Saint Joseph and Precious Blood Parishes Paroisses Saint


Saint Joseph and Precious Blood Parishes Paroisses Saint
Saint Joseph and Precious Blood Parishes
Paroisses Saint-Joseph et Précieux-Sang
Rev. Jacques Labelle – pastor / curé
Rev. Mr. Rick Jarvis – deacon / diacre
18318 County Rd 2,
Cornwall, ON. K6H 5R5
Tel: 613.931.1424 - Fax: 613.931.2428
Tuesday to Thursday
9am to 4pm
Web site:
[email protected]
[email protected]
Sacrament of Baptism
Kindly advise the pastor at least two
months before the date of the
Sacrament of Marriage
The pastor would be please to meet
those preparing for marriage one year
before the marriage date. You must be
registered and members of the parish.
Sacrament of Penance
Before the Eucharistic celebrations or
by appointment at the rectory.
Our Sick
We are always pleased to bring Holy
Communion to the sick, to the elderly
unable to come to church. Contact the
pastor or the deacon.
Sacrement du baptême
S’adresser au presbytère au moins 2
mois avant la date de la célébration.
Sacrement du mariage
Le curé sera heureux de rencontrer les
futurs mariés 1 an avant leur mariage.
Vous devez être enregistré et membre
de la paroisse.
Sacrement de pénitence
Avant les célébrations eucharistiques
ou sur rendez-vous au presbytère.
Nos malades
Nous sommes toujours heureux
d’apporter la Sainte Communion aux
malades ou aux vieillards retenus à la
maison. Adressez-vous au curé ou le
SATURDAY, November 9th
16h00 (Lancaster) Pro Populo
17h30 (Glen Walter) Madeleine Lalonde-Landry par Gerry & Lise DiCola
SUNDAY, November 10th
9h00 (Glen Walter) Therese Major by Jacques & Marlene Roy
11h00 (Lancaster) Barbara Cuggy by David Cuggy
MONDAY, November 11th
9h00 (Lancaster) Adoration and Confessions
9h30 (Lancaster) In Thanksgiving by Carl & Denise Collette
WEDNESDAY, November 13th
Chateau Gardens
9h00 (Lancaster) Lucille Theoret par La famille Theoret
THURSDAY, November 14th
9h00 (Glen Walter) Maureen Hutten par Willard, Chabot & Trottier families
SATURDAY, November 16th
16h00 (Lancaster) Pro Populo
17h30 (Glen Walter) Esther Lalonde par Michel Lalonde
SUNDAY, November 17th
9h00 (Glen Walter) Lloyd & Jean Aitken by Sharon Murray & family
11h00 (Lancaster) Daughter & husband by Dorothy Dewar
ADVENT and CHRISTMAS materials are now available at the Catholic Information Centre. If you are in need of Advent
wreaths, candles, booklets, Nativity sets, Christmas cards or giftware, drop by the Catholic book/giftshop at 146 Chevrier
Ave or call 613-933-5099.
L’Avent et Noël : il y a maintenant plusieurs items concernant l’Avent et Noël de disponibles, tels que couronnes de l’Avent,
chandelles, des livrets appropriés, des crèches et cartes de Noël et une variété de cadeaux au Centre Charles-Emile Claude,
au 146 rue Chevrier ou par téléphone 613-933-5099.
You like Christmas songs and like singing them,
come join your choir at Precious Blood Parish in
preparation of our Christmas masses. We will be
having a practice on Monday at 7:00 pm.
Vous aimez les chansons de Noël, venez
rejoindre votre chorale pour une pratique le
lundi à 19h00 à la Paroisse Précieux Sang en
préparation pour nos messes de Noël.
Sunday, November 10 - 4:00 pm to 7:00pm - Sainte-Croix Parish
Cornwall – Roast beef, ham and trimmings.
For whom do we pray at Mass?
Masses are celebrated as means of prayer for the living and the dead. We know that at the Last Supper
Jesus commanded his Apostles “Do this in memory of me”. We also know through the Acts of the
Apostles that the characteristics of the early church were that they came together in communion, were
faithful to the teaching of the Apostles, The Breaking of the Bread and prayer. (Acts 2: 42)… Ancient
tradition tells us that during the Roman persecutions Christians would often gather in the catacombs of
Rome to celebrate the Eucharist at the tombs of the early martyrs. There was a growing awareness that
when the community came together in prayer there was a strength that came not only from those present
but from the prayers of those who had preceded them (the communion of saints). After the time of
persecution, when the Eucharist was able to be celebrated in homes, the growing Christian community
prayed for each other and often included in their prayers their loved ones who had died. The custom
therefore of having Mass intentions for the living as well as for the dead became a practice that finds its
origin at the beginning of the Christian era.
Pour qui prions-nous à la messe?
Les messes sont célébrées comme prière pour les vivants et les morts. Nous savons qu’à la dernière
Cène, Jésus a dit à ses Apôtres: “Faites ceci en mémoire de moi”. En lisant les Actes des Apôtres, nous
apprenons qu’au début de l’Église, “les chrétiens se montraient assidus à l’enseignement des apôtres,
fidèles à la communion fraternelle, à la fraction pain, et aux prières”. (Actes 2:42)… La tradition antique
nous dit que durant les persécutions, les chrétiens se réunissaient dans les catacombes de Rome pour
célébrer l’Eucharistie sur les tombes des premiers martyrs. Il y avait comme une prise de conscience
que si la communauté se réunissait dans la prière, il y avait une force qui venait non seulement de ceux
qui étaient présents, mais provenant aussi de la prière de ceux qui les avaient précédés (la communion
des saints). Après l’époque des persécutions, alors qu’il était possible de célébrer l’Eucharistie dans les
maisons, la communauté croissante des chrétiens continua à prier les uns pour les autres, et bien
souvent ils priaient pour leurs chers disparus. Alors, la coutume d’avoir des intentions de messe pour les
vivants aussi bien que pour les défunts devint une pratique qui remonte aux origines de l’ère chrétienne .
The Diocese is hosting an Advent and Christmas extravaganza on December 7th and 8th. Be sure to mark your calendars!
Keep an eye on your parish bulletin for further details.
The Catholic Women’s League of St. Columban’s parish invite you to their Christmas Tea & Bake Sale on Saturday,
November 16th from 1:30 to 3:00 pm at the St. Columban’s Activity Centre (Room 201 in the Agape Centre). Sandwiches,
cakes, tea and coffee will be served and a draw for a Christmas basket. Admission $6.00. Hope to see you there!
Cercle Notre-Dame-des-Saints-Martyrs #1359 : Messe pour membres défunts le 13 novembre à 19h00 suivie de la
réunion mensuelle à la salle Ste-Thérèse.
Journey to Bethlehem – You are invited to join us for an exciting Advent and Christmas extravaganza on Saturday,
December 7th (1 pm to 5 pm) and on Sunday, December 8th (1 pm to 4 pm) at the Agora Catholic Centre (McConnell Ave,
Cornwall). The two days will include workshops, concerts, a Christmas Marketplace, movies, St. Nick’s Workshop, dozens of
crèches from all parts of the globe and much more. The event will culminate on Sunday afternoon with Bishop Marcel
blessing the crèches. For complete details to register for the workshops or to find out how to have your crèche be part of
the display or to volunteer your time, go to the diocesan website
Vente de tourtières : Veuillez commander avant le 22 novembre 2013 en remplissant
l’enveloppe mise à votre disposition au prix de 10.00$ chacune avant le 17 novembre
et 12.00$ chacune après le 18 novembre. Pour toute information communiquer avec S.
Jeannine Bissonnette au 613-347-1589. Merci pour votre appui!
Sale of meat pies : Please order your meat pies before Nov.22nd, 2013 by completing
the order envelope . Price per meat pie is $10.00 before November 17 th and $12.00
after November 18th. For more information please contact Sr. Jeannine Bissonnette at
613-347-1589. Thank you for your support.
Celtic Concert on Sunday, November 17th at 2:00 pm in the St. Andrew’s Parish Hall, featuring the MacLeod fiddlers, the
MacCulloch dancers, Ashley MacLeod and more. Proceeds going to The Cornwall Catholic Secondary School mission team,
going to the Dominican Republic to work at an orphanage. Free will offering at the door, donations over $20.00 will be
eligible to receive a tax receipt.
Our Cornwall Catholic Secondary Schools Mission Trip this year is heading off to the Dominican Republic spending a
week at the NPPH Orphanage to work with the youth and explore the country. Students from St. Joseph’s, St. Mathews and
Holy Trinity will participate in work at the orphanage and have a chance to visit some sites in the D.R. We would like to ask
for your support as we commence our fundraising. Our annual magazine online fundraiser where you can buy or renew your
favourite subscription while helping out our cause begins and you can look at If
you would like to make a donation and receive a charitable tax receipt, please make cheque payable to C.D.S.B.E.O. and mail
to: Gordie Van Putten, Chaplaincy Leader/Mission Trip Coordinator, Holy Trinity C.S.S., 18044 Tyotown Rd, P.O. Box 248,
Cornwall, ON—K6H 5S7.
Precious Blood Parish in Glen Walter will be hosting their next BINGO on Wednesday, November
20th, 2013 in the church hall starting at 7:00 pm. Added this year, we will have “EARLY BIRD GAMES”
starting at 6:20 pm. Tell your family and friends. Hope to see you there!
Outdoor Nativity Scenes: Christmas is only a few short months away. Now is the time to order your outdoor Nativity
Scene. What better way than this to remind the community that it’s the birth of Jesus that we celebrate on December 25 th.
The 6 piece set includes the Holy Family, 2 sheep and the stable. The pieces are unfinished, but the painting is easy! The price
is $120 + HST. Orders must be placed no later than Nov. 10th with the Diocesan office. Contact Yolande 613-933-1138, ext 24.
St. Francis de Sales K of C #11531 invite you to their Roast Beef Dinner, on Thursday November 14 th from 5:00 – 7:00 pm in
the Parish Hall.
Holy Trinity Catholic Secondary School News: The Respect for Life team paid a visit to the Cornwall Hospice on Nov. 7 th,
to learn more about their history and services. This was a great experience to realize the importance of the dignity of the
human person and where we can help in whatever particular stage of life they are at. Let us continue to pray for a culture
of life and promote the sacredness of each person from conception to natural death.
Le diocèse sera l’hôte d’un grand spectacle soulignant l’Avent et Noël, les 7 et 8 décembre. Assurez-vous de l’inscrire à
vos calendriers! Surveillez vos bulletins paroissiaux pour plus d’information.

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