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Courrier hebdomadaire d’ENAR n° 275
1er juillet 2011
ENAR publie le nouveau numéro de son webzine ENARgy
Nous sommes heureux de vous présenter le 2ème numéro du webzine ENARgy sur l’Année
internationale des personnes d’ascendance africaine. Nous avons des contributions intéressantes,
notamment un article présentant quelques perspectives sur les personnes d’ascendance africaine
dans différentes régions du monde et un entretien avec deux représentants municipaux noirs
d’Europe du Sud-Est et du Nord-Ouest afin de débattre de leurs expériences et perspectives sur la
situation des communautés noires dans leurs régions respectives. Notre prochain numéro aura
pour thème l’inclusion financière. Pour en savoir plus
Rapport du 2ème Groupe d'experts ad hoc d'ENAR sur l'égalité dans l'emploi
ENAR has published the report of its second Ad Hoc Expert Group on Promoting Equality in
employment, which presents the findings and recommendations of its meeting held in Brussels on
8 December 2010 on the theme “Monitoring diversity”. This Ad Hoc Expert Group, first launched
by ENAR in November 2009 in collaboration with ADECCO Group, IBM, L’OREAL and SODEXO, is a
pioneering exercise in bringing together businesses committed to diversity and inclusion, trade
unions, EU institutions, Member State governments and anti-racist civil society to work
collaboratively and engage in finding solutions to ensure the full participation of ethnic minorities
in the labour market. The report was officially launched at ENAR’s employment conference on 24
June. Pour en savoir plus (uniquement disponible en anglais)
Suivez-nous sur Facebook et Twitter (#ENAREurope)
Rejoignez-nous sur Facebook et Twitter pour suivre toutes nos activités et prendre part dans la
lutte contre le racisme en Europe !
Photos du premier Gala de la Fondation ENAR!
The ENAR Foundation’s first Charity Gala took place on 24 June and was a success! Have a look at
the photos and watch a video message by US Congressman Alcee Hastings. Pour en savoir plus
(uniquement disponible en anglais)
Suivez-nous sur Twitter (#ENARFoundation)
Rejoignez-nous sur Twitter pour suivre toutes nos activités et prendre part dans la lutte contre le
racisme en Europe !
Courrier hebdomadaire d’ENAR n° 275 - 1er juillet 2011
La Coalition ERPC applaudit l'adoption du cadre Rom par les chefs d'Etat européens
As Europe’s Romani population prepares for the possibility of another summer of targeted
expulsions and evictions, the European Roma Policy Coalition (ERPC), of which ENAR is a member,
has welcomed the endorsement on 24 June by EU heads of government of the EU Framework for
National Roma Integration Strategies. The Framework commits all 27 member states to
developing targeted policies which systematically tackle the socio-economic exclusion of and
discrimination against Roma people throughout the EU. The ERPC will monitor how well the
European Commission and member states convert the Framework’s human rights commitments
into tangible and ambitious strategies and assess their implementation, with an initial deadline of
the end of this year for developing national strategies. Pour en savoir plus (uniquement disponible
en anglais)
ILGA-Europe se félicite du rapport du Conseil de l’Europe sur les discriminations sur base du
genre et de l’orientation sexuelle
On 23 June, the Council of Europe (CoE) launched its social-legal report on discrimination on the
grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity. This is the first ever report covering all 47
member states of the Council of Europe on a range of human rights issues that are pertinent to
lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) people. ILGA-Europe warmly welcomes this significant
report which not only maps the legal situation but also highlights the social attitudes and opinions
about LGBT people: while there is certain progress in some countries, others continue
discrimination and violation of basic human rights of LGBT people. Pour en savoir plus
(uniquement disponible en anglais)
Human Rights Watch estime qu’une réforme de la nouvelle constitution hongroise est
Hungary should address the human rights concerns linked to its new constitution that the Venice
Commission raised in its June 20, 2011 report, Human Rights Watch said on 23 June. In addition,
Hungary should guarantee that people with disabilities will retain the right to vote under the new
constitution. The new constitution, the Fundamental Law of Hungary, was signed into law on April
25, and will go into effect on January 1, 2012. The constitution includes provisions that could lead
to discrimination against women, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered (LGBT) people, and
people with disabilities. Pour en savoir plus (uniquement disponible en anglais)
Une enquête montre un soutien répandu pour les droits des gays parmi les musulmans en
Grande Bretagne
A new survey documenting ethnic and religious attitudes in Britain has discovered a startlingly
liberal approach to gay rights in the Muslim community. The poll, conducted by think tank Demos
in preparation for a forthcoming essay collection, shows that Muslims are more likely to strongly
agree with the statement 'I am proud of how Britain treats gay people' than people of no religion.
Only Sikhs were more likely to strongly agree. "British Muslims are far more enlightened and
proud of our liberal values than they are often given credit for," Max Wind-Cowie, head of the
Progressive Conservatism Project at Demos, commented. Pour en savoir plus (uniquement
disponible en anglais)
Courrier hebdomadaire d’ENAR n° 275 - 1er juillet 2011
La discrimination au travail prend des formes insidieuses en France
L'origine ethnique, l'âge et le sexe: premiers critères de discrimination ethnique dans le monde de
l'entreprise. C'est ce que démontre une enquête menée conjointement par Cegos et la chaire
management et diversité de la fondation Paris-Dauphine. Selon l'étude publiée le 28 juin, les
salariés perçoivent d'abord l'âge comme critère handicapant. Ce n'est qu'après ce critère qu'arrive
le sexe (32 %) et enfin l'origine ethnique (28%). Les DRH, quant à eux, citent d'abord l'origine
ethnique pour 71 % d'entre eux avant de parler de l'âge (69 %) et enfin du sexe (68 %).
Surveillance oblige, la discrimination prendrait de nos jours des « formes plus insidieuses qu'avant
», selon les personnes interrogées. Principale méthode : "les fausses rumeurs visant à discréditer
les personnes". Pour en savoir plus
Une analyse du Médiateur tchèque montre qu’une annonce d’emploi sur six est
A recent analysis published by the Czech ombudsman, Pavel Varvařovský, has revealed an
unflattering fact: Of more than 1 200 job announcements published on the internet server, the largest web portal for job offerings in the Czech Republic, one-sixth contain at
least one discriminatory requirement. Job-seekers are thus being pre-emptively excluded from
employment opportunities. The analysis reviewed 12 044 ads published during the week of 1 -7
April 2011. Firms most frequently discriminate against job-seekers on the basis of age and sex, but
the investigation reveals that job announcements also discriminate against people with disabilities
or members of other nationalities and states. Pour en savoir plus (uniquement disponible en
Les discriminations à l’encontre des musulmans plus importantes que jamais en Belgique
A total of 166 out of 1,466 cases launched in connection with discrimination and racism-related
offenses involve faith, according to the 2010 report prepared by Belgium's Center for Equal
Opportunities and Opposition to Racism (CEOOR). Eighty-four percent of these cases are
connected to Islam while only 2 percent concern Christianity and Judaism. The high number of
cases of discrimination against Muslims is likely to bring more debates on Islamophobia back to
the agenda. Eighty percent of the complaints filed with the CEOOR involve racism. Pour en savoir
plus (uniquement disponible en anglais)
Les abus dans les politiques de visas constituent la problématique la plus urgente en
République tchèque
Abuse of Czech legal visa policy is the most burning problem in the sphere of illegal migration,
according to the annual report of the Office for Uncovering Organised Crime (UOOZ) released on
Monday. Organised groups pocket high profits from this kind of crime as some 10,000 euros are
paid for one immigrant. If an immigrant is interested in travelling to the Czech Republic, he is
contacted by some "organisers and recruiters" who ensure all the required documents and
technicalities to be granted the legal visas. However, they tell the authorities false data such as the
address at which the immigrant will stay or conduct business, the report said. Pour en savoir plus
(uniquement disponible en anglais)
L’UE se met d’accord sur une réforme des règles de Schengen
EU leaders on Friday (24 June) agreed to establish a "safeguard mechanism" allowing the reintroduction of internal borders in exceptional circumstances, potentially curbing one of the most
Courrier hebdomadaire d’ENAR n° 275 - 1er juillet 2011
integrative aspects of EU membership. Without undermining this basic principle [of free
movement of persons], we felt the need to improve the Schengen rules," European Council
President Herman Van Rompuy said at a press conference at the end of the summit. The
mechanism would allow "as a very last resort, (...) the exceptional reintroduction of internal
border controls in a truly critical situation where a member state is no longer able to comply with
its obligations under the Schengen rules as concerns the prevention of illegal immigration of third
country nationals, with negative effects on other member states," the final statement said. Pour
en savoir plus (uniquement disponible en anglais)
La Commission européenne lance le concours européen de journalisme 2011
Le concours européen de journalisme "Tous contre les discriminations!" est le seul concours de
journalisme ouvert aux journalistes de la presse écrite et des médias en ligne spécialisés dans les
questions relatives à la discrimination et à la diversité dans l'UE. Par ce concours, la Commission
européenne distingue les journalistes qui contribuent à une meilleure compréhension de la valeur
et des bienfaits de la diversité et à la lutte contre les discriminations dans l'UE. Pour être
admissibles, les articles doivent avoir été publiés dans la presse écrite ou dans les médias en ligne
de l'UE entre le 18 septembre 2010 et le 10 novembre 2011. Pour en savoir plus
Les consultations annuelles du HCR avec les ONG examinent les nouveaux défis
Les consultations annuelles de l’Agence des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés (HCR) avec ses
partenaires non gouvernementaux ont débuté le 28 juin à Genève avec l'examen des problèmes
croissants auxquels sont confrontées les agences humanitaires dans un contexte de crises
persistantes et se multipliant. Cette conférence de trois jours réunit des participants de 211 ONG
représentant 72 pays. Les délégués discuteront des problèmes relatifs à l'assistance et à la
protection des personnes déracinées. Pour en savoir plus
L’autonomisation des femmes contribue à la lute contre la pauvreté et d’autres fléaux
sociaux, selon une représentante des Nations Unies
Empowering women and advancing their rights is not only the right thing to do but it can lead to
progress on a range of issues, including the fight against poverty, hunger and violence, the head of
the United Nations agency tasked with promoting women’s rights said on 27 June. “Promoting
gender equality and women’s empowerment is not solely a plea for justice or for fulfilling human
rights commitments. It is both of those things, but also so much more,” Michelle Bachelet said in
her opening statement to the annual session of the Executive Board of the UN Entity for Gender
Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women). Pour en savoir plus (uniquement
disponible en anglais)
Un ministre serbe s’excuse auprès d’une famille de Roms suite à des brutalités policières
Serbian police minister Ivica Dacic on 28 June issued an apology to a Roma family for police
brutality in a case that shocked the public and sparked protests by human rights organisations.
Dacic received a Roma youth, Danijel Stojanovic and his father Gani, after it was discovered that
Danijel was brutally beaten by police in the eastern city of Vrsac four years ago. The scandal
wound up on the popular Youtube video-sharing website and caught public attention after one of
Courrier hebdomadaire d’ENAR n° 275 - 1er juillet 2011
three policemen who took part in the beating sold his mobile telephone on which he filmed the
beating in Vrsac police station. Pour en savoir plus
Recensement de chaque campement de Rom et de Gens du voyage présent en Angleterre
The number of Gypsy and Traveller caravan sites across England has risen slightly with the East of
England recording the highest number of sites. Official figures showing the number of Gypsy and
Traveller caravan sites across England have been released on 28 June. The report published by
the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG), is the most comprehensive count
of local gypsy and caravan sites with details on total number of pitches and showing both those on
authorised and unauthorised sites. Pour en savoir plus (uniquement disponible en anglais)
PROVIDUS publie un rapport sur la participation politique des ressortissants de pays tiers
This report presents the results of a study by three think-tanks based in ‘new’ EU member states
on the opportunities and barriers to political participation of third country nationals in their
countries - Institute of Baltic Studies in Estonia, Centre for Public Policy PROVIDUS in Latvia, and
Institute of Public Affairs in Poland. The purpose of the study is to establish whether these three
Member States are going in the direction indicated in the Common Basic Principles for immigrant
integration policy in the EU and the Stockholm Programme, fulfilling their promises on immigrant
integration. Pour en savoir plus (uniquement disponible en anglais)
MPG publie leur rapport d’activités pour 2009-2010
'By pooling our strengths, expertise and resources, together we can aim for a stronger combined
effect.' This report on their activities during 2009 and 2010 summarizes the efforts and results in
the three programmatic fields of migration, diversity and equality. In 2010 when they celebrated
their fifteenth anniversary and were looking to the past and the future they realized again and
confirmed how important it is for them to join forces with those who share the same vision of just,
open and inclusive societies. Pour en savoir plus (uniquement disponible en anglais)
CEPS organise une conférence intitulée ‘L’intégration en tant que processus à double sens
dans l’UE?’
This conference will examine the added value of the EU Framework on Integration by assessing
the extent to which the EIF has so far served to support and develop national actions, programmes
and projects putting into practice the European understanding of integration as a two-way process
(CBP1). A report by S. Carrera and A. Faure Atger (CEPS) advocating for an improved use and
oversight of European funding for the development of integration policies and activities in
Member States will be presented. The report is informed by an understanding of a two-way
approach to integration based on a partnership with civil society and migrant organisations, social
partners, local and regional authorities (LRAs) as well as foundations in integration processes. The
conference will take place on 6 July 2011. Deadline for registration is 4 July 2011. Pour en savoir
plus (uniquement disponible en anglais)
RSG organise une formation sur les problèmes de santé des migrants roms d’Europe de l’est
This half day training session will be delivered by the Roma Support Group which has been
working with Eastern European Roma refugees and migrants for over 10 years. The training is
Courrier hebdomadaire d’ENAR n° 275 - 1er juillet 2011
aimed at those from the health and voluntary sector who support migrants and would like to learn
more about health issues of Eastern European Roma. The training will take place in Flempton (UK)
on 20 July 2011. Pour en savoir plus (uniquement disponible en anglais)
Appel à envoyer des exemples de meilleure pratique
The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) is preparing a compilation of best practice in
the field of Preventive measures for the protection of children against sexual abuse, which is
connected to its work on the opinion on this important subject. The Committee intends to publish
a collection of the responses on-line to illustrate the activities and good practice carried out in
different Member States. They would like to invite civil society organisations and state agencies
that deal with the sexual abuse of children to fill in a questionnaire. Please keep it short (800
characters) and give a website as reference for further reading. The main text of the contribution
can be submitted in any EU language.
L’ERRC recrute un Trésorier/Membre du conseil d’administration bénévole
The European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) is an international public interest law organisation
defending and promoting the human rights of Roma. The ERRC pursues its goals through strategic
litigation, international advocacy, research and policy development, and training. Established in
1996 and based in Budapest, the ERRC as a Hungarian foundation has an international Board of
Directors, employs approximately 20 staff, as well as consultants and interns, and has an annual
budget of over EUR 2.5 million. Pour en savoir plus (uniquement disponible en anglais)
OSF recrute un coordinateur de programme (intérim)
The Public Health Program (PHP) of the Open Society Foundations has been supporting Roma
health programs since January 2001 through the Roma Health Project (RHP). The mission of the
Roma Health Project is to advance the health and human rights of Roma persons by building the
capacity of Roma civil society leaders and organizations, and advocating for accountability and a
strong civil society role in the design, implementation and monitoring of policies and practices that
most impact on the health of Roma. Deadline for application is 7 July 2011. Pour en savoir plus
(uniquement disponible en anglais)
Courrier hebdomadaire d’ENAR n° 275 - 1er juillet 2011

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