French 3 Advanced: 431 French 3 Honors: 432 Book required: None


French 3 Advanced: 431 French 3 Honors: 432 Book required: None
Course Name and Number: French 3 Advanced: 431
French 3 Honors: 432
Book required: None
Instructor: Mrs. Champlin - [email protected]
Due Date: Writing Prompts: First day of class. Please submit handwritten on a separate piece of paper.
Vocabulary Quiz: First week of class.
Instructions: Learn these vocabulary words and use them to complete the attached writing prompts.
Voici mon lycée – This is my high school
un emploi du temps chargé – a full schedule
emprunter des livres – to borrow books
le conseiller d’éducation – guidance counselor
la salle de classe – classroom
les maths – math
le français – French
l’histoire-géo – history/geography
l’anglais – English
la cantine – cafeteria
la récréation – recess
le laboratoire – laboratory
la physique-chimie – physics/chemistry
la biologie – biology
la salle d’informatique – computer room
le gymnase – gymnasium
jouer de la guitare – to play the guitar
faire de la photo – to do photography
aller au cinéma – to go to the movies
les films d’horreur – horror movies
les arts plastiques – visual arts
un devoir – homework
une matière – school subject
faire la fête – to party
faire les magasins – to go shopping
faire de la vidéo amateur – to make videos
monter à cheval – to go horseback riding
jouer au basket/au volley – to play basketball/volleyball
jouer aux échecs – to play chess
préféré(e) – preferred, favorite
Ce que j’aime, c’est (infinitive) – What I like, is (verbing)
J’aime bien – I like
Je préfère – I prefer
Je déteste – I hate
J’adore – I love
Qu’est-ce que tu veux comme... – What do you want as...
Quel, quels, quelle, quelles – which
Je n’arrive pas à me décider – I can’t decide.
Je n’en sais rien – I have no idea.
Bonne idée! – Great idea!
Non, désolé(e), je n’ai pas le temps. – No, sorry, I don’t have time.
II. In a dialogue or short letter, imagine you are introducing yourself to a new student. Talk about
yourself, your hobbies and activities, and NDA. Use at least 10 of your new vocabulary words in a
composition/dialogue of 10-15 complete sentences. Please HAND WRITE your answer on a separate
piece of paper and UNDERLINE the words you have used. Use the present tense. Please do your best to
use words, verbs, and phrases that you have learned in your past studies and do not rely on an Internet
translator. is an excellent dictionary!
III. Vocabulary B – Please familiarize yourself with these words for use in your composition (IV below).
You will be quizzed on these words towards the end of September.
Une carte postale – A post card
à la montagne – to the mountain
aller à la pêche – to go fishing
attraper un poisson – to catch a fish
faire de la randonée – to go hiking
le sac a dos – backpack
la gourde – canteen
utiliser – to use
l’hôtel – hotel
à mon retour – on my return
au bord de la mer – to the seaside
faire de la planche à voile – sailing
rendre visite à – to visit a person
à la campagne – in the countryside
au Canada – to Canada
adorer – to love
partir – to leave
une semaine – a week
la canne à pêche – fishing rod
les chaussures de randonnée – hiking shoes
la demi-pension – partial room and board
la pension-complète – full room and board
la lotion anti-moustiques – insect repellent
le sac de couchage – sleeping bag
le sac de voyage – traveling bag
la tente – tent
tous les jours – every day
quand – when
le soir – every evening, in the evening
tous les deux jours – every other day
il y avait – there was/were
rappeler – to remind
Il faisait – The weather was...
C’était (adjective) – It was...
IV. Talk about a real or imaginary past vacation. Use at least 10 of your new vocabulary words in a
composition/dialogue of 10-15 complete sentences. Please HAND WRITE your answer on a separate
piece of paper and UNDERLINE the words you have used. Use the passé composé and the imparfait.
Please do your best to use words, verbs, and phrases that you have learned in your past studies and do
not rely on an Internet translator. is an excellent dictionary!