Identiplante - OPTIMA 2016


Identiplante - OPTIMA 2016
L’arrivée des amateurs dans les
réseaux botaniques : l’expérience de
Tela Botanica en Algérie et Tunisie
Errol Véla
(University of Montpellier, UMR AMAP, France)
Ridha El Mokni
(University of Monastir, Tunisia)
Rachid Meddour
(University Mouloud Mammeri of Tizi-Ouzou, Algeria)
Avec la participation de :
Dalil Amari, Christian Cogneaux, Gisèle Dakhlia, Patrick
Leboulenger, Said Zidat, Boutamina Ali
Résumé : la mise en place du forum Tela Botanica « Afrique du nord » en 2002 a
été l’occasion de mieux connaître la communauté botaniste, notamment en
Algérie et en Tunisie. Elle était initialement composée d’universitaires,
majoritairement maghrébins et minoritairement européens. Depuis 2011, l’arrivée
de plusieurs amateurs est venue modifier le paysage et dynamiser le forum. Très
actifs, demandeurs et partageurs, ces nouveaux acteurs, encore peu nombreux,
participent d’ores et déjà à la cohésion de la communauté et à l’émergence d’un
savoir commun e transversal. Ils nécessitent souvent un complément de formation
que certains professionnels leur fournissent via le forum, et bénéficie en retour
aux étudiants qui y sont inscrits. Le développement de la version Afrique du Nord
du Carnet en Ligne par Tela Botanica en 2013 a fourni aux botanistes maghrébins
l’occasion de pratiquer la saisie et le partage de données (observations originales
sur le terrain, avec ou sans illustration). La pratique de l’outil se développe
lentement mais les amateurs sont déjà parmi les utilisateurs les plus réguliers et
contribuent ainsi à la constitution d’une base de données très prometteuse.
Aujourd’hui les plus expérimentés d’entre eux contribuent à effacer les frontières
entre amateurisme et professionnalisme et participent à la collecte de données de
qualité et désormais à leur publication. Cet objectif de valorisation est l’un des
principaux objectifs de progression à envisager à l’avenir, besoin partiellement
partagé avec la communauté professionnelle.
TB : a French speaking mixed network (amateur +
professional) devoted to botanical activities on the web
eFAN : Botany of vascular plants in N-Africa (Mauritania, Morocco, Algeria,
Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, the Canary Islands and Madeira) under nomenclatural,
systematic, biogeographic, ecological and conservatory point of views
[email protected] : This mailing list aims also to facilitate
feedback and update of the N-African Plants Index (DOBIGNARD & CHATELAIN)
in partnership with the Conservatory and Botanical Garden of Geneva and T.B.
A webspace associated to [email protected] :
bibliography (PDF references floras)
photographs (files to be archived or too heavy for emailing)
Participants : the eFAN project has 127 followers ;
77 have subscribed to the mailing list ;
around 20 are regularly active
A brief history of the TB Afrique-du-Nord forum
March 2002 : first botanical trip in Algeria (E.V.)
End of 2002 : mailing list dedicated to N-Africa
number of mails
2003-2009 : a community of ≈ 100 botanist
Only 20 more or less active…
 100 / 150 mails per year
number of mails
2010 : internet arrives at private homes
2011 : 1200 mails (amateurs arrival)
2012-2016 : 2000-3000 mails / year
number of mails
Some examples of amateurs + profesionnals
cooperation on [email protected]
Rare forms discovered by Algero-Tunisian amateurs and students,
identified by professionals on [email protected],
published by discoverers themselves in a specialised journal
– Two varieties of Ophrys apifera (Orchidaceae) new to North Africa – J.E.O. 45, 77-89
Amateurs found new localities for neglected taxa
and register the data via TB’s tool « Carnet en Ligne » :
Linaria heterophylla var. dichroa (endemic of NE-Tunisia)
Frequent observations of xenophytes in (peri-)urban areas,
some of them not registered in classical floras,
identified by [email protected] community :
Discovery of Ibicella lutea (Lindl.)Van Eselt.
(Martyniaceae) in Kroumiria (northwestern of Tunisia)
The Gingelly, Sesamum indicum L. (Pedaliaceae) a
recently naturalized weed in the flora of Tunisia.
Is there an amateur specificity ?
• A lot of photographs (technically approximative) / few
or no herbarium collection : « beginners syndrom »
• No data retention, no fear to communicate
• No publication project, nor valorisation ideas
• No or weak formation, lack of scientific basis
• Will to learn and progress, including with a school
methodology ;
• Tunisia : foreign residents (workers + retired) or turists;
• Algeria : Algerian residents (workers in different fields +
environmental professions like rangers)
Is there an amateur specificity ?
• A lot of photographs (technically approximative) / few
or no herbarium collection : « beginners syndrom »
• No data retention, no fear to communicate
• No publication project, nor valorisation ideas
• No or weak formation, lack of scientific basis
• Will to learn and progress, including with a school
methodology ;
• Tunisia : foreign residents (workers + retired) or turists;
• Algeria : Algerian residents (workers in different fields +
environmental professions like rangers)
Is there an amateur specificity ?
• A lot of photographs (technically approximative) / few
or no herbarium collection : « beginners syndrom »
• No data retention, no fear to communicate
• No publication project, nor valorisation ideas
• No or weak formation, lack of scientific basis
• Will to learn and progress, including with a school
methodology ;
• Tunisia : foreign residents (workers + retired) or turists;
• Algeria : Algerian residents (workers in different fields +
environmental professions like rangers)
Is there an amateur specificity ?
• A lot of photographs (technically approximative) / few
or no herbarium collection : « beginners syndrom »
• No data retention, no fear to communicate
• No publication project, nor valorisation ideas
• No or weak formation, lack of scientific basis
• Will to learn and progress, including with a school
methodology ;
• Tunisia : foreign residents (workers + retired) or turists;
• Algeria : Algerian residents (workers in different fields +
environmental professions like rangers)
Is there an amateur specificity ?
• A lot of photographs (technically approximative) / few
or no herbarium collection : « beginners syndrom »
• No data retention, no fear to communicate
• No publication project, nor valorisation ideas
• No or weak formation, lack of scientific basis
• Will to learn and progress, including with a school
methodology ;
• Tunisia : foreign residents (workers + retired) or turists;
• Algeria : Algerian residents (workers in different fields +
environmental professions like rangers)
Is there an amateur specificity ?
• A lot of photographs (technically approximative) / few
or no herbarium collection : « beginners syndrom »
• No data retention, no fear to communicate
• No publication project, nor valorisation ideas
• No or weak formation, lack of scientific basis
• Will to learn and progress, including with a school
methodology ;
• Tunisia : foreign residents (workers + retired) or turists;
• Algeria : Algerian residents (workers in different fields +
environmental professions like rangers)
Is there an amateur specificity ?
• A lot of photographs (technically approximative) / few
or no herbarium collection : « beginners syndrom »
• No data retention, no fear to communicate
• No publication project, nor valorisation ideas
• No or weak formation, lack of scientific basis
• Will to learn and progress, including with a school
methodology ;
• Tunisia : foreign residents (workers + retired) or turists;
• Algeria : Algerian residents (workers in different fields +
environmental professions like rangers)
Is there an amateur specificity ?
• A lot of photographs (technically approximative) / few
or no herbarium collection : « beginners syndrom »
• No data retention, no fear to communicate
• No publication project, nor valorisation ideas
• No or weak formation, lack of scientific basis
• Will to learn and progress, including with a school
methodology ;
• Tunisia : foreign residents (workers + retired) or turists;
• Algeria : Algerian residents (workers in different fields +
environmental professions like rangers)
Other tools provided by TB
« Carnet en Ligne » [online field book] :
associate each of your botanical observations
with your own field photographs
Pictoflora : technically classifying photographs
taken into database via CEL or Pl@ntNet
Identiplante : identifying undetermined photographs
+ confirming or correcting previous identifications,
in contact with the author of observation !
e-Flore : synthese of data collected by « Telabotanists »
for each taxon in each referential (BDTFX, ISFAN, etc.)
Problematics of data collected by amateurs
First (and only one) initial objective : identification
Individual collecting : unformated data, very heterogeneous quality
Data archiving : individual + TB-Afr.-N forum (very heterogeneous
archiving + sometimes cryptic data)
Uniformisation / capitalisation : theoretically possible via a common
referential (ISFAN) and a registration in a collaborative database…
Identiplante + CEL : the best solution ?
Problematics of data collected by amateurs
First (and only one) initial objective : identification
Individual collecting : unformated data, very heterogeneous quality
Data archiving : individual + TB-Afr.-N forum (very heterogeneous
archiving + sometimes cryptic data)
Uniformisation / capitalisation : theoretically possible via a common
referential (ISFAN) and a registration in a collaborative database…
Identiplante + CEL : the best solution ?
Problematics of data collected by amateurs
First (and only one) initial objective : identification
Individual collecting : unformated data, very heterogeneous quality
Data archiving : individual + TB-Afr.-N forum (very heterogeneous
archiving + sometimes cryptic data)
Uniformisation / capitalisation : theoretically possible via a common
referential (ISFAN) and a registration in a collaborative database…
Identiplante + CEL : the best solution ?
Problematics of data collected by amateurs
First (and only one) initial objective : identification
Individual collecting : unformated data, very heterogeneous quality
Data archiving : individual + TB-Afr.-N forum (very heterogeneous
archiving + sometimes cryptic data)
Uniformisation / capitalisation : theoretically possible via a common
referential (ISFAN) and a registration in a collaborative database…
Identiplante + CEL : the best solution ?
Problematics of data collected by amateurs
First (and only one) initial objective : identification
Individual collecting : unformated data, very heterogeneous quality
Data archiving : individual + TB-Afr.-N forum (very heterogeneous
archiving + sometimes cryptic data)
Uniformisation / capitalisation : theoretically possible via a common
referential (ISFAN) and a registration in a collaborative database…
Identiplante + CEL : the best solution ?
Problematics of data collected by amateurs
First (and only one) initial objective : identification
Individual collecting : unformated data, very heterogeneous quality
Data archiving : individual + TB-Afr.-N forum (very heterogeneous
archiving + sometimes cryptic data)
Uniformisation / capitalisation : theoretically possible via a common
referential (ISFAN) and a registration in a collaborative database…
Identiplante + CEL : the best solution ?
Amateurs data valorisation about N-African flora
• Scientific publication, in collaboration with researchers:
- MOKNI et al. 2013 (in J. Europ. Orchid.)
- AMARI et al. 2015 (in Acta Bot. Malacitana)
• Database valorisation (field data, iconography) :
- Carnet en Ligne,
- Pictoflora,
- Identiplante,
- e-Flore
• Naturalist books :
- orchidées de Tunisie (classical network + web community)
- plantes de Kabylie (identification by web communities)
Amateurs data valorisation about N-African flora
• Scientific publication, in collaboration with researchers:
- MOKNI et al. 2013 (in J. Europ. Orchid.)
- AMARI et al. 2015 (in Acta Bot. Malacitana)
• Database valorisation (field data, iconography) :
- Carnet en Ligne,
- Pictoflora,
- Identiplante,
- e-Flore
• Naturalist books :
- orchidées de Tunisie (classical network + web community)
- plantes de Kabylie (identification by web communities)
Amateurs data valorisation about N-African flora
• Scientific publication, in collaboration with researchers:
- MOKNI et al. 2013 (in J. Europ. Orchid.)
- AMARI et al. 2015 (in Acta Bot. Malacitana)
• Database valorisation (field data, iconography) :
- Carnet en Ligne,
- Pictoflora,
- Identiplante,
- e-Flore
• Naturalist books :
- orchidées de Tunisie (classical network + web community)
- plantes de Kabylie (identification by web communities)
Amateurs data valorisation about N-African flora
• Scientific publication, in collaboration with researchers:
- MOKNI et al. 2013 (in J. Europ. Orchid.)
- AMARI et al. 2015 (in Acta Bot. Malacitana)
• Database valorisation (field data, iconography) :
- Carnet en Ligne,
- Pictoflora,
- Identiplante,
- e-Flore
• Naturalist books :
- orchidées de Tunisie (classical network + web community)
- plantes de Kabylie (identification by web communities)
Other virtual networks where
amateurs are contributing
« Les Herbonautes » experience (MNHN / TB) :
asking help of amateur and/or volunteer participants
for registering data from herbarium labels
Specific contribution on N-African Geraniaceae
(C. Chatelain, 2016) : mainly thanks to amateurs
The arrival of FaceBook communities :
a lot of amateurs, a lot of data…
but even more difficult to archive and valorise !
Perspectives for better integrating amateur into
collaborative networks : FaceBook vs. TelaBotanica ?
• Towards a FB community about N-African flora by Tela
Botanica ?
• Better would be to do lobbying for using CEL and associated
tools like Identiplante or Pl@ntNet !
Perspectives for better integrating amateur into
collaborative networks : FaceBook vs. TelaBotanica ?
• Towards a FB community about N-African flora by Tela
Botanica ?
• Better would be to do lobbying for using CEL and associated
tools like Identiplante or Pl@ntNet !
Perspectives for better integrating amateur into
collaborative networks : FaceBook vs. TelaBotanica ?
• Towards a FB community about N-African flora by Tela
Botanica ?
• Better would be to do lobbying for using CEL and associated
tools like Identiplante or Pl@ntNet !
Special thanks to amateur botanists…