Guernica 70th Anniversary - Bibliography I


Guernica 70th Anniversary - Bibliography I
Guernica 70th Anniversary - Bibliography
Silent Scream: Introduction
P. Picasso, Guernica, 1937, (detail), H: 349 x W: 776 cm., óleo soble lienzo, Museo Nacional Reina Sofía, Madrid. Spanish Database on-line. Available
from Accessed 10 July 2007.
Picasso and Goya
Goya’s self-portrait at 50
Bareau, Wilson et Manuela B. Mena Marques, Goya : Truth and Fantasy, The Small Paintings, The Art Institute of Chicago, 1994, p. 19 Fig. 2 Self-Portrait, c.
1795-7 (detail) brush and Indian ink, H: 22.3 x W:14.4 cm, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Picasso’s self-portrait at 59
Baldassari, Anne., Picasso/Dora Maar Il faisait tellement noir…, Éditions Flammarion. Paris, 2006, p. 179. 103. Pablo Picasso L’Artiste devant sa toile, (detail)
Paris, 22 mars 1938 Fusain sur toile, H: 130 x W: 94 cm Paris, musée Picasso, MP 172
The Sleep of Reason
"On account of a knife" Pl. 34 The Disasters of War (detail)
"The sleep of reason produces monsters" Pl. 43 of Caprichos
"It is not possible to be watched" Pl. 26 The Disasters of War (detail)
All from private collection in Montreal.
The Rise of Republicanism
Minister Manuel Azaña and General Francisco Franco
El Ministro de la Guerra Manuel Azaña junto a Franco y otros militares conocidos en La Coruña en 1932 (detail). Sociedad Benéfica de Historiadores
Aficionados y Creadores, 1999. Database on-line. Available from Accessed 21 June 2007.
Premonition of Civil War
Salvador Dali, Spanish, 1904-1989 : Soft Construction with Boiled Beans: Premonition of Civil War, 1936 (detail) Oil on canvas
H: 99.9 x W:100 cm. Philadelphia Museum of Art. Database on-line. Available from . Accessed
21 June 2006.
The Many Faces of War
Republican soldier
A Republican soldier falls in battle, 1936. (Photographer - Robert Capa). Answer: Free Online Dictionary, Encyclopedia. Database on-line.
Available from Accessed 21 June 2007.
Anarchist guerrilla group
Anarchist militia in Barcelona in 1937 during the Spanish Civil War. Hulton-Deutsch Collection/Corbis. Database on-line. Available from Accessed 21 June 2007.
Homeless children in Madrid
Homeless Children in the Spanish Civil War, Madrid 1936. Call Number: A 7827. International Institute of Social History. Database on-line. Available from Assessed 21 June 2007.
Nationalist aircraft bombing
Nationalist aircraft bomb Madrid in late November 1936., 2007. Database on-line. Available from
Assessed 5 July 2007.
A War of Words and Images – The Popular Front
All the youth united for Spain
All the youth united for Spain. Issued by the United Socialist Youth. (J.S.U.). Digger History, 2002. Database on-line. Available from Assessed 3 July 2007
To smash Facism
C.N.T., Comité Nacional A.I.T., Oficina de Información y Propaganda. Fascismo. [CNT, National Committee AIT, Office of Information and Propaganda.
Fascism]. Signed: Monleón. Oficina de Información y Propaganda. Gráficas Valencia, Intervenido, U.G.T. C.N.T. Lithograph, 3 colors; H: 100 x W: 69 cm. The
Visual Front, 1998. Database on-line. Available from Accessed 3 July 2007.
Greed, Militarism, War
Greed, Militarism, War - this is fascism. Unite to destroy it." by the National Confederation of Workers (C.N.T.). Digger History, 2002. Database on-line.
Available from Assessed 3 July 2007
The Counterpoint by Nationalists
Number 1 Crusade: The Spiritual Orientation of Spain
España orientadora espiritual del mundo Anónimo, 1937, H: 100 x W: 70 cm. Durham University, 2002. Database on-line. Available from Accessed 21 June 2007.
To speak of the Falange
"To speak of the Falange is to speak of Spain. Unity. Unity. Unity." F.E.T. y de las J.O.N.S. (detail) Lithograph, 3 colors; 70 x 60 cm. University of California,
San Diego, 1998. Database on-line. Available from Accessed 21 June 2007.
The International Brigade – the Idealists
International Brigade's Poster
Spanish Civil War Books on International Brigade in Spain. World War Two Books, 2005. Database on-line. Available from Accessed 21 June 2007.
The Fighter and the Humanists
André Malraux
Payne, Robert., A Portrait of André Malraux: The Procession Down the Mountain. Prentice-Hall, Inc. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1970.
Norman Bethune
Canadian Blood Transfusion Unit which operated during the Spanish Civil War. Dr. Norman Bethune is at the right. Ca. 1936-1937/Spain. Answers Corporation:
Online Encyclopedia, 2007. Database on-line. Available from Accessed 21 June 2007.
Scenes of Carnage and Scream
The Civil War
Fletcher, Valerie., Wilfredo Lam : Crosscurrents of Modernism, Four Latin American Pioneers: The Civil War, 1936, p. 192. 50. The Spanish Civil War. C. 1936.
Gouache on paper, H: 210.8 x W : 236.2 cm. Miguel Angel and Magaly Capriles, Caracas. (Not in exhibition).
David Alfaro Siqueiros (1896-1974)
David Alfaro Siqueiros, Mexican, 1896-1974: Echo of a Scream. 1937. Enamel on wood, H: 121.9 x W: 91.4 cm. The Museum of Modern Art, New York, 2007.
Database on-line. Available from Accessed 21 June
The Wound and the Torment
George Orwell
George Orwell, letter to T R Fyvel, April 1949 (Orwell and Angus 1968). James Library, 2003. Database on-line. Available Accessed 21 June 2007.
Ernest Hemingway
Ernest Hemingway, second from right, on the Ebro Front. April, 1938. The New York Times Company, 1999. Database on-line. Available from Accessed 21 June 2007.
Miró’s Painful Words
Joan Miró 1893-1993, Fundació Joan Miró, Barcelona, 1993. p. 317. 132 - Personages and Mountains (Personages i muntanyes), 1936, Egg tempera on
Masonite H: 30 x W: 26cm, Private collection, United States.
MIRO : Miro, aidez espagne (Help Spain), 1937, Pochoir original en couleurs, 1937. Galerie Michel Fillion, France. Database on-line. Available from,%20aidez%20espagne Accessed 21 June 2007.
Picasso’s First Assault
Figure of a Woman
Baldassari, Anne., Picasso/Dora Maar Il faisait tellement noir…, Éditions Flammarion. Paris, 2006, p. 131. 66. Pablo Picasso : Figure de femme inspirée par la
guerre d’Espagne (Figure), 19 janvier 1937. Huile sur toile, H : 38 x W : 46 cm, Collection Dora Maar, Collection particulière, courtesy galerie Jan Krugier,
Ditesheim & Cie, Genève.
Dreams and Lies of Franco – Poem
1- Etching of Picasso’s handwriting of the poem Dreams and Lies of Franco
2- English translation of the poem
Both from the portfolio of “Dreams and Lies of Franco”
Dreams and Lies of Franco – Etchings No. 585/850
Rectifying the Etching Sequences (detail)
Dreams and Lies of Franco: Etchings and Poem, Image 1 to 6 (detail)
Dreams and Lies of Franco: Etchings and Poem, Image 7 to 12 (detail)
Dreams and Lies of Franco: Etchings and Poem, Image 13 to 18 (detail)
Different Degrees of Affinity (detail)
All from Private Collection in Montreal
VII-1 News of Bombardment
Baldassari, Anne., Picasso/Dora Maar Il faisait tellement noir…, Éditions Flammarion. Paris, 2006. p. 167. Fig. 58 : L’Humanité, 28 avril 1937 “Mille bombes
incendiaries”, Paris, musée Picasso, documentation.
Herschel B. Chipp, and Tusell, Javier., Guernica, Éditions Cercle D’Arts, Paris, 1992. p. 34., 3.13. Vue panoramique des ruines de Guernica.
VII-2 The Search for Icons
Herschel B. Chipp, and Tusell, Javier., Guernica, Éditions Cercle D’Arts, Paris, 1992 :
p. 79.,6.17. Étude 6. Étude de composition, 1er mai 1937. Mine de plomb sur geso sur bois, H : 53, 7 x W : 64.8 cm.
p. 84.,6.28. Étude 7. Tête de cheval, 2 mai 1937 (I). Mine de plomb sur papier bleu, H : 26, 7 x W : 21 cm.
p. 93., 6.40. Étude 13. Cheval et mère à l’enfant mort, 8 mai 1937 (II). Mine de plomb sur papier blanc, H : 24.1 x W : 45.4 cm.
p. 95., 6.50. Étude 16. Mère à l’enfant mort sur une échelle, 9 mai 1937 (II). Mine de plomb sur papier blanc,
H : 45.4 x W : 24.1 cm.
p. 100., 6.61. Étude 19. Tête d’homme à cornes et oreilles de taureau, 10 mai 1937 (III). Mine de plomb sur papier blanc,
H : 45.4 x W : 24.1 cm.
p. 107., 6.72. Étude 25. Mère à l’enfant mort, 11 mai 1937 (III). Mine de plomb et crayons de couleur sur papier blanc,
H : 24.1 x W : 45.4 cm.
VII-3 The Struggle for a Symphony
Herschel B. Chipp, and Tusell, Javier., Guernica,., Éditions Cercle D’Arts, Paris, 1992.:
p. 111., 7.1. État I de la toile définitive, 11 mai 1937. Photo Dora Maar.
p. 121., État III. Photo Dora Maar.
p. 127., État V. Photo Dora Maar.
p. 131., État VII. Photo Dora Maar.
VII-4 Guernica in the Spanish Pavilion
Guernica and Calder's
Guernica was displayed, along with the works of other well known artists sympathetic to the Republican cause, including Alexander Calder's mercury fountain
and mobile, painted red to symbolize the Spanish Republic. PBS, headquartered in Arlington, Virginia, 1995-2007. Database on-line. Available from Accessed 21 June 2007
Picasso in front of his painting
Picasso in front of his picture, Guernica at its unveiling at the Spanish Pavilion of the World’s Fair. Paris, 1937. CHIM The Photographs of David Seymour,
New York, 1996. Database on-line. Available from Accessed 21 June 2007.
Herschel B. Chipp, and Tusell, Javier., Guernica, Éditions Cercle D’Arts, Paris, 1992. p. 150. 8.26. Photomontage sur les Missions pédagogiques, organisme
officiel d’éducation populaire de la République espagnole.
VIII-1 Echo of The Scream
The Scream
Edvard Munch, Norwegian, 1963-1944. The Scream (or The Cry), 1893; 150 Kb; Casein/waxed crayon and tempera on paper (cardboard), H: 91 x W: 73.5 cm,
Nasjonalgalleriet (National Gallery), Oslo. WebMuseum, Paris, 16 July 2002. Database on-line. Available from
Accessed 21 July 2007.
VIII-2 Journey in the Mind
Jackson Pollock
Herschel B. Chipp, and Tusell, Javier., Guernica, , Éditions Cercle D’Arts, Paris, 1992. p. 195. 12.2. Jackson Pollock, Dessin 1939-1940.
Vietnam anti-war poster
Herschel B. Chipp, and Tusell, Javier., Guernica, Éditions Cercle D’Arts, Paris, 1992. p. 193. 12.1 Affiche conte la guerre de Vietnam, New York, 1996.
Guernica in Mosaic art, Rome.
Il mosaico della “Guernica”, originally uploaded by (kris) Incredible mosaic by the school of fruili - installed in rome. Mosaic art source, 2006. Database on-line.
Available from
Accessed 5 July 2007.
Roberto Matta, Chilean, 1911-2002, Hommage à Picasso, 1973, on Velin, H: 49.5 x W: 68.7cm, Private Collection in Montreal.
From MOMA to Reina Sofia
Art Workers’ Coalition
Lippard, Lucy R., A Different War Vietnam in Art, (detail), Whatcom Museum of Hostory and Art, Seattle 1990. p. 29. Fig. 14. Art Workers Coalition
demonstration at the Museum of Modern Art, New York, 1970.
Arrival of Guernica
Herschel B. Chipp, and Tusell, Javier., Guernica, Éditions Cercle D’Arts, Paris, 1992. p. 181. 11.1 Guernica arrive au Casón del Buen Retiro de Madrid sous les
applaudissements de la foule.
“Guernica” Gernikara
Guernica at the Reina Sofi.Photo: AFP, (detail). The Sydney Morning Herald, 2006. Database on-line. Available from Accessed 19 June 2007.
LEMBRANDO GUERNICA – VI, 26/04/1937 - 26/04/2004. Posted by at 07:58 PM, (detail). Bota Acima, Blogue de João Tunes, 2004. Database online. Available from Accessed 19 June 2007.
Plethora of Guernica in America
Hidden Treasures: What’s so controversial about Picasso’s Guernica ? by David Cohen, posted Thursday , Feb 6, 2003. Slate, Washington Post, Newsweek
interactive Co. LLC, Washington D.C., 2007. Database on-line. Available from Accessed 19 June 2007.
Marcus Hammon, Francis of Guernica (cover), Velvet Armadillo Records 2001. CD Baby – Independent music distribution, Portland. Database on-line.
Available from Accessed 19 June 2007.
Guernica…the tension between art and politics: Guernica on display at MOMA. PBS Treasures of The World. Datebase on-line. Available from Accessed 19 June 2007.
April Issue of Harper’s Magazine, photomontage by Penny Gentieu of Guernica draped in blue. Laila Lalami : great minds think alike?, 2003. Database on-line.
Avaible from Accessed 19 June 2007.
March 17 issue of the New Yorker, cover designed by Harry Bliss: Setting the Stage. Laila Lalami : great minds think alike?, 2003. Database on-line. Avaible
from Accessed 19 June 2007.
Powell Without Picasso by Maureen Dowd, NY Times, February 5, 2003. End War, Florida. Database on-line. Available from Accessed 19 June 2007.
Art students with Picasso’s Guernica as anti-war placards NYC, February 2003. Making Art Out of Doors: A Conversation with Gregory Scholette, by Nicolas
Lampert, Wisconsin, 2005. Database on-line. Available from Accessed 19 June 2007.
Excellent Anti-War video: Guernica Iraq Submitted by Chewbacca on Wed, 2007-01-03. Znet, A community of people committed to social change. Database
on-line. Available from Accessed 19 June 2007.
Billboard at Sunset & Hollywood in LA, installed in 2003 by Making Art Work. John. T. Under Studio, Mancelona. Available from Accessed 19 June 2007.
Picasso’s Guernica at Whitney Museum by members of Visual Resistance. John. T. Under Studio, Mancelona. Available from Accessed 19 June 2007.
American Guernica: A Call for Guerilla Public Art: Guernica Billboard. John. T. Under Studio, Mancelona. Available from Accessed 19 June 2007.
Ron English Does Guernica. John. T. Under Studio, Mancelona. Available from Accessed
19 June 2007.
A tapestry reproduction of Guernica, Pablo Picasso’s powerful anti-war painting, concealed behind a blue cloth and a row of flags at the U.N. Security Council
offices as White House envoy Colin Powell made the United States case for war (Feb 5 2003). Database on-line. Available from
Accessed 19 June 2007.
America’s Guernica, La Voz de Aztlan, Fallujah, Iraq, Mid-East Realities, Middle, 2004. Database on-line. Available from Accessed 19 June 2007.
A copy of Picasso's Guernica serves as a mute rebuttal to a pair of pro-war demonstrators calling for U.S. action against Saddam Hussein outside United Nations'
headquarters in New York on Wednesday. (Photo/Graham Morrison). Common Dreams, Portland, 2003. Database on-line. Available from Accessed 19 June 2007.
Guernica/Fallujah. Indymedia UK, London. Database on-line. Available from Accessed 19 June 2007.
Guernica head on Avenue C, New York City 2004. Jen Sloan, 2006. Database on-line. Available from Accessed 19 June 2007.
Guernica Lives, , 2004, H: 152.4 x W: 127 cm, Artists’s Collection. Russell Connor, New York. Database on-line. Available from Accessed 19 June 2007.
P. Picasso, Guernica, 1937, (detail), H: 349 x W: 776 cm., óleo soble lienzo, Museo Nacional Reina Sofía, Madrid. Spanish Database on-line. Available
from Accessed 10 July 2007.
Epilogue (second part)
P. Picasso, Guernica, 1937, (detail), H: 349 x W: 776 cm., óleo soble lienzo, Museo Nacional Reina Sofía, Madrid. Spanish Database on-line. Available
from Accessed 10 July 2007.

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