
The best place!
An Eye On
7692 millions square
Almost as great as
that of the United
States of America
About 50 per cent
greater than Europe,
By Cap Vision
English Collection
Australia is the smallest of the world's continents. It is also
the lowest, the flattest and (apart from Antarctica) the driest.
The highest point on the Australian mainland is Mount
Kosciuszko, New South Wales, at 2228 metres above sea
level. The lowest point is the dry bed of Lake Eyre, South
Australia, which is 15 metres below sea level.
The mainland and Tasmania are surrounded by many
32 times greater than
the United Kingdom.
thousands of small islands and numerous larger ones.
Australia is the
planet's sixth largest
country after Russia,
Canada, China, the
United States of
America and Brazil.
It is also the only one
of the largest six
nations that is
surrounded by water.
islands. As an island nation, the coastline play an important
Australia ! This is the best place !
Nearly 40 per cent of the coastline the lengths comprised of
role in defining national, state and territory boundaries.
Nearly 20 per cent of Australia's land mass is classified as
desert. As well as having a low average annual rainfall,
rainfall across Australia is also variable. The rainfall pattern
is concentric around the extensive arid core of the continent,
with rainfall intensity high in the tropics and some coastal
Climatic zones range from tropical rainforests, deserts and
Australia is a favorite tourist destination for many. The warm
and friendly Australians lend a helping hand to foreign
visitors; the hospitality of this spectacular country and
pleasant weather in Australia is legendary.
However it is advisable for tourists to visit Australia well
equipped with authentic tourist information.
cool temperature forests to snow covered mountains.
Within this climate, the plants and animals have evolved on
a geographically isolated continent, through both a time of a
slow drying and highly variability climate. The uniqueness
of much of Australia's flora and fauna is thus at least partly
due to these aspects of the climate.
A land of the unexpected, of amazing natural resources,
striking scenery and exotic plant and animal life; a journey to
Australia is a trip to a magical island that is also a country and
the only country that is also a continent.
Be it a Fraser island tour or an Australia travel adventure or a
family trips Australia offers you a memorable and fun filled
The population of Australia is 21 515 754 people,
+ Words
Lend a hand
As well as
Donner un coup de main
Cependant (adv.)
Recommandé, conseillé
Inattendu, imprévu
Forêt tropicale
Ainsi que
A travers
Canberra is the capital of Australia.
CAP VISION – [email protected]
News English Collection by CAP VISION
P r a c t i c e
Numéro 1 – juillet 2013
m a k e s
p e r f e c t
» *
Australian words
Salut :
Comment ça va ? What’s up!
Barbecue :
“Bien joué”
Good onya
Moustique :
Typiquement australien :
Slip, slop, slap
Mettre un tee-shirt: slip
Mettre de la crème solaire : Slop
Mettre un chapeau: slap
Australien: Aussie
Fraser Island – Whitsunday - Queensland
* «
C ’ e s t
e n
f o r g e a n t
q u ’ o n
d e v i e n t
f o r g e r o n »
A few sentences…
Pour demander poliment :
Pour demander:
Proposer de faire quelque chose :
May I, could I: puis-je
Excuse me, pardon me :
Shall we go: On y va?
Please, may I : puis-je (très très
Let’s go on: allons y
Sorry to bother you: désolé de
What about watching TV:
I would like : j’aimerais ….
vous déranger
Si on regardait la télévision
Would you mind opening the
Do you Fancy : Est-ce que tu as envie ?
window please? Pourriez-vous
Do you Fancy going to the cinema ? :
ouvrir la fenêtre s’il vous plait
Est-ce que tu as envie d’aller au cinéma?
(très poli)
Do you feel like? : Avez-vous envie…
Do you feel like eating out? As-tu envie
Do you mind : Est-ce que ça vous
dérange ? (pourriez-vous…)
Expressions…. I can’t believe It ! :
d’aller manger dehors
Heads or Tails : Pile ou face
Je n’en crois pas mes yeux !
(Restaurant …)
A vos souhaits : Bless You !
You must be joking ! : Tu rigoles!!
Phrasal verbs
To catch up: rattraper son retard
To give up: Quitter
To give back : Rendre
To look forward to: attendre avec
To give away: Distribuer
To find out: trouver
To figure out: solutionner
To carry out: mener à bien
Rédaction – Cap Vision – juillet 2013
To run out: manquer de …
To write down: noter
To switch on: allumer (la lumière)
To turn off : éteindre (la lumière)