chad holliday


chad holliday
Postulant du membre 2016
Énoncé du (de la) candidat(e) :
I understand the telecommunications AND the software / SaaS space and spend all
of my free time now helping software companies grow. This is what I have chosen to
As a former executive at one of the worlds largest telecommunications vendors
(Alcatel-Lucent / Nokia) with over twenty years of experience in IP, Optics and
Mobile technologies I understand how the internet works, the players involved, and
the massive transformation the industry is going through.
As a current entrepreneur, board member, mentor, and advisor to the startup
community I spend my time now offering software insight to companies looking to
hit their next level of growth.
Currently I am a general partner at a commercial real estate company
(, the Chief Product Officer (CPO) at (an
emerging e-health software company) and a board member at (a
publically traded loyalty and rewards software company).
Teams, strategy, contacts, networks, software & Canada are all my passions…
I can bring together my experience and contact base in the software and
telecommunications space to help Cira navigate the ever evolving Internet and
Software as a Service (SaaS) space and together we can further strengthen the
Canadian Internet and give back to the Internet community.
Curriculum vitae du (de la) candidat(e) :
Réponses aux questions obligatoires:
1. Pourquoi désirez‐vous faire partie du conseil d’administration de
I am a proud Canadian, passionate entrepreneur, understand how the Internet
works, and have a great track record of helping software businesses grow. My
business specialties are around strategy, marketing and product management, and I
have industry contacts world wide that can be leveraged to help guide Cira through
the massively changing internet domain market. I also bring to the table previous
governance experience on boards in the private and public space.
I have done well in my career and am looking to give back at this point and I think
this is a great company and great opportunity to do so.
2. Quelles sont les compétences ou les expériences particulières que
vous possédez et qui font de vous le meilleur candidat pour le conseil
d’administration de l’ACEI?
- Previous telecom executive with experience in incubating new business as well as
leading multi national teams as large as 850 people, 250m euros in revenue.
- Success in software startup community as raising funds, mentor, and contractor.
- Seasoned marketeer in the technology space.
- Board and governance experience in private and public companies in the
technology space.
3. Quels seront, selon vous, les trois principaux défis et les trois
possibilités clés devant lesquels le domaine .CA se trouvera au cours
des trois à cinq prochaines années?
1) Everyone wants to appear global (.com)
2) Visibility - Hows does Cira raise above the noise of all the other domain service
3) How to diversify revenue streams
4. Quelles mesures particulières proposez‐vous pour relever un ou
plusieurs de ces défis et profiter de ces possibilités?
I always listen before acting so I would need to spend a significant amount of time
hearing the current strategy before offering up a more informed opinion but if
forced to offer an opinion now...
1) Promote Cira as a way for other countries to gain foothold in Canada & services
related to this
2) Viral marketing campaigns about Canada etc...
3) Can we be more of a cloud provider in Canada?