WG 5 - Draft Template for Case Studies


WG 5 - Draft Template for Case Studies
WG 5 - Draft Template for Case Studies of good practice in translator training
Author (i.e. details of Optimale partner submitting case study):
Kirsten Wølch Rasmussen
Issues of Quality Assurance in Translation
Aarhus University, Business and Social Sciences
[email protected]
Title of case study:
Self-revision as Part of the Translation Process
Abstract (outline in 150-200 words) defining the nature of the case study (e.g. specific
module, curriculum, specific methodology, etc.), the overall objectives and how it relates to
the sub-theme of the work package)
The case study consists of an exemplary exercise illustrating a methodology to train selfrevision, i.e. the translator’s own check of the draft translation, as an integral part of the
translation process. This type of exercise is designed for use in translation modules in
connection with written translation assignments.
Self-revision is an important part of the quality assurance performed by the translator
him/herself. The exercise creates awareness of the importance of this phase of the translation
process and of resources and methodology to use in this phase.
Finally the exercise shows students if there are any recurrent problems or types of problems
in their translation which they must pay particular attention to. Thereby the exercise also helps
to assure the quality of the individual student’s competencies.
Specific features (500-700 words)
Students concerned (level of study, all in a year or specific groups, etc.)
All MA levels depending on the degree of complexity of the translation assignment
Learning outcomes (when relevant)
On completion of the exercise students will:
- be familiar with self-revision as an integral part of the translation process
- be able to use appropriate resources and methodology
- be aware of individual translation problems (to focus on)
Specific teaching and learning methodologies applied
Have students prepare a written translation of the source text and submit a first version
Mark the text using the programme Markin: http://www.cict.co.uk/markin/index.php
Insert annotations (using the buttons that you define yourself for marking specific
errors or giving praise) and comments (which you can use when no pre-defined
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects
the view only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may
be made of the information contained therein.
annotation can explain the problem) to guide the student, but do not indicate solutions
to the translation problems encountered by the students.
Save the marked text and return it to the students.
Have students submit a second version of the translation electronically.
Mark the second version and return it to the students electronically before the next
Discuss the translations in class:
• discuss resources used by the students and their methodology.
• discuss specific translation problems that have not been successfully solved and the
methodology used for solving them.
• discuss frequent translation problems (Markin provides statistics of the annotations
used thus revealing the types of translation problems encountered by the individual
Leo Bostrup (herefter kaldet licensgiver) overdrager hermed til fabrikant Søren Kusk (herefter
kaldet licenstager) eneretten til fremstilling af salg aldeles for dennes regning og risiko af den
i henhold til Dansk Patent nr 114848 af licensgiver opfundne HAVERIVE
på nedenstående betingelser:
Ved kontraktens underskrift erlægger licenstager til licensgiver et beløb på kr. 175.000.
Licenstager forpligter sig til, så længe kontrakten løber, at opretholde patentet ved rettidigt at
sørge for betaling af årsafgifterne.
Licenstager forpligter sig til senest 1/2 år efter kontraktens underskrift at have produktionen i
gang og at gøre sit yderste for at fremme salget. Overholdes denne frist ikke, eller erlægges
de aftalte afgifter ifølge § 2, 3, 4 eller 5 ikke rettidigt, er licensgiver berettiget til 1 måned efter
skriftligt varsel at ophæve kontraktens gyldighed for det pågældende land. I kontraktens
løbetid har licenstager ret til med 1/2 års varsel at hæve kontrakten.
Licensgiver er forpligtet til, medens kontrakten løber, at overdrage til licenstager eventuelle
forbedringer eller ændringer i opfindelsen uden forhøjelse af enhedsafgiften. Eventuel
patentering kan ske efter de under § 4 nævnte regler.
I tilfælde af, at patentrettigheder, om hvilke der er kontraheret, bliver krænket af trediemand,
er licenstager pligtig til at træffe fornødne dispositioner til, at krænkelsen omgående bringes
til ophør, og han skal til enhver tid ligeledes omgående give licensgiver meddelelse om de
skridt, der i så henseende er taget.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects
the view only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may
be made of the information contained therein.
MARKIN (here with annotations in English):
Contrat de licence
Par ceciWChoice, Monsieur Leo Bostrup (ci-après appelé le concédantGood) concèdeGoodWordChoice à
fabricantWOrder Monsieur Søren Kusk (dans le texte suivantWChoice appelé le licencié)
l'exclusivité de produire et de vendreMissingW à ses risques et périls le râteau de jardin, que le
concédant a inventé1 conformément au brevet d'invention danois no 114848.Punctuation
aux conditions suivantes:Punctuation
Art. 1er
A la signature du contrat le licencié verse au concédant une somme de DKK 157.000Quote.
Art. 2
Le licencié s'oblige dePreposition maintenir en vigueurGoodWordChoice le brevet pendant toute la durée
du contrat en versantMissingW les annuitésGoodWordChoice.
Art. 7
Le licencié s'oblige dePreposition commencer la production au plus 6 mois après la signature du
contrat, et dePreposition faire tout son possible pour promouvoir les ventes. Dans le cas où le
licencié ne respecterait pas ce délaiGood et si les annuités et les redevances mentionnés dans
les articles 2, 3, 4 et 5 ne sont pas versés à temps le concédant aura le droit de résilier la
validité duCut contrat pour le pays en question moyennantGoodWordChoice un préavis MissingW d'un
mois. Pendant la durée du contrat le licencié a le droit de résoudreterm le contrat moyennant
un préavis de 6 mois.
Art. 8
Pendant la durée du contrat le concédant est obligé de donnerWChoice au licencié tous les
perfectionnementsGoodWordChoice ou changementsterm possibles de l'invention sans uneCut
augmentation de la redevance susmentionnée. Un brevet peut, le cas échéant, être demandé
conformément à l'art. 4.
Art. 9
Dans le cas où un tiers porterait atteinte aux droits de brevet traitésWChoice par les présentes, le
licencié sera obligé de faire le nécessaire pour mettre fin à l'atteinte, et il devra également
informer le concédant sans délai des mesures qu'il a prisVerb agreement sur ce point.WChoice
Cut -- this text is not necessary
Missing word or words
Wrong or misused preposition
Inaccurate quotation
Poor word choice
Word order
Well-constructed phrase or sentence
Good choice of vocabulary
Wrong terminology
Lack of verb agreement
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects
the view only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may
be made of the information contained therein.
Negative total: 20
Positive total: 7
1. Alternatively: inventé par le concédant.
Specific resources required (equipment, licences, teachers, etc.)
PC and the correction programme Markin.
Specific conditions required (legal framework, classroom setup, etc.)
See methodology.
Particular benefits for the training of translators
See abstract.
Transferability (150-200 words)
To what extent do you think this experience is transferable to other institutions ?
This type of exercise can be used by all translator training programmes and the source texts
used for the exercise can of course be adapted to the level of the students and the subjects or
types of texts dealt with in the module or in the programme.
Suggestions for improvements or adjustments
Further details, e.g. web links; relevant references/publications
Mossop, Brian (2007). Revising and Editing for Translators. Manchester, U.K./Kinderhook,
USA: St Jerome.
Information about the programme Markin can be found at:
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects
the view only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may
be made of the information contained therein.

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