13/03/2015 ALLEGRO Mégane CR : CHABERT Julie Anglais Pr. C


13/03/2015 ALLEGRO Mégane CR : CHABERT Julie Anglais Pr. C
Anglais – Reported – Patient - Vidéo
12 Pages
Reported – Patient – Vidéo
Plan :
A. Reported - p.103
I. Reported statements
II. Orders (Reported commands)
Reported questions
IV. Variantes
B. Patient - p.76-78
I. Verbs used in instructions
II. Physical examination
Writing a prescription
C. Vidéo - p.115-116 : The patient's complaint
A. Reported - p.103
C'est la situation où l'on doit répéter à une autre personne ce que quelqu'un nous a dit : passer l'information.
Cela peut être employé pour les phrases affirmatives ou négatives (statements), les phrases impératives (orders) et
les phrases interrogatives (questions). Il faut garder cette chronologie en tête:
Plu Perfect → Preterit → Present.
Pour rapporter les paroles de quelqu'un, il faut mettre le verbe de la phrase initiale au temps juste avant. Par
exemple si la phrase est au présent, la phrase rapportée sera au prétérit.
I. Reported statements
For reported statements:
• Change the verb tense
With the exception of Plu Perfect, some modals such as SHOULD, OUGHT TO
Change the 1st and 2nd person pronouns
He said to Mrs Wells: “I'll come around and see you” → He said that he would come round and see her.
Change the pointer words :
This → that
Tomorrow → the next day
These → those
Next week → the following week
Here → there
Yesterday → the day before
Now → then
2 days ago → 2 days earlier
Today → that day
Ex : She said : "Next week we'll study DNA" → She said that the following week they would study DNA.
“Yesterday I did a lecture on glycolysis” → He said that the day before he had done…
Anglais – Reported – Patient - Vidéo
When we report something that somebody said,
we usually change the tense of the verb like this :
NB :
SAY : It’s only when you say something.
Suivi de that.
TELL : When you speak to someone.
Suivi d'un objet ( me, par exemple...)
II. Orders (Reported commands)
Il s'agit de la forme impérative : She asked me TO do / She asked me NOT TO do
Command to do something
Keep your head still and poke out your tongue → He told me to keep my head still and poke out my tongue
Command NOT to do something
Don't forget your I.D. → He told me NOT to forget my I.D.
Reported questions
a. YES/NO questions
“Are you aware of any other symptoms” → He asked me if I was aware of any other symptoms
b. Wh-questions (what, who, how, which, when, where): questions ouvertes
Phrase objet : “Where is the nearest pharmacy ?” → She asked me WHERE the nearest pharmacy WAS.
Phrase sujet : “Who told you to take aspirin for a cold ?” → She asked me who had told me to take aspirin
for a cold.”
Paul came → Who came ?
Something happened → What happened ?
Anglais – Reported – Patient - Vidéo
IV. Variantes
BE SAID TO / BE REPORTED TO : "on dit que", "le bruit court que"
Examples :
Cathy works very hard.
She is said to work 16 hours a day.
The police are looking for a missing boy.
The boy is believed to be wearing a white pullover and
blue jeans.
The strike started three weeks ago.
The strike is expected to end soon.
A frend of mine has benn arrested.
He is alleged to have hit a policeman.
The two houses belong to the same family.
There is said to be a secret tunnel between them.
45.2 You can use these structures with a number of other verbs, especially :
- Alan speaks ten languages → Alan is supposed to speak ten languages
- He knows a lot of famous people →He is believed to know a lot of famous people
- He is very rich → He is alleged to be very rich
- He has 12 children →he is thought to have twelve children.
- He was an actor when he was younger → He's said to have been an actor
45.3 Complete the sentences using supposed to be + the following :
on a diet
a flower
my friend
a joke
a secret
1. Everybody seems to know about the plan, but it supposed to be a secret.
2. You shouldn't criticise me all the time. You _______________________.
3. I shouldn't be eating this cake really. I ___________________________.
4. I'm sorry for what I said. I was trying to be funny. It ________________.
5. What's this drawing? Is it a tree? Or maybe it _____________________.
6. You shouldn't be reading the paper now. You ______________________.
Answers :
2. are supposed to be my friend
3. am supposed to be on a diet
4. was supposed to be a joke
5. is supposed to be a flower
6. are supposed to be working
45.4 Write the sentences with supposed to + the following verbs. Use the negative (not supposed to) where
1. You 're not supposed to park here. It's private parking only.
2. We ________________________work at _.15, but we rarely do anything before 8.30.
3. Oh, I _______________________ Helen, but I completely forgot.
4. This door is a fire exit. You ___________________________ it.
5. My train __________________________ at 11.30, but it was an hour late.
Answers :
2. are supposed to start
3. was supposed to phone
4. are not supposed to block 5. was supposed to have arrived
Anglais – Reported – Patient - Vidéo
Reporting (p.107)
1. "I'm getting married"
Really? I had no idea _____________.
2. "I'm going to Tel Aviv"
I forgot ________________.
3. The meeting is at five.
No kidding? I had forgotten _____________.
4. "Strike over"
The paper said _______________.
5. "Car plunges into sea"
The Times headlines reported ______________.
Answers :
(that) you are getting married
(that) you are going to TA
(that) it was at five.
that the strike was over
that the car had plunged into the sea
Exercise C (p107) Complete the sentences with said or told.
0. She said she wasn't feeling very well.
1. Alex ______________ me that he wouldn't buy the tickets.
2. They ______________ that the train was going to be late.
3. She _______________ him that she was very angry with him.
4. She _______________ him that she couldn't help him.
5. Who _______________ you that I was leaving? It's not true!
6. They _______________ us that they were leaving in the morning.
7.He ________________ that he didn't know what was wrong with the car.
8. She _______________ she had four sisters.
9. She ________________ me that Tom worked in a factory.
10. He ________________ me that he was a doctor, but he ___________ Anna that he was a dentist.
Answers : 2, 7, 8 : SAY (car il n’y a pas d’objet). Pour les autres on met TELL.
Exercise 4 (p107) Transcrivez les énoncés suivants au discours direct.
The nutritionist asked Mary
what she ate when she could choose,
if she ate a lot,
what she would eat if she could choose,
if she had been eating a lot,
if she was eating out that evening,
how often she ate out,
how much she had eaten the day before,
where she would eat the next day,
how long she had been living there.
Answers :
What do you eat if you can choose?
Do you eat a lot?
What would you eat if you could choose?
Have you been eating out a lot?
Are you eating out this evening
How often do you eat out?
How much did you eat yesterday?
Where will you eat tomorrow?
How long have you been living here?
Anglais – Reported – Patient - Vidéo
Vocabulaire :
TO BOAST = se vanter
TO DEMAND = exiger
TO INSIST = insister
TO SIGH = soupirer
TO YELL = hurler/crier/brailler
TO WHISPER = chuchoter
TO COMPLAIN = se plaindre
TO EXPLAIN = expliquer
TO LISP = zézayer/zozoter
TO PLEAD = supplier (plaider sa cause)
TO STAMMER = bégayer
Exercise p 108 : put the previous words int the correct sentences. Use each word only once.
"Oh, but you can't go yet. You really must stay for dinner." she ______________________.
"Is anybody there?" The silence was only broken by the wind in the trees. "Is anybody there?" she _______.
"Don't waste my time. Where have you hidden the drugs?"
"Come on you reds!" ________________ the crowd, as Arsenal closed in for a second goal.
"I have to admit I'm briliant at art and science and music. Oh, and sport," she _______________.
"I love you Darren" she ________________, pushing the dark curls away from his ear.
"W... w... would you mind terribly if I k... k... k... kissed ypu?" he _________________.
"The company's cash-flow crisis makes it impossible to keep you all" ______________ the spokeman.
"There will be job losses, I'm afraid."
"Please don't kill my husband!" _______________ a tearful woman, as the soldiers lined a group of
captured rebels against a wall.
"This pasta is cold and the sauce is too salty" she ______________ to the waiter. "Have you got anything
edible on the menu?
"Yeth, that ith very pretty" the little girl _______________.
"Ah well," he __________________ "That's the end of that, I suppose. It was nice while it lasted."
Answers :
1. insisted
2. repeated
3. demanded
4. yelled
5. boasted
6. whispered
7. stammered
8. explained
9. pleaded
10. complained
11. lisped
12. sighed
Anglais – Reported – Patient - Vidéo
B. Patient - p.76-78
I. Verbs used in instructions
To bend down = se pencher en avant
Roll = pivoter, basculer, rouler
To curl up = se recroqueviller sur soi-même
Sit up = se redresser
floppy = mou
Slide = faire glisser
To pull = tirer /push = pousser
Slipp off = retirer
To put out = tirer
stand staight = se tenir droit
To tilt = faire basculer
To raise = lever (lift s’utilise plus dans le sens de soulever un poids)
Anglais – Reported – Patient - Vidéo
II. Physical examination
a. Examining a patient
When examining a patient, you should :
1. Introduce yourself, if necessary.
Good morning, I'm Dr. Mason.
2. Brief the patient on what he/she should expect in clear and simple way
Do you know what we're going to do this morning?
What we're going to do today is...
I’m going to examine your… so I can find out what’s causing this...
What we do is ...
What happens is that...
I'll ask you to...
Are you ready?
3. Instruct the patient in a clear but polite manner (see b. below)
4. Show sensitivity to the patient's need and respond to discomfort, reassuring.
You might feel a little bit of discomfort.
This might hurt a little but I'll be quick.
Tell me if it hurts
Let me know if it’s sore.
It will be over very quickly.
It won’t take long.
You're doing very well.
5. Talk the patient through the procedure.
I’m just going to...
First I’ll...
Now I’m going to...
You'll feel...
Then I’ll...
When it's over, I'll...
That's it. All over.
6 .Share your findings with the patient.
Well, I'm fairly certain you've got a...
One possibility is it could be what we call....
I haven't found anything to suggest any problems.
Anglais – Reported – Patient - Vidéo
b. Giving instructions
Il faut donner au patient l’impression qu’on ne lui donne pas que des ordres en employant des petits mots, sans
aucun sens spécifique, tels que : just, for me, just in case… pour ne pas heurter la personne.
exemple : Could you just lie on the couch ?
50.1 Complete the instructions using suitable verbs.
1. ____________straight ahead and _______________ your nose with your right forefingers; then with
your left forefinger.
2. ________________ on the edge of the couch and ______________ your legs hang loosely.
3. ________________ your eyelids tightly.
4._________________ all your clothes ______________ down to your underwear.
5. _________________ your chest with your chin.
6. _________________ slowly and look over your left shoulder.
7. _________________ on your side.
8. _________________ looking at me.
9. _________________ _______________ your sleeve.
10. ________________ _______________ the pin, not the light.
Answers :
1. Look / touch
2. Sit / let
3. Close
4. Take ... off. OU Take off / and strip
5. Touch
6. Turn
7. Roll
8. Keep
9. Roll up
10. Look at
Writing a prescription
a. Starting the interview
What’s brought you along today?
What seems to be the trouble?
Qu'est ce qui vous amène?
Qu'est ce qui ne va pas?
b. Explanation
I'm going to take your blood pressure, pulse
I'm going to examine you/ listen to your heart:
tension artérielle, pouls
examiner/ ausculter
c. Examination
Please get onto the couch :
I'd like you to move to the edge of the couch :
Would you please strip to the waist :
Would you slip off your shirt/ blouse :
Will you take off your bra :
to do a zip ≠ to undo a zip
to fasten a bra ≠ to unfasten a bra :
I want you to sit up straight :
Veuillez grimper sur table d'examen
Veuillez vous mettre sur le bord de la table d'examen
Veuillez vous mettre torse nu
enlever, faire glisser
retirer votre soutien-gorge
monter/fermer ≠ défaire/ ouvrir une fermeture éclair
agrafer ≠ dégrafer son soutien-gorge
s'asseoir le dos droit
Anglais – Reported – Patient - Vidéo
stand up, lean forward, bend down :
lie flat on your stomach/ lie face down :
lie flat on your back :
roll to your left/ right side :
Roll up your sleeve :
Lift your arm/ leg as far as you can :
Say 99 :
Breathe in/ out :
lever, pencher en avant
coucher sur le ventre/ à plat ventre
coucher sur le dos
retournez-vous sur le côté gauche/ droit
relevez votre manche
levez le bras/ la jambe aussi haut que possible
Equivalent de “dites 33”.
Inspirez/ expirez
d. Reassuring (rassurer)
Take it easy/ relax :
Don't get upset, worried, anxious about this:
ne vous alarmez/inquiétez pas
e. Further tests (examens complémentaires)
We will perform …
an electrocardiogram/ an x-ray/ a chest x-ray :
a urine test/ a blood test/ a lumbar puncture :
We will put you in plaster/ on a drip :
on va vous faire
ECG/ radio/ radio des poumons
examen d'urines/ prise de sang/ ponction lombaire
On va vous mettre un plâtre/ une perfusion
f. Prescription (l'ordonnance)
to write out a prescription :
I advise you to… :
give up smoking :
go on a diet/ slim down/ lose 10 kgs :
avoid standing upright :
You'd better stay in bed
I'm going to give you a prescription:
établir, rédiger ordonnance
je vous conseille de
arrêter de fumer
se mettre au régime/ perdre du poids/ perdre 10 kg
éviter la station debout
Vous feriez mieux de garder la chambre
je vais vous faire une ordonnance
Take 2 tablets before meals twice a day for a week :
Prenez 2 comprimés par jour avant les repas, pendant 1 semaine
C. Vidéo - p.115-116 : The patient's complaint
La prof nous a montré une vidéo d’un patient (Ted Margolis, 52 ans, chauffeur de taxi NB: ceci n'est pas une petite
annonce à visée matrimoniale, cace-dédi du CR à toi qui lit cette blague pourrie) qui explique ses symptômes à un
spécialiste après être allé voir son médecin généraliste.
Non verbal communication with the patient :
- The doctor stands up welcomes the patient with a handshake
- He keeps eyecontact with him
- He's smiling and sitting down next to him
Anglais – Reported – Patient - Vidéo
Impression of Dr DAVIS’s skills (compétences) :
• Used a patient-centred approach throughout the consultation (la manière d’aborder l’entretien était centrée
sur le patient).
• Began with open and moved to closed questions as appropriate : démarre sur des questions générales puis
se concentre de plus en plus sur l’inquiétude du patient.
• Refrained from employing leading and tag questions (leading questions : questions orientées, dans
lesquelles il y a déjà un peu la réponse).
• Enquired about specific features of the conditions (location, quality, severity, etc.)
• Asked about aggravating and alleviating (qui soulagent) factors.
• Enquired about associated manifestations.
• Used clear questions, avoiding complicated medical terminology.
• Employed appropriate tone of voice
I. Part one (00:00 to 01:35)
Makes notes on Ted MARGOLIS (character, family life etc.)
2 daughters
Married (it's his wife's birthday)
He's relaxed, jovial, opened
II. Part two (1:36 to 03:58)
Make notes on Ted MARGOLIS’s condition, under the following headings :
Location : on the chest
Quantity/ Severity : very painful, 8 on the scale on ten
Setting : when he hasn't eaten for a while
Associated Manifestations : no
Quality : sharp pain and feeling of fullness (impression d'avoir l'estomac plein)
Timing : over a year
Aggravating/ Alleviating : with fruit juices and hot drinks
8th Attribute* : he thinks he will be relieved with a treatment
(*manière dont le patient voit sa maladie et ce qu'il attend du médecin)
Complete the questions Dr DAVIS uses to ask about some of these attributes.
Can I ask you how bad the pain is when it comes on?
Have you noticed that anything/something makes it worse?
Does anything else relieve it?
Does the pain move anywhere, or does it just stay in that, that one spot?
Have you noticed anything else that comes along with the pain?
Anglais – Reported – Patient - Vidéo
Part three (03 :59 to 05 :50)
The doctor signals he is taking a new approach with the sentence :
“Can I ask you specific questions ?”
Why ? He wants to make a more accurate (précis) diagnosis.
How does the doctor rephrase the sentence : « And can I ask if your bowels have been ok ? » ?
“Are you going to the toilets alright ?”
The patient answers :
Yes I'm regular as clockwork ( "réglé comme du papier à musique")
What does it mean in the context ? He is going to the toilets regularly.
Why do you think the doctor doesn’t try to correct the patient when he says« they couldn’t find
nothing wrong when they did the ECG »?
C'est le début de la conversation, le médecin essaie d'abord d'établir une relation de confiance et n'interrompt pas le
Anglais – Reported – Patient - Vidéo
Cassedediiiii à celle qui m’a le plus manqué pendant ces deux heures j’ai nommé la plus fidèle des coronéotypeuse (ou presque ;)), ma mdoul, ma chouquette d’amour sans qui … ce serait pas pareil il faut le dire ;)
Bref trop d’amourrrrr
Ensuite mes acolytes qui sont toujours fidèles au poste (et heureusement qu’elles sont là !), Chrystelle et son
famouuuuus « qu’un verre ce soir ;) », Karina et son amour caché pour Sopranooo (encore merci pour ce
moment ;)) et Marianne pour sa bonne humeur (sa langue un peu trop pendue après deux verres.. mais c’est pour
ça qu’on t’aime ! Enfin surtout pour tes chutes en fait mdr) .
A Maevouille, à toutes ces années et c’est pas fini <3
Eeeeet (t’as cru que j’allais t’oublier ??!) à Sirzanna qu’on aura toujours pas réussi à trainer au Maxi mais je
garde espoir ;)
Et sûrement à mes derniers pas en amphi !