Inuit milieu extreme inference Unit Outline[1].pub


Inuit milieu extreme inference Unit Outline[1].pub
Extreme Environments Lesson 1 and 2
Learning Intention:
I can make inferences about the Inuit after looking at pictures.
I can write some wonder questions about living in the Arctic.
I can think about how Inuit people met their needs and wants in an environment such as
the Arctic.
Learning Outcome: Achievement Indicators:
D2 describe technologies used by Aboriginal people in BC and
use appropriate terminology to describe Aboriginal technologies (e.g.,
travois, hide scraper, adze, weir)
give examples technologies used to
meet needs and wants in Aboriginal
cultures, including those used for food
acquisition and preparation, shelter,
clothing, and transportation
demonstrate knowledge (e.g., create a
model, present an oral report) of how
a selected technology was used in
Aboriginal cultures
give examples of technologies used by
Aboriginal cultures today
Inuit Picture with inference worksheet file.
Journal Page
Pick one picture to model inferring.
One class set of the same picture for guided practice.
All of the pictures copied to provide choice for independent practice.
Video Clips
1. Review Essential Understanding and Learning Intentions (optional: 4 thinking questions)
2. Complete “Inuit and Extreme Environment Page “Journal: Connect to background knowledge and ask
students what they know. Students work individually and put what they know in one colour pen, collectively share answers and change pen colour—write down new ideas with new colour to show what they
have learned from the group.,
3. Ask, What does it mean to infer?, to elicit criteria.
4. Teacher models making inference with one of the Inuit pictures. Inference = evidence + my brilliant
5. Guided practice, have a class set copy of same picture. Students make inferences on own and share
with partners and then the class.
6. Independent Practise, students choose a picture to make inferences about.
7. Return to question, What does it mean to infer? To complete criteria.
8. Inquiry, students ask wonder questions.
9. Show video clips.
10. Reflective Journal Writing: “Inuit and Extreme Environment” Journal response; add to journal
Prescribed Learning Outcomes
Suggested Achievement Indicators
The following set of indicators may be used to assess student achievement for each corresponding Prescribed Learning Outcome.
It is expected that students will:
explain obstacles unique to exploration of a specific extreme environment
assess technologies used for extreme
describe contributions of Canadians
to exploration technologies
Students who have fully met the Prescribed Learning Outcome are able
identify the salient characteristics of an extreme environment (e.g.,
space, polar ice, oceans, volcanoes, and the atmosphere—a
place that humans do not naturally inhabit but choose to explore)
give several examples of resources and knowledge that can be
obtained from distant explorations
give several examples of how technology can be used by humans
to travel to and explore an unknown environment
identify several types of equipment and methods currently used
to explore extreme environments (e.g., scuba, fibre optics,
Mars Lander)
accurately describe the stages of development for a previously
created technology (e.g., kites, balloons, planes, rockets, submarines, space suits)
design a complete model for travelling into a specific extreme environment (e.g., submarines, sonic-aircraft, spaceships)
coherently defend a position with respect to the ethical considerations involved in the development and use of new technologies (e.g., whether or not to take living samples, or use weapons in space)
describe in detail the function of Canadian technologies involved
in exploration of extreme environments (e.g., international
space station, Canadarm, Newt Suit, satellite telecommunications, robotics, and ocean mapping)
illustrate with accurate, detailed drawings a range of Aboriginal
technologies (e.g., Inuit sleds, Haida ocean canoes, Algonquin/Cree snowshoes)
Les Concepts
Comment est-ce que les personnes vivent ou explore
les milieux extrêmes comme la mer profonde, l’arctique, l’espace, les deserts, les volcans?
Comment est-ce que les personnes répondent aux besoins principaux pour survivre dans ces milieux?
Quels types de technologies nous aident à survivre
dans ces milieux?
Pourquoi est-il important étudier une autre culture?
Pourauoi est-il important étudier une culture autochtone?
(Over arching goal of Social Studies curriculum: to develop thoughtful, responsible, active citizens who are able to acquire the requisite information to consider multiple perspectives and to make reasoned judgments)
Quels types de technologies utilisaient-ils les
autochtones pour répondre à leurs besoins?
Le Monde et moi
Quels autres types d’outils ou
de technologies sont utilisés
dans notre culture ou dans
une autre culture d’aujourd’hui ou au passé pour répondre aux besoins?
Pensez et Recherchez
Comment est-ce que les
autochtones ont fabriqué
leurs outils pour la vie
Tout seul
Est-il important d’étudier
les autres cultures et
leurs technologies usées?
Je peux utiliser les images des Inuits pour faire
des inferences.
• Je peux poser des questions à propos de la vie
dans les milieux extrêmes.
Je peux determiner comment le people Inuit a
survécu dans un milieu extrême comme l’arctique
et comment ils ont répondu à leurs besoins et aux
Nom: __________________________________
Mon journal: les Inuits et les milieux extrêmes
Utilise des mots, des images et des symbols pour expliquer tes connaissances sur les
Inuits et comment ces personnes ont achevé leurs besoins et leurs désirs dans
Écrire des questions reflective et profonde
En utilisant tes connaissances sur les besoins des êtres humains, écrit au minimum six questions
réflectives ou profondes pour questioner comment le peuple Inuit a répondu à leurs besoins.
How to Build an Igloo—A Boy Among Polar
Historica Minutes—Inkushuk
How to Make a Perfect Igloo - Ray Mears
World of Survival - BBC
Arctic Fishing - Ray Mears World of Survival - BBC
Narwhale hunting - A Boy Among Polar
Bears - BBC
Inuit Hunting
Critères—pour mon
Dis-moi ce que tu as appris ou ce que tu savais
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