Curriculum Vitae


Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
Pichard Claude
Nutrition Unit, Geneva University Hospital, Tel. 022/372 9349
Head, Clinical Nutrition
Professor of nutrition, Service of Endocrinology, Diabetology,
Hypertension & Nutrition. University Hospital Geneva
Physician deputy
Service of Endocrinology, Diabetology,
Hypertension & Nutrition. University Hospital Geneva
March 2014
M.D. Thesis « L'alimentation entérale à débit constant dans les cancers bucco-pharyngés ». University of
Lausanne, 1984.
P.D. Thesis « Protein calorie malnutrition: experimental and clinical consequences on muscle tissue ».
University of Geneva, 1991,
Gynecology - Obstetrics
Clinical Nutrition
Internal Medecine
Hôpital de Cery, Prilly
Hôpital de Nyon
Hôpital Cantonal, Lausanne
Hôpital Cantonal, Lausanne
Hôpital Samaritain, Vevey
Hôpital Cantonal, Fribourg
Hôpital Cantonal, Lausanne
Toronto General Hospital
Hôpital Cantonal, Genève
C. Müller
P.J. Ditesheim
J. Freeman
M. Savary
A. Thiebaud
F. Renevey
M. Roulet
K.N. Jeejeebhoy
F. Waldvogel
1. Sum of publications: 353
2. Sum of the Times Cited : 9800
3. Sum of Times Cited without self-citations: 8941
4. h-index : 451
Modulation of Gastrointestinal Cancer Cell Growth (Tumor Modulating Nutrition System (TMNS®) by
Functional Foods as an integrated part of the Total Care Management®.
Nutrition care and quality of life in cancer patients.
Parenteral nutrition : Pharmaco-economics.
Combined enteral and parenteral nutrition in ICU patients : nosocomial infections.
Indirect calorimetry : development of a new device.
In- and out-patients consultations
malabsorption, metabolic disorders)
Home artifical nutrition support
for nutritional and metabolic disorders (undernutrition, obesity,
PUBLICATIONS WITH peer-review analysis
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Pichard C, Roulet M. Constant rate enteral nutrition in bucco-pharyngeal cancer care. A highly efficient
nutritional support system. Clin Otolaryngol 9, 209 -214, 1984.
2. Pichard C, Roulet M, Rössle C, Chiolero R, Schutz Y, Temler E, Boumghar M, Schindler C, Zurlo F, Jéquier E,
Fürst P. Effects of L-carnitine supplemented total parenteral nutrition on lipid & energy metabolism in
postoperative stress. J Parent Enteral Nutr 12, 555-562, 1988. 3.143
3. Pichard C, Vaughan C, Struck RS, Armstrong RL, Jeejeebhoy KN. The effect of dietary manipulations (fasting,
hypocaloric feeding & subsequent refeeding) on rat muscle energetics as assessed by nuclear magnetic
resonance spectroscopy. J Clin Invest 82, 895-901, 1988.
4. Rossle C, Pichard C, Roulet M, Chiolero R, Schutz Y, Temler E, Schindler C, Zurlo F, Jéquier E, Furst P. Einfluss
von L.-Carnitin-supplementierter total parenteraler Ernahrung (TPE) auf die postoperative Fett- und StickstoffUtilisation. Klin Wochenschrift 66, 1202-1211, 1988.
5. Zurlo F, Schutz Y, Pichard C, Roulet M, Monnier P, Savary M, Jéquier E. What energy level is required to avoid
nutrient depletion after surgery in oropharyngeal cancer ? Clin Otolaryngol 50, 236-245, 1988.
6. Pichard C, Roulet M, Schutz Y, Rossle C, Chiolero R, Temler E, Schindler C, Zurlo F, Furst P, Jéquier E. Clinical
relevance of L-carnitine-supplemented total parenteral nutrition in postoperative trauma. Metabolic effects
of continuous or acute carnitine administration with special reference to fat oxidation & nitrogen utilization.
Am J Clin Nutr 49, 283-289, 1989.
7. Rössle C, Pichard C, Roulet M, Bergström J, Fürst P. Muscle carnitine pools in cancer patients. Clin Nutr 8, 341346, 1989. 4.476
8. Allard JP, Pichard C, Hoshino E, Stechison S, Fareholm L, Peters W, Jeejeebhoy KN. Validation of a new
formula for calculating the energy requirements of burn patients. J Parent Enteral Nutr 14, 115-118, 1989.
9. Roulet M, Pichard C, Rossle C, Bretenstein E, Schutz Y, Chiolero R, Furst P, Jéquier E. Adverse effects of high
dose carnitine supplementation of total parenteral nutrition on protein & fat oxidation in the critically ill. Clin
Nutr 8, 83-87, 1989.
10. Hoshino E, Shariff R, Van Gossum A, Allard JP, Pichard C, Kurian R, Jeejeebhoy KN. Vitamin E suppresses
increased lipid peroxidation in cigarette smokers. J Parent Enteral Nutr 14, 300-305, 1990.
11. Hoshino E, Pichard C, Greenwood CE, Kuo GC, Cameron RG, Kearns JP, Allard JP, Jeejeebhoy KN. Body
composition & metabolic rate in rat during a continous infusion of cachectin. Am J Physiol 23, E27-E36,
1991. 4.086
12. Pichard C, Hoshino E, Allard J, Charlton MP, Atwood HL, Jeejeebhoy KN. Intracellular potassium activity &
membrane potential in rat muscle during malnutrition & refeeding studied in vivo by potassium-sensitive
microelectrode (KISE) & atomic absorption. Am J Clin Nutr 54, 489-498, 1991.
13. Pichard C, Kyle UG. Emerging nutritional management strategies in HIV-seropositive patients. In Proceedings
of ESPEN, Vienna. Ed. Eur Soc Parenter Enteral Nutr. pp 12-18, 1992. 3.143
14. Slosman DO, Casez JP, Pichard C, Ferry F, Corminboeuf JC, Bonjour JP, Donath A. Assessment of whole-body
composition using dual X-ray absorptiometry. Radiology 185, 593-598, 1992.
15. Pichard C, Slosman DO, Chevrolet JC, Jolliet P, Kyle UG. Interactions de la sousnutrition et de la renutrition sur
le tissu musculaire. Nutr Clin Métabol 6, 209-218, 1992.
16. Pichard C, Fitting JW. Support nutritionnel dans la bronchopneumopathie chronique obstructive. Rev Mal
Resp. 10, 155-164, 1993.
17. Pichard C. SIDA et nutrition: il faut agir durant la séropositivité. Cah Nutr et Diet. 29 (2), 117-121, 1994,
18. Slosman DO, Rizzoli R, Pichard C, Donath A, Bonjour JP: Longitudinal measurement of regional and whole
body mineral content in young normal adults. Osteoporosis Intern 4, 185-190, 1994.
19. Pichard C, Kyle UG. Conseils alimentaires et SIDA. Nutr Clin Métabol 8(4):88-92, 1994.
20. Rochat T, Slosman DO, Pchard C. Body composition analysis by dual X-ray absorptiometry in adults with
cystic fibrosis. Chest 106:800-805, 1994.
21. Pichard C, Keller U, Meier R: Recommandations pour la nutrition à domicile. SAEPE-GSAEP. Schweiz Med
Wschr 125, 225-229, 1995.
22. Meier R, Keller U, Pichard C: Praktische Empfehlungen zur Anwendung der künstlischen Ernährung zu Hause
(Heimernährung). Schweiz Med Wschr 125, 171-176, 1995.
23. Pichard C. Place des facteurs hormonaux anabolisants lors de chirurgie chez l'adulte. Nutr Clin Metabol
9(1):105-111, 1995.
24. Pichard C. Place des facteurs hormonaux anabolisants lors de chirurgie chez l'adulte. Ann Fr Anesth 14
(2):95-101, 1995.
25. Pichard C, Kyle UG, Chevrolet JC, Jolliet P, Slosman DO, Mensi N, Temler E, Ricou B: Lack of effects on
muscle function of recombinant growth hormone in patients requiring prolonged mechanical ventilation : a
prospective randomized controlled study. Crit Care Med 24, 403-413, 1996.
26. Jolliet P, Thorens JB, Nicod L, Pichard C, Kyle UG, Chevrolet JC: Relationship between pulmonary oxygen
consumption, lung inflammation, and calculated venous administure in patients with acute lung injury. Int
Care Med 22:277-285, 1996.
27. Pichard C, Kyle UG, Slosman DO, Penalosa P. Does Fat-Free Mass as Measured by Bioelectrical Impedance
Permit Estimation of Energy Expenditure in Hospitalized. Clin Nutr 15, 109-114, 1996.
28. Poblete B, Romand J.A, Pichard P, König P, Suter P.M. Metabolic effects of intravenous propacetamol or
metamizol or external cooling in critically ill febrile patients. Brit J Anesth, 73: 128-127, 1997.
29. Curtin F, Morabia A, Pichard C, Slosman DO: Body mass index compared to dual-energy X-ray
absorptiometry: evidence for a spectrum bias. J Clin Epidemiol 50, 7: 837-843: 1997. 2.075
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30. Burdet L, De Muralt P, Schutz Y, Pichard C, Fitting J W: Recombinant human growth hormone in underfed in
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients: a randomized controlled double-blind study. Am J Resp
Crit Care Med 156, 1800-1806, 1997.
31. Pichard C, Kyle UG, Janssens JP, Burdet L, Rochat T, Slosman DO, Fitting JW, Thiebaud D, Roulet M, Tschopp
JM, Landry M. Body composition by X-ray absorptiometry and bioelectrical impedance in chronic
respiratory insufficiency patients. Nutrition 13, 952-958: 1997. 3.046
32. Pichard C, Kyle UG, Gremion G, Gerbase M, Slosman DO: Body composition by X-ray absorptiometry and
biolelectrical impedance in elite female runners. Med Sci Sports Exerc 29, 1527-1534, 1997.
33. Jolliet P, Pichard C: Growth hormone therapy in intensive care patients: from biochemistry to muscle
function. Nutrition 13, 815-817: 1997.
34. Pichard C, Sudre P, Karsegard V, Yerly S, Slosman DO, Perrin L, Hirschel B, Swiss HIV Cohort Study: A
randomized double-blind controlled study of 6 months oral nutritional supplementation witharginine and Ω3 fatty acids in HIV-infected patients. AIDS 12, 53-63: 1997. 8.018
35. Janssens JP, Rochat T, Frey JG, Dousse N, Pichard C, Tschopp JM. Health related quality of life in patients
under long-term oxygen therapy: a home-descriptive study. Respiratory Med 91, 592-602, 1997.
36. Kyle UG, Pichard C, Janssens JP, Rochat T, Fitting JW, Thiebaud D. Validation by dual X-ray absorptiometry of
body composition analysis measured by biolelectrical analysis in patients with chronic respiratory
insufficiency. Eur Resp J. 12 : 960-966. 1998.
37. Gelas P, Cotte L, Poitevin-Later F, Pichard C, Leverve X, Barnould D, Leclercq P, Touraine F, Trepo C,
Boulétreau P: Effects of parenteral medium- and long-chain triglycerides on lymphocytes subpopulations
and functions in patients with AIDS: a prospective study. J Parent Enteral Nutr 22, 67-71, 1998.
38. Frey JG, Pichard C, Dousse N, Janssens JP, Rochat T, Tschopp JM: Patients BPCO sous oxygénothérapie à
domicile: Etude des paramétres cliniques, de l'état nutritionnel et de la capacité de déambulation. Rev Mal
Resp 15: 69-78: 1998.
39. Jolliet P, Pichard C, Biolo G, Chioléro R, Grimble G, Leverve X, Nitenberg G, Novak I. Planas M, Preiser JC.
Roth E, Schols AM et al.: Enteral nutrition in intensive care patients: a practical approach. Intens Care Med
24, 848-859, 1998.
40. Pichard C, Schwarz G, Sierro C: Convenience and cost-efficiency by the use of multicompartment bags for
total parenteral nutrition. Clin Nutr 17, 2, 1998.
41. Preiser JC, Berré J, Carpentier Y, Jolliet P, Pichard C, Van Gossum A,Vincent JL: Management of nutrition in
european intensive care units: results of a questionnaire. Intens Care Med 25 , 95-101, 1999.
42. Jolliet P, Pichard C, Biolo G, Chioléro R, Grimble G, Leverve X, Nitenberg G, Novak I. Planas M, Preiser JC.
Roth E, Schols AM et al.: Enteral nutrition in intensive care patients: a practical approach. A position paper.
Clin Nutrition, 18, 47-56 : 1999.
43. Morabia A, Ross A, Curtin F, Pichard C, Slosman DO: Relation of body mass index to a dual-Xray
absorptiometry measure of fatness. Brit J Nutr, 82, 49-55, 1999.
44. Pichard C, Kyle UG, Jolliet P, Slosman DO, Rochat T, Nicod L et al. Recombinant growth hormone and lung
transplantation: a report. Crit Care Med, 27, 1639-1642, 1999.
45. Pichard C, Kyle UG, Slosman DO. Fat-free mass in chronic illness: Comparison of bioelectrical impedance
and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry in 480 chronically ill and healthy subjects. Nutrition 15, 668-676 : 1999.
46. Preiser JC, Berré J, Carpentier Y, Jolliet P, Pichard C, Van Gossum A, Vincent JL. Prise en charge de la
nutrition dans les unités de soins intensifs en Europe: résultats d'un questionnaire. Nutr Clin Métabol. 14, 2433 : 2000.
47. Pichard C, Kyle UG, Braco D, Morabia A, Slosman DO, Schutz Y. Reference value of Body Composition in
3393 Caucasian Healthy Subjects. Nutrition 16, 245-254 : 2000.
48. Pichard C, Schwarz G, Frei A, Kyle UG, Jolliet P, Morel P, Romand JA, Leeman T, Sierro C: Economic
investigation of the use of three-compartment total parenteral nutrition bag: a prospective randomized
unblinded controlled study. Clin Nutr 19(4), 245-251: 2000.
49. Kyle UG, Slosman DO, Pichard C: Underestimation of fat-free mass in women, but not men, by dual-energy Xray absorptiometry. Comparison with total body potassium and bioelectrical impedance analysis. Ann NY
Acad Sci,904:126-127: 2000. 1.381
50. Jolliet P, Leverve X, Pichard C: Acute hepatic steatosis complicating massive insulin overdose and excesive
glucose administration. Intens Care Med 27:313-316, 2001.
51. Kyle UG, Genton L, Mentha H, Nicod L, Slosman D, Pichard C: Reliable bioelectrical impedance anlayisis
estimate of fat-free mass in liver, lung and heart transplant patients. J Parent Enteral Nutr 25 : 45-51, 2001.
52. Kyle UG, Gremion G, Genton G, Slosman DO, Pichard C. Physical activity on fat-free and fat mass as
measured by bioelectrical analysis in 3853 healthy subjects. Med Sci Sports Exerc 33 : 576-584, 2001.
53. Kyle UG, Genton L, Karsegard L, Slosman DO, Pichard C: Single prediction equation for bioelectrical
impedance analysis in adults aged 20-94 yrs. Nutrition 17, 248-253, 2001.
54. Morel Y, Allaz AF, De Tonnac N, Bussien C, Pichard C, Golay A. Effet d'un programme cognitivocomportemental-nutritionnel sur l'état psycho-afectif de patients obèses. J Ther Comport Cognitive;
11(1):16-20, 2001.
55. Slosman DO, Chicherio C, Ludwig C, Genton L, De Ribaupierre S, Hans D, Pichard C, Mayer E, Annoni JM, De
Ribaupierre A.: 133Xe SPECT cerebral blood flow study in an healthy population: T-score analysis as a
primary approach for clinical use. Eur J Nucl Med 42: 864-870, 2001. 3.772
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56. Kyle UG, Genton LC, Slosman DO, Pichard C: Fat-free and fat mass percentiles in 5225 healthy subjects aged
15 to 98 years. Nutrition, 17: 534-541, 2001.
57. Kyle UG, Genton L, Hans D, Karsegard L, Slosman D, Pichard C: Age-related differences in fat-free, skeletal
muscle, body cell mass and fat mass between 18 and 94 yrs of age. Eur J Clin Nutr 55: 663-672, 2001. 2.171
58. Pichard C, Muhlebach S, Maisonneuve N, Sierro C: Prospective survey of parenteral nutrition in Switzerland :
a 3-year nation-wide survey. Clin Nutr 20 : 345-350, 2001.
59. Dupertuis YM, Vazquez M, De Tribolet N, Mach JP, Pichard C, Slosman DO, Buchegger F. Fluorodeoxyuridine
improves tumor proliferation imaging with radiolabeled iododeoxyuridine in human glioblastoma
xenografts. Cancer Res 61:7971-7977, 2001. 8.460
60. Genton LC, Karsegard VL, Kyle UG, Hans D, Michel JP, Pichard C:. Comparison of four bioelectrical
impedance analysis formulas in healthy elderly adults. Gerontology 47 : 315-323, 2001.
61. Kyle U, Morabia A., Unger P, Slosman DO, Pichard C: Contribution of body composition to nutritional
assessment at hospital admission in 995 patients: a controlled randomized study. British J Nutr 86 : 725-731,
62. Kyle UG, Genton L, Hans D, Karsegard L, Michel JP, Slosman D, Pichard C. Total body mass, fat mass, fat-free,
and skeletal muscle in older people: cross-sectional differences in over 60 yrs old persons. J Am Ger Soc 49:
1633-1645. J Am Geriatr Soc 49: 1633-1645, 2001.
63. Dupertuis YM, Xiao W-H, De Tribolet N, Pichard C, Slosman DO, Bischof Delaloye A, et al. Unlabeled
iododeoxyuridine increases the uptake of [125I]-Iododeoxyuridine in human xenografted glioblastoma. Eur
J Nucl Med 29: 499-505, 2002.
64. Cano NJM, Roth H, Court-Fortune I, Cynober L, Gérard-Boncompain M, Laaban JP, Melchior JC, Pichard C,
Raphaël JC, Pison CM. Nutritional depletion in respiratory failure patients on long term oxygen therapy or
home mechanical ventilation. Clinical Research Group of the Société Francophone de Nutrition Entérale et
Parentérale. Eur Resp J. 20 : 1-8, 2002.
65. Kyle U, Unger P, Mensi N, Genton L, Pichard C: Nutritional status in patients younger and older than 60 y at
hospital admission: a controlled population study in 995 subjects. Nutrition 18: 463-469, 2002. 3.143
66. Schutz Y, Kyle UG, Pichard C. Fat-free mass index and fat mass index percentiles in Caucasians aged 18-94 y.
Int J Obesity Rel Metab Disord 26: 953-960, 2002.
67. Cominelli S, Raguso C, Ambühl B, Anwar D, Bürki B, Bernasconi E, Bernasconi E, Gaillard, R, Philippe J, Schmid
C, Pichard C. Weight loosing HIV-infected patients on recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) for 12
weeks: a national study. Nutrition 18: 583-586, 2002. 1.655
68. Kyle U, Unger P, Dupertuis Y, Karsegard L, Genton L, Pichard C. Body composition in 995 acute or chronically
ill patients at hospital admission: a controlled population study. J Am Diet Assoc 102 : 944-955, 2002.
69. Dupertuis Y, Fathy M, Morche A, Sierro C, Genton LC, Pichard C: Physical characteristics of total parenteral
nutrition bags massively affect the stability of vitamins C and B1 : a controlled prospective study. J Parent
Enteral Nutr 26 : 310-316, 2002.
70. Biolo G, Grimble GF, Preiser JC, Leverve X, Jolliet P, Planas M, Roth E, Wernerman J, Pichard, C. Metabolic
basis of nutrition in intensive care unit: ten critical questions. Position paper of the ESICM Working Group on
Nutrition and Metabolism. Intens Care Med 28: 1512-1520, 2002.
71. Raguso C, Leverve X, and Pichard C. Protective effects of recombinant growth hormone on intestinal
mucosa in rats receiving abdominal radiotherapy. Clin Nutr 21 : 487-490, 2002.
72. Anwar A, Gaspoz JM, Pampallona S, Aftab Zahid, A, Sigaud P, Pichard C, Brink M, Delafontaine, P. Effect of
congestive heart failure on the insulin-like growth factor-1 system. Am J Cardiol 90: 1402-1405, 2002. 2.637
73. Hans DB, Allaoua S, Genton LC, Delmi M, Vuagnat H, Rizzoli R, Tahintzi-Zawadynski S, Perron C, Pichard C,
Slosman D.O. Is Time Since Hip Fracture Influencing the Discrimination Between Fractured and Nonfractured
Subjects as Assessed at the Calcaneum by Three Technologically Different Quantitative Ultrasound
Devices? Calcified Tissue Internat 71 : 485-492, 2002. 2.189
74. Dupertuis YM, Buchegger F, Pichard C. A balanced nucleotide mixture increases the rate of DNA
incorporation of 5-[125I]-Iodo-2'-deoxyuridine in glioblastoma cells. Cancer Biother Radiopharmaceuticals :
18, 7-16, 2003.
75. Kyle UG, Nicod L, Romand J, Slosman DO, Spiliopoulos A, Pichard C. Four years follow-up of body
composition in lung transplant patients. Transplantation 75 : 821-828, 2003.
76. Dupertuis Y, Picard Kossovsky M, Kyle UG, Genton LG, Pichard C: Food intake in 1707 hospitalized patients : A
prospective comprehensive hospital survey. Clin Nutr 22: 115-123, 2003.
77. Genton LC, Raguso C, Morel P, Hans DB, Pichard C: Nutritional follow-up after small bowel graft received
from monozygotic twin. Gut 52, 659-662, 2003.
78. Hans DB, Genton LC, Allaoua S, Pichard C, Slosman DO: Hip Fracture Discrimination study -QUS of the radius
and calcaneum. J Clin Densitom 6:163-172, 2003. 3.143
79. Kyle UG, Schutz Y, Dupertuis YM, Pichard C: Body composition interpretation: Contribution of fat-free mass
index and body fat mass index. Nutrition 19, 597-604, 2003. 1.655
80. Kyle U, Pirlich M, Schuetz T, Luebke J, Lochs H, Pichard C: Prevalence of malnutrition in 1760 patients at
hospital admission: a controlled population study of body composition. Clin Nutr 22, 473-481, 2003.
81. Varga P, Griffiths RD, Chiolero R, Nitenberg G, Leverve X, Pertkiewicz M, Roth E, Wernerman J, Pichard C.
Preiser, J.-C.Is parenteral nutrition guilty ? Intensive Care Med 29:1861-1864, 2003.
82. Kyle UG, Genton L, Hans D, Pichard C: Validation of a bioelectrical impedance equation to predict
appendicular skeletal muscle mass (ASMM). Clin Nutr 22:537-543, 2003.
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83. Kyle UG, Genton L, Gremion G, Slosman DO, Pichard C. Aging, physical activity and height-normalized body
composition parameters. ClinNutr 23:79-88, 2004.
84. Kyle UG, Morabia A, Schutz Y, Pichard C: Sedentarism affects body fat mass index and fat-free mass index in
adults aged 18-98 y. Nutrition 20:255-260, 2004.
85. Gozzoli V, Treggiari-Venzi MM, Kleger GR, Roux-Lombard P, Fathi M, Pichard C, Romand, J.A.Randomised
trial of the effect of antipyresis by metamizol, propacetamol or external cooling on metabolism,
haemodynamics and inflammatory response. Int Care Med 30, 401-407, 2004.
86. Slosman DO, DeRibeaupierre S, Chicherio C, Ludwig C, Montandon ML, Allaoua M,Genton L, Pichard C,
Grousset A, Mayer E, Annoni JM, De Ribaupierre A. Negative effect of frequency, depth and environment in
recreational scuba-diving: the Geneva memory dive study. Brit J Sports Med J 38, 108-114, 2004.
87. Pichard C, Morabia A, Perrier A, Unger P, Vermeulen B, Kyle UG: Low fat-free mass at hospital admission is
associated with increased length of stay: a prospective controlled population study. Am J Clin Nutr 79, 613618, 2004. 5.972
88. Berney T, Genton L.C, Buhler L, Raguso C, Charbonnet P, Pichard C, Morel P. Five-year follow-up after
pediatric living related small bowel transplantation between two monozygotic twins. Transplantation Proc
36: 316-318, 2004.
89. Kyle U G, Pirlich M, Schuetz T, Lochs H, Pichard C. "Is nutritional depletion by Nutritional Risk Index (NRI)
associated with increased length of stay (LOS): A population study." J Parenteral EnterNutr 28: 99-104, 2004.
90. Maisonneuve N, Raguso C, Paoloni-Giacobino A, Mühlebach S, Corriol O, Saubion JL, Hecq J, Bailly A,
Pichard C. Parenteral nutrition practices in hospital pharmacies in Switzerland, France and Belgium. Nutrition
20: 528-535, 2004. 3.025
91. Karsegard V, Raguso C, Genton L, Hirschel B, Pichard C. L-ornithine alpha-ketoglutarate (OKG) in HIVinfection: effects on muscle, gastrointestinal and and immune function. A prospective randomized
placebo-controlled double- blind trial (PRCT). Nutrition 20: 515-520, 2004.
92. Genton L, Kudsk K, Dupertuis YM, Romand J, Jolliet P, Pichard C: Higher calorie prescriptions improves
delivery during the first five days of enteral nutrition. Clin Nutr 23 : 307-315, 2004.
93. Golay A, Buclin S, Ybarra J, Toti F, Pichard C, Picco N, de Tonnac N, Allaz A.F : New interdisciplinary cognitivebehavioural-nutritional approach to obesity treatment : a 5 year follow-up study. Eat Weight Disorders 9 :2934, 2004.
94. Garbino J, Pichard C, Pichna P, Pittet D, Lew D, Romand JA: Enteral versus parenteral nutrition: no difference
in the incidence of fungal infections in a retrospective revue in ICU patients on mechanical ventilation with
selective topical decontamination. Clin Nutr 23: 705-710, 2004.
95. Cano NJM, Pichard C, Roth H, Court-Fortune I, Cynober L, Gérard-Boncompain M, Cuvelier A, Laaban JP,
Melchior JC, Raphaël JC, Pison C.M. C-reactive protein and body mass index as prognosis indicators in
patients on home oxygen and/or ventilatory support. Chest 126: 540-546, 2004.
96. Pison CM, Cano NJM, Cherion C, Roth H, Pichard C, IRAD2. Effects of home pulmonary rehabilitation in
patients with chronic respiratory failure and nutritional depletion. Rev Mal Respir 21: 573-582, 2004.
97. Kyle UG, Bosaeus I, De Lorenzo AD, Deurenberg P, Elia M, Gómez JM, Heitmann BL, Kent-Smith, L, Melchior,
J.C, Pirlich, M, Scharfetter, H, Schols, AMWJ, Pichard C. Bioelectrical impedance analysis - Part I. Review of
principles and methods. ESPEN Guidelines. Clin Nutr 23: 1226-1243, 2004.
98. Rushdi TA, Pichard C, Khater YH: Control of diarrhea by fiber-enriched diet in ICU patients on enteral nutrition:
a prospective randomized controlled trial. Clin Nutr 23: 1344-1352, 2004.
99. Kyle UG, Bosaeus I, De Lorenzo AD, Deurenberg P, Elia M, Gómez JM, Heitmann BL, Kent-Smith, L, Melchior,
J.C, Pirlich, M, Scharfetter, H, Schols, AMWJ, Pichard C. Bioelectrical impedance analysis - Part II. Utilization
in clinical practice. ESPEN Guidelines. Clin Nutr 23: 1226-1243, 2004. 4.476
100. Kyle UG, Pirlich M, Schuetz T, Lochs H, Pichard C. Increased length of hospital stay in underweight and
overweight patients at hospital admission: A controlled population study. Clin Nutr 24(1):133-142, 2005.
101. Kyle UG, Genton L, Lukaski HC, Dupertuis Y, Slosman D, Hans D, Pichard C. Comparison of fat-free mass and
body fat in Swiss and American adults. Nutrition 21:161-169, 2005.
102. Dupertuis YM, S. R, Fathy M, Pichard C. Assessment of ascorbic acid stability in different multilayered total
parenteral nutrition bags: Critical influence of the bag wall material. J Parent Enteral Nutr 2005, 29: 125-130.
103. Kyle UG, Schneider SM, Pirlich M, Lochs H, Hebuterne X, Pichard C. Does nutritional risk, as assessed by
Nutritional Risk Index, increase during hospital stay? A population based study. ClinNutr 2005, 24 : 516-524.
104. Kyle UG, Chalandon Y, Miralbell R, Karsegard V, Hans D, Trombetti A, et al. Longitudinal follow-up of body
composition in hematopoietic stem cell transplant patients. Bone Marrow Transplant 35 : 1171-1177, 2005.
105. Kyle UG, Jolliet P, Genton LG, Meier CA, Mensi N, Chevrolet JC, Pichard C. Clinical evaluation of hormonal
stress state in medical ICU patients: a prospective blinded observational study. Int Care Med 31 : 1669-1675,
106. Kyle UG, Janssens JP, Raguso CA, Rochat T, Pichard C. Body composition in patients with chronic
hypercapnic respiratory failure. Resp Med 100: 244-252, 2006.
107. Kyle UG, Kossovski MP, Karsegard VL, Pichard C. Comparison of tools for nutritional assessment and
screening at hospital admission : a population study. Clin Nutr 25 : 409-417, 2006.
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108. Genton L, Karsegard L, Zawadynski S, Kyle U.G, Pichard C, Golay A, Hans D. Comparison of body weight
and composition measured by two different dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry devices and three
acquisition modes in obese women. Clin Nutr 25: 428-37. 2006.
109. Benais-Pont G, Dupertuis YM, Picard-Kossovsky M, Pichard C: N-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and Ionizing
Radiation: Combined Cytotoxicity on Human Colorectal Adenocarcinoma Cells. Nutrition 22 : 931-939,
110. Kyle UG, Balmer Majno S, Pichard C. Body composition changes in breast cancer patients during
radiotherapy. E-SPEN J Clin Nutr Metabol 1 : 2-8, 2006.
111. Kyle UG, Melzer K, Kayser B, Picard Kossovsky M, Gremion G, Pichard C. Eight-year longitudinal changes in
body composition in healthy Swiss adults. J Am Coll Nutr 25 : 1-9, 2006.
112. Raguso CA, Kyle UG, Picard Kossovsky M, Roynette C, Paoloni-Giacobino A, Hans D, Genton LC, Pichard
C. A three-year longitudinal study on body composition changes in the elderly: role of physical exercise.
Clin Nutr 25 : 573-580, 2006. 4.476
113. Kyle UG, Genton L, Heidegger CP, Karsegard VL, Maisonneuve N, Huber O, Mensi N, Romand JA, Jolliet P,
Pichard C. Hospitalized mechanically ventilated patients are at higher risk of enteral underfeeding than
non-ventilated patients. Clin Nutr 25 : 727-735, 2006. 4.476
114. Kyle UG, Zhang FF, Morabia A, Pichard C. Longitudinal study of body composition changes associated
with weight change and physical activity. Nutrition 22 : 1103-1111, 2006.
115. Kyle UG, Picard-Kossovski M, Genton LC, Pichard C. Overweight and obesity in a Swiss City: 10 years trends.
Public Health Nutr 10: 914-919, 2007. 1.918
116. Dupertuis YM, Benais-Pont G, Buchegger F, Pichard C: Effect of an Immunonutrient Mix on Human
Colorectal Adenocarcinoma Cell Growth and Viability. Nutrition 23 : 672-680, 2007. 3.025
117. Darmon P, Kossovski MP, Pichard C: Oral nutritional supplements and taste preferences: 545 days of
clinical testing in malnourished in-patients. Clin Nutr 27: 660-665, 2008.
118. Nardo P, Dupertuis YM, Jetzer J, Kossovski MP, Darmon P, Pichard C: Clinical relevance of parenteral
nutrition prescription and administration in 200 hospitalized patients: A quality control study. Clin Nutr 7:
858-864, 2008. 4.476
119. Singer P, Berger MM, Van den Berghe G, Biolo G, Philip Calder P, Forbes A, Griffiths R, Kreyman G, Leverve
X, Pichard C: ESPEN Guidelines on Parenteral Nutrition: Intensive care. Clin Nutr, 33: 387-400, 2009.
120. Pichard C, Thibault R, Heidegger CP, Genton L: Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition for Critically Ill Patients: A
Logical Combination to Optimize Nutritional Support. Clin Nutr Suppl 4 : 3-7, 2009.
121. Hiesmayr M, Schindler K, Pernicka E, Schuh C, Schoeniger-Hekele A, Bauer P, Laviano A, Lovell AD,
Mouhieddine M, Schuetz T, Schneider SM, Singer P, Pichard C, Howard P, Jonkers C, Grecu I, Ljungqvist O:
Decreased food intake is a risk factor for mortality in hospitalised patients: The NutritionDay survey 2006.
Clin Nutr 28 : 484-491, 2009. 4.476
122. Genton L, Nardo P, Huber O, Pichard C. Parenteral nutrition independence in a patient left with less than
25 cm of ileum and jejunum: a case report. Obesity Surgery 20: 666-671, 2010.
123. Melzer K, Schutz Y, Soehnchen N, Othenin Girard V, Martinez de Tejada B, Pichard C, Irion O, Boulvain M,
Kayser B. Pre-pregnancy body mass index and resting metabolic rate during pregnancy. Ann Nutr
Metabol Rev 2010, 57 : 221-227.
124. Schindler K, Pernicka E, Laviano A, Howard P, Schütz T, Bauer P, Grecu I, Jonkers C, Kondrup J, Ljungqvist
O, Mouhieddine M, Pichard C, Singer P, Schneider S, Schuh C, Hiesmayr M. How nutritional risk is assessed
and managed in European hospitals: A survey of 21’007 patients findings from the 2007-2008 crosssectional nutritionDay survey. Clin Nutr 29, 552-559, 2010.
125. Meyer P, Kayser B, Kossovsky MP, Sigaud P, Carballoa D, Kellera PF, Martin XE, Farpour-Lambert N, Pichard
C, Mach F. Stairs instead of elevators at workplace: cardioprotective effects of a pragmatic intervention.
Eur J Cardiovasc Prev Rehab 17, 5 : 569-575, 2010.
126. Thibault R, Chikhi M, Clerc A, Darmon P, Chopard P, Genton L, Kossovsky MP, Pichard C. Assessment of
food intake in hospitalised patients: A 10-year comparative study of a prospective hospital survey. Clin
Nutr 30, 289-296, 2011.
127. Genton L, Karsegard L, Chevalley T, Clerc A, Picard-Kossovsky MP, Darmon P, Pichard C. Body composition
changes over 9 years in elderly subjects and of impact of physical activity. Clin Nutr 30, 436-443-2, 2011.
128. Guest JF, Panca M, Baeyens JP, de Man F, Ljungqvist O, Pichard C, Wait S, Wilson L. Health economic
impact of managing patients following a community-based diagnosis of malnutrition in the UK. Clin Nutr
30, 422-429, 2011. 4.476
129. Pison CM, Cano NJM, Cherion C, Caron F, Costes F, Antonini MT, Gonzalez J, Meziane L, Molano L,
Janssens JP, Court-Fortune I, Wuyam B, Similowski T, Melloni B, Hayot M, Augustin J, Tardif C, Lejeune H,
Roth H, Pichard C, Home implementation of rehabilitation guidelines improves clinical outcomes in
malnourished patients with chronic respiratory failure: a Randomized Controlled Trial. Thorax 66, 953-960:
130. Mattar L, Godart N, Melchior JC, Falissard B, Kolta S, Ringuenet D, Vindreau C, Nordon C, Blanchet C,
Pichard, C. Underweight patients with anorexia nervosa: Comparison of bioelectrical impedance analysis
using five equations to dual X-ray absorptiometry. Clin Nutr 30, 746-752: 2011.
131. Kyle UG, Soundar E, Genton LC, Pichard C. Can phase angle determined by bioelectrical impendance
analysis assess nutritional risk? A comparison between healthy and hospitalized subjects. Clin Nutr 31, 875881: 2012. 4.476
C. Pichard - Page 6 sur 17
132. Heidegger CP, Berger MM, Zingg W, Graf S, Darmon P, Costanza MC, Thibault R, Pichard C. Optimization
of energy provision with supplemental parenteral nutrition (SPN) improves the clinical outcome of critically
ill patients : a randomized controlled trial. Lancet 381, 385-393: 2013.
133. Genton LC, Graf CE, Karsegard VL, Kyle UG, Pichard C. Low fat-free mass as a marker of mortality in
community-dwelling healthy elderly subjects. Age Ageing 42, 33-39: 2013.
134. Cai F, Granci V, Sorg O, Buchegger F, Pichard C, Dupertuis YM. Vitamin E content in fish oil emulsion does
not prevent lipoperoxidative effects on human colorectal tumors. Nutrition 29: 450-456: 2013. 3.025
135. Granci V, Cai F, Lecumberri-Lima E, Clerc A, Dupertuis YM, Pichard C. Colon cancer cell chemosensitization by fish oil emulsion involves apoptotic mitochondria pathway. British J Nutr 109(7): 1188-95:
136. Kyle UG, Genton LC, Pichard C. Low phase angle determined by bioelectrical impendance analysis is
associated with malnutrition and nutritional risk at hospital admission. Clin Nutr 32, 294-299: 2013.
137. Samaras D, Braudé P, Huber O, Pichard C. Subcutaneous migration of a central venous catheter. Clin
Nutr 32, 666-667: 2013.
138. Granci V, Cai F, Lecumberri-Lima E, Clerc A, Dupertuis Y, Pichard C. Colon cancer cell chemosensitisation
by fish oil emulsion involves apoptotic mitochondria pathway. Brit J Nutr 1098 (7): 1188-95, 2013.
139. Lecumberri E, Dupertuis YM, Miralbell R, Pichard C. Green tea polyphenol epigallocatechin-3-gallate
(EGCG) as adjuvant in cancer therapy. Clin Nutr 32: 894-903, 2013.
140. Graf S, Karsegard VL, Viatte V, Maisonneuve N, Pichard C, Genton L. Comparison of three indirect
calorimetry devices and three methods of gas collection: A prospective observational study. Clin Nutr
32:1067-72, 2013.
141. Thibault R, Graf S, Clerc A, Delieuvin N, Heidegger CP, Pichard C. Diarrhoea in the intensive care unit:
respective contribution of feeding and antibiotics. Crit Care 17 (4) : R153, 2013.
142. Cai F, Sorg O, Granci V, Lecumberri E, Miralbell R, Dupertuis YM, Pichard C. Interaction of ω-3
Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids with Radiation Therapy in Two Different Colorectal Cancer Cell Lines. Clin Nutr
33, 164-170: 2014. 4.476
143. Graf S, Karsegard VL, Viatte V, Heidegger CP, Fleury I, Pichard C, Genton L.C. Evaluation of three indirect
calorimetry devices in mechanically ventilated patients: which device compares best with the Deltatrac
II? A prospective observational study. Clin Nutr 34, 60-65, 2015.
144. Cano NJM, Pichard C, Court-Fortune I, Coste F, Cynober L, Gérard-Boncompain M, Molano L, Cuvelier A,
Laaban JP, Melchior JC, Raphaël JC, Lloret T, Roth H. Survival of patients with chronic respiratory failure on
long-term oxygen therapy and or noninvasive ventilation at home. Clin Nutr 4: 739-744, 2015. 4.476
145. Thibault R, Makhlouf A-M, Kossovski MP, Iavindrasana J, Chikhi M, Meyer R, Pittet D, Zingg W, Pichard, C.
Healthcare-associated infections are associated with insufficient food intake: observational crosssectional study. PLOS One 10 (4): e0123695: 2015.
146. Azagury DE, Ris F, Pichard C, Buchs N, Volonté F, Karsegard L, Morel P, Huber O. Does perioperative
nutrition and oral carbohydrate load sustainably preserve muscle mass after bariatric surgery? A
randomized control trial. Surg Obesity Related Diseases (SOARD): 11(4), 920-926, 2015.
147. Hiesmayr M, Schindler K, Frantal S, Themessl-huber M, Kosak S, Mouhieddine M, Schuh C, Schneider S.
Singer P, Pichard C, Laviano A, Pernicka E, Bauer P. The Patient- And Nutrition-Derived Outcome Risk
Assessment score (PANDORA): development of a simple predictive risk score for 30-day in-hospital
mortality based on demographics, clinical observation, and nutrition. PLOS One : 10(5): e0127316, 2015.
148. Meyer P, Makhlouf AM, Mondouagne Engkolo LP, Trentaz F, Thibault R, Pichard C, Burri H. Safety of
bioelectrical impedance analysis in patients equipped with implantable cardioverter defibrillators. JPEN J
Parenter Enteral Nutr 2016. Pub Ahead of print DOI: 10.1177/0148607116633823
149. Graf S, Pichard C, Oshima T, Genton L, Heidegger CP. Energy expenditure in mechanically ventilated
patients: the weight of body weight. Clin Nutr doi: 10.1016/j.clnu.2015.11.007 2015.
150. Heidegger CP, Graf S, Oshima T, Genton L, Pichard C. The burden of diarrhea in the ICU: a quality
improvement observational study. Intern J Nursing Studies, In press. 2.901
151. Pataky Z, Genton L, Spahr L, Lazarevic V, Terraz S, Gaïa N, Rubbia-Brandt L, Golay A, Schrenzel J, Pichard
C. Impact of hypocaloric hyperproteic diet on gut microbiota in overweight or obese patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: a pilot study. Digestive Diseases Sciences, In press.
152. Rizk M, Kern L, Lalanne C, Hanachi M, Melchior JC, Pichard C, et al. Factors influencing body composition
in 233 hospitalized patients with acute anorexia nervosa. Clin Nutr, Submitted.
153. Rizk M, Kern L, Lalanne C, Hanachi M, Melchior JC, Pichard C, Mattar L, EVHAN Group, Berthoz S, Godart
N. Is intensity and duration of exercise linjed to the nutritional status at admission for acute anorexia
nervosa. Clin Nutr, Submitted.
154. Belabed L, Thadikkaran L, Darmon P, Nouet P, Dupertuis YM, Pichard C: Human colorectal
adenocarcinoma HT-29 cells respond differently to radio- and chemotherapy according to glutamine or
deoxynucleoside supplementation. Clin Nutr, Submitted. 4.476
155. Baumgartner A, Bargetzi M, Bargetzi A, Zueger N, Medinger M, Passweg J, Schanz U, Chalandon Y,
Pichard C, Limonta A, Wannesson L, Pabst Mueller T, Duchosal M, Hess U, Stanga, Z, Mueller B, Schuetz P.
Nutritional Support Practices in Hematologic Stem Cell Transplantation Centers in Switzerland: A
Comparison. Clin Nutr, Submitted. 4.476
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156. Karras S.N, Persynaki A, Petróczi A, Barkans E, Mulrooney H, Maria K, Tzotzas T, Kotsa K, Tsioudas A.A,
Tziomalos K, Pichard C, Naughton N.P. Dietary intake and health benefits of Orthodox fasting in Athos
monks. Clin Nutr, Submitted.
REVIEWS WITH peer-review analysis
Pichard C, Jeejeebhoy K.N. Muscle Dysfunction in Malnourished Patients. Quarter J Int Med 260, 10211045, 1988. 2.252
Bidari D, Boeymaems JM, Carpentier Y, Carra FB, Chiolero R, Esterbauer H, Fink MP, Fürst P, Grimble RGF,
Herndorn DN, Hill GL, Iapichino G, Jacobs DO, Jeejeebhoy KN, Lowry SF, Newsholme EA, Pichard C,
Rombeau JL, Takala J, Van Leeuwen P, Wernerman J, Wilmore DW, Zaloga GP, Ziegler TR. Consensus
Conference : Proceedings of the American Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, San Antonio, Texas,
36-38: 1994.
Pichard C, Chevrolet JC, Jolliet P., Romand J, Slosman DO: Recombinant human growth hormone in
chronic acute respiratory insufficiency. Horm Res 46:222-229, 1996.
Pichard C. From protein-energy malnutrition to refeeding: more basic research is needed. Clin Nutr 16, 1-2,
Jolliet P, Pichard C, Chevrolet J. C. Nutritional support in the ventilator-dependant patients. Eur Resp
Monograph 8: 84-113, 1998.
Pichard C, Kyle UG. Body composition measurements during wasting diseases. Curr Opinion Clin Nutr
Metab Care 1, 1357-1361, 1998.
4. 333
Jolliet P & Pichard C: Immunonutrition in the critically ill. Intens Care Med 25, 631-633, 1999.
Pichard C, Genton L, Jolliet P: Measuring body composition : a landmark of quality control for nutritional
support services. Curr Opinion Clin Nutr Metab Care 3:317-322, 2000. 4. 333
Kyle UG, Pichard C: Dynamic assessment of fat-free mass during catabolism and recovery. Curr Opinion
Clin Nutr Metab Care 3:281-284, 2000.
Bollag D, Genton L, Pichard C: L'évaluation de l'état nutritionnel. Ann Med Interne 151, 575-583, 2000.
Genton L, Jolliet P, Pichard C. Feeding the intensive care patients. Curr Opinion Anesthesiol 14 : 131-136,
Raguso C, Genton L, Kyle U, Svanberg E, Pichard C.: Manipulation of catabolism in metabolically stressed
patients: a literature survey about growth hormone application. Curr Opinion Clin Nutr 4 : 313-320, 2001.
4. 333
Maillet A, Beaufrere B, Di Nardo P, Elia M, Pichard C. Weightlessness as an accelerated model of
nutritional disturbances. Curr Opinion Clin Nutr 4 : 301-306, 2001.
Genton LC, Hans D, Pichard C. Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry and body composition : differences
between devices and comparison with reference methods. Nutrition 18: 66-70, 2002. 3.046
Biolo G, Grimble GF, Preiser JC, Leverve X, Chioléro R, Jolliet P, Nitemberg G, Planas, M, Roth E, Schols
AMWJ, Wernerman J, Pichard, C. Metabolic basis of nutrition in ICU patients : 10 critical questions. Int Care
Med, 28, 1512-1520. 2002. 5.544
Kyle UG, Genton L, Pichard C: Body composition: what's new ? Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care 5:427-433,
4. 333
Raguso CA, Genton L, Dupertuis YM, Pichard C. Assessment of nutritional status in organ transplant: is
transthyretine a reliable indicator. Clin Chem Lab Med 40, 1325-1328, 2002. 1.742
Genton L, Majno P, Raguso C, Hans D, Pichard C. Intégration de l'évaluation nutritionnelle à l'examen
médical lors de l'admission à l'hôpital. Réanimation 11, 392-405, 2002.
Raguso CA, Dupertuis YM, Genton L, Pichard C: Visceral proteins for nutritional assessment in critically ill
patients. Curr Opin Clin Nutr 6, 211-216, 2003.
4. 333
Meguid MM, Pichard C: Cytokines: The Mother of Catabolic Mediators! Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care
6:383-386, 2003.
4. 333
Kyle UG, Piccoli A, Pichard C: Body Composition measurements: interpretation finally made easy for
clinical use. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care 6:387-393, 2003.
4. 333
Paoloni Giacobino A, Grimble RF, Pichard C: Genetics and Nutrition. Clin Nutr 22, 429-435 : 2003.
Paoloni-Giacobino A, Grimble RF, Pichard C: Genomic interactions with disease and nutrition. Clin Nutr 22,
507-514 : 2003.
Kyle UG, Nicod L, Raguso C, Hans D, Pichard C: Prevalence of low fat-free mass index (FFMI) and high and
very high body fat mass index (BFMI) following lung transplantation. Acta Diabetol 40, S258-260 : 2003.
Maisonneuve N, Genton L, Karsegard VL, Kyle UG, Dupertuis YM, Pichard C: Place de l'impédancemetrie
dans le dépistage de la dénutrition à l'hopital. Nutr Clin Métabol 17: 227-236 : 2003.
Paoloni-Giacobino A, Pichard C: Diet and ageing: critical influence of genetype and gene expression
profile. Nutr Res 23: 1727-1738 : 2003.
Kyle UG, Pichard C: Sex differences in fat-free mass and body fat over the lifespan. XX vs XY: Intern J Sex
Differences Study Health Dis Aging 1: 77-78 : 2003.
Roynette C, Calder PC, Dupertuis Y, Pichard C: n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and colon cancer
prevention. Clin Nutr 23,139-151: 2004.
C. Pichard - Page 8 sur 17
29. Raguso C, Janssens JP, Kayser B, Pichard C, Chronic hypoxia : Common traits between COPD and
altitude. Curr Opin Clinical Nutr Metab Care 7 :411-417, 2004.
4. 333
30. Raguso C, Janssens JP, Kayser B, Pichard C, Chronic hypoxia : Common traits between COPD and
altitude. Curr Opin Clinical Nutr Metab Care 7 :411-417, 2004.
4. 333
31. Komsa-Penkova R, Kovacheva K, Angelova S, Neykowa A, Kamenova A, Carpentier Y, Pichard C. Webbased system for world-wide education in nutrtion of medical doctors: joined action of the European
Union, University network and ESPEN. Clin Nutr 23, 753-754: 2004.
32. Melzer K, Kayser B, Pichard C. Physical activity: the health benefits outweigh the risks. Curr Opin Clin Nutr
Metab Care 7 : 641-647, 2004.
4. 333
33. Kyle UG, Genton LG, Pichard C: Hospital length of stay and nutritional status. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab
Care 8 : 397-402 , 2005.
34. Pichard C, Genton L: From basic research to cost-effectiveness trials: the needed spirit to promote clinical
nutrition. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care 8 : 373-376, 2005. 4.378
35. Genton L, van Gemert W, Pichard C, Soeters PB: Physiological functions should be considered as true
endpoints of nutritional intervention studies. Proc Nutr Soc 2005, 64:285-296. 3.530
36. Melzer K, Kayser B, Saris WH, Pichard C. Effects of physical activity on food intake. Clin Nutr 24 : 885-895,
37. Pison C, Cano N, Pichard C. Réhabilitation du malade atteint de BPCO en France. Rev Mal Resp 22, 7S887S99, 2005. 1.601
38. Genton L, Dupertuis YM, Muhlebach S, Pichard C: Ergonomic and economic aspects of total parenteral
nutrition. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care 9: 149-154, 2006.
39. Lochs H, Allison SP, Meier R, Pirlich M, Kondrup J, Schneider SM, van den Berghe G, Pichard C. Introductory
to the ESPEN Guidelines on enteral nutrition: Terminology, Definitions and General Topics. Clin Nutr 25: 180186, 2006. 4.476
40. Kyle UG, Pichard C: The Dutch famine of 1944-45: a pathophysiology model of long-term consequences of
wasting disease. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care 9 : 388-394, 2006.
41. Pichard C, Cano N. Metabolisme des nutriments en cours d'insuffisance respiratoire. Nutr Clin Metabol 20 :
178-184, 2006.
42. Marin Caro MM, Laviano A, Pichard C. Nutritional intervention and quality of life in adult oncology
patients. Clin Nutr 26, 289-330, 2007. 4.476
43. Heidegger CP, Romand JA, Treggiari MM, Pichard C: Is it now time to promote mixed enteral and
parenteral nutrition for critically ill patient ? Intensive Care Med 33: 963-969, 2007.
44. Marin Caro MM, Laviano A, Pichard C, Gomez Candela C: Relacion entre la intervencion nutricional y la
calidad de vida en el paciente con cancer. Nutricion Hospitalaria 22: 337-350, 2007.
45. Dupertuis Y, Meguid MM, Pichard C. Colon Cancer Therapy: New Perspectives of Nutritional Manipulations
using Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care 10: 427-432, 2007. 4.378
46. Marin Caro MM, Laviano A, Pichard C. Impact of Nutrition on Quality of Life during Cancer. Curr Opin Clin
Nutr Metab Care; 10: 480-487, 2007. 4.378
47. Norman K, Pichard C, Lochs H, Pirlich, M. Prognostic Impact of Malnutrition. Clin Nutr, 27: 5-15, 2008. 4.476
48. Darmon, P., H. Lochs, Pichard C: Economic impact and quality of life as endpoints of nutritional therapy.
Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metabol Care 11: 452-458, 2008. 4.378
49. Heidegger CP, Darmon P, Pichard C: Enteral versus parenteral nutrition for the critically ill patient: a
combined support should be preferred ! Curr Opin Crit Care 14: 408-414, 2008.
50. Arvanitakis A, Beck P, Coppens F, De Man F, Elia M, Hebuterne X, Henry S, Kohl O, Lesourd B, Lochs H,
Pepersack T, Pichard C, Planas M, Schindler K, Schols J, Sobotka L, Van Gossum A. Nutrition in care homes
and home care: How to implement adequate strategies. Clin Nutr 27 : 421-428, 2008.
51. Laviano A, Inui A, Marks DL, Meguid MM, Pichard C, Rossi Fanelli F, Seelaender M: Neural control of the
anorexia-cachexia syndrome. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 295 : E1000-1008, 2008.
52. Dupertuis YM, Raguso CD, Pichard C: Nutrients which influence immunity : Clinical and experimental data.
e-SPEN, The Eur J Clin Nutr Metab 4: 1-52, 2009.
53. Belabed L, Darmon P, PIchard C. Dichotomic Actions of Glutamine in Host versus Tumor: an Emerging
Concept. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care12 : 372-377, 2009. 4.378
54. Dupertuis YM, Meguid MM, Pichard C. Advancing from immunonutrition to a pharmaconutrition: a
gigantic challenge. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care 12 : 398-403, 2009.
55. Pichard C, Thibault R, Heidegger CP, Genton L: Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition for Critically Ill Patients: A
Logical Combination to Optimize Nutritional Support. Clin Nutr Suppl 4:3-7 : 2009.
56. Genton L, Pichard C: Do obese patients have specific nutrition goals in cases of cancer? JPEN J Parenter
Enteral Nutr, 33:442-443, 2009.
57. Thibault R, Heidegger CP, Berger MM, Pichard C: Association nutrition entérale et parentérale en
Réanimation: nouveau concept d’optimisation. Nutr Clin Metab 23 : 206-213: 2009.
58. Thibault R, Pichard C: Optimal feeding should improve the clinical outcome. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab
Care 13: 177-183, 2010.
59. Singer P, Pichard C, Heidegger CP, Wernerman J. Considering energy deficit in the ICU. Curr Opin Clin Nutr
Metab Care 13: 170-176, 2010.
60. Darmon P, Kaiser MJ, Bauer JM, Sieber CC, Pichard C: Restrictive diets in the elderly: Never say never
again ? Clin Nutr 29 : 170-174, 2010.
61. Granci V, Dupertuis YM, Pichard C. Angiogenesis as a potential target of pharmaconutrients in cancer
C. Pichard - Page 9 sur 17
therapy. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care 13: 408-409, 2010. 4.378
62. Genton L, Melzer K, Pichard C. Energy and macronutrient requirements for physical fitness in exercising
subjects. Clin Nutr 29: 413–423, 2010.
63. Thibault R, Pichard C. Nutrition and clinical outcome in ICU patients. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care 13:
177-183, 2010.
64. Genton L, Romand JA, Pichard C. Basics in Clinical Nutrition: Nutritional support in trauma. e-SPEN 5(2):1079, 2010.
65. Thibault R, Pichard C. Parenteral Nutrition in Critical Illness: Can it Safely Improve Outcomes? Crit Care
Clinics 26: 467-480, 2010.
66. Mattar L, Godart N, Melchior J.C, Pichard C. Anorexia nervosa and the nutritional assessment:
contribution of body composition measurements. Nutr Research Rev 24, 39-45, 2011.
67. Thibault R, Pichard C, Wernerman J, Bendjelid K, Cardiogenic shock and nutrition: safe? Intensive Care
Med 37: 35-45, 2011.5.544
68. Thibault R, Cano N, Pichard C. Quantification of lean tissue losses during cancer or infection. Curr Opin Clin
Nutr Metab Care 14: 261-267, 2011.
69. Genton L, Viatte V, Janssens JP, Héritier AC, Pichard C. Nutritional state, energy intakes and energy
expenditure of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) patients. Clin Nutr 30: 553-9, 2011.
70. Genton LC, Pichard C. Protein catabolism and requirements in severe illness. intern J Vitamin Nutr Res.
2011, 81:143-152.
71. Singer P, Pichard C. Parenteral Nutrition Is Not the False Route in the Intensive Care Unit. JPEN J Parenter
Enteral Nutr 36:12-4, 2012.
72. Baracos B, Caserotti P, Earthman CP, Field D, Gallagher D, Hall KD, Heymsfield S.B, Müller M.J, Napolitano
A, Pichard C, Redman L.M, Shen W, Shepherd J.A, Thomas D. Advances in the Science and Application of
Body Composition Measurement. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr 36: 96-107, 2012.
73. Berger M, Pichard C. Best timing for energy provision during critical illness. Crit Care 16, 215-222, 2012.
74. Cai F, Dupertuis YM, Pichard C. Role of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and Lipid Peroxidation on Colorectal
Cancer Risk and Treatments. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care 15: 99-106, 2012.
75. Thibault R, Genton L, Pichard C. Body composition: why, when and for who? Clin Nutr 31: 435-547, 2012.
76. Jacquelin-Ravel N, Pichard C. Clinical nutrition, body composition and oncology: A critical review of the
synergies. Clin Rev Oncol 84: 37-46, 2012.
77. Thibault R, Pichard C. The evaluation of body composition: a useful tool for clinical practice. Ann Nutr
Metabol 60: 6-16, 2012.
78. Mattar L, Pichard C, Godart N, Melchior JC. Can birth weight predict later body composition in anorexia
nervosa? Eur J Clin Nutr 66 : 964-967, 2012. 2.462
79. Thibault R, Heideggger CP, Pichard C. Place de la nutrition combinée. Reanimation 22: S523-S526, 2013.
80. Samaras D, Samaras N, Lang PO, Genton L, Pichard C. Effects of widely used drugs on micronutrients: a
story rarely told. Nutrition 26: 2013, 2013.
81. Koller M, Schütz T, Valentini L, Kopp I, Pichard C, Lochs H. Outcome models in clinical studies: implications
for designing and evaluating trials in clinical nutrition. Clin Nutr 32 : 650-657, 2013.
82. Singer P, Pichard C. Reconciling divergent results of the latest parenteral nutrition studies in the ICU. Curr
Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care 16: 187-193, 2013.
83. Melzer K, Genton L, Pichard C. Régulation de la balance énergetique : ajustement de l’apport alimentaire
à la dépense énergétique. Nutr Clin Métab 27 : 134-138, 2013.
84. Samaras D, Samaras N, Lang PO, Forster A, Pichard C, Frangos E, Meyer P. A view of Geriatrics through
hormones. What is the relationship between andropause and well-known geriatric syndrome ? Maturita 74:
213-9, 2013.
85. Singer P, Doig G, Pichard C. The truth about nutrition in the ICU. Int Care Med 40: 252-255, 2014. 5.544
86. Singer P, Hiesmayr M, Gianni Biolo G, Felbinger TW, Berger M, Goeters C, Kondrup J, Wunder C, Pichard C.
Pragmatic approach to Nutrition in the ICU: Which calorie protein target? Clin Nutr 33: 246-251, 2014.
87. Guttormsen AB, Pichard C. Determining energy requirements in the intensive care unit Curr Opin Clin Nutr
Metab Care 17: 171-176, 2014.
88. Berger M, Pichard C. Current use and development of parenteral nutrition. Crit Care 18: 478, 2014.
89. Samaras D, Samaras N, Ferlay O, Papadopoulou MA, Pichard C. Cauliflower Bowel: A tumor-induced
mesenteric retraction. Am J Med Sciences 347(4): 330, 2014. 1.391
90. Thibault R, Heidegger CP, Berger MM, Pichard C. Parenteral nutrition in the intensive care unit: cautious use
improves outcome. Swiss Medical Weekly 144: w13997, 2014.
91. Samaras D, Samaras N, Chambellan A, Pichard C, Thibault R. Pulmonary rehabilitation: the reference
therapy for undernourished patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. BioMed Research Intern.
doi: 10.1155/248420, 2014. 2.880
92. Pichard C, Oshima T, Heidegger CP. Energy deficit is a clinically relevant information for critically ill
patients: PRO. Intensive Care Med 4: 335-338, 2015. 5.544
93. Preiser, JC, an Zanten, ARH, Berger MM, Biolo G, Casaer M, Doig G, Griffiths R, Heyland D, Hiesmayr M,
Iapichino G, Laviano A, Pichard C, Singer P, Van den Berghe G, Wernerman J, Wischmeyer P, Vincent, JL.
Metabolic and nutritional support of critically ill patients: consensus and controversies. Crit Care, 2015: 19,
C. Pichard - Page 10 sur 17
94. Kyle, U. G, Earthman C.P, Pichard C, Coss-Bu J.A. (2015). Body composition during growth in children:
limitations and perspectives of bioelectrical impedance analysis. Eur J Clin Nutr 2015: 1-8.
95. Dupertuis Y, Delie F, Cohen M, Pichard C. In ovo method for evaluating the effect of nutritional therapies on tumor
development, growth and vascularization. Clin Nutr Experimental 2: 9-17, 2015.
96. Oshima T, Deutz NE, Doig G, Wischmeyer PE, Pichard C. Protein-Energy Nutrition in the ICU: The Power
Couple. Clin Nutr Nov 7. doi: 10.1016/j.clnu.2015.10.016 2015.
97. Oshima T, Pichard C: Parenteral nutrition: never say never. Crit Care 19, S5: 2015.
98. Marini J, Gattinoni L, Ince C, Kozek-Langenecker S, Mehta RL, Pichard C, Wischmeyer P, Westphal M,
Vincent, JL. A few of our favorite unconfirmed ideas. Crit Care 19: S1, 2015. 4.480
99. Thibault R, Azagury DE, Huber O, Pichard C. Twelve key nutritional issues in bariatric surgery. Clin Nutr 35 :
12-17, 2016.
100. Oshima T, Pichard C: parenteral nutrition in the ICU setting : need for a shift in utilization. Curr Opinion Clin
Nutr Metab Care 19: 144-150, 2016.
101. Thibault R, Samaras N, Samaras D, Chambellan A, Pichard C. Réhabilitation respiratoire dans la bronchopneumopathie chronique obstructive (BPCO) : l’androgénothérapie, pourquoi ? Pour qui ? Comment ?
Nutr Clin Métabol 30: 74-82, 2016.
102. Oshima T, Singer P, Pichard C: Parenteral or Enteral Nutrition: Do you have the choice? Curr Opinion Crit
Care, In press.
103. Oshima T, Berger MM, De Waele E, Guttormsen AB, Heidegger CP, Hiesmayr M, Singer P, Wernerman W,
Pichard C. Indirect calorimetry in nutritional therapy. A position paper by the ICALIC study group. Clin Nutr
104. Oshima T, Heidegger CP, Pichard C. Supplemental Parenteral Nutrition is the key to prevent energy deficits
in critically ill patients. Nutr Clin Practice submitted.
105. Katashima CK, Silva VRR, Gomes TL, Pichard C, Pimentel GD. Dietary Ursolic Acid Improves Obesity,
Sarcopenia and Physical Fitness: a Review. British J Nutr. Submitted. 3.453
106. Persynaki A, Karras SN, Pichard C. Unraveling the metabolic health benefits of fasting related to beliefs of religion:
A narrative review. Clin Nutr. Submitted.
107. Thadikkaran L, Belabed L, Dupertuis Y, Pichard C: Proteomics and colorectal cancer: what’s new ? Clin
Chem Acta Submitted.
EDITORIALS WITH peer-review analysis
1. Pichard C, Genton LG, Jolliet P: Delivering nutrients how and where they are needed: a lesson from the
17th Century. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care 5: 397-399, 2002.
2. Raguso CA, Genton L, Pichard C. Hormone de croissance et stéroïdes sexuelles chez l’homme et la femme
âgés en bonne santé : une étude randomisée et contrôlée. Nutr clin Métabol 17 : 62-63, 2003.
3. Pichard C, Laviano A, Meguid MM. Wasting diseases : still searching for the weapons of (lean body) mass
destruction. Curr Opin Clinical Nutr Metab Care 7: 403-404, 2004.
4. Pichard C, Genton L. From basic research to cost-effectiveness trials: the needed spirit to promote clinical
nutrition. Curr Opin Clinical Nutr Metab Care 8: 373-376, 2005
5. Lochs H, Allison SP, Pichard. Evidence supports nutritional support. Clin Nutr 25: 177-9, 2006.
6. Meguid MM, Pichard C. Did it all start with Delilah? Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metabol Care 9: 386-7, 2006.
7. Deutz NE, Luiking YC, Biolo G, Griffiths RD, Koletzko B, Pichard C, Volpi, E, Winkehlhofer-Roob BM. Editorial. ESPEN J Clin Nutr Metab 1: 1, 2006.
8. Deutz NEP, Koletzko B, Pichard C: New legal regulations for clinical trials: An opportunity for the future of
clinical nutrition research. Clin Nutr 26: 510-513, 2007. 4.476
9. Pichard C, Laviano A, Meguid MM: Of Autoantibodies and SNPs : A Brave New World ? Curr Opin Clin Nutr
Metabol Care 11: 398-399, 2008.
10. Ljungqvist O, Pichard C: Inspired by the pioneers: The lesson of the Judy Taylor story. Clin Nutr 27:319-320,
11. Ljungqvist O, Deutz NEP, Pichard C: ESPEN: how it works. Clin Nutr 27 : 673-674, 2008. 4.476
12. Meguid MM, Laviano A, Pichard C. Nutritional care: from the dark ages to the renaissance, to the age of
enlightenment. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care 12 : 364-365, 2009.
13. Meguid MM, Laviano A, Pichard C. The enigma of catabolism. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care 13 : 408-409,
14. Pichard C, Komsa-Penkova R, Meier R. First ESPEN European diplomates in clinical nutrition and metabolism.
Clin Nutr 29(6): 840, 2010.
15. Pichard C, Baracos V, Attaix D. Would you buy a new tool to improve your practice? Curr Opin Clin Nutr
Metab Care 14: 221-222, 2011.
16. Singer P, Pichard C. Parenteral nutrition is not the false route in ICU. Clin Nutr 31: 153-155, 2012.
17. Singer P, Pichard C. Parenteral nutrition is not the false route in the Intensive Care Unit. J Parenter Enteral
Nutr 36: 12-14, 2012. 3.143
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18. Attaix D, Baracos VE, Pichard C. Muscle wasting: a crosstalk between protein synthesis and breakdown
signalling. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care 15 : 209-210, 2012. 4.378
19. Baracos VE, Attaix D, Pichard C. Survival: the relevant primary outcome for nutrition therapy in cancer
patients. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care 15 : 211-212, 2012. 4.378
20. Pichard C, Attaix D, Baracos VE. The Nutrition Swing. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care 16 : 241-242, 2013
21. Pichard C. When more is better. Critical Care 18 : 126-127, 2014.
22. Pichard C Attaix D, Baracos VE. Too little or too much are inadequate. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care.
2014, 17 : 211-212.
23. Oshima T, Heidegger CP, Pichard C. Protein – the newborn hero, or will he? Crit Care, 2014, 18 : 592. 5.040
24. Berger MM, Pichard C. Understanding the Causes of Death in INTACT by Braunschweig et al. JPEN J
Parenter Enteral Nutr 2015, 39(2): 144.
25. Attaix D, Pichard C, Baracos VE. Muscle wasting: is mitochondrial dysfunction a key target ? Curr Opin Clin
Nutr Metab Care. 2015,18 : 213-214. 4.378
1. Heidegger CP, Romand JA, Treggiari MM, Pichard C. Reply to the comments by Drs. Marik and Emery and
Dr. Singer. Int Care Med 1, 963-969: 2007. 5.544
2. Heidegger CP, Berger MM, Zingg W, Thibault R, Pichard C. Optimization of energy provision with
supplemental parenteral nutrition (SPN) improves the clinical outcome of critically ill patients : a
randomized controlled trial. Lancet 2013; 381: 1716-1717.
PUBLICATIONS WITHOUT peer-review analysis
Pichard C, Roulet M. L'alimentation entérale à débit constant dans les cancers bucco- pharyngés. Schw
Rundschau Med 74, (13), 329 -332, 1985.
Pichard C., Roulet M. Place de la carnitine dans l’alimentation parentérale totale. Méd Hyg 43, 3146-3149.
Pichard C, Roulet M, Zurlo F, Schutz Y, Monnier P, Savary M, E. Jéquier. Besoins proteino-caloriques optimaux
lors de chirurgie oncologique de la sphère ORL. Méd Hyg 48, 2837-2845, 1990.
Pichard C, Johner B, Pilet M, Temler E, Roulet M. Etude comparative de la clairance de deux nouvelles
émulsions lipidiques (Lipidem® 20% et Lipovenös® 20%) versus Intralipid® 20%. Méd Hyg 48, 1790-1794, 1990.
Chioléro R, Pichard C, Kyle UG, Loizeau E, Krupp S. La nutrition du patient brûlé. Rev Méd Suisse Rom 111,
(6), 501-509, 1991.
Pichard C. Stratégie nutritionnelle et syndromed’immunodéficience acquise. Méd Hyg 49, 2512-2522, 1991.
Pichard C, Kyle UG, Loizeau E. Le support nutritionnel du patient sidaïque. Rev Méd Suisse Rom 111, 489499, 1991.
Bridy C, De Riedmatten F, Muller C, Kyle UG, C. Pichard: Alimentation entérale par sonde nasogastrique lors
de SIDA. Méd Hyg 50, 2569-2573, 1992.
Pichard C, Kyle UG, Conseils alimentaires lors d’infection par le virus d’immunodeficience humaine (VIH).
Méd Hy 50 589-593, 1992.
Pichard C, Slosman S, Chevrolet JC, Jolliet Ph, Kyle UG. L’hormone de croissance est-elle un adjuvant dans
l’alimentation de l’adulte ? Méd Hyg 50, 1178-1181, 1992.
Slosman DO, Casez JP, Pichard C. Mesure de la composition corporelle utilité de l’absorptiométrie
biphotonique. Méd Hy 50, 1192-1196, 1992.
Pichard C. Quelle alimentation pour quels malades ? Méd Hyg 50, 1173-1174, 1992.
Pichard C, Bussien C, Delétraz M, Kyle UG. Utilisation pratique des substituants du sucre en alimentaiton
humaine, Méd Hyg 50, 2574-2579, 1992.
Pichard C, Kyle UG, Loizeau E. Place de l’hormone de croissance synthétique dans la prise en charge
nutritionnelle de l’adulte. Rev Méd Suisse Rom 112, 517-522, 1992.
Clavien H, Mabiala I, Pichard C. Trouver les meilleures sources de protéines : pourquoi, pour qui ? Méd Hyg
50, 3062-3066, 1992.
Uldry C, Kyle UG, Pichard C. Aids patients does hospital feeding cover their nutritional needs ? J Parenter
Enteral Eur Soc Diet (PEEDS) 4, 6-7, 1992.
Decrey E, Pichard C, Kyle UG. Malnutrition chez la personne âgée : dépistage et prise en charge au
cabinet médical. Moderne Geriatrie, 4, 140-147, 1993.
Tristan Udriot M, Pichard C, Sierro C, Griffiths C, Kyle UG.: Nutrition parentérale totale: avantages et
inconvénients de la poche unique. Méd Hyg 51, 1668-1171, 1993.
Pichard C: Stratégie nutritionnelle et syndrome d'immunodéficience acquise. Essentials 1, 4-6, 1993.
Pichard C, Kyle UG: Alimentation et SIDA: tout commence avant le diagnostic. Medical Tribune 11, 330-334,
Pichard C, Kyle UG, Loizeau E: Difficultés alimentaires en gériattrie ambulatoire, Rev Méd Suisse Rom 113,
515-522, 1993.
Pichard C, Kyle UG, Kammer A, Muller C: Critères de choix des solutions nutritives pour la nutrition entérale
lors de SID, Méd Hyg 51, 2840-2844, 1993.
Pichard C, Kyle UG, Kruseman M, Karsegard L, Willimannn C, Girod V. SIDA et perte de poids: rien ne sert de
nourrir, il faut nourrir à point. Informierte Arzt 16: 407-414, 1995.
C. Pichard - Page 12 sur 17
24. Velickovich G, Pichard C, Sierro C, Griffiths C, Kyle UG: Nutrition intraveineuse: le concept de la poche
souple à trois compartiments. Méd Hyg 51, 1976-1980, 1995.
25. Pichard C: Comment optimiser la qualité de la renutrition ? Nutr Clin Métabol 9, 226-228, 1995.
26. Pichard C: "Convenience and Cost-efficiency by the Use of Multicompartment Bags for Total Parenteral
Nutrition". Proceedings of the Forum for Pharmacists and Physicians. Geneva, September 8, 1996.
27. Fitting JW. Pichard C : Bronchopneumopathie chroniuqe obsturctive: approche nutritionnelle. Méd Hyg,
54 :866-874, 1996.
28. Dousse N, Pichard C, Girod V, Kruseman M, Karsegard L, Kyle UG : Alimentation orale lors de maladie : un
défi thrérapeutique. Méd Hyg, 54 : 857-865, 1996.
29. Schwarz G, Pichard C, Kyle UG. : Manipulation pharmacologique de l’anaboisme : l’exemple de l’hormone
de croissance. Nutr Clin Métabol 10 : 289-300, 1996.
30. Girod V, Forster P, Kyle UG, Pichard C, Kyle UG. : Alimentation orale lors de maladie : comment augmenter
les apports ? Méd Hyg, 54 :857-865, 1996.
31. Maenza V, Ferlay O, Conne P, Vernet P, Schelbert C, Perrot A, Perrin B, Schwarz G, Chikhi M, Pichard C:
Dépistage et prise en charge de la dénutrition de long séjour: avantages d’une alimentation modulaire.
Méd Hyg 55, 2208-2213, 1997.
32. Jetzer J, Schwarz G, Kyle UG, Sierro C, Pichard C: Optimisation de la prescription et du suivi de la nutrition
parentérale chez 180 patients : rôle du(de la) diététicien(ne). Méd Hyg 55, 2214-2221, 1997.
33. Blossner M, Bernstein M, Morabia A, Polla B, Pichard C : Alimentation de type “fast food“ : Essai sur la santé
des jeunes adultes à Genève. Un projet de recherche du Programme de la Faculté de Médecine de
l’Université de Genève. Méd Hyg 55, 900-903, 1997.
34. Schwarz G, Pichard C, Kyle UG : Hormone de croissance et insulin like growth factor-1 : support nutritionnel
et indications. Méd Hyg 55, 904-908, 1997.
35. Bühler L, Charbonnet P, Majno P, Kadry Z, Pichard C, Giostra E, Mentha G, Morel P. Greffe d’intestin grêle en
Suisse : indications et receveurs potentiels. Schweiz Med Wschr, 127 : 46S-50S, 1997.
36. Pichard C, Jolliet P, Romand JA, Insuline et autres facteurs de croissance, Nutr Clin Métabol, 1998;12(1):145154, 1998.
37. Romand JA, Pichard C, Le tube digestif contribue-t-il à la survenue du syndrome de défaillance d’organe
multiple ? Méd Hyg 56, 1907-1908, 1998.
38. Genton L, Kyle U, Gremion G, Slosman DO, Pichard C. Composition corporelle durant la vie : rôle critique de
l’exercice physique. Méd Hyg 57 : 1227-1232, 1999.
39. Hendrikx C. and Pichard C: Recommandations diététiques pour les patients insuffisants rénaux chroniques
diabétiques. Méd Hyg 57, 1264-1268, 1999.
40. Karsegard L, Kyle U, Pichard C : VIH et perte de poids: plusieurs niveaux d’action. Méd Hyg 57:2356-2361,
41. Chevalley JY, Bollag D, Genton L, Karsegard L, Pichard C: Le poids ne reflète pas la composition corporelle:
ce qu’il faut savoir. Méd Hyg 58, 1321-1327: 2000.
42. Bollag D, Genton L, Pichard C: Appréciation clinique du status nutritionnel. Méd Hyg 58, 1334-1338 : 2000.
43. Ritz P, Genton L, Berrut G, Berger VAS, Pichard C : Conséquences nutritionnelles de l’immobilisation. Méd
Hyg 2000.
44. Chevalley JY, Chapuis B, Pichard C. Oncologie et anorexie : place des orexigènes. Méd Hyg 58, 23602366, 2000.
45. Maisonneuve N, Karsegard V, Genton L, Jolliet P, Romand JA, Pichard C. Nutrition entérale et stase
gastrique : intérêt des procinétiques. Méd Hyg 59 : 1269-1271, 2001.
46. Dupertuis Y, Karsegard L, Chevrolat P, Genton L, Pichard C. Peut-on mesurer l’eau corporelle : place de
l’impédance bioélectrique à fréquence multiple et segmentaire ? Méd Hyg 59 : 1272-1278, 2001.
47. Dupertuis Y, Karsegard L, Genton L, Pichard C. Détection précoce de la malnutrition protéino-calorique : un
atout thérapeutique. Rev Méd Suisse Rom 121 :629-634, 2001.
48. Maisonneuve N, Karsegard V, Genton L, Pichard C. Place des procinétiques lors d’intolérance à la nutrition
entérale. Rev méd Suisse Rom 121 :641-644, 2001.
49. Karsegard L, Genton L, Raguso C, Pichard C. Nutrition et infection par le VIH. Rev Méd Suisse Rom 121
121 :635-640, 2001.
50. Genton L, Pichard C. Composition corporelle et exercice physique : quelles sont les interactions ?
Spécialiste Méd Sport 32 :1227-38, 2001.
51. Maisonneuve N, Jetzer J, Raguso C, Genton L, Pichard C. Glutamine. Métabolisme et physiopathologie.
Méd Hyg 59:2327-2329, 2001.
52. Raguso C, Jetzer J, Karsegard L, Helg C, Pichard C. Supplémentation en glutamine : mode d’emploi pour la
clinique. Méd Hy 59:2330-2335, 2001.
53. Raguso C, Pichard C. Hormone de croissance en soins intensifs : quels sont les risques ? Méd Hyg 59 :23362338, 2001.
54. Hans D, Genton L, Pichard C, Slosman DO: Absorptiométrie biphotonique à rayons X et composition
corporelle :mise au point. Méd Hyg 60 :2077-2081, 2002.
55. Dupertuis Y, Genton L, Uldry C, Maisonneuve N, Karsegard L, Pichard C : Modulation de l’immunité chez le
patient cancéreux: une arme à double tranchant. Rev Méd Suisse Rom 122, 325-328, 2002.
56. Dupertuis Y, Raguso CA, Buchegger F, Pichard C : Nutrition et croissance tumorale, Rev Méd Suisse Rom
122, 319-323, 2002.
57. Genton L, Dupertuis Y, Maillet A, Beaufrere B, Di Nardo P, Elia M, Pichard C: Microgravité et apesanteur:
modèle expérimental accéléré des pathologies nutritionnelles. Rev Méd Suisse Rom 122, 339-343, 2002.
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58. Genton L, Kyle U, Maisonneuve N, Dupertuis Y, Karsegard L, Pichard C: Evaluation de l’état nutritionnel des
patients admis aux urgences: contribution de la mesure de la composition corporelle. Rev Méd Suisse Rom
122, 329-332, 2002.
59. Jetzer J, Maisonneuve N, Genton L, Mühlebach S, Pichard C: Nutrition parentérale dans les hôpitaux suisses:
une enquête nationale durant 3 ans. Rev Méd Suisse Rom 122, 333-337, 2002.
60. Genton L, Raguso CA, Roynette C, Chikhi C, Wettstein R, Berger M, Pichard C. Prévention de la dénutrition
et soins nutritionnels à l’hôpital : Enquête et recommandations du Conseil de l’Europe. Méd Hygiène 60,
2192-2196, 2002.
61. Paoloni-Giacobino A, Pichard C: Nutrition et génome. Rev Méd Suisse Rom 123, 393-396: 2003.
62. Raguso CA, Paoloni-Giacobino A, Gottraux S, Dupertuis Y, Pichard C : Prise de conscience des problèmes
nutritionnels dans les hôpitaux : quelles solutions ? Rev Méd Suisse Rom 123, 387-391: 2003.
63. Roynette C, Chevrolat P, Karsegard L, Pichard C: Détermination de la dépense énergétique en milieu
clinique. Rev Méd Suisse Rom 123, 387-391: 2003.
64. Gottraux S, Paoloni-Giacobino A, Raguso C, Genton L, Majno P, Pichard C: Hormone de croissance et
carcinogenèse : Le point sur la question. Rev Méd Suisse Rom 123 :397-400: 2003.
65. Kyle UG, Nicod L, Raguso C, Hans D, Pichard C : Fat-free mass change to weight change ratio during
refeeding following lung transplantation. Acta Diabetol 40, S165-167 : 2003. 0.519
66. Ginesi AC, Rosset C, Pichard C : Alimentation crétoise en Suisse : de la théorie protectrice à la réalité
pratique. Méd hyg 61 : 2280-2285 : 2003.
67. Gorin-Gottraux S, Paoloni-Giacobino A, Dupertuis Y, Benais-Pont G, Pichard C : Cancer et statut
vitaminique : quelles relations ? Méd Hyg 261 : 2286-2292 : 2003.
68. Garo S, Montorfani C, Pichard C. Dysphagie et traitement nutritionnel: arbre décisionnel. Rev Méd Suisse
Rom 124: 625-628, 2004.
69. Raguso C, Maisonneuve N, Pichard C. Subjective Global Assessment (SGA): score d'évaluation
nutritionnelle. Rev Méd Suisse Rom 124: 607-610, 2004.
70. Karsegard VL, Ferlay O, Maisonneuve N, Kyle U, Dupertuis Y, Genton L, Pichard C. Outil de dépistage
simplifié de la dénutrition: Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool (MUST). Rev Méd Suisse Rom 124: 601-605,
71. Maisonneuve N, Genton L, Karsegard VL, Kyle UG, Dupertuis YM, Pichard C. Rôle de l'impédancemétrie
dans le dépistage de la dénutrition. Rev Méd Suisse Rom 124: 611-615, 2004.
72. Guinot-Bourquin S, Raguso C, Pichard C. Adaptation métaboliques à l'hypoxie: bronchopneumopathies
chroniques obstructives et haute altitude. Rev Méd Suisse Rom 124: 629-634, 2004.
73. Gottraux S, Maisonneuve N, Gevaux D, Fronzo-Christe C, Chikhi C, Guinot-Bourquin S, Vernet P, Metivier MF,
Raguso C, Pichard C. Dépistage et traitement de la dénutrition: Résolution du Conseil de l'Europe et
potentiel d'application en Suisse. Rev Méd Suisse Rom 124:617-623, 2004.
74. Heidegger CP, Pichard C, Romand JA. Prise en charge de la pancréatite aiguë sévère: « Scoring »,
antibiothérapie et nutrition entérale : Quoi de neuf ? Méd Hyg 62:1949-1953, 2004.
75. Pison CM, Cano NJM, Pichard C. Dénutrition des insuffisants respiratoires (hors mucoviscidose): aspects
thérapeutiques. Inspirer 10: 6-7, 2004.
76. Nardo P, Pichard C. Dénutrition hospitalière: fréquente, malsaine, coûteuse. Competence 1-2:17-19, 2005.
77. Pichard C. Diéteticien: Une formation supérieure est indispensable. Competence 1-2: 30, 2005.
78. Pichard C, Pichard J: Seniors and Business Customers in Hospitality: Time to change the food profile for
better physical and cognitive functioning. INTEHL 5:14-19, 2008.
79. Heidegger CP, Thibault R, Berger MM, Pichard C: Nutrition parentérale complémentaire de la nutrition
entérale aux Soins intensifs: une association logique. Rev Méd Suisse 5:2486-2491, 2009.
80. Genton L, Nardo P, Pichard C: Problèmes nutritionnels : une urgence souvent occultée. Rev Méd Suisse 6:
S59, 2010.
81. Thibault R, Dupertuis Y, Belabed L, Pichard C. Alimentation et activité physique: cibles d’action pour la
prévention des cancers. Rev Méd Suisse 6: 1046-1052, 2010.
82. Thibault R, Pichard C. Evaluation de la composition corporelle en réanimation : avantages et limites.
Réanimation 20: 287-96, 2011.
83. Thibault R, Pichard C. Patients et situation à risque en réanimation. Réanimation 20: S768-70, 2011.
84. Joly C, Jacquelin-Ravel N, Pugliesi A, Bigler-Perrotin L, Dietrich P.Y, Dulguerov P, Miralbell R, Michel PicardKossovsky M, Seium Y, Thériault M, Pichard C. Soin nutritionnel intégré au soin oncologique : un besoin
d’optimisation. Rev Méd Suisse 7: 2252-2256, 2011.
85. Jacquelin-Ravel N, Aapro M, Pichard. Composition corporelle : outil d’aide à la décision en oncologie,
pratiques actuelles et perspectives. Rev Méd Suisse 8, 1118-1123, 2012.
86. Samaras D, Samaras N, Lang PO, Genton L, Pichard C. Statut en vitamines et en oligo-éléments: impact
des médicaments. Rev Méd Suisse 8: 1229-36, 2012.
87. Rendall K, Rény JL, Louis Simonet M, Pichard C. Nutrition entérale : sonde nasogastrique ou gastrostomie
percutanée endoscopique ? Rev Méd Suisse 8: 1972-1977, 2012.
88. Samaras D, Samaras N, Lang PO, Bridevaux PO, Gex G, Janssens JP, Pichard C. Bronchopneumopathie
chronique obstructive: Risques et bénéfices d'un traitement de testostérone. Rev Méd Suisse 8: 2224-7,
89. Graf S, Thibault R, Pichard C. Conduite à tenir lors d'une diarrhée sous nutrition entérale. Nutr Clin Métab,
27: 51-53, 2013.
90. Frambati L, Weber K, Canuto A, Miralbell R, Zilli T, Pichard C, Joly C, Voison N, Dos Santos JF. Prostate
cancer and androgen deprivation: benefits of psychological counseling. Rev Med Suisse 9: 369-70, 2013.
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91. Limonta A, Gastaldi G, Heidegger CP, Pichard C. Insulinothérapie et nutrition parentérale en soins intensifs:
aspects pratiques. Rev Méd Suisse 11, 728-733 : 2015.
92. Dupertuis Y, Delie F, Cohen M, Pichard C. In ovo method for evaluating the effect of nutritional therapies on tumor
development, growth and vascularization. Clin Nutr Experimental 2, 9-17 : 2015.
93. Coattrenec Y, Harr T, Pichard C, Nendaz M. Bienfaits du régime sans gluten : mythe ou réalité ? Rev Méd
Suisse 1878-1885: 2015.
94. Buzzi M, Limonta A, Pichard C, Stirnemann J. Syndrome de renutrition inappropriee: aspects pratiques. Rev
Méd Suisse 11, 1886-1991: 2015.
EDITORIALS WITHOUT peer-review analysis
Pichard C. Quelle alimentation pour quel patient ? Méd Hyg 50, 1173-1174, 1992.
Pichard C. Du coût de l'albumine à celui de la vie. Méd Hyg 51, 2301, 1993.
Pichard C. Soins presque hospitaliers à domicile: le support nutritionnel est indispensable à la qualité de la
survie. Méd Hyg 51, 2799, 1993.
Pichard C. Acquisitions thérapeutiques récentes en nutrition clinique. Méd Hyg 51, 1639, 1993.
Pichard C. La famine est ailleurs, mais l'obésité est ici et ailleurs. Méd Hyg 51, 737, 1993.
Pichard C. Acquisitions récentes en nutrition humaine. Méd Hyg 51, 3021-3022, 1993.
Pichard C. De la loi d'ohm à l'évaluation nutritionnelle. Méd Hyg 52 : 525-526, 1994.
Pichard C. Maladies chroniques: Est-ce la fin des régimes alimentaires restrictifs ? Méd Hyg 52 : 1955, 1994.
Pichard C. Aliments industriels pour poules, chiens, chats...pour l’homme aussi. Méd Hyg 53 : 653, 1995.
Pichard C. Un outil pratique et simple pour évaluer rapidement l'état nutritionnel. Méd Hyg 53, 1963, 1995.
Pichard C. La nutrition entre à la Faculté de Médecine. Méd Hyg 54, 849 1996.
Pichard C. Alimentation des top models. Méd Hyg 54, 1751, 1996.
Pichard C. Thuiller F. Emulsions lipidiques en nutrition intraveineuse: l'évolution s'accélère. Nutr Clin Métab
10:5S-6S, 1996.
Pichard C. Nourrir le patient hospitalisé : un cours suisse. Méd Hyg 55, 899, 1997.
Pichard C. Alicaments: mariage de la médecine et de la gastronomie ? Méd Hyg 55, 2207, 1997.
Pichard C. Boire du vin, c'est bien. Méd Hyg 56, 2169-2248, 1998.
Pichard C. CLAN! ou la multidisciplinarité en nutrition. Méd Hyg 56, 1279, 1998.
Pichard C, Tschopp J.M. Respiration et nutrition: un équilibre précaire. Nutr Clin Métabol 12, 241-242, 1998.
Pichard C. Dois-je être carnivore comme mon ancêtre ou mes gènes se sont-ils "modernisés" ? Méd Hyg 57
: 1221, 1999.
Pichard C. Repas plaisir-repas sain à l'hôpital: dualité ou synonymie ? Méd Hyg 57:2354, 1999.
Pichard C. Une promenade dans les étoiles pour soigner les malades. Méd Hyg 58, 1321 2000.
Pichard C. La nutrition sur la toile. Méd Hyg, 58:2349, 2000.
Pichard C. Mais que faut-il manger ? Méd Hyg, 59 : 1267, 2001.
Pichard C. Mais que faut-il manger ? Rev Méd Suisse Rom 121 : 627, 2001.
Pichard C. Les détails font la différence. Méd Hyg 59: 2325, 2001.
Pichard C. Nourrir le cancer. Rev Méd Suisse Rom 122, 317, 2002.
Pichard C. Nutrition dans les hôpitaux : recommandations du Conseil de l'Europe. Méd Hyg 60, 2191, 2002.
Pichard C: Famine aux adipocytes ! Gloire aux Myocytes! Un programme de santé publique. Rev Méd
Suisse Rom 123:381 : 2003.
Pichard C: Nutrition et cancer: (presque) tout est dans l'assiette. Méd Hyg 61: 61, 2003.
Pichard C. Dépister, évaluer: 3-5 minutes pour une démarche clinique fondamentale à la prise en charge
nutritionnelle. Rev Méd Suisse Rom 124: 599, 2004.
Nutritition Clinique. C. Pichard, Editeur, Société Suisse de Nutrition Clinique, Genève 1996.
From Nutritional Support to Pharmacologic Nutrition in the ICU. Update in Intensive Care Medicine and
Emergency Medecine, C. Pichard & K. Kudsk, Editors, Springer Verlag: Berlin 2000.
Clinical nutrition: Early intervention. Labaderios D, Pichard C. Editors. S Karger AG: Basel. 2002.
From Nutritional Support to Pharmacologic Nutrition in the ICU. Pichard C, Kudsk K: ed 2nd, Berlin, Springer
Verlag, 2005.
ESPEN Guidelines on Enteral Nutrition. Valentini L, Schutz T, Allison S, Howard P, Pichard C, Lochs H. & The
European Society for Clinical Nutrition, Editors. Elsevier : Oxford 2006.
Pichard C. Parenterale Ernährung und Fett-Toleranz bei Krebspatienten der Intensivpflegestation, in
Erfahrungen mit Fettemulsionen, G. Tempel, J. Eckart, Editor, W. Zuckschwerdt Verlag München. p. 71-74,
Pichard C, Jeejeebhoy K.N, The Metabolic Consequences of Total Parenteral Nutrition, chapter 14. In
Nutritional Biochemistry & Metabolism with Clinical Applications, 2nd ed. Ed. Maria C. Linder, Elsevier, New
York, NY, pp 425-448, 1991.
C. Pichard - Page 15 sur 17
Pichard C. Choix et usage optimal du materiel pour l’alimentation enterale, in Des années à savourer:
Nutrition et qualité de vie de la personne âgée, C.H. Rapin, Editor. Editions Payot: Lausanne. p. 164-167,
Pichard C, Jolliet P., Biosynthetic growth hormone: impact on nitrogen metabolism and muscle function in
stressed patients, in Yearbook of intensive care medecine and emergency medecine, J.L. Vincent, Editor,
Springer Verlag: Berlin. p. 151-159, 1993
Pichard C. Muscle intracellular ions during malnutrition and refeeding, in Metabolic support of the critically
ill patient, D.W. Wilmore, Y.A. Carpentier, Editors, Springer Verlag: Berlin. p. 63-79, 1993.
Pichard C, Jeejeebhoy KN. Nutritional Management of Clinical Undernutrition. In: Human Nutrition and
Dietetics. Garrow JS, James WPT, Editors, 9th ed. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone. 421-439, 1993.
Pichard C, Dulloo A, Kaiser B. Chronic malnutrition with reference to muscle tissue. In: Amino acids
metabolism and therapy in health and nutritional disease. Cynober L, Editor. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 257268, 1995.
Pichard C. Can recombinant growth hormone be an adjuvant for nutritional support ? In: Recent
advances on growth and growth hormone therapy. Saggese G, Stanhope R, Editor. London, Freund
Publishing House, 213-222, 1995.
Pichard C, Kyle UG, Slosman DO. Evaluation nutritionnelle, in Nutrition Clinique, C. Pichard, Editor. Editions
Braun-Sandoz, Bern. p. A 5-39, 1996.
Girod V, Pichard C. Alimentation orale et maladie, in Nutrition Clinique, C. Pichard, Editor. Editions BraunSandoz, Bern. p. B 5-48, 1996.
Pichard C, Kyle UG. Nutrition digestive par sonde, in Nutrition Clinique, C. Pichard, Editor. Editions BraunSandoz, Bern. p. C 5-44, 1996.
Pichard C, Sierro C, Romand J, Berger M, Pittet D. Nutrition intraveineuse, in Nutrition Clinique, C. Pichard,
Editor. Editions Braun-Sandoz, Bern. p. D 5-54, 1996.
Pichard C, Sierro C, Chapuis V, Roulet M. Nutrition à domicile, in Nutrition Clinique, C. Pichard, Editor.
Editions Braun-Sandoz, Bern. p. E 5-42, 1996.
Pichard, Agents potentiellement infectieux et environnement, in Environnement et santé, M. Bakonyi,
Editor, Centre Universitaire d'Ecologie Humaine et des Sciences de l'Environnement: Genève. p. 70-73,
Pichard C, Karsegard L, Kyle UG. Les anabolisants. In: Melchior JC, Goulet O, eds. Nutrition et infection par
le VIH. Paris: Masson, S.A., 135-141, 1997.
Pichard C, Fitting, JW, Chevrolet JC. Nutritional monitoring. In Principles and practice of intensive care
monitoring M. J. Tobin (Eds.), McGraw-Hill. New York, 1099-1124, 1997.
Armenian B, Pichard C. Nutritional care in coloproctolgy. In M.C. Marti, J.C. Givel (Eds.), In Surgical
management of anorectal and colonic diseases. Berlin, Springer AG, 101-108, 1998.
Pichard C, Uldry C, Karsegard L. Cancer et Sida: Revue théorique et études prospectives sur l’état
nutritionnel, l’alimentation orale, la nutrition entérale et parentérale nutritionnelle, in 4ème Rapport Suisse
sur l’Alimentation, Editor Keller U, Commission Fédérale de l’Alimentation, Bern: p. 374-390, 1998.
Pichard C, Karsegard L, Kruseman M. Sida: in Traité de Nutrition Clinique, X. Leverve, B. Beaufrère, L.
Cynober, Editor M. Guéna, Paris: p. 853-869, 1998.
Pichard C, Girod V, Kammer A, Ponard D, Sottas MC. Conseils diététiques et supplémentation nutritive
orale: in Traité de Nutrition Clinique, X. Leverve, B. Beaufrère, L. Cynober, Editor M. Guéna, Paris: p.433-444,
Pichard C, Jolliet P. Hormone and growth factors in intensive care patients: anabolic strategy or Utopia?,
in Anaesthesia, Pain, Intensive Care and Emergency Medecine, A. Gullo, Editor, Springer Verlag: Milano. p.
125-132, 1998.
Pichard C. Dietary considerations in people with HIV / AIDS : food safety, calories and protein sources,
food intake and drug interactions. Update on wasting, metabolism, and altered body shape in HIV/AIDS.
National Institute on Drug Abuse (part of NIH), SL Gorbach, JH Khalsa Editors, Boston, 26-27, 1998.
Pichard C, Frischknecht R, Traitement nutritionnel lors de rééducation physique, in Réeducation
neurologique, A. Chantraine, Editor. 2nd edition ed. Paris: Arnette, 211-216, 1999.
Pichard C, Frischknecht R., Bilan nutritionnel lors de rééducation physique, in Réeducation neurologique,
A. Chantraine, Editor. 2nd edition ed. Paris: Arnette, 43-50, 1999.
Pichard C, Jolliet P, Romand JA. Anabolic strategy in ICU patients: Is there still a place for growth
hormone ? in Yearbook of Intensive Care Medicine and Emergency Medecine, J.L. Vincent, Editor.
Springer Verlag: Berlin. 93-97, 1999.
Pichard C, Jolliet P. A practical approach to feeding intensive care patients. Update in Intensive Care
Medicine and Emergency Medecine, C. Pichard & K. Kudsk, Editors, Springer Verlag: Berlin. 166-178, 2000.
Pichard C, Jolliet P. Stress-related catabolism: Counter measures. Update in Intensive Care Medicine and
Emergency Medecine, C. Pichard & K. Kudsk, Editors, Springer Verlag: Berlin. 425-440, 2000.
Leverve X, Barnoud D, Pichard C. Nutritional support in acute respiratory failure update. In Intensive Care
Medicine and Emergency Medecine, C. Pichard & K. Kudsk, Editors, Springer Verlag: Berlin. 303-315, 2000.
Kyle UG, Jolliet P, Pichard C. Tolerance and utilization of enteral nitrogen. In Proteins, peptides and aminoacids in enteral nutrition, P Fürst & VR Young, Editors. Lippincott-Raven: Philadelphia. 221-238, 2000.
Pichard C, Nitenberg, G, Jolliet P, Soeters P. Nutrition. In : Patient centred acute care training (PACT). Ed :
European Society for Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM), Task Force on Educational Issues in Intensive Care
Medicine, I. McA Ledingham, Editor-in-Chief, pp 1-30. 2001
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31. Soeters P, Nitenberg, G, Jolliet P, Pichard C. Patient challenges in Nutrition. In : Patient centred acute care
training (PACT). Ed : European Society for Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM), Task Force on Educational
Issues in Intensive Care Medicine, I. McA Ledingham, Editor-in-Chief, pp 1-6. 2001.
32. Karsegard L, Genton L, Pichard C. Nutrition et infection par le virus d’immunodéficience humaine. In: Traité
de nutrition clinique de l'adulte. Basdevant A, Laville M, Lerebours E, Editors. Paris: Flammarion, pp. 613-619,
33. Pichard C, Karsegard V, Genton L. Conseils diététiques et supplémentation nutritive orale. In : Traité de
Nutrition Artificielle de l'Adulte. Leverve X, Cosnes J, Erny P, Hasselmann M, Editors. Paris: Springer;. pp 869890. 2001
34. Pichard C, Genton L, Jolliet P. Growth factors, anabolism and ICU-related catabolism. In: Nutrition
artificielle de l'adulte en réanimation. Nitenberg G, Chiolero R, Leverve X, Editors. Elsevier: pp 419-442,
35. Pichard C, Labadarios D. Timely nutritional support: Thoughts for the future. In Labadarios D, Pichard C.
(Eds): Nestle nutrition workshop series, S Karger AG, Basel, Switzerland. pp. 301-306, 2002.
36. Pichard C. The Stork and the Fox: A Fable, but a nutritional guideline for today. In: Grant K, editor. Hospital
Health Care Europe. London: Campden Publishing Ltd; pp. N2-N4, 2004.
37. Sobotka L, Soeters PB, Raguso CA, Jolliet P, Pichard C. Nutritional support in critically ill and septic. In:
Sobotka L, editor. Basics in clinical nutrition. Prague: Publishing House Galen; pp. 302-308, 2004.
38. Dupertuis YM, Raguso CA, Pichard C. Nutrients which influence immunity- clinical and experimental data.
In: Sobotka L, editor. Basics in clinical nutrition. Prague: Publishing House Galen; pp. 185-191, 2004.
39. Genton LC, Romand JA, Pichard C. Nutritional support in trauma. In: Sobotka L, editor. Basics in clinical
nutrition. Prague: Publishing House Galen; pp. 308-313, 2004.
40. Pison C, Cano N, Pichard C: BPCO et nutrition, vol. 5. Paris: Phase 5, Editions Médicales; pp. 1-47, 2005.
41. Berger MM, Pichard C. Une formation complémentaire en nutrition clinique pour les medécins: projets,
organisation et reconnaissance. In Cinquième Rapport sur la nutrition en Suisse. Office fédéral de la santé
publique, editor, Merkur Druck AG, Langenthal ; pp. 821-832, 2005.
42. Pichard C. Comment évaluer l'état nutritionnel. Quelle stratégie d'intervention? In Barnoud D, Schneider S,
Vason MP and Hankard R (ed) Questions de nutrition clinique à l'usage de l'interne et du jeune praticien.
Société francophone de nutrition entérale et parentérale, Paris ; Société francophone de nutrition
entérale et parentérale ; pp. 53-68, 2006.
43. Pichard C, Genton L. Conseils diététiques et supplémentation nutritive orale. In: Traité de Nutrition
Artificielle de l'Adulte. Cano N, Barnoud D, Vasson MP, Hasselmann M, Leverve X. Editors. Paris: Springer;
pp. 555-566, 2006.
44. Karsegard L, Pichard C. Nutrition et infection par le virus d’immunodéficience humaine. In: Traité de
nutrition clinique de l'adulte. Cano N, Barnoud D, Vasson MP, Hasselmann M, Leverve X.Paris: Springer; pp.
1021-1040, 2006.
45. Darmon P, Gorin-Gottraux S, Pichard C: Y a-t-il une place pour les régimes restrictifs chez la personne
âgée. In: Nutrition de la personne agee. Hebuterne X, Alix E, Raynaud-Simon A, Vellas B (eds): Springer.
46. Thibault R, Pichard C. Importance d'un support nutritionnel adéquat et précoce en réanimation in
Questions de nutrition clinique en réanimation et soins intensifs, D. Barnoud et al, Editors Société
francophone de nutrition clinique et métabolisme: Paris. p. 95-103, 2010.
47. Sobotka L, Soeters PB, Jolliet P, Pichard C, Singer P. Nutritional support in critically ill and septic patients. In:
Sobotka L, editor. Basics in clinical nutrition. 4th. ed. Prague: Publishing House Galen; 2011. pp. 444-51,
48. Genton L, Heidegger CP, Pichard C. Nutritional support in trauma. In: Sobotka L, editor. Basics in clinical
nutrition. 4th. ed. Prague: Publishing House Galen; 2011. pp. 451-7, 2011.
49. Dupertuis YM, Fai C, Pichard C. Nutrients that influence immunity: experimental and clinical data. In:
Sobotka L, editor. Basics in clinical nutrition. 4th. ed. Prague: Publishing House Galen. pp. 185-91, 2011.
50. Berger M, Pichard C. Best timing for energy provision during critical illness In: Vincent JL, editor. Annual
Update in Intensive Care and Emergency Medecine 2012, Berlin: Springer; p. 661-71. 2012.
51. Thibault R, Pichard C. Parenteral Nutrition. In: Singer P, editor. Nutrition in Intensive Care Medicine: Beyond
physiology. Basel: Karger; p. 59-68, 2012.
52. Genton L. Pichard C: Nutritional evaluation and care in coloproctology, in Givel JC and Mortensen N:
Surgical management of anorectal and colonic diseases. Berlin, Springer AG, In press.
53. Marin Caro MM, Pichard C: Cancer: Association between Nutrition and Quality of Life. in Preedy VR (ed):
Berlin, Springer AG, In press.
54. Karsegard V, Pichard C: Nutrition et infection par le virus d'immunodéficience humaine. In: Traité de
Nutrition Artificielle de l'Adulte. Edited by Laville M, Lerebours E, Basdevant A, 3rd edition edn. Paris:
Flammarion; in press.
55. Pison C, Pichard C, Roth H, Cano N., Nutrition et maladies respiratoires chroniques. In: Traité de Nutrition
Artificielle de l'Adulte. Edited by Laville M, Lerebours E, Basdevant A, 3rd edition edn. Paris: Flammarion; in
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