veille informationnelle - Table régionale de développement durable


veille informationnelle - Table régionale de développement durable
VEILLE INFORMATIONNELLE ; LE DÉVELOPPEMENT DURABLE ET LA SANTÉ Résumé des actualités | Table régionale de développement durable
Réalisé par Anne Loiselle;
Éco-conseillère et chargée de projet à la Chaire en Éco-Conseil
VEILLE INFORMATIONNELLE ; LE DÉVELOPPEMENT DURABLE ET LA SANTÉ Biodiversité et santé: des liens indéfectibles
Journal de l’environnement
Le comité de pilotage « COPIL Biodiversité 2010 » s’est réuni le 7 juillet au ministère de la
santé. L’occasion pour Chantal Jouanno, secrétaire d’Etat à l’écologie, de rappeler les liens et
interactions entre santé et biodiversité. La secrétaire d’Etat invite le monde de la santé à se
mobiliser pour sauver la « bibliothèque du vivant ». Le monde de la biodiversité doit, quant à lui,
approfondir la connaissance des interactions entre santé et biodiversité.,18059?xtor=EPR-9
Janitorial Products
Pollution Prevention Project
Western Sustainability and Polllution Prevention Network
Each year about six out of every hundred professional janitors are injured by the chemicals that
they use. Burns to the eyes and skin are the most common injuries, followed closely by breathing
toxic fumes.
Case Study : Are Microfiber Mops Beneficial for Hospital ?
Sustainable Hospitals Project, University of Massachusets Lowell
This work focuses on the environmental and health and safty aspects of microfiber mops, in order
to help hospitals fully evaluate microfiber mops as an alternative to conventional loop mops.
10 Reasons to Use Microfiber Mopping :
Vendor Resources :!42
10 Reasons To Eliminate Glutaraldehyde
Sutainable Hospitals
Reports of serious health effects from glutaraldehyde exposure were published. There are
alternatives that offer high level disinfection while protecting health care workers and the
Glutaraldehyde Use Survey :
Glutaraldehyde Control in Hospitals :
Cleaning for Health: Products and Practices for a Safer Indoor Environment
Alicia Culver, Marian Feinberg, David Klebenov, Judy Muskinow, Lara Sutherland, INFORM
This report is a one-stop guide to environmentally preferable cleaning products and methods that
have been effectively used in office buildings, schools, hospitals and other facilities in the United
States and Canada.
10 Ways to Reduce Regulated Medical Wastes (RMW)
This document provides some steps to reduce regulated medical waste.
Stephanie C. Davis, Waste Reduction RemediesSM
Self-Assessment Manual for Proper Management of Medical Waste (1999, Second Edition
California Department of Health Services and the California Healthcare Association
The self-assessment project developed a refreshing new way for governmental regulation of
medical waste management practices at health care facilities. This project was based on the
philosophy that partnering between regulatory agencies and the regulated community holds
promise for improving compliance while reducing fees and reliance on the traditional regulatory
control process.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 28, 2010 : Health Care Sector Supporting Chemical
Reform Legislation on Eve of Hearing
(Washington, DC) Health care sector leaders are urging Congress to move swiftly to pass
chemical reform legislation, citing the measure as critical to public health protection. On the eve
of hearing on the “Toxic Chemicals Safety Act of 2010,” a bill intended to overhaul the nation’s
chemical regulatory system, the sector is highlighting the link between preventing disease,
containing costs, and reforming the law.
With a significant body of evidence linking chemical exposures to a wide range of diseases and
health conditions, the health care sector has begun to transform itself by developing more
ecologically sustainable operations to protect patients, employees and communities.
La solution de l'AMC
L'Association médicale canadienne (AMC) propose un plan afin d'améliorer l'accessibilité et les
soins aux patients.
Winnipeg Health Science Centre
Improvements in Management / Health Care
Pollution Prevention Pays
The HSC has placed significant efforts on ‘greening’ the supply chain and building vendor
partnerships. In 1999 HSC adopted an Environmentally Responsible Purchasing Policy and has
been using the ISO 14001 standard for its environmental management system since 1995. As a
strategy to build market attractiveness, acquire additional project resources and information
sharing, the HSC partnered with other Manitoba organizations to establish the Manitoba Green
Procurement Network.
La santé à l’ère d’Internet
Julia Gaudreault-Perron, Cefrio
Le domaine de la santé ne fait pas exception quant aux transformations qu’Internet entraîne dans
les communications entre individus et dans les conditions d’accès et de création du savoir, bien
au contraire. S’il veut atteindre ses objectifs, le milieu de la santé ne peut aujourd’hui faire
abstraction de cet environnement omniprésent qui offre des perspectives nouvelles pour rejoindre
la population. C’est l’un des messages lancés les 10 et 11 mai derniers lors du colloque Internet et
santé: Stratégies d’usages et d’intervention présenté dans le cadre du 78e Congrès de l’ACFAS, à
l’Université de Montréal.
Les TI et la santé - Un système à réinventer !
Voilà plus de 20 ans que le Québec et d’autres États industrialisés misent sur les technologies de
l’information (TI) pour obtenir certains des gains d’efficacité et de productivité qui permettront
notamment à leur système de santé de mieux composer avec le vieillissement accéléré de leur
population. Les résultats enregistrés à ce jour sont-ils à la hauteur des attentes qu’on avait face
aux TI? À cet égard, le Québec réussit-il mieux que d’autres pays? Existe-t-il des éléments
particuliers qui freinent une meilleure utilisation des TI dans le secteur de la santé? Le CEFRIO a
rencontré trois experts chevronnés pour répondre à ces questions. Going green saves money in kidney care
Frances Mortimer, SHEBA
The quest for financial savings was a recurring theme at the British Renal Society / Renal
Association annual conference this month, and the Green Nephrology programme had plenty to
Clinical Transformation: The Key to Green Nephrology
Andrew Connor, Frances Mortimer, Charles Tomson Nephron Clin Pract 2010;116:c200-c206
(DOI: 10.1159/000317200), SHEBA
This article describes the four principles authors believe will underpin a successful
transformation to lower carbon kidney care: disease prevention, patient empowerment, lean
service delivery and the preferential use of low-carbon technologies. They illustrate their
application and their co-benefits, such as improvements in patient care and reductions in cost,
with examples.
Case study and how-to guide: reduce, re-use, recycle in the dialysis unit
The three case studies outlined here show that the principles most commonly used to underpin
waste reduction strategies – reduce, reuse, recycle – can be successfully applied to renal units,
and that financial savings can be made. Applying these strategies can be remarkably simple, and
the repetitive nature of the dialysis treatments means that the benefits are continually accrued.
The final part of this ‘How to…’ guide describes how to undertake a waste audit, which will
allow individual units to identify where best to focus their attention. Green Nephrology
programme 2009-10.
Case study and how-to guide: telephone clinics in follow-up of renal transplant recipients
Renal units have traditionally used outpatient clinics to provide routine follow up to their
transplanted patients, although the care required is often very simple and the patients typically
feel well. The renal unit at the University Hospital of Coventry and Warwickshire has been
successfully running a twice-monthly telephone clinic to provide follow up to these patients since
2006. Patients are offered the choice to remain in the traditional follow up system or switch to
quarterly telephone clinic follow up, with just one annual traditional (‘face-to-face’) outpatient
appointment at their local renal clinic. Green Nephrology programme 2009-10.
Case study and how-to guide: retrofit of heat-exchangers to haemodialysis machines
Renal technicians at the Maidstone dialysis unit have investigated the potential costs and benefits
of retro-fitting heat exchangers to their existing Braun Dialog+ haemodialysis machines. They
calculated that an investment of £15,687 to fit heat exchangers to all 83 machines across the Kent
and Canterbury renal service would deliver an annual saving of £3988.15 from reduced
electricity consumption, with an annual reduction in greenhouse gas emissions of 22.6 Tonnes of
CO2 equivalents. Green Nephrology programme 2009-2010.
Tansforming Clinical Practice
Sir Muir Gray CBE
Dr Frances Mortimer
The Campaign for Greener Healthcare
Healthcare is in crisis; the climate is in crisis.
These two crises of the 21st century are usually presented separately but they are in fact
interrelated, and they are also interrelated with the 21st century health epidemics.
By the end of 2008 at least 50 % of University Hospital MAS vehicles were to be clean vehicles.
Approximately 30 clean vehicles (50% ethanol/ 50% vehicle gas).
L’IUFRO communique : « Guérir grâce à la forêt »
La Suède Durable
Selon le Dr. Eeva Karjalainen de l’Institut de recherche forestière de Finlande, Metla, il y a
beaucoup de gens qui « se sentent bien et à l’aise quand ils sont dehors dans la nature.
Toutefois, peu nombreux sont ceux qui se rendent compte qu’il existe des preuves
scientifiques des effets thérapeutiques des forêts.”