The Creators - L`Aubergine


The Creators - L`Aubergine
1. Burletta
Burletta offers the opportunity to discover a new generation of staunchly modern clowns that dare to
stray from tradition and the usual clownish antics.
This creation draws from a Pandora’s Box of actions and musical styles in which choreography and
precarious balancing acts lead to ever more silly feats.
Five characters continually grapple for the revolutionary power wielded by the absurd. Each individual strives, derisively and insistently, for his or her rightful place in the fraternal union that brings
the group together in the end.
Burletta is an Italian term applied to small operas that are mischievous, somewhat malicious and very
good-humoured. We retain the air of gentle mockery, parody and a certain outrageousness.
Created by artists from Quebec and Brazil, Burletta is a family of urban clowns that is not standing
still. Just as in any large family, each individual competes with derision and insistence to take their
rightful place.
A healthy rivalry but never consuming since they share a closeness that makes them supportive of
each other. Each wants to take their own place, but not at the expense of others. This does not stop
some teasing here and there, quite the contrary! "They are both excessive and tolerant. We worked a
lot with each of them with their pride, which affects the ego, but also on their sensitivity to the others."
[Christine Rossignol]
The characters try to distinguish themselves somehow in their performances of juggling, balancing
acts, diabolo, gymnastics, acrobatics, dance attempts, Chinese plates and whatnot!
"In Burletta there is a unity, a voluntary simplicity. Something tender and happy. It is often madness, but a
delicate madness. " [Paul Vachon]
Crédits :
Artistic Director: Paul Vachon
Directors: Michel Dallaire et Christine Rossignol
Performers: Wanderson Damaceno, Dominique Grenier, Joannie Hébert, Véronique Provencher, Karina Werneck Assis
Scenography : Huguette Lauzé
Original Music : René Lussier
Lighting Designer: Émilie Vachon
Performance Details
5 -12 years or Family show*
55 minutes minutes, 6 people touring, Auditorium maximum : 400
* Document educational use available on request
Price : 1700$
Vidéo :
2. L’Aubergine Biography
L’Aubergine is a Québec City theatrical production ensemble that creatively interprets time-honoured
traditions in a contemporary New World setting. L’Aubergine creates, produces and presents shows
that highlight the art of clowning, circus techniques and live music. Since its foundation in 1974, L’Aubergine has developed into one of Québec’s most well-established, dynamic and unique children and
family theatre groups, with over forty productions and more than 4,000 shows to its credit. A few
years ago, its founder and artistic director Paul Vachon joined the famous Cirque du Soleil in Las
Vegas as Artistic Director for one year. He has also been involved for over ten years in the social circus
program Cirque du Monde.
L’Aubergine’s productions blend precision and imagination. Typically, a cast of vivid characters use
a succinct scenario as a backdrop for comic inspiration. On-stage action is supported by an original
score, usually performed live by the actors and supporting musicians. Language and gestures are
playfully interwoven into bright, coloured images. The cast works its own melodic alchemy, transforming musical instruments into props and props into musical instruments. In fact, when L’Aubergine comes to town, their theatre of artistic zaniness and elegant buffoonery enchants everyone.
L’Aubergine offers two production series: shows for young people and family audiences, and largescale shows for major events (coordinates artistic entertainment, including artist selection, supervision
and production).
L'Aubergine has make best use of its professional and amicable links with connected persons over
several years for a very special French organization called Le Hangar des Mines. Created in 1998 in
an industrial wasteland located in the township of Saint-Sébastien d'Aigrefeuille, in Gard, the Hangar
des Mines association, under the artistic direction of Michel Dallaire and Christine Rossignol, pursues
a mission of creation, training and broadcasting of performances.
The creative direction of Hangar des Mines revolves around the play and the art of the clown, whether
across the street, in the circus or the theatre, etc. It is also a place for training in the art of the clown
where national and international artists are trained, in addition to transferring its know-how to other
"In Burletta there is a unity, a voluntary simplicity. Something tender and happy. It is often madness,
but a delicate madness. [Paul Vachon]
3. The Creator
PAUL VACHON, Artistic director
Artistic and Executive Director of L'Aubergine, Paul ensures the artistic path of
Burletta, consistent with the approach and creative lines with which L'Aubergine
has been endowed with over its thirty five year history. Together with Christine
Rossignol and Michel Dallaire, Paul Vachon has articulated the show's general
theme and directed workshops for research and experimentation.
Michel has taken several courses in Québec, Canada and in France. He has played
in the theatre, taught the art of the clown and also founded La Bébelle (Sherbrooke), The Ratatouille (Vancouver), Les Hommes en Noir (France), and has worked for many other troupes in the US and in Europe. He is responsible for the
education principles of training modules for clowning/music/staging in Le Hangar des Mines, the place where national and international artists are trained in the
art of the clown, in addition to transferring its know-how to other organizations.
Christine has a background in theatre, dance, singing and the art of the clown. She
has worked as a cinema actress and theatrical director, in addition to playing in
many clown shows. With Michel Dallaire, she founded the Compagnie Contre Pour
which has created a number of shows presented across Europe and on this side of
the Atlantic. Christine conducts research on the clown and her writing creates shows
for both the hall and the street. She is also the guiding spirit of the Hangar des
With a Degree in Visual Arts from Université Laval, Huguette quickly distinguished herself for the quality of her work in design and creation of costumes for performances of the Muscial Ensemble Strada and many productions of L'Aubergine.
She also took part in Oser rêver and La grande tablée at Cirque du monde. Since
2002, she has been the coordinator of the costume workshop for Collège FrançoisXavier Garneau.
RENÉ LUSSIER, Original music
A self-taught guitarist and a prolific and eclectic composer, since the end of the
1970s René Lussier has steadily introduced new musical projects by teaming up
with musicians from all walks of life. He has devoted himself to expression of living music, always changing, has led several ensembles and composed over 60
film scores. Passionate about improvisation, he regularly leads workshops devoted to this practice in Quebec and Europe. In 2008, René Lussier composed the
music and directed sound production for Moulin à images by Robert Lepage and
Ex Machina.
After studying production at Option Theatre at CEGEP Lionel Groulx, Émilie served as stage manager for Quebec companies and assistant director with instructors
and trainers in the art of the clown. She took care of stage management in places
such as the Cabaret du Capitole and the Théâtre de la Bordée, and similarly for
events such as La Bourse Rideau and the Festival d'été. For l'Aubergine, Émilie
has participated in several shows including Aaatchoum!, Staccato, Nwolc and La
Crèche Vivante.
Wanderson took theatre and clown studies in his native Brazil, where he participated in a number of shows. His career led him to Sweden, Argentina, Panama,
Paraguay and then Quebec in 2005, where he trained at the École de cirque de Québec. He has played in several L’Aubergine shows: Zoom sur Place-Royale, Les
Dyades and the Cirque du Soleil performance given at the Colisée for Québec
City’s 400th anniversary celebrations. He is also an active member of Dr. Clown.
Dominique studied music in college in addition to art and media technology. She
also took classical singing and dance lessons. She was the vocal coach for several
shows by Collège Mérici and Troupe des Treize. Moreover, her organization skills
led her to co-found Troupe Minute. Dominique was involved in numerous performances produced by CEGEP de Jonquière and Université Laval’s Troupe des Treize,
working as an actor and production designer/manager.
Joannie completed visual art studies, earning a merit scholarship. She also signed
up for intensive training at the École de cirque de Québec. To perfect her knowledge, she has taken numerous classes: singing, classic and modern dance, miming,
play, animation, creation and flamenco dancing in Barcelona. She has played in several L’Aubergine shows: Zoom sur Place-Royale, Les Dyades and the Cirque du
Soleil performance given at the Colisée for Québec City’s 400th anniversary celebrations.
Véronique took a number of circus art workshops in Scotland, Hungary and Quebec,
in addition to modern and classic dance, butoh, theatre and clown lessons. An expert
juggler (specializing in diabolos), she was president of the Jongleurs Associés du
Québec and organizer of the Fais pas ton cirque cabaret at the Théâtre Impérial de
Québec. She has played in several L’Aubergine shows: Zoom sur Place-Royale, Les
Dyades and the Cirque du Soleil performance given at the Colisée for Québec City’s
400th anniversary celebrations.
Holder of a teaching and theatre certificate from Brazil, Karina has lived in Quebec
since 2000, where she completed her training at the École de cirque de Québec. She
also interned at the École de danse de Québec and Cirque du Monde. Karina learned commedia dell’arte and miming and has remarkable physical prowess thanks
to her mastery of capoeira. She has played in several L’Aubergine shows: Zoom
sur Place-Royale, Les Dyades and the Cirque du Soleil performance given at the
Colisée for Québec City’s 400th anniversary celebrations. She is an active member
of Dr. Clown.
Annexe I
La Macédoine de L’Aubergine
Au-delà du mur du son, avec l’Orchestre symphonique de Québec
Bibliofolie II
La crèche vivante
Le cirque bouffon
Un grain dans l’engrenage
Matinées symphoniques, Orchestre Métropolitain du Grand Montréal
Si l’homme descendait du clown
Zig Zag
Jouons avec la musique, Matinées symphoniques de l’OSQ
Bibliofolie I
Mime et Musique, OSQ : soirée Hydro Québec
Le Chef d’orchestre, Matinées symphoniques de l’OSQ
Le beau baobab à Bob
Attraction II
Attraction I
Clara au mur du son, Matinées symphoniques de l’OSQ
Matinées symphoniques de l’OSQ
Le Cirque de craie
L’Ange est louche
Duo et Débats
Les folles animations
Gum, Bulle et Barbouillette
La fête au village
Rigolo et Bigoudis
Presto, Gum, Cézard, Barbouillette
Informatique et sa famille
Le Monde des légumes
Annexe II
Solstice d’hiver, Croissant du Vieux-Port, Québec
Festival d’été de Québec, Québec
400e anniversaire de la Ville de Québec, Québec
Festival canadien des Tulipes, Ottawa
Les Dyades, Amphithéâtre de Lanaudière, Joliette
La Fête de la musique, Mont-Tremblant
Québec fête Noël et La crèche vivante, Croissant du Vieux-Port, Québec
Exposition universelle de Vancouver
Jeux olympiques d’hiver, Calgary
Tohu, La Cité des arts du cirque, Montréal
Productions Les Gros Becs, Québec
Festival Papirolas, Guadalajara, Mexique
Vancouver Children’s Festival
Ottawa Festival for Young People
Pontiac Dealership Management, New Orleans
Mississauga International Children’s Festival
La Fira de teatro, Tarrega, Espagne
Grand Théâtre de Québec
Musée de la civilisation, Québec
St-Albert Festival, Alberta
Maison québécoise de théâtre pour l’enfance et la jeunesse, Montréal
Musée national des beaux-arts, Québec
Centre National des Arts du Canada, Ottawa
Musée des beaux-arts du Canada, Ottawa
Festival Juste pour rire, Montréal
Festival Boréal, Sudbury
Festival Cerventino, Mexique
Les Fêtes de la mer, Saint-Nazaire, France
Festival de la Nouvelle-France, Dallas, Texas
Paléo Festival, Nyon, Suisse
Les Tombées de la nuit, Rennes, France
La Quinzaine internationale de théâtre, Québec
Greatest Little Supershow for Young People, Victoria, Colombie-Britannique
Festival du rire, Ottawa
Festival for Fools, Vancouver
La Fête colombienne des enfants, Vancouver