Gérard Philipe, le bien-aimé


Gérard Philipe, le bien-aimé
Gérard Philipe, le bien-aimé !
Start date
4 December 2015
Madingley Hall
End date
6 December 2015
Francine Rouanet-
Course code
Director of Programmes
Emma Jennings
For further information on this Clare Kerr, Public Programmes Coordinator 01223 746237,
course, please contact
[email protected]
To book
See: www.ice.cam.ac.uk or telephone 01223 746262
Tutor biography
Francine has over 35 years’ experience of teaching languages, using cultural references to
bring life and meaning to the learning process. Francine, was until 2008, the Director of the
local world renowned non-profit organisation, the Alliance Française de Cambridge which
she founded in 1982, consisting of over 30 language and cultural professionals reporting to a
Francine's life work was recognised in the 1999 by the French Government. She received
the award of 'Chevalier dans l'Ordre des Palmes Académiques' (similar to MBE) in
acknowledgement of her efforts to forge links between France and the United Kingdom.
Course programme
Friday 4 December 2015
Please plan to arrive between 16:30 and 18:30. You can meet other course members in the bar
which opens at 18:15. Tea and coffee making facilities are available in the study bedrooms.
20:30 – 22:00
Présentation des participants. Remue-méninges autour du thème du
week-end : « Gérard Philipe, le bien-aimé ». Portrait / Diaporama de
photos de l’acteur / écoute d’enregistrements/ Extraits de films –
Compréhension et expression orales/ compréhension écrite.
Terrace bar open for informal discussion
Saturday 5 December 2015
09:00 – 10:30
Biographie: une jeunesse heureuse / s’oppose à un père
collaborationniste et opte pour une vie d’artiste soutenu par sa mère/ un
homme simple et discret / une courte vie éblouissante (étude de
documents divers) – Compréhension et expression orales/
compréhension écrite.
11:00 – 12:30
Carrière: au théâtre/ au cinéma/ ses rôles mythiques / Jean Vilar/ le
Festival d’Avignon / sa filmographie/ ses compagnes à l’écran / un
travailleur acharné / un charisme inégalé / mort en pleine gloire, symbole
d’une jeunesse éternelle (illustration : documents écrits et sonores/ films
INA) – Compréhension et expression orales/ compréhension écrite.
14:00 – 16:00
16:30 – 18:00
Portrait d’un comédien hors-pair : présentation de courts extraits de films
/ comparaison / analyse de son jeu d’acteur / discussion- débat –
Compréhension et expression orales
18:00 – 18:30
20:00 – 21:30
Projection de film (à confirmer en fonction des disponibilités)
Terrace bar open for informal discussion
Sunday 6 December 2015
09:00 – 10:30
Gérard Philipe aujourd’hui: femme et enfants / extraits du livre d’Anne
Philipe “Le Temps d’un soupir” / hommages et souvenirs / Texte de la
chanson : « Il était un prince en Avignon… » (documents écrits et
sonores) – Compréhension et expression orales/ compréhension écrite.
11:00 – 12:30
Conclusion : Comment expliquer cette passion des Français pour
Gérard Philipe, unanimement admiré et aimé de son vivant et pleuré à
sa mort par toute une nation ? Hommage et portraits – Compréhension
et expression orales/ compréhension et expression écrites.
The course will disperse after lunch
Course syllabus
(There should usually be two or three aims for the course. These describe the overall
purpose of the course and are usually framed as general statements of intent.)
Expand the knowledge of the participants in French cinema.
Presentation of the actor Gérard Philipe, whose premature death at the peak of his
fame in 1959 turned him into a beloved icon
Give the participants the opportunity to analyse, compare and discuss texts and films
at an Advanced level of French.
There will be an initial assessment of what the participants already know about
French cinema in general and Gérard Philipe and his films in particular
A presentation of Gérard Philipe’s life and career.
A study and appreciation of his films.
Interactive activities to help memorising the information presented.
Presentation of the course:
The aim of the course is to create a balance between the presentation of the course material
and the participants’ comprehension followed by verbal contribution (analysis /questions /
comments / discussion etc….)
Based on a selection of varied documents (printed / audio/ visual) the course will involve all
There will be elements of creative writing / linguistic activities / quiz game / team work
As a result of the course, within the constraints of the time available, students should
be able to:
development of knowledge and understanding of the academic content of the course
development of academic skills such as analysis, synthesis, evaluation and the
application of tools and methods and the use of a foreign language
personal development, increased confidence and autonomy.
Reading and resources list
Listed below are a number of texts that might be of interest for future reference, but do not
need to be bought (or consulted) for the course.
Publisher and date
Anne Philipe
“Le temps d’un soupir” (*)
Julliard (1963)
(*) photocopies available by 19/11/15
Note Students of the Institute of Continuing Education are entitled to 20% discount on
books published by Cambridge University Press (CUP) which are purchased at the Press
bookshop, 1 Trinity Street, Cambridge (Mon-Sat 9am – 5:30pm, Sun 11am – 5pm). A letter
or email confirming acceptance on to a current Institute course should be taken as evidence
of enrolment.
Information correct as of:
12 October 2015