sujet aménagé - Anglais Orléans


sujet aménagé - Anglais Orléans
Pour les candidats présentant une déficience auditive, une déficience du
langage oral, une déficience de la parole (arrêté du 13-5-2014 - J.O. du 21-6-2014)
Épreuve de langue vivante étrangère
E2 – Langue vivante étrangère 1
Durée : 2 heures
Coefficient : 1,5
L’usage du dictionnaire n’est pas autorisé pour cette épreuve.
Calculatrice interdite.
Dès que le sujet vous est remis, assurez-vous qu’il est complet.
Le sujet se compose de 3 pages, numérotées de 1 à 3.
Anglais (LV 1- B2)
Session 2016
Page 1 sur 3
Waste not, want not - making money from rubbish
With messy hair, jeans and sweatshirt, Tom Stazy, 33, is typical of the new breed of
young entrepreneur that shuns1 formality. He is the founder and chief executive of
social enterprise TerraCycle, a company whose aim is eliminating waste.
In 13 years, US-based TerraCycle has gone from the classic start-up run out of a
basement to operating in 21 countries. Last year it had revenue worth $20m (£13m)
and 115 employees. The company's business model is to find waste and turn it into
something useful, for a profit. It collects things that are generally considered difficult
to recycle - such as cigarette stubs, coffee capsules, or biscuit wrappers - and finds a
way to reuse them.
That is done mainly through processing them down into a material and selling them
to a manufacturer, and to a lesser extent by turning them into products such as bags,
benches or dustbins.It relies on contracts with businesses - such as McVities,
Johnson & Johnson, and Kenco - that pay TerraCycle to take away their waste, as
well as individual consumers collecting and sending it in, in return for donations to a
charity of their choice.
TerraCycle was set up in 2002. The first product that TerraCycle made was an
organic fertiliser created from "worm poop2". Within five years, the firm had sales of
around $3m to $4m, but was making a loss. It was then that Tom realised that the
approach was wrong."We were trying to come up with a product and then find the
best type of garbage to make it."Five years into the business we totally pivoted
everything," he says. "Instead of starting the question with the product, we said let's
start with the garbage… we need to solve crisp bags, cigarette butts and so on."
Without that realisation, he reckons3 TerraCycle could never have been profitable.
And he's a firm believer in profit."Many young entrepreneurs think you can either do
good for the world and earn nothing, or you can do something negative and earn
loads of money."I don't choose either - I want to make a lot of money by doing good.
Tom calls his social enterprise a meeting of communism and capitalism. As chief
executive, he can only earn seven times the lowest paid employee. And everything
about the business is fully transparent, he says, so every employee receives the
same reports that he receives on the company's progress.
Of the challenges ahead for TerraCycle, he says a main one is keeping the large
companies engaged."It's about organisations maintaining their desire around these
TerraCycle recycling programmes, because everyone wants the next new thing,"
says Tom. As for the individual consumers that send in stuff to recycle, he points out
that they get nothing tangible in return for their service."You're buying a good feeling so that's a harder product service to sell.
By Emily Young - BBC News – 2 February 2015
to shun : se moquer de
worm poop: déjections de vers de terre
to reckon : penser
Anglais (LV 1- B2)
Session 2016
Page 2 sur 3
A – Compréhension :
1- Vous rédigerez un bref résumé du texte en français.
2- Vous expliquerez, en anglais, ce que veut dire l’entrepreneur aux lignes 2122: "Instead of starting the question with the product, we said let's start with
the garbage… we need to solve crisp bags, cigarette butts and so on."
B – Expression :
Is it necessary to take recycling into account when you create your own company?
Vous répondrez à cette question dans un paragraphe développé en anglais.
Anglais (LV 1- B2)
Session 2016
Page 3 sur 3