ; lecture
Press ; reading
Pox,, M., Religion U.S.A. Religion and culture by way of Time Magazine.
Dubuque, Listening Press, 1971, 451 p.
LALIVE D’EPINAY, Ch., PC-n6tration culturelle et presse religieuse. Les cas d’une
revue protestante argentine. Cuernavaca, CIDOC, 182 p. Coll.: Sondeos,
n° 80.
lVhLCENT, E., Y a-t~il encore un livre religieux ? &dquo;. Informations catholiques
internationales, 15 mai 1972, n° 408, pp.8-10.
General and methodological studies
ALEXANDER, K.C., &dquo; Caste and christianity in Kerala &dquo;. Social Compass, 1971,
vol. 18, ni 4, pp. 551-560.
BARKMAN, P.F., DAYTON, E.R. and GRUMAN, E.L., Christian collegians and
toreign missions. Monrovia, Calif., Mission and advanced research and communication center, 1969, 424 p.
CAMPS, A., &dquo;’Dialog der Religionen und Entwicklung. Die maieutische Me,
thode &dquo; (Dialogue des religions et developpement. La methode maieutique).
Zeitschrift für Missionswissenschaft und Religions wissenschaft, 1972, vol. 56,
n° 1, pp. 1 ~9.
CAMPS, A., Vier
(Four key-notions for
a more
voor een meter empirische missiologie
empirical missiology) Vox Theologica. 1972,
vol. 42, n<’5: pp. 218~231.
ENGELEN, J:1VL, &dquo; Godsdienst, sociale verandering
6onflict. Een missiolo-
gische case..study over Noord-Oost Brazilie (Religion, social change and
conflict. A missiological case-study on Nbrth-East Brasil). Vox Theologica,
1972, vol. 42, n° 5, pp. 232-253.
HOLITPiRT, F:, Les publications de la William Carey Library &dquo; sur la croissance des Eglises:
Church Growth &dquo;. Social Compass, vol. 19, n° 2,
pp. 308-312.
Situationsanalyse der Kirchen, die nicht zum’ Nordatlantischen
Raum gehoren &dquo; ~(Analysis; of the &dquo;situation of the churches not .belonging to
the North Atlantic Area) . Zeitschrift E ~ur ll~issionmissenscha~ ,und Religionsmissenscha~, 1972, vol. 56, .n° 3~, pp. 161~171.
MUNTERS, Q.J..; Recruitment as a vocation. The case of Jehova’s Witnesses &dquo;.
Sociologia Neerlandia, 1’971, vol. 7, ri° 2,. pp~ 88-100. Cfr’: ~e~rui’ertn~ als,
roeping (Recruitment as a vocation. Sociological reflexions on missionary
behaviour). Meppel, Boom, 1970, 216 p.
PAYNE, D.E., Socio-economic status and leadership selection in the Mormon
missionary system &dquo;. Revieiv for religious research, -winter 1972, vol. 13, n° 2,
PHIPPS, W.E., Christianity and nationalism in tropical Africa &dquo;. Civilisations,.
1972, vol. 22, n° 1, pp. 92-100.
TIPPETT, A.R., Conceptual dyads in the ethno-theology of ’ Salvation today ’ &dquo;.
International Reviecv of Missions, 1972, vol. 61, n° 243, pp.236~251.
et society
and society
Etudes g6n6rales
General studies
BALSWICK, J.O., &dquo; Towards consistant christian social involvement &dquo;. journal of
the American Scientific Affiliation, 1971, vol. 23, n° 2, pp. 64-66.
BARKIN, D. and BENNETT, J.W., Kibbutz and’ colony. Collective economies
and the outside world &dquo;. Comparative Studies in Society and History, 1972,
vol. 14, n° 4, pp. 456-481..
BELL, D., &dquo; Religion in the Sixties &dquo;. Social Research, 1971, vol. 38,
BERKOWITZ, M.I., BRANDAUER, F.P. and REED, J.H., Folk religion in an urban
setting. A study of Hakka villagers in transition. Hong Kong, Christian
study center on chinese religion and culture, 1969, 165 p.
CLEMENTS, K., &dquo; The religious variable. Dependent or independent or interdependent ?&dquo; &dquo; A Sociological Yearbook of Religion in Britain,. 4. Ed. by
M. Hill. London, SCM, 1971, .pp.36-45.
DENTON, Ch.F., Protestantism and the Latin American middle class &dquo;. Practical
Anthropolog~y, 1971, vol. 18, n°’ 1, pp. 24-28.
Gisii, A.S., The new left and christian radicalism. Grand Rapids, Mich.,
Eerdmans, 1970, 158 p.
GLEASON, Ph.,, &dquo; Catholicism and cultural changes in the 1960’s &dquo;. The’ Review
of Politics, 1972, vol. 34, n° 4; pp. 71-90~
HAUERWAS, S., &dquo;’Theology and the new American culture. A problematic
relationship &dquo;. The Review of Politics, 1972, vol. 34, n° 4, pp. 71-90.
HILL, 1VI: .and TURNER, B.; John Wesley and the origin and decline of ascetic
devotion &dquo;. A Sociological Yearbook in Britain, 4~ Ed. by M. Hill. London,
SCM Press, 1971, ,pp:1.02..120.
JACKSON, J.E.; &dquo; Toward the- study of the relation between social class and
religion &dquo;. Canadian Journal of Theology, 1970, vol. 16, no 1, pp. 82-94.
JACOBS, J.,. &dquo; From sacred to -secular. The -rationalization of christian theology &dquo;.
Journal for the Scientif Study of Religion, 1971. vol,., 10, n° 1, pp. 1-9.
LITTLE, D.; Religion, order and law. A study of pre-revolutionary England.
New Yorki Harper and Row, 1970, 269 p.
LASERRE, H., Religion et ascension sociale. L’exemple des ouvriers chi’étiens &dquo;.
Revue Frangaise de Sociologie, 1972, vol. 13, n.° 3, pp. 392-398.
MALIKAIL, J.S., &dquo; Religion and social conscience. A view from India &dquo;°. Religious
Education; 1970, vol. 65, .ri° 6, pp. 482-485.
O’DEA, Th.F.,.
Kerkhervorming en maatschappij
in evolutionair
de 1’Eglise et de la societe dans une perspective.‘ évolutiønniste).
Concilium, 1972, vol. 8, n° 3, pp. 7-20. (Ed.néer1.)’,
PICHAUD, Cl., Traditions et mutations. Essai
rltrale de l’ouest. Mame, Fayard, 1971, 272
tévolution d’une commune
Coll. LS.P.C. Langages de
la 101.
y cultura. Sistemas en’ conflicto
in conflict). Ed. by L. Lenero
Sociales, 1970, 526 p.
Poblaci6n, iglesia
(Population, church and
Otero. Mexico, Instituto
PRUSAK, P., Religiozita v kontexte socialno-kulturnych .factorov &dquo; (La religiosité et le contexte des facteurs socio-culturels.).. Sociologia (Bratislava),
1971, vol. 3, n° 1, pp. 65-81.
Religion, politics and social change in the Third World. A sourcebook. Ed. by
D.ll Smith. New York, Free ’Press, 1971; 301 p.
TURNER, F.C., Catholicism and nationalism in Latin America &dquo;’. Social Compass, 1971., vol. ~18, no 4, pp. 593-607.
VANDER Gucfrr, R., La rdvolution. Une idee neuve dans le monde chretien &dquo;.
La Revue Nouvelle, 1972, vol. 28, no 4, pp. 393-400.
WATTS, H.L., Some structural problems of urban religion. A case study from
the city of Durban &dquo;. Social Compass, 1972, vol. 19, n° 1, pp. 63-81.
WHITT, H.P., GORDON, Ch.C. and HOFLEY, J.R., Religion, economic development and lethal agression &dquo;. American Sociological .Revie~.v, 19.72, vol. 37,.
n° 2, pp. 193-20~1.
WIT, L.A., Volksreligie en onderontwikkeling in Latijns Amerika &dquo; (Folk
religion and underdevelopment in Latin America). Het Missielverk, 1971,
vol. 50, n° 3, pp. 167-183.
Religion I’ (gllse et politique
Religion / church and politics
La iglesia catolica en la politica el caso peruano (L’eglise
cathol.ique dans la politique,; le cas peruvien): Revista Paraguay de Socio~
logia, 1971, vol. 8, n’ 20, pp. 101-114.
BocHEL, J.Nl. and DENVER, D.T:; ...Religion and voting. A critical review and
new analysis &dquo;-. Political Studies, 1970, vol. 18, n° 2, pp. 205-209.
BONNET, S., Söciologie politique et religieuse de la Lorraine. Paris, Ed. Armand
As’nc, C.A.,
Colin, 19.~72, 514
Coll. : Cahiers de la Fondation Nationale des Sciences
n° 181.
Theologie oder politische Religion ? (Thdologie
religion politique ?) . Zeitschrift frir Evangelische Ethik, 1972,
vol. 16, n° 6, pp. 337~356.
&dquo; The. Church and the powers &dquo; (A study of the French Protestant Foundation) .
Study Encounter (Genève,WCC), 1972; vol. 8, no 3, item SE/30, 10 pp.
DEPOIS, G., Discours religieux et pouvoir social&dquo;. Archives .de Sociologie des
Religions, 1971, vol~ 16, n° 32,pp.85~106.
HILL, F.R.; Millenarian machines in South Vietnam &dquo;. Comparative Studies in
Society and History, 1971, vol. 13, n° 3,. pp. 325-350.
KRAIKER, G., Politischer Katholizismus in der BRD. Eine ideologie-kritische
Analyse (Political catholicism in the German Federal Republic. An jdeology&dquo;
analysis). Stuttgart, Kohlhammer., 1972, 1,95 p.
et RoussEAU, A., &dquo; Conflit symbolique et conflit social dans le
champ religieux. Propositions ,thdoriques et analyse d’un conflit suscite par
I’Action Catholique O.uvriere dans Ie Nord de la France &dquo;. Social, Compass
1972, vol. 19, n° 2, pp. 263-290.
MADELIN, .H., Motivations des chrdtiens en matiere politique &dquo;. Etudes, juillet
1972, pp.15..31..
MUTCHLER, D.E.i The Church as a political factor in Latin Amerita. With
particular reference to Colombia and Chile. New York, Praeger, 1971.,
XXVIII, 462 p.
PRATT, H.J., The growth of political activism in the national .council of
churches &dquo;. The Reviecv of Politics, .1972, vol. 34, no 3, pp. 323-341.
Religion and. change in contemporary Asia. Ed. by R.F. ’Spencer. Minneapolis,
Univ. of. Minnesota Press, 1971, 164 p,
SMITH, D.E., Religion and political development. An analytical study: Boston,
Little, Brown and Co., 197Q; 298 p.
TURNER, F.C., Catholicism and political development iri Latin America. Chapel
Hill, The University of North Carolina Press, 1971, 272 p.
ZILESSEN, H., Protestantismus und politische Form: Eine Untersuchung zum
protestantischen Vertassungsverständniss (Protestantism and political shape.
An inquiry into protestant understanding of the constitution). Gutersloh,
Giitersloher Verlagshaus, 1971, 253 p.
ZILESSEN, H., Vorstellungen. von Demokratie und Gesellschaft in kirchlichen
Verlautbarungen (Ideas of democracy and society in Church communica·
tions)., Zeitschrift tuc Evangelische Ethik, 1972, vol. 18, n° 4, pp. 218-232.
(Fin de serie - End of the series)
ALANT, C.J., ’n Sosiologiese studie van die betrokkenheid van lidmate by die Nederduitse
Gereformeerde Kerk, Dr. C.J. Alant, Postbus 392, Pretoria, 1972, 104 p. (offset).
ARCHIVES DE SOCIOLOGIE DES RELIGIONS, Tables Signalétiques 1 à 30 (1956-1970), Paris,
1972, 300 p.
BASABE, F., J’apanese l2eligious Attitudes, Maryknoll Documentation, Series, New York,
1972, 94 p.
BARLETT, W.E., Evolving Religious Careers, C.A.R.A. Information Service, Washing.
ton, 1971, 207 p.
BLANCO, J.J., ESTRUCH, J., La Secularizacion en Espana, Ed. Mensajero, Bilbao, 1972,
260 p.
BURGHARDT, A., Einfuhrung in die allgemeine Soziologie, Munchen, Verlag Franz
Vahlen, 1972, 271 S. Coll. Wiso-Kurzlerbiicher. Paperback.
CAPLAN, R.B., Helping the helpers to help. Mental health consultation to aid clergymen,
in pastoral work. New York, The Seabury Press, 1972, 241 p.
Catalogo de Publicaciones, 1972, CIDOC, cuaderno N° 1018.
CHOATA, N., Experiments in Town and Country Nlinistry ; Three case studies, C.A.R.A.
Information Service, Washington, 1971, 30 p.
DAVIS, M.W., The Sisters as campus minister, C.A.R.A. Information Service, Washington, 1970, 124 p.
Didaskalia, Revista de Faculdade de Teologia de Lisboa, 1971, vol. 1.
ENROTH, R.M., ERICSON, E.E., Jr., The Jesus People, Old-Time Religion in the Age of
Aquarius, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Comp., Michigan, 1972, 249
ESTRUCH, J., La Innovacion Religiosa, Col. Demos, Ed. Ariel, Barcelona, 1972, 183 p.
GRICHTING, W.L., Parish Structure and Climate In an Era of Change. A Sociologist’s
Inquiry, C.A.R.A. Information Service, Washington, 1969, 297 p.
Erinnern, Wiederholen, Durcharbeiten. Zur Sozialpsychologie des Gottesdienstes.
Htrsq. Y. Spiegel. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 1972, 138 S.
FÜRSTENBERG. F., Die Sozialstruktur der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 2., neuarb. Aufl.
Opladen, Westdeutscher Verlag, 1972, 150 S.
HOUTART, Fr., ROUSSEAU, A., L’Eglise et les mouvements révolutionnaires, Ed. Vie
Ouvri~re, Bruxefles, 1972,, 173 p.
HITCI-ICOCx, J., The Decline and Fall of Radical Catholicism, Doubleday Image Book,
New York, 1972, 198 p.
KINNANE, J.F., Vocational Motivation, C:A.R.A. Information Service, Washington,
1971, 155 p.
KINNANE, J.F., Career Development for Priests and Religious, C.A.R.A. Information
Service, Washington, 1971, 134 p.
KELSALL, R.K., Population, Rev. Ed. London, Longman, 1972. Coll. Aspect of Modem
Sociology. The social
structure of modern Britain.
LIJP.HART, A., Class Voting, and Religious Voting
in the European Democracies : A
Preliminary Report, Institute of International ’Study, Ilniw, of California, Berkeley,
1971Y&dquo;, Reprints N° 406, 23 p.
LIEDKE, G., Frieden-Bibel Kirche, Studien zujr Priedensforschung, 9, Kdstl Verlag,
Munchen, 1972, 236 S.
MEYER, A., L’Evolution de l’image, du prêtre. Dépouillement d’une enquete a questionnaire ouvert, M(!moires du CERDIC, Llniv. de Strasbourg, 1972, 66 p. rondo.
DE PEREIRA DE QuEIROZ, M.I., Os Catolicisrrtos brasileiros, tire a part de Universitas,
n° 6/7, 1970, pp. 239 a 270.
DE PEREIRA DE QUEIROZ, 1Vl.L, A participago do Negro Brasileiro em Movimentos Nlessianicos e o Problema da Marginalizagap, tiré à part de Revista do Instituto de estudos Brasileiros, n° 10, 1971, pp. 111à 121.
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