rappels de grammaire


rappels de grammaire
1 be
Forme affirmative
Forme négative
Forme interrogative
’m not
’s not
’re not
Forme affirmative
Forme négative
She wasn’t
They weren’t
Forme interrogative
Attention à la prononciation de aren’t [æ:nt] et à celle de weren’t [w3:nt].
Les réponses brèves :
Are you French? ➝ Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. / Yes, we are. / No, we are not. / No, we aren’t.
Was he in your class? ➝ Yes, he was. / No, he was not. / No, he wasn’t.
2 have got
Have got s’emploie pour : - exprimer la possession : I’ve got a bike. ➝ J’ai une bicyclette.
- décrire quelqu’un : He’s got blue eyes. ➝ Il a les yeux bleus.
Forme affirmative
have got a sister.
Forme négative
hasn’t got a car
Forme interrogative
Have you got a bike
Attention :
Have peut être soit un auxiliaire comme dans have got, soit un verbe comme dans have
dinner. Il se conjugue alors avec do (cf. n° 4 Le présent simple).
9 be going to
● Be going to sert à parler de projets, d’intentions ou à prédire l’avenir.
I’m going to be good. ➝ Je vais être sage (j’en fais la promesse maintenant).
It’s going to rain. ➝ Il va pleuvoir (je peux le dire parce qu’il y a de gros nuages).
Forme affirmative
Forme négative
Forme interrogative
Sujet + be going to + V
Sujet + be + not + going to + V
Be + sujet + going to + V
Exemple :
They ’re going to work.
Exemple :
He isn’t going to work.
is not
Exemple :
Are you going to work?
Réponses brèves : Are you going to work?
- Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.
Attention : Be going to ne désigne pas toujours un futur proche.
I’m going to be a doctor. (C’est un petit garçon qui parle de ce qu’il fera plus tard).
10 les questions
Une question commence toujours par l’élément sur lequel elle porte.
● Si je veux vérifier une information, la question commencera par l’auxiliaire.
Is he working? -Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t.
Are you going to be honest? - Yes, we are. / No, we aren’t.
Has she got a sister? - Yes, she has. / No, she hasn’t.
Do you like fish? - Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
Does he play cricket? - Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t.
Did you watch the film on TV? - Yes, we did. / No, we didn’t.
Can I go out? - Yes, you can. / No, you can’t.
● Si je demande une information, elle
Question sur :
- L’identité d’une personne ➛ who :
Who’s this?
Qui est-ce ?
- Un objet ➛ what :
What is it?
Qu’est-ce que c’est ?
- Un lieu ➛ where :
Where are you from?
D’où viens-tu ?
- La couleur ➛ what colour :
What colour are your trainers?
De quelle couleur sont
tes chaussures de sport ?
- Le moyen ➛ how :
How do you go to school? - By bus.
Comment vas-tu à l’école ? - En bus.
- Un nombre ➛ how many :
How many sisters have you got?
Combien de sœurs as-tu ?
commencera par un mot interrogatif.
- Une date, un moment ➛ when :
When did you visit London?
Quand as-tu visité Londres ?
- L’heure ➛ what time :
What time does school begin?
À quelle heure commence l’école ?
- La cause ➛ why :
Why did you go?
Pourquoi y es-tu allé ?
- Le propriétaire d’un objet ou un lien
de parenté ➛ whose :
Whose bike are you repairing?
À qui est la bicyclette que tu répares ?
- Un prix, une quantité ➛ how much :
How much money do we need?
Combien d’argent nous faut-il ?
How much are these trainers?
Combien coûtent ces baskets ?
Day 1
Day 3
(6 pt) personnage : petit / gros / grands yeux bleus / petit
nez / moustache rousse / cheveux courts.
(3 pt) a) She has got long hair. (She’s got long hair.) b)
He has got a small nose. (He’s got a small nose.) c) His eyes
are blue.
Pas de score. Exemples : She’s small. She’s got a long nose
and green eyes. Her hair is long. / He’s tall and strong. He’s
got a big nose and short black hair. His eyes are brown.
(9 pt) 1. gorpyegah / geography – 2. yrotsih / history –
3. amhts / maths – 4. ports / sport – 5. chenFr / French –
6. shipsyc / physics – 7. rat / art – 8. trimeschy / chemistry
– 9. ghlEsni / English
(3 pt) What time / Who / When
(9 pt)
(10 pt) 1. snake reptile 2. sleep live 3. Australia
Indonesia 4. play sleep 5. cat pig 6. canary bird 7. cereals
fruit 8. adorable dangerous 9. angry hungry 10. children
(4 pt) a) Where do bats live? b) What do they eat?
c) What do they do all day? d) When do they wake up?
(8 pt) 1. never 2. sometimes 3. often 4. always.
a) Do you often forget your English book? b) My sister
never tidies her room. c) I sometimes do my homework in a
hurry. d) They always chat during lessons.
(3 pt) a) Tracy wants to redecorate her room. b) Tracy
doesn’t want to redecorate her room. c) Does Tracy want to
redecorate her room?
(4 pt) a) Are you often late? - Yes, I am. ou : No, I’m not.
b) Do you sometimes eat chewing-gum during lessons? Yes, I do ou : No, I don’t. c) Is Tracy English? - Yes, she is.
d) Does Robin often tidy his room? - No, he doesn’t.
Day 4
(18 pt) construire : build / manger : eat / boire : drink /
aider : help / s’entraîner : practise / vivre : live / oublier : forget
/ bavarder : chat / prendre plaisir à : enjoy / grimper : climb
/ s’inscrire : join / acheter : buy / partir, quitter : leave /
peindre : paint / répondre : answer / demander : ask / mettre,
placer : put / survenir, se passer : happen
(18 pt)
Day 2
(14 pt) Plan : 3. Hall / 5. Gym / 6. playground /
8. playing fields / 9. library / 10. I.T. room / 11. staff room.
Dialogue : Hall / Gym / playground / library / staff room /
I.T. room / playing fields.
(3 pt) a) between b) next to c) opposite.
(6 pt) a) There are 532 pupils at Amersham Grammar
School. b) How many teachers are there? c) There aren’t
any tennis courts. d) There is a gym. e) Is there a library?
f ) There is an orchestra.
Pas de score. Exemple : The kitchen is on the right. The
living room is next to the kitchen and the hall is between the
(7 pt) 1. start a club 2. listen to music 3. walk in the
living room and the toilets. Upstairs, there are three
4. buy flowers 5. go out 6. organize a party
bedrooms and a bathroom.
7. meet friends.
Pas de score. Exemples : I love playing cards. / I like rockPas de score. Exemples : Let’s go out! / Why don’t we
climbing and swimming but I don’t like dancing. / I hate
a party? / What about listening to music? / Let’s go
tidying my room.
to the swimming pool! / Why don’t we go roller-skating?
Day 7
He’s got the whole world in His hands (10 pt)
He’s got the whole world in His hands,
He’s got the whole wide world in His hands,
He’s got the whole world in His hands! (bis)
He’s got you an’ me sister in His hands,
He’s got you an’ me brother in His hands,
He’s got you an’ me sister in His hands,
He’s got the whole world in His hands!
He’s got the little tiny baby in His hands, (ter)
He’s got the whole world in His hands!
He’s got all of us here in His hands, (ter)
He’s got the whole world in His hands.
Yesterday night (7pt)
Yesterday night, I went somewhere.
Where did you go?
I went to a shop. And I bought something.
What did you buy?
I bought a present. And I saw someone.
Who did you see?
I saw a poor girl. And I did something.
What did you do?
I gave her my present. And she said something.
What did she say?
She said : “How nice!”. And she did something.
What did she do?
She gave me a kiss. And something happened!
What happened?
Well! I woke up and it was Monday morning!
Day 9
(29 pt)
(14 pt) Dickens
be, was, were, être / read, read, lire / live, lived, vivre / go,
went, aller / work, worked, travailler / forget, forgot, oublier
/ send, sent, envoyer / become, became, devenir / want,
wanted, vouloir / travel, travelled, voyager / write, wrote,
écrire / come, came, venir / stop, stopped, arrêter / die, died,
Day 10
(8 pt) Are you coming? / What are you doing? / You’re
writing to your girlfriend. / I’m testing my new invention.
/ She’s reading in the garden. / I’m going to the ice-rink / Is
Robin going with you? / No, he isn’t coming this time.
(4 pt) a) Are you listening to CDs? b) Are you playing
football? c) Are you painting the cupboard? d) Are you
repairing something?
(2 pt) a) Sorry, I can’t, I’m going to the Art club on
Saturday at 2. b) Sorry, I can’t, I’m (going) shopping with
Mom at 4.30.
(8 pt) a) Tracy goes to the table-tennis club every
Saturday afternoon. b) Look! Melissa is painting a beautiful
picture. c) Robin loves tennis: he plays every Saturday.
d) Listen! The children are crying, I think. e) I go to a gym
class on Thursdays, from 5 to 6. f ) Sorry, we can’t come on
Sunday! We are visiting our grandparents. g) Look at the
koala! It is carrying its baby on its back. h) I’m not
surprised! Koalas often carry their babies on their backs.
Day 13
(6 pt) 1. Northern Ireland 2. Wales 3. Liverpool 4.
London 5. Hadrian’s Wall 6. Scotland
(6 pt) 1. Yosemite Park 2. San Francisco 3. Mt Whitney
4. Alaska 5. Hawaii 6. New York
(5 pt) a) 1. walking boots 2. anorak 3. flask 4. fishing
rod / Scotland
(5 pt) b) 1. swimsuit 2. surf board 3. sunglasses 4. T-shirt /
(6 pt) c) 1. snowboard 2. anorak 3. sunglasses 4. socks 5.
hat / Mt Whitney (America)
Day 14
(10 pt) box - cottage / paint - build / wash - help / Tokyo
- San Francisco / plant - painting / give - explain /
telephones - money / demolish - wash / families sunglasses / raise - smell
(5 pt) a) Where b) When c) What d) What ……. for?
e) Who
(5 pt) a) will (‘ll) b) Can c) must d) will (‘ll) e) Can.
(4 pt) a) He won’t forget to feed the dog. / Will he forget
to feed the dog? b) She won’t take her sunglasses. / Will she
take her sunglasses?
(4 pt) a) Will you take the plane? b) Will you send me
a postcard? c) Will you take your dog? d) Will you visit the
Tower of London?
Day 15
(11 pt) a) cancer / Mars / you / sun / earth / fantastic /
illegal / be / virtual / world / travel
(1 pt) b) crystal ball
(10 pt) Down : 1. world 3. cure 4. more 6. starve…
Continuer à lire, écrire et écouter de l’anglais
pendant les vacances
Avec ce cahier de vacances et son CD audio, l’élève :
• écoute des dialogues en suivant la BD qui les illustre,
• s’entraîne à bien prononcer grâce aux dialogues et aux chansons
• révise le vocabulaire grâce à des jeux,
• fait des exercices, aidé des rappels de grammaire et d’un lexique
• vérifie ses réponses grâce aux corrigés et calcule ses scores,
• travaille à son rythme.
pour les utilisateurs de New Live,
ils retrouvent leurs personnages favoris !
sur le CD : les textes,
les dialogues et
les chansons
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