登壇者略歴 Ron Akehurst Gérard de Pouvourville


登壇者略歴 Ron Akehurst Gérard de Pouvourville
Ron Akehurst
Ron Akehurst is a Professor Emeritus of Health Economics at The University of Sheffield and the
Strategic Director or BresMed, a HTA consulting company. Ron holds his Chair in ScHARR, one of the
world's leading centres for Health Services Research with in excess of 200 staff. Professor Akehurst
stepped down as Dean of ScHARR in 2010, having founded and run the School for 17 years. His
academic interests are primarily in Health Technology Assessment (HTA) and he has published widely in
that area, contributing to the development of methods of HTA. In addition he has carried out research and
conducted HTAs in many different therapeutic areas. He has had some involvement in developing HTA
processes in other countries, including Hungary and Korea.
Ron was a founding member of the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) Appraisal
Committee, serving on it for 7 years; served on the NICE Topic Selection Committee; the NICE Public
Health Interventions Advisory Committee and is currently a member of the NICE Diagnostics Advisory
Committee. He is also a member of the Advisory Group on National Specialised Services (AGNSS)
which advises the Secretary of State for Health on organisation of services for people with very rare
conditions. Past activities include a 2 year period as an Economic Advisor in the Department of Health, a
five year period as economic advisor to North Western Regional Health Authority, seven years as
founding Director of the York Health Economics Consortium and three years as a Specialist Advisor to
the House of Commons Health Select Committee. Ron spent 3 years as a Non-Executive Director of
Rotherham Health Authority, responsible for commissioning Health Services.
Ron has been providing consulting services to many pharmaceutical and devices companies since 1984.
This has involved supporting early stage decisions on whether to kill products; developing strategies for
evidence development as well as preparing cost effectiveness cases. He has been involved in preparing
HTA submissions to many bodies, including NICE, SMC, TLV, PBAC and CADTH. He has also advised
companies on developing their in house HEOR capabilities.
Gérard de Pouvourville
Gérard de Pouvourville est diplômé de l’Ecole polytechnique et Docteur en Economie et Administration
des Entreprises. Il a commencé sa carrière de chercheur en 1973, au sein du Centre de Recherche en
Gestion de l’Ecole polytechnique. Recruté en tant que chargé de recherche au CNRS en 1980, il a été
nommé Directeur de Recherche de 2ème classe en 1989. En 1993, il a pris la direction scientifique du
Groupe Information Médicale et Aide à la Gestion des Etablissements, à l’Ecole Nationale de la Santé
Publique. En 2000, Gérard de Pouvourville a été nommé Directeur du Centre de Recherche en Economie
et Gestion Appliquée à la Santé, unité mixte CNRS-INSERM contractualisée avec l’Université Paris XI.
Il a exercé cette fonction jusqu’au 1er janvier 2006, pour prendre la responsabilité de l’équipe de
recherche « Rationalisation du système de santé » au sein du Centre de Recherche Médecine et Société,
unité mixte CNRS-INSERM-EHESS. Gérard de Pouvourville est un spécialiste du secteur de la santé. Au
cours de sa carrière, il a réalisé des travaux sur les thèmes suivants : l’analyse comparative des systèmes
de santé, l’évaluation des politiques publiques de santé, le financement des services de santé, le
développement des systèmes d’information en santé, l’évaluation économique des actions de santé.
Gérard de Pouvourville est Directeur de thèse à Ecole polytechnique, à l’Université Paris IX-Dauphine, à
l’Université Paris VII, à l’Université Paris XI. (16 thèses dirigées et soutenues, 2 thèses en cours en
sciences économiques à l’Université Jean Monnet, Paris XI, 3 thèses en cours en santé publique, Faculté
de Médecine de Bicêtre, Paris XI ; 2 thèses en Sciences Economiques, Université Jean-Monnet, Paris XI).
Il a participé à plus de 20 jurys de thèse et à 5 jurys d’HDR. Il a enseigné en 3ème cycle à Paris
Dauphine, à Paris VII, Paris I. De 2000 à 2006, il a été responsable de l’option « Economie de la Santé du
DEA (puis du M2 recherche) de Santé Publique à la faculté de médecine de Paris XI.
Gérard de Pouvourville est membre des Comités de Rédaction de l’European Journal of Health
Economics, du Journal of Medical Economics et de Sciences Sociales et Santé. Il a participé à la création
de la revue Gérer et Comprendre. Il a été membre du Comité National de la Recherche au CNRS, membre
du Conseil Scientifique de l’INSERM et administrateur de l’INSERM.
Conseiller scientifique du Ministère de la Santé, Direction des Hôpitaux depuis 1982, Gérard de
Pouvourville a également été consultant auprès d’établissements hospitaliers publics et de nombreux
laboratoires pharmaceutiques.
J.-Matthias Graf von der Schulenburg
Prof. Dr. J.-Matthias Graf von der Schulenburg, born in 1950, is teaching risk and insurance and health
economics at the Leibniz University Hannover. He is the director of the Institute for Risk and Insurance
and Competence Center for Risk and Insurance, Hannover. Furthermore he is leading the Center for
Health Economics and is the president of the German Society for Health Economics. Besides his
appointment to the professorship in Hannover, he was also appointed by the universities of Cologne, TU
Berlin, Ulm and Munich (LMU) what he declined.
After he had studied economics and law in Göttingen he joined the Institute for International Economic
Relations at the LMU in Munich where he received his PhD. Following one year as assistant professor at
Princeton University, NJ, he directed the International Institute for Management at the Research Center
Schulenburg is or has been co-editor of several journals, e.g. Health Economics, Journal of Health
Economics, Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Theory, European Journal on Law and Economics,
Quarterly Letters for Social Law and Homo Oeconomicus. Currently he is the editor in chief of the
European Journal of Health Economics, the open-access-journal Health Economics Review and the
Journal for Insurance Science (Zeitschrift für die gesamte Versicherungswissenschaft).
For his works he was awarded for the first prize for Health Economics of the German Federal Health
Department in 1981. He also received the Jan Blanpain Award in 1989, the Alexander von Humbold
Award in 1990 followed by the American Risk and Insurance Award in 1992, the Pharmig Award in 1998,
the Drustvo Ekonomistov V Zdravstvu (Association of Health Economist of Slowenia) Award 2003 and
the Hyppocrates Award 2011. He is a full member of the Academy of Sciences and Literature in Mainz
and the European Academy for Sciences and Arts.
Finn B. Kristensen Chairman of the executive committee, European Network for Health Technology Assessment
(EUnetHTA) and director of its coordinating secretariat, National Board of Health, Denmark since 2009.
Adjunct professor in health services research and health technology assessment at University of Southern
Denmark from 1999.
Formerly director of the Danish Centre for Health Technology Assessment (DACEHTA), National Board
of Health, Denmark 1997-2009.
University graduate in medicine, PhD in epidemiology and medical specialities as primary care and
public health physician. Involved with international projects in health services research, epidemiology,
health technology assessment, and clinical practice guidelines since the 1980ies.
Past chairman of the International Network of Agencies for Health Technology Assessment (INAHTA)
(2003-2006), member of the ISPOR Board of Directors (2011-13).
Project leader of EUnetHTA, (2006-2008; www.eunethta.net), editor of Health Technology Assessment
Handbook (English, translated), 2007, and chief editor of three peer reviewed publication series from
DACEHTA 1998-2009.
Tony Yen-Huei Tarn
Tony, Yen-Huei Tarn, MS., PhD.
Currently: 1. Executive Director, Center for Pharmaceutical Care Development,
Taiwan Pharmacist Association
2. Executive member of Western-Pacific Pharmaceutical Forum (WPPF) under FIP for 6 years
representing Taiwan
3. 2012~2014:ISPOR Chair-Elect, Asia Consortium Executive Committee
4. Co-Chair, 2012 ISPOR 5thAsia-Pacific Conference in Taiwan
Director, Division of Health Technology Assessment, Center for Drug Evaluation
Past President, Taiwan Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research
Chairman of the School of Pharmacy, Taipei Medical University.
Director General of the Department of Pharmacy, Taipei City Hospital.
Associate Professor, School of Pharmacy, National Defense Medical Center(NDMC).
Dr.Tarn graduatedfrom School of Pharmacy, NDMC in 1980 with great honor and been chosen to stay at
school as the teaching assistant. He then obtained a MS degree from College of Pharmacy, The University
of Iowa, Iowa City, USA, focus on Clinical andHospital Pharmacy in 1986. From 1989-1993, he studied
in the College of Pharmacy, The University of Arizona, obtained his PhD degree in Pharmacy
Administrative and Behavioral Science, focusing on Validation and Re-weighting of the Quality of WellBeing Scale in Chinese American population.
After 24 years service in the Military School of Pharmacy, NDMC, as thesole professor in the clinicaloriented teaching and research,Dr. Tarn retired in 2004 and changedhis career path to the pharmacy
practice and management as the Director General of the Department of Pharmacy in Taipei City Hospital
in Taipei, Taiwan. Hewas responsible for pharmacy operationson nine branches of Taipei City Hospital
with 224 pharmacy staffs. Two years later, he was recruited by the Taipei Medical University as the
Chairman of the School of Pharmacy. Five months later, a new established Health Technology
Assessment agency was formed, and Dr. Tarn was invitedto lead the groupand design and implement
whole operationprocess. In December2009, afterthe Bureau of National Health Insurance announcedto
reimbursepharmacist to provide Home-based Pharmaceutical Care for high frequency usersof medical
resources, the President of the Taiwan Pharmacist Associationinvited Dr. Tarn to lead the design and
development of thisprofessional practice, and work full time in the Association.
Dr. Tarn’s major interests are: pharmaceutical care practice, pharmacoeconomics and outcomes research,
quality of life measurement, and creating platformsfor professional pharmacy practice. He was the
Presidentof Taiwan Society of Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (TaSPOR)from 2005~2008,
Taiwan Chapter of ISPOR. He is also anexecutive board member of the Western Pacific Pharmaceutical
Forum of the Federation International Pharmaceutical(FIP)since 2005.