Children`s Day - Daughters of Wisdom


Children`s Day - Daughters of Wisdom
Prepared by the Province of Canada
Prayer for the International Children’s Rights Day or “Children’s Day”
November 20, 2014
Visual: Photos of children
Introduction :
The International Convention of the rights of the Child is an international treaty written
under the patronage of the UN. It was adopted by the UN on November 20, 1989. This
treaty’s objective is to recognize, respect and protect the rights of children by civil,
economic, political, social and cultural rights.
This Convention applies to all children of the world until 18 years without discrimination.
Today, 191 countries have signed and ratified the Convention that is all countries of the
world except the USA and Somalia. These countries are thus committed to ensuring the
human rights of children at home.
Situation in Canada
Although many laws exist to protect children in Canada, many children suffer from poor
nutrition, cold, separation from parents, lack of affection, intimidation at several levels,
either in the family, school or society. Since there are also a lot of inequalities in family
incomes, children suffer from not being at the same social level as their friends. Many
suicides occur among young people because of intimidation, emphasized by the use of
modern media and techniques.
On the other hand several social welfare organizations are getting organized to help the
children but these remain inadequate.
As a prayer we suggest to reflect and pray silently every area of children's rights, to look at
our respective countries for compliance or non-compliance with these rights and to end
with a chorus of supplication.
Refrain : "Give us Lord a new heart, and put in us, Lord, a new spirit." (or other…)
Civil rights guarantee
- the right to life
- the right to gain access to justice
- the right to a name and nationality
- the right to privacy
- the right to protection of disabled
– the right to non-discrimination
Economic rights guarantee:
- the right to an adequate standard of
- the right to protection against labor
exploitation (forced labor)
- the right to social security
Political rights guarantee :
- the right to have opinions and express them
(freedom of association and assembly, freedom of expression,
freedom of thought, conscience and religion)
- the right to protection against abuse
(ill-treatment and torture)
- the right to protection against deprivation of freedom
- the right to protection against separation from parents
Social rights guarantee :
- the right to be fed and to be cared for by doctors
- the right to protection against all forms of
exploitation (including sexual exploitation)
kidnapping and drugs
- the right to protection in war (prohibition to be a
soldier for 15 years).
Culrural rights guarantee :
- the right to education (primary education should be free
and compulsory for all)
- the right to appropriate information
- the right to leisure (games, culture, arts)
Prayer for the Children
Lord Jesus, you have proclaimed your solicitude for the small and the weak, and it
manifested itself particularly to children.
They are the very symbols of fragility and their vulnerability makes them easy prey for
Despite the solemn affirmation of their rights in 1989, children victims of various abuses
are numerous worldwide.
Lord, we pray :
For children who, from an early age, are forced to work in harsh conditions,
For the children who are recruited by force into the army and who are taught violence
and cruelty,
For abandoned children wandering the streets looking for food and shelter,
For children who are sexually abused by wicked and unscrupulous individuals,
For children accused of being possessed by the devil or of practicing witchcraft,
suspected of all evil, and on whom harsh punishment are imposed.
For mentally and physically disabled children, who are abandoned or exploited as objects
of spectacle or reprisals because of their infirmity,
For children who, for lack of nutrition and medicine cannot develop normally,
For those children guilty of offences who are kept in prisons in despicable and inhumane
Lord, you said : Let the little children come to me. Do not prevent them, for the Kingdom
of God belongs to those who are like them, listen to our prayer and give to all the children
of the world, the joy of living and hope for a better future. Amen.
Visual : Adding the statue of Montfort
Montfort as a child among the children
Montfort, eldest in the family suffered many difficulties that darkened the everyday life of
the Grignion. Yet, he often consoled his mother. In his prayer life, he made a strong
impression upon his brothers and friends but especially upon his little sister GuyonneJeanne with whom he loved to pray. At the College in Rennes, after a full week of work, on
Saturdays, he assembled a group of young boys for half an hour of catechism. (L’homme
venu du vent p. 19 et 27).
In his zeal, Montfort was drawn to form youth in order to bring them to know Wisdom like
he did. Following his example, do we have the zeal to train young people who in turn will
become zealous apostles to help today’s suffering youth? Let us ask him to assist us in our
Let us pray :
Saint Louis-Marie de Montfort, pray for us
Faithful disciple of Jesus-Christ, Incarnate Wisdom, pray for us
Devoted son of the Church, pray for us
Model of priests and missionaries, pray for us
Formator of laity in the service of the Church, pray for us
Friend of the poor and the sick, pray for us
Educator of youth, pray for us
Visual :
Adding the statue of Marie-Louise
Marie-Louise Trichet at the service of poor children
In one of his letters to her, Montfort wrote: “If you don’t take risks for God, you will never
do anything worthwhile for him” and invited her to La Rochelle where she was expected to
give classes to children. Soon she will teach to a host of extremely poor little girls. (MarieLouise Trichet, Un chemin de Sagesse page 122).
On the footsteps of Marie-Louise, how many Daughters of Wisdom taught poor children and
still do in 2014?
Let us ask Marie-Louise to give us her zeal for the poor and the little ones
Blessed Marie-Louise of Jesus, intercede for us
Mother of the poor and the little ones, intercede for us
Companion of the weak and the belittled, intercede for us
Comforter of those who are excluded, intercede for us
Mistress of charity for all, intercede for us
Patient educator, intercede for us
Final prayer for the wounded child
Lord your son was born as a child in the arms of Maryé He came to share our lives.
Descending at our level, he experienced violence and on the cross he bore our sufferings.
Lord, when a child cries, you suffer with him. Grant to adults, to recognize you in the
wounded children and to surround each one with your loving presence. Lord, offer to these
little ones joy and hope. Pour your immense love into our hearts. Infuse in us the strength
to always bring relief. With you, we will overcome poverty and we will build peace.
Final song – optional
Some children’s rights in
Song for the children of the
Chant pour les enfants du
monde entier - Yves Duteil
Pour les enfants du monde entier
Qui n'ont plus rien à espérer
Je voudrais faire une prière
À tous les Maîtres de la Terre
À chaque enfant qui disparaît
C'est l'Univers qui tire un trait
Sur un espoir pour l'avenir
De pouvoir nous appartenir
Je voudrais faire une prière
À tous les Maîtres de la Terre
J'ai vu des enfants s'en aller
Sourire aux lèvres et cœur léger
Vers la mort et le paradis
Que des adultes avaient promis
Mais quand ils sautaient sur les mines
C'était Mozart qu'on assassine
Si le bonheur est à ce prix
De quel enfer s'est-il nourri?
Et combien faudra-t-il payer
De silence et d'obscurité
Pour effacer dans les mémoires
Le souvenir de leur histoire?
Quel testament, quel évangile
Quelle main aveugle ou imbécile
Peut condamner tant d'innocence
À tant de larmes et de souffrances?
La peur, la haine et la violence
Ont mis le feu à leur enfance
Leurs chemins se sont hérissés
De misère et de barbelés
Peut-on convaincre un dictateur
D'écouter battre un peu son cœur?
Peut-on souhaiter d'un président
Qu'il pleure aussi de temps en temps?
Pour les enfants du monde entier
Qui n'ont de voix que pour pleurer
Dans vos sommeils de somnifères
Où vous dormez les yeux ouverts
Laissez souffler pour un instant
La magie de vos cœurs d'enfants
Puisque l'on sait de par le monde
Faire la paix pour quelques secondes
Au nom du Père et pour Noël
Que la trêve soit éternelle
Qu'elle taise à jamais les rancœurs
Et qu'elle apaise au fond des cœurs
La vengeance et la cruauté
Jusqu'au bout de l'éternité
Je n'ai pas l'ombre d'un pouvoir
Mais j'ai le cœur rempli d'espoir
Et de chansons pour aujourd'hui
Que sont des hymnes pour la vie
Et des ghettos, des bidonvilles
Du cœur du siècle de l'exil
Des voix s'élèvent un peu partout
Qui font chanter les gens debout
Vous pouvez fermer vos frontières
Bloquer vos ports et vos rivières
Mais les chansons voyagent à pied
En secret dans des cœurs fermés