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Blog Export: ZX-81's web site,
Wednesday, June 28. 2006
PSPVBA: GameBoy Advance Emulator for PSP v1.0.2 (speed)
Hi All,
Here is a new version of PSPVBA the GameBoy Advance Emulator for PSP.
What's new in version 1.0.2 :
- Major speed improvement !!!
- Better Sound quality (rewritten)
- Add new render modes (smooth)
- Zip file support
- PNG screenshots (instead of BMP)
- Many bug fix
- Code cleaning
How to use it ?
Have a look to the README.txt file !
Two binary versions (for 2.x and 1.5 FW) and sources are included in the zip archive.
This package is under GPL Copyright, read COPYING file for more information about it.
Posted by zx-81 in GameBoy Adv at 22:49
hey, id have to say im pretty impressed zx-81. there is a noticeable difference in speed and the sound quality is alot better than b4,
you can tell its all commin together nicely. if u keep workin at this paste we'll have an awesome gba emulator in no time. thanx alot
and keep up they great work!!!!
disturbed PsP on Jun 28 2006, 23:53
Merci beaucoup pour cet emulateur t'es le meilleur^^
yaya69 on Jun 28 2006, 23:55
Hello man. im impressed with your project. ?I want to ask you if you can add a feature: to play the games in full screen and not in a
Keep up the good work
Exoskeletor on Jun 29 2006, 00:09
Also are you going to add support for save states from different emulators?
Exoskeletor on Jun 29 2006, 00:18
yes i know. i will see with a 2.0 FW owner to find the bug ...
Thanks for your coments .
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zx-81 on Jun 29 2006, 00:22
there are already a full screen mode (choose max in the emulator menu).
Take care,
zx-81 on Jun 29 2006, 00:24
It's not easy to develop such a feature ... ..
Thanks for your attention .
Anonymous on Jun 29 2006, 00:25
Ok this support is not a top priority. I hope in a few days we will enjoy gba in full speed.
Please pleease after this project please release an emulator for amiga or improve the pspuae
Exoskeletor on Jun 29 2006, 00:28
Good job you're the best. Do you think you can make more faster than you had alrady made? Thank you for this good job.
Airtoof on Jun 29 2006, 00:30
Quick updates, keep up the good work!
Samaticon on Jun 29 2006, 00:45
right on dude, im happy with the way things are going with ur emulator! as soon as there is good sound and good speed. i will be sure
to donate 200$ thats the least i can do money is nothing to me. keep up the great work and quick updates.
rich psp owner on Jun 29 2006, 00:54
2.0 will crash.....
aa on Jun 29 2006, 03:13
Question: whenever I try and use the saveslot for Metal Gear2 it says: "Can't save file!". Am I missing something? Do I have to make
a .sav file 1st or something? Also, how would you go about getting snatcher to work? I go to load disk, reset msx, then it boots up, but
I get the blue start screen where it says: MSX BASIC version 2.1...etc. Any help would be appretiated and thanks for all your hard
random henchman on Jun 29 2006, 05:15
Gah FFS wrong section >.
random henchman on Jun 29 2006, 05:17
Great work on this and many other excellent emulation projects, ZX-81. Your rate and quality of progress is nothing short of amazing!
Have you written or can you recommend any beginners tutorials for emulation coding? I'm interested in learning so I may someday
be able to contribute. As I said, I'm just a beginner, with a limited knowledge of C/C++, but would greatly appreciate any help. TIA.
OneWingedAngel on Jun 29 2006, 07:43
So what did you do to improve speed? I still don't see any changes to the ARM core or the graphics renderers...
Exophase on Jun 29 2006, 07:52
Am I being dim or is the Smooth render mode not available?
Kempston on Jun 29 2006, 11:21
PSPUae ? why not if nobody works on it ...
zx-81 on Jun 29 2006, 12:40
we can always do better and better ...
zx-81 on Jun 29 2006, 12:47
Thanks for the link
zx-81 on Jun 29 2006, 12:48
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In the .zip archive there are a pspvba/save directory, and it seems that this @!(&$# of windoz zip software doesn't extract empty
directories ! So you have to create manually a directory called "save" in the pspvba directory.
zx-81 on Jun 29 2006, 12:50
To learn C/C++, i suggest you to use google, there are plenty of tutorials/lectures etc ... on the web .
The one i like better on c++ is "thinking in c++" from Bruce Eckel. (you can find his book in pdf/html format on the web).
zx-81 on Jun 29 2006, 12:55
It depends of the game you run. And if you have a
zx-81 on Jun 29 2006, 12:56
In render max or render fit mode, if you don't see the difference between this version and the previous one, i suggest you to wash
your PSP screen lol !
zx-81 on Jun 29 2006, 12:58
I'm sorry for my english, I'm french and I'm not good. Do you think the speed will be full in your next realese. I take lesson on C
langage and I want to program on psp, but I don't have platform devellopement, can you help me?? Thank's for your answer.
Airtoof on Jun 29 2006, 13:16
If you're french, speak french lol ... Je sais pas si on peut atteindre la vitesse max, mais on peut toujours s'en rapprocher .
zx-81 on Jun 29 2006, 13:43
Comment est-ce que tu crée tes eboot, j'ai cherché sur google, mais sans rien trouver, quelle est ta plateforme de developpement? Et
à quand la nouvelle release lol?
Merci encore pour ce magnifique travail.
Ps:quand je vais dans la configuration des touches, et que je reviens au menu précédent, il y a un bug d'affichage.
Airtoof on Jun 29 2006, 13:53
Are you really going to improve pspuae? im going to give you a hell of a support if you do that. Millions of peoples want that around
the web. You can find the source code here:
Please improve it
Exoskeletor on Jun 29 2006, 13:54
J'ai testé l'émulateur avec une rom de 32mo, le jeu ne se lance pas alors que sur mon pc elle se lance, une idée?
J'ai fais le test avec deux rom de 32mo, c'est pareil pour les deux.
Pourrais-tu faire en sorte que l'émulateur garde en mémoire la configuration que l'on met??
Airtoof on Jun 29 2006, 15:45
pour le coup du menu qui se rafraichit mal, je l'avais vu mais j'avais oublié de le corriger ... Merci en tout ca de tes commentaires .
Sinon pour les eboots etc, je t'invite a aller sur un forum en francais pour qu'ils t'explique tout ca .... Moi je developpe sous linux, et
donc je vais pas pouvoir t'aider sous windobe.
zx-81 on Jun 29 2006, 16:04
Merci pour ta réponse, sache que pour compiler j'utilise mandriva qui est une variante de linux donc tu peux peut-etre m'aider lol.
Merci d'avance.
Airtoof on Jun 29 2006, 16:10
I've already worked on it ... i will continue
zx-81 on Jun 29 2006, 16:12
La rom est trop grosse ... La PSP ne dispose pas d'assez de RAM pour ca ...
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Anonymous on Jun 29 2006, 16:22
salur zx
jte felicite pour ton boulot sur tout tes emulateur et je suis content que tu reprenne la releve pour la gba
j'ai un petit service lol esque pour le prochain release tu pourrais mettre le mod fullscreen ca serai super cool
bonne chance pour la suite et bon boulot!
benja32 on Jun 29 2006, 16:24
You are working also on pspuae? Great!! For how long? if you release something of course we will find it here right?
Exoskeletor on Jun 29 2006, 17:29
Tu connaitrais pas un découpeur de rom gba??
Airtoof on Jun 29 2006, 18:01
Thanks a lot! You did a great job!
now just give us a bit more speed and i'll be your slave forever!
Damon on Jun 29 2006, 19:28
Nice job ZX i HOPE really that you make it work on 100 % Speed I like GBA games but i like it better if i can play it on my favorite
TY ZX and lots of succes
Rogier on Jun 29 2006, 20:52
I have a zipped rom (orig 32MB/zipped 14MB) which does not work. The only thing the emulator displays is a white screen, then the
PSP shuts down.
MedievalManIII on Jun 29 2006, 21:02
hi there, just wanna say thank you
keep improving it please
Roike on Jun 29 2006, 21:12
Ca existe deja, il suffit de choisir le mode max dans le menu de l'emulateur .
zx-81 on Jun 29 2006, 21:41
does this work on 2.6 and if it does why is it that i get a little space shootem up game which loads instead of the gba emulator not
allowing me to load my roms.
can some1 please give me a detailed guide on how to install properly or help me fix my problem. Thanks
K9 on Jun 29 2006, 22:37
So it means it works lol ! PRess the select key of the emulator to enter in the emulator menu ...
zx-81 on Jun 29 2006, 22:56
Zx the full screen i think its strange. it shows more than it has to show and thats why the graphics arent good.
Like someone says it doesnt show everything in full speed
Exoskeletor on Jun 30 2006, 00:37
woow this emulator is very nice compared when playing on a gba screen and on an excellent psp screen. Good work man!!!!
Can you tell me if its possible to reach full speed some day? the snes emulator is almost full speed the snes9xtyl version but the gba
is more powerful then snes and less powerful then n64 so the n64 emu by strnnnmnnnn runs nearly the same as gba emu (yours)
I love you on Jun 30 2006, 05:55
I will do all my best to make it going faster, but i don't think we will reached full speed for all games ....
zx-81 on Jun 30 2006, 09:53
salut zx,
merci pour tout le boulot que tu fournit a la communauter psp!
conte tu sortir un release dans les jours qui vienne selon le travail que tu a fait ou alors tu a des dates bien precise tout les trois
jour,... j'attend avec impatience, esque tu avance bien dans ton travail ?
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benja32 on Jun 30 2006, 10:05
Pour l'instant je n'ai pas fait de progres suffisant pour faire une release. J'ai fixe les differents bugs et ajouté les fonctionnalités genre
affichage fps etc ... J'ai quelques idees pour ameliorer la vitesse, mais ca demande pas mal de temps pour mettre en oeuvre et tester
tout ca ..
Anonymous on Jun 30 2006, 10:08
Sa prend combien de temps à peu près?
Anonymous on Jun 30 2006, 13:31
Je ne pense pas passer beaucoup plus d'une semaine encore sur cet emulateur ... Donc le temps de tester les quelques idees que
j'ai en tete, y'en a pour quelques jours ...
@++ Ludo.
zx-81 on Jun 30 2006, 14:06
Et après sa il tournera à plein régime??
Pourrais tu rajouter une fonction qui mémorise le dernier état de l'émulateur?
Merci beaucoup pour tous les émulateur que tu as pu faire, c'est vraiment formidable, merci encore.
Airtoof on Jun 30 2006, 15:30
J'ai bien compris ? quand tu dit: "e ne pense pas passer beaucoup plus d'une semaine encore sur cet emulateur" ca veux dire que tu
te sens capable de le rendre fullspeed en si peux de temps ? j'espere que oui bonne chance zx!
benja32 on Jun 30 2006, 15:32
hi zx, great work! just a notificatoin, i have trouble presssing select to get to the menu with version 2.6, sry if i am making you repeat
your previous comments, i cant read french ,
what happens to the select button, it freezes the psp and shuts down
matt on Jun 30 2006, 18:07
Hey ZX,
are you planning on using kernal whenever the kernal exploit for 2.5/2.6 is perfected?
I've heard someone say you probably will but i havnt heard it from you directly
jOeBrO on Jun 30 2006, 19:01
oh and i forgot to add...
keep up the great work man your a machine when it comes to this stuff
Anonymous on Jun 30 2006, 19:03
You can try with the EBOOT of the 1.5FW version ...
zx-81 on Jun 30 2006, 19:48
Top notch stuff man, droped 5 euro into ur paypal account so u can treat urself to a nice cold one on me!!!!!
Anonymous on Jun 30 2006, 22:05
many many thanks ! I will have a very cold drink thanks to you
zx-81 on Jun 30 2006, 22:46
does any 1 knw if de NDS emulator 4 Diamond works?
Anonymous on Jul 31 2008, 08:24
hey man when i go to the emlator on my psp 3000 (6.60 firmware) it say the data is corrupted. is there a solution to the roblem?
Brian on May 19 2012, 16:54
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