Summer Term 1 Medium term plan


Summer Term 1 Medium term plan
Add Pe verbs to instructions – marchez, courez, marchez sur la
pointe des pieds, sautez. Comment ça va ? ça va très bien,
comme ci comme ça, ça ne va pas. Revise numbers 0 – 31.
Months. Quelle est la date de ton anniversaire ? mon
anniversaire c’est le…. Le muguet porte le bonheur.
em, é,
1 er mai -
Children notice patterns with phonemes in
the words they are learning.
Children begin to recognise different word
classes and gender.
Le muguet
NC P.o.S Objectives
Pupils will listen and respond to simple
rhymes, stories and songs
Year 3
Pupils engage in conversations, ask and
answer questions
Summer 1
Pupils will read some familiar words
aloud and pronounce them accurately
Pupils will write simple words using a
model and may write some familiar
words from memory
Pupils will follow a short familiar text
listening and reading at the same time
Pupils will listen for specific words and
see attached
Classroom Routines
La salle de classe
Pupils will make links between some
phonemes, rhymes and spellings and
read aloud familiar words
Pupils will recognise some familiar words
in written form
Paris webcam –
Eiffel tower &
arc de triomphe
Link to languages ladder
Stories, Songs, Finger Rhymes
Monsieur Pouce
alphabet chant,
je veux mon p’titpot
Listening - A1 Grade 1 understand a few
familiar words and phrases
Speaking – A1 Grade 1 say/repeat a few
words and short simple phrases
to visitors to the classroom.
Corridor challenge – ça va?
C’est quel jour
Countdown from 10 or 5
Reading – A1 Grade 1 beginning to
recognise and read out a few familiar
words and phrases
Finger Rhymes
Writing –A1 Grade 1 write or copy simple
Alphabet chant for brain gym
Classroom instructions
Year 3 & 4 Parcels Summer 1 & 2
Begin to say what the
weather is like today in
Each day say what the
date is in French
Sing the months or
birthday song from
Visit Paris via a webcam. Spend 5 minutes looking
up new words in the
dictionary and begin to
classify them and add
them to the right display
Use some of the
Begin to ask comment ça
Play number lotto ( 1-31) instructions in French as va? as much as possible
part of warm up in PE
when you see members
of staff on the corridor
or when they visit your
Rain forest animals – link to colours and learn the rules.
Add PE verbs to instructions – marchez, courez, marchez sur la pointe des
pieds, sautez. Comment ça va ? ça va très bien, comme ci comme ça, ça ne va
En, eu,
recall j and oi
Children notice patterns with phonemes in
the words they are learning.
Children begin to recognise different word
classes and gender.
Le muguet – 1er
Muguet – 1er mai
Numbers – 0-31 + months+ quelle est la date de ton anniversaire
NC P.o.S Objectives
Pupils will listen and respond to simple
rhymes, stories and songs
Year 4
Summer 1
Pupils engage in conversations, ask and
answer questions
Le calendrier & la
Pupils will make links between some
phonemes, rhymes and spellings and
read aloud familiar words
Pupils will recognise some familiar words
in written form
Stories, Songs, Finger Rhymes
Pupils will write simple words using a
model and may write some familiar
words from memory
Pupils will listen for specific words and
Pupils will begin to use a dictionary to
look up words and find meaning
Classroom Routines
Link to languages ladder
Pupils will read some familiar words
aloud and pronounce them accurately
Pupils will follow a short familiar text
listening and reading at the same time
see attached
Voici ma main, voici mes doigts, le petit
rentre chez toi, le moyen rentre chez toi, le
grand rentre chez toi et toi…mets ton nez là
Monsieur Pouce
alphabet chant,
je veux mon p’titpot
loup loup y es-tu?
Listening - A1 Grade 1 understand a few
familiar words and phrases
Speaking – A1 Grade 1 say/repeat a few
words and short simple phrases
to visitors to the classroom.
Corridor challenge – ça va?
C’est quel jour
Countdown from 10 or 5
Reading – A1 Grade 1 beginning to
recognise and read out a few familiar
words and phrases
Finger Rhymes
Writing –A1 Grade 1 write or copy simple
Alphabet chant for brain gym
Classroom instructions
Revise masculine animals and teach , une souris, une tortue, AS-tu un animal
à la maison ? C’est masculin/c’est féminin. Dictionary work for own animals.
in, ent
recognise different word classes and
actively use them and explain
revise j, oi & en
Revise colours and introduce rules for masculine & feminine
check phoneme
sheets this half term
Clothes – masculine/feminine & plural link to colours.
Le muguet & 1 mai.
NC P.o.S Objectives
Pupils will listen and respond to simple rhymes,
stories and songs
Pupils engage in conversations, ask and answer
Pupils will write in sentences using familiar
vocabulary, phrases and basic structures with
increasing success.
Pupils will follow a short familiar text listening
and reading at the same time (deux petits
Pupils will pick out main details from a
conversation (animals) and a song (mon sac à
Pupils will begin to use a dictionary to look up
words and find meaning and to broaden
Read and understand the main points from a
short written passage
Year 5
meet the high frequency verb avoir explicitly in the je, tu, il & elle forms
apply knowledge of language rules and
conventions when building short
Parcels –
Intercultural Understanding
see attached sheet
Le muguet
Summer 1
Link to languages ladder
Listening – A1 Grade 2 understand
a range of familiar spoken phrases
Speaking – A1 Grade 3 ask and
answer simple questions
Reading – A1 Grade 2 understand
familiar written phrases
Writing – A1 Grade 2 write one or
two short sentences and fill in the
words on a simple form
Classroom Routines
Stories, Songs, Finger Rhymes
une souris verte, la poule grise
deux petits oiseaux
les saisons finger rhyme
introduce comment dit-on ?
develop est-ce que je peux to include
avoir + classroom objects
deux petits oiseaux as a finger rhyme
les saisons finger rhyme
Revise animals – un chien, un chat, un cheval, un hamster, un poisson, un
lapin, intro colours then feminine animals une souris, une tortue, and rules.
AS-tu un animal à la maison ?
Intro clothes & colours
recognise different word classes and
actively use them and explain
in, ent
meet the high frequency verb avoir explicitly in the je, tu, il & elle forms
revise j, oi & en
apply knowledge of language rules and
conventions when building short
Le muguet porte le bonheur
NC P.o.S Objectives
Pupils will listen and respond to simple rhymes,
stories and songs
Pupils engage in conversations, ask and answer
Pupils will write in sentences using familiar
vocabulary, phrases and basic structures with
increasing success.
Pupils will follow a short familiar text listening
and reading at the same time (deux petits
Pupils will pick out main details from a
conversation (animals) and a song (mon sac à
Pupils will begin to use a dictionary to look up
words and find meaning and to broaden
Read and understand the main points from a
short written passage
Year 6
Parcels –
see attached sheet
Summer 1
Intercultural Understanding
Le muguet – 1er mai
feminine? & la
Link to languages ladder
Listening – A1 Grade 2 understand
a range of familiar spoken phrases
Speaking – A1 Grade 3 ask and
answer simple questions
Reading – A1 Grade 2 understand
familiar written phrases
Writing – A1 Grade 2 write one or
two short sentences and fill in the
words on a simple form
Stories, Songs, Finger Rhymes
Classroom Routines
une souris verte, la poule grise
introduce comment dit-on ?
deux petits oiseaux
develop est-ce que je peux to include
avoir + classroom objects
les saisons finger rhyme
dans mon sac à dos
loup loup y es-tu ?
deux petits oiseaux as a finger rhyme
les saisons finger rhyme
Year 5 & 6 Parcels Summer 1 & 2
During register time
answer in French by
saying ça va bien/comme
çi comme ça/ça ne va pas
Begin to say what the
weather is like today in
Each day ask a pupil to
say what date it is in
French – if possible
Use the ‘est-ce que je
peux aller aux
toilettes/chercher de
l’eau s’il vous plait?’
whenever possible in
class through the week.
Visit Paris via a webcam.
Use some of the
instructions in French as
part of warm up in PE
Spend 5 minutes looking
up new words in the
dictionary and begin to
classify them and add
them to the right display
Play lotto either with
numbers 1-31 or with
days of the week or with
the months