Fondecyt application


Fondecyt application
Formalities for a postdoc in Chile
(From France, arriving in Chile in January 2015)
Back home
-> Fondecyt application
- Online application on Conicyt website (items detailed on the website. The two
references asked corresponds to fill an online form)
The process once the funding is obtained is described here:
-> Visa de residente temporal
N.B.: for Fondecyt fellowship, you need a Temporary resident visa, and NOT a
Resident subject to contract visa.
The list of requirements was given on the website of Chilean consulate in Paris. I
send all the items by email. After 3 weeks, I received an email of the consulate
asking me to come to the consulate to collect my visa. It cost me 128 US$ and I had
to wait and come back in the afternoon.
I will have to renew it, as it is only valid for one year.
(Note: once the visa is obtained, it is valid only if the entry in Chile follows in the next
3 months)
Plus précisément, dans le cas français :
Liste des pièces (indiquée sur ce site) :
- Formulaire consulaire rempli (obtenu sur le site internet)
- Lettre de fondecyt (Certificado para tramites de obtencion de visa temporaria)
- Une lettre d’invitation de l’université (mais je pense qu’elle n’est pas
nécessaire, la précédente suffit sûrement)
- Un extrait d’acte de naissance (on peut le demander sur le site ou copie du livret de famille
- Un extrait de casier judiciaire (demande en ligne sur le site du ministère de la
- Un certificat médical “attestant la bonne santé de l’intéressé et certifiant qu’il
ne souffre pas de maladies contagieuses et/ou infectieuses”
- Assurance santé avec couverture internationale et rapatriement (MAIF pour
- Photocopie du passeport
- Une photo d’identité
Sur place (64 bd La Tour-Maubourg, Paris 7e, attention, le consulat n’ouvre au
public que le matin et seulement du lundi au jeudi): formulaire à remplir, et déposer
le passeport. Revenir quelques heures plus tard pour retirer le passeport et le visa
(coût = 128USD).
-> légalisation de documents
J’ai également profité du passage au consulat pour faire légaliser mon diplôme de
doctorat. Pour cela, il faut :
- faire une copie certifiée conforme dans une mairie
- aller au service légalisation du ministère des affaires étrangère ( 57 bd Invalides
Paris 7e) (coût = 2 €/document)
- retourner au consulat pour le faire légaliser (coût = 11€)
- ???- le faire légaliser au ministère des affaires étrangères au Chili ?-???)
After the arrival in Chile
-> ID (Cédula de identidad para extranjeros)
- At the border, the immigration officer gives a stamped paper (in addition to a stamp
in the passport)
- Go to the PDI (investigation police) with this paper to register the visa. They will
deliver a certificate (“certificado de registro de visa”)
- Go to the “registro civil” with this certificate in order to request the ID. It costs
40.000 chilean pesos, and you will get your R.U.N./R.U.T. (national identification
number) on the “comprobante de solicitud de cédula”.
- Information of the progress of the procedure can be checked on the website
It was supposed to take 12 days, I finally had to wait about 4 weeks.
- Go back to the registro civil (with your passport and your “comprobante de
solicitud”) to withdraw the “cédula”
-> Fondecyt
- Sign the contract at the university, and gives them a copy of the visa
- Send to fondecyt a copy of the “cedula” or a copy of the “solicitud de cedula” (they
sent me an email to request this item).
- Send them a certificate of the doctoral degree ? (not requested yet, but I think I
already sent it with my application, in May)
- declare the bank account on
Notes: I had to wait for the signed copy of the contract for a long time: I signed it in
mid-January, and now (beginning of March) I’m still waiting for the contract..
-> Taxes
- go to the nearest Tax service office (Unitad del SII) with the cédula in order to get
an initial password
- go on website before 30 days to get a secret password
- declare the incomes (“una boleta”) online on
-> Healthcare
Some choices:
- Fonasa (public)
- Isapre (private)
Other formalities
-> Bank account
People recommended Scotiabank and Banco Edwards to me.
Formalities for Scotiabank:
- First appointment to submit a file (with RUT, passport+visa, work contract or
fondecyt letter)
- Few days later, another appointment to sign contract. It is mandatory to deposit
1.000.000 CLP in savings as a guarantee
- Approx. a week later, the credit and debit cards can be withdrawn at the bank. After
activation of the card on an A.T.M., the website functionalities are also activated
(such as bank transfers).
Note: La conseillère (Paula Arenas, de l’agence de Reñaca) m’avait prévenu à
chaque fois par téléphone.
-> Housing
Some useful websites:
Prices can be presented en “unidad de fomento (UF)”, with an exchange rate given
(in February 2015: 1UF = 25 000CLP)
Prices vary a lot function of the districts and the age of the appartement. In center
Valparaiso, I pay 350.000 CLP for a 4-room apartment.
Note that during summer (January-February), rentals for vacations are frequent,
usually at a higher rent.
-> Phone
The main providers are Mobistar and Entel.
A convenient solution is the prepaid (“prepagado”) SIM card. For less than
20.000CLP (and no paperwork requested), I got an Entel SIM card, a basic phone
and some communication credit (enough for two months, with formalities with bank,
internet providers, etc…)
People told me that it is more complicated to obtain a smartphone plan, but I did not
try to.
-> Internet
Main providers: VTR and Claro
Contact on website and less than a week for home installation. It costs about
35.000CLP monthly (without TV).
-> Driving licence
At the beginning, you can drive with your foreign driving licence, but a Chilean
driving licence is requested in order to drive past 3 months.

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