Curriculum Vitae


Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
Hamoudi Kalla
Born in Batna, Algeria, 12-01-1977
Ph.D. in Computer Science : Systems and Softwares
Master of Science in Programming, Compilation and Parallelism
Engineer in computer science : Hardware and Software
Professional data
Address : Irisa - Inria Rennes
Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu
35042 Rennes
Cedex - France
Phone :
Fax :
Mail :
Web :
+33 (0)2 99 84 25 24
+33 (0)2 99 84 71 71
[email protected]
http ://
Current position
I’m currently a PostDoc Researcher at Irisa, Inria Rennes, France. I’m a member of the Espresso research
Research interests
My research interests include, but are certainly not limited to : dependable systems, fault-tolerant distributed real-time embedded systems, hardware fault-tolerance, fault-tolerant scheduling algorithms, multi-criteria
scheduling algorithms, reliable real-time systems, reliability prediction models, verification and validation of
embedded systems based Intellectual Property (IP) components, and UML modeling diagrams with synchronous languages.
PhD in Computer Science, Inp Grenoble, France
Master of Computer Science, Orléans University, France. Specialization : Programming,
Compilation and Parallelism
Master of computer science, 1st year, Batna University, Algeria. Specialization : Industrial
data processing
Engineer in computer science, Batna University, Algeria. Specialization : hardware and
software General ranking : 1st of my class
Baccalaureate in exact science. Specialization : Math and Techniques
Scientific training courses and formations
July 2004
ARTIST Summer school on « Real-Time Scheduling and Resource Management »,
Enna, Italie
June 2002
Summer school on « Modelling and Verifying Parallel Processes », Nantes, France
April 2001
Formation on « Coq proof assistant »Orsay University, Paris-Sud, France
Trainer Master. title : design of semantics and specification Language. Worked with
Isabelle Attali, leader of the Oasis team, Inria Sophia-Antipolis, France
Trainer Engineer. title : Design of animation graphics library for discrete event
simulation library in Java. Worked with Brahim Belattar leader of the Lisa team,
Batna University, Algeria
Teaching activities
Associated teacher at
Associated teacher at
Teacher « vacataire »
Teacher « vacataire »
Batna University, Algeria
Computer Science Schools and Training, Epsima, Batna, Algeria
at Grenoble University II, France
at Joseph Fourier University, Grenoble, France
Advisor experiences
Co-advisor, Master trining at INPG University, Grenoble, France. title : Tolerating
sensors faults in distributed real-time embedded systems
Co-advisor, Master trining at INPG University, Grenoble, France. title : Reliable
scheduling algorithm for distributed real-time embedded systems
[ 1 ] « A scheduling heuristic for distributed real-time embedded systems tolerant to processor and communication media failures ». International Journal of Production Research, 42(14) :2877 2898, July 2004. (joint
with Alain Girault and Yves Sorel)
[ 2 ] « An active replication scheme that tolerates failures in distributed embedded real-time systems ». IFIP
Working Conference on Distributed and Parallel Embedded Systems, DIPES’04. Toulouse, France, August
2004. (joint with Alain Girault and Yves Sorel)
[ 3 ] « A bi-criteria scheduling heuristics for distributed embedded systems under reliability and real-time
constraints ». International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, DSN’04. June 2004, Firenze,
Italy. (joint with Alain Girault and Ismail Assayad)
[ 4 ] « An algorithm for automatically obtaining distributed and fault-tolerant static schedule. Proceedings of
the International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, DSN’03. June 2003, San Francisco,
California, USA. (joint with Alain Girault, Mihaela Sighireanu and Yves Sorel)
[ 5 ] « Une heuristique d’ordonnancement et de distribution tolérante aux fautes pour systèmes temps-réel
embarqués ». 4ième Colloque Francophone sur la Modélisation des Systèmes Réactifs, MSR’03. October
2003, Metz, France. (joint with Alain Girault and Yves Sorel
[ 6 ] « Automated Translation of C/C++ Programs into a Synchronous Formalism ». 13th Annual IEEE
International Conference and Workshop on the Engineering of Computer Based Systems. March 2006,
Potsdam, Germany. (joint with Jean-Pierre Talpin, David Berner, and Loic Besnard).
Software development skills
Object-oriented language : Java, C++ and Delphi
Functional language : Ocaml
imperative language : C and Pascal
Assembly language : TASM (Turbo Assembler), x86 assembler
Hardware description language : SystemC
Synchronous language : Signal
Scripting and meta languages HTML
Others Coq proof assistant, SQL, MERISE
General computer skills
– Operating Systems : MS-DOS, Windows, Linux
– Office software : Excellent knowledge of Microsoft Office
– Other software : Various software related to graphic design, image processing and video and sound editing
Langauge skills
– Arabic : Mother tongue
– French : Written and spoken
– English : Written and spoken
Football, swimming, tennis, photography and traveling.

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