Grammar Activity #2: Modal Verbs (Les modaux) Obligation and


Grammar Activity #2: Modal Verbs (Les modaux) Obligation and
Grammar Activity #2: Modal Verbs (Les modaux) Obligation and Advice Modal verbs are different from normal verbs: 1: They don't use an 's' for the third person singular. 2: They are followed directly by the infinitive of another verb (without 'to') 3: They serve as the auxiliary in negative and interrogative sentences. They make questions by inversion ('she can go' becomes 'can she go?') Attention, avec les modaux: -­‐Pas de “s” à la 3e personne du singulier -­‐Pas de “to” ni avant, ni après -­‐Les modaux servent d’auxillaire dans les phrases negatives et interrogatives Some examples of modal verbs: can could may might will should would must shall have to (ought) Obligation and advice We can use verbs such as 'must,' ‘to have to,’ or 'should' to say when something is necessary or unnecessary, or to give advice. Must and Have to can be used interchangeably, but keep these rules in mind: MUST Must generally expresses an obligation that comes from oneself, that is personal. Must expresses what the speaker thinks is necessary. “I must stop smoking.” «Je dois arrêter de fumer. » “We must go, it’s already midnight.” «Nous devons y aller, il est déjà minuit. » “They must work harder.” «Ils doivent travailler plus dur. » Construction:
Affirmative Form Subject + must + verb (-­‐to) I must do it. Negative Form Subject + must + not + verb (-­‐to) You must not forget your medicine! *In the interrogative form, must is generally replaced by “to have to.” For example: “Do I have to pay for the doctor?” (Instead of “Must I pay for the doctor?”) *Must in the past tense and conditional past is replaced by had to or should have. For example: Past: He had to go to work on Sunday. Conditional past: He should have gone to the library to study instead of the coffee shop. TO HAVE TO Have to generally suggests an obligation that someone else has imposed or required. “In the United Kingdom, you have to drive on the left.” «Au Royaume-­‐Uni, il faut conduire à gauche. » “Tom has to wear a uniform at school.” «Tom doit porter l’uniforme à l’école. » Construction: The patient has to go to the Affirmative Form Subject + have/has to + verb intensive care unit. You don’t have to leave now, Subject + don’t/doesn’t have to + Negative Form visitors are allowed to stay verb from 4pm to 8pm Does the patient have to take Interrogative Form Do/Does + subject + have to + verb this tablet now? *Do not (don’t) have to” and “need not (needn’t)” mean « Ce n’est pas obligé de » For example: “You don’t have to leave immediately” means « Vous n’êtes pas obligé de partir immédiatement » *Be careful about the difference between mustn't and don't have to! Mustn't means it's not allowed, or it's a bad idea. For example: “You mustn't eat so much chocolate, you'll be sick!” Don't have to means you don't need to do something, but it's fine if you want to do it. For example: “I don't have to get up early at the weekend” (of course, if I want to get up early, that's fine, but I can stay in bed if I want). SHOULD Should and Should not are used to give advice, an opinion, or a suggestion. Construction: Affirmative Form Subject + should + verb Children should eat a balanced diet. Negative Form Subject + should not (shouldn’t) + verb You shouldn’t judge patients. Interrogative Form Interrogative Word + should + verb What should I say to this patient? *Must + verb can also be used to give advice, the sense is stronger and contains an obligation. For example: You must take your pills (sous-­‐entendu, sinon vous aurez des problèmes de santé). Practice Exercises
I. Complete the sentences below using must, had to, or should
You _______________ smoke in the corridor, it’s forbidden.
He _______________ be on a strict diet, because he is diabetic.
Children _______________ obey their parents, but some of them are very rude.
She _________________ follow my advice if she wants to get better.
The nurses were on strike, so the surgeon __________________ cancel two operations.
II. Translate these sentences into English:
1. Si vous voulez perdre du poids, je vous conseille de faire un peu de sport tous les jours comme
marcher 30 à 45 minutes par jour.
2. Si vous voulez arrêter de fumer, je vous recommande de remplacer votre habitude par une
autre comme appeler un de vos amis à chaque fois que vous souhaitez fumer une cigarette.
3. Nous devrions manger 5 fruits et légumes par jour.
4. Il a du arrêter de manger des sucreries et adopter un nouveau régime alimentaire quand il a su
qu’il était diabétique.
5. Si j’étais vous, je me ferais vacciner contre la grippe tous les ans pour vous protéger vousmêmes mais aussi votre entourage.