Retired Rock Star Presents Programme for Schools


Retired Rock Star Presents Programme for Schools
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Écouter : B1+ ; Écrire : B1
Retired Rock Star Presents Programme for
Le célèbre musicien du groupe Pink Floyd, Roger Waters, présente son programme pour
les écoles irlandaises.
Emma O’Kelly, Education reporter, RTÉ News: He wrote the song that became an anthem for disaffected
school students throughout the world. But today the man who once preached rebellion against the education
system was launching an education programme for schools. So has Roger Waters changed his tune? Not
Roger Waters: Well, you know, we grow older, but the message stays the same by and large. I mean the
message is always, keep an open mind, study, get as many facts as you can and then check them to find out
if they actually are facts or if they’re not facts. So learn to make up your mind on issues. Try not to be subject
to propaganda from one side or another.
Emma O’Kelly: The Pink Floyd founding member launched a human rights programme for transition year
students that looks at solutions to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.
Roger Waters: All we can do is encourage our young people to approach life with open minds, and nurturing
the kernel that they all have within their hearts of feelings for their fellow man.
Emma O’Kelly, RTÉ News.
Anglais / Lycée – post-bac / nº 29 / janvier-mars 2014
Objectifs et démarche pédagogique
Liens avec les programmes culturels de lycée
¾¾ Thème culturel de la classe de seconde Ø L’art de vivre ensemble
¾¾ Classe de première Ø Mythes et Héros
Peut comprendre une information factuelle directe sur des sujets de la vie quotidienne ou relatifs au travail en
reconnaissant les messages généraux et les points de détail, à condition que l’articulation soit claire et l’accent
courant. – Compréhension générale de l’oral, B1+
Peut comprendre une grande partie des programmes télévisés sur des sujets d’intérêt personnel, tels que
brèves interviews, conférences et journal télévisé si le débit est relativement lent et la langue assez clairement
articulée. – Comprendre des émissions de télévision et des films, B1+
Peut résumer avec une certaine assurance une source d’informations factuelles sur des sujets familiers courants
et non courants dans son domaine, en faire le rapport et donner son opinion. – Essais et rapports, B1
Peut rédiger des messages courts de type informatif ou injonctif. – Écrire, B1
Faits de langue
¾¾ L’emploi de l’impératif : keep an open mind; study; get as many facts; check them; so learn to make up your
mind; try not to be subject to propaganda.
Contenu lexical
¾¾ L’apprentissage : preach; education system; keep an open mind; study; get as many facts; so learn to make
up your mind on issues; nurturing the kernel.
Exploitation de l’extrait vidéo
A. Anticipation
¾¾ Montrer l’image figée aux élèves et leur demander de dire librement qui ce personnage pourrait être. Puis,
montrer les premières images où Roger Waters entre dans la salle avec la musique de Pink Floyd, jusqu’à :
« …throughout the world ». Leur demander quel est le thème de cette chanson.
B. Overall Comprehension
¾¾ Visionner une première fois l’extrait vidéo en entier avant de remettre la fiche de travail aux élèves. Si vous le
souhaitez, vous pouvez recueillir la réaction des élèves « à chaud » sur le reportage, en français pour faciliter
l’expression de quelques élèves, ou bien en anglais pour les plus aguerris. Puis, distribuer la fiche de travail
et revoir avec les élèves les réponses à apporter pour cette compréhension globale.
C. Detailed Comprehension
¾¾ Visionner la vidéo une nouvelle fois, mais en faisant des pauses régulières aux endroits stratégiques pour
laisser le temps aux élèves de trouver les réponses et les noter sur leur fiche de travail.
¾¾ Répéter l’opération une nouvelle fois si les élèves en ressentent le besoin.
D. Final task
¾¾ Écrivez une lettre à Roger Waters pour lui dire que vous l’avez vu aux informations de RTÉ et que vous êtes
surpris(e) de voir que la rock star qui autrefois disait que les jeunes n’avaient pas besoin d’instruction est
maintenant en train de participer à un programme pour leur scolarité ! Donnez votre opinion.
Anglais / Lycée – post-bac / nº 29 / janvier-mars 2014
Liens avec des sites internet ¾¾ Un article sur Roger Waters en Irlande :
Corrigé des activités
A. Anticipation – Listen to the introduction of the video by the journalist and the music. Do you know this music?
Which band is it by?
It’s Pink Floyd! Roger Waters was the leader of the band.
B. Overall Comprehension
1. Find out more about the topic of the video.
Type of document
It’s a news report by RTÉ News.
Country and city
Dublin, Ireland
Main topic (Issue)
Roger Waters, the founder of Pink Floyd, has come to present a
programme for students.
Former attitude about
He used to say in his song that kids didn’t need an education. He used
education (in the song
to be a rebel.
Another Brick in The Wall)
What he says today
He says that kids should study and learn the facts, but also to be openminded and critical, so they don’t get deceived by propaganda.
C. Detailed Comprehension
1. Listen to Roger Waters talking about how he sees education today, then fill in the blanks with the missing words
or expressions.
“Well, you know, we grow older, but the message stays the same by and large. I mean the message is always
keep an open mind, study, get as many facts as you can and then check them to find out if they actually are
facts or if they’re not facts. So learn to make up your mind on issues. Try not to be subject to propaganda
from one side or another.”
2. What does he mean: “we don’t need no thought control”?
He is suggesting that the teachers are trying to keep the students from thinking on their own. They are
teaching propaganda and brainwashing the kids.
3. So is the message he says today really contradictory to what he said before? Explain.
No, it isn’t really all that different. He is telling kids to be open-minded and to think for themselves. But
instead of being negative, he is being positive today.
Anglais / Lycée – post-bac / nº 29 / janvier-mars 2014
Retired Rock Star Presents Programme for Schools
Nom :
Classe :
Date :
A. Anticipation – Listen to the introduction of the video by the journalist and the music. Do you know
this music? Which band is it by?
B. Overall Comprehension
1. Find out more about the topic of the video.
Type of document
Country and city
Main topic (Issue)
Former attitude about
education (in the song
Another Brick in The Wall)
What he says today
2. Now sum up the information in the chart and present it to the class.
C. Detailed Comprehension
1. Listen to Roger Waters talking about how he sees education today, then fill in the blanks with the missing
words or expressions.
“Well, you know, we grow ................................, but the ......................................... stays the same by and
large. I mean the message is always, ..................... .................................... ....................., study, ................
.................................... ......................... as you can and then check them ......... ....................................
........ they actually are facts or ........... ..................... .......... ............................. So learn to ..........................
................ ........................ ............. ............................ Try not to be ................................. ........ propaganda
from one side or another.”
2. Here are the words to the song Another Brick in the Wall by Pink Floyd:
We don’t need no education.
We don’t need no thought control.
No dark sarcasm in the classroom.
Teacher, leave them kids alone!
Hey, teacher, leave the kids alone!
All in all it’s just another brick in the wall.
All in all you’re just another brick in the wall.
Anglais / Lycée – post-bac / nº 29 / janvier-mars 2014
Fiche d’activités
Fiche d’activités
Retired Rock Star Presents Programme for Schools
Nom :
Classe :
Date :
What does he mean: “we don’t need no thought control”?
3. So is the message he says today really contradictory to what he said before? Explain.
D. Final task
You are a fan of Pink Floyd and you have just seen Roger Waters on RTÉ News. You decide to write to him
to tell him that you are surprised to see that he wants to help the school system. Tell him what you think of
his actions for young people today.
Anglais / Lycée – post-bac / nº 29 / janvier-mars 2014

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