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contact present occupation administrative responsibility
Date of birth: 24/02/1988
Nationality: French
PhD research student in Social Psychology (3rd year)
Laboratoire de Psychologie Sociale et Cognitive (LAPSCO, CNRS – UMR 6024)
Université Blaise Pascal / UFR Psychologie
34 Avenue Carnot 63 037 Clermont-Ferrand Cedex – France
Phone : + 33 (0)4 73 40 64 67
E-mail: [email protected]
PhD research student at the Laboratory of Social and Cognitive Psychology
and on-staff Research Assistant (Allocataire de recherche et monitrice) at Blaise Pascal
University, Clermont-Ferrand, France
Elected representative of PhD students at the Scientific Council of
Blaise Pascal University.
My research concerns the role of the school on the transmission of attitudes and values. In
particular, I am studying how attitudes towards the republican principles of secularism and
citizenship are developed throughout the school years, and the extent to which it can foster the
emergence of tolerant vs. intolerant attitudes towards cultural diversity and towards ethnic or
religious minorities. Much of this research is theoretically-based on a cultural socialization
Keywords: Citizenship, secularism, socialization, tolerance, diversity
2012-2015 Preparation of a PhD in Social Psychology on the topic: Citizenship,
laïcité, diversity - The school and the transmission of republican principles.
Supervisor: Pr. Serge Guimond.
Blaise Pascal University, Clermont-Ferrand, France.
2011-2012 Master 2 [Master’s degree] of Social and Cognitive Psychology [mention
très bien, first class Honours]
Blaise Pascal University, Clermont-Ferrand, France.
Thesis written under the direction of Pr. Serge Guimond: « L’intégrisme
républicain: La dominance sociale et l’attachement à la laïcité » [The
Republican fundamentalism: Social dominance and attachment to
2010-2011 Master 1 [1st year of a Master's Degree] of Social and Cognitive
Psychology [mention très bien, first class Honours]
Blaise Pascal University, Clermont-Ferrand, France.
Thesis written under the direction of Pr. Serge Guimond: « Effets des
idéologies républicaines sur les attitudes et les préjugés envers la diversité
culturelle et religieuse. » [Effects of republican ideologies on attitudes and
prejudice towards cultural and religious diversity].
2009-2010 Licence Professionnelle d’intervention sociale, spécialité Médiateur
Socio-Économique [Vocational Bachelor Degree of Socio-economic
Mediation, mention assez bien]
Blaise Pascal University, Clermont-Ferrand, France.
2006-2009 Licence [Academic Bachelor Degree] of Social and Cognitive
Psychology [mention bien, upper second class Honours]
Blaise Pascal University, Clermont-Ferrand, France.
Training modules – Doctoral School and College of Doctoral Schools
- « Expression corporelle et prise de parole en public » [Self-expression through
movement and speaking].
- « La Communication scientifique: approfondissement des outils
numériques » [Scientific Communication: exploration of digital tools].
Trainer: Xavier Badan
- « La Communication scientifique et son illustration multimédia » [Scientific
Communication and its multimedia illustration]. Trainer: Éric Lysøe
- « Anglais. Remise à niveau pour doctorants de toutes disciplines » [English.
Refresher course for PhD students of all disciplines]. Trainer: Gilmour Fontaine
- « Enseignement » [Teaching]. Trainer: Guilaume Serres
- « Communication » [Communication]. Trainer: Cécile Nore
- « E-Learning ». Trainer: Thierry Saint Luc
- « Commerce International » [International Business]. Trainers: Marie-Françoise
Renard and Cécile Batisse
- « Anglais de spécialité : Psychologie, Didactique et Sciences de l’Éducation»
[Specialized English: Psychology, Teaching and Education Sciences]. Trainer:
Edward Pearce
- « Lecture efficace et rapide » [Effective and fast reading]. Trainer: Maryline Berthon
- « Apprendre à enseigner à l’Université en SHS » [Learning to teach at the
University in Human and Social Sciences]. Trainer: Sylvie Cèbe
Training modules – Laboratory
« R.: Perfectionnement » [R.: lessons to improve]. Trainer: Nadia
Chakroun, LAPSCO
- “ The complexity of the self-process and its impact on psychology.”
Trainer: Katherine J. Reynolds, Australian National University
- « Comparaisons sociales et performances dans les environnements
numériques » [Social comparisons and performance in digital
environments]. Trainer: Nicolas Michinov, Université de Rennes 2
- « Contrôle cognitif: fonctions, bases cérébrales, évaluation et
intervention» [Cognitive control: functions, brain bases, assessment and
intervention]. Trainer: Maria Funes, Université de Grenade, Spain
- « R.: Initiation » [R.: Initiation]. Trainer: Nadia Chakroun, LAPSCO
Computing skills
Word, Excel, Power Point, SPSS, Amos, Sphinx, PsyScope, Prezi
2014-2015 Social Psychology (first year course, 20h)
Topic: Social perception and social influence
2014-2015 University working method (first year course, 42h)
2013-2014 Intercultural Psychology (second year course, 72h)
2012-2013 Social Psychology (second year course, 64h)
Topic: Intergroup and interpersonal aggression – Helping behavior
Master of ‘‘Intercultural Management of Human Resources’’], UFR LACC
[Applied languages, trade and communication]
Université Blaise Pascal
Presentation of a seminar: Cultural diversity management policies (2h)
2011-2012 Floriane César: « Les effets de la menace sur les préjugés: quelques
difficultés pour la théorie de la menace intégrée » [The effects of threat on
prejudice: some difficulties for integrated threat theory].
2011-2012 Laurence Maury: « Les effets du modèle républicain sur les comportements
intergroupes: citoyenneté et laïcité ou l’égalité en question » [The effects of
the republican model on intergroup behavior: citizenship and secularism or
equality in question].
Roebroeck, E. & Guimond, S. (2014). L’orientation des enseignants en France face à la
diversité culturelle et religieuse. [The french teachers' orientation towards cultural and
religious diversity]. Oral communication at the 10th International Congress of Social
Psychology in French Language by the ADRIPS (Association pour la Diffusion de la
Recherche en Psychologie Sociale), August 27-30, 2014, Paris, France.
Roebroeck, E. & Guimond, S. (2014). Attachment to secularism and desire to maintain the
social hierarchy. Poster at the17th General Meeting of the EASP (European Association of
Social Psychology), July 9-12, 2014, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Roebroeck, E. & Guimond, S. (2014). Understanding the role of education in the reduction of
prejudice against ethnic and religious minorities. Eposter presentation at the 28th
International Congress of Applied Psychology (ICAP), July 8-13, 2014, Paris, France.
Roebroeck, E. & Guimond, S. (2014). The social representations of multiculturalism: When
the extreme right agrees with the extreme left. In S. Guimond & K. Reynolds (Chairs),
Multiculturalism, politics and intergroup relations: The way forward. Symposium conducted
at 37th Annual Scientific Meeting of the ISPP (International Society of Political Psychology),
July 4-7, 2014, Rome, Italy.
Pelletier-Dumas, M., Roebroeck E., Guimond, S. & de la Sablonnière, R. (2014). Quand
intègre-t-on la Charte des valeurs québécoises à son identité personnelle? Le rôle de la
cohérence et de la clarté de la Charte. [When will people incorporate the Charter of Quebec values in their personal identity? The role of coherence and clarity of the Charter.] In M.
Stawski (Chair), Charte des valeurs québécoises, Crise étudiante et élections municipales:
comment l’identité change dans un monde en changement? [Charter of Quebec values,
student crisis, municipal elections: how identity change in a changing world]. Symposium
conducted at the 8th Scientific Day of the Psychology department of the Université de
Montréal, Montréal, Canada.
Roebroeck, E. & Guimond, S. (2013). La dominance sociale et la malléabilité de
l’attachement à la laïcité en France [Social dominance and the malleability of the attachment
to secularism in France]. Oral communication at the 11th Congress of young researchers in
Social Psychology organized by the ADRIPS and the University of Nîmes, France, June 1921, 2013.
Guimond, S. & Roebroeck, E. (2013). Intergroup threat, social dominance and the
malleability of ideology: The case of secularism in France. Oral communication at the 36th
Annual Scientific Meeting of the ISPP (International Society of Political Psychology):
Political Psychology of Global Conflict, Protest and Reconciliation, July 8-11, 2013, Israel.
Roebroeck, E. & Guimond, S. (2012). Effets des menaces symbolique et réaliste sur les
attitudes envers les immigrés. [Effects of symbolic and realistic threats on attitudes towards
immigrants]. Oral communication at the reflection days on the concept of threat, organized
by the ADRIPS and the Paris-Descartes University, Paris, France, September 13-14, 2012.
De Oliveira, P., Kamiejski, R., Guimond, S., & Roebroeck, E. (2012). Réactions aux
stratégies d’acculturation: le rôle modérateur des orientations idéologiques. [Reactions to
acculturation strategies: the moderating role of ideological orientations]. In P. Tisserant &
A. L. Wagner (Chairs), Acculturation et discrimination [Acculturation and discrimination].
Symposium conducted at 9th International Congress of Social Psychology in French
Language by the ADRIPS, July 1-4, 2012, Porto, Portugal.
Guimond, S., Streith, M., & Roebroeck, E. (2015). Les représentations du multiculturalisme
en France: Décalage singulier entre l’individuel et le collectif. Social Science Information, 54
Cardenas, D., Roebroeck, E., Pelletier-Dumas, M., & de la Sablonnière, R. (in press). Les
enjeux de la Charte des valeurs Québécoises en tant que politique assimilationniste: une
augmentation du sentiment de menace et de la légitimation des préjugés. Diversité
Roebroeck, E. & Guimond, S. (2014). Schooling, citizen-making, and anti-immigrant
prejudice in France. Manuscript submitted for publication.
Roebroeck, E. & Guimond, S. (in prep). Intergroup threat, social dominance and the
malleability of ideology: The case of laïcité.
Roebroeck, E. & Guimond, S. (in prep). Cultural transmission: Colorblindness mediates the
effect of education on ethnic prejudice in France.
Roebroeck, E., & Guimond, S. (in prep). Les effets psychologiques et stratégiques des
menaces collectives. Dans S. Caillaud, V. Bonnot & E. Drozda-Senkowska (Eds.), Les
menaces autrement.
June 2013
Doctoral internship at the « Laboratoire sur les Changements Sociaux et
l’Identité » [Social Change and Identity Laboratory] at Université de
Montréal (Canada) under the supervision of Pr. Roxane de la Sablonnière.
In the framework of the project IMAG (“Immigration : l’Adaptation des
Groupes Majoritaires face aux politiques d’Intégration en France et au
Québec” / Immigration: the Adaptation of Majority Groups to
Integration policies in France and Quebec).
Participation in the realization of two studies, collection and statistical
analysis of data, report writing, presentations at inter-laboratory meetings.
Internship at the « Union Départementale des Associations Familiales du
Puy-de-Dôme » (UDAF 63, Departmental Union of Family Associations
of Puy-de-Dôme) at Clermont-Ferrand, France, which resulted in
obtaining the title of psychologist.
june 2011
Internship at the « Espace Investigation, Prévention et Accompagnement
du Stress » (EIPAS, Investigation, Prevention and Assistance of Stress)
association at Clermont-Ferrand.
Realization of a project aimed at examining the effects of the preparation to
the entry into retirement home on the perception of control over events and
well-being among elderly people under guardianship.
Participation in training and discussion groups; Production of a video on
july 2010
Internship at the « Association Intermédiaire Job Services » and at
« l’Entreprise d’Insertion par le Travail Temporaire Job Plus » (“Job
Services” Association and “Job Plus” insertion company by temporary
work) at Montluçon, France.
Reception, registration of job-seekers, social and professional support,
telephone reminder of former customers; Participation in a working group
prospecting volunteers to visit isolated elderly persons.
Participation in the « Fête de la Science » in Clermont-Ferrand [Maison des
Sciences de l’Homme / House of Human Sciences, Clermont-Ferrand]:
animation of a workshop for middle and high school pupils
Participation in a public round table organised by the high school « Lycée
de l’Édit » (in Roussillon) as part of the « Débats citoyens en RhôneAlpes » [Citizens’s debates in Rhône-Alpes]
Topic: « Citoyenneté: savoirs et engagements » [Citizenship, knowledge
and commitment]
Participation in the « Semaine du Cerveau » [Brain Awareness Week]:
animations in a recreational centre for children (Thiers) and in an university
health centre (Clermont-Ferrand).
Member of the ISPP (International Society of Political Psychology)
Member of EASP (European Association of Social Psychology)
Member of ADRIPS (Association pour la Diffusion de la Recherche
Internationale en Psychologie Sociale / Association for the Diffusion of
International Research in Social Psychology)
2011-2012 Member of Psynapse, the association of students in Master of Psychology
in Clermont-Ferrand.