Liste des publications du Think Tank du PE


Liste des publications du Think Tank du PE
Liste des publications du Think Tank du PE
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Mot-clé "changement de régime politique"
7 résultat(s)
Date de création : 08-02-2017
Serbia: Political parties and the EU
Type de publication
Domaine politique
En bref
Affaires étrangères
économie en transition | réforme politique | question du Kosovo | changement de régime politique | partis politiques |
Serbie | démocratie | régime parlementaire | négociation d'adhésion
Résumé Since the 1990s, one of the main dividing lines between Serbian political parties has been their position on European
integration. The past two decades have seen growing dynamism to political life in Serbia, with new parties emerging
and old ones changing from anti- to pro-EU views, nuancing their rhetoric in line with public attitudes. The start of
accession talks with the EU in January 2014 indicates the attenuation of previously sharp divisions vis-à-vis the EU.
Publication en EN
Actions of the African Union against coups d'état
Type de publication
Domaine politique
En bref
Affaires étrangères
Libye | gouvernance | gouvernement insurrectionnel | Côte d'Ivoire | relation diplomatique | coup d'État | Égypte | Union
africaine | sécurité régionale | changement de régime politique | charte internationale | organisation électorale |
démocratie populaire | sanction internationale
Résumé Created with the objective of promoting democracy and good governance, the African Union has succeeded in creating
a robust normative framework and a consistent policy for dealing with coups d’état, which have affected many African
countries since their independence. However, the implementation of this policy has not been without difficulties, since
there is a need to further improve the efficacy and consistency of the AU’s decisions and hone its normative tools for
the handling of more complex cases.
Publication en EN
Democratic Change in Central and Eastern Europe 1989-90
Type de publication
Domaine politique
Démocratie | Affaires étrangères | Droits de l''homme
Yougoslavie | URSS | Roumanie | élargissement de l'UE | relation Est-Ouest | histoire contemporaine | intégration
européenne | unification de l'Allemagne | pays Baltes | droits de l'homme | Hongrie | Pologne | changement de régime
politique | postcommunisme | Albanie | Allemagne RD | Bulgarie | guerre froide | Tchécoslovaquie | Parlement
Résumé Part of the new European Parliament History series, this study analyses the events that led to democratic change in
Central and Eastern Europe in the years 1989-90, from the perspective of the Parliament, as detailed in materials to be
found in its Historical Archives. It traces Parliament's discussions and positions during this crucial period, including its
debates on Post-Communism and on Eastern enlargement. The studies in the European Parliament History Series are
primarily based on documents preserved in, and made available to the public by, the Historical Archives of the
European Parliament.  
Publication en EN
Nepal's political parties and the difficult road towards a new Constitution
Type de publication
Domaine politique
En bref
Affaires étrangères
élection nationale | changement de régime politique | délégation PE | question du Tibet | chambre parlementaire |
partis politiques | lutte contre la discrimination | multipartisme | fédéralisme | constitution | Népal
Résumé Nepal may well be popular worldwide for Everest climbing with Sherpa's' help, yet it remains one of the poorest
countries in the world. A 10-year guerrilla conflict ended in 2006 and led to the country's transition from monarchy to
republic. However, the political parties have so far been unable to reach a compromise on a new constitution, or to
provide the political stability that could allow this 30-million-strong multi-ethnic country to develop its economy.
Publication en EN
Source : © Union européenne, 2017 - PE
Bhutan and its political parties
Type de publication
Domaine politique
En bref
Affaires étrangères
élection nationale | groupe ethnique | bicamérisme | Inde | élection parlementaire | Chine | monarchie parlementaire |
changement de régime politique | délégation PE | système électoral | relation interparlementaire | constitution | aide au
développement | Népal | pays moins développé | Bhoutan
Résumé Bhutan is a long-time isolated South Asian monarchy in the Himalayan mountains between India and China. TV
broadcast was only introduced in 1999, making Bhutan the last country in the world to introduce television. Bhutan
gained international exposure as the initiator of the concept of Gross National Happiness. Since 2008 it is experiencing
a king-driven transition from absolute monarchy to democracy.
Publication en EN
Recovering Tunisian and Egyptian Assets: Legal Complexity Challenges States in Need
Type de publication
Domaine politique
Pekka HAKALA | Andreas KETTIS
Démocratie | Affaires étrangères
procédure judiciaire | convention ONU | capitaux étrangers | changement de régime politique | compétence des États
membres | politique de coopération | démocratisation | abus de confiance | Tunisie | corruption | rapatriement de
capitaux | Égypte
Résumé Freezing assets is an EU competence; recovering them, on the other hand, is a competence of the Member States.
For the EU, recovering the assets of the ousted Tunisian and Egyptian regimes is an issue of political commitment and
credibility, with the Union's reputation in Arab Spring countries partly at stake. The United Nations Convention against
Corruption (in force since 2005) makes clear that recovering assets is a priority in a coordinated international fight
against corruption. There exists a lack of efficient cooperation between 'requesting' and 'requested' states, as well as a
paucity of reliable information about the amounts in question. The EU Council has recently adopted a decision to make
it easier to share information relating to Egyptian and Tunisian funds in the EU. There are still many procedural
problems to tackle, especially in the case of Egypt. An EU special task force could be set up to explore practical ways
to better coordinate and exchange best practices between EU Member States and Tunisia and Egypt. The UK is a
frontrunner in establishing a central structure facilitating the legal proceedings to recover assets. The European
Parliament can send a clear signal of the EU's political commitment to helping Tunisia and Egypt recover their assets.
Publication en EN
Private properties issues following the change of political regime in former socialist or communist
countries Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania and Serbia
Type de publication Étude
Date 15-04-2010
Auteur externe Romanian Academic Society (RAS), Romania ; with the collaboration of: Centre for Liberal Strategies (CLS), Bulgaria,
Partnership for Social Development (PSD), Croatia
Domaine politique Droit international public et privé | Pétitions au Parlement européen | Droits de l''homme
Mot-clé anciens pays socialistes | changement de régime politique | postcommunisme | rôle international de l'UE | Cour
européenne des droits de l'homme | expropriation | propriété privée
Résumé Some transformations occurred in the area of private property ownership following the change of political regime in
former socialist or communist countries. The six analysed countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria,
Croatia, Romania and Serbia) illustrate well the whole range of contentious problems in a region where the Communist
regimes have varied tremendously in their approach to private property, intensity of social control, repression and
overall legitimacy. This diversity of situations poses today different types of dilemmas for the property restitution
process and these six countries responded in different manners to these general challenges, in the context of their own
peculiar social and economic history.
Publication en EN
Source : © Union européenne, 2017 - PE