WHAT`S THE WEATHER LIKE ? - Bridget`s English pages.


WHAT`S THE WEATHER LIKE ? - Bridget`s English pages.
below freezing : en dessous de zéro.
icy : glacial, verglacé.
frosty: glacial, givré.
cold: froid.
chilly: froid.
cool: frais.
refreshing: rafraîchissant.
mild: doux.
warm: chaud (agréable)
hot: chaud.
boiling hot: très chaud.
scorching: canniculaire, torride, brûlant.
heat wave: vague de chaleur.
Snow storm: tempête de neige.
snowy: neigeux.
snowflakes: flocons de neige.
snowfall: chute de neige.
snow: neige to snow : neiger..
flurries: légères chutes de neige.
sleet: neige fondue, pluie verglaçante.
hail: grêle. to hail : grêler.
frost: gel, givre. to freeze/ to frost up : geler.
to pour: pleuvoir à verse.
flood : crue.
flooded : innondé.
rain : la pluie to rain : pleuvoir. (cats and dogs)
rainy : pluvieux.
rainy spell : ondée.
light rain : pluie fine.
heavy rain : grosse averse.
shower: averse.
showery: pluvieux.
drizzle : bruine. to drizzle: bruiner.
drizzling: bruineux.
fog : brouillard.
foggy: brumeux.
mist: brume.
misty: brumeux.
overcast: couvert.
cloud: nuage.
cloudy: nuageux.
to cloud over : se couvrir.
to dissipate / to clear up : se dissiper .
dull / grey: maussade.
damp = wet: humide.
partly cloudy: partiellement couvert.
mostly cloudy : très couvert / rare éclaircies.
sun : soleil.
sunny : ensoleillé.
sunny spell : éclaircie.
sunshine : ensoleillement.
clear = fair : clair, sans nuage.
dry : sec. drought : secheresse.
hurricane : ouragan.
typhoon : typhon.
cyclone =
twister = tornado: tornade.
windstorm: tempête de vent.
blustery: venteux en bourrasques.
wind : vent. to blow: souffler.
windy : venteux.
breeze : brise.
breezy : avec de la brise.
weathercock : girouette.
storm = tempest : orage, tempête.
stormy: orageux.
thunder : tonnerre. to thunder: tonner.
thunderstorm: orage.
thunderclap: coup de tonnerre.
thundery showers: averses orageuses.
lightning: foudre.
flash of lightning: éclair.
to strike: frapper.
degrees: degrés.
weather forecast / report: previsions météo.
plus: pour indiquer les temp. +
minus : les temp –
high : la temp la plus élévée.
low : la plus basse.
1) Observe the weather report in Blue River
Canada for today, and then write a report
for the following locations:
2) Find the words corresponding to the
definitions :
a) A light wind : _______________________________________
b) When the sky is blue because there there are no
clouds : ______________________________________________
c) Raining slightly :____________________________________
d) cold: _________________________________________________
e) A long period with no rain fall: ___________________
f) Overflow of rain water: ___________________________
g) Very light snowfall: ________________________________
h) Icy crystals on a frozen surface: __________________
i) Small pieces of ice that fall during a storm:______
j) Slippery because of ice: ___________________________
k) No sun is visible: ___________________________________
l) Extremely hot temperature: ______________________
m) Light rainstorm: ____________________________________
n) Frozen water that warms slightly as it falls to
earth: _______________________________________________
o) The crashing of clouds often followed by a
strike of lightning and heavy rain: ________________
p) Violently spinning windstorm:____________________
q) Thick water vapor that blocks one’s vision: _____
r) The expected weather for the future:_____________
s) Blowing air outside:________________________________
t) moisture in the air:_________________________________
u) the sky is sunny but there are a few clouds :