BREXIT will the UK leave the EU?


BREXIT will the UK leave the EU?
Source : The economist, Vocable du 3 au 16 Mars 2016
Mars 2016
Brexit Will the UK Leave the E.U?
Let the campaigners begin
Grande - Bretagne : les partis se préparent
au référendum sur l'U.E
En Grande - Bretagne, pas un jour ne se passe sans que le sujet ne revienne sur le devant de la
scène : faut-il quitter l'Union européenne ? Un mot valise a même été crée à cette occasion : "
Brexit" (Britain et exit). Le Premier ministre David Cameron a promis d'organiser en 2017, un
référendum à ce sujet. Les pour et contre organisent déja leur campagne...
1. starting gun : signal de départ
to fire : tirer ici, donner
referendum act : loi sur le
to provide for : stipuler
insider : initié
late : fin
2. either way : quoi qu'il en soit
to gear up : se préparer
to raise cash : lever des capitaux
lead : meneur, chef de file
leafleting : distribution de tracts
broadcasting rights : droit de
spending limit : plafond de
to chair : présider
retail chain : chaîne de magasins
cross-party : dépassant les clivages
akin to : ressemblant à
intent on : résolu, déterminé à
case : discours
3. shaky : mouvementé, diificile
effective : efficace
to be outgunned : être surpassé
to escape : fuir
mess : pagaille, désordre
dialy health
to run : diriger
lyrics : paroles
tune : mélodie
1. The starting gun for the rerefendum on whether Britain
should leave the European Union has yet to be fired. Since the
referedum act provides for a minimum four-month campaign,
some say that the vote could now take place before the end of
June - though insiders think late September is still more likely.
2. Either way, the pro and anti campaigns are gearing up,
starting by raising cash. It is up to the Electoral Commisision to
designate, for each side, a lead organisation that gets extra
money, free leafleting and broadcasting rights in exchange for
strict spending limits. The choice is clearer on the Remain side :
it will be Britain Stronger in Europe, chaired by Lord Rose, a
former boss of the Marks and Spencer retail chain. Its director,
Will Straw says it is a broad cross-party group akin to the Better
Together group that won the 2014 referendum on Scottish
Independence, but intent on making a more positive and
patriotic case.
3. Britain Stronger in Europe had a shaky start, but now looks
more effective. Yet it still seems outgunned by its opponents,
who have a simple and seductive passage about escaping
Europe's chroning mess. This may be why the polls have
narrowed. Alan Johnson who runs the Labour's Party in
campaign, laments that, although his side has the best lyrics,
his opponents have the best tunes.
Source : The economist, Vocable du 3 au 16 Mars 2016
4. linked : lié(e)
sole : unique, seul
MP=Member of Parliament :
membre du parlement, député
not least because : ne seraitce que parce que
previous : précédent.
5. keen : très désireux
to draw lessons from : tirer
les enseignements de
concern : préoccupation
to weigh heavily : peser
bias : tendance, penchant
to favour : avantager
to supplement : compléter
ever present : omniprésent
to be hijacked : être
unrelated : sans rapport
trade union organisation :
organisation syndicale
membership : adhésion,
grounds : raison, motifs
to lean, leaned or leant
towards : pencher pour
to argue : soutenir,
6. to fend off : parer écarter
charge : accusation
though-through : mûrement
single market : marché unique
to take, took, taken : ici,
to secure a favourable deal :
obtenir des conditions
Mars 2016
4., financed by Arron Banks, a businessman, is closely
linked to the UK Independance Party's leader, Nigel Farage, and focus
on immigration. Vote Leave, run by Matthew Elliott, is broader based
and includes UKIP's sole MP, Douglas Carswell, as well as members of
others parties. It seems more likely to win official designation, not
least because Mr Elliot and his colleague, Dominic Cummings are
veterans of previous succesful camapaigns, including the defeat of a
referendum on electoral reform in 2011 and of plans for a North-East
regional assembly in 2004.
5. Both sides are keen to draw lessons from previous referendums in
Britain and from other countries. Among them are the view that it is
important to start early, that basics concerns such as jobs and the
economy weigh heavily; that there is a bias in favour of the status
quo; and that, although negative messages about the other side can
work, they need to be supplemented by positive ones. And ever
present is the risk of a vote being hijacked by unrelated issues. Most
of these lessons ought to favour the Remain side.
The main business
and trade union organisations support
Britain's EU membership on economic grounds, as does most of the
British etablishment. The status quo or inertia vote will lean towards
staying in, though on this Vote Leave is trying to argue that, sine the
EU is changing so fast and moving inexorably towards closer political
union, the real status quo vote should be one to leave.
6. Similarly, a negative message is harder for Vote Leave to fend off.
As in Scotland, it is vulnerable to the charge that is not offering a
clearly thought-through alternative to EU membership. Would Britain
keep full access to the single market, which takes almost half its
exports? Might it, like Norway and Switzerland, have to accept most
EU rules and even pay money to Brussels in return? The Leave
campaign insists that, as a big economy and large market for other
EU members, Britain would secure a favourable deal, but it remains
vulnerable on the question of alternatives.
Source : The economist, Vocable du 3 au 16 Mars 2016
7.mainstream : classique,
asset : atout
to win, won, won over :
gagner à sa cause,
waverer : indécis
to trumpet : vanter,
to dismiss : rejeter, dénigrer
trivial : dérisoire, insignifiant
to quit, quitted or quit :
House of Commons :
Chambre des Communes
( Chambre basse du
Parlement britannique)
on current terms : aux
conditions actuelles.
8. to reckon : estimer
backbench : députés de
base, sans portefeuille
on one's books : acquis à sa
Grassroots Out : groupe de
personnes favorable à une
sortie de l'U.E
intake : contingent.
9. extraneous : extérieur,
row: querelle, polémique
gamely : hardiment, crûment
single currency : monnaie
10. stropilly : avec aigreur
to resign : démissionner
the result is all to play for :
le résultat du vote apparait
très ouvert.
wholly : entièrement
Mars 2016
7. Leaders of all mainstream political parties will campaign to stay in.
Mr Cameron will be a formidable asset to the Remain campaign, and he
will win over some waverers by trumpeting the results of his
renegociation. Yet the Leave campaign has already dismissed this as ''
trivial''. And it has strong political backers besides UKIP, especially in
the Tory party. Mr Carmeron has conceded that cabinet ministers
should be allowed to fight to leave the EU without quitting, calling for
the party to remain ''harmonious''. On January 13th Chris Grayling the
leader of the House of Commons, wrote in the Daily Telegraph that
reamining in the EU on current terms would be ''disastrous''. Bigger
hitters have so far kept quiet. Vote Leave hopes to win over between
three and seven ministers.
8. A majority of Tory MPS are Eurosceptic, but many will back Mr
Cameron. Steve Baker, who works with Vote Leave and runs
Conservatives for Britain, reckons to have 147 backbench supporters
on his books. A new group called Grassroots Out has been started by
Tom Purgslove, a Eurosceptic Tory from the 2015 intake. And although
the Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn promises campaign to remain, a
dozen backbench Labour MPs may fight to leave.
9. The Remain side may be the more vulnerable to extraneous events,
such as renewed euro turbulence or more big rows over migration. Mr
Cameron gamely insits that, being outside both the single currency and
the Schengen passport-free travel zone, Britain has the best of both
worlds. But whereas voters in the 1975 European referendum opted to
stay in because Britain was in such a mess, many now feel the
10. And then there is the risk from unrelated issues. Danish, Dutch and
French voters stroppily used referendums to punish governements. Mr
Cameron says he would not resign if he lost. But voters many want to
send him a message. The result is all to play for-and the campaigns
may not be wholly harmonious.
Source : The economist, Vocable du 3 au 16 Mars 2016
Mars 2016
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