7 wordfile-p129


7 wordfile-p129
Compréhension de l’écrit
+ expression
7 wordfile-p129-2/WORDWORK
A. Match the words and expressions (1-20) with their translations.
Then write a short paragraph on “What makes a good relationship work?”.
1. assist
2. blame (v.)
3. bliss
4. care (n.)
5. care for
6. compassion
7. confidence
8. distrustful
9. expect
10. gratification
11. hurt (adj.)
12. loving
13. resentful
14. scorn (n.)
15. trusting (n.)
16. unappreciated
17. unapproachable
18. undermine
19. understanding (adj.)
20. upset (adj.)
a. plein de ressentiment
b. attention
c. blessé
d. confiance
e. blâmer
f. s’attendre à
g. compassion
h. vexé
i. méfiant
j. saper
k. incompris
l. aider
m. confiant
n. affectueux
o. mépris
p. bonheur suprême
q. satisfaction
r. inabordable
s. bienveillant
t. aimer
B. Complete the paragraph with the following words.
reflective • acceptable • commonplace • flirtatious • garnering • allowed to • encouraging
• interactions
In America, it is very easy to get through a day without being ......................................... .
Flirting is not part of the day-to-day ......................................... between men and women.
While it can’t be said that Americans never flirt with married men or women, it’s certainly not looked on
in general as ......................................... . Rather a relationship of that nature – even if it’s innocuous – is
hidden from public view. In France, flirting and flattery is ......................................... and is often done
without the sexual undertones that you might find in the United States. Simply .........................................
the attention or flattery of a man doesn’t necessarily mean that he wants to go home with you. Women
too are also ......................................... flirt although it tends to be men that are generally more flattering
and flirtatious. It’s very important to understand that not all of this flirting leads back to the bedroom.
It’s simply ......................................... of a way of treating and viewing women. While some Americans
might find it off-putting, in general you can feel free to smile or say “thank you” without feeling like
you might be too ......................................... . Of course if you want to encourage and reciprocate the
attention, you can always smile and respond back.
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