fast track to la


fast track to la
N° 724 / Anglais
Du 7 au 20 janvier 2016 / 3,20 €
La presse anglophone en V.O. pour progresser en anglais
724-00-COUVE-DER.indd 1
L 18716 - 724 - F: 3,20 €
Take a tour of the city by car or ...on foot!
Un cahier détachable pour progresser en anglais :
Le vocabulaire du bricolage / Le gérondif / L’accent tonique
21/12/2015 18:00
26 et 27 janvier 2016
Espace Champerret
Paris - Hall A
de 9h à 18h30
L’évènement n°1
du e-learning
en France
votre badge d’accès
Programme des conférences
Débat : L’État de l’art du eLearning en France 2016
Stratégie et vision e-learning
Études de cas en grandes entreprises
Table Ronde : Comment monter un projet e-learning en entreprise ?
Conférence spéciale Pédagogie e-learning dans l’apprentissage des langues
Conférence Internationale (en anglais) : e-eLearning around the world
Débat : Évolution de votre stratégie LMS
La nouvelle pédagogie en ligne
La réussite de la dématérialisation de l’apprentissage
Table Ronde : Études de Cas et Facteurs Clés de Succès d’un projet e-learning
Conférence spéciale E-learning et Innovation :
de l’éducation à la formation en entreprise
- Conférence spéciale Formation Continue et Social Learning
- Conférence spéciale Création et Gestion de votre MOOC
• Nos sponsors
Informations pratiques
Accès direct au parking par le périphérique nord et sud : 1 460 places en accès direct.
Sortie : Porte de Champerret ou à partir du Parking.
Champerret-Yser, entrée av. de la Porte de Champerret et boulevard de l’Yser.
Métro : ligne 3, stations : Porte de Champerret ou Louise Michel.
RER : ligne C, Station : Péreire.
Bus : 7 lignes : N°84-92-93-163-164-165 et PC, Station Porte de Champerret.
au salon
• Nos Partenaires
D717.indb 2
21/12/2015 15:39
N° 724 / Du 7 au 20 janvier 2016
(Cadre Européen Commun de Référence pour les langues) :
 facile A2-B1  moyen B2-C1  difficile C1-C2
1km à pied…
Grand angle ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
On parle d'eux .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
 C1-C2
Los Angeles est une ville étrange. On y découvre
à la fois le rêve hollywoodien et le cauchemar des
ghettos, mais aussi la multitude de foodtrucks
stationnés devant les musées ou encore un opéra
à l’architecture grandiose de Frank Gehry. C’est la
ville du bout du monde, celle où l’on finit forcément par arriver quand on décide de traverser
la totalité des Etats-Unis, comme ont pu le faire
avant nous les pionniers avides d’or au milieu du
XIXème siècle. La « cité des Anges » possède à
la fois un passé prestigieux et est synonyme de
modernité. Elle est multiple.
Bonne lecture !
LA, as a Pedestrian
A pied dans la ville des voitures.
 B2-C1
Vans of the rich and gridlocked
Comment s’accommoder des bouchons.
A 360°
 B2-C1
Why the CIA is smearing Snowden
Attentats : A qui la faute ?
 B2-C1
Une chose est certaine : c’est une cité construite
pour l’automobile. La majeure partie de la ville
est constituée d’immenses zones pavillonnaires
où les bâtiments dépassent rarement les 4 ou 5
étages. Si l’on combine cela à un accroissement
constant de la population, le visiteur désireux de
se déplacer à pied réalisera vite qu’il est impossible d’aller d’un point à un autre en moins de
quelques heures. Dans certains quartiers huppés,
comme Beverly Hills par exemple, le simple fait
de marcher sur un trottoir peut même vous rendre immédiatement suspect ! Alors tout le monde
prend sa voiture. Seuls les plus démunis utilisent
les rares transports en commun. Et pourtant,
découvrir la ville en déambulant reste un plaisir…
tout dépend du quartier où l’on se trouve !
A la une
In Garhwal apple county,
an English ghost THE HINDUSTAN TIMES (IND)
Visite d’un village hanté.
 B2-C1
La barbe à la mode.
Vocabulaire, expressions et astuces pour parler
comme un anglophone
Le vocabulaire du bricolage / Le gérondif / L’accent tonique
 B2-C1
Demanding Faster Equality
Un nouveau parti politique en Grande-Bretagne.
 C1-C2
Jack Link’s family business
Une entreprise familiale exemplaire.
Rejoignez-nous sur
et suivez-nous sur
 B2-C1
Actresses Resist labels with ‘Carol’
Cate Blanchett et Rooney Mara parlent de leur nouveau film.
L’article est repris sur le CD ou les MP3
de conversation : Des interviews en V.O.
pour améliorer votre compréhension
Tous les articles du magazine sont lus par des
anglophones sur le CD (ou les MP3) de lecture
Retrouvez le reportage vidéo
lié à l’ article sur
Photo de couverture : iStock
03-724.indd 3
 B2-C1
Glider pilots aim for the stratosphere
Planer plus près des étoiles !
 B2-C1
A spoonful of sugar
Une astuce pour remporter une compétition sportive.
Bons plans ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 32
Les sorties .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 34
Le dessin .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 35
22/12/2015 15:59
L’actualité en images
(REUTERS/Rick Wilking)
Johnny s’en va-t-en guerre
Parker (Colorado)
- The estimated total number of guns (both licit and illicit)
held by civilians in the United States is between
270,000,0001 and 310,000,000.
897,000 are carried by the police.
- According to the FBI, in 2012, there were 8,855 total
firearm-related homicides in the US, with 6,371 of those
attributed to handguns.
- The US is ranked 3rd out of 45 developed nations in
regards to the incidence of homicides committed with a
firearm (Mexico and Estonia are ranked first and second).
to hold, held, held ici, détenir / FBI = Federal Bureau of
Investigation / firearm-related commis à l’aide d’armes à
feu / handgun revolver. / to rank se classer / in regards to
en ce qui concerne.
A customer looks over weapons for sale at the Pony Express Firearms
shop in Parker, Colorado December 7, 2015. Many Americans are
stocking up on weapons after the country's worst mass shooting in
three years. Gun retailers are reporting surging sales, with customers
saying they want to keep handguns and rifles at hand for self-defense
in the event of another attack. A majority of states actively restrict
access to information on gun permits, the FBI must destroy
background checks and Congress bans funding for research.
Johnny got his gun réf. au film de Dalton Trumbo (1971, en fr. Johnny s’en va-t-en guerre) d’après
le roman antimilitariste du même nom / to stock up on (se) constituer un stock de / shooting
fusillade, tuerie / retailer magasin (gun retailer armurerie) / to report faire état de / surging
en forte augmentation / rifle fusil, carabine / at hand à portée de main / in the event of en cas
de / background check ici, (traces des demandes de) vérification des antécédents / to ban
interdire / funding financement.
• VOCABLE Du 7 au 20 janvier 2016
724-04-grandangle.indd 4
21/12/2015 16:21
On parle d'eux…
Retrouvez le fil d’infos sur
Ceux qui font l'actu
On par
Serena Williams was tapped as
the Sports Illustrated’s 2015
Sportsperson of the Year. Williams, 34, won three Grand
Slam titles and lost three times
in 56 matches as she dominated
women’s tennis last year. Williams was the first individual
woman to be selected to the
honor since track champion
Mary Decker in 1983.
On par
On par
(REUTERS/Toby Melville)
On par
Terry Branstad
Boris Johnson
(REUTERS/Phil Noble)
(REUTERS/Matt Mills McKnight)
to tap ici, désigner / Sports Illustrated
magazine américain / Grand Slam Grand
Chelem / track piste ; track champion
athlète (M. Decker était championne de
Jess Phillips
Gov. Terry Branstad said he won’t support
arming Iowa teachers with guns to combat
the threat of mass murderers in schools,
adding that while he backs the Second
Amendment, the issue is too divisive for
debate by state lawmakers. Iowa schools are
currently gun-free zones, and Branstad told
reporters he believes the policy should remain
in place. Some Iowa gun advocates have
urged the Legislature to eliminate gun-free
zones in schools, saying Iowans should be
allowed to defend themselves when faced
with the potential of mass violence.
Mayor of London Boris Johnson has called on
UK PM David Cameron to seek a Danish-style
opt-out of European Union rules so he can
push through his plan to block benefits going
to EU migrants. The Prime Minister has faced
strong opposition to his plan to make migrant
workers wait four years before they can claim
in-work benefits such as tax credits. In his
weekly Daily Telegraph column Mr Johnson
warned EU leaders that they were "radically
and dangerously misreading" Mr Cameron
by thinking he wants to stay in the EU
at "any price."
A recently elected Labour MP has pledged to
openly “knife” Jeremy Corbyn as party leader
if it becomes clear he cannot win the next
general election. Jess Phillips, who was
elected in May to the Birmingham Yardley
seat, said she regularly criticised the Labour
leader and his office in person and preferred
open criticism to behind-the-scenes
leadership plotting. “I’ve said that to him and
his staff to their faces - the day it comes that
you are hurting us more than you are helping
us, I won’t knife you in the back – I’ll knife you
in the front.”
Gov. = Governor / to back soutenir / Second
Amendment deuxième amendement de la
Constitution des É.U. (garantit à tout citoyen
américain le droit de porter des armes) / divisive
sujet à controverse, conflictuel / lawmaker
législateur / advocate défenseur, partisan / to
urge exhorter / Legislature corps législatif / to
face être confronté à.
PM = Prime Minister / to seek, sought, sought
chercher (à obtenir) / opt-out non adhésion,
exemption / to push through faire adopter,
imposer / to claim prétendre à / in-work benefit
prestation liée à l’exercice d’un emploi / tax credit
crédit d’impôt / column rubrique, chronique / to
warn avertir, mettre en garde / to misread, read,
read mal comprendre, se tromper (sur).
MP = Member of Parliament membre du
parlement, député / to pledge promettre / to
knife poignarder ici, s’opposer à / general election
élections législatives / behind-the-scenes en
coulisses, dans l’ombre / to plot comploter (pour
prendre la direction du parti) / staff équipe.
VOCABLE Du 7 au 20 janvier 2016
724-05-on parle.indd 5
21/12/2015 16:21
À la une
Los Angeles
I Los Angeles I
I  C2
Founded: 1781 / Incorporated: 1850
Elevation: Sea level to 1,548 m
above sea level
Latitude et Longitude: 34°05'N, 118°24'W
Climate: Mild temperatures year round
Average Annual Precipitation:
37.6 cm (14.8 in)
at the
A woman strikes a pose for a
friend's photo behind the
Hollywood sign in Los Angeles.
nd the
(REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson)
rn art.
d area
Découverte de Los Angeles à pied
Pour vous rendre à pied du « centre ville » de Los Angeles aux plages de Santa Monica, à l’ouest, il faut compter 5h30. Pour aller
d’Universal City, au nord de la ville, jusqu’au quartier de Watts au sud, misez plutôt sur 7 heures sans vous arrêter. La ville s'étend
sur 1 290,6 km2 ! Malgré les distances, marcher pour la découvrir n’est pas forcément une mauvaise idée…
OS ANGELES - Had I been driving I
would not have stopped here. But I
was lured from the sidewalk by an open gate
and the mysterious buildings beyond. There
was a Moorish structure with a minaret,
another was Italian with a loggia, a third had
a fleur-de-lis on a chimney. It was as if a snow
globe village had been dropped onto Sunset
Boulevard. At the back of the hushed lot, a
stone statue, naked to her hips, stood sentry.
2. I would later learn that this is where a Jazz
1. to lure from détourner de / sidewalk trottoir /
moorish mauresque / chimney cheminée / snow
globe boule à neige / hushed tranquille, paisible / lot
ici, quartier, zone / hip hanche (naked to her hips
poitrine nue) / to stand, stood, stood sentry
monter la garde (sentry sentinelle).
2. Jazz Age Ère du Jazz (années 1920) / fanciful
extravagant / to commission commander / widow
veuve / pedestrian piéton(nier) / outdoor (en)
extérieur / shopping mall centre commercial / to
recast, cast, cast transformer / tenant locataire,
occupant / Big film de Penny Marshall (1988) /
• VOCABLE Du 7 au 20 janvier 2016
724-06-10 A la une.indd 6
Age gangster named Charlie Crawford was
murdered. In 1936 these fanciful buildings,
commissioned by his widow, became Crossroads of the World, the first pedestrian
outdoor shopping mall in Los Angeles. In the
1940s it was recast as an office complex, attracting such tenants as Alfred Hitchcock.
Today, the complex calls to mind the scene
in “Big” where Tom Hanks returns to an
abandoned fairground in search of a wish-
making machine. There’s magic in the air,
even after the carnival has come and gone.
3. Visit
Los Angeles as a solo traveler and
you’ll find few better ways to unmask the
city’s hidden-in-plain-sight history, meet
other people and imbibe responsibly than to
be car-free. (And consider the money you’ll
save on gas and valets.) This is not to scorn
the car, which offers its own pleasures. It’s a
symbol of freedom and, at its most inspired,
fairground champ de foire / wish-making machine
machine à exaucer les vœux.
3. to unmask découvrir / hidden-in-plain-sight qui
se cache sous nos yeux / to imbibe boire (de l’alcool)
/ gas = gasoline essence / valet voiturier / to scorn
dédaigner, mépriser /
 facile A2-B1 /  moyen B2-C1 /  difficile C1-C2
21/12/2015 18:06
Donnez-nous votre avis sur [email protected]
Découvrez le reportage vidéo et testez votre compréhension
The Broad Museum built by
philanthropists Eli and Edythe
Broad, featuring their
collection of modern art.
(REUTERS/Kevork Djansezian)
Los Angeles
Los Angeles has a
complicated relationship
with the car. The city was
molded throughout the
mid- and late- Twentieth
Century to rely on them, but
as it filled up, they started
to feel more and more like
little metal prisons. Over
the past 20 years, LA has
started to rebuild its lost
public transit system, and
Angelenos have gradually
been driving less and riding
buses and trains more.
to mold (US) = mould (GB)
modeler, façonner / to rely on
dépendre de / to fill up se
People enjoy the night at The
Grove in Los Angeles. (Wally Skalij/
Los Angeles Times/MCT)
art. But driving can complicate a solo trip,
and those who would rather not brave Los
Angeles traffic should know that they need
not see the city from behind a wheel to relish
it. Some of its most beloved
citizens, including the author Ray Bradbury, never
drove. And while walking
is common downtown and
in Venice Beach and Santa
Monica, in cooler months
one can just as easily traverse Los Angeles between
West Hollywood, Los Feliz,
Miracle Mile and Larchmont Village by putting one
foot in front of the other (with help now and
then from mass transit and Uber). In fact,
local tourism officials are encouraging people to do just that.
traffic circulation / wheel volant / to relish apprécier
/ downtown (en) centre ville / mass transit
transports en commun / Uber service permettant de
commander un taxi, un chauffeur privé ou un
covoiturage depuis son téléphone portable.
4. Walk on the wild side chanson de Lou Reed (1972)
/ granted certes / to stroll déambuler, arpenter /
picturesque pittoresque / noisy bruyant / scant ici,
peu (de) / shade ombre / to greet saluer / yowza
waouh / to whiz by passer à toute allure / to borrow
a phrase reprendre une expression / chump ballot,
crétin / humdrum monotone / stretch portion,
partie / glance coup d'œil / grinning arborant un
large sourire / to lean, leaned or leant, leaned or
leant s'appuyer / gaze regard /
4. Granted, strolling Los Angeles can be any-
thing but picturesque. There are wide, noisy
boulevards with scant shade. If you’re a
woman, men in cars may
greet you with “Yowza!” as
they whiz by. Sometimes, to
borrow a phrase from Shel
Silverstein, the sidewalk
ends. But just when you
think walking these interminable avenues is for East
Coast chumps, something
makes you smile. Take the
white Tudor-style building
that caught my eye on an
otherwise humdrum stretch of North La Brea
Avenue. A second glance revealed a trompel’oeil image of a grinning Charlie Chaplin
leaning on a cane. From there my gaze
Unmask the
city’s hiddenin-plain-sight
traveled up the building to a 12-foot-tall Kermit the Frog tipping a bowler hat atop what
turned out to be the Jim Henson Co., formerly Charlie Chaplin Studios (hence Kermit’s “little tramp” get-up).
5. Walk
east on Franklin Avenue and you’ll
be rewarded with postcard views of the Hollywood sign over your left shoulder, or the
French-Normandy-style 1920s hotel Château
Élysée (now the Church of Scientology Celebrity Centre International) rising above the
trees near Tamarind Avenue. Walk long
enough and you realize that here in this
megalopolis of cars are quiet wonders, like
the surprisingly ubiquitous sight of hummingbirds hovering around storefronts and
to tip one’s hat lever son chapeau / bowler hat
chapeau melon / atop (juché) sur / formerly
anciennement / tramp vagabond, clochard / get-up
tenue, accoutrement.
5. to reward récompenser / sign panneau ici, grandes
lettres blanches qui ornent la colline surplombant
Hollywood / wonder merveille / ubiquitous
omniprésent / sight spectacle / hummingbird colibri
/ to hover around voleter aux alentours de /
storefront devanture de magasin, vitrine.
VOCABLE Du 7 au 20 janvier 2016
724-06-10 A la une.indd 7
21/12/2015 18:06
À la une
I Los Angeles I
I  B2-C1
Joséphine Wister Faure, une artiste américaine, nous livre son point de vue sur Los Angeles.
Elle a tellement de choses à partager que vous pourrez l’écouter sur la partie ADVANCED
et sur la partie BASIC de votre complément audio ! CD audio ou téléchargement MP3
People walk near a
puddle reflecting palm
trees at the boardwalk
in Venice Beach, one of
the few spots in
car-choked Los Angeles
with a vibrant street
life. (REUTERS/Jonathan
People at a
transportation hub on
Hollywood Boulevard
and Highland Avenue
in the Hollywood area
of Los Angeles. (Monica
Almeida/The New York Times)
6. When you’re car-free and solo, one of the
easiest places to nest is West Hollywood.
There’s plenty of shopping, dining and night
life, and the central location makes it a great
base for jaunts to other neighborhoods. Hotels dot the Sunset Strip (once the stamping
grounds of numerous larger-than-life personalities including members of the Doors
and Led Zeppelin) and a walk from here to
the La Brea Tar Pits is a mere 3 miles.
7. The
air becomes fragrant near the corner
of Fern Dell Drive and Los Feliz Boulevard
on the edges of Griffith Park, the largest
municipal park with an urban wilderness
area in the United States. The whir of traffic
- which I’d been walking amid for 4 miles faded, and soon all I heard was the brook as
I entered the woods, stepping on fallen sycamore leaves, yellow with pointed lobes, like
stars on the Walk of Fame.
8. Near
the top of the trail to the Griffith
Observatory (James Dean fans may recall the
“Rebel Without a Cause” scene shot here)
there’s a rocky shortcut, which I began ascending in delicate French sneakers. It wasn’t long
before I was sliding back down. A woman in
gym shoes bounced past me like a gazelle.
“You’re almost there!” she shouted over her
shoulder as she reached the summit. “Thanks!”
I said, on my hands and knees, clutching a
small boulder. “I wore the wrong shoes.”
9. The view at the top took the sting out of my
ungainly arrival. Hawks circled and plunged
toward the enormous silver city basin. In the
distance, the ocean beckoned. I will not recount
how I began skidding down yet another shortcut off the Mount Hollywood hiking trail, but
suffice it to say that when it came time to leave,
I wanted the most direct, not the scenic, route
out. And I thought I was on it as I followed the
sidewalk down from the observatory parking
6. to nest ici, séjourner / location emplacement /
jaunt (petite) excursion, sortie, balade /
neighborhood (US) = neighbourhood (GB)
quartier / to dot être disséminé sur, émailler /
stamping ground lieu de prédilection, endroit favori
/ larger-than-life hors du commun / mere
8. trail sentier, chemin / Rebel Without a Cause La
Fureur de vivre (1956) / to shoot, shot, shot tourner /
rocky accidenté / shortcut raccourci / French
sneakers chaussures en toile à semelles plates / to
slide, slid, slid down déraper, glisser / to bounce ici,
sautiller, gambader / to clutch agripper / boulder
bloc de pierre, rocher.
7. fragrant parfumé, odorant / drive rue, allée / on
the edge of à la lisière de / wilderness espace
sauvage / whir vrombissement / amid au milieu (de)
/ to fade s'estomper / brook ruisseau / sycamore
platane / pointed pointu / Walk of Fame trottoir
très célèbre situé sur Hollywood Boulevard et
recouvert d’étoiles où figurent les noms de célébrités.
9. to take, took, taken the sting out of ici, faire
oublier (un souvenir pénible) / ungainly maladroit,
gauche / hawk faucon / silver (couleur) argent /
basin ici, cuvette / the ocean beckoned l’océan
offrait un spectacle enchanteur (to beckon faire
signe, inviter) / to recount raconter / to skid down
dévaler / hiking (de) randonnée / suffice it to say
inutile de dire / scenic touristique /
X mois
• VOCABLE Du X7 auau20
724-06-10 A la une.indd 8
lot. Alas, the sidewalk eventually disappeared,
and I was suddenly darting Road Runner-style
from one curve to another to ensure I would
be seen and not hit by oncoming cars. Lesson
1: Wear proper footwear. Lesson 2: Know when
to summon Uber. ●
alas hélas / eventually finalement / to dart foncer,
détaler / Road Runner oiseau du désert américain ici,
réf. au personnage de Bip Bip dans les dessins animés
de la Warner Bros / curve virage / oncoming venant
en sens inverse / footwear chaussures / to summon
cf. §1. Had I been driving
I would not have
stopped there.
"Had I been driving" est une autre
façon de dire "If I had been driving".
Rappel des 3 types de conditionnel :
Conditionnel 1 : exprime une
situation qui peut, ou non, se
produire : "If he comes we’ll ask him
to do it".
Conditionnel 2 : exprime une
situation possible dans le présent
mais qui est soumise à une
condition : "If I had more money I
would buy a new car".
Conditionnel 3 : exprime une
situation qui aurait pu être possible
dans le passé : "If I had been driving,
I would have stopped"
 facile A2-B1 /  moyen B2-C1 /  difficile C1-C2
21/12/2015 18:06
In 1920, there were 161,846 automobiles registered
in Los Angeles County.
By 1930, there were 806,264 automobiles registered
Los Angeles County.
Today, more than 600,000 cars are sold in Southern California
every year
In Los Angeles, a 30-minute commute in the evening will take
54 minutes due to congestion, an extra 92 hours annually
Véhicules de luxe customisés pour affronter les
embouteillages à Los Angeles
On appelle cela un paradoxe : Los Angeles est une ville terriblement étendue, au tissu
urbain conçu pour la circulation automobile, et pourtant, elle est chroniquement
victime d’embouteillages monstres. Un entrepreneur astucieux a trouvé la parade
pour éviter de faire perdre leur temps aux plus fortunés de ses clients…
hate driving in Los Angeles—the traffic
makes you want to shoot yourself,” says
Dr Dre, a rapper. So he buys wheels from
Becker Automotive Design, a Californian
firm that customises rides for the rich and
gridlocked. His latest purchase is a stretched
Cadillac Escalade with a flat-screen television
and a digital system that allows him to
browse his home film library in the car. “I
like to close the curtains, relax and watch
Martin Scorsese films,” says Dr Dre.
2. Todd
Doney, a property broker, used to
spend three or four hours a day stuck behind
the wheel of his Bentley. Now he spends
that time talking to clients on the telephone,
returning e-mails, and going over documents. His chauffeur-driven car is, in effect,
a tricked-out mobile office. “I feel like I’m
beating the system because I can work while
everyone else is stuck in traffic,” he says.
1. to shoot, shot, shot oneself (fig.) ici, se tirer une
balle dans la tête / wheel roue, volant; ici, véhicule /
to customise faire sur mesure, personnaliser / ride
trajet, parcours; ici, véhicule / purchase achat,
acquisition / stretched étiré, allongé / flat-screen
(à) écran plat / to allow permettre à / to browse
naviguer (sur internet), parcourir / film library
vidéothèque / curtain rideau.
2. broker courtier / to spend, spent, spent passer
(du temps) / to be stuck être bloqué/coincé / to
return ici, répondre à / to go, went, gone over
passer en revue, examiner / tricked-out customisé /
to beat, beat, beaten the system déjouer le
système; ici, contourner un problème de façon
3. For three years in a row, congestion in Los
Angeles has been the worst in America. That
is good news for Howard Becker, the founder
of Becker Automotive. He began his business
in the 1970s, installing sound systems for the
Beverly Hills glitterati. Today, he customises
cars and vans for clients such as Mark Wahlberg, an actor, and King Abdullah of Jordan.
4. The vans take up to seven months to complete and come with such features as touchscreen computers, wireless Internet, cable
TV, seats for half a dozen people, bathrooms—
and, in one case, an exercise bicycle welded
to the floor so the owner could work out.
5. Becker cars are not cheap: they range from
$150,000 for a basic rolling palace to more
than $500,000 for an armoured one. (These
3. in a row d’affilée, consécutifs / congestion
embouteillage(s) / worst pire / founder fondateur /
glitterati célébrités (glitter paillettes) / van
camionnette; ici, SUV / such as tel(s) que.
4. up to jusqu’à / to complete réaliser, achever / to
come, came, come with être livré avec, être équipé
de / feature ici, équipement, aménagement /
touch-screen (à) écran tactile / wireless sans fil /
seat siège, place assise / half a dozen demidouzaine / to weld souder / owner propriétaire / to
work out faire du sport/de l’exercice.
5. to range from... to varier/aller de... à / armoured
blindé /
Ready for a nice ride?
(Becker Automotive)
VOCABLE Du 7 au 20 janvier 2016
724-06-10 A la une.indd 9
21/12/2015 18:06
À la une
I Los Angeles I
I  B2-C1
Découvrez le reportage vidéo et testez votre compréhension
are apparently popular in the Middle East
and Africa, where security is a priority, as
well as with nervous celebrities.) On the
inside, Mr Becker’s cars can be as opulent as
you like, butVocable_Concours_210x287
most customers prefer
outside to be understated. If you are a star
stuck in traffic, it is unwise to advertise the
fact. Who wants to be mobbed by fans on
the freeway?
(the) Middle East (le) Moyen-Orient / opulent
09/12/15 15:23
/ customer client / understated
discret / unwise imprudent, déraisonnable, malavisé
/ to advertise afficher, porter à la connaissance du
public / to mob assaillir / freeway autoroute.
6. Two decades ago in “Let me ride”, Dr Dre
boasted that his car had “16 switches” and
“sounds for the bitches”, adding that he was
“clockin’ all the riches”. Today, nearly 50 years
old and
worth $800m, he no longer feels the
need to show off. “When I was younger, I
wanted Ferraris and Bentleys and Rolls Royces,” he says. “But now, I’m beyond that. I just
want to sit in the back of the car and relax.” ●
cf. §2. …stuck
behind the
wheel of his Bentley.
Combien de "wheels" votre voiture
possède-t-elle ?
En Grande Bretagne les voitures en
ont 5, et parfois 6 !!
Il y a quatre "wheels" ("roues") +
un "steering wheel" ("le volant")
et parfois un "spare wheel" ("roue
de secours").
6. decade décennie / to boast se vanter / switch
interrupteur / bitch garce, salope; ici, femmes / to
clock ici, cumuler / riches richesses / worth
représentant (une valeur de), pesant / no longer plus
/ to show off frimer, se la jouer / I’m beyond that
c’est fini, cela ne m’intéresse plus, j’ai évolué.
15:23 Page1
Page1 15:23 Page1
15:23 15:23
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• VOCABLE Du 7 au 20 janvier 2016
724-06-10 A la une.indd 10
 facile A2-B1 /  moyen B2-C1 /  difficile C1-C2
21/12/2015 18:06
À 360°
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Le tour du monde en V.O.
Poor kitties
Two Swedish women have been banned from keeping animals after authorities
found they had treated their cats as makeshift babies. Several anonymous reports prompted animal protection officers to visit the women's homes last autumn. It emerged that the pair had pushed their cats around in pushchairs.
They had spoon-fed the cats while keeping them strapped to highchairs, and
had also let the animals suck on pacifiers. One woman also confessed she regularly let her cat suckle on her breast. The two cats were taken into the care of
animal protection officers.
Eric Holland, 80, was working in his shed
when he emerged to find a 1.5-metre-long
goanna in his backyard in Thurgoona, near
Albury in New South Wales. "I couldn't have
been more shocked if a Martian had landed,"
he said. Mr Holland said he had lived in his
home for 18 years and had never seen a
goanna as big as this one. "It blew the
cobwebs out of me," he said.
scare terreur / shed cabane / goanna varan /
backyard arrière-cour, jardin / New South Wales
Nouvelle-Galles du Sud / to land atterrir, débarquer
/ to blow, blew, blown the cobwebs out of sbdy
sidérer, souffler qqn (cobweb toile d’araignée).
(Brendan McDermid)
(REUTERS/Juan Carlos Ulate)
A big scare
kitty (fam.) minou, minet / to ban interdire / makeshift ici, substitut / report signalement / to prompt inciter
/ to emerge s’avérer / pushchair poussette / to spoon-feed, -fed, -fed nourrir à la cuillère / to strap sangler,
attacher / highchair chaise haute / to suck sucer / pacifier (US) = dummy (UK), tétine / to suckle têter / to
be taken into the care of être confié à.
It’s a miracle!
Willmering, a small town in Bavaria was
blighted by a spate of deadly car
accidents. After hiring a healer to
counteract dangerous 'invisible rays' in the
area, the town reports that accidents have
stopped. For a price of €1,800, Helmut
Gebert instructed the councillors to hang
wooden boxes from three trees on the
boundary of the road. In these boxes he
placed three circular white dishes with
metal poles sticking up from the centre.
The devices remain there to this day.
to blight frapper d’un fléau / spate série / deadly mortel, meurtrier / healer guérisseur / to counteract
neutraliser, contrer / ray rayon / to report indiquer / councillor conseiller municipal / to hang, hung, hung
accrocher, suspendre / boundary bord / dish plat / pole bâton / to stick, stuck, stuck up être planté, fiché,
maintenu en position verticale / device dispositif / to this day aujourd’hui encore.
Too salty
New York’s assault on sodium started last
month with a new rule that’s the first of its
kind in the US, requiring chain restaurants to
warn customers about dishes loaded with
salt. Eateries with 15 or more locations
nationwide now have until March 1 to revamp
their menus to include small salt-shaker
emblems next to items with more than 2,300
mg of sodium, the recommended daily limit.
The average American exceeds the daily
recommendation by 40 percent, according to
City Health Commissioner Dr. Mary Bassett.
assault on ici, bataille (contre) / rule
réglementation / to warn avertir / loaded with
bourré de / eatery restaurant / location lieu ici,
établissement / to revamp modifier / salt-shaker
salière / item produit, ici plat / average typique.
VOCABLE Du 7 au 20 janvier 2016
724-11-A 360.indd 11
• 11
21/12/2015 16:22
I Espionnage I
I  B2-C1
Edward Snowden, bouc émissaire rêvé de la CIA
Glenn Greenwald, un journaliste politique, avocat, et écrivain américain est le premier
à avoir publié les révélations d'Edward Snowden sur les programmes de surveillance
de masse des citoyens, entreprises et états du monde entier par la NSA. Suite aux
attentats du 13 novembre dernier à Paris, il décrypte les faiblesses du système de
défense américain.
ecent people see tragedy and barbarism when viewing a terrorism
attack. American politicians and intelligence
officials see something else: opportunity.
Bodies were still lying in the streets of Paris
when CIA operatives began exploiting the
resulting fear and anger to advance longstanding political agendas.
They and their congressional allies instantly attempted
to heap blame for the atrocity not on Islamic State but
on several preexisting adversaries: Internet encryption,
Silicon Valley’s privacy policies and Edward Snowden.
Silicon Valley’s privacy safeguards, claiming:
“I have asked for help. And I haven’t gotten
any help.”
2. The
CIA’s former acting
director, Michael Morell,
blamed the Paris attack on Internet companies “building encryption without keys,”
which, he said, was caused by the debate over
surveillance prompted by Snowden’s disclosures. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., blamed
shifting tactic is understandable. After all, the CIA, the
NSA and similar agencies receive billions of
dollars annually from Congress and have been
vested by their Senate overseers with virtually unlimited spying power. They have one
paramount mission: find and stop people who
1. intelligence services secrets, renseignements /
official (haut) responsable / CIA = Central
Intelligence Agency / operative agent / to
advance ici, avancer (dans la mise en œuvre de) /
long-standing de longue date / agenda programme
/ congressional au Congrès / to heap blame on
renvoyer la faute à, jeter l’opprobre sur / encryption
cryptage / Silicon Valley capitale informatique des
É.-U., à Santa Clara Valley, près de San Francisco par
ext., grandes entreprises qui s’y sont installées /
privacy confidentialité.
privacy safeguard mesure, dispositif de protection
de la vie privée / to claim affirmer, prétendre.
• VOCABLE Du 7 au 20 janvier 2016
724-12-13-snoden.indd 12
CIA chief James Woolsey said
Snowden “has blood on his hands” because, he
asserted, the Paris attackers learned from his
disclosures how to hide their
communications behind encryption. Woolsey thus decreed on CNN that the NSA
whistleblower should be
“hanged by the neck until
he’s dead, rather than merely
did not tell
the terrorists
they did not
already know.
2. acting par intérim / to blame sthg on s.o. tenir
qqn responsable de qqch / key clé / to prompt
déclencher, provoquer / disclosure révélation,
divulgation / Sen. = Senator / D-Calif. = Democrat,
California /
3. Former
4. In one sense, this blame-
3. to assert affirmer / to decree décréter / NSA =
National Security Agency (organisme rattaché au
département de la Défense des É.U., responsable de
la sécurité des systèmes d’information) /
whistleblower lanceur d’alerte / to hang, hanged
or hung, hanged or hung pendre / merely
4. in one sense dans une certaine mesure /
blame-shifting tactic tactique consistant à rejeter
la faute sur les autres / to vest investir (d’un pouvoir)
/ overseer contrôleur, auditeur / virtually
pratiquement / spying d’espionnage / paramount
capital, essentiel /
are plotting terrorist attacks. When they fail,
of course they are desperate to blame others.
5. The CIA’s blame-shifting game, aside from
being self-serving, was deceitful in the extreme. To begin with, there still is no evidence that the perpetrators in Paris used the
Internet to plot their attacks, let alone used
encryption technology. CIA officials simply
made that up. It is at least equally likely that
the attackers formulated their plans in faceto-face meetings. The central premise of the
CIA’s campaign — encryption enabled the
attackers to evade our detection — is baseless.
6. Even
if they had used encryption, what
would that prove? Are we ready to endorse
the precept that no human communication
can ever take place without the U.S. government being able to monitor it? To prevent
to plot préparer en secret, organiser / to fail
5. self-serving intéressé / deceitful trompeur,
malhonnête / evidence (inv.) preuve(s) / let alone
encore moins, a fortiori / to make, made, made up
inventer / premise postulat / to enable permettre
(à) / to evade échapper à / baseless infondé.
6. to endorse cautionner / to monitor contrôler,
surveiller /
 facile A2-B1 /  moyen B2-C1 /  difficile C1-C2
21/12/2015 16:24
Donnez-nous votre avis sur [email protected]
American whistleblower Edward Snowden is seen
on monitors as he delivers remarks via video link
from Moscow to attendees at a discussion
regarding an International Treaty on the Right to
Privacy, Protection Against Improper Surveillance
and Protection of Whistleblowers in Manhattan,
New York September 24, 2015. (REUTERS/Andrew Kelly)
cf. §6 The
claim is
Le préfixe "mis" indique
habituellement quelque chose
qui n’est pas juste, comme dans
un "misunderstanding"
("un malentendu").
"Misleading" est quelque chose
qui nous mène* à une fausse
conclusion, c’est-à-dire quelque
chose de "trompeur".
*to lead = mener.
the CIA and FBI from “going dark” on terrorism plots that are planned in person,
should we put Orwellian surveillance monitors in every room of every home that can
be activated whenever someone is suspected
of plotting?
7. The claim that the Paris attackers learned
to use encryption from Snowden is even
more misleading. For many years before
anyone heard of Snowden, the U.S. government repeatedly warned that terrorists
were using highly advanced means of
evading American surveillance. Then-FBI
Director Louis Freeh told a Senate panel in
March 2000 that “uncrackable encryption
is allowing terrorists — Hamas, Hezbollah,
al-Qaida and others — to communicate
about their criminal intentions without
fear of outside intrusion.”
to go, went, gone dark on sthg ici, perdre de vue
(des suspects qui ont crypté leurs messages et
disparu des écrans radar) / Orwellian orwellien (de
George Orwell, auteur du roman «1984» où apparaît
Big Brother, symbole de l’État totalitaire portant
atteinte aux libertés individuelles et au respect de la
vie privée).
7. misleading trompeur, erroné / to warn avertir,
mettre en garde / then d'alors, de l'époque / panel
commission d'enquête / uncrackable indéchiffrable.
8. Snowden
did not tell the terrorists anything they did not already know. The terrorists
have known for years that the U.S. government is trying to monitor their communications. What the Snowden disclosures actually revealed to the world was that the U.S.
government is monitoring the Internet communications and activities of everyone else:
hundreds of millions of innocent people under
the largest program of suspicionless mass
surveillance ever created, a program that
multiple federal judges have ruled is illegal
and unconstitutional.
9. That
is why intelligence officials are so
eager to demonize Snowden: rage that he
exposed their secret, unconstitutional
schemes. But their ultimate goal is not to
smear Snowden. That’s just a side benefit.
The real objective is to depict Silicon Valley
8. suspicionless à l’abri de tout soupçon / to rule
décréter, déclarer.
9. eager impatient, avide / to demonize diaboliser /
to expose ici dévoiler, révéler / scheme procédé,
système / to smear calomnier, salir / side benefit
avantage corollaire / to depict dépeindre /
as terrorist-helpers for the crime of offering
privacy protections to Internet users, in order
to force those companies to give the U.S.
government “backdoor” access into everyone’s communications. American intelligence
agencies have been demanding “backdoor”
access to encryption since the mid-1990s.
They view exploitation of the outrage and
fear resulting from the Paris attacks as their
best opportunity yet to achieve this access.
10. The key lesson of the post-9/11 abuses —
from Guantanamo to torture to the invasion
of Iraq — is that we must not allow military
and intelligence officials to exploit the fear
of terrorism to manipulate public opinion.
Rather than blindly believe their assertions,
we must test those claims for accuracy. In
the wake of the Paris attacks, that lesson is
more urgent than ever. ●
backdoor porte dérobée (en inf. fonctionnalité
inconnue de l’utilisateur légitime, qui permet de
surveiller les activités d’un logiciel) / to demand
exiger, réclamer / outrage indignation / to achieve
10. 9/11 = attentats du 11 septembre 2001 / abuse ici,
attaques / blindly aveuglément / assertion
affirmation / accuracy exactitude / in the wake of
au lendemain de.
VOCABLE Du 7 au 20 janvier 2016
724-12-13-snoden.indd 13
• 13
21/12/2015 16:24
I Tourisme I
I  B2-C1
Inde : l'héritage mi-amer d'un aventurier controversé
Le Garhwal est une très ancienne région du nord de l'Inde, à la frontière du Tibet dans la chaine de l'Himalaya. C’est là que se situe
le petit village d’Harsil. Pour attirer les touristes et mieux vendre leurs produits locaux, ses habitants espèrent capitaliser sur la
présence du fantôme d’un Anglais ayant vécu chez eux… au XIXème siècle !
ittle known to the outside world, this
quaint hamlet tucked in the Uttarakhand Himalayas produces in equal measure
juicy apples and juicier ghost stories — both
linked to each other. Orchards are the signs
that nurture the legend of Pahari Wilson or
Raja Wilson — the local names for British
adventurer Frederick E Wilson, an army
deserter from the mid-19th century, who
introduced apples and timber trade to this
sleepy Himalayan nook.
2. Wilson lies buried in an English cemetery
in Mussoorie now but in this village, a pit
stop for pilgrims on the way to Gangotri,
locals see him almost everywhere. “His ghost
has been spotted on several occasions by
villagers, especially on full moon nights,”
says Dayaram Semwal, a Harsil native and
priest at the Gangotri shrine.
1. quaint au charme suranné, pittoresque / hamlet
hameau / tucked caché, niché / juicy juteux, mais
aussi croustillant, savoureux / orchard verger / to
nurture nourrir, entretenir / timber bois d??uvre /
sleepy ici, paisible / nook (re)coin.
2. pit stop ici, étape / pilgrim pèlerin / local habitant
du coin / to spot apercevoir / shrine lieu saint,
• VOCABLE Du 7 au 20 janvier 2016
724-14-15-in garhwal.indd 14
3. But why does the spirit of an Englishman,
who lived in a double-storey timber bungalow
with his two local wives, haunt god-fearing
villagers? For many, he is the Holy Ghost of
Harsil. Agrees Bahadur Singh, an apple grower, saying the sightings of “Raja Hulseyn
(another of his local names) ka
bhoot” are a reminder of the
Englishman’s legacy; how
much the village owes to him.
4. His legacy came to the fore
moted as a separate tourism circuit with an
aim to attract international travellers, says AK
Dwivedi, the additional director of tourism.
5. Folk
singer Rajanikant Semwal, who belongs to the region, recalls how as a child he
grew up hearing tales about
the man who brought rajma or
kidney beans and the crunchy
Wilson apples to Harsil. “He
was a wealthy man who set
the money rolling in the region.” But the legend of Wilson
has a dark side to it. Many
people loathed him for his unrestrained loot of natural resources, untrammeled hunting of wildlife and the ruthless slave labour
he encouraged to become one of India’s
richest men of his time through timber trade
with the railways.
says a local
deity cursed
after the state recently announced a plan to promote
tourism revolving around
noteworthy British-era personalities who lived
and died in the hills here. These British figures, such as Wilson who lies buried in an
English cemetery in Mussoorie, will be pro3. double-storey sur deux niveaux / bungalow
pavillon / god-fearing très croyant / Holy Ghost
Esprit Saint / sighting ici, apparition / legacy
héritage, legs.
4. to come, came, come to the fore être mis en
avant / to revolve around être axé sur / noteworthy
remarquable / British-era ici, de l’époque coloniale
britannique / hill colline, hauteur / aim objectif.
5. tale histoire, récit / rajma plat indien végétarien à
base de haricots rouges / kidney bean haricot rouge /
crunchy craquant, croustillant / to set, set, set the
money rolling faire affluer l’argent / to loathe
détester / unrestrained effréné, débridé / loot
pillage / untrammeled débridé, immodéré / wildlife
animaux sauvages, faune / ruthless impitoyable /
railway chemins de fer.
 facile A2-B1 /  moyen B2-C1 /  difficile C1-C2
21/12/2015 16:26
Donnez-nous votre avis sur [email protected]
Garhwal is the northwestern region and administrative division of the northern Indian state of Uttarakhand.
Lying in the Himalayas, it is bounded on the north by Tibet, on the east by Kumaon region, on the south by
Uttar Pradesh state, and on the northwest by Himachal Pradesh state.
Semwal says a local deity cursed
Wilson that his lineage will not survive because of his sins — looting the region’s natural splendour. “In fact, even his huge wood
mansion was gutted in a fire, perhaps a result
of that curse.” Uttarakhand-based historian
Lokesh Ohri disagrees on this count. “Locals
were happy with the crunchy cash crop he
had given, saved many from the tyranny of
the Tehri Raja of Garhwal. His anti-environment activities gained traction only in the
modern times.”
6. deity divinité / to curse maudire / lineage lignée /
sin péché / mansion manoir, demeure / to gut
détruire / on this count à ce sujet / cash crop culture
de rente / to gain traction susciter l’intérêt, attirer
7. apple of sbdy’s eyes prunelle des yeux de qqn /
villain méchant, scélérat / nondescript quelconque,
banal / to bring, brought, brought to prominence
mettre au premier plan / to spin, spun, spun dreams
nourrir les rêves.
6. Priest
7. The
Englishman’s gutted bungalow gave
way to a forest department cottage, named
Wilson House, but the orchards he introduced continue to bear fruit. “A hero or a
villain, he certainly brought this nondescript
village to prominence,” says hotelier and apple grower Jogendra Rana. Harsil’s juicy
apples and natural beauty have spun Bollywood dreams too. Showman Raj Kapoor
chose this place to shoot his Ram Teri Ganga
Maili in the 1980s. ●
cf. §1 … a reminder
of the Englishman’s
Rappel : to remember = se
souvenir de qqch.
to remember to do something =
ne pas oublier de faire qqch.
to forget = oublier
Si vous avez peur que quelqu’un
n’oublie de faire quelque chose,
vous pouvez lui envoyer un
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VOCABLE Du 7 au 20 janvier 2016
724-14-15-in garhwal.indd 15
• 15
21/12/2015 16:26
I Mode I
I  B2-C1
Pogonophilie : quand les barbus s'affichent
Tressée, taillée ou au naturel, la barbe remporte un succès croissant aux Etats-Unis où des concours sont régulièrement organisés
pour élire celui qui a la plus belle, la plus longue ou encore la mieux décorée. Découvrez un univers original, au poil, en constante
expansion grâce à cet article riche en vocabulaire pointu.
tephen Pofelski has dead-straight red
hair, which flops over his forehead
when he doesn’t push it back. His long ginger beard, which he has been growing for
18 months, is naturally wavy and voluminous. Most people when they spy it, and
then see braces supporting his trousers,
assume he is a hipster, which he concedes is
1. dead-straight tout raide / to flop over (re)tomber
/ forehead front / ginger roux / wavy ondulé / to spy
ici, apercevoir / braces bretelles / to assume supposer,
s’imaginer / hipster personne branchée, adepte des
cultures alternatives /
not inaccurate. “But I prefer to be called a
modern-day mountain man with little bit
of a trendy edge,” he says. On November 7th,
Mr Pofelski’s struggles against the challenges of itchiness and soup were vindicated when he won best natural full beard
at the National Beard and Moustache
2. The competition was held in
3. Pogonophiles
are the most visible outgrowth of a broader trend. According to
Mintel, a consultancy, 41% of American men
do not shave daily, including half of those
aged 18 to 24. Ralph Marburger of Just for
Men, a hair-colouring company, says this is
partly the result of increasingly casual workplaces, where
clean chins are no longer mandatory. In some industries they
may even attract suspicion.
41% of
men do not
shave daily
Brooklyn, a whisker paradise.
Yet few of the competing
beardsmen were hipsters,
though many were dressed in
unusual garb. The smell of
styling beeswax hung heavy
in the air. They competed in 18
categories. The moustache
contest included the English (where the
lengthy ends are styled), the Dalí (as in Salvador) and the Hungarian (no explanation
necessary). For the bearded, categories included the Amish, the Fu Manchu, the Musketeer, the Kaiser and the Garibaldi.
inaccurate inexact / modern-day contemporain,
d'aujourd'hui / trendy branché (trend tendance) /
edge côté, tendance / struggle lutte, effort /
itchiness irritation, démangeaison / to be vindicated
ici, être récompensé.
2. competition championnat / whisker moustache /
garb costume, accoutrement / styling coiffant (to
style ici, coiffer) / beeswax cire / to hang,
hanged or hung, hanged or hung ici, flotter /
heavy ici, fort, capiteux ; the smell of ... hung
heavy in the air le parfum lourd de...flottait
dans l’air / contest concours / lengthy long
/ Amish communauté mennonite, très
austère et fidèle aux traditions / Fu
Manchu personnage de fiction d’origine
asiatique incarnant le mal dans les romans
de Sax Rohmer et qui arbore une
moustache longue et fine / musketeer
4. The bearded take their facial
hair most seriously, carefully
trimming and conditioning it.
Some colour their beards to
mask the grey. Competitive
bearders are even more addicted to grooming.
Using tongs, Chris Bates took two and a half
hours to transform his massive beard into
intricate curls. But he was unable to defeat
Adam Gazda who, with the help of a coffee
cup, a fizzy-drink can and lots of hairspray,
styled his beard into a dizzying array of
gravity-defying loops, thereby triumphing in
the freestyle full-beard category. ●
3. pogonophile qui aime les barbes / outgrowth
conséquence ici, avatar / consultancy cabinet de
conseil / to shave se raser / casual décontracté /
chin menton / mandatory obligatoire / suspicion
soupçon, ici méfiance.
4. to trim tailler / to condition mettre de l’aprèsshampoing, des produits fortifiants / addicted accro,
dépendant / grooming soins, toilette, entretien /
tongs pinces / intricate ici, sophistiqué / curl boucle
/ fizzy drink soda / can canette / hairspray laque /
dizzying étourdissant, vertigineux / array ensemble
/ loop boucle / thereby ainsi, de ce fait.
Top of the beards. (World beard moustache championships)
 facile A2-B1 /  moyen B2-C1 /  difficile C1-C2
724-16-pogo.indd 16
21/12/2015 16:27
4 pages ludiques pour s'améliorer en anglais…
Connaître les mots anglais, c’est bien. Savoir les
prononcer, c’est mieux ! Pour cela, rendez-vous
sur la partie BASIC de votre complément audio.
CD audio ou téléchargement MP3
Le bricolage
It is so much cheaper to do it
yourself than sending for a
plumber! C’est tellement
moins cher de le faire soi-même
que d’appeler un plombier !
She has decided to refurbish
the whole living-room. She
couldn’t stand this hideous
wallpaper any longer. Elle a
décidé de rénover tout le salon.
Elle ne pouvait plus supporter
ce papier peint hideux.
I must admit I am not really a
practical person… J’avoue que
je ne suis pas très manuel…
Look, I’ve managed to fix the
leak! Regarde, j’ai réussi à
réparer la fuite !
plug, screw anchor
cheville (pour vis)
bolt boulon
plumbing plomberie
brush brosse
clamp serre-joint
put something off
enlever, retirer
decorate décorer
put up, fit installer
dismantle démonter
refurbish, restore
Bon à savoir
Depuis plusieurs années le
bricolage (DIY, qui se
traduit par « faites le
vous-même ») et les
travaux de rénovation
connaissent un grand
succès au Royaume-Uni ;
c’est devenu l’un des
hobbies préféré des
Britanniques !
Nombreux sont les
Britanniques qui
investissent dans de vieilles
bâtisses dans le sud de la
France afin de les restaurer.
Si vous êtes en vacances ou
en famille dans le Sud,
profitez-en pour travailler
votre anglais !
Michael Hogue/The Dallas Morning News/TNS
DIY (Do It Yourself)
A retenir
I spend my weekends doing
up this old house! Je passe
mes week-ends à retaper cette
vieille maison !
adjustable spanner /
wrench clé anglaise
renovate rénover
dowel cheville (en
sand poncer
drill perceuse
screw vis, visser
file lime
screwdriver tournevis
hammer marteau
sink évier
leak fuite
spirit level niveau (à
monkey wrench clé à
nail clou
paint peinture,
paint brush pinceau
pipe tuyau
pipe wrench clé à
saw scie, scier
stapler agrafeuse
upholstery tapisserie
(activité), tissu
wall paper papier
pliers pinces
SOLUTIONS - TESTEZ-VOUS : 1-c ; 2-d ; 3-f ; 4-a ; 5-e ; 6-b.
Vous envisagez de retapisser
votre chambre ou de restaurer
un vieux buffet trouvé aux
Puces, voici quelques mots qui
devraient vous éviter d’errer
pendant des heures dans les
rayons de Homebase à la
recherche d’outils dont vous ne
connaissez pas le nom (même
en français)…
Vocabulaire clé
Associez chaque mot de la première
liste à un mot de la seconde :
1. leak
2. hammer
3. adhesive
4. drill
5. upholstery
6. wooden floor
a. screw
b. board
c. sink
d. nail
e. armchair
f. wallpaper
VOCABLE Du 7 au 20 janvier 2016
724-17-20 praticable.indd 17
• 17
22/12/2015 15:54
PRATIC’ABLE / Grammaire
Le gérondif
Tous les quinze jours, retrouvez des exercices et des points de grammaire, d'orthographe
ou de vocabulaire en lien avec des articles présents dans votre numéro !
Les verbes exprimant
un sentiment ou une
appréciation comme like,
appreciate, enjoy, hate
sont toujours suivis d’un
verbe en –ing.
Par exemple :
I hate being stuck in the traffic.
b. In the 1940s [the mall] was recast as an office complex,
attracting such tenants as Alfred Hitchcock. G
c. Walking is common downtown and in Venice Beach
and Santa Monica. G
d. In cooler months one can just as easily traverse Los Angeles …
by putting one foot in front of the other. G
e. In fact, local tourism officials are encouraging people
to do just that. G
f. Granted, strolling Los Angeles can be anything but picturesque. G
g. Walk east on Franklin Avenue and you’ll be rewarded with postcard views
of the … 1920s hotel Château Élysée ... rising above the trees near Tamarind
Avenue. G A
Indiquez la forme verbale qui convient. Demanding Faster Equality, page 22
1. It may seem an inopportune time to start / starting a new party.
2. She is tired to wait / of waiting for women to be treated the same as men.
3. “We have to stop to be / being told to wait for equality,” she said.
4. She plans a comedy tour next year to raise / raising money for the new party.
5. Britain’s voting system awards electoral districts to candidates who receive the highest number of votes rather
than to require / requiring more than 50 percent.
6. A judge, recently said that gender equality in senior judicial roles could have “appalling consequences for justice”
by to sideline / sidelining qualified men.
7. WE’s goals include to have / having women make up 66 percent of the candidates to replace retiring members
of Parliament.
8. One of WE’s founders said she never seriously considered to join / joining one of Britain’s mainstream parties.
1. to start - 2. of waiting - 3. being - 4. to raise - 5. requiring - 6. sidelining - 7. having - 8. to join / joining
Par exemple :
Before going to the UK, make sure
you pack your raincoat.
Le gérondif s’emploie après
une préposition.
a. Had I been driving I would not have stopped here. G
a. A - b. A - c. G - d. G - e. A - f. G - g. A
Par exemple :
Going on the London Eye is great.
The most popular activity in
London is clubbing.
Les six phrases ci-dessous contiennent soit un gérondif soit une
autre forme verbale se terminant en ‘ing’.
Mettez ‘G’ lorsqu’il s’agit d’un ‘gérondif’ et ‘A’ dans les autres cas.
LA, as a Pedestrian, page 6
Le gérondif V-ing peut être
sujet ou complément.
Piqûre de rappel
• VOCABLE Du 7 au 20 janvier 2016
724-17-20 praticable.indd 18
22/12/2015 15:54
/ Prononciation et orthographe
Retrouvez plus d’infos sur
“You say ‘lesbian love story’ ... but
[in the 1950s] they didn’t have language
like that.”
Actresses Resist labels with ‘Carol’, page 26
L’article A spoonful of sugar, page 30 contient au moins quatre
mots formés avec un préfixe ou un suffixe : spoonful, effective,
tiredness, discomfort. Construisez douze nouveaux mots en
ajoutant +ful, +ive, +ness, dis+
mouth. strange. ability. claim. restrict. addict. deep. sack. organized.
hand. obtuse. product
Le dessin d'Yves Cotten
Le progrès ou les inventions génèrent de
nouveaux mots de vocabulaire. Plus la
société dépend de la technologie, plus
l’apparition de néologismes s’accélère. De
nos jours, il est facile de penser aux mots
qui n’existeraient pas sans internet : blog,
troll, crowdsourcing
(on adopte souvent l’anglicisme).
Notre citation illustre bien un autre aspect
de la question : l’évolution de la société
elle-même. L’expression ‘politically
correct’ ou ‘PC’ est assez récente.
Beaucoup plus ancien et d’origine
française, le mot ‘gay’ a été adopté par la
communauté homosexuelle au siècle
dernier avant de se transformer encore en
adjectif péjoratif signifiant « nul » ou
« stupide » pour des millions
d’adolescents anglophones. D’autres
néologismes proviennent du vocabulaire
médical (‘chocoholic’) ou économique
(‘global village’).
Sur quelle syllabe se trouve l’accent
tonique dans les mots ci-dessous ?
Les néologismes
SOLUTIONS - 1 handful, mouthful, sackful / productive, restrictive, addictive / deepness, obtuseness, strangeness / dsiclaim, disability, disorganized
- purposefully - representative - directness - disapprove - disrespect - unpleasantness
Soignez votre
plateful - regretfully - representive - wonderful
Le saviez-vous ?
Retrouvez beaucoup plus d'exercices de
grammaire, d'orthographe et de culture
générale sur notre site internet !
VOCABLE Du 7 au 20 janvier 2016
724-17-20 praticable.indd 19
• 19
22/12/2015 15:54
PRATIC’ABLE / Vocabulaire
Jeux de mots
Complétez les mots-croisés. Tous les mots
proviennent de l’article LA, as a Pedestrian, page 6
1. central city area
4. public urban transport
6. tourist walking route
8. I left my car in the _____ lot.
1. past of ‘drive’
2. The city has great _____ life.
3. not inside (adj)
4. cars, trucks, buses etc
5. path for pedestrians
7. large shopping area
À retenir
Jack Link’s family business, page 24 . Insérez les dix mots suivants
dans le texte.
It was the Native Americans who invented jerky. They cut buffalo meat into
strips, dried it in the hot summer sun, and smoked
5 mots
à mémoriser
dans ce numéro
Why the CIA is smearing
Snowden, page 12
it over the fire. They.............................................................................................................................. the meat with herbs found in
spying : espionnage
the .............................................................................................................................. . Meat
disclosures : révélations
in this
served as a .......................................................................................................
on......................................................................................................................hunting expeditions, as it was easy to transport and.
for a long time. It also gave the hunters energy with its high levels
of protein and ................................................................................................. and very little ........................................................................................................ .
whistleblower :
to plot an attack : planifier
un attentat
perpetrator : auteur d’un
L'expression idiomatique
LA, as a Pedestrian, page 6
“... [Sunset Strip was] once the stamping grounds of numerous larger-than-life
personalities ...”
L’expression ‘stamping grounds’ (plus souvent ‘ground’ sans ‘s’, ou encore ‘stomping
ground(s)) signifie un endroit très fréquenté. Il a souvent une connotation nostalgique : ‘I
miss my old stamping ground.’ Son origine est incertaine, mais on peut supposer qu’il
désignait dans le passé un lieu de passage régulier des troupeaux de bétail. Il existe
d’ailleurs dans le Kentucky une petite ville qui s’appelle Stamping Ground.
Retrouvez beaucoup plus d'exercices de
grammaire, d'orthographe et de culture
générale sur notre site internet !
Ne manquez pas dans le prochain numéro la nouvelle page PRATIC’ABLE : L'astrologie !
SOLUTIONS : 1 Across. 1. DOWNTOWN—central city area / 4. TRANSIT—public urban transport / 6. TRAIL—tourist walking route / 8.PARKING—I left my car in the ___ lot. Down. 1. DROVE—past of ‘drive’ / 2. NIGHT—The city has great ___ life.
/ 3. OUTDOOR—not inside (adj) / 4. TRAFFIC—cars, trucks, buses etc / 5. SIDEWALK—path for pedestrians / 7. MALL—large shopping area 2 thin - seasoned - vicinity - cured - fashion - provision - strenuous - kept - iron - fat.
• VOCABLE Du 7 au 20 janvier 2016
724-17-20 praticable.indd 20
22/12/2015 15:54
Donnez-nous votre avis sur [email protected]
(Mario Anzuoni)
Brèves de culture
(Patrick T. Fallon)
Panic room
First look
Ricky Gervais is bringing his famous character David Brent back and has shared
on Facebook the first look of the awkward man himself returning to where he
belongs – in a dreary looking office. The movie, Life On The Road, follows Brent as
a travelling salesman more than ten years after the hilarious tv series The Office
came to an end on the BBC. He now wants to make it as a musician and plans to
travel the country with his sidekick…
The Hunger Games star Josh Hutcherson has
found a role in James Franco's newest film,
The Disaster Artist. The film is a making-of
story about the 2003 movie The Room, widely
thought of as one of the worst films ever
made. Franco is directing and starring as
Tommy Wiseau, the director of The Room,
who had no filmmaking experience when he
set out to make it. Hutcherson will play Philip
Haldiman, the actor who played Denny in The
Room, according to The Hollywood Reporter.
Dave Franco and Seth Goldberg are also set
to star in the film.
The film is a making-of story of... le film raconte
l’histoire du tournage de... / widely largement / to
direct mettre en scène / to star tenir le rôle principal
/ to set, set, set out to entreprendre de.
character personnage / awkward gauche, maladroit / dreary morne, ennuyeux / travelling salesman
représentant de commerce / to make, made, made it ici, réussir / sidekick acolyte.
(Mario Anzuoni)
HBO's star-studded Big Little Lies is
adding another Hollywood titan to its
cast, now that Shailene Woodley is
reportedly signing on. The star of the
massively-popular Divergent Series and
The Fault in Our Stars will appear
opposite Nicole Kidman and Reese
Witherspoon in the comedy series. Big
Little Lies is based off of Liane Moriarty's
2014 novel about mothers of
kindergarten-aged children getting
caught up in a murder plot.
cast distribution / HBO chaîne de télévision
payante américaine / star-studded à
la distribution prestigieuse / reportedly
selon les rumeurs / to sign on ici, accepter
(de participer à qqch) / The Fault in Our
Stars Nos étoiles contraires, film de Josh
Boone (2014) / opposite ici, aux côtés de /
kindergarten-aged ayant l’âge d’aller à la
maternelle / plot ici, histoire.
A wonderful cast
Once Upon a Time…
Themed dating services have been around
for a while, but a new one has arisen based
entirely around Disney films. Mouse Mingle
is a place you can turn to bond over your
passion for the animation studio and maybe
even find true love in the process. Not
associated with Walt Disney in any way, the
service's founder Dave Tavres started it up
because he was struggling to meet women
who love Disney as much as he does. It costs
$12.55 to sign up, and it's for adults only.
once upon a time il était une fois / themed à thème
/ dating (de) rencontres / ...have been around
for a while ...existent depuis un certain temps / to
arise, arose, arisen apparaître / Mouse Mingle réf.
à Mickey Mouse et à to mingle se mêler / to bond
créer des liens / in the process par la même occasion
/ to struggle éprouver des difficultés / to sign up
VOCABLE Du 7 au 20 janvier 2016
724-21-echos.indd 21
• 21
21/12/2015 16:28
I Politique I
I  B2-C1
Sandi Toksvig,
from the Women's
Equality Party.
(Andrew Testa/The New York Times)
Nouveau parti
pour l'égalité
Un nouveau parti politique est né l’année dernière en Grande-Bretagne, le Women's
Equality Party. Son objectif ? Promouvoir la parité en politique, réduire l'écart
salarial, défendre les droits des familles LGBT et agir contre les violences conjugales.
Il espère remporter un ou deux sièges à la Chambre des Communes en 2020.
4. The question for WE’s founders is wheth-
ONDON — It may seem an inopportune time to start a new party, given
Britain’s crowded political scene, but Sandi
Toksvig says she is tired of waiting. Waiting
for what? For women to be treated the same
as men, to have the same opportunities, the
same representation in the top ranks of business and government and the same salaries,
and for Britain’s major political parties to
take the issues seriously. “We have to stop
being told to wait for equality,” Toksvig, 57,
a British-Danish writer and comedian, said
in an interview. “I’m done waiting.”
2. Many others are apparently tired of waiting,
1. given étant donné, vu / crowded bondé (crowd
foule); ici, nombreux (partis) / to be tired of en avoir
assez/marre de / rank ici, grade, échelon, hiérarchie
(aussi, rang) / issue question, sujet / to be done with
en avoir fini avec, en avoir assez/marre de.
2. to introduce présenter, lancer / to set, set, set up
créer / to draw, drew, drawn attirer, rassembler.
too. Since Toksvig and two journalists — Sophie
Walker, 44, and Catherine Mayer, 54 — officially introduced the Women’s Equality Party,
known here as WE, last month it has set up
more than 65 branches and says it has drawn
more than 45,000 members and supporters.
3. “It’s
incredible the wave of enthusiasm
we’re currently riding on,” said Toksvig, who
will soon present a popular television quiz
show called “QI” and plans a comedy tour
next year to raise money for the new party.
3. wave vague / currently actuellement / to ride,
rode, ridden ici, jouir/profiter de / tour tournée / to
raise collecter, lever (fonds).
er what amounts to a single-issue party will
advance the cause of women’s equality or
risk weakening it — if the party further
fractures voters, particularly on the left — or
if it founders on the steep obstacles that new
parties face in Britain.
5. Much like most of the U.S. voting system,
Britain’s first-past-the-post process awards
electoral districts to candidates who receive
the highest number of votes rather than requiring more than 50 percent, encouraging
two-party dominance and undermining
small parties.
4. founder fondateur / whether si (oui ou non) / to
amount to se résumer à / to weaken affaiblir,
fragiliser / further davantage / to fracture ici, diviser
/ to founder sombrer, s’effondrer, se désintégrer /
steep ici, de taille / to face être confronté à.
5. first-past-the-post (système de) scrutin
majoritaire à un tour / to award accorder, attribuer /
to undermine nuire/porter atteinte à.
• VOCABLE Du 7 au 20 janvier 2016
724-22-23 DEMANDING.indd 22
 facile A2-B1 /  moyen B2-C1 /  difficile C1-C2
21/12/2015 16:29
Donnez-nous votre avis sur [email protected]
6. It
is a system that “creates an effective
massive hurdle for new parties,” said Tony
Travers, a professor of government at the
London School of Economics and Political
Science. Candidates usually must win around
40 percent of the vote in a constituency to
claim a seat in Parliament, a level of support
few small parties can command, he said.
7. The founders of WE are nonetheless hop-
ing that their party will bring women’s issues to the front of the political conversation
in Britain.
8. Elsewhere in Europe, women’s parties are
taking hold. Two years ago,
Soraya Post, of the Swedish
Feminist Initiative party,
became the first person
elected to the European Parliament on a feminist ticket.
In April, Norway founded
its own version. And the
Swedish party is now talking to feminists in Finland
and Denmark about starting like-minded parties
there, Post says.
14. In July, Prime Minister David Cameron,
11. Despite
15. For
the 1970 Equal Pay Act, British
women still earn almost 20 percent less than
their male colleagues. The British gender pay
gap of 17.5 percent is higher than the average
in the 34-nation Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development and is only
marginally better than the gap of 17.9 percent
in the United States.
parties have
been quick
to defend
their records
9. Generally, the Nordic countries have some
of the highest rates of gender equality in the
world. In Britain, however, women lag far
behind men in a variety of areas, from public
offices to corporate boardrooms.
10. Jonathan
Sumption, a senior British
judge, recently told The London Evening
Standard that gender equality in senior
6. hurdle obstacle (aussi, haie) / constituency
circonscription électorale / to claim prétendre à; ici,
remporter / seat siège.
7. nonetheless néanmoins.
8. to take, took, taken hold s’implanter/établir /
Swedish suédois / ticket idées, plate-forme
(électorale) / Norway Norvège / like-minded
partageant les mêmes opinions.
9. rate taux, pourcentage, proportion / gender
equality égalité des sexes / to lag behind être à la
traîne de/en retard sur; ici, ne pas jouir des mêmes
droits / area domaine / office fonction / corporate
d’entreprise / boardroom conseil d’administration.
10. senior de haut rang, éminent /
judicial roles should not be rushed, warning
that it could have “appalling consequences
for justice” by sidelining qualified men.
Only 25 percent of English and Welsh judges, 29 percent of British members of Parliament, and about 25 percent of FTSE 100
board directors are women.
12. For the founders of WE,
that record demonstrates a
lack of passion and priority
given to women’s issues by
Britain’s mainstream political parties. “Not one of
them has solved their own
gender equality problems,
so how can they solve society’s?” said Mayer, one of
WE’s founders, who writes
for Time magazine.
13. Sensing
the challenge, the mainstream
parties have been quick to defend their records. Kate Green, Labour’s shadow Minister
for Women and Equalities, said in an email
that it was the Labour Party that extended
maternity leave to a full year and that introduced the Equal Pay Act, the Sex Discrimination Act and the Equality Act.
to rush précipiter / appalling dramatique / to
sideline mettre sur la touche, écarter / Welsh gallois
/ FTSE 100 (FTSE= Financial Times Stock
Exchange) indice boursier (également appelé
Footsie) composé des cent entreprises britanniques
les mieux capitalisées à la bourse de Londres.
11. act loi / to earn gagner (salaire) / gendre pay gap
écart salarial entre hommes et femmes / average
moyenne / marginally légèrement.
12. lack manque, défaut / mainstream dominant,
traditionnel, principal / to solve résoudre, trouver une
solution à.
13. to sense pressentir / Labour (du parti) travailliste
/ shadow (du cabinet) fantôme (qui serait en poste si
l’opposition était au pouvoir) / to extend prolonger /
maternity leave congé de maternité.
of the Conservative Party, announced that
he would introduce rules by the middle of
2016 to make companies with more than 250
employees publish the differences between
the average pay of their male workers and
that of their female employees.
WE, those steps have not been
enough. Its goals include having women
make up 66 percent of the candidates to
replace retiring members of Parliament and
75 percent of new peers appointed to the
House of Lords. The high percentages are
needed, they say, to quickly correct the
lopsided representation of men.
16. Mayer
said she never seriously considered joining one of Britain’s mainstream
parties and lobbying for women’s equality
from within, because “the one way you can
very quickly change the minds of mainstream parties is threatening them at the
ballot box.” ●
14. rule réglementation, loi.
15. step mesure, initiative / to make, made, made
up constituer, représenter / to retire prendre sa
retraite / peer pair; ici, Lord / to appoint nommer,
désigner / House of Lords Chambre des Lords
(Chambre haute du Parlement britannique) /
lopsided bancal, déséquilibré, inégal.
16. to consider envisager / to threaten menacer,
mettre en danger / ballot box urne (électorale); ici,
cf. §3 The British gender
pay gap …
"Mind the gap!" Si vous avez pris le
métro de Londres vous avez sans
doute entendu cette expression.
Attention à l’espace entre le train et
le quai !
Le "generation gap" désigne les
décalages entre générations, et,
lorsque les hommes et les femmes
ne sont pas rémunérés de la même
manière, il y a alors un "gender pay
VOCABLE Du 7 au 20 janvier 2016
724-22-23 DEMANDING.indd 23
• 23
21/12/2015 16:29
I Economie I
The Jerky market
U.S. sales for
52 weeks ending Oct. 4:
$1.4 billion
Minong, Wis
I  C2
market share
Jack Link’s: 59
Private label*: 10
Oberto Sausage Co.: 5
*Also known as store brands.
Produced for particular retailers.
(Elizabeth Flores/Minneapolis Star Tribune/TNS)
Une entreprise qui ne connaît pas la crise
Sucré, salé, poivré, pimenté… aux Etats-Unis, le jerky est incontournable.
Le marché de cette viande de bœuf séchée, salée, puis découpée en fines lanières et
commercialisée dans de petits sachets est largement dominé par une seule marque :
Jack Link. Depuis 1986, cette entreprise familiale du Wisconsin remporte
succès après succès. Quel est son secret ?
INONG, Wis. — It’s fitting that
Jack Link still raises cattle here,
his Angus steers and heifers roaming the same
scrubby farmland where he grew up. Link put
a new spin on an ancient food — jerky — about
30 years ago in this tiny town 140 miles northeast of Minneapolis. He hawked it at trade
shows and built an ironclad distribution network through regional convenience stores.
2. Today,
Link’s name is synonymous with
meat snacks, and his Minong-based company is the nation’s largest beef jerky purveyor. “It really turned out to be beyond my
imagination, beyond what I was thinking,”
Link said. “The growth was huge.”
3. Link’s company does more than $1 billion in
annual sales, dominating a jerky market that
it essentially created. Its slapstick advertisements — featuring the jerky-loving Sasquatch
— have cemented the brand’s popularity. The
meat snack business shows no signs of slow-
1. Wis. = Wisconsin / it is fitting that il est naturel
que... / cattle (inv.) bétail / Angus race bovine
britannique / steer bœuf / heifer génisse / to roam
aller et venir, arpenter / scrubby broussailleux / to
put, put, put a new spin remettre au goût du jour /
jerky viande séchée / to hawk vendre / trade show
foire commerciale / ironclad en béton, à toute
épreuve / convenience store magasin de proximité.
2. purveyor fournisseur / to turn out s'avérer.
3. slapstick burlesque / advertisement publicité, ici
spot publicitaire / Sasquatch monstre poilu
• VOCABLE Du 7 au 20 janvier 2016
724-24-25 JACK.indd 24
ing. Indeed, jerky is riding two of the food
industry’s hottest trends: protein and snacking.
4. Dried meat is, of course, high in protein, and
protein is so popular these days that cerealmaker General Mills launched a version of
Cheerios chock-full of protein. Plus, jerky is
eminently portable, a food that fits in well with
Americans’ increasing propensity to snack.
“Jerky has been at the center of what consumers have wanted for the last decade,” said Troy
Link, son of Chairman Jack Link and the
company’s CEO. Big food companies see that
and are increasingly jumping into meat snacks.
5. Just last year, Hershey bought jerky-maker
Krave, its first non-chocolate acquisition. Tyson extended its popular Ball Park hot-dog
brand into jerky. And Hormel Foods has fashioned one of its signature meat products into
dried, bite-size portions: Spam Snacks. But Troy
Link said nobody is as steeped in meat snacks
as Jack Link’s: “We are the meat snacks experts.
This is all we do.”
légendaire qui vivrait au Canada et aux États-Unis /
to cement établir, ancrer / to ride, rode, ridden ici,
surfer sur, exploiter / hot ici, populaire / trend
tendance / snacking grignotage (d’en-cas).
4. Cheerios marque de céréales de petit-déjeuner à
base d’avoine / chock-full of regorgeant de /
eminently portable très facile à transporter / to fit
in well with bien correspondre à / CEO = Chief
Executive Officer PDG / to jump into se lancer dans.
Jack Link stands in a field of his cattle, where he
first started his career, on Monday, Oct. 19, 2015, in
Minong, Wis. The Wisconsin-based company
started selling beef jerky 30 years ago and now
sells internationally.
6. Jack
Link’s also makes turkey jerky and
chicken and bacon jerky these days, but the
foundation is still the original all-beef variety.
The meat arrives at Jack Link’s Minong plant in
lean chunks of round steak — 8 to 10 pounds
each. It is sliced, seasoned and cooked for six to
eight hours in ovens the size of a small garage.
7. The Minong plant, long ago supplemented
by other Jack Link’s factories, employs about
600. Since Minong’s population is only about
530, Jack Link’s draws employees from
Spooner, Hayward and other northwest
Wisconsin towns.
8. Link traces his roots in Minong to the 19th
century when his great-great grandfather, a
sausage maker, arrived from Germany. Jack
was born in 1946, the same year his dad and
6. turkey dinde / lean fin / chunk morceau / pound
livre (453,6 grammes) / sliced tranché / seasoned
assaisonné, épicé / oven four.
7. to supplement compléter / to draw, drew, drawn
8. it traces its roots to... ses racines remontent à/
au... / sausage saucisse /
5. to fashion sthg into produire qqch sous forme de
/ signature emblématique / bite-size portion
bouchée / steeped imprégné.
 facile A2-B1 /  moyen B2-C1 /  difficile C1-C2
21/12/2015 16:30
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Fun facts
(Elizabeth Flores/Minneapolis Star Tribune/TNS)
(Elizabeth Flores/Minneapolis Star Tribune/TNS)
Jack Link's makes 100
different kinds of meat
snacks, sold in 40 countries.
Meat snacks are a $2 billion
industry in America.
Jack Link's is the official
protein snack of the Boy
Scouts of America.
For true connoisseurs, Jack
Link's makes small-batch,
"handcrafted" beef jerky.
small-batch en petite
production / handcrafted
Workers process Jack Links beef jerky in the packaging area, in Minong, Wis.
his uncle started a Ford dealership in town,
which Jack now owns. He worked at the dealership growing up, as well as on the family
farm tending cattle and at the Links’ general
store, which peddled furniture, appliances and meat.
The store carried 47 varieties
of sausages, sides of beef and
beef jerky — all made by the
Links. But by the mid-1980s,
the Link slaughterhouse had
filed for bankruptcy.
9. Jack Link focused on beef
convenience store chains, took the product.
“That was a big deal,” Link said. SuperAmerica signed on, too. So did QuickTrip. “We
grew up in the convenience store.”
10. Link
quickly added flavored jerky steaks — teriyaki, pepper, sweet and hot
— and created a meat stick
packaged with a cheese
stick. Then, he began producing small bags of traditional beef jerky. The distribution network grew
big-time, too, as the WalMarts of the world signed on.
“It just kept expanding,” he said, and the sportsmen’s favorite became a mass market hit.
company does
more than $1
billion in
annual sales
jerky, a favorite of hunters
and fishermen. He figured
the core sportsmen’s market could be better
tapped with a wider distribution network.
So he created an individually wrapped strip,
or “steak” as the company calls it, that is
thicker and more tender than traditional
jerky. In fact, technically, it’s not jerky. Holiday Station stores, one of the region’s largest
dealership concession (automobile) / to tend
s?occuper de / to peddle vendre / furniture (inv.)
meubles / appliance appareil (électroménager) /
side ici, pièce (de viande) / slaughterhouse abattoir
/ to file for bankruptcy déposer le bilan.
9. to focus on se concentrer sur / to figure penser,
estimer / core noyau dur (de la clientèle) / to tap ici,
atteindre / wrapped emballé / strip lamelle / deal
contrat, marché.
Minn., and Alpena, S.D., site of its largest
operation. With 15 percent of sales from international markets, Jack Link’s also has
plants in Germany, New Zealand and Brazil.
12. With
its strong performance in a fastgrowing market — and the protein snack
halo around jerky — Jack Link’s is a buyout
target for large food companies. “If we were
interested in marketing the company, I think
we would have quite a bit of interest [for it],”
Troy Link said. “But that’s not our desire. …
We decided that we wanted for the long term
to be a family-owned business.” ●
Minn. = Minnesota / S.D. = South Dakota /
operation unité de production.
12. buyout rachat / target cible, ici proie.
11. Jack Link’s is now a global company. Aside
from Minong, Jack Link’s has five other U.S.
facilities, including plants in Mankato,
10. flavored (US) = flavoured (GB) aromatisé /
teriyaki ici, sauce soja acidulée (dans laquelle on fait
mariner de la viande, du poisson ou des crustacés
avant de les faire griller) / stick ici, bâtonnet /
packaged conditionné / big-time de manière
spectaculaire / hit succès.
11. global international / facility ici, usine / plant
usine /
cf. § 4…Jack
Link also has
plants in Germany …
Quelle est la différence entre une
"plant" et une "factory" ?
Dans une "factory" on fabrique des
marchandises (des voitures, des
meubles etc…). Dans une "plant" on
transforme des matières premières
en produits finis, comme dans une
raffinerie, par exemple.
VOCABLE Du 7 au 20 janvier 2016
724-24-25 JACK.indd 25
• 25
21/12/2015 16:30
I Cinéma I
I  B2-C1
The look of love : Cate
Blanchett (l) and Rooney
Mara (r). (Courtesy of Number
9 Films Ltd/Wilson Webb)
Les deux têtes d'affiche de Carol refusent les étiquettes
New York 1952. Carol (Cate Blanchett) est une femme mariée, élégante et sophistiquée. La veille de
Noël, elle erre dans un grand magasin à la recherche d'un cadeau pour sa fille. Elle y rencontre une jeune
vendeuse, Thérèse (Rooney Mara), spontanée, charmante et fragile... On parle déjà d’une nomination
aux Oscars pour les deux actrices principales de Carol, dans les salles le 13 janvier prochain. Que pensentelles de leurs personnages ?
OS ANGELES — Cate Blanchett and
Rooney Mara are puzzling over a
question about why there aren’t more bigbudget love stories between two women.
True, there are scores of indie films that
streaming services label “lesbian romances.”
But few have the household familiarity of,
say, Brokeback Mountain.
2. The two star in Carol, a story of love bloom-
ing at Christmastime between a New Jersey
socialite and a young department store clerk
in the 1950s. Both actresses have done their
own digging for related films. “They get
made, they just don’t get distributed widely.
They don’t get big budgets. I would hazard a
guess that the budget for Brokeback Mountain would have eclipsed the minuscule
budget we had to make this,” says Blanchett,
46, who recently watched the 1997 drama
Fire, about two Indian women who struggle
within arranged marriages and fall in love.
“We even had to make our budget smaller
several weeks before shooting,” says Mara,
30, who was recently moved by Pariah, a 2011
film of an African-American teen living a
closeted life. Did that mean they took a salary cut for Carol? “Salary?” says Blanchett
dryly, as they both chuckle.
1. to puzzle over s’interroger sur / scores of foule,
multitude de / indie (cinéma) indépendant (des
circuits habituels de distribution) / streaming en
continu/en direct (sur Internet) / to label présenter,
cataloguer comme / to have the household
familiarity of être aussi célèbre que / Brokeback
Mountain Le Secret de Brokeback Mountain, film
d’Ang Lee (2006).
2. to star tenir la vedette/le rôle principal / to bloom
fleurir ici, naître / socialite membre de la haute
société, mondain / department store grand
magasin / clerk employé / digging ici, recherches (to
dig, dug, dug creuser) / to hazard a guess se risquer
à dire, hasarder une hypothèse /
drama film dramatique, drame / Fire film de Deepa
Mehta (1996) / to struggle se débattre / to shoot,
shot, shot tourner, filmer / Pariah film de Dee Rees
(2007) / closeted ici, dissimulant son homosexualité
/ dryly d’un ton pince-sans-rire / to chuckle rire,
• VOCABLE Du 7 au 20 janvier 2016
724-26-27 ACTRTESSES.indd 26
 facile A2-B1 /  moyen B2-C1 /  difficile C1-C2
21/12/2015 16:31
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cf. §1 …living a
closeted life …
Vous utilisez en français l’expression
les "WC" mais savez-vous ce que
cela veut dire ? "water closet", car
"closet" en américain veut dire "une
petite pièce", comme "un petit
bureau" ou "un petit cabinet de
travail". C’est aussi un "placard"
("cupboard" en anglais).
"Closeted" veut donc dire "enfermé".
3. The result is a triumph. Carol took off at the
Cannes Film Festival and left critics in rapture,
with all bets on a best actress Oscar nomination for Blanchett and a supporting actress
nomination for Mara. But before Carol’s wide
release, they’re worrying about how their film
will be described. “You say ‘lesbian love story’
and it’s a very sort of reductive way,” says
Blanchett. “Yes, it’s a part of it, but (in the 1950s)
they didn’t have language like that. (Carol) sort
of transcends any label, in a way.”
5. Patricia Highsmith, the author behind The
Talented Mr. Ripley and Strangers on a Train,
wrote The Price of Salt (on which Carol’s
script is based) in 1952, under the pen name
Claire Morgan. In the postscript, Highsmith,
who was bisexual, describes being a shopgirl
and following home a woman who inspired
the book and watching her drink through a
window. It’s all the more notable that The
Price of Salt defied stereotypes of the era and
ends “relatively happily,” says Blanchett.
how many men have told her
they loved the film. “Men
you’d look at and think, ‘Oh
that wouldn’t be for them,’ ”
she says. Carol explores the
psychological impact of living a closeted life. Carol, who
is fighting for custody of her
daughter during a nasty divorce, carries “a world-weary
understanding that a love
like this can’t exist,” says Blanchett. Blanchett
says she wonders what would have happened
if Carol had never met Therese and remained
living in anguish. “I thought she probably
would have one day had too many brandies
and shot herself,” she says.
is working on busting other
stereotypes, including pay equality, with
famous voices such as Jennifer Lawrence,
Sandra Bullock and Patricia Arquette speaking openly about the disparity that exists.
“There’s now a critical mass of women
saying enough is enough,” says Blanchett.
She and Mara are sharply aware of the labels assigned to women. It’s why Blanchett
says she stopped reading interviews she
had given. “I’d be asked my
opinion on something (and
be described as) ‘strident,’
‘forceful,’ ‘doesn’t take prisoners,’ ‘doesn’t suffer fools.’
And all I was doing was
expressing my opinion,”
she says. “I find that kind
of language and description of women to be more
prevalent and sort of worse
in a way than the pay gap,”
says Mara. “We’re just talking about equality,” says Blanchett. “We’re not talking
about greed. I don’t see how the conversation can change, and workplace culture in
any industry can change, until there’s equal
pay for equal work.” ●
3. to take, took, taken off rencontrer le succès /
rapture extase (Carol left critics in rapture Carol a
reçu un accueil critique dithyrambique) / bet pari,
pronostic / supporting actress second rôle (féminin)
/ release sortie.
5. The Talented Mr. Ripley Monsieur Ripley (1955) /
Strangers on a Train L’Inconnu du Nord-Express (1950)
/ The Price of Salt Carol (1952) / pen name nom de
plume / postscript post-scriptum / to defy défier,
4. moved ému, touché / custody garde / nasty ici,
difficile, particulièrement pénible / world-weary
désabusé / anguish angoisse, anxiété / brandy
6. to bust mettre fin à / to be sharply aware of avoir
une conscience aiguë de / strident véhément,
virulent / forceful déterminé ici, catégorique,
autoritaire / doesn’t take prisoners
intransigeant / prevalent répandu / gap écart /
greed cupidité, avidité.
4. Mara says she’s moved by
6. Hollywood
Both actresses
have done
their own
digging for
related films.
Récompense des projets
linguistiques d’excellence en Europe
Remise des prix le 21 janvier 2016
à l’Alliance française de Paris
Partenaires :
VOCABLE Du 7 au 20 janvier 2016
724-26-27 ACTRTESSES.indd 27
• 27
21/12/2015 16:31
I Technologie I
I  B2-C1
San diego
Découvrez le reportage vidéo
et testez votre compréhension sur
Des pilotes visent la stratosphère à bord d'un planeur
Perlan 2, premier aéronef sans moteur au monde, conçu pour atteindre les portes de l’espace, a réalisé le 23 septembre dernier
son vol inaugural dans l’Oregon en montant à plus de 5 000 pieds. Le planeur tentera cette année d’établir le nouveau record du
monde d’altitude, toutes catégories confondues. Découvrez qui se cache derrière ce projet insensé !
AN DIEGO — Talk about serendipity.
Einar Enevoldson was strolling past
a scientist’s office in 1991 when he noticed a
freshly printed image tacked to the wall. He
was thunderstruck; it showed faint particles
in the sky that proved something he had long
believed: The winds that rise off mountains
travel far, far higher into the atmosphere than
most people imagined, representing something of an “elevator” to the heavens.
sailplane, which is lighter than a Honda Fit,
could climb to 90,000 feet.
only this time Enevoldson won’t be in the cockpit. He’s 83 now, and coping with health issues.
4. That would obliterate the current altitude
7. But
2. It was an “a-ha!” moment for Enevoldson,
advantage of the comparatively rare moments when
mountain winds are given
extra lift by the polar vortex,
an expanse of cold, swirling
air found at the world’s
poles. Scientists call them stratospheric
mountain waves.
a renowned test pilot and engineer. He soon
began sketching out plans for a manned
glider that could ride those winds toward the
edge of space. No engine required.
3. So began a 24-year quest that inched clos-
er to reality last month when Enevoldson’s
glider — Perlan 2 — underwent stress testing
at ATA Engineering in San Diego. The company is helping to evaluate whether the
1. serendipity heureux hasard, heureuse découverte
/ to stroll déambuler, marcher (en prenant son
temps) / to tack fixer à l’aide de punaises /
thunderstruck stupéfié, abasourdi / faint infime, à
peine visible / to rise, rose, risen s'élever / elevator
(US)= lift (GB) ascenseur / heavens cieux; ici, ciel.
2. a-ha moment révélation / renowned célèbre / test
pilot pilote d’essai / engineer ingénieur /
to sketch out esquisser, ébaucher / manned habité /
to ride, rode, ridden surfer sur, tirer profit de / edge
limite / engine moteur / to require requérir, nécessiter.
record for gliders, which was set in 2006
when Enevoldson and fellow pilot Steve Fossett rose to 50,727 feet during a lazy climb through the
skies above Argentina.
5. They succeeded by taking
he knows how he’ll feel if pilots Jim
Payne and Morgan Sandercock guide the
milky white glider to new heights.
It is literally
a lofty goal
that begins
with some
basic physics
6. Enevoldson oversees a team that will try to
ride a glider to a new record this year. Once
again, the attempt will be made in Argentina,
to climb grimper / foot (pl. feet) pied (30,48 cm).
4. to obliterate occulter, faire voler en éclats /
current actuel / to set, set, set établir / fellow ici,
copilote / lazy ici, lent.
5. to take, took, taken advantage of profiter de /
comparatively relativement / extra lift ici, poussée
additionnelle/supplémentaire / expanse étendue /
swirling tourbillonnant / wave vague; ici, onde.
6. to oversee, oversaw, overseen superviser /
attempt tentative /
8. “It’ll prove that I’m right;
you can really ride these
mountain waves to great
heights,” Enevoldson said,
standing next to the aircraft. “It will show that I’m
not some crackpot.” That’s
not quite how marketing
people would word it.
9. Enevoldson is founder and chairman of the
Airbus Perlan Mission 2 project. It’s an effort to
show that a manned glider can make the transition from the lowest layer of the atmosphere
— the troposphere — to the stratosphere, where
to cope with faire face à / health issues problèmes
de santé.
7. milky white couleur lait / height ici, altitude.
8. to be right avoir raison / aircraft (inv.) appareil;
ici, planeur / crackpot cinglé, fêlé / quite ici, tout à
fait / to word formuler, qualifier.
9. founder fondateur, créateur, instigateur /
chairman président, directeur / layer couche / jet
avion (à réaction) /
3. so ainsi / quest quête, recherche, mission / to inch
closer to se rapprocher de, frôler / to undergo,
underwent, undergone subir, être soumis à / stress
pression / whether si (oui ou non) / sailplane
planeur / light léger /
• VOCABLE Du 7 au 20 janvier 2016
724-28-29 GLIDER.indd 28
 facile A2-B1 /  moyen B2-C1 /  difficile C1-C2
21/12/2015 16:32
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JANVIER [ 2016
The Airbus Perlan II glider, the first engineless aircraft designed to
reach the edge of space, undergoes vibration testing at ATA Engineering
in San Diego, just weeks after its maiden flight in Redmond, Ore.
most commercial jets fly. The goal: slowly climb
to 90,000 feet, or roughly 19 miles high.
10. It is literally a lofty goal that begins with
some basic physics. “The wind blows over the
mountain, comes down the backside, then it
rebounds, just like water does as it moves over
a rock in a stream,” said Jim Payne, who will
fly Perlan 2 with Morgan Sandercock. “It’s an
extremely amazing phenomenon.”
11. Scientists
used to think that the winds
that rise from the leeward side of mountains
didn’t travel much higher than the troposphere, which varies in altitude, depending
on location and season. The altitude generally ranges from 4 miles to 12 miles.
12. But researchers learned that these moun-
tain waves can make their way well into the
stratosphere, if conditions are right. “I happened upon this by accident. I wasn’t looking
for it,” Enevoldson said.
13. Sanderock makes a point of saying, “The
ultimate purpose of this aircraft is scientific
research. We can go higher than any other
aircraft, taking samples and measurements that
no one else can do.” But Enevoldson stresses a
more fundamental form of human curiosity.
14. “What this amounts to is a place on Earth
that no one has been, and no one has explored,” he said, as engineers jostled Perlan
2’s wings. “The Earth is such a magnificent
and interesting thing. When there’s something new about it, you have to go see it. It’s
there. I have no choice. I have to do this.” ●
13. what’s the point? quel est l’intérêt? / to make,
made, made a point of mettre un point d’honneur à,
ne pas manquer de, insister pour / purpose but,
finalité / sample échantillon, spécimen / to stress
souligner (fait).
14. to amount to se résumer à / to jostle agiter,
actionner / wing aile.
11. leeward sous le vent / location endroit, situation
géographique / to range from... to varier de... à.
12. to make, made, made one’s way into se frayer
un chemin jusqu’à (dans), pénétrer / well (into)
profondément (dans) / to happen upon tomber sur.
Le Salon
(Onisep, CIDJ, CIO Mediacom...)
// 37 DÉBATS
Salon Virtuel
de l’Orientation
Retrouvez les 250 exposants
gratuitement, 365 j/an, 24h/24
roughly environ / mile = 1,609 km.
10. lofty élevé / backside arrière / to rebound
rebondir / rock rocher / stream ruisseau / amazing
incroyable, extraordinaire.
(John Gibbins/San Diego Union-Tribune/TNS)
Espace Champerret
cf. § 2 ...during a lazy climb…
Attention ! Dans les mots contenant
"mb" on ne prononce pas le "b".
Exemples : *plumber, *lamb,
*bombed, *combed ….
Pronunciation: [plum], [lam],
[bomd], [kowmd]
*un plombier, un agneau, bombardé,
Animation et Développement
des Relations École-Profession
VOCABLE Du 7 au 20 janvier 2016
Vocable 55x230 2016.indd 1
724-28-29 GLIDER.indd 29
• 29
17/06/15 16:17
21/12/2015 16:32
I Santé I
I  B2-C1
Une cuillerée de sucre
dding a spoonful of sugar to a glass
of water could be more effective at
making exercise easier than sports drinks,
research has suggested. Researchers at the
University of Bath found stirring table sugar into a bottle of water could mean the
difference between success and failure for
marathon runners, cyclists and long distance athletes.
2. In a study published in the American Jour-
The team
tested several
Is there enough sugar
in this bottle?
nal of Physiology - Endocrinology and Metabolism, they assessed the impact of endurance exercise on liver glycogen levels. The
team tested several drinks to see how different
sugars could slow the decline of liver glycogen
levels, which leads to tiredness.
sources of sugars improves the rate at which
people can absorb them. They warned that
glucose-only drinks could produce stomach
discomfort and suggested sucrose-based alternatives, or simply sugar in water.
3. Their experiment, which used long-distance
4. The difference between them is that each
1. effective efficace / to stir remuer (avec une
cuillère), mélanger / to mean, meant, meant the
difference ici, faire toute la différence / failure
to improve améliorer / rate taux; ici, vitesse /
stomach discomfort maux d’estomac.
cyclists as participants, found both glucose and
sucrose can help maintain liver glycogen levels.
Both sucrose - in the form of table sugar - and
glucose are important carbohydrates, often
referred to as simple sugars. However, the researchers did find combining the different
2. journal revue spécialisée / to assess évaluer,
étudier / liver foie / to lead, led, led to provoquer,
engendrer / tiredness fatigue.
fructose molecule is made from one glucose
and one fructose molecule linked together.
Many sports drinks designed to provide energy during exercise now use a mixture of
glucose and fructose, but many still rely on
glucose alone.
4. to link together lier, associer / to design
concevoir, élaborer / to provide fournir, apporter / to
rely on reposer sur.
(REUTERS/Pilar Olivares)
Vous êtes sportif et préparez une épreuve d’endurance ?
Vous comptez sur les boissons énergisantes pour étancher
votre soif et apporter à votre corps ce dont il a besoin ?
Oubliez les bouteilles fluorescentes, terminé les comprimés…
Tout ce dont vous avez besoin, c’est d’une cuillère de sucre raffiné
et d’un peu d’eau pour tenir le coup !
5. Doctor Javier Gonzalez, the lead researcher,
told The Telegraph: "Our study showed that
ingesting carbohydrates during exercise can
prevent the depletion of carbohydrate stores in
the liver but not in muscle. We also found that
the exercise felt easier, and the gut comfort of
the cyclists was better, when they ingested
sucrose compared to glucose. This suggests that,
when your goal is to maximise carbohydrate
availability, sucrose is probably a better source
of carbohydrate to ingest than glucose." He went
on to recommend up to 90g of sugar per hour
- diluted to 8g sugar per 100ml - for optimal
performance during exercise lasting over two
and a half hours. ●
5. to ingest ingérer / to prevent prévenir, empêcher
/ depletion épuisement / stores réserves / gut
intestin, estomac / availability disponibilité / to go,
went, gone on to poursuivre en / to last durer.
3. experiment expérience (scientifique) /
• VOCABLE Du 7 au 20 janvier 2016
724-30-A SPOONFUL.indd 30
 facile A2-B1 /  moyen B2-C1 /  difficile C1-C2
21/12/2015 16:33
Les sorties
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sur jouez et gagnez...
Des entrées pour des films et des expositions, des CD et des DVD, des romans, des voyages…
D’Amy Berg
Enfant, Janis Joplin (1943-1970)
était un garçon manqué. Elle
souffrait de son physique. Mais
la jeune Texane avait un don :
elle savait chanter. Rock, blues,
folk, elle savait tout faire. Ses
histoires de cœur et de groupes
vont malheureusement
rapidement prendre le pas sur
son talent. Le documentaire
primé d’Amy Berg sur cette
étoile filante, s’appuie sur de
très riches images d’archives,
ainsi que sur les nombreux
courriers adressés par la
chanteuse à sa mère et lus par
Cat Power. Bouleversant !
De Crystal Moselle
La famille Angulo a
grandi en vase clos
dans un appartement
new-yorkais. Les
parents n’ont pas
scolarisé leurs sept
enfants, espérant les
protéger du monde
extérieur. Quand la
réalisatrice Crystal Moselle les
rencontre, ces gamins ne
connaissent pas grand chose du
monde extérieur, en dehors des
films américains que leur père
rapporte régulièrement à la maison,
mais ils commencent à s’aventurer
au dehors. Un documentaire
surréaliste et fascinant !
Dans un lointain
système solaire,
la guerre fait rage
entre les dernières
tribus humaines
et les Cylons. Le
Galactica, dernier
vaisseau de
guerre encore en
état, escorte les rescapés lancés à
la recherche d’un éventuel dernier
refuge : la Terre… Cette intégrale
rassemblant la mythique série
originale de 1978 et celle de 1980 a
été remasterisée en version HD. De
quoi s’évader en VO pendant des
heures devant sa télévision !
15 euros
Universal Pictures Video
45,99 euros
17 euros environ
Dans les salles
C’est le deuxième
album du groupe
australien. Il était
donc forcément
« attendu au
tournant ». Ces
neuf morceaux ont, paraît-il, été
composés la nuit, entre minuit et
quatre heures du matin (d’où le
titre de l’album). On n’a pas de mal
à le croire. C’est folk, c’est doux,
c’est très bien produit, cela
s’écoute au casque ou au calme…
La filiation avec Simon et
Garfunkel est évidente. Mention
spéciale à I’m lying to you cause
I’m lost dont on ne se lasse pas. Le
groupe est en tournée en Europe et
s’arrêtera pour une seule date en
France. Il sera intéressant de voir
ce que cela peut donner !
De Joyce Farmer
La santé de Lars et Rachel, les parents de Joyce Farmer, décline. Ils vont devoir
abandonner leur domicile situé dans un quartier pas très sûr du sud de Los Angeles pour
une maison de retraite… Pionnière de la bande dessinée féministe underground, Joyce
Farmer raconte la lente déchéance de ses parents, de la vieillesse jusqu’à la mort. Un
livre émouvant sur un sujet essentiel : la fin de vie.
er !
Des BD à gagn
Delcourt. 21,50 euros
sur www.voc
De Noah Baumbach
Tracy (Lola Kirke) arrive à l’université à New York. Elle a du mal à se faire des amis,
se fait rejeter du club littéraire, ne rencontre pas grand monde, jusqu’au jour ou elle prend
contact avec sa future demi-sœur Brooke (Greta Gerwig). Cette dernière est un peu plus
âgée, et elle mène une vie palpitante. Un bon sujet de roman ? Une comédie douce-amère
new-yorkaise dans la lignée des meilleurs films de Woody Allen, avec quelques magnifiques
instants de grâce.
Dans les salles
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REUTERS/Darrin Zammit Lupi
Bons plans I Langues
Vous postulez à un emploi pour lequel un très bon niveau
d'anglais est exigé ? Vous souhaitez étendre votre
portefeuille clients aux pays anglophones ? Vous envisagez,
le bac en poche, un cursus en anglais ? Mais vos lacunes vous
paraissent insurmontables … Relax ! Vocable revient d'une
plongée dans l’univers des cours intensifs avec quelques
belles prises pour les jeunes et les adultes, alliant l'utile à
l'agréable. Let's have a look !
MALTE : A 1 700 km de Paris,
l'archipel invite à la détente
mais pas seulement puisque
l'anglais, langue co-officielle,
y est enseignée à chaque coin
de ruelle. Et l'ambiance y est
aussi studieuse. Dans cette ancienne colonie britannique, une
méthode originale et efficace
consiste à être hébergé... chez
son professeur. Cette immersion
« cocooning » est notamment
proposée par le réseau Home
Language International. Vie
quotidienne, repas, loisirs… vous
vivez à l'heure maltaise tout en
suivant des cours particuliers
de 2 à 6 heures par jour avec un
enseignant diplômé.
Vous travaillez vos points
faibles et le professeur
personnalise son enseignement en
s'adaptant à votre rythme. C’est
une approche humaine, mieux vaut
donc regarder les commentaires des
élèves précédents car la
personnalité de l'enseignant
importera davantage que dans un
cours classique.
Attention à la réputation très
festive de Malte qui pourrait
facilement vous détourner de vos
objectifs, en particulier à la belle
En savoir plus :
(Home Language International) /
01 47 34 32 89.
ESPAGNE : Le programme « village anglais » ('pueblo inglés' en
espagnol) propose de perfectionner son anglais en partageant le
quotidien de natifs durant une
semaine au coeur, non pas d'un
village britannique, mais au milieu
de la campagne espagnole. Abbaye
castillane, chalet catalan ou encore
demeure andalouse, vous avez le
choix entre plusieurs destinations
champêtres pour une immersion
en communauté. Au programme,
une centaine d'heures concentrées sur huit jours, avec des face à
face, des jeux de rôles, des exposés
et le partage des repas avec une
vingtaine d'anglophones venus du
monde entier. Le but : habituer son
oreille à tout un éventail d'accents.
A noter qu'il existe des programmes semblables dans l'hexagone
comme « Le Maison », à 10 km
de Rambouillet. Une « bulle anglosaxonne » pour des petits groupes
de 4 apprenants en immersion lin-
guistique : 50 heures réparties sur
5 jours, basées sur des jeux de rôles
destinés au monde de l'entreprise
(inter et intra-entreprise) avec un
niveau B1+ minimum.
Le charme des hébergements.
La diversité des accents
entendus habitue votre oreille et
vous permettra d'échanger, voire de
négocier plus facilement avec des
interlocuteurs anglophones du
monde entier.
La difficulté d’un
environnement linguistique
composé de plusieurs accents
demande, de la part de l'apprenant,
un effort et une attention
supplémentaire. S'assurer par
ailleurs que les groupes de niveaux
sont bien délimités.
En savoir plus : El pueblo inglés :
'Le Maison' : /
01 30 59 75 03
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REUTERS/Darrin Zammit Lupi
passion pour le football et perfectionner son anglais ne sont a priori
pas choses faciles. Pourtant, il existe des programmes comme le 'Chelsea Football Camp' de l'académie
Education First, qui permettent
de concilier les deux. Destiné aux
jeunes de 10 à 18 ans —séparés en
deux groupes d'âges 10-14 et 1418— ce séjour linguistique insiste
particulièrement sur le vocabulaire
lié au sport. Pas besoin d'être un as
du dribble, ni n'avoir un excellent
niveau en langue, car ce programme doit pouvoir, via une passion
commune à l'ensemble de la classe, désacraliser l'apprentissage et
déclencher une vocation. A noter
qu'une formule équivalente - et
moins physique - existe pour les futurs Christian Lacroix : le 'Fashion
Studio', pour les 14-18 ans.
L'apprentissage dans un lieu
atypique. La présence d'élèves
de diverses nationalités favorise la
découverte de l'autre et le partage de
deux langues communes : l'anglais et
le football.
Bien qu'un très bon niveau en
football ne soit pas exigé, il
facilitera l'intégration de l'élève
dans le groupe.
Séjours linguistiques
en immersion
Des cours de langues variés, semestres
linguistiques, anglais des affaires,
préparations aux examens
(ex: Goethe, Cambridge, IELTS…)
0800 903 552
*Plus d’informations sur
En savoir plus :
Education First :
FRANCE : Le groupe Nova Performance propose un stage intensif
d'une semaine à la Défense à Paris
à des salariés (RH, commerciaux,
cadres dirigeants) cherchant à
améliorer leur pratique orale professionnelle. La formule intensive
de 37,5 heures par semaine —faite
pour l'essentiel de jeux rôles—
allie cours individuels, collectifs
et même des 'cours déjeuners'
pour ne pas en perdre une miette... tout en travaillant le 'social
english'. Niveaux homogènes.
Maximum 6 stagiaires par cours.
La spécificité de l'offre doit
garantir que les élèves
partagent un socle, un niveau et des
attentes communes, indispensables à
la réussite du cours.
Un programme exigeant en
immersion dans un univers
professionnel dont il est recommandé
de connaître, au préalable, les codes..
En savoir plus : /
01 72 89 86 20
Le meiLLeur
du Linguistique !
• Séjours linguistiques
Merci à Yolanda Carreras, professeure à l'académie Thamesis
à Madrid, et à Alex, professeur d'anglais à l'académie Babilum
à Madrid, pour leurs précieuses expertises.
Enfants et adolescents 8 -18 ans
Programmes « Parent + enfant »
• Préparation de tests
et examens de langues
• Immersion
chez le professeur
• Intégration scolaire
à l’étranger
(Collégiens & lycéens)
pour Vivre les Langues
vrez n
os for
www.v ations sur s et
• Langues pour professionnels
01 43 07 56 38
Nouveautés 2016,
contactez-nous !
[email protected]
03 20 63 11 00
Collégiens - Lycéens - Etudiants - Adultes
Association loi 1901 n° W595009847 - Agrément Jeunesse et Sports 59 JEP1815
Registre des Opérateurs de Voyages et Séjours n° IMO59100010
Stages d’anglais de qualité
chez le professeur
Cours particuliers
Cours particulier (1:1) ou à2016_Vocable_janvier&Juin.indd
(2:1) en immersion totale:
Les cours chez le professeur
• Adultes, Cadres et Professionnels
• Stages Juniors
• Étudiants aux Cycles Supérieurs
• Préparation aux Examens
• Vacances Studieuses
20/11/2015 15:36
More than just a Language Course
edited by the
+44 207 73 94 411
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I Humour I
CartoonArts International:
to worship prier / common ground terrain d’entente.
Have you ever had an argument with someone? Have you ever had to
“agreed to disagree”? This is exactly what Joel W. Pett illustrates in
this very subtle and funny 6-panel cartoon you could apply to almost
any subject. What Joel W. Pett really denounces here is the ill
communication between the two characters. Quite clever!
argument querelle, discussion, débat / subtle subtil / panel ici, vignette / ill ici, mauvais.
The artist
Joel W. Pett (born September 1, 1953) is an
American Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial
cartoonist for the Lexington Herald-Leader.
He was born in Bloomington, Indiana. After
college at Indiana University, he began doing
freelance cartooning jobs for over nine years.
In April 1984, he joined the Lexington HeraldLeader as their staff cartoonist. Pett's cartoons
have appeared in hundreds of newspapers
and magazines nationwide, including the
Washington Post, the New York Times,
the Los Angeles Times, and the Boston Globe.
Pulitzer Prize prix fondé en 1917, récompensant
chaque année aux É.-U. les meilleurs talents dans les
domaines journalistique et littéraire / editorial
cartoonist dessinateur de presse / college (US) ici,
études universitaires / freelance (en) indépendant /
staff personnel, équipe, ici attitré.
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DIRECTEUR DE LA PUBLICATION : D.Lecat. RESPONSABLE D’ÉDITION : R. Lancelot [69], rlancelot@vocable.
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IMPRESSION : Imprimerie ROTIMPRES (Aiguaviva Girona-Espagne). N° de commission paritaire 1217 K
82493. ISSN n° 0763-9686
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