Course Code FREN 33032 Course Title Applied Linguistics


Course Code FREN 33032 Course Title Applied Linguistics
Course Code
Course Title
Learning outcomes
Course Content
Method of teaching and
Recommended Reading
FREN 33032
Applied Linguistics & Teaching Methodology
Completion of all Core course units at level 2
At the completion of the course students should be able to demonstrate the
ability to grasp methods in teaching French as a foreign language and the
concepts of Applied Linguistics.
Basic principals of applied linguistics and teaching
Practical approaches to teaching a foreign language
Lectures, discussions, observations and practical exercises
Based on oral communicative skills in class assignments, continuous
assessments and a written examination at the end of the course
Salins G. (1996), Grammaire pour l'enseignement/ apprentissage du FLE,
Didier / Cuq J. (1996), Une Introduction à la Didactique de la Grammaire en
Française Langue Etrangères, Didier

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