Bulletin Forum UNESCO - Université et Patrimoine


Bulletin Forum UNESCO - Université et Patrimoine
27 septembre 2011
Université Polytechnique de
Valencia (UPV) Espagne
Isabel Tort Ausina
Clare Canning
Irene Fornes
Jose Joaquín Lorente
Lupe Navarro
Mª Luz Campos
Maria Hernández
Marielle Richon
Montse Martínez
Jose Luis Montalvá
Manuel Jesús Ramírez
Concha de Soto
I.S.S.N. 1887 - 1666
Université Polytechnique de
Camino de Vera s/n. 46022
Valencia. Espagne
Tlf. 96 387 77 80
Fax. 96 387 77 89
Courriel: [email protected]
Réunion sur les sites mégalithiques et
la Convention du Patrimoine Mondial
Dans le cadre du Programme
Thématique du Patrimoine Mondial,
Evolution Humaine : Adaptations, Dispersions et Développements sociaux,
plus de 40 experts internationaux et
gestionnaires de site se réuniront à Antequera - Malaga (Espagne) du 20 au
24 septembre 2011, pour une réunion
intitulée Les sites mégalithiques et la
Convention du Patrimoine Mondial ,
organisée conjointement par le Centre
du Patrimoine Mondial de l'UNESCO,
Les Fonds en Dépôt espagnols pour le Temples mégalithiques de Malte © Sacred Sites / Martin Gray
Patrimoine Mondial et le Junta de An- | Image Source: Martin Gray
La valeur universelle exceptionnelle (VUE) des biens mégalithiques a été reconnue
lors de la Convention du Patrimoine Mondial à travers la représentation des biens sur la liste du
Patrimoine Mondial et la liste indicative. Il y a cependant de nouvelles possibilités pour établir
des définitions, élargir la portée géographique, développer une plus grande base scientifique
permettant l'évaluation de la VUE et mettre en œuvre des méthodologies de conservation en
favorisant des cadres de coopération et de recherche ainsi que les initiatives de renforcement
des capacités.
Le phénomène mégalithique est un phénomène humain remarquable. Issu du latin
monere, « se souvenir », le mégalithisme est la pratique de la commémoration des lieux à
signification particulière à travers l'érection des grands monolithes. Ces grosses pierres sont
souvent coupées ou taillées, soit comme une pierre unique isolée, soit groupées formant une
ligne, un cercle, voire des chambres simples avec une structure en linteau, ou même des bâtiments complexes de plusieurs chambres, entrées et passages, et apparaissent aussi dans leur
état initial, partie intégrante de formations géologiques.
Phénomène universel, le mégalithisme a été présent sur une période de plus de dix
mille ans dans un très grand nombre de sociétés humaines à travers le monde, de l'Atlantique
et l'Europe Méditerranéenne à la Corée, l'Extrême Orient, l'Amérique du Sud, l'Afrique et la
Mélanésie pour ne citer que quelques noms. D'un point de vue anthropologique, les mégalithes sont au croisement de la diversité humaine et du sentiment de communauté, invitant à
la réflexion sur l'universalité des comportements humains en étant le produit et le résultat de
besoins communs d'adaptation et d'organisation sociale.
L'A ndalousie, elle-même, est une région riche en sites mégalithiques, tant par leur
nombre que par leur diversité. D'Huelva à l'ouest, à Almeria à l'est, toutes les provinces
d'A ndalousie possèdent des sites mégalithiques qui présentent de larges variétés de forme et de
design, en fonction du temps et de l'espace (topographie). Dès le début, l'étude des monuments
mégalithiques a joué un rôle clé dans les recherches préhistoriques en Andalousie.
Architecture de terre
Architecture de terre
Archéologie : une aire de repos vieille de 7000 ans découverte en Ecosse
Les archéologues pensent avoir découverte les restes d'une ancienne halte à Sainsbury dans les
Highlands. Les restes d'un foyer ont été datés au radiocarbone; ils remontent ainsi à la période
mésolithique qui a commencé à la fin de la dernière ère glaciaire il y a 12.000 ans. Dans un rapport
publié sur le site du Highland Council's Historic Environment Record site, les archéologues ont déclaré
que le feu semble avoir été fait pour fournir de la chaleur et non pas pour cuisiner. En effet, aucun
déchet alimentaires n'a été trouvé.
+ info: http://www.maxisciences.com/arch%e9ologie/archeologie-une-aire-de-repos-vieille-de-7000ans-decouverte-en-ecosse_mrm78637.html
Penn Museum's Morton Collection of Skulls at Center of Controversy Philadelphia - Pennsylvania - USA
Samuel George Morton, a 19th-century physician and physical anthropologist, best
known for his measurement of human skulls, has long been held up as a prime example
of scientific misconduct. According to the late Stephen Jay Gould, one of the world’s
preeminent evolutionary biologists and scientific historians, Morton skewed his data
about cranial size to fit his preconceived and racist notions about human variation.
+ info: http://www.upenn.edu/pennnews/spotlights/penn-museum-skull-collection
Le Nil ne s'est pas toujours écoulé au pied des temples égyptiens de Karnak - Egypte
Situés au cœur de la vallée du Nil, les temples de Karnak ont généré de nombreuses théories quant à leur implantation
originelle : ont-ils été construits sur des îles sableuses au milieu du fleuve ou étaient-ils localisés au pied du Nil comme
c'est le cas aujourd'hui ? Ni l'un ni l'autre : des études géomorphologiques, paléoenvironnementales et sédimentologiques
menées par Matthieu Ghilardi, chercheur au centre européen de recherche et d'enseignement des géosciences de
l'environnement (CEREGE) (CNRS/Universités de Provence et Paul Cézanne/IRD/Collège de France) montrent qu'au
moment de leur édification (en 2000 avant JC) le Nil en était distant de 400 à 500 mètres. Ce n'est que 400 ans plus tard
que le fleuve s'en rapprochera suite à un mouvement hydrodynamique. Ces travaux sont publiés dans la revue Journal of
Archaeological Science.
+ info: http://www2.cnrs.fr/presse/communique/2233.htm
GHF (Global Heritage Fund) Set to Begin Preservation of Ancient Ur - Iraq
In May, at GHF’s Seminar on Global Heritage Conservation and Sustainable Development in
New York, archaeologist Abdulamir Hamdani delivered a comprehensive report on one of Iraq’s
most important heritage sites—the ancient city of Ur, home to the world’s largest and oldest
Hamdani told the story of the ancient city from its earliest beginnings to its time as capital of a
Mesopotamian empire, to the threats facing it today and the measures needed to protect it. A
month later, Hamdani and the site were featured in an excellent AFP article, and this summer
he will begin leading conservation work as Project Director for GHF Ur.
+ info: http://globalheritagefund.org/onthewire/blog/preservation_of_ancient_ur
Autun: la plus ancienne université de France ? - Autun - France
Si le terme d'université n'est pas exact (il date du Moyen-Age), il pourrait s'agir d'un lieu
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_71/01_2011.html (1 de 11) [26/09/2011 16:23:38]
Architecture de terre
d'enseignement romain, destiné à l'élite gallo-romaine.
Si c'est le cas, la découverte, faite par le service municipal d'archéologie lors de sondages
préalables à la construction d'une médiathèque et d'une "maison de l'enfance", est
La ville d'Autun (alors Augustodunum), fondée sous le règne d'Auguste (- 27 à 14 ap. J.-C.),
possède de nombreux vestiges de l'époque romaine.
Une fois écartées les hypothèses d'un sanctuaire, de thermes ou d'un forum, et après avoir consulté d'autres spécialistes,
le responsable du service municipal d'archéologie, Yannick Labaune, en est convaincu: il pourrait s'agir des célèbres "écoles
méniennes", citées dans des textes de l'Antiquité mais jamais retrouvées jusqu'ici. L'historien latin Tacite (55-120 ap. J.-C.)
disait ainsi de ces écoles qu'elles accueillaient "les plus nobles rejetons des Gaules".
+ info: http://culture.france2.fr/patrimoine/actu/autun-la-plus-ancienne-universite-de-france--69228867.html
Les Russes pensent avoir retrouvé les restes de princes Romanov - SaintPétersbourg - Fédération de Russie
Des archéologues russes pensent avoir retrouvé les restes de membres de la famille
impériale exécutés par les Bolcheviks et jetés dans des fosses communes mises au jour
par hasard dans la forteresse Pierre-et-Paul de Saint-Pétersbourg.
"Selon des témoignages sûrs, quatre grands-ducs Romanov ont été exécutés en 1919
dans la forteresse Pierre-et-Paul. Les restes de Gueorgui Mikhaïlovitch, Nikolaï
Mikhaïlovitch, Dmitri Konstantinovitch et Pavel Alexandrovitch se trouvent
probablement parmi ceux que nous avons trouvés", a affirmé à l'AFP Vladimir Kildiouchevski, un archéologue en charge des
fouilles. Les restes d'une centaine de personnes fusillées ont été retrouvés sur ce site ces derniers mois.
+ info: http://www.sciencesetavenir.fr/depeche/sciences/20110608.AFP3702/les-russes-pensent-avoir-retrouve-les-restesde-princes-romanov.html
Débat au musée du Quai Branly: Lascaux, Pompéi, Angkor. peut-on sauvegarder notre patrimoine
archéologique ? -CNRS (Centre national de la recherche scientifique) - France
Fresques des grottes de Lascaux, site de Pompéi, temples d’Angkor, notre patrimoine archéologique soulève constamment
des questions de sauvegarde, de restauration et de conservation. Doit-on tout sauvegarder ? Pourquoi restaurer un site
plutôt qu’un autre ? Comment protéger les sites archéologiques des dégâts liés à l’afflux de touristes ? La restitution
virtuelle peut-elle être une alternative à la conservation ? Autant de sujets passionnants auxquels vous êtes invités à
prendre part en compagnie de nos intervenants.
+ info: http://www.cnrs.fr/lesgrandsdebats/spip.php?article53
Grotte de Lascaux : une première visite sous haute surveillance - France
Fermée depuis 1963 au grand public, la grotte de Lascaux a ouvert ses portes le 16 juin dernier, pour
une première visite placée sous haute surveillance. De multiples précautions sont nécessaires à la
préservation de la célèbre grotte vieille de quelque 17.000 années.
Le jeudi 16 juin, la Grotte de Lascaux a ouvert ses portes à une poignée de journalistes pour une visite
visant à mettre un terme au débat sur l'état de préservation du site préhistorique. Une visite organisée
en présence du préhistorien Jean Clottes et de la conservatrice du site, Muriel Mauriac. Comme le
rapporte le site du journal Sud-Ouest, il est désormais nécessaire de porter un équipement complet pour pouvoir pénétrer
dans la grotte. Vêtus d'une combinaison stérile, de gants en latex, de chaussures couvertes de deux protections, les
visiteurs doivent passer quatre sas fermés par de lourdes portes avant de pouvoir admirer les ornements de la grotte
préhistorique dont la température intérieure est soigneusement maintenue à 12,3 °C. Bien sûr, appareil photo et caméra
sont proscrits.
+ info: http://www.maxisciences.com/grotte-de-lascaux/grotte-de-lascaux-une-premiere-visite-sous-hautesurveillance_art15290.html
AWARDS - SMU (Southern Methodist University) Art History Professor Gregory Warden Receives Award from
President of Italy - Dallas - Texas - USA
Dr. P. Gregory Warden, University Distinguished Professor of Art History and associate dean for academic affairs at SMU’s
Meadows School of the Arts, received the Order of the Star of Italian Solidarity and the title of Cavaliere (knight) in the
name of the President of the Italian Republic on June 4. The award was presented by Fabrizio Nava, the Consul General of
Italy in Houston, at the Italian Club of Dallas as part of a ceremony celebrating the 65th anniversary of the Italian Republic
on June 2 and the 150th anniversary of the Unity of Italy that was proclaimed on March 17, 1861.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=482853
National Geographic Naked Science: World's Oldest Child
Did ancient children play, learn and laugh the way children do today? A Moroccan skull, more than one hundred thousand
years old, is revealed to be that of a 6-year-old child. Dental examinations confirm that the child lived and died well before
the founding of modern religion, the construction of Egypt's pyramids and even the advent of agriculture. A scientific team
works to decipher the mysteries of this lost child's life.
+ info: http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/series/naked-science/4971/Overview
Discovery of limestone blocks believed to have belonged to King Osorkon II at San ElHagar - Tanis - Egypt
A discovery of hundreds of limestone blocks believed to have belonged to King Osorkon II has
been made at San El-Hagar (Tanis) in Egypt.
Usermaatre Setepenamun Osorkon II was a pharaoh of the Twenty-second Dynasty of Ancient
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Architecture de terre
Egypt and the son of Takelot I and Queen Kapes. He ruled Egypt around 872 BC to 837 BC from
Tanis, the capital of this Dynasty.
After succeeding his father, he was faced with the competing rule of his cousin, king Harsiese A,
who controlled both Thebes and the Western Oasis of Egypt. Osorkon feared the serious challenge posed by Harsiese’s
kingship to his authority but, when Harsiese conveniently died in 860 BC, Osorkon II ensured that this problem would not
recur by appointing his own son Nimlot C as the next High Priest of Amun at Thebes.
+ info: http://www.heritagedaily.com/2011/07/discovery-of-limestone-blocks-believed-to-have-belonged-to-king-osorkonii-at-san-el-hagar-tanis/
Archaeologists Dig at Historic Annapolis Black Home Produces Surprisingly Rich Haul - Annapolis - Maryland USA
An archaeological team from the University of Maryland is uncovering an unexpectedly rich haul of household materials
from an historic African American home in Annapolis – with one more week to go in their excavation.
The team is working at the James Holliday House in Annapolis – a middle class home purchased in 1850 by one of the first
African Americans to work for the U.S. Naval Academy. They say their finds detail how a well-off African American family
adapted a middle class lifestyle to the realities of post-Civil War Annapolis. Also, they are exploring the family’s marital ties
to the city’s Filipino community.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=48294
Archaeologists Find Two Pre-Hispanic Sculptures that Offer Insight into Maya Civilization - Ocosingo
Municipality - Chiapas - Mexico
Two Prehispanic sculptures made out of limestone that represent war captives and a pair of tableaux that marked the
Ballgame, were found by Mexican specialists from the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) at Tonina
Archaeological Zone, in Ocosingo Municipality, Chiapas.
The discovery confirms the alliance between Lordships of Copan, in Honduras, and Palenque, in Mexico at the war that
Palenque fought against Tonina for 26 years (688 to 714 AD) to control the Usumacinta River.
Sculptures of the prisoners of Copan and both tableaux, of an approximate age of 1300 years, were found buried in late
May 2011, to the south of the Ballgame Court. “All the pieces were found broken: the tableaux in more than 30 fragments,
one sculpture in 20 pieces and the other was found complete but presents 3 fractures”, informed Dr. Juan Yadeun,
responsible of the Archaeological Project at Tonina.
+ info: http://artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=48884&b=INAH
Metropolitan Museum and Egyptian Government Announce Initiative to Recognize
Egypt's Title to 19 Objects Originally from Tutankhamun's Tomb
Thomas P. Campbell, Director of The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, and Zahi
Hawass, Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities of Egypt, announced jointly
today that, effective immediately, the Museum will acknowledge Egypt's title to 19 ancient
Egyptian objects in its collection since early in the 20th century. All of these small-scale
objects, which range from study samples to a three-quarter-inch-high bronze dog and a
sphinx bracelet-element, can be attributed with certainty to Tutankhamun's tomb, which was
discovered by Howard Carter in 1922 in the Valley of the Kings. The Museum initiated this formal acknowledgment after
renewed, in-depth research by two of its curators substantiated the history of the objects.
+ info: http://www.metmuseum.org/press_room/full_release.asp
Conserving Iraq's cultural heritage - Work Begins to Conserve Babylon Temple
Babylon represents one of the most important archaeological sites in the world. Babylon’s fame
extends beyond the fact that the site dates to a time more than 4,000 years ago. Babylon
achieved military fame, was the capital of a vast ancient empire, and contributed greatly to our
knowledge of the ancient world through the study of the Code of Hammurabi, an 18th-century
B.C. set of laws by which the society was ruled. Babylonia was a prosperous land and the
remains today give scholars great insight into the sophisticated world in which Babylon was
created and thrived.
+ info: http://www.wmf.org/project/future-babylon
National Archaeology Day is a celebration of archaeology and the thrill of discovery. Throughout the month of October and
on October 22 in particular, the AIA and its societies throughout the United States and Canada will present archaeological
programs and activities in over 100 cities for people of all ages and interests. Whether it is a family-friendly archaeology
fair, a guided tour of a local archaeological site, a simulated dig, a lecture or a classroom visit from an archaeologist, the
interactive, hands-on programs presented by the Institute and our societies will provide you with the chance to indulge
your inner Indiana Jones.
+ info: http://www.archaeological.org/NAD
FELLOWSHIPS - The AJA (American Journal of Archaeology) Joins JSTOR's Current Scholarship Program
The AJA has partnered with JSTOR in the Current Scholarship Program (CSP). Current and past issues of the AJA now
reside on JSTOR. Access to the AJA is no longer be available via Atypon Link.
The AJA website will continue to host free, downloadable book reviews, museum reviews, and select articles. See the Open
Access section for free content.
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Architecture de terre
The Current Scholarship Program (CSP) was launched earlier this year to bring together historical and current content on
the JSTOR platform.
The program was created to help the academic community—presses, scholarly associations, libraries, faculty, and students
—benefit from investment in a shared technology platform and related services to support the publication, dissemination,
and use of new scholarship.
+ info: http://www.ajaonline.org/csp
To Live Forever: Egyptian Treasures from the Brooklyn Museum on View at Nevada Museum of Art
11 jui - 4 sep 2011 . Reno, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Nevada Museum of Art and Brooklyn Museum
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.nevadaart.org/exhibitions/detail?eid=175
Atelier/consultation nationale : 'Le Népal et la route de la soie'
6-sep-2011 . Lalitpur, Népal
Organizateurs: Kathmandu
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/unesco/events/all-events/?tx_browser_pi1[showUid]=4447&cHash=bf39f7f552
"A Night of Archaeology"
8-sep-2011 . Chicago, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Field Museum
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.archaeological.org/fallchicago
Inauguration of Huaca de la Luna New Tourism Circuit - Peru
After the Spanish conquest, these ceremonial sites were abandoned and for the next four
centuries, they were not properly maintained, and lay exposed to the elements, suffering from
wind erosion and the El Niño phenomenon. Consequently the adobe structures deteriorated and
the upper-most platforms and superficial elements were lost. Huaca de la Luna is one of the
most significant pre-Columbian resources in the region, and it is a large site requiring
continuous conservation work including survey, documentation, consolidation, and stabilization
of excavated architectural and decorative fabric. The balanced excavation, conservation, and
interpretation strategies applied here have created an exponential increase in local and international tourism to the site,
bringing economic development and job opportunities to the local communities. Huaca de la Luna is a model for integrating
archaeology, conservation, and sustainable tourism development, and has received important international recognitions—it
was named one of the ten best- managed sites in Iberian-America by the Secretary of Tourism of Spain, and received the
IV Reina Sofía Award for Conservation and Restoration in 2006.
+ info: http://www.wmf.org/project/huaca-de-la-luna
Each year, the Archaeological Institute of America presents a number of awards to
archaeologists, educators, authors, and others whose work has had a positive impact on
the field of archaeology. Each award recognizes excellence on the part of an individual
or a group of individuals engaged in the pursuit of human knowledge through
archaeology or related disciplines. Winners of these prestigious awards are honored at a
special ceremony held every year during the Institute's Annual Meeting.
Congratulations to the 2011 AIA award winners! Each award recipient was presented
with an award at the Awards Ceremony in San Antonio at the 112th Annual Meeting
+ info: http://aia.archaeological.org/webinfo.php?page=10177
FELLOWSHIPS - Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology Wins $150,000 Grant for Archaeological
Collection - Cambridge - Massachussetts - USA
The Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology has been awarded a Museums for America grant of $150,000 from the
U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). Over the next two years, the Museum will catalog, document,
inventory, and photograph the Peabody's most important archaeological collections with the grant.
"Our collection will be more accessible to researchers, especially educators," says Senior Collections Manager David DeBono
Schafer, who will manage the project. "These are among our most requested materials. Now researchers will be able to
quickly determine exactly which archaeological objects are in the collection."
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49933
OBITUARY - Puerto Rican Scholar Ricardo Alegria Dies at 90 - Puerto Rico - USA
Ricardo Alegria, a Puerto Rican scholar known for his pioneering studies of the island's native Taino culture and who is
credited with preserving the capital's colonial district, died Thursday. He was 90.
Alegria died at the Cardiovascular Center of Puerto Rico and the Caribbean from complications of heart disease, said his
son, Ricardo Alegria Pons. The elder Alegria had been treated for two weeks at the hospital in June and then was
hospitalized again Sunday with chest pains, his son said.
"Thanks to his long life of 90 years, he has had a major impact on all aspects of the culture of all Puerto Ricans," his son
told reporters. "That work and dedication and love of his country does not disappear with his death."
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=48976
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Architecture de terre
Archaeologists in Georgia Comb Newly-Found Civil War Prisoner of War Camp for Artifacts - Savannah Georgia - USA
When word reached Camp Lawton that the enemy army of Gen. William T. Sherman was approaching, the prison camp's
Confederate officers rounded up their thousands of Union army POWs for a swift evacuation — leaving behind rings,
buckles, coins and other keepsakes that would remain undisturbed for nearly 150 years.
Archaeologists are still discovering unusual, and sometimes stunningly personal, artifacts a year after state officials
revealed that a graduate student had pinpointed the location of the massive but short-lived Civil War camp in southeast
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49943
In Ancient Metropolis in Southern Israel, Diggers Unearth the Bible's Bad Guys - Tel el-Safi - Israel
At the remains of an ancient metropolis in southern Israel, archaeologists are piecing together the history of a people
remembered chiefly as the bad guys of the Hebrew Bible.
The city of Gath, where the annual digging season began this week, is helping scholars paint a more nuanced portrait of
the Philistines, who appear in the biblical story as the perennial enemies of the Israelites.
Close to three millennia ago, Gath was on the frontier between the Philistines, who occupied the Mediterranean coastal
plain, and the Israelites, who controlled the inland hills. The city's most famous resident, according to the Book of Samuel,
was Goliath — the giant warrior improbably felled by the young shepherd David and his sling.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=48948
Team Unearths First Roman-Era Basilica Erected in the Mediterranean Port City of Alexandria - Egypt
Egyptian officials say archaeologists have unearthed the first basilica erected in the Mediterranean port city of Alexandria.
Antiquities authorities say the basilica is dated to the Roman era and was built on the ruins of a temple from the Ptolemaic
reign that ended with the death of Cleopatra.
A statement Thursday says two parallel rows of granite and limestone pillars suggest the basilica was a social site that was
also used for trade and judicial matters.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=48962
Genesis Medical Imaging Mobile CT Scan Unit Helps Field Museum Discover Ancient Secrets - Chicago - Illinois
By providing a mobile CT scan unit free of charge to Chicago's famed The Field Museum for a series of mummy scans this
month, Genesis Medical Imaging, Inc. has helped discover ancient secrets, and opened the door to new mysteries.
Field scientists were surprised to find only a skull and legs inside the wrappings of one Egyptian mummy and the baskets of
four Peruvian specimens simply empty, with no mummies inside. Yet it was all instructive for the museum's researchers,
who after several days of scanning objects more than 2,000 years old are more certain of what their collection actually
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49051
Protecting Cultural Patrimony in the Americas
Mexico’s Secretary of Public Education and the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH), the Foundation of
Spanish-American History (Colombia) and the Agency for International Development and Cooperation (Spain) recently
organized an international symposium - Primer Seminario Iberoamericano de Periodismo y Patrimonio Cultural - aimed at
addressing archaeological looting and trafficking issues in Mexico, Central and South America. Much of the looted preColumbian and colonial material ends up in the United States and Europe. The NPS has extensive experience managing
cultural resources and investigating archaeological looting, hence the request for NPS’s participation. This was the first in a
planned series of seminars designed to improve the protection of cultural patrimony and included members of the media as
well as those in the cultural resources profession. For more details, contact Todd Swain at [email protected]
+ info: http://www.nps.gov/oia/
Egyptian tomb mystery may be world's first protractor
The bizarre object to the right was found in the tomb of an ancient Egyptian architect. For over
100 years, it has languished while archaeologists debated its function.
Now, a physicist has thrown her hat into the ring, arguing that it is the world's first known
protractor. The intriguing suggestion – which has drawn scepticism from archaeologists – is
based on the numbers encoded within the carvings on its surface.
+ info: http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn20748-egyptian-tomb-mystery-may-be-worldsfirst-protractor.html
17th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists
14 sep - 18 sep 2011 . Oslo, Norvège
Organizateurs: European Association of Archaeologists
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.eaa2011.no/
UNESCO- World Heritage Centr: e Recherche avancée Réunion sur les sites mégalithiques et la Convention du
Patrimoine Mondial
20 sep - 24 sep 2011 . Antequera, Espagne
Organizateurs: Junta de Andalucía
Contact: [email protected]
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Architecture de terre
+ info: http://whc.unesco.org/fr/evenements/767/
Conférence : Les mystères des hiéroglyphes – la cryptographie égyptienne sous le Nouvel Empire
22-sep-2011 . Paris, France
Organizateurs: Académie Polonaise des Sciences - Centre Scientifique à Paris
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.academie-polonaise.org/index.php?lang=fr
Three Quays update - Museum of London Archaeology - London - United Kingdom
Museum of London Archaeology are carrying out archaeological excavations, over a period of
about sixteen weeks, as part of the redevelopment of the Three Quays site on Lower Thames
Street. The work is being undertaken on behalf of Cheval Residences, who are fully funding the
archaeological investigations and subsequent analysis and publication of the results.
+ info: http://www.museumoflondonarchaeology.org.uk/News/ThreeQuaysUpdate.htm
University of Sydney Exhibition Offers Clues on Mysterious Pre-Roman Civilisation Sydney - Australia
The Etruscans – based in what is now known as Tuscany – were the most powerful
Mediterranean people in the 6th century BC before being conquered by the Romans and
incorporated into the Roman Republic. Their empire was built on mineral wealth, enabling
the development of elaborate cities and a powerful oligarchy which greatly influenced the
Roman Empire.
While the Etruscans’ early dominance is undisputed, little is known about who they were and
where they came from. There language is like no other spoken then, or since, in Europe. No Etruscan literature or major
buildings survive, and much Etruscan art – mostly made from stone, wood and terracotta - was summarily destroyed by
the Romans.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=48801
Saudi Arabia discovers 9,000 year old civilization
Saudi Arabia is excavating a new archeological site that will show horses were domesticated 9,000 years ago in the Arabian
peninsula, the country's antiquities expert said Wednesday.
The discovery of the civilization, named al-Maqar after the site's location, will challenge the theory that the domestication
of animals took place 5,500 years ago in Central Asia, said Ali al-Ghabban, Vice-President of Antiquities and Museums at
the Saudi Commission for Tourism & Antiquities.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=50096
Découverte de dessins de femmes nues datant du paléolithique - Bavière - Allemagne
Des dessins qui dateraient de quelque 12.000 années ont été retrouvés dans une grotte près de
Bamberg, en Bavière (sud). Ils auraient pu servir à des rites de fécondité. Les fouilles se poursuivent.
Ces dessins sont notamment « des représentations féminines schématiques et des symboles nonidentifiés », selon Beate Zarges, de l'Office régional pour la protection des monuments historiques,
qui confirmait des informations de l'hebdomadaire Die Zeit.
Les auteurs de ces dessins se seraient inspirés de formes rocheuses évoquant des seins ou des pénis
pour réaliser leurs oeuvres.
Selon l'archéologue et géologue Bernhard Häck, interrogé par Die Zeit, la grotte qui comprend une chambre de 5 m de
long, aurait pu servir à des rituels de fécondité : « C'est un lieu plein de magie », a-t-il déclaré au magazine.
+ info: http://www.rfi.fr/science/20110721-decouverte-dessins-femmes-nues-datant-paleolithique
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Homeland Security
Investigations (HSI) help Egyptian law enforcement agencies counter antiquities
Egyptian archaeological sites, storerooms and other locations are under serious threats of pillage,
theft and illicit trafficking. That's why U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)
Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) joined forces with the U.S. Embassy to Egypt to present
a four day workshop titled "Countering Antiquities Trafficking at Egypt's Ports and Borders."
The workshop was designed to help improve Egypt's capacity to prevent the illegal export of
cultural property through more effective implementation of export controls and law enforcement resources. The conference
also aimed to increase dialogue and cooperation between Egyptian law enforcement agencies and provide a basis for a
continued working relationship between ICE's attaché office in Cairo and Egyptian law enforcement.
+ info: http://www.ice.gov/news/releases/1108/110801cairo.htm
Italian Officials Unveil a Massive Statue Believed to Be of Roman Emperor Caligula - Rome - Italy
Officials on Tuesday unveiled a massive statue believed to be that of Roman emperor Caligula sitting on a throne and said
it came from an illegal dig south of Rome that may have been the site of one of his palaces.
The statue, which had been broken in several large pieces and a head, was first found last January when Finance Police
stopped it from being smuggled out of the country by boat at a port near Rome.
The operation led to the arrest of two so-called "tomb raiders" -- those who dig up the countryside looking for
archaeological treasures to sell on the black market.
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_71/01_2011.html (6 de 11) [26/09/2011 16:23:38]
Architecture de terre
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49004
Rare Gold Bell Discovered by Archaeologists from Israel in Excavations - Jerusalem
A rare gold bell with a small loop at its end was discovered during an archaeological excavation in the drainage channel
that begins in the Shiloah Pool and continues from the City of David to the Jerusalem Archaeological Garden, near the
Western Wall. The excavations are being conducted at the site on behalf of the Israel Antiquities Authority, in cooperation
with the Nature and Parks Authority and underwritten by Ir David Foundation.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49345
Archaeological Programs Targeted by State Budget Cutting - USA
By Dr. W. Frederick Limp, President of the Society of American Archaeology (SAA) Around the U.S., many states are facing
budget woes and belt tightening is underway. In two states, however, the process has already disproportionately targeted
archaeology. We thank Dr. W. Frederick Limp, President of the Society of American Archaeology, for this important update:
In Utah, the positions of State Archaeologist, Assistant State Archaeologist and State Physical Anthropologist were abruptly
eliminated. In New York, the State Archaeologist/Director of Cultural Resource Survey, the Curator of Archaeology, and the
Curator of Historical Archaeology were fired.
+ info: http://www.archaeological.org/news/aianews/5983
Pre-Columbian Gold and Jade Jewelry- Fabergé Museum - Baden-Baden - Germany
On July 16, the Fabergé Museum unveiled the latest edition to its collection, almost 100 very rare and exquisite treasures
of the ancient peoples of South America – the Aztecs, Incas, and Maya. These gold and jade jewelry items pre-date the
arrival of Columbus in the Americas, and they are now open to the public for the first time ever. Audiences will certainly be
enthralled by both their beauty and nearly one thousand-year history. The fabulous items once decorated royal courts, as
well as temples.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49110
Mexican anthropologists find evidence of cannibalistic tribe - Pueblo Nuevo Mexico
A group of Mexican anthropologists have announced their discovery through skeletal
studies that the early Xixime Indians, who around 1450 inhabited a series of dwellings
built inside caves, ate human flesh during a ritual associated with war and the crop
In a four-year study of 40 human bones found inside Maguey Cave on the Sierra de
Durango mountains in northern Mexico, the researchers observed that at least 80
percent of the remains "had cut marks and signs of having been boiled," the National Institute of Anthropology and History,
or INAH, said in a communique.
+ info: http://archaeologynewsnetwork.blogspot.com/2011/07/mexican-anthropologists-find-evidence.html
Ägyptisches Museum in Berlin Lends Colossal Statue of Pharaoh to Metropolitan Museum of Art for Ten Years New York City - New York State - USA
A monumental ancient Egyptian statue of a seated pharaoh —probably Amenemhat II —will be lent to The Metropolitan
Museum of Art by Berlin’s renowned Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin Preussischer Kulturbesitz for a period of ten years, beginning this month. The ten-foot-tall, nearly nine-ton, 4,000-year-old
sculpture entered the Berlin museum’s collection in 1837. Because of a construction project now underway —to renovate
the courtyard on Museumsinsel (Museum Island) where the artwork has most recently been displayed— the statue had to
be moved, thereby providing the opportunity for this long-term loan. The sculpture will go on view in the Metropolitan’s
Great Hall for approximately one year before it is moved into The Lila Acheson Wallace Galleries of Egyptian Art. The Middle
Kingdom sculpture is an outstanding example of ancient Egypt’s magnificent colossal statuary, of which very few examples
can be found in American museums.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49648
Italian Archaeologists Dig Through Ancient Rome and Find Mosaic Depicting Apollo - Rome - Italy
Excavations in the bowels of an ancient Roman hill have turned up a well-preserved, late 1st century wall mosaic with a
figure of Apollo, nude except for a colorful mantle over a shoulder.
Archaeologists and city officials unveiled the recent find to reporters Friday on the Oppian Hill.
The mosaic-covered wall is 16 meters (53 feet) wide and at least 2 meters (6.6 feet) high. Officials think the wall continues
down some 8 meters (26.5 feet) more.
Archaeologists say the wall appears to be in a tunnel built to help support Trajan's Baths, named for the emperor who ruled
from 98 till 117. The mosaic, which also depicts a Muse, apparently embellished a room where wealthy Romans gathered to
hear music and discuss art.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49468
New York's Met to Return 10 Artifacts to Egypt - New York City - New York State - USA
New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art has agreed to return to Cairo 19 artifacts dating back to the time of ancient Egypt's
teenage king Tutankhamen, the state news agency MENA said on Saturday. Egypt has been pushing for the repatriation of
major pharaonic treasures it says were plundered by foreign powers, including the Rosetta Stone now in the British
Museum and Queen Nefertiti's bust from Berlin's Neues Museum. The agreement between the New York museum and
Egypt's antiquities council on the return of the artifacts was signed in November after a series of negotiations, MENA said.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49471
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Architecture de terre
Smithsonian Latino Center Hosts Symposium on Central American Ceramics - New York City - New York State USA ( 4-5 August 2011)
The Smithsonian Latino Center will host a symposium Aug. 4 – 5 at the National Museum of the American Indian as part of
its Central American Ceramics Research Project. The symposium will begin Aug. 4 at 7 p.m. with a keynote presentation by
John Hoopes from the University of Kansas and continue with lectures by experts, scholars and researchers Aug. 5
beginning at 10:30 a.m. The symposium is free and open to the public.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49537
Mexican Archaeologists Discover Two Partially-Mummified Bodies in the Cueva del Gigante - Guerrero Chihuahua - Mexico
Archaeologists from the National Institute of Anthropology and History found two human corpses that were partially
mummified and a raramuri ancestor’s skeleton in the Cueva El Gigante (Giant’s Cave), located in Guerrero, in the
Tarahumara Sierra in Chihuahua. The two mummies are now added to another eight that were found in the same place late
last year.
According to the specialists, the finding of the mummified individuals, which are thought to be between 800 and 1000 years
old, are part of a Pre-hispanic burial ground, since, between 2010 and 2011, ten mummies and thirteen skeletons have
been found in the cave.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49527
In a 2,000-Year-Old Tunnel Leading to Jerusalem's Old City, a Glimpse of an Ancient War - Jerusalem
On the eve of Tisha B’Av, artifacts were exposed that breathe new life into the story of the destruction of the Temple in
Jerusalem. A sword in a scabbard that belonged to a Roman soldier and an engraving of the Temple’s menorah on a stone
object were discovered during work the Israel Antiquities Authority conducted in the 2,000 year old drainage channel
between the City of David and the Jerusalem Archaeological Garden. The channel served as a hiding refuge for the
residents of Jerusalem from the Romans during the destruction of the Second Temple.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49696
Archaeologists Locate Ruins of Gladiator School - Vienna - Austria
Archeologists say they have located and excavated the ruins of a massive amphitheater used to train gladiators east of
Vienna in what they call a "sensational discovery."
They say that the ruins located through ground radar measurements rival the Colosseum and the Ludus Magnus in Rome in
their structure. The Ludus Magnus is the largest of the gladiatorial arenas in the Italian capital, while the Colosseum is the
largest amphitheater ever built in the Roman Empire.
A statement Tuesday from the Carnuntum archaeological park gave no details when the find was located and excavated. It
said the site will be presented to the media Monday.
The park — part of a former Roman settlement — is about 60 kilometers (35 miles) east of Vienna.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=50196
Tenfold Population Increase in Western Europe at the Neandertal-to-Modern Human Transition
By Paul Mellars & Jennifer C. French European Neandertals were replaced by modern human populations from Africa
~40,000 years ago. Archaeological evidence from the best-documented region of Europe shows that during this
replacement human populations increased by one order of magnitude, suggesting that numerical supremacy alone may
have been a critical factor in facilitating this replacement.
+ info: http://www.sciencemag.org/content/333/6042/623.abstract
Low tide reveals rare marine reptile fossil find - Alaska - USA
When Ken Olson of The Museum of the Rockies was planning a trip to salvage a plesiosaur
fossil from the Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge in Montana -- an experience that
would include a mile-and-a-half trek each way through knee deep mud, deerfly swarms and a
field of chest-high sweet clover -- he wanted to include one of the world's marine reptile
"I know just the person to lead the expedition to excavate this creature," he said.
He meant Patrick Druckenmiller, the earth sciences curator at the University of Alaska Museum
of the North, who is also part of a team excavating plesiosaurs from an island in Norway and who recently helped remove a
complete thalattosaur from a rocky underwater outcrop in Southeast Alaska. In May a member of a geological team noticed
something on that beach during an extremely low tide.
+ info: http://www.uaf.edu/museum/info/press/spotlight/thalattosaur/
An Archaeopteryx-like theropod from China and the origin of Avialae - The People's Republic of China
Xing Xu, Hailu You, Kai Du & Fenglu Han Archaeopteryx is widely accepted as being the most basal bird, and accordingly it
is regarded as central to understanding avialan origins; however, recent discoveries of derived maniraptorans have
weakened the avialan status of Archaeopteryx. Here we report a new Archaeopteryx-like theropod from China. This find
further demonstrates that many features formerly regarded as being diagnostic of Avialae, including long and robust
forelimbs, actually characterize the more inclusive group Paraves (composed of the avialans and the deinonychosaurs).
Notably, adding the new taxon into a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis shifts Archaeopteryx to the Deinonychosauria.
Despite only tentative statistical support, this result challenges the centrality of Archaeopteryx in the transition to birds. If
this new phylogenetic hypothesis can be confirmed by further investigation, current assumptions regarding the avialan
ancestral condition will need to be re-evaluated.
+ info: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v475/n7357/full/nature10288.html
Stone tools shed light on early human migrations
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Architecture de terre
The discovery of stone axes in the same sediment layer as cruder tools indicates that hominins with
differing tool-making technologies may have coexisted.
The axes, found in Kenya by Christopher Lepre, a palaeontologist at Columbia University in New York,
and his team are estimated to be around 1.76 million years old. That's 350,000 years older than any
other complex tools yet discovered.
+ info: http://www.nature.com/news/2011/110831/full/news.2011.511.html
Penn Museum's Patrick McGovern is "The Beer Archaeologist" Philadelphia - Pennsylvania - USA
It’s just after dawn at the Dogfish Head brewpub in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware,
where the ambition for the morning is to resurrect an Egyptian ale whose recipe
dates back thousands of years.
But will the za’atar—a potent Middle Eastern spice mixture redolent of oregano—
clobber the soft, floral flavor of the chamomile? And what about the dried doumpalm fruit, which has been giving off a worrisome fungusy scent ever since it was
dropped in a brandy snifter of hot water and sampled as a tea?
+ info: http://www.smithsonianmag.com/history-archaeology/The-Beer-Archaeologist.html
NEWS - Digitization Project Brings Ancient Near Eastern Inscriptions into 21st Century - Freer Gallery of Art
and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery Archives - Washington DC - USA
The Freer Gallery of Art and the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery Archives announce a new 3-D digital resource that will enable
scholars and the public to learn more about the ancient Near East through a unique group of pressed-paper molds called
squeezes. This resource provides unparalleled access to the archives' collection of squeezes from ancient Near Eastern
archaeological sites.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49380
Découverte d’un pinacle doré en bronze au temple de Banteay Chhmar, Cambodge
Le Ministère de la culture et des beaux-arts du Cambodge est heureux d’annoncer la découverte récente
d’un pinacle doré en bronze qui était enfoui à la base d’une des tours du temple de Banteay Chhmar. Le
complexe du temple de Banteay Chhmar est l’un des sites archéologiques les plus importants de la période
d’Angkor. Véritable trésor national, le Gouvernement cambodgien s’efforce actuellement de faire inclure
cette découverte sur la liste du Patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO.
+ info: http://www.iccrom.org/eng/news_en/2011_en/events_en/09_06_BanteaychhmaKHM_en.pdf
Australopithecus Sediba Hand Demonstrates Mosaic Evolution of Locomotor and Manipulative Abilities Malapa - South Africa
By Tracy L. Kivell, Job M. Kibii, Steven E. Churchill, Peter Schmid & Lee R. Berger Hand bones from a single individual with
a clear taxonomic affiliation are scarce in the hominin fossil record, which has hampered understanding the evolution of
manipulative abilities in hominins. Here we describe and analyze a nearly complete wrist and hand of an adult female
[Malapa Hominin 2 (MH2)] Australopithecus sediba from Malapa, South Africa (1.977 million years ago). The hand presents
a suite of Australopithecus-like features, such as a strong flexor apparatus associated with arboreal locomotion, and Homolike features, such as a long thumb and short fingers associated with precision gripping and possibly stone tool production.
Comparisons to other fossil hominins suggest that there were at least two distinct hand morphotypes around the PlioPleistocene transition. The MH2 fossils suggest that Au. sediba may represent a basal condition associated with early stone
tool use and production.
+ info: http://www.sciencemag.org/content/333/6048/1411
Libya's other wealth: Archaeological treasures - An interview of Mr. Francesco
Bandarin, UNESCO Assistant Director-General for Culture on CNN.com
UNESCO is like the world's watchdog for protecting historical cultural sites and property.
You might think the worst time for preserving cultural sites are when the shooting and
the bombing are under way. Not so, Bandarin said, from his office in Paris.
it's already happened in Libya. Bandarin said someone stole the most important
treasure of gold and silver from the time of Alexander the Great from Benghazi -- after
the city was liberated from Gadhafi.
Gadhafi's forces and the opposition fought around the Roman ruins at Leptis Magna and at the ancient theater and temples
at Sabratha. It's not yet clear how much damage there is.
+ info: http://edition.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/africa/09/03/libya.archaeological.sites/index.html
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Architecture de terre
Exhibition - Great Olmeca Treasures - National Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City
19 juill - 1 oct 2011 . Mexico City, Mexique
Organizateurs: National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH)
+ info: http://artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49267&b=INAH
Exhibition - Excavating Ground Zero: Fragments from 9/11
20 août - 6 nov 2011 . Philadelphia, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Penn Museum
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.penn.museum/press-releases/1009-excavating-ground-zero-fragments-from-911.html
EXHIBITION - Au royaume d'Alexandre le Grand - La Macédoine antique
13-oct-2011 . París, France
Organizateurs: Le Louvre
+ info: http://www.louvre.fr/llv/exposition/detail_exposition.jsp
National Archaeology Day Events
22-oct-2011 . , États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Archaelogical Institute of America Toledo Society
Contact: [email protected] and [email protected])
"National Archaeology Day"
22-oct-2011 . , États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Archaeological Institute of America National Events
+ info: http://www.archaeological.org/NAD
Australian Archaeological Association Conference (AAA) 2011 - The Sociality of Archaeology
1 dic - 3 dic 2011 . Toowoomba, Australie
Organizateurs: University of Southern Queensland.
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.usq.edu.au/aaa-conference
113th Archaeological Institute of America (AIA) and American Philological Association (APA) Annual Meeting
Early Bird Registration Open 5 jan - 8 sep 2012 . Philadelphia, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Archaeological Institute of America (AIA) and American Philological Association (APA)
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://aia.archaeological.org/webinfo.php?page=10096
50 free archaeology articles!
This month we're focusing on Conservation and Heritage - 50 free articles available to download!
Remember, all of this content is only available until the end of August, so make the most of it while you can! And please do
pass this email onto friends and colleagues who may be interested in conservation and heritage.
Jennie Agar, Marketing Executive - Email: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.e-a-a.org/
Archaeology Magazine e-Update
This issue of ARCHAEOLOGY makes one thing clear: Anything at all can be regarded as an artifact.
Investigation of the past can feature undertakings as outsized as lifting an entire ship from the bottom of
the sea—with even the silt surrounding it intact—as in "Pirates of the Marine Silk Road." Here, author
Lauren Hilgers gives us a lead on just how quickly marine archaeology and preservation are proceeding in
China, and discusses the latest evidence of Ming Dynasty trade.
+ info: http://www.archaeology.org/1109/
The Politics and Practice of Archaeology in Conflict
Authors: Perring, Dominic1; van der Linde, Sjoerd2
Source: Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites, Volume 11, Numbers 3-4, 2009 , pp. 197-213(17)
Publisher: Maney Publishing
This introductory paper reviews recent writings on archaeology and conflict, setting the other contributions to this volume
into context. We draw attention to the political nature of archaeological work, and to the problems of reconciling
professional interest in the protection and management of cultural property with needs of communities affected by war. We
focus on two areas of current concern — the ethical and moral dimension to professional conduct, and the need to reconcile
post-processual critiques of practice with the need to draw on empirical science in the competent conduct of work — finding
middle ground in both areas of debate. We also conclude that heritage management and archaeological practice have an
important contribution to make in the rehabilitation of war-torn societies, but that the top-down approaches that are most
widely favoured can fail to meet the needs of local communities. Best archaeological practice should build from an
understanding of local socio-political and cultural power structures, draw on assessments of need, and build upon a notion
of heritage that moves beyond the purely materialistic. The concept of heritage as 'care' is perhaps more important to our
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Architecture de terre
work than that of 'curation'.
+ info: http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/maney/cma/2009/00000011/F0020003/art00001
American Journal of Archaeology Online Reviews (July 2011)
The American Journal of Archaeology publishes quarterly open access book and museum reviews. These reviews are listed
in the table of contents of the respective printed issue of the Journal and are available for free download on the Journal's
Below is a list of book and museum exhibition reviews published in tandem with our printed July 2011 issue (volume 115,
number 3). See the Current Table of Contents or click the links below to access the free PDFs.
+ info: http://www.ajaonline.org/toc/1153-0
The Nan Madol Archaeological Site of Pohnpei - Federated States of Micronesia
The stone city of Nan Madol, in Pohnpei, one of the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), consists of 92
man-made islands built on a coral reef at the edge of a mangrove swamp. The buildings of this mysterious
1,000-year-old site, which was the ceremonial and political seat of an ancient dynasty, are made of stacks
of cut stone "logs," each weighing up to 50 tons. Today, issues of ownership and sovereignty hold up plans
to rehabilitate Nan Madol and make it eligible for a UNESCO World Heritage designation.
+ info: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0021/002112/211232EB.pdf
An earlier origin for the Acheulian - Lake Turkana - Kenya
By Christopher J. Lepre, Hélène Roche, Dennis V. Kent, Sonia Harmand, Rhonda L. Quinn, Jean-Philippe Brugal, Pierre-Jean
Texier, Arnaud Lenoble & Craig S. Feibel
The Acheulian is one of the first defined prehistoric techno-complexes and is characterized by shaped bifacial stone tools. It
probably originated in Africa, spreading to Europe and Asia perhaps as early as ~1 million years (Myr) ago. The origin of
the Acheulian is thought to have closely coincided with major changes in human brain evolution, allowing for further
technological developments. Nonetheless, the emergence of the Acheulian remains unclear because well-dated sites older
than 1.4 Myr ago are scarce. Here we report on the lithic assemblage and geological context for the Kokiselei 4
archaeological site from the Nachukui formation (West Turkana, Kenya) that bears characteristic early Acheulian tools and
pushes the first appearance datum for this stone-age technology back to 1.76 Myr ago. Moreover, co-occurrence of
Oldowan and Acheulian artefacts at the Kokiselei site complex indicates that the two technologies are not mutually
exclusive time-successive components of an evolving cultural lineage, and suggests that the Acheulian was either imported
from another location yet to be identified or originated from Oldowan hominins at this vicinity. In either case, the Acheulian
did not accompany the first human dispersal from Africa despite being available at the time. This may indicate that multiple
groups of hominins distinguished by separate stone-tool-making behaviours and dispersal strategies coexisted in Africa at
1.76 Myr ago.
+ info: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v477/n7362/full/nature10372.html
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Prix, distinctions, bourses, concours et offres d'emplois
Prix, distinctions, bourses, concours et offres d'emplois
FELLOWSHIPS - BECAS DE DOCTORADO III EDICIÓN. Fecha limite : 30 de Septiembre de 2011
La Fundación Juanelo Turriano es una institución docente privada reconocida por el Ministerio de Cultura (B.O.E. de 15 de
marzo de 1989). Su objeto fundacional es la promoción y coordinación del estudio histórico de la Técnica y de la Ciencia en
sus diversas vertientes. Un medio eficaz de cumplir con los fines fundacionales es la financiación, en forma de becas, de
trabajos de investigación dirigidos a la realización de Tesis Doctorales en los campos de la Historia de la Ciencia o de la
Técnica. Por ello, y por decisión del Patronato tomada en su reunión de 26 de Mayo de 2011, la Fundación Juanelo Turriano
convoca dos Becas para la realización de Tesis Doctorales, dotadas con 14.400 euros anuales brutos cada una, con arreglo
a las condiciones que se definen en esta convocatoria.
+ info: http://www.juaneloturriano.com/admin/agenda/winarcdoc.php?id=181
JOB OFFER - L'UNESCO cherche un Directeur et Secrétaire pour le Programme hydrologique international. Date
limite : 4 septembre 2011
Sous l'autorité et la supervision du Sous-Directeur général pour les sciences exactes et naturelles (ADG/SC), le/la titulaire
sera chargé(e) de diriger et de gérer le personnel de la Division des sciences de l'eau (SC/HYD) afin d'assurer dans de
bonnes conditions la planification, la gestion et la mise en oeuvre des programmes de l'UNESCO relatifs à l'eau douce, mais
aussi d'exercer les fonctions de Secrétaire du Programme hydrologique international (PHI) et d’apporter un appui au
Programme mondial pour l'évaluation des ressources en eau (WWAP).
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/media-services/single-view/news/
AWARDS - Nominations for the PHA (Professional Historians Association) New South Wales' Public History
Prize are now open - Australia
The Public History Prize is an annual award offered by the Professional Historians Association of NSW (PHA NSW). The Prize
was established in 2008 to encourage students enrolled in undergraduate history courses at universities in NSW and ACT to
research, write and present accessible and engaging histories, and to consider a career as a professional historian.
The PHA NSW represents practising professional historians in NSW and the ACT. It was established 25 years ago to provide
mutual support for professional historians and to promote their work to the wider community. The PHA NSW represents
members who research and write on a freelance basis, as well as those who are employed at museums, local councils,
state government, private heritage firms and in universities.
+ info: http://www.phansw.org.au/documents/HistoryPrize.html
PRIZES - Prix Acteurs Economiques et Handicap 2011 pour un cours sur l'Art pour les malvoyants
La mallette « Les sens de l'art », conçue par le Cned avec le soutien de la MAIF, a été primée dans la catégorie « éducationformation » lors de la remise des trophées du 4e Prix Acteurs Economiques & Handicap 2011, organisée par l'OCIRP
(Organisme commun des institutions de rente et de prévoyance). Ce concours permet de distinguer des « actions
exemplaires pour le bien-être et le mieux-vivre des personnes en situation de handicap ».
+ info: http://portail.cned.fr/journalistes/communiques-presse/2011/prix-acteurs-economiques-et-handicap-2011.aspx?
FELLOWSHIPS - ADCEI (Association pour le Développement Culturel
Européen et International): Mobilité suite
En plus de 30 jeunes du Service Volontire Européen, ADCEI va permettre à
quelques autres résidents de la région Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (entre 5 et
10), cette fois sans limite d’âge, d’acquérir ou perfectionner leur expérience
professionnelle dans une structure culturelle d’un autre pays européen.
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Prix, distinctions, bourses, concours et offres d'emplois
Pour une période de 3 à 6 mois, les stages proposés se dérouleront au sein de
l’Abbaye de Neumunster (Luxembourg), GRAMPUS (Royaume-Uni), Vilnius Art Academy (Lithunie), l’Asociación de Gestores
Culturales de Andalucía (Espagne), Kontrapunkt/International Munich Art Lab (Allemagne), l’Association culturelle
NETCETERA (Pologne), l’Association pour les Initiatives Internationales de Coopération (Bulgarie) et Centritudes, l’agence
conseil en développement culturel de la région du Centre (Belgique).
+ info: http://www.adcei.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=frontpage&Itemid=100001
FELLOWSHIPS - World Bank-financed scholarships for MNA (North Africa and Middle East) and ECA (Europe
and Central Asia ) bachelor graduates - Deadline for application: 18 August 2011
We are pleased to announce the launch of the conference series on Culture, Economics, and Cities, aiming to gather
scholars working at the boundaries of various disciplines such as economics, heritage conservation, urban development,
and sustainable tourism. The first conference of this series will be held on 14-16 September, 2011, at Villa Rufolo, Ravello
(Italy). The World Bank will finance five scholarships for bachelor graduates in heritage-related disciplines from countries in
the North Africa and Middle East (MNA) or the Europe and Central Asia (ECA) regions. Deadline to apply August 21, 2011
FELLOWSHIPS - Churchill Fellowships Seminar - Brisbane - Queensland - Australia - 9
September 2011
The Churchill Trust was established in 1965 to honour the memory of Sir Winston Churchill by
awarding overseas research Fellowships known as 'Churchill Fellowships'.
Since its inception The Churchill Trust has awarded Churchill Fellowships to over 3,500 Australians
who, like Churchill, are innovative, filled with a spirit of determination and possess a strong desire to
benefit their community.
Churchill Fellowships allow you to design your own research project, travel the world and further your
knowledge in your chosen field, before returning to make a real contribution to Australian society.
+ info: http://www.churchilltrust.com.au/
FELLOWSHIPS - Smithsonian American Art Museum Announces 2011-2012 Fellowship Appointments
The Smithsonian American Art Museum announces the appointment of 15 new fellows for the 2011–2012 academic year.
The museum’s program grants awards for scholars and students to pursue research at the museum, including senior,
predoctoral and postdoctoral fellowships. Since 1970, the museum has hosted more than 380 scholars who now occupy
positions in academic and cultural institutions across the United States
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49877
COMPETITIONS - Winners of 300th Anniversary of Saint Paul Cathedral (London United Kingdom) Photo Competition
Michael Murphy is the winner of the St Paul’s Cathedral 300th Anniversary Photo
Competition. Michael took the title after capturing the judges’ imagination with this stunning
photograph of the dome illuminated red to mark World AIDS Day.
+ info: http://www.stpauls.co.uk/News-Press/Latest-News/Winners-of-300th-AnniversaryPhoto-Competition
PRIX - Date limite de dépôt des candidatures pour le Prix UNESCO/Émir du Koweït: 7
La date limite de dépôt des candidatures a été reportée pour le Prix UNESCO/Émir Jaber alAhmad al-Jaber al-Sabah pour la promotion d’une éducation de qualité en faveur des
personnes présentant un handicap intellectuel.
Le but de ce prix, remis tous les deux ans, est de récompenser les activités qui promeuvent
une éducation inclusive de qualité pour les personnes ayant un handicap intellectuel.
Les États membres sont encouragés à désigner des personnes, groupes ou organisations qui
ont apporté des contributions significatives à la promotion de cet objectif.
Le prix est constitué d’un diplôme et d’une somme de 20 000 dollars des États-Unis remis à chacun des deux lauréats.
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/media-services/single-view/news/
Fellowships - IFLA (International Federation of Landscapes Architects) Sir Geoffrey Jellicoe International
Fellowship in Landscape Architecture - Residency at the British Scool at Rome - January-March 2012 DEADLINE 15 OCTOBER 2011
The Rome Fellowship in Landscape Architecture is being offered to a recent graduate or individual in mid-career to allow a
period for thought and research. The applicant should propose a contemporary response to an aspect of Italian landscape
and pursue a selected topic with direct bearing on modern design in the landscape.
Young landscape architects are invited by the International Federation of Landscape Architects to apply for this residency at
the British School at Rome, which will offer a valuable opportunity to develop and research work within the context of Rome
and Italy. Details about the British School at Rome are available at www.bsr.ac.uk
+ info: http://www.iflaonline.org/index.php?option=com_tevent&view=itm&layout=evt&id=137
PRIZES - Winners of 2011 EU Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Awards: Grand Prix
The 27 winners of the 2011 European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Awards were
honoured yesterday evening during a ceremony at Amsterdam's historic concert hall, the 'Concertgebouw'.
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_71/02_2011.html (2 de 10) [26/09/2011 16:23:47]
Prix, distinctions, bourses, concours et offres d'emplois
The awards were presented by Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture,
Multilingualism and Youth, and Plácido Domingo, the world-renowned tenor and president of Europa Nostra.
Six of the 27 winners were named last night as 'Grand Prix' laureates in recognition of their outstanding
heritage achievements. The ceremony was attended by an audience of some 1500 people including H.R.H.
Princess Margriet of The Netherlands.
+ info: http://www.europanostra.org/laureates-2011/
COMPETITIONS - UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) - Olympus-AFP
Foundation Photo Contest - Picture This: We Can End Poverty - Working globally to
achieve the Millennium Development Goals
This year, the winners are split into three categories: Amateur, Professional and People’s Choice.
The People’s Choice winner was chosen by visitors to the photo contest website. Within the
Amateur and Professional categories, each MDG features at least one winning photo; additionally
each category has an overall first, second and third place winner. This year, we received over
3,000 submissions from around the world; the winning photos show a fascinating cross-section of
culture, gender and economic background. All the winning images, however, portray ordinary people doing their best to
better the world for themselves, their families and their communities. They show what is being accomplished, and what is
at stake as the deadline for achieving the MDGs – 2015 – ticks ever closer.
+ info: http://www.undp.org/picturethis2010/index.shtml
AWARDS - SMU (Southern Methodist University) Art History Professor Gregory Warden Receives Award from
President of Italy - Dallas - Texas - USA
Dr. P. Gregory Warden, University Distinguished Professor of Art History and associate dean for academic affairs at SMU’s
Meadows School of the Arts, received the Order of the Star of Italian Solidarity and the title of Cavaliere (knight) in the
name of the President of the Italian Republic on June 4. The award was presented by Fabrizio Nava, the Consul General of
Italy in Houston, at the Italian Club of Dallas as part of a ceremony celebrating the 65th anniversary of the Italian Republic
on June 2 and the 150th anniversary of the Unity of Italy that was proclaimed on March 17, 1861.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=482853
FELLOWSHIPS - Double vision: A 'Community Heritage Grant' program is one of the winners in the 2011-2012
Australian Commonwealth Budget
A ‘Community Heritage Grant’ program is one of the winners in the 2011-2012 Australian Commonwealth Budget. This new
initiative will be established and administered by the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and
Communities (DSEWPC).
This is indeed good news for Australia’s built heritage and has been well received by bodies like the Federation of Australian
Historical Societies - which also notes that the National Historic Sites grant scheme will continue to be funded at existing
levels i.e. $4.3 million in 2011-2012. (FAHS e-Bulletin #83)
+ info: http://www.significanceinternational.com/tabid/67/newsid394/15/Double-vision/Default.aspx
FELLOWSHIPS - Australia: $5 million in research grants awarded
Linkage Project grants support collaborations between University researchers and Partner Organisations in Australia. The
Australian Research Council awards and administers this scheme. Click here to read about a selection of 17 grants of
relevance to the collections sector, to be funded for 3 - 5 years from July 2011 (Round 2 of 2). (For more information on
these projects visit: Linkage Projects Funding Outcomes).
The fields of study covered by these grants are computing, accounting, education, film and television, anthropology,
evolutionary biology, historical studies, archaeology, communication and media, art theory, sociology, built environment
and design.
+ info: http://www.significanceinternational.com/tabid/67/newsid394/16/5-million-in-research-grants-awarded/Default.
FELLOWSHIPS - The AJA (American Journal of Archaeology) Joins JSTOR's Current Scholarship Program
The AJA has partnered with JSTOR in the Current Scholarship Program (CSP). Current and past issues of the AJA now
reside on JSTOR. Access to the AJA is no longer be available via Atypon Link.
The AJA website will continue to host free, downloadable book reviews, museum reviews, and select articles. See the Open
Access section for free content.
The Current Scholarship Program (CSP) was launched earlier this year to bring together historical and current content on
the JSTOR platform.
The program was created to help the academic community—presses, scholarly associations, libraries, faculty, and students
—benefit from investment in a shared technology platform and related services to support the publication, dissemination,
and use of new scholarship.
+ info: http://www.ajaonline.org/csp
FELLOWSHIPS - The 2011 Eco-innovation call for proposals - Deadline for call for proposals: 8 September 2011
Got a great business project that could make Europe greener but don't know how to get it off the ground? The 2011 Ecoinnovation call for proposals may be for you!
The European Commission grants an additional 2 Million Euros to finance green ideas: the total budget available for the
2011 Call is 38 Million Euros.
This call is open to all legal persons that are based in eligible countries but the priority will be given to Small- and Mediumsized Enterprises (SMEs). Clusters of applicants and projects which demonstrate a European added value and have a high
potential for market replication are strongly encouraged.
+ info: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/eco-innovation/getting-funds/call-for-proposals/index_en.htm
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_71/02_2011.html (3 de 10) [26/09/2011 16:23:47]
Prix, distinctions, bourses, concours et offres d'emplois
Each year, the Archaeological Institute of America presents a number of awards to
archaeologists, educators, authors, and others whose work has had a positive impact on
the field of archaeology. Each award recognizes excellence on the part of an individual
or a group of individuals engaged in the pursuit of human knowledge through
archaeology or related disciplines. Winners of these prestigious awards are honored at a
special ceremony held every year during the Institute's Annual Meeting.
Congratulations to the 2011 AIA award winners! Each award recipient was presented
with an award at the Awards Ceremony in San Antonio at the 112th Annual Meeting
+ info: http://aia.archaeological.org/webinfo.php?page=10177
FELLOWSHIPS - Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology Wins $150,000 Grant for Archaeological
Collection - Cambridge - Massachussetts - USA
The Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology has been awarded a Museums for America grant of $150,000 from the
U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). Over the next two years, the Museum will catalog, document,
inventory, and photograph the Peabody's most important archaeological collections with the grant.
"Our collection will be more accessible to researchers, especially educators," says Senior Collections Manager David DeBono
Schafer, who will manage the project. "These are among our most requested materials. Now researchers will be able to
quickly determine exactly which archaeological objects are in the collection."
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49933
FELLOWSHIPS - AIA (Archaeological Institute of America) Fellowships, Grants, and Scholarships - Various
deadlines: 1 November 2011 - 4 March 2012
The AIA is pleased to offer fellowships for travel and study to deserving scholars and a number of scholarships and grants
for students, publications, and AIA Societies. AIA scholarships, fellowships, and grants are open to members of the
Archaeological Institute of America. If you have any questions, contact the Fellowship Coordinator at 617-358-4184 or
[email protected].
+ info: http://www.archaeological.org/grants
COMPETITIONS - New Mining Museum / HULTMANMAGNUSSON - Jøssingfjord - Norway
Young Swedish architects, HULTMANMAGNUSSON, won the competition to design a new mining museum in Jøssingfjord,
Norway, a city famous for its long history of mining and excavation of Titanium powder, used for white color pigment.
Located in the valley of the beautiful fjord, the 2000 m2 museum will exhibit the history, geology and technology of the
area, together with temporary exhibitions. Their proposal was called Varde, meaning a manmade pile of stones common in
this area of Norway. By using natures own material and arranging it a new shape, an important place is marked in the
The new building, called Jøssingfjordsenteret, is attached to an existing power station in one end making it a part of the
exhibition. The building stretches out 110 meters towards the ocean, finishing with a panorama view café.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/148484
FELLOWSHIPS - Jane C. Waldbaum Archaeological Field School Scholarship 2012 Deadlines for application: 19 December 2011 - 4 March 2012
Established in honor of AIA Past President Jane Waldbaum, this scholarship is intended to help
students who are planning to participate in archaeological field work for the first time. Students
majoring in archaeology or related disciplines are especially encouraged to apply. The Scholarship
Fund provides $1000 each for up to seven successful applicants to help pay expenses associated
with participation in an archaeological field work project (minimum stay one month). The
scholarship is open to students who have begun their junior year of undergraduate studies at the
time of application and have not yet completed their first year of graduate school at a college or university in the United
States or Canada. Applicants must be at least 18 years old and must not have previously participated in archaeological field
work. The committee will consider both academic achievement and financial need in its deliberations.
+ info: http://www.archaeological.org/grants/708
COMPETITIONS - Serlachius Museum Gösta Extension Competition Proposal / XML - Mänttä - Finland
This proposal for the Serlachius Museum Extension in Mänttä, Finland was submitted by XML. The omnipresent landscape
provoked the architects to develop a scheme that became a median between the external world of nature and the internal
world of art.
The required program has been distributed along a continuous route that connects different programmatic clusters such as
galleries, storage, restaurant and office. The circulation between these clusters is bent into a circle allowing for two
experiential conditions: on the inside of the circle a series of enclosed exhibition spaces allows visitors to focus on the
experience of art whereas on the outside of the circle the continuous route that connects the programmatic clusters allows
for alternating these intimate experiences with views on the surrounding nature.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/147832
Le Parc national du Grand Canyon accueille un boursier du patrimoine mondial
M. John Zulu, gestionnaire du site du patrimoine mondial Mosi-oa-Tunya / Chutes Victoria, en
Zambie, est arrivé aux Etats-Unis le 5 août dernier pour y passer 6 semaines en immersion
dans la vie du Parc national du Grand Canyon, des populations locales, et de ses ressources de
gestion. M. Zulu est reçu à titre de « Boursier du patrimoine mondial américain », un
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Prix, distinctions, bourses, concours et offres d'emplois
programme sponsorisé par le Service des parcs nationaux, avec le soutien de la Fondation des
Nations Unies et de la Fondation des parcs nationaux.
M. Zulu travaille pour la Commission pour la conservation du patrimoine national comme gestionnaire du site Mosi-oaTunya / Chutes Victoria, seul site du patrimoine mondial en Zambie. Situées sur la rivière Zambèze, les chutes enjambent
la frontière entre la Zambie et le Zambèze, et sont désignées pour cette raison site transfrontalier.
+ info: http://whc.unesco.org/fr/actualites/791/
PRIX - L'Evasion au naturel : un centre éco-touristique nominé au Trophée Bol d'air SNCF
(Société nationale des chemins de fer français)
Comme chaque année, Voyages-sncf.com organise son grand concours des Trophées du Tourisme
responsable. A cette occasion, Maxisciences a décidé de donner la parole à l'un des candidats nominés,
Frédéric Desautel qui nous présente son projet : "l'Evasion au naturel" et sa vision du tourisme
Organisés par Voyages-sncf.com pour la cinquième année consécutive, les Trophées du tourisme
responsable "récompensent ceux et celles qui se mobilisent pour un tourisme plus respectueux de
l’environnement et des hommes". Ainsi, le concours souhaite montrer l'efficacité mais aussi l'accessibilité du tourisme
responsable qui offre une large palette de choix alors que les nominés sont divisés en cinq catégories : bol d'air, urbain,
solidaire, luxe & zen ou encore bons plans. Avec une nouveauté cette année : l'évènement écolo devient participatif et
prend désormais en compte le vote en ligne du public qui reste possible jusqu'au 5 septembre et qui comptera pour moitié
dans le choix final.
+ info: http://www.maxisciences.com/tourisme-durable/l-039-evasion-au-naturel-un-centre-eco-touristique-nomine-autrophee-bol-d-039-air_art16312.html
BOURSES - Appels à candidatures pour les formations ouvertes et à distance (FOAD) 2011-2012 - Deadline for
submission: 10 September 2011
L’Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) propose son soutien à un ensemble de formations ouvertes et à distance ;
elle offre plusieurs centaines d’allocations d’études couvrant une importante partie des frais pédagogiques et d’inscription à
ces diplômes.
Cette année 79 formations diplômantes sont proposées dont 39 issues d’universités du Sud (Burkina Faso, Cameroun,
Égypte, Madagascar, Maroc, Sénégal, Tunisie et Vietnam).
Les appels à candidatures pour les FOAD 2011-2012 sont désormais en ligne sur le site Web : http://foad.refer.org
L’appel sera clos le 10 juin pour les formations débutant en septembre, et le 10 septembre pour les formations débutant en
janvier 2012.
+ info: http://www.auf.org/communication-information/appels-offres/foad-2011.html?var=lettre_AUF_73
FELLOWSHIPS - Financement de projets par des organisations
philanthropiques américaines: guide gratuit
Les fondations donatrices Américaines sont une source précieuse de soutien
financier pour des milliers d’organisations à but non-lucratif, petites et grandes, en
Europe et dans le monde entier.
international-funding.org aide tous les types d’organisations à but non-lucratif, du
plus petit organisme de bienfaisance intervenant à l’échelle locale, aux grandes
institutions intervenant à l’échelle nationale et internationale, à communiquer avec
les fondations donatrices aux États-Unis en vue d’obtenir leur soutien financier.
Il existe plus de 150 000 fondations aux Etats-Unis. Au cours des 10 dernières années, elles ont soutenu plus de 450 000
différents projets hors des États-Unis, et dans chacun des 195 pays du monde.
+ info: http://www.international-funding.org/
COMPETITIONS - Lancement du premier concours IFRECOR (Initiative Française pour les Récifs Coralliens) Deadline for dubmission: 10 October 2011
Élu d’outre-mer, vous êtes un acteur clef de la préservation et de la gestion durable des récifs coralliens et des
écosystèmes associés
Au quotidien, vous agissez afin d’assurer aujourd’hui et pour les générations futures un patrimoine naturel riche et en
bonne santé, garant du bien-être des communautés liées à ces milieux exceptionnels.
Vous avez mis en place une gestion durable des activités de pêche, un protocole de suivi de l’état de santé des récifs, un
programme de restauration d’une mangrove, lancé un portail d’information, monté une exposition, organisé des
formations, créé un parcours découverte, mené des actions d’éducation ou de sensibilisation ….
+ info: http://www.ifrecor.fr/lancement-premier-concours-ifrecor
FELLOWSHIPS - Bourses de recherche doctorale et de post-doctorat « Eugen Ionescu »: appel international à
candidatures - Deadline for submission: 27 October 2011
Le but de ce programme est de permettre aux chercheurs et aux doctorants des pays membres ou observateurs de l’OIF,
issus des établissements d’enseignement supérieur membres de l’AUF de bénéficier d’une formation de 3 à 6 mois dans 22
institutions d’enseignement supérieur roumaines.
Le 23 mai 2007, le Gouvernement de la Roumanie a adopté l’arrêté concernant la création du système de bourses d’études
doctorales et de recherche “Eugen Ionescu” pour les ressortissants étrangers dans les institutions d’enseignement
supérieur de Roumanie, membres de l’Agence universitaire de la Francophonie. Cette décision fait suite à l’engagement que
la Roumanie a pris lors du XIème Sommet de la Francophonie (Bucarest, septembre 2006).
+ info: http://www.auf.org/regions/europe-centrale-orientale/appels-d-offres/bourses-de-recherche-doctorale-et-de-postdoctorat-eugen-ionescu-appel-international-a-candidatures-6081.html?var=lettre_AUF_73
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Prix, distinctions, bourses, concours et offres d'emplois
JOB OFFERS - Assistant Programme Specialist - Africa Unit, World Heritage Centre - UNESCO - Deadline for
Applications: 19 October 2011
Under the authority of the Director of the UNESO World Heritage Centre, the Deputy Director for Programme, and direct
supervision of the Chief of Africa Unit, the incumbent shall exercise the function of Assistant Programme Specialist and will
work on the implementation of the World Heritage Convention in Africa for cultural and natural heritage.
+ info: https://recrutweb.unesco.org/pdf/CLTWHC047.PDF
AWARDS - Accessibility Awards Ceremony in Protected Areas 2010
Contact: [email protected] In October 2010 the Accessibility Awards Ceremony in Protected Areas took place
in Spain. In this second award year, the jury, composed of experts in accessibility and nature conservation, award the first
prize to the “Project to improve the accessibility of public facilities in the Natural Park of Delta del Ebro”. The consolation
prize went to the project “Shared Paths” from the Mountain Association for all (Tenerife) and “Improving Global Access in
the Natural Monument Fuentona and in the Nature Reserve Sabina Calatañazor” from the Natural Heritage Foundation of
Castilla y León.
The awards, organized by Caja Madrid, EUROPARC Spain and CEAPAT-IMSERSO are intended to reward the efforts for
access for all in protected areas. They should provide a stimulus for future work in this field. The award is part of the
collaborative engagement of these institutions which began with the preparation of a list of best practices in the area of
+ info: http://www.europarc.org/uploaded/documents/735.pdf
COMPETITIONS - BERKELEY PRIZE 2012 COMPETITION - Architecture is a Social Art - 2012 Theme:
Architecture for the Public Good - Starting 15 September 2011 - Deadline for submission: 1 November 2011
Professor Raymond Lifchez, Chair of the international Berkeley Undergraduate Prize for Architectural Design Excellence
announces that the 2012 BERKELEY PRIZE launches on September 15, 2011.
Each year the PRIZE, whose primary goal is to foster a larger awareness and understanding of the social art of architecture,
sponsors an Essay Competition, a Travel Fellowship Competition, and an Architectural Design Fellowship Competition. All
are open to undergraduates studying architecture throughout the world.
+ info: http://www.berkeleyprize.org/
FELLOWSHIPS - Scholars Association. Onassis cultural Centre (Greece) International Online Magazine. Issue
The Onassis Cultural Centre-Athens was inaugurated in December 2010, as a new cultural site accessible to all. Its mission
is the promotion of modern cultural expression, the support of new Greek artists, the cultivation of international
collaborations, the education and lifelong learning, as well as the co-existence and interaction of sciences, innovation and
+ info: http://www.onassis.gr/online-magazine/issue-19/
FELLOWSHIPS - Grants for the Center for Historical Culture - Erasmus University Rotterdam - Rotterdam - The
The Center for Historical Culture is delighted to announce the following recently obtained grants:
Drs. Marc van Berkel, PhD project: Holocausteducation in German and Dutch history textbooks, 1970-2010. Grant
Hogeschool Arnhem-Nijmegen; supervisor prof. dr. Maria Grever (0.45 fte, 4 years). Start 1-9-2011.
Dr. Stephan Klein (postdoc in current research NWO Program Heritage Education). Extra postdoc project: Dynamic Heritage
Education. NWO Alfa Meerwaarde (0.3 fte, 1 year). Start 1-9-2011.
Stephanie Benzaquen MA, research project: Art theory and cultural memory of the Holocaust: reading images of Nazi
atrocities with Warburg's Mnemosyne Atlas. Holocaust Memorial Museum Washington DC, Raul Hilberg Fellowship (1.0 fte,
4 months). Start 1-4-2012.
+ info: http://euroclio.eu/new/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2704:news-from-the-chc-erasmusuniversity-rotterdam&catid=225:centre-for-historical-culture&Itemid=1453
COMPETITIONS - Winner of the San Francisco Veterans Memorial Design Competition Announced - San
Francisco - California - USA
The War Memorial Board of Trustees today endorsed the design proposal submitted by Susan Narduli and Andrea Cochran
for the San Francisco Veterans Memorial. Entitled Passage of Remembrance, the focal point of Susan Narduli and Andrea
Cochran's proposal is a series of three reflection pools circumscribed by an octagon of stone. Seen from above, the pools
form a circle of gently flowing water that glides over polished stone in sloping planes from the street to the garden below.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49112
COMPETITIONS - Concorso "Premio ICOM Italia-Musei dell'anno 2011" - DEADLINE
E’ on-line il nuovo Bando di Concorso del premio rivolto a tutti i musei italiani “PremioICOM
Italia- Musei dell’anno 2011”.
Al via la seconda edizione del prestigioso riconoscimento attribuito ai migliori progetti dalla
comunità dei professionisti museali.
Forte del successo dello scorso anno, ICOM Italia – Comitato Nazionale Italiano
dell’International Council of Museums, la più importante associazione museale a livello mondiale
– bandisce la II Edizione del Premio ICOM Italia – Musei dell’anno 2011.
L’iniziativa, espressione del mondo dei musei e dei professionisti museali, ha l’obiettivo di valorizzare le buone pratiche
operative e gestionali dei musei italiani e farne emergere le eccellenze.
+ info: http://www.tafter.it/2011/08/29/25-09-11-concorso-%E2%80%9Cpremioicom-italia-musei-dell%E2%80%99anno2011%E2%80%9D/
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Prix, distinctions, bourses, concours et offres d'emplois
JOB OFFERS - A scientific research collaborator in Conservation - Haute Ecole de Conservation-Restauration
Arc - Neufchâtel - Switzerland - Deadline for application: 30 September 2011
Under the responsibility of the head of the department and the research coordinator and in association with the members
of the research team:
Initiation of research projects, in particular in the field of scientific, technical and horological objects conservation;
conducting research projects ; participate in research projects.
+ info: http://www.he-arc.ch/sites/default/files/file/DG/Annonces%20emploi/COR-ANN110713_adjoint%20scientifique%
AWARDS - Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute's Ira Rubinoff to Receive the Smithsonian's Highest Honor
- Washington - Washington DC - USA
The Smithsonian Regents will present Ira Rubinoff, Director Emeritus of the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, with
the Institution’s highest honor. The Joseph Henry Medal will be presented to Rubinoff July 14 in the Smithsonian building
(the “Castle”).
Renowned for his scientific leadership, Rubinoff directly supervised the construction or modernization of every STRI facility
during his tenure there, while building the staff from a handful to an international group of 35 scientists and 300 staff who
also support approximately 1,000 visiting scientists and students each year. An endowment fund created by Rubinoff
includes more than $17 million to support research and fellowships at STRI, augmenting the $20 million annual budget in
federal and non-federal funds.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49088
FELLOWSHIPS - Henry Luce Foundation Grant to Advance Scholarship on Tibetan Painting Awarded to Rubin
Museum - New York City - New York State - USA
With the support of a three-year, $270,000 grant from the Henry Luce Foundation, Dr. David Jackson—the world’s
foremost scholar of Tibetan Buddhist painting and a consulting curator for the Rubin Museum—will publish a new series of
exhibition catalogues on Tibetan thangka paintings drawn primarily from the museum’s collection. This is the second grant
awarded to the Rubin Museum from the foundation; in 2007 the foundation supported the exhibition Bon: The Magic Word
and its catalogue.
Chief Curator of the Rubin Museum of Art Jan van Alphen expressed the museum’s gratitude to the Henry Luce Foundation
for its commitment to Asian art historical scholarship saying, “The foundation’s continued support of the museum’s efforts
to share ground-breaking research on the art and culture of Tibet will lead to greater appreciation for, and understanding
and preservation of, an endangered cultural heritage.”
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49239
FELLOWSHIPS - Conservation Guest Scholars - Deadline for application: 1 November
The Conservation Guest Scholar Program at the Getty Conservation Institute supports new ideas
and perspectives in the field of conservation, with an emphasis on the visual arts (including sites,
buildings, objects) and the theoretical underpinnings of the field.
The program provides an opportunity for professionals to pursue scholarly research in an
interdisciplinary manner across traditional boundaries in areas of interest to the international
conservation community.
+ info: http://www.getty.edu/foundation/funding/residential/conservation_guest_scholars.html
PRIZES - Rome Prize -American Academy in Rome - Deadline for applications : 15
November 2011
Each year, the Rome Prize is awarded to thirty emerging artists and scholars in the early or
middle stages of their careers who represent the highest standard of excellence in the arts
and humanities.
Each Rome Prize winner is provided with a stipend, meals, a bedroom with private bath, and
a study or studio. Those with children under 18 live in partially subsidized apartments
nearby. Winners of 6-month and 11-month fellowships receive stipends of $13,000 and
$26,000, respectively.
Owing to the fluctuating dollar/euro exchange rate and the high cost of living in Rome, the stipends offered may not cover
all expenses. This is especially true for prize winners who come to Rome with spouses, companions and/or children.
Fellowships generally begin at the Academy in early September and end in early August. Winners of the 11-month Rome
Prize fellowships may select to depart the Academy after nine months with no reduction to the fellowship stipend.
+ info: http://www.aarome.org/apply/rome-prize/procedure-requirements
COMPETITIONS - Slant Garden Design Award 2011 - Deadline for submission: 16 September 2011
This July we have launched our second competition and this time it is open to all, and the challenge is to design a garden
for a private residence.
We want you to have as free a hand as possible when designing this project; therefore we are keeping the brief and the
entry requirements to a minimum.
The house in question is not a real house, it has been designed specifically for this competition, and its location is not being
It is a generic house and garden which could be almost anywhere in the world, and you are free to choose the country in
which you would like this imaginary house and garden to be located.
+ info: http://www.slant.eu/brief.html#overview
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Prix, distinctions, bourses, concours et offres d'emplois
COMPETITION - Archaeological Institute of America (AIA) Online Fieldwork Photo
Contest - Entry Deadline - 18 September 2011
Submit your photos to the AIA’s first online archaeological fieldwork photo contest! The winner
will receive a complimentary year of membership to the AIA and the top photo(s) will be
featured in the AIA’s 2012 Calendar.
Entries will be accepted now through September 18th. Return September 21st through 30th to
vote for your favorite photos.
+ info: http://www.archaeological.org/outreach/contest
1 OCTOBER 2011
Each year, Europa Nostra and the European Union reward the best of cultural heritage
achievements. Through our European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra
Awards, we celebrate excellence and dedication by architects, craftsmen, volunteers,
schools, local communities, heritage owners and media. Through the power of their
example we stimulate creativity and innovation.
The awards celebrate exemplary restorations and initiatives of the many facets of Europe’s cultural heritage in 4 categories.
Every year, up to six monetary awards of €10.000 each are awarded to the top laureates in the various categories.
+ info: http://www.europanostra.org/news/177/
GRANTS - Museum Receives $500,000 Mellon Foundation Grant - Toledo Museum - Toledo - Ohio - USA
The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation has awarded a $500,000 grant to the Toledo Museum of Art for the design and
implementation of a postdoctoral fellowship program that addresses one of the singular challenges facing the field today—
preparing tomorrow’s museum leaders.
The new program is unusual in that it blends curatorial work with the interdisciplinary nature of museum operations,
according to Toledo Museum of Art Director Brian Kennedy.
+ info: http://www.toledomuseum.org/2011/08/08/museum-receives-500000-mellon-grant.php
APPEL D'OFFRES - Convention sur le commerce international des espèces de faune et de flore sauvages
menacées d'extinction (CITES) - Mécanisme de prise de décisions pour un processus de commerce de l’ivoire.
Date limite : 21 septembre 2011
The Secretariat wishes to commission an independent study on the development of a decision-making mechanism and
process for future trade in elephant ivory for review by the CITES Standing Committee. This study, which will be
coordinated by the Secretariat in consultation with stakeholders including African and Asian elephant range States.
+ info: http://www.cites.org/fra/notif/2011/F031A.pdf
Museo De Arte De Ponce Awarded Grant For Innovative Preservation of Three-Dimensional Works - Ponce Puerto Rico - USA
he National Endowment for the Humanities, under its “Sustaining Cultural Heritage Collections” program, has approved the
Museo de Arte de Ponce’s proposal for the purchase and installation of a high-density mobile storage unit that will store and
protect the museums collection of 1,259 three-dimensional art works. The grant is in the amount of $149,800.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49736
FELLOWSHIPS - Churchill Fellowships - The Winston Churchill Memorial Trust - Australia Deadline 29 February 2012
The Churchill Trust was established in 1965 to honour the memory of Sir Winston Churchill by
awarding overseas research Fellowships known as 'Churchill Fellowships'.
Since its inception The Churchill Trust has awarded Churchill Fellowships to over 3,500 Australians
who, like Churchill, are innovative, filled with a spirit of determination and possess a strong desire to
benefit their community.
Churchill Fellowships allow you to design your own research project, travel the world and further your
knowledge in your chosen field, before returning to make a real contribution to Australian society.
+ info: http://www.churchilltrust.com.au/
PRIZES - Sneak Peak: BERKELEY PRIZE 2012 to start on 15 September 2011!
The BERKELEY PRIZE supports the study and teaching of the social art of architecture.
The online, two-stage Essay Competition (in English) is open to undergraduate architecture
majors in accredited schools of architecture throughout the world. The Travel Fellowship Competition
and the Architectural Design Fellowship Competition are open to the Essay Competition semi_nalists.
Essay Competition: 12,500 USD; 4,000 USD minimum _rst prize
Travel Fellowship Competition: Stipend and airfare
Architectural Design Fellowship Competition: Cash prize
Competition opens: September 15, 2011; Stage One entries due: November 1, 2011.
+ info: http://www.berkeleyprize.org/downloads/files/2012/Essay%20Prize/BPCPoster_2012.pdf
GRANTS - Princeton University Art Museum Receives Grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
The Princeton University Art Museum has been awarded a major grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation that will
support development and execution of new strategies of engagement and interpretation for all of the Museum’s collections
galleries and study rooms.
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Prix, distinctions, bourses, concours et offres d'emplois
The $500,000 award will fund, in part, a key new Museum initiative, Activating the Collections, including the establishment
of a new position, a Curatorial Fellow for Collections Engagement, who will work with curators, faculty, students, guest
scholars, artists and other experts across disciplines to develop and present compelling interpretative approaches and
materials. The grant also will establish the Museum Voices Colloquium, which will function as a visual arts think tank in
bringing together traditional and non-traditional experts to consider new ways of understanding art of the past and present.
+ info: http://artmuseum.princeton.edu/news/MellonFoundation/
COMPETITIONS - American Institute of Architects announces winner of Design Competition
The AIA Barbie® Dream House™ Design Competition challenged AIA members to design a dream house for an American
icon. From nearly 30 submissions, a panel of jurors selected five finalists with input from Mattel’s own team of Barbie®
experts. We then invited the public to choose their favorite design. Almost 9,000 kids and kids at heart voted. And the
winners are…
+ info: http://www.aia.org/press/releases/AIAB090499
AWARDS - Australian Archaeological Association Inc. Awards - Deadline for Nominations - 12 September 2011
The Australian Archaeological Association Inc. (AAA) is one of the largest archaeological organisations in Australia,
representing a diverse membership of professionals, students and others with an interest in archaeology. It aims to
promote the advancement of archaeology; to provide an organisation for the discussion and dissemination of archaeological
information and ideas; to convene meetings at regular intervals; to publicise the need for the study and conservation of
archaeological sites and collections; and, to publicise the work of the Association.
+ info: http://www.australianarchaeologicalassociation.com.au/awards
FELLOWSHIPS - dOCUMENTA (13) Partners with CPPC (Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros) to Offer a
Curatorial Fellowship for Curators and Scholars from Latin America - Kassel - Germany
dOCUMENTA (13) and the Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros (CPPC) have created a Curatorial Fellowship that will offer
curators and scholars from Latin America the opportunity to work on the development of dOCUMENTA (13), an exhibition
that will take place in the summer of 2012 in Kassel, Germany. This fellowship is offered to young arts professionals from
Latin America focused on contemporary art.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49338
Council announces global call for entries. Deadline: 1 December 2011
The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) is inviting tourism businesses,
organizations, and destinations worldwide to apply for its 2012 Tourism for Tomorrow
Each year, WTTC recognizes best practices in sustainable tourism - its Tourism for
Tomorrow Awards are one of the highest accolades in the global travel and tourism
+ info: http://www.eturbonews.com/25024/world-travel-and-tourism-council-announces-global-call-entries
PRIX - La Société pour la restauration écologique confère son Prix spécial de reconnaissance 2011 aux Parties
à la Convention sur la diversité biologique
La Société pour la restauration écologique a conféré son Prix de reconnaissance spéciale 2011 aux Parties à la Convention
sur la diversité biologique (CDB) au banquet du gala de remise de prix le 23 août 2011 à Mérida,Yucatán, Mexique, tenu en
marge de la 4e Conférence mondiale sur la restauration écologique.
+ info: http://www.cbd.int/doc/press/2011/pr-2011-08-24-ser-fr.pdf
PRIX - 22ème prix national de sauvegarde du patrimoine en site classé France
La commune de Benet, dans le Grand site du Marais poitevin, s'est vu remettre le prix
du Ministre de l'écologie et du développement durable, décerné chaque année par la
Société pour la protection des paysages et de l'esthétique de la France (SPPEF), pour la
réhabilitation toute en finesse du port d'Azir.
+ info: http://www.parc-marais-poitevin.fr/index.php/Les-actualites-du-territoire/Lesactualites-du-Parc/La-commune-de-Benet-recoit-un-prix-dans-le-cadre-du-22emeconcours-pour-la-sauvegarde-du-patrimoine-en-site-classe
PRIZES - Prix Irène Joliot-Curie édition 2011 : dossier de candidature et règlement
- Date limite de candidature : 20 septembre 2011
Destiné à promouvoir la place des femmes dans la recherche et la technologie en France et
en Europe, le Prix Irène Joliot-Curie met en lumière les carrières exemplaires de femmes de
sciences. Pour cette dixième édition du Prix, les candidatures doivent être déposées avant le
20 septembre 2011.
+ info: http://www.enseignementsup-recherche.gouv.fr/cid56810/prix-irene-joliot-curieedition-2011-dossier-de-candidature-et-reglement.html
AWARDS - UNESCO Asia-Pacific Heritage Awards for Culture Heritage Conservation
- Award Winners Announced
Baojiatun Watermill in Guizhou Province, China and Sumda Chun Gonpa in Leh, India have
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Prix, distinctions, bourses, concours et offres d'emplois
been honoured with the Awards of Excellence in the 2011 UNESCO Asia-Pacific Heritage
Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation.
The Award of Distinction went to the Altit Fort in Hunza, Pakistan. The two Awards of Merit
include the Serkhang Monastery in Qinghai Province, China and the Scriptures Hall of Wat
Thepthidaram Worawihan in Bangkok, Thailand.
Three Honourable Mentions were also announced. They are the SCAD Hong Kong (Former North Kowloon Magistracy
Building) in Hong Kong SAR, China; the Na Phra Lan Historic Shophouses in Bangkok, Thailand; and the Salarian Pavilion of
Wat Kutao in Songkhla, Thailand.
+ info: http://australia.icomos.org/wp-content/uploads/2011-UNESCO-Asia-Pacific-Heritage-Awards.pdf
Cérémonie de remise du Prix UNESCO/Jikji Mémoire du monde
2-sep-2011 . Cheongju, République de Corée
Organizateurs: Permanent Delegation of the Republic of Korea to UNESCO
Contact: Joie Springer ([email protected])
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/unesco/events/all-events/?tx_browser_pi1[showUid]=4360&cHash=290d44ed8b
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Rhinos Latest Victims of the Illicit Trade in Art and Wildlife
Following a recent surge in museum heists targeting rhinoceros horn, conservation and
preservation organizations warn that the illegal trafficking of art and wildlife is a threat to the
public, as well as the world’s natural and cultural heritage.
The Lawyers’ Committee for Cultural Heritage Preservation (LCCHP), the International Fund for
Animal Welfare (IFAW), Save the Rhino International, and Saving Rhinos issued the following
statement. (go to the link).
+ info: http://www.culturalheritagelaw.org/rhino
EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020: 3103rd Environment Council meeting conclusions - Luxemburg
RECALLING its conclusions on biodiversity policy of 25 June and 22 December 2009, 15 March
and 20 December 2010, and, in particular the European Council commitment to the long-term
biodiversity 2050 vision and the 2020 target made at its meeting on 25 and 26 March 2010;
EMPHASISING the importance of ensuring an appropriate balance between the objectives of all
EU sectoral policies and the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020 in particular with respect to major
global challenges e.g. in the fields of biodiversity loss, food security and climate change, taking into
account the principle of subsidiarity and without pre-empting the outcome of the negotiations on the
next Multi-annual Financial Framework;
+ info: http://consilium.europa.eu/uedocs/cms_data/docs/pressdata/en/envir/122950.pdf
Aigle de Bonelli : une réintroduction en France n'est pas envisagée
Alors que deux aigles de Bonelli, une espèce de rapace menacée d'extinction, ont récemment pris leur
envol en Espagne, une telle réintroduction n'est pour l'heure pas envisagée en France. Au vu de l'état
génétique de la population déjà présente, elle n'est aujourd'hui pas nécessaire, affirme le coordinateur
du Plan national d'actions pour l'Aigle de Bonelli.
Si en Espagne, deux aiglons de Bonelli ont été récemment réintroduits dans des zones abandonnées par
l'espèce, un tel programme n'est pas nécessaire en France, a affirmé à l'AFP Olivier Scher, le
coordinateur du Plan national d'actions pour le rapace menacé de disparition. En 2011, 31 couples
d'aigles de Bonelli ont été recensés en France, et une récente étude assure que l'état génétique de cette population est
suffisamment satisfaisant pour que la réintroduction de rapaces ne soit pas nécessaire, du moins pour le moment.
+ info: http://www.maxisciences.com/aigle-de-bonelli/aigle-de-bonelli-une-reintroduction-en-france-n-039-est-pasenvisagee_art16308.html
Programme court en gestion des ressources fauniques - TELUQ - Université à distance de l'Université du
Québec à Monréal (UQAM)
Objectifs: Comprendre les effets des interventions dans le domaine de la gestion des ressources fauniques et de leurs
habitats en relation avec les problématiques environnementales. Relier les activités scientifiques et socio-économiques à la
base de l'utilisation rationnelle des ressources renouvelables.
Contact: Louise Provencher, coordonnatrice à l'encadrement, Québec, poste 5408 [email protected]
+ info: http://www.teluq.uquebec.ca/sed/xml/sabplXml.php
Des bécasseaux spatules naissent en captivité, une première
Dix-sept de ces oiseaux très rares sont nés en captivité ces derniers jours, entre la Russie et
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l'Angleterre, grâce à la Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust, une organisation britannique de conservation
des zones humides. Cette dernière s’échine à les faire se reproduire pour sauver leur espèce, en
danger critique d'extinction. Les experts sont allés chercher les oeufs, en accord avec Birds
Russia, à la Tchoukotka (Extrême-Orient russe), pour les ramener ensuite dans le Gloucestershire
(sud-ouest de l'Angleterre) où les oiseaux seront un jour réintroduits dans la nature. C'est juste
avant de prendre le chemin du retour et même en route que plusieurs oeufs ont éclos, pour leur
plus grand bonheur.
+ info: http://www.maxisciences.com/b%e9casseau-spatule/des-becasseaux-spatules-naissent-en-captivite-unepremiere_art15708.html
La goélette Tara a terminé sa mission polynésienne
La goélette Tara qui sillonne depuis près de deux ans les mers du globe pour récolter des échantillons
de micro-organismes planctoniques et de coraux, a terminé la mission polynésienne de son expédition
baptisée Tara Océans. Celle-ci se poursuivra à Hawaï avant de rejoindre la Californie.
Mission accomplie pour la goélette océanographique Tara. Mardi, celle-ci est arrivée à Papeete sur l'île
de Tahiti, mettant fin à deux mois d'expédition dans les archipels de Polynésie Française, consacrée à
l'étude du corail et des micro-organismes marins. Depuis le mois de juin, la goélette et son équipage de
marins et scientifiques voguaient en effet sur les eaux de l'archipel des Gambier, frontière orientale de
la Polynésie Française, afin d’étudier le massif corallien. L'expédition avait ensuite atteint les Marquises avant de mettre le
cap sur les îles de la Société, sondant au passage la biodiversité marine dans les mers du Sud.
+ info: http://www.maxisciences.com/tara-oc%e9ans/la-goelette-tara-a-termine-sa-mission-polynesienne_art16397.html
66.000 hectares de terrains militaires gérés pour leur biodiversité - France
Les 29 et 30 juin, la direction de la Mémoire, du patrimoine et des archives du ministère de la Défense et des anciens
combattants (SGA/DMPA) et la Fédération des conservatoires d'espaces naturels (FCEN) se sont réunis en ateliers pour
évoquer la biodiversité des terrains militaires. Y étaient également présents des membres du ministère de l'Ecologie, de
l'Office national des forêts (ONF) et de l'Office national de la chasse et de la faune sauvage (ONCFS).
Près de deux ans après la signature d'une convention de partenariat écologique entre ces deux organismes, l'heure est en
effet au bilan. Les Conservatoires interviennent aujourd'hui sur 24 terrains militaires, représentant une surface de 66.000
hectares, contre six terrains avant la convention. Ils aident ainsi les militaires à mieux gérer leurs sites naturels, par
exemple à travers des travaux de restauration écologique.
+ info: http://www.actu-environnement.com/ae/news/terrains-militaires-conservation-biodiversite-12977.php4#xtor=EPR1
Smithsonian Scientists Discover the Most Primitive Living Eel, Creating a New Species (Protoanguilla Palau)
Scientists at the Smithsonian and partnering organizations have discovered a remarkably primitive eel in a fringing reef off
the coast of the Republic of Palau. This fish exhibits many primitive anatomical features unknown in the other 19 families
and more than 800 species of living eels, resulting in its classification as a new species belonging to a new genus and
family. The team’s research is published online in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B, Aug. 17.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49904
La Directive « Oiseaux » 2009/147/du 30 novembre 2009 appliquée dans le
Parc national des Cévennes - France
Un grand nombre d’espèces d’oiseaux sauvages qui sont naturellement présentes sur le
territoire européen sont en déclin. Pour inverser cette tendance, l’Union européenne (UE)
met en place un régime général interdisant les pratiques qui constituent une menace pour
la conservation des espèces d'oiseaux. Le dispositif de protection mis en place comprend
également la désignation de zones de protection spéciale (ZPS) en faveur des oiseaux en
danger et des oiseaux migrateurs sur lesquelles sont prises des mesures de protection et
de gestion des habitats.
+ info: http://www.cevennes-parcnational.fr/
Le ministère de l’Ecologie ouvre sur son site, du 16 août au 23 septembre, une consultation publique portant sur le projet
de plan national en faveur de la buglosse crépue (Anchusa crispa). Cette plante de la famille des boraginacées, endémique
de Corse et Sardaigne, se rencontre sur le littoral au niveau des hauts de plage. Pour la Corse, cette espèce est
uniquement présente sur six localités en Corse-du-Sud. Elle est protégée sur l'ensemble du territoire français en application
de l'article L. 411-1 du Code de l'environnement et est inscrite aux annexes II et IV de la directive « habitats ».
Le projet de plan, programmé pour la période 2011-2015, comprend trois parties :
- un état des lieux des connaissances sur l'espèce et ses habitats : répartition, écologie, biologie, évolution des
- la stratégie de conservation à long terme en faveur de l'espèce,
- la liste des actions en matière de connaissance, de gestion, de restauration et de communication programmées au cours
de la mise en œuvre du plan.
+ info: http://www.corse.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/IMG/pdf/FR9400594
CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna
and Flora) to explore new financial sources to tackle the decline in wildlife
during its 61st Standing Committee meeting (Geneva, Switzerland-15- 19
August 2011)
The Secretariat of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild
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Fauna and Flora (CITES) has announced today the withdrawal of a recommendation to
suspend trade with Nigeria that had been in place since 2005 because of increasing
illegal wildlife trade and a lack of adequate enforcement.
The decision to lift the suspension was adopted during the 61st meeting of the CITES Standing Committee held in Geneva
last week (SC61). Nigeria has designated the National Environmental Standards and Regulations Enforcement Agency
(NESREA) as the country’s new CITES enforcement authority and has enacted new wildlife regulations that fully comply
with CITES requirements and can now be ranked in Category 1 under the CITES legislation project.
+ info: http://www.cites.org/eng/news/press_release.php
L'implantation d'éoliennes en zones Natura 2000 peut être
Une réglementation interdisant l'implantation d'éoliennes en zones Natura
2000 n'est pas contraire au droit de l'UE selon une décision de la Cour de
justice rendue le 21 juillet dernier. Certaines conditions s'imposent
es directives "habitats" et "oiseaux", de même que celles relatives à la
promotion de l'énergie renouvelable, ne s'opposent pas à une
réglementation qui prévoit, indépendamment de toute étude d'impact, l'interdiction absolue de réaliser des éoliennes non
destinées à l'autoconsommation sur des sites appartenant au réseau Natura 2000.
L'interdiction doit toutefois respecter les principes de non-discrimination et de proportionnalité.
+ info: http://www.actu-environnement.com/ae/news/eoliennes-implantation-Natura-2000-interdiction-CJUE-13253.
Créer des emplois et protéger la biodiversité : les résultats d'une étude de Natureparif réalisée par le Centre
d'Etudes de l'Emploi (CEE) - Ile de France - France
Cette étude a eu comme objet de dénombrer les emplois favorables à la biodiversité (« les bio-emplois ») en Île-de-France
et d’étudier les différents moyens offerts aux politiques publiques pour augmenter ces emplois et soutenir ainsi la
biodiversité. En dépit d’une longue tradition de recherche scientifique en économie de l’emploi et des nombreuses années
de préoccupation pour la protection de la biodiversité, le concept d’« emploi favorable à la biodiversité » n’existait pas en
sciences économiques jusqu’à cette étude. En effet, la littérature internationale en économie s’avère incapable de répondre
aujourd’hui à une question pourtant d’une grande importance, à savoir : « Comment réconcilier, au lieu de les opposer,
politique de l’emploi et politique de protection de la biodiversité ? ». L’avancée principale de l’étude est donc de lancer, en
sciences économiques appliquées à l’appui à la décision, la réflexion sur la mise en place de ces politiques publiques dites «
à double dividende ».
+ info: http://www.natureparif.fr/fr/actualites/natureparif-et-partenariat/671-creer-des-emplois-et-proteger-la-biodiversiteles-resultats-dune-etude-de-natureparif-realisee-par-le-centre-detudes-de-lemploi-cee
La Stratégie en faveur du Grand Tétras est sur la mauvaise pente - France
La France est le dernier pays d’Europe occidentale à chasser le grand tétras, ou coq de
bruyère. Une « Stratégie Nationale en faveur du Grand Tétras » a été élaborée en 2009
et 2010 pour sauver l’espèce, mais le ministère de l’Écologie, dans la version soumise à
consultation publique en cours jusqu’au 8 juillet 2011, a retenu, pour le volet chasse,
une rédaction très néfaste à l’avenir du grand tétras et qui n’a jamais été discutée au
sein du Comité de suivi de la Stratégie.
+ info: http://www.fne.asso.fr/fr/la-strategie-en-faveur-du-grand-tetras-est-sur-lamauvaise-pente.html?cmp_id=33&news_id=12387
Guadeloupe : création de la réserve naturelle nationale de la Désirade - Guadeloupe - France
Première réserve naturelle à caractère essentiellement géologique de l’outre-mer, son classement a fait
l’objet d’un large consensus et a bénéficié d’un fort soutien des collectivités territoriales qui ont été parties
prenantes de ce projet dès son lancement.
Les sites retenus dans le périmètre de la réserve constituent un concentré de ce qui fait l’originalité de la
Désirade : ce paysage étonnant, sculpté par l’érosion marine, abrite un site géologique emblématique, cette
île constituant un élément clé dans la reconstitution des premières phases de l’évolution de l’arc antillais.
+ info: http://www.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/spip.php?page=article&id_article=23746
Le CESAB (Centre de Synthèse et d'Analyse sur la Biodiversité) s'installe sur le Technopôle de l'Environnement
Arbois-Méditerranée - Aix en Provence - France
Le Technopôle de l’Environnement Arbois-Méditerranée accueillera dès 2011 le Centre de Synthèse et d’Analyse sur la
Biodiversité, projet unique en Europe. Ainsi en a décidé, le 17 juin dernier, le Conseil d’administration de la Fondation pour
la recherche sur la biodiversité à qui il revenait de choisir entre le Technopôle de Brest Iroise à Brest et le Technopôle de
l’Environnement Arbois-Méditerranée à Aix en Provence, les deux présélectionnés parmi les 10 candidats ayant répondu à
l’Appel à Manifestation d’Intérêt lancé en octobre dernier.
+ info: http://www.arbois-med.com/articles/14/Le-CESAB-s-installe-sur-le-Technopole-de-l-Environnement-ArboisMediterranee.html
La Convention sur le commerce international des espèces de faune et de flore sauvages
menacées d’extinction (CITES) à la recherche de nouvelles sources financières pour
venir à bout du déclin des espèces sauvages
La recherche de solutions financières novatrices pour aider les pays à réglementer efficacement le
commerce des espèces sauvages occupera une place de choix à la 61e session du Comité
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permanent de la Convention sur le commerce international des espèces de faune et de flore
sauvages menacées d’extinction (CITES) qui aura lieu à Genève cette semaine (du 15 au 19
août). Quelque 300 participants sont attendus du monde entier, notamment des observateurs de
Parties, d’organisations intergouvernementales, du secteur privé et d’organisations non gouvernementales spécialisées.
+ info: http://www.cites.org/fra/news/press/2011/20110816_SC61.php
Et si les humains étaient aussi responsables des attaques de requins ?
Selon les experts, l'activité humaine ne serait pas étrangère à la récente augmentation des attaques de
requins sur des nageurs. Cette dernière refléterait surtout le développement du tourisme de masse, sur
des plages autrefois plus réservées.
+ info: http://www.maxisciences.com/requin/et-si-les-humains-etaient-aussi-responsables-desattaques-de-requins_art16437.html
Préserver la biodiversité des mammifères est désormais une urgence
Selon plusieurs biologistes, il est urgent de mettre en place une stratégie pour préserver la diversité des
espèces de mammifères terrestres dont un quart sont aujourd'hui menacées d'extinction.
Si la plupart des gens savent que certains mammifères sévèrement touchés tels que l’ours polaire, le
panda ou encore le tigre sont aujourd’hui protégés car en voie d’extinction, beaucoup moins sont au
courant de la menace qui pèse sur de nombreuses autres espèces qui sont pourchassées par des
braconniers ou qui risquent de perdre leur habitat naturel.
+ info: http://www.maxisciences.com/biodiversit%e9/preserver-la-biodiversite-des-mammiferes-estdesormais-une-urgence_art16391.html
The Hawai'i Wildlife Center / Ruhl Walker Architects - Halaula - Hawai'i - USA
The Hawai’i Wildlife Center, a non-profit organization, is Hawaii’s first wildlife recovery center dedicated to the recovery and
conservation of the islands’ unique wildlife. Through three integrated design components, this structure by Ruhl Walker
Architects serves to fulfill the mission of the organization to serve as an institution devoted to research, the rehabilitation of
animals, and the education and training of the general public.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/159928/
Le WWF (WORLD WILDLIFE FUND) s'inquiète de l'avenir du dauphin du Mékong
Mercredi, le Fonds mondial pour la nature (WWF) a appelé à des mesures d'urgence pour éviter que
l'espèce dauphin du Mékong n'arrive à extinction. Il souhaite notamment la mise en œuvre de zones de
conservation et l'interdiction de certains filets de pêche.
+ info: http://www.maxisciences.com/dauphin/le-wwf-s-039-inquiete-de-l-039-avenir-du-dauphin-dumekong_art16390.html
Top scientists rally together in fight against invasive species
A flurry of articles in influential scientific journals in recent months has questioned the
urgency to address the growing threat to biodiversity from invasive species. The assertion is
that the concern with invasive species derives from an unreasonable desire to maintain
pristine ecosystems and exclude all alien species. Such criticism is, in fact, unfounded.
+ info: http://www.iucnredlist.org/news/invasives
Asian Rhino and Elephant Action Strategy (AREAS) - WORLD WILDLIFE
WWF's Asian Rhino and Elephant Action Strategy (AREAS) grew out of recognition
that conservation success for these endangered large mammal species and their
habitats will only be possible through a landscape-based approach that goes beyond
isolated protected areas and addresses issues of land-use practices in the
surrounding areas.
+ info: http://wwf.panda.org/what_we_do/endangered_species/elephants/
Forest Elephants of Central Africa Are Running Out of Space
The survival of the forest elephants of Central Africa depends on limiting access to rain forests via roads, settlements, and
other entry points to otherwise inaccessible habitat, according to a new study by the Wildlife Conservation Society and
other partners
The study says that entry points to the rain forests facilitated by roads, rivers, or other access points have led to more
hunters and fewer elephants. Furthermore, roads and other forms of infrastructure construction in the countries where
forest elephants still exist usually lack adequate, or any, anti- poaching efforts, putting the future of Africa’s lesser known
cousin of the savanna elephant in peril.
+ info: http://www.wcs.org/wcs-org/press/press-releases/access-points-in-rainforests-bad-for-forest-elephants.aspx
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African Elephant Fund launched at CITES ( Convention on International Trade in
Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) meeting
The 61st meeting of the Standing Committee of the Convention on International Trade in
Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) concluded here today with
important decisions made to ensure the survival of elephants, rhinos, snakes and other
species. The meeting was attended by some 300 participants from all over the world,
including observers from Parties, intergovernmental bodies, business community and nongovernmental organizations specialized in wildlife conservation and international trade.
A multi-donor technical trust for the implementation of an African Elephant Action Plan was launched this week after full
consultation and all formalities were concluded early in the year. The Netherlands, Germany, France have already
contributed to the new fund and other potential donors were encouraged to join them.
+ info: http://www.cites.org/eng/news/press/2011/20110819_SC61.php
The return of endangered wild horses: transport of Przewalski’s Horse
back to Mongolia
Przewalski’s Horse, or the Dzungian Horse – the last wild horse in the world –
was wiped out in the wild at the turn of the 1960s and 70s. It survived only due
to the care of a few people, particular credit for its survival being deserved by
Prague Zoo. In addition the zoo has been keeping a worldwide breed registry of
this species since 1959.
Mostly under the management Netherlands, German and Swiss organisations,
the reintroduction of Przewalski’s Horse to Mongolia has been underway since the beginning of the 90s. Prague Zoo became
involved in this initiative in 1998 and 2000 by presenting four horses which were transported by internationally organised
transfer to the Takhin Tal and Hustain Nuruu regions. The Zoo has been directly involved on the ground in Mongolia, mainly
by supporting the rangers in Takhin Tal, or rather the Gobi B National Park.
+ info: http://www.zoopraha.cz/en/about-zoo/news/the-return-of-wild-horses
International Space Station: Plant Signaling (formerly known as Seed Growth-1)
The Plant Signaling experiment studies the effects of microgravity on the growth of plants.
The experiment is performed on board the International Space Station (ISS) in
collaboration with the European Space Agency (ESA). Images of the plants are captured
and down-linked to Earth. Samples of the plants are harvested and returned to Earth for
scientific analysis. The results of this experiment can lead to information that will aid in food
production during future long duration space missions, as well as data to enhance crop
production on Earth.
+ info: http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/research/experiments/Plant_Signaling.html
IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature): Big birds lose out in a crowded world
One of the world’s largest species of bird is on the brink of extinction according to the 2011 IUCN Red List
of Threatened Species™ for birds, just released by BirdLife International, an IUCN Red List partner.
The Great Indian Bustard (Ardeotis nigriceps) has been uplisted to Critically Endangered, the highest level
of threat. Hunting, disturbance, habitat loss and fragmentation have all conspired to reduce this magnificent
species to perhaps as few as 250 individuals.
Standing a metre in height and weighing in at nearly 15 kg, the Great Indian Bustard was once widespread
across the grasslands of India and Pakistan but is now restricted to small and isolated fragments of
remaining habitat.
+ info: http://www.iucn.org/fr/presse/communiques/?7594/Big-birds-lose-out-in-a-crowded-world
Madagascar: new species discovered, but already in danger - Madagascar
Scientists identified over 600 new species, including 41 mammals, on the island between 1999 and
2010 – that’s a new species every week. But many of these newly identified plants and animals are
already under threat.
You can discover the new species for yourself in a report we’ve just released – Treasure Island: New
biodiversity in Madagascar.
In total, there are: 385 plants, 69 amphibians, 61 reptiles, 42 invertebrates, 41 mammals, 17 fish.
+ info: http://www.wwf.org.uk/news_feed.cfm?4980/Madagascar-new-species-discovered-butalready-in-danger
UC (University of California) Berkeley Study Finds Gray Whales Likely Survived the Ice Ages by Changing Their
Gray whales survived many cycles of global cooling and warming over the past few million years, likely by exploiting a
more varied diet than they do today, according to a new study by University of California, Berkeley, and Smithsonian
Institution paleontologists.
The researchers, who analyzed California gray whale (Eschrichtius robustus) responses to climate change over the past
120,000 years, also found evidence to support the idea that the population of gray whales along the Pacific Coast before
the arrival of humans was two to four times today’s population, which stands at about 22,000. The whale is considered a
conservation success story because protections instituted as early as the 1930s have allowed populations to rebound from
fewer than 1,000 individuals in the early 20th century, after less than 75 years of systematic whaling.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=48946
Espèces menacées : création d'un fonds pour l'éléphant africain
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_71/03_2011.html (5 de 12) [26/09/2011 16:24:06]
Des mesures importantes ont été décidées pour assurer la survie des éléphants, des
rhinocéros, des serpents et autres espèces menacées lors de la 61ème session du Comité
permanent de la Convention sur le commerce international des espèces de faune et de flore
sauvages menacées d'extinction (CITES) qui s'est conclue vendredi à Genève.
Un fonds a été créé pour mettre en œuvre le Plan d'action pour l'éléphant africain.
L'Allemagne, les Pays-Bas et la France ont d'ores et déjà contribué à ce fonds et d'autres
pays ont promis de suivre.
+ info: http://www.un.org/apps/newsFr/storyF.asp?NewsID=26105&Cr=esp%C3%A8ces&Cr1
Experts concerned about level of trade in snake skins used in luxury products - Long-tailed macaque used in
biomedical research, sturgeons, seahorses and shark-fishing regulations also under review
The 25th meeting of the Animals Committee of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna
and Flora (CITES) closed today with key scientific findings for the conservation and sustainable use of several reptiles,
marine species and amphibians. A record number of over 200 delegates, from fifty countries, attending the meeting
expressed concern about the sustainability of current levels of trade in skins of three species of snakes used in luxury
products and an other 20 animal species used in biomedical research, the food industry or as pets.
+ info: http://www.cites.org/eng/news/press/2011/20110722_AC25.php
IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature): The latest estimates on endangered species
The numbers of species listed in each category in The IUCN Red List of Threatened SpeciesTM change each time the Red
List is updated. This is a result of various factors, including species being assessed and added to the Red List for the first
time, species being reassessed and moving into a different category of threat, and taxonomic revisions causing the total
number of recognised species within a group to change. Summaries of the numbers of species in each Red List Category by
taxonomic group and by country are provided here for the current version of The IUCN Red List.
+ info: http://www.iucnredlist.org/about/summary-statistics
NPS (National Parks Service - USA) Supports Global Tiger Initiative in Bhutan
An NPS expert on efforts to identify and protect landscape-scale habitat linkages and wildlife corridors and to develop
design recommendations to reduce wildlife impacts from roads represented the NPS at an international workshop convened
in Bhutan. The workshop focused on developing guidelines for “Smart Green Infrastructure” to protect some of the world’s
last remaining wild tigers. The NPS representative shared knowledge about how roads affect wildlife (particularly large
carnivores) and on how the NPS balances visitor use with natural resource conservation.
Workshop participants produced a series of guidelines and action items for reducing the impacts of development
infrastructure on tigers, tiger habitat, and other wildlife. Bhutan agreed to advance these concepts with other tiger range
countries and to serve as a leader in “tiger sensitive” development across the region. The workshop was a follow up to the
World Bank’s recently initiated Global Tiger Initiative designed to protect remaining wild tigers in the 13 tiger range
countries across Asia and South.
+ info: http://www.nps.gov/oia/
Publication des Décrets relatifs au Comité National et aux Comités régionaux "trames verte et bleue" - France
La Trame verte et bleue est un outil d’aménagement du territoire qui vise à (re)constituer un réseau écologique cohérent, à
l’échelle du territoire national, pour permettre aux espèces animales et végétales, de circuler, de s’alimenter, de se
reproduire, de se reposer... En d’autres termes, d’assurer leur survie, et permettre aux écosystèmes de continuer à rendre
à l’homme leurs services.
Une ambition du Grenelle Environnement:
La Trame verte et bleue est une démarche qui vise à maintenir et à reconstituer un réseau d'échanges pour que les
espèces animales et végétales puissent comme l'homme, circuler, s’alimenter, se reproduire, se reposer… et assurer ainsi
leur cycle de vie. Elle joue un rôle essentiel pour la préservation de la biodiversité, capital naturel aujourd’hui menacé.
+ info: http://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/affichTexte.do?cidTexte=JORFTEXT000024269600&dateTexte=&categorieLien=id
WEBSITE: Artic Stories
This site came about as a result of the friendship between three people - Peter Lourie, Paul and
Jody Shepson. Their passionate concern about climate change and love for the natural
environment, and a grant from the National Science Foundation to Paul, created the opportunity
to capture, in the form of "Video Storytelling," the voices of the Arctic, and the scientists who
study it.
Peter started taking photos for his nonfiction children's books and gradually got interested in
multimedia projects. Working with an atmospheric chemist like Dr. Shepson, while in the Arctic,
presented many wonderful opportunities to capture a special people in a magic environment.
Here we present a range of videos about the Arctic environment, how it is changing, how it is being studied, what the
impacts might be, and most importantly, what life in this beautiful part of the planet is all about.
+ info: http://www.arcticstories.net/wildlife.html
Why Worry about How Many Species and Their Loss?
Robert M. May - Zoology Department, Oxford University, Oxford, United Kingdom We are astonishingly ignorant about how
many species are alive on earth today, and even more ignorant about how many we can lose yet still maintain ecosystem
services that humanity ultimately depends upon. Mora et al.'s paper is important in offering an imaginative new approach
to assessing total species numbers, both on land and in the sea.
+ info: http://www.plosbiology.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pbio.1001130
NOUVEAU SITE INTERNET: La faune et la flore du Gabon à portée de clic
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Pays de 267.667 km2, le Gabon a la particularité d'être faiblement peuplé (environ 1,5
millions d'habitants) et d'abriter une immense faune et flore apparemment bien
Le pays dispose à lui seul de treize parcs nationaux couvrant 11% du territoire, lesquels
regorgent de nombreuses espèces d'animaux, notamment la plus grande population au
monde de tortues luths, 30.000 éléphants, 15.000 gorilles de la forêt tropicale…
+ info: http://cursus.edu/dossiers-articles/articles/17465/faune-flore-gabon-portee-clic/
La Banque mondiale accorde une aide d’urgence pour soutenir la conservation de la biodiversité à Madagascar
Le Conseil d’administration de la Banque mondiale a approuvé aujourd’hui un financement additionnel pour continuer à
soutenir le secteur de l’environnement à Madagascar, un pays qui abrite une des biodiversités les plus uniques mais aussi
les plus menacées du monde. Ce financement additionnel, d’un montant de 52 millions de dollars, permettra d’accroître les
efforts de conservation dans 30 parcs nationaux et trois nouvelles aires protégées, couvrant une superficie totale de 2,7
millions d’hectares.
+ info: http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/ACCUEILEXTN/NEWSFRENCH/
Plus de 1000 nouvelles espèces découvertes en dix ans - Papouasie-NouvelleGuinée
Chaque année des espèces sont menacées d’extinction. Mais la nature réserve bien des
surprises : une grenouille avec des crocs, un serpent aveugle et un dauphin à tête arrondie
font partie des plus de 1.000 nouvelles espèces découvertes sur l'incroyable île de la
Nouvelle- Guinée. Le Fonds Mondial de la Nature a publié un rapport sur la biodiversité
faisant état d'une décennie de recherche sur l’île de Nouvelle Guinée, une île partagée entre
l'Indonésie et la Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée.
La Nouvelle-Guinée, qui s'étend de l'Asie à l'Océanie, ne couvre que 0,5% de la surface de la Terre mais possède jusqu'à
8% des espèces répertoriées dans le monde. Un seul kilomètre carré de forêt tropicale peut ainsi accueillir plus de 150
espèces d'oiseaux, aux plumages parfois extrêmement colorés.
+ info: http://www.rfi.fr/science/20110627-plus-1000-nouvelles-especes-decouvertes-dix-ans
Découverte d'une espèce de tortue en voie de disparition sur le cours d'eau de la Têt France
Dans le cadre d'une collaboration scientifique entre le Centre de formation et de recherche sur les
environnements méditerranéens (CEFREM, CNRS / Université de Perpignan) et Veolia Eau, les
chercheurs du CEFREM ont découvert la présence d'une espèce de tortue en voie de disparition sur le
cours d'eau de la Têt dans les Pyrénées-Orientales.
+ info: http://www.insu.cnrs.fr/a3872,decouverte-une-espece-tortue-voie-disparition-cours-eau-tet.
Trophic Downgrading of Planet Earth
By James A. Estes1, John Terborgh, Justin S. Brashares, Mary E. Power, Joel Berger, William J. Bond, Stephen R.
Carpenter, Timothy E. Essington, Robert D. Holt, Jeremy B. C. Jackson, Robert J. Marquis, Lauri Oksanen, Tarja Oksanen,
Robert T. Paine, Ellen K. Pikitch, William J. Ripple, Stuart A. Sandin, Marten Scheffer, Thomas W. Schoener, Jonathan B.
Shurin, Anthony R. E. Sinclair, Michael E. Soulé, Risto Virtanen & David A. Wardle. Until recently, large apex consumers
were ubiquitous across the globe and had been for millions of years. The loss of these animals may be humankind’s most
pervasive influence on nature. Although such losses are widely viewed as an ethical and aesthetic problem, recent research
reveals extensive cascading effects of their disappearance in marine, terrestrial, and freshwater ecosystems worldwide.
This empirical work supports long-standing theory about the role of top-down forcing in ecosystems but also highlights the
unanticipated impacts of trophic cascades on processes as diverse as the dynamics of disease, wildfire, carbon
sequestration, invasive species, and biogeochemical cycles. These findings emphasize the urgent need for interdisciplinary
research to forecast the effects of trophic downgrading on process, function, and resilience in global ecosystems.
+ info: http://www.sciencemag.org/content/333/6040/301.abstract?sid=29dfcd8c-b8f8-4707-b5b5-f6c2280d29d8
Largest Population of Critically Endangered Gibbon Discovered - Socialist
Republic of Vietnam
Conservation International (CI) has discovered the largest known remaining population of
the critically endangered northern white-cheeked crested gibbon (Nomascus leucogenys)
in Vietnam. Through auditory surveying, a technique which uses the species loud morning
calls for identification, CI has confirmed a substantial population of 130 groups (455
animals), making this the highest priority for conservation action for the species globally.
This newly censused population represents over two-thirds of the total population of the
northern white- cheeked crested gibbon in Vietnam and is the only confirmed viable population of this species left
worldwide. Historically distributed in China, Vietnam and Laos, this highly threatened primate is believed to be functionally
extinct in China and the species situation is largely unknown in Laos, due to a lack of research, although significant
numbers may still persist.
+ info: http://www.conservation.org/newsroom/pressreleases/Pages/Critically-Endangered-Gibbon-Discovered-Vietnam.
Plaquette La biodiversité en Poitou-Charentes - France
Avec le soutien de la Région Poitou-Charentes, de la Direction Régionale de l’Environnement, de l’Aménagement et du
Logement et de l’Union Européenne (FEDER), les associations de Poitou-Charentes Nature mutualisent leurs connaissances
pour dresser l’inventaire des espèces sauvages, faire un bilan des connaissances et évaluer l’état de santé de la biodiversité
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La plaquette « Biodiversité en Poitou-Charentes », parue en juin 2011, synthétise ces travaux.
+ info: http://www.poitou-charentes-nature.asso.fr/Plaquette-La-biodiversite-en.html
E-learning : La FNH (Fondation pour la Nature et l'Homme) lance sa première formation ''La biodiversité au
cœur du développement durable''
Entreprises, particuliers, collectivités, associations : découvrez comment repenser vos activités pour qu'elles soient
compatibles avec le fonctionnement de la planète, grâce à cette formation en ligne proposée par la Fondation pour la
Nature et l’Homme (FNH).
+ info: http://www.actu-environnement.com/ae/pdt/elearning-biodiversite-developpement-durable-fnh-302.
Saving threatened species in Afghanistan: snow leopards in the Wakhan Corridor - Afghanistan
By Anthony Simmsa, Zalmai Moheba, Salahudina, Hussain Alia, Inayat Alia & Timothy Wooda The Wakhan
Corridor in northeast Afghanistan is an area known for relatively abundant wildlife and it appears to
represent Afghanistan’s most important snow leopard landscape. The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS)
has been working in Wakhan since 2006. Recent camera trap surveys have documented the presence of
snow leopards at 16 different locations in the landscape. These are the first camera trap records of snow
leopards in Afghanistan. Threats to snow leopards in the region include the fur trade, retaliatory killing by
shepherds and the capture of live animals for pets. WCS is developing an integrated management
approach for this species, involving local governance, protection by a cadre of rangers, education, construction of predatorproof livestock corrals, a livestock insurance program, tourism and research activities. This management approach is
expected to contribute significantly to the conservation of snow leopards and other wildlife species in the Wakhan.
+ info: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00207233.2011.577147
Lizard genome unveiled
Publication of the genome of the North American green anole lizard has filled a yawning genomesequence gap in the animal lineage. The paper, which appears today in Nature1, is the first to sequence
the genome of a non-avian reptile. "This fills out a clade that has been completely ignored before," says
lead author Jessica Alföldi of the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Amniotes, the first truly terrestrial vertebrates, diverged from other animals some 320 million years ago
to form the mammalian and reptilian lineages. Until now, however, the only representatives of the
reptile branch to be sequenced were birds — the chicken, the turkey and the zebra finch.
+ info: http://www.nature.com/news/2011/110831/full/news.2011.512.html
APPEL D'OFFRES - Convention sur le commerce international des espèces de faune et de flore sauvages
menacées d'extinction (CITES) - Mécanisme de prise de décisions pour un processus de commerce de l’ivoire.
Date limite : 21 septembre 2011
The Secretariat wishes to commission an independent study on the development of a decision-making mechanism and
process for future trade in elephant ivory for review by the CITES Standing Committee. This study, which will be
coordinated by the Secretariat in consultation with stakeholders including African and Asian elephant range States.
+ info: http://www.cites.org/fra/notif/2011/F031A.pdf
Could stem cells rescue an endangered species?
Scientists have made reprogrammed stem cells from an endangered rhinoceros and a monkey.
Fatu, a female northern white rhinoceros who lives in a Kenyan conservation park, is one of
just seven of her kind left in the world. But millions of her stem cells, stored in a freezer in
California, might one day help boost her population's ranks.
The northern white rhino (Ceratotherium simum cottoni) and another animal facing extinction,
the drill monkey (Mandrillus leucophaeus), have become the first endangered animals to have
their cells transformed into stem cells like those found in early embryos. These cells can be
stored and multiplied in culture, and are theoretically capable of making any tissue in the body — including sperm cells that
could be used in assisted captive breeding programmes. The work is published online today in Nature Methods.
+ info: http://www.nature.com/news/2011/110904/full/news.2011.517.html
Le pangolin, une espèce mal connue et en grand danger
Parmi les espèces en danger, outre les animaux très connus comme le tigre, le requin ou les ours
blancs, certaines sont en train de disparaître dans l’indifférence générale. C’est le cas des pangolins,
une espèce de petit fourmilier à écailles.
Le pangolin est le seul animal insectivore à posséder des écailles. Cette originalité lui coûte cher et cet
animal est très recherché pour sa chair et les supposées vertus médicinales de ses écailles (réduites en
poudre). Bien qu’interdit par la loi internationale, le commerce du pangolin, capturé en Thaïlande, au
Cambodge, en Inde, en Malaisie, au Népal, en Birmanie, au Vietnam et en Indonésie, permet
d’alimenter les marchés chinois et vietnamiens où certains spécimens peuvent être vendus à près de 1.000 dollars.
+ info: http://www.maxisciences.com/pangolin/le-pangolin-une-espece-mal-connue-et-en-grand-danger_art16745.html
Réchauffement climatique : les Nations Unies souhaitent de "vrais résultats"
Hier, le secrétaire général des Nations Unies, Ban Ki-moon, s'est engagé à "poursuivre ses efforts" pour
obtenir de "vrais résultats" dans la lutte contre le réchauffement climatique.
C’est à l’occasion d’une visite dans des îles du Pacifique menacées par la montée des océans que Ban Ki-
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moon, le secrétaire général des Nations Unies, s’est engagé à "poursuivre [s]es efforts jusqu’à obtenir
de vrais résultats" dans la lutte contre le réchauffement climatique.
+ info: http://www.maxisciences.com/r%e9chauffement-climatique/rechauffement-climatique-lesnations-unies-souhaitent-de-vrais-resultats_art16778.html
Projet de plan national d’actions en faveur de l’Apron du Rhône
Consultation du public 15 août - 15 sep 2011 . , France
Organizateurs: Ministère de l’Écologie, du Développement durable, des Transports et du Logement
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/Projet-de-plan-national-d-actions,23897.html
Projets de plans nationaux d’actions en faveur de deux espèces végétales endémiques amazoniennes
Consultation du public 16 août - 23 sep 2011 . , France
Organizateurs: Ministère de l’Écologie, du Développement durable, des Transports et du Logement
Contact: [email protected] et [email protected]
+ info: http://www.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/Projets-de-plans-nationaux-d.html
Des cellules souches synthétiques pour sauver des espèces menacées
Des chercheurs de l’Institut Scripps en Californie, ont découvert une nouvelle solution pour améliorer le
processus de sauvegarde des espèces en voie de disparition. Il s'agit de cellules souches synthétiques,
exploitables pour améliorer la reproduction et la diversité génétique des animaux menacés.
C'est un pas en avant dans la lutte contre la disparition d'espèces menacées. Des scientifiques
américains de l’Institut Scripps sont parvenus à synthétiser en laboratoire des cellules souches,
similaires à celles de l'embryon, dans l'objectif de favoriser la reproduction assistée tout en assurant la
diversité génétique. Cette nouvelle performance génétique a fait l'objet cette semaine d'une publication
dans la revue Nature Methods.
+ info: http://www.maxisciences.com/cellule-souche/des-cellules-souches-synthetiques-pour-sauver-des-especesmenacees_art16781.html
PRIX - La Société pour la restauration écologique confère son Prix spécial de reconnaissance 2011 aux Parties
à la Convention sur la diversité biologique
La Société pour la restauration écologique a conféré son Prix de reconnaissance spéciale 2011 aux Parties à la Convention
sur la diversité biologique (CDB) au banquet du gala de remise de prix le 23 août 2011 à Mérida,Yucatán, Mexique, tenu en
marge de la 4e Conférence mondiale sur la restauration écologique.
+ info: http://www.cbd.int/doc/press/2011/pr-2011-08-24-ser-fr.pdf
Projet de plan national en faveur de la buglosse crépue (Anchusa crispa):
Consultation du public 16 août - 23 sep 2011 . , France
Organizateurs: Ministère de l’Écologie, du Développement durable, des Transports et du Logement
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/Projet-de-plan-national-en-faveur.html
COLLOQUE FRB (Fondation pour la recherche sur la biodiversité) : Les Ressources Génétiques (RG) face aux
nouveaux enjeux environnementaux, économiques et sociétaux
20 sep - 22 sep 2011 . Montpellier, France
Organizateurs: Fondation pour la recherche sur la biodiversité (FRB)
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.fondationbiodiversite.fr/agenda/colloque-ressources-genetiques
Conférence EUROPARC 2011 « La qualité compte – Bénéfices pour la nature et pour l'homme »
21 sep - 25 sep 2011 . Bad Urach, Allemagne
Organizateurs: Fédération EUROPARC
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 31 août 2011
+ info: http://www.europarc2011.com/fr/bienvenue.html
L'étude de fossiles de poissons explique l'apparition des mâchoires chez les
Comment les mâchoires, facteur essentiel dans le succès évolutif des vertébrés et la diversité
de leur adaptation, sont-elles apparues subitement chez les poissons il y a 435 millions
d’années ? Une équipe de chercheurs a réussi à expliquer ce phénomène grâce à une étude
poussée de l’anatomie interne de fossiles de galéaspides, poissons sans mâchoires.
L’apparition des mâchoires chez les vertébrés aurait été rendue possible grâce à une
réorganisation du cerveau et des organes du sens bien avant l’origine des mâchoires. Cette
étude menée par des chercheurs de l’Université de Bristol, de l’Académie chinoise des Sciences, du CNRS, du Muséum
national d’Histoire naturelle, de l’Institut suisse Paul Scherrer et l’Université ETH de Zurich a été publiée le 18 août dernier
dans Nature.
+ info: http://www.insu.cnrs.fr/co/terre-solide/terre-et-vie/l-etude-de-fossiles-de-poissons-explique-l-apparition-desmachoires-chez-l
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EUROPARC News from the Parks & Benefits Project
Parks & Benefits wants to ensure the sustainable regional development in eight
large protected areas in six countries around the Baltic Sea. The project's main
instrument will be the transfer of the “European Charter For Sustainable
Tourism In Protected Areas to the Baltic Sea Region and its joint
implementation in National, Regional and Nature Parks and a Biosphere
Parks & Benefits will result in a network of certified Charter Parks around the
Baltic Sea, new nature tourism products and enlarged commitment of citizens and tourism entrepreneurs to the Charter
and their protected Parks. The workload is grouped into three major work packages.
+ info: http://www.europarc.org/what-we-do/parks-and-benefits/news-from-the-parks/
Projet REVERSE : rédaction d'une charte sur la préservation de la biodiversité
Doté d'un budget de 2,5 millions d'euros, le projet européen REVERSE regroupe 15 partenaires impliqués dans la protection
de la biodiversité, de huit nationalités différentes : Allemagne, Bulgarie, Espagne, Estonie, France, Grèce, Italie, Slovaquie.
L'objectif de REVERSE est d'identifier les actions ayant fait leurs preuves dans les régions européennes (stratégies
d'aménagement du territoire, d'incitation à de meilleures pratiques, etc...) qui pourront être transférées en fonction du
contexte, dans les régions partenaires. L'objectif principal de REVERSE étant la mise en place d'un guide de bonnes
pratiques et la rédaction d'une charte sur la préservation de la biodiversité. Ces outils seront destinés aux décideurs
politiques pour qu'ils introduisent cette problématique dans leur politique et dans les actions qu'ils soutiennent.
+ info: http://www.bulletins-electroniques.com/actualites/67619.htm
Gorilla eNews September 2011 (en anglais)
The Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund International is dedicated to the conservation and protection of
gorillas and their habitats in Africa. We are committed to promoting continued research on the
gorillas and their threatened ecosystems and to providing education about their relevance to the
world in which we live. In collaboration with government agencies and other international
partners, we also provide assistance to local communities through education, health, training and
development initiatives.
Here are the April edition of the official Gorilla eNews:
* New Hospital Ward for Bisate Clinic, Says Manager
* Pablo’s Group Faces Important Changes
* Thanksgiving Coffee Helps People and Gorillas in Rwanda
* Become a Fossey Fund Member
+ info: http://gorillafund.org/Page.aspx?pid=400
L'énergie solaire au service du suivi des espèces protégées
Depuis 2007, le fournisseur d'électricité Slovenske Elektrarne [1] soutient des projets en faveur de l'environnement dans le
parc national des Hautes Tatras (TANAP - [2]). Ce projet intiulé "Energie pour la nature", a pour principaux objectifs de
développer et maintenir la biodiversité. Pour cela, les projets concernent principalement l'installation de nouvelles sources
d'énergie à faible empreinte écologique, et la mise en oeuvre de moyen de surveillance des espèces menacées.
+ info: http://www.bulletins-electroniques.com/actualites/67641.htm
EXHIBITION - Art of Science - Dual Nature: Science Illustrations of Dan Otte
6 août - 4 dic 2011 . Philadelphia, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Academy of Natural Sciences
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.ansp.org/museum/art-in-science.php
CONFERENCE - Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management: Rebuilding Biodiversity
2 nov - 3 nov 2011 . Liverpool, Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: nstitute of Ecology and Environmental Management (IEEM)
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.ieem.net/ieemautumnconference2011.asp
40th anniversary of the conclusion of the text of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species
of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES)
Se hace en varias ciudades y en fechas diferentes 3-mar-2013 . ,
Organizateurs: Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES)
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.cites.org/eng/news/calendar.php
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Guide pratique pour la gestion des espèces exotiques envahissantes en outre-mer
Les espèces exotiques envahissantes sont reconnues comme l’une des principales menaces pour les
espèces et les habitats naturels d’outre-mer.
Pour renforcer la gestion de ce phénomène, le Comité français de l’UICN publie un nouvel ouvrage pratique
destiné à tous les gestionnaires d’espaces naturels d’outre-mer (associations, établissements publics…),
ainsi qu’aux services de l’Etat et des collectivités locales.
+ info: http://www.uicn.fr/Guide-especes-envahissantes-OM.html
IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature) Report on Important Plant Areas of
the south and east Mediterranean region: Priority sites for conservation
This report describes a rapid assessment of Important Plant Areas in the south and east Mediterranean; a
project designed to provide the ‘wild plant perspective’ for the regional investment strategy of the Critical
Ecosystem Partnership Fund. The project partnership of IUCN, Plantlife International and WWF with
botanical teams from Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Tunisia, Syria and
Albania, was supported by the French Development Agency.
+ info: http://data.iucn.org/dbtw-wpd/edocs/2011-014.pdf
Guide des vertébrés envahissants en outre-mer
Le Comité français de l’UICN et l’Office national de la chasse et de la faune sauvage viennent d’éditer en
partenariat un nouvel ouvrage intitulé "Les vertébrés terrestres introduits en outre-mer et leurs impacts.
Guide illustré des principales espèces envahissantes".
En raison de leurs impacts écologiques et socio-économiques multiples, ces espèces posent des problèmes
majeurs à tous ceux qui en outre-mer ont en charge la préservation d’un patrimoine naturel unique :
associations, établissements publics, services de l’Etat et des collectivités locales. Cet ouvrage leur est
destiné, ainsi qu’au grand public intéressé par ce sujet.
+ info: http://www.uicn.fr/Guide-vertebres-envahissants-OM.html
A new tool to help predict species invasiveness
Looking at the individual species, only 23 per cent conformed to the abundance assumption theory. The
ten plant species considered to be invasive did not consistently have higher relative abundances than the
non-invasive species.
The ability to estimate the likely success of a species in a new area from abundance in its native
environment may be a useful tool that is currently missing in biosecurity screening standards. The study
recommends that it is added as an extra criterion in the official assessment of the potential invasiveness of
a plant species. The reasons behind the success of current invasive species, which are indeed more
abundant in their introduced range, requires a dedicated on-going research effort.
+ info: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/integration/research/newsalert/pdf/242na3.pdf
by Graham Watkins, Pete Oxford, Renee Bish, Abbie Williams (Editor)
The northern Rupununi has intrigued explorers, travellers, historians, and scientists for centuries,
dating back to Sir Walter Ralegh s search for the mythical El Dorado. But for the past three decades
this extraordinary region, with its breathtaking landscape and astonishing wildlife, has been out of the
public eye. Rupununi Rediscovering a Lost World inspires WWF and other conservation agencies to
continue their work to protect the global environment. It also reminds us that we need to be ever
vigilant if we are to overcome the threats that confront humanity so that we can bequeath to our
children a lasting legacy.
+ info: http://www.ilcp.com/publications/rupununi#
Le guide pratique « Biodiversité & Tourisme, de nouvelles opportunités pour les entreprises et
les destinations ? »
Ce guide est l’un des outils qui permettent de décliner efficacement, dans la réalité concrète et quotidienne
des entreprises et destinations touristiques, la Stratégie nationale pour la biodiversité.
Publié en août 2011, son propos est d'apporter des clefs aux gestionnaires d'entreprises et de destinations
touristiques pour à la fois stimuler l'économie touristique et pérenniser notre patrimoine naturel.
Tous les acteurs du tourisme, publics et privés, sont concernés par cette publication. Elle vise en particulier
les dirigeants et les principaux responsables au sein de chaque structure, ainsi que tous les collaborateurs,
chacun peut s’impliquer en faveur de la biodiversité.
+ info: http://www.tourisme.gouv.fr/territoires/dev-durable/guide-biodiversite.php
Biodiversity 2020: A strategy for England's wildlife and ecosystem services
Corporate Authors: United Kingdom Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Published by: DEFRA, (London)
Year: 2011
This new, ambitious biodiversity strategy for England builds on the Natural Environment White Paper and
provides a comprehensive picture of how we are implementing our international and EU commitments. It
sets out the strategic direction for biodiversity policy for the next decade on land (including rivers and
lakes) and at sea. It builds on the successful work that has gone before, but also seeks to deliver a real
step change.
+ info: http://www.defra.gov.uk/publications/files/pb13583-biodiversity-strategy-2020-110817.pdf
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The Financial Instrument for the Environment (LIFE) preventing species extinction:
Safeguarding endangered flora and fauna through ex-situ conservation
© European Union, 2011
ISBN 978-92-79-20026-7
Most LIFE Nature projects focus on conservation action 'in-situ', i.e. within the natural habitat of a
particular threatened species. This may not be enough to help the most vulnerable species, however, in
which case 'ex-situ' conservation measures are required to address the threat of extinction. The LIFE
programme has a distinguished track record of funding crucial ex-situ interventions targeting a wide range
of vulnerable species, ranging from flagship species such as the brown bear and golden eagle, to lesser-known but equally
important fish, invertebrates, reptiles, amphibians and plants. LIFE-funded actions to support habitats ex-situ have
contributed to enhancing biodiversity, supporting the EU's policy goals. The Commission is at present evaluating the
contribution that ex-situ conservation has to make to the conservation of European species. This LIFE Focus publication
highlights more than 80 LIFE Nature projects that feature ex-situ conservation actions, with the goal not only of
highlighting innovative ideas and good practice, but also of pointing out some of the problems that previous LIFE projects
have faced so that they might be avoided by current and future projects working in the challenging field of ex-situ
+ info: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/life/publications/lifepublications/lifefocus/documents/reintroduction.pdf
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Patrimoine bâti
Patrimoine bâti
Christchurch Cathedral may be knocked down - Christchurch - New Zealand
Earthquake-damaged Christ Church Cathedral could be demolished and rebuilt further west, senior
clergy say. Bishop Victoria Matthews and Dean Peter Beck say the cathedral needs to be in the centre of
the city. If quake-damaged land was abandoned in the eastern suburbs and the focal point of the city
shifted west, the cathedral would be rebuilt in the new centre, Matthews said.
"If the whole city moves west, we need to be in the centre of the city. We want to be in the centre of the
city as an icon," she said.
"What is important is we keep asking the big questions and we don't get tied up in details. The big
question is if the cathedral is the heart and soul of the city, where do we place the cathedral?
"In the worst sense, it is a moveable feast. I think there will be a huge amount riding on the land report, when we find out
what parts of the city will be rebuilt.
"The centre of the city can't be in isolation. It is in relationship to the rest of the city. The land report will be of key
+ info: http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/christchurch-earthquake/5150186/Cathedral-may-be-knocked-down
BULLETIN DE L'ISPAN - Institut de Sauvegarde du Patrimoine National de Haïti. No 26 (juillet 2011)
Merci d'encourager vos ami(e)s à s'inscrire à l'abonnement du BULLETIN DE L'ISPAN à l'adresse suivante :ispan.
[email protected] L’Institut de Sauvegarde du Patrimoine National (ISPAN) est un organisme technique autonome du
Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication. Il a pour mission de dresser l’inventaire et de procéder au classement des
monuments, de sites et d’ensembles historiques de la République d’Haïti, de réaliser des études de projets de protection,
de restauration et de mise en valeur de monuments, de sites et d’ensemble historiques, d’assurer la direction et le contrôle
des travaux d’exécution de tels projets, d’aider à la promotion et au développement d’activités publiques ou privées visant
à sauvegarder le Patrimoine National et, enfin, de recueillir, organiser et diffuser toutes informations et documentations
relatives au Patrimoine architectural et monumental, national et international.
+ info: http://universityandheritage.net/doc/ISPAN_No26.pdf
Architecture City Guide: Rome
This week, with the help of our readers, our Architecture City Guide is headed to Rome. As the city that gave us the arch,
the dome, and the vault, its influence on architecture is undeniable. We put together a list of 12 modern/contemporary
buildings that we feel provides a good starting point. It is far from complete. There are dozens of other great buildings that
are not our list, and we are looking to add to the list in the near future. Please add your favorites in the comment section
below so we can add them on the second go around. Again thank you to all our readers who sent in their suggestions and
photographs. The city guides would not be possible without your help.
To check out other cities visit our world map or our Architecture City Guide page.
The Architecture City Guide: Rome list and corresponding map after the break.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/160952/architecture-city-guide-rome/?
Restoring and Reconstructing the Interiors of the Chancellerie d'Orleans - Paris France
The restoration and reassembly of the interiors of Chancellerie d’Orléans are crucial to the
broader acknowledgement and public appreciation of this historic monument. The décor of the
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Patrimoine bâti
hôtel, which was among the most significant of its time, has been inaccessible to the public
since the early 1920s. The opportunity to present the restored interiors in rooms of the Hôtel de
Rohan-Strasbourg will present features comparable to the Chancellerie d’Orléans allowing for an
immediate setting that is close to their original location.
+ info: http://www.wmf.org/project/chancellerie-dorleans
Architecture City Guide: London
This week, with the help of our readers, our Architecture City Guide is headed to London. This is our second stop in Europe,
and once again I had to capitulate and double the number of buildings that we normally feature. We could not feature all of
the suggestions, and will be adding to the list in the near future. We really appreciate those readers who offered their
suggestions and the use of their pictures to make up this list.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/148522/
Bank of China Tower / I.M. Pei - 1985-1990 - Hong-Kong - China
When commissioned to design the Bank of China Tower on an intricate inland site, I.M. Pei was requested to create an
unavoidably tall unique headquarters in a typhoon-prone region that would represent the aspirations of the Chinese people
yet also symbolize good will toward the British Colony. The solution assimilates architecture and engineering
simultaneously, involving an asymmetrical tower that informs both skyline and street. The Bank of China Tower stands 70
stories tall, reaching a height of 1,209 feet. At the time of its opening in May 1990, it was the tallest building in Asia and
still remains one of the tallest in Hong Kong.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/153297
COMPETITIONS - BERKELEY PRIZE 2012 COMPETITION - Architecture is a Social Art - 2012 Theme:
Architecture for the Public Good - Starting 15 September 2011 - Deadline for submission: 1 November 2011
Professor Raymond Lifchez, Chair of the international Berkeley Undergraduate Prize for Architectural Design Excellence
announces that the 2012 BERKELEY PRIZE launches on September 15, 2011.
Each year the PRIZE, whose primary goal is to foster a larger awareness and understanding of the social art of architecture,
sponsors an Essay Competition, a Travel Fellowship Competition, and an Architectural Design Fellowship Competition. All
are open to undergraduates studying architecture throughout the world.
+ info: http://www.berkeleyprize.org/
Expo '58 + Philips Pavilion / Le Corbusier and Iannis Xenakis -1958 - Brussels - Belgium In 1956, preparations had begun for the 1958 World’s Fair in Brussels. This was to be the first World’s Fair held since the
end of World War II, the concept behind the Expo was to celebrate the rejuvenation of civilization from the destruction of
war through the use of technology. This World Fair is best known for the musical advances that was combined with
architecture, creating a gestalt through an experiential encounter where body meets sound and space
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/157658/
Trellick Tower / Erno Goldfinger - 1972 - London - United Kingdom
The Trellick Tower is an iconic structure located in west London, England. It has gone through numerous phases of public
perception, most notably its notorious nickname as the “Tower of Terror.” Designed as social housing for the local council,
it features numerous unconventional design elements. Architect Erno Goldfinger, drew inspiration from the modernist
principles of Le Corbusier’s Unite d’Habitation for the tower’s dwelling units
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/151227/
Makuhari Messe / Fumihiko Maki - 1989 - TOKYO - Japan
Formerly known as the Nippon Convention Center, the Makuhari Messe (derived from the German word meaning “trade
fair”) is the second largest convention center in Japan behind only Tokyo Big Sight. Makuhari Messe was designed by
famous Japanese architect Fumihiko Maki and was completed in 1989 with the intention of establishing the area of
Makuhari as an architectural destination separate from Tokyo proper.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/157693
Architecture City Guide: Paris - Paris - France
This week, with the help of our readers, our Architecture City Guide is headed to Paris. For centuries Paris has been the
laboratory where innovative architects and artists have come to test their ideas. This has created a city that has bit of
everything. Where the architecture of some cities seems to undergo phases of punctuated equilibrium, Paris’s architectural
fossil record gives an impression of gradualism; all the missing links are there. This makes it easy to trace the origins of
the most contemporary ideas throughout history. Nothing seems to come out of nowhere. If you look around you kind find
the design’s inspiration running through the city’s Roman, Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Rocco, Neo-Classical,
Empire, Art Nouveau, Art Deco, Modern, Post-Modern, and Contemporary Architecture. Seen in another context, many of
Paris’s buildings might seem out of place, but the bones of this city support the newest iterations on the oldest and most
profound questions. The 24 contemporary designs that comprise our list probably should not be viewed outside of this
context, even though that is the stated goal of some of the designs.
+ info: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search
Hidden Gems of Yemen
Yemen is a country rich with history. Its cities are full of architectural monuments that are constructed with a craft that
often goes overlooked. These cities merge seamlessly with the surrounding landscape, contextually complementing each
Al Hajjara is one such village that warrants a closer look. Built on the precipice of a mountain, the architecture clings to the
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Patrimoine bâti
sides of the cliffs. Multi-story buildings rise up out of the ground and step their way to the top. It is quite amazing given the
fact that these buildings were constructed hundreds of years ago, and are still standing.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/162244/hidden-gems-of-yemen/
Post Office in Ben Franklin's House in Philadelphia's Historic Old City May Close - Philadelphia - Pennsylvania USA
A post office in a building that Benjamin Franklin once owned is on the Postal Service's list of branches that could close.
The post office in Philadelphia's historic Old City neighborhood is the only one in the country that doesn't fly a U.S. flag.
That's because there wasn't one in 1775, when Franklin founded what has evolved into today's Postal Service.
There's also a postal museum upstairs from the so-called B. Free Franklin Post Office, located in a house once owned by
Franklin. It opened as a U.S. post office in 1975, the 200th anniversary of Franklin's appointment by the Continental
Congress as the country's first postmaster general.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49383
AD Classics: Mazar-e-Quaid (National Mausoleum) / Yahya Merchant - 1970 - Karachi - Pakistan
Otherwise known as the National Mausoleum, the Mazar-e-Quaid is the tomb of the founder of Pakistan, Muhammad Ali
Jinnah. Sited in the center of Karachi, Pakistan on a natural plateau, this marble structure was designed by the Indian
architect Yahya Merchant and was completed in 1970.
The mausoleum serves as the final resting place for Jinnah as well as Liaqat Ali Khan, (the first Prime Minister of Pakistan),
Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah (Jinnah’s sister), Abdur Rab Nishtar and Nurul Amin. Upon entrance through one of the four
pointed arches entering into the mausoleum, visitors enter into a grand octagonal space with a ceremonial sarcophagus in
its center (the actual tomb, expectedly, is in a subterranean chamber directly beneath the ceremonial sarcophagus). In
addition to its functional purpose as a mausoleum, Mazar-e-Quaid also serves as host to a variety of governmental and
military ceremonies.
+ info: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:kpPrHUf_YfwJ:www.archdaily.com/157683/ad-classicsmazar-e-quaid-national-mausoleum-yahya-merchant/+mazar-e-quaid%
AD Classics: Everson Museum - I.M. Pei - 1968 - Syracuse - New York - USA
With a collection focused largely on American art and ceramics, the Everson Museum exists
as a structure that is more than just a vault for art. Designed in 1968 by I.M. Pei, the
structure sought to simultaneously challenge the traditional museum typology through its
innovative form while also existing as an object of modern art in its own right. Pei conceived
the Everson as an open structure with access to its interior from all of its exposed sides.
The building is primarily comprised of four opaque concrete volumes that surround an open
atrium that visitors move through to access the galleries. A library/lounge and an auditorium
exist as separate volumes that are accessed through the atrium. Each volume contains galleries of differing size and height
that when viewed from outside gives added hierarchy to the overall assemblage of forms that makeup the museum. A
cantilevered second story adds further differentiation to the building from the surrounding landscape.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/152899/ad-classics-everson-museum-i-m-pei/
AD Classics: Alden B. Dow Home and Studio - Alden Dow - 1937 - 1940 - Midland Michigan - USA
The Alden B. Dow Home and Studio, design by architect Alden Dow himself, masterfully
incorporates work and domestic life in an interwoven fabric with the natural world. Using
patented “Unit Blocks” the structure is given a sense of organicism and scale. A winding
circulation serves to both separate programs within the home and add organic interest to the
Alden Dow’s style can be said to resemble that of Frank Lloyd Wright, and rightfully so as Dow
served as apprentice to Wright in the summer of 1933. Dow’s concept of creating a home and studio was influenced greatly
by Wright. The idea was also implemented at Taliesin East, Wright’s home, studio and educational facility, where Dow’s
apprenticeship took place.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/163106/ad-classics-alden-b-dow-home-and-studio-alden-dow/
After Twenty-Seven Years and $45 Million, Taiwan Restores Ornate 19th Century Mansion - Taiwan - China
Twenty-seven years in the making, the $45 million renovation of a 150-year-old Taiwanese homestead is finally nearing
completion. The Lin Family Mansion — a complex of five buildings on 7.4 acres (3 hectares) — is one of Taiwan's most
important historical sites, a rare example of the ornate architectural style favored by nobles from southern China in the
waning years of the Qing dynasty.
The renovation has been a painstaking process, with workers facing a variety of challenges — not least a devastating
earthquake — to return the 19th-century structures to their original glory.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49517
AD Classics: Vincent van Gogh Museum / Gerrit Rietveld - Amsterdam The Netherlands
The Rijksmuseum Vincent van Gogh was commissioned in 1963, but not
completed until over a decade later. Gerrit Rietveld was originally chosen to
spearhead the project, and provided the initial design. Tragically, however,
Rietveld died a year after the project began. Rietveld’s colleague on the project,
J. van Dillen, took over the commission as a result, sticking closely to Rietveld’s
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Patrimoine bâti
previous sketches. When van Dillen died in 1966, the project was finally left to
be finished with a slightly adjusted design by J. van Tricht.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/153568/ad-classics-rijksmuseum-vincent-van-gogh-gerrit-rietveld/
AD Classics: Haas Haus by Hans Hollein - 1987 - 1990 - Vienna - Austria
The modern Hass Haus, designed by Hans Hollein, was controversial from its initiation in 1987.
The intrusion of a contemporary glass and stone building was met with a resistance, much to do
with its location in the shadow of Vienna’s oldest and greatest architectural masterpieces – St.
Stephen’s Cathedral. If anything, the building’s locale in St. Stephens Square is most
complementary to the antique cathedral; the contours of the church are brilliantly mirrored on
the Hass Haus’ façade and display that modern architecture can be momentous, as well as
unobtrusive to its historical context.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/157395/ad-classics-haas-haus-hans-hollein/
Harvard Square Church, Ballet Company Thrive in 1870 Landmark - Cambridge Massachusetts - USA
Ask Charles Sullivan to describe the Old Cambridge Baptist Church in Harvard Square, and he
will say, "It's a building that really wants to be a pile of stones." Sullivan is executive director of
the Cambridge Historical Commission, one of several preservation organizations—including
Partners in Preservation, launched by the National Trust and American Express—that have
helped fund ongoing restoration at the 1867 house of worship.
+ info: http://www.preservationnation.org/magazine/story-of-the-week/2011/a-beautiful-duet.
PRIZES - Sneak Peak: BERKELEY PRIZE 2012 to start on 15 September 2011!
The BERKELEY PRIZE supports the study and teaching of the social art of architecture.
The online, two-stage Essay Competition (in English) is open to undergraduate architecture
majors in accredited schools of architecture throughout the world. The Travel Fellowship Competition
and the Architectural Design Fellowship Competition are open to the Essay Competition semi_nalists.
Essay Competition: 12,500 USD; 4,000 USD minimum _rst prize
Travel Fellowship Competition: Stipend and airfare
Architectural Design Fellowship Competition: Cash prize
Competition opens: September 15, 2011; Stage One entries due: November 1, 2011.
+ info: http://www.berkeleyprize.org/downloads/files/2012/Essay%20Prize/BPCPoster_2012.pdf
Canadian Architectural Archives Release Toronto City Hall Design Proposals
The first modern building in Toronto, City Hall built in 1965 and designed by Viljo Revell, was just
one of 500 proposals that enter the international design competition between 1957 and 1958.
Ideas to expand the Old City Hall began in 1925, followed by an array of proposals for a new
place to house the municipal government and courts. Mark Osbaldeston’s Unbuilt Toronto: A
History of the City that Might Have Been covers in detail the design proposals for Toronto, and in
particular, those proposals not selected for the new city hall. In 1955, before an international
design competition was announced, the Toronto city council allowed citizens to vote on proposals
by the firms Marani & Morris, Mathers & Haldenby, and Shore & Moffat. The general attitude toward the proposal was that
it was drab and boxy and the public refused to support it. In response to this criticism, the city opened up the design of the
new city hall in 1957. By April of 1958, 500 entries were submitted, filling CNE’s Horticulture Building with numerous
models. The number was widdled down to eight finalists and finally Revell’s design was selected to be built. Viljo Revell’s
design was the first iconic modern building to be built in Toronto, preceding Mies Van der Rohe’s TD Centre by a few years.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/162330/what-torontos-city-hall-may-have-looked-like/
Museum of Memory and Tolerance / Arditti + RDT Architects - 2010 - Mexico D.F.
- Mexico
The Museum is constructed using a mixture of reinforced concrete and steel in a seven
level structure (three of permanent exhibit + four complimentary). It is set on a
continuous colonnade of the Plaza Juarez complex, designed by Legorreta + Legorreta
Architects on the site of the former “Hotel Alameda” (which fell during the 1985
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/154543/museum-of-memory-and-tolerance-arditti-rdtarchitects/
Réunion d'experts pour la révision de la loi haïtienne sur la protection du
patrimoine bâti - Paris - France (11-12 juillet 2011)
La réunion rassemblera une équipe d'experts juridiques pour lancer le processus de révision
de la loi sur la protection du patrimoine bâti dans le cadre des projets entrepris par
l'UNESCO et ses partenaires pour atteindre l'objectif de faire de la culture un élément
essentiel pour la reconstruction d'Haïti.
L'activité a été fixée comme une priorité clé du gouvernement haïtien, et sera organisée
avec le soutien financier du Fonds-en-dépôt espagnol pour le patrimoine mondial. Elle
s'insère dans le cadre des projets 1 et 3 pour Port-au-Prince tels que présentés dans la brochure « Haïti - Faire de la
culture un moteur pour la reconstruction ».
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/unesco/events/culture-events/?tx_browser_pi1[showUid]
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Patrimoine bâti
AD Classics: Villa La Roche - Le Corbusier - 1923-1925 - Paris - France
Designed 1923-1925 as a residence for Swiss banker Raoul La Roche, Villa Roche is the
quintessence of Le Corbusier’s modern approach to housing. The Villa acted as an exhibition
space for Mr. Roche’s collection of avant-garde artwork, and is a pure assemblage of spatial
volumes that interlocks the dual programs of domicile and gallery.
The promenade through Villa Roche plays a significant role in linking these two programs into
one; its hierarchy is a theme inspired by Corbusier‘s visit to the Acropolis. The Villa was
imagined as a “spatial experience” and consists of a specifically deliberate path which guides
the inhabitant and unveils the artwork as an itinerary through history.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/151365/ad-classics-villa-roche-le-corbusier/
AD Classics: The Pagoda - Miguel Fisac - 1965-1970 - Madrid - Spain
Laboratorios Jorba is commonly referred to as the Pagoda because its rotating floors create a shape
reminiscent of tiered eaves found in traditional pagodas. Built by Spanish architect Miguel Fisac, the
tower stood on the outskirts of Madrid between 1968 and 1999. The Pagoda was a strong example of
Fisac’s playfulness and skill as an architect, and a master of concrete.
Miguel Fisac is recognized as the leader of modern architecture in Spain in the second half of the 20th
century. His work spans six decades, and includes the construction of over 300 works in that time.
Fisac is also credited with projects in many other design fields such as industrial design, furniture
design, urban planning, and painting, but is most well known for his innovative buildings and his fascination with concrete.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/152936/ad-classics-the-pagoda-miguel-fisac/
Restoring a Classic: Richard Meier's Douglas House - 1973 - Harbor Springs - Michigan
Referred to as one of Meier’s best works, the Douglas House hovers over the shores of Lake
Michigan placed upon a steep slope over the water almost as if it is floating amongst the trees.
The Douglas House was designed for clients Jim and Jean Douglas and was completed in 1973
after a three year construction period (1971-1973). Meier furnished the home with furniture
designed by Le Corbusier, Mies van der Rohe, and himself, and it needed no ornamentation
other than the nature it was designed around.
As is typical of Meier buildings, the house is completely white made with reinforced concrete and glass except for two steel
pipes that extend from the chimney up to the roof, framing views at the entry level. Taking the natural surroundings into
consideration during the construction, the house was positioned to remove as few trees as possible.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/165964/restoring-a-classic-richard-meiers-douglas-house/
AD Classics: De La Warr Pavilion - Erich Mendelsohn and Serge Chermayeff - 1935 Sussex - England
The persistence of design in the midst of even the severest persecution is one of the most
remarkable aspects of classic mid-century European Architecture. Even under forceful Nazi
discrimination during their rise to power between world wars, Erich Mendelsohn was able to
design the De La Warr Pavilion with Serge Chermayeff during his exodus to Britain before
both ultimately fled to the United States.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/165747/ad-classics-de-la-warr-pavilion-erich-mendelsohnand-serge-chermayeff/
AD Classics: Florey Building - James Stirling - 1971 - Oxford - United Kingdom
The Queen’s College Florey building is the third and last building of “The Red Trilogy” (the
Leicester Engineering Faculty building and the Cambridge History Faculty building being the first
two) designed by James Stirling, solidifying him as an irreplaceable facet in modern Architecture.
The Florey building was named after provost and 1945 Nobel Laureate Lord Howard Florey, who
sat on the committee in charge of choosing an architect for the project. Although Stirling was
not the most popular choice for lead architect on the project, Florey was an advocate of his, and
Stirling was ultimately agreed upon because of the promise and potential held in his reputation
at that time to deliver an iconic, modern building to boost the college’s reputation and enrollment.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/155430/ad-classics-florey-building-james-stirling/
AD Classics: St. Mark's Church - Sigurd Lewerentz - 1956-1960 - Bjorkhagen Stockholm - Sweden
After over a decade of absence from architecture, Sigurd Lewerentz reappeared with the
creation of St. Mark’s Church in Björkhagen, Stockholm. His winning design for the church
brought him back to the art of building, and his apt control of materiality brought the St.
Mark’s Church international attention.
Lewerentz received the commission for St. Mark’s Church through a competition. He was
invited, along with four other architects, to propose ideas for the new church. Lewerentz
submitted multiple ideas and was ultimately chosen as the designer for the new church in 1956.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/157478/ad-classics-st-marks-church-in-bjorkhagen-sigurd-lewerentz/
AD Classics: Riola Parish Church - Alvar Aalto - 1978 - Grizzana - Italy -
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Patrimoine bâti
Designed by Finnish architect, Alvar Aalto, Riola Parrish Church is a stunning concrete form
which mimics and modulates with the contours of its Italian landscape. The magnificent
baptistery, completed in 1978, is located eight kilometers south of Bologna in the small town
of Riola. Aalto’s evocative modernist architecture captures the spirit of this mountain setting;
it is a spiritual structure which, inside and out, unassumingly expresses sanctity of faith and
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/161448/ad-classics-riola-parish-church-alvar-aalto/
AD Classics: Prairie Chicken House / Herb Greene - 1960-1961 - NORMAN - OKLAHOMA - USA
The Greene Residence, dubbed the “Prairie Chicken House” by Life Magazine, was built on the prairies of Norman,
Oklahoma in 1961 and quickly became a symbol of organic modernism. Architect Herb Greene took the organic movement
of Frank Lloyd Wright and Bruce Goff to a new freestyle level in the design of his personal home. Built for himself and his
family, the house conveys a sense of place and purpose.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/152093/
1-juil -2011 . New York, États-Unis d'Amérique
+ info: http://www.moma.org/visit/calendar/exhibitions/1188
Exhibition - Wisdom Builds Her House: The Architecture and History of Libraries at Architekturmuseum
14 juil - 16 oct 2011 . Munich, Allemagne
Organizateurs: Architekturmuseum der Technischen Universität München
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.architekturmuseum.de/en/ausstellungen/index.php
Exposition - Dietmar Feichtinger Architectes - Paris/Vienne
2 sep - 26 sep 2011 . Paris, France
Organizateurs: Galerie d'architecture
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.feichtingerarchitectes.com/news_detail.php/3/97
Le Corbusier meets Albert Einstein - Princeton Universityu - New Jersey - USA - 1954
Two of the brightest minds from the past century.
Back in 1946, Le Corbusier meet Albert Einstein at Princeton after traveling to New York to present at the
United Nations his project for the UN Headquarters.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/167240/le-corbusier-meets-albert-einstein/
Amsterdam Orphanage / Aldo van Eyck - 1955-1960 - Amsterdam - The Netherlands
Dutch Architect Aldo van Eyck built the Amsterdam Orphanage in 1960. His design focused on a balance of forces to create
both a home and small city on the outskirts of Amsterdam.As a member of CIAM and then a founding member of Team 10,
van Eyck held strong opinions on post-war architecture. The Amsterdam Orphanage was van Eyck’s opportunity to put his
opinions in practice through his first large scale built project. Van Eyck criticized early post-war architecture as lacking a
human element. In the Amsterdam Orphanage he sought to design a modern building with a new urban vision from those
of his CIAM predecessors
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/151566/
AD Classics: Royal Hotel - Arkady Mordvinov - 1949-1953 - Moscow - The Russian
Originally completed in 1953 as the Hotel Ukraina, the Royal Hotel was designed by Arkady
Mordvinov and Vyacheslav Oltarzhevsky and stands as one of the “Seven Sisters” of Moscow
(Mordvinov was acting as the Chairman of the Committee of Construction and Architecture at
the time). This five-star hotel complex was the tallest hotel in the world at its completion at
34 stories (650ft) and is sited on the banks of the Moskva River. This unique site required
considerable structural innovation during early construction, which will be discussed later in
the feature.
The Seven Sisters are skyscrapers built in the Stalin-era — the neoclassical Royal Hotel is one of the seven, accompanied
by the Kotelnicheskaya Embankment Apartments, the Kudrinskaya Square Building, the Hotel Leningradskaya, the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs, the main building of the Moscow State University, and the Red Gates Administrative Building. A massive
complex by any standards at almost one million square feet of floor area, the hotel boasts an array of lodging and
entertainment offerings including over five hundred hotel rooms, thirty-eight extended stay apartments, five restaurants, a
400-person conference center, a 1000-person banquet hall, spa, and a fleet of river yachts.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/157690/ad-classics-royal-hotel-arkady-mordvinov/
13-sep-2011 . New York City, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Storefront for Art and Architecture
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://sacredspacesinprofanebuildings.com/
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Patrimoine bâti
LECTURE - Australia ICOMOS & Godden Mackay Logan (GML) Heritage Consultants - Czech Functionalism:
22-sep-2011 . Redfern, Australie
Organizateurs: Australia ICOMOS & Godden Mackay Logan (GML
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://australia.icomos.org/wp-content/uploads/Czech-Functionalism-invite2.jpg
Découverte d’un pinacle doré en bronze au temple de Banteay Chhmar, Cambodge
Le Ministère de la culture et des beaux-arts du Cambodge est heureux d’annoncer la découverte récente
d’un pinacle doré en bronze qui était enfoui à la base d’une des tours du temple de Banteay Chhmar. Le
complexe du temple de Banteay Chhmar est l’un des sites archéologiques les plus importants de la période
d’Angkor. Véritable trésor national, le Gouvernement cambodgien s’efforce actuellement de faire inclure
cette découverte sur la liste du Patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO.
+ info: http://www.iccrom.org/eng/news_en/2011_en/events_en/09_06_BanteaychhmaKHM_en.pdf
California is Celebrating the 100th Birthday of Iconic Architect John Lautner
16 juill - 13 nov 2011 . , États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: The John Lautner Foundation
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49126
"Architecture and the City Festival"
1 sep - 30 sep 2011 . San Francisco, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: IAI San Francisco
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.aiasf.org/Programs/Public_Programs/Architecture_and_the_City/AC_about.htm
EXHIBITION - Franco Fontana
6 sep - 6 nov 2011 . Valencia, Espagne
Organizateurs: Institut Valencia d'Art Modern (IVAM)
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.ivam.es/en/exhibitions/2867-franco-fontana
Exhibition - The Life and Death of Buildings
23 sep - 6 nov 2011 . Princeton, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Princeton University Art Museum
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://artmuseum.princeton.edu/events/LifeandDeathofBuildingsAdditional/
II Coloquio Nacional por la Arquitectura Cubana
1 oct - 5 oct 2011 . Camaguëy, Cuba
Organizateurs: Asociación de Artistas Plásticos de Camagüey
Contact: Florentino Rivero Mojer - [email protected] / [email protected]
+ info: http://www.arquitecturadecuba.com/
International Conference on Preventive Conservation of Architectural Heritage (PRECOMOS 2011)
29 oct - 30 oct 2011 . Nanjing and Suzhou, Chine
Organizateurs: Key Laboratory of Urban and Architectural Heritage Conservation (Southeast University), Ministry of
Education, China; The School of Architecture, Southeast University, China and UNESCO Asia-Pacific World Heritage Training
and Research Sub-center in Suzhou, China
Contact: WU Meiping, LI Xinjian - [email protected], [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 30 août 2011
+ info: http://precomos.org/index.php/news/
PRECOMOS (Preventive Conservation Maintenance and Monitoring of Monuments and Sites) - International
Conference on Preventive Conservation
29 oct - 30 oct 2011 . Nanjing, Chine
Organizateurs: The School of Architecture, Southeast University
Contact: [email protected] and [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 15 oct 2011
+ info: http://precomos.org/index.php/news/
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Patrimoine bâti
Twelve houses restored in Japan and Italy
By Olimpia Niglio and Taisuke Kuroda
ISBN: 978-88-548-4148-2
The restoration of architecture in a nation is a project strictly connected to its culture, its society, as well as
to the weather conditions and to its political and economic background. The contemporary culture, in
particular, has developed an awareness of the fact that the main purpose of the conservation of
monuments and landscape is not only protecting the matter of social well but also its intrinsic values,
strongly connected to the sense of belonging to the place. The necessity of searching these values comes
from the need of knowledge of the different cultural references that permit to man to direct his choices as concerns
conservation and safeguard compared to popular areas of interest apparently of less importance but vivid from the cultural
and social point of view.
And this is the birth of the relationship between values and needs connected to the demand of transformation of urban and
housing contexts. On these assumptions the book Twelve houses restored in Italy and Japan focuses on restoration
projects of historical urban contexts, where the theme of living produced changes, influenced different intervention
methods and functional choices without changing the sign of history. The book wants to introduce restoration projects
comparing different cultural realities and architectonical methods that characterized the present situation in Italy and
Japan. The experiences described in the book notice an interesting sharing among the different methods of restoration.
+ info: http://www.aracneeditrice.it/pdf/4148.pdf
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Impacts du changement climatique sur le patrimoine culturel et naturel
Impacts du changement climatique sur le patrimoine culturel et
Changement climatique : la forêt méditerranéenne en première ligne- Projet
scientifique "Drought"
Comment la sécheresse affecte-t-elle la forêt méditerranéenne ? C’est pour répondre à cette
question que les chercheurs du projet Drought ont réalisé une étude originale consistant à
suivre en continu un écosystème de 4 étages de végétation (pins d’Alep, chênes verts,
filaires à grandes feuilles et chênes kermès).
Le Cemagref, qui assure dans ce projet le suivi phénologique des arbres, leur développement
saisonnier, peut se prévaloir de résultats inédits. L’architecture de l’arbre, sa forme typique
qui découle de règles strictes de croissance, n’est pas immuable comme on le pensait jusqu’à présent. Elle est modifiée de
façon persistante par le réchauffement climatique.
+ info: http://www.cemagref.fr/30-ans/echos-nb03-sedyvin-1/changement-climatique-la-foret-mediterraneenne-enpremiere-ligne
Cours en ligne - Introduction au système climatique et à son fonctionnement - Université Laval - Québec Canada
Introduction au système climatique et à son fonctionnement. Bilan et caractéristiques des principaux gaz à effet de serre.
Introduction à la modélisation climatique, aux scénarios et aux prévisions des modèles. Analyse des impacts des
changements climatiques sur l'environnement physique et humain. Mesures d'adaptation envisagées pour atténuer les
changements climatiques. Accords internationaux et situation du Canada.
+ info: http://www.distance.ulaval.ca/fad/cours/GGR-1006.htm
Successful conclusion of the First Meeting of the Andes on "Reserves of the Biosphere,
sites inscribed in the UNESCO World Heritage and Climate Change List"
The sectors of Culture and Natural Sciences at UNESCO/Quito, with the cooperation from the
Bolivian National UNESCO Commission and sponsorship from the Ministries of Cultures and
Environment and Waters of Bolivia organized the First Meeting of the Andes on “Reserves of the
Biosphere, sites inscribed in the UNESCO World Heritage and Climate Change List” held on April
24 to 26 in La Paz, Bolivia.
Several Bolivian governmental authorities participated in the meeting, namely the Minister of
Cultures, Elizabeth Salguero Carrillo, the Minister of Environment and Waters, Julieta Mabel Monje Villa, the Vice Minister of
Environment, Cynthia Silva Maturana, teh Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, Juan Carlos Alurralde, the Vice Minister for
Science and Technologies (Ministry of Education), Pedro Arturo Crespo Alvizuri, and the Director of the UNESCO Quito,
Office Edouard Matoko.
+ info: http://www.unesco.lacult.org/noticias/showitem.php?uid_ext=&getipr=MTcyLjI0LjEwLjIy&lg=2&id=3073
NASA'S "Age of Aquarius" Dawns With Launch From California - USA
NASA's 'Age of Aquarius' dawned Friday with the launch of an
international satellite carrying the agency-built Aquarius instrument that will measure the
saltiness of Earth's oceans to advance our understanding of the global water cycle and
improve climate forecasts.
The Aquarius/SAC-D observatory rocketed into space from Vandenberg Air Force Base in
California atop a United Launch Alliance Delta II rocket at 7:20:13 a.m. PDT. Less than 57
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minutes later, the observatory separated from the rocket's second stage and began
activation procedures, establishing communications with ground controllers and unfurling
its solar arrays.
Initial telemetry reports show the observatory is in excellent health. The SAC-D (Satélite de
Aplicaciones Científicas) observatory is a collaboration between NASA and Argentina's
space agency, Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (CONAE).
+ info: http://aquarius.nasa.gov/pdfs/11-181_Aquarius_Launch_SC.pdf
Senegal farmers fight desertification with trees - Senegal
Dame Diop looks at the green leaves of trees growing on the sandy Sahelian soil of his
Senegal village, Khatre Sy, and talks with modesty about the community’s effort to restore
fertility to their degraded soil.
The people of Khatre Sy, about 130km north of Senegal’s capital, Dakar, decided to pool their
farmlands together and zone off sections to allow trees – mainly varieties of the African
acacia – to regenerate. They used some of the regeneration sites as farmlands where they
planted crops – groundnuts, millet and sorghum.
+ info: http://www.trust.org/alertnet/news/senegal-farmers-fight-desertification-with-trees/
Middle East's Push Toward Renewable Energy Spurred by Rising Oil Prices
By LISA FRIEDMAN of ClimateWire
The New York Times. Published: June 21, 2011 There's a revolution sweeping the Middle East that has nothing to do with
street uprisings or Twitter protests. It's a clean energy upheaval with international implications that could transform the
Arab world from North Africa to the Persian Gulf.
Solar plants are cropping up in Jordan and Morocco. Wind farms are being built in Egypt and Tunisia. Eight Arab nations
and the Palestinian territories have a renewable energy target, and at least five more are taking serious steps to promote
the domestic use of clean energy. Some of the most surprising movement is happening in oil-rich countries like Saudi
Arabia and Qatar.
+ info: http://www.nytimes.com/cwire/2011/06/21/21climatewire-middle-easts-push-toward-renewable-energy-sp-60886.
Humanitarian Requirements Document for the Horn of Africa Drought 2011
The Horn of Africa is experiencing the most severe food crisis in the world today. Over 12 million people in
Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia are severely affected and in urgent need of humanitarian aid, and
there is no likelihood of this situation improving until 2012. This figure of affected people is a 38% increase
since the figure recorded in March 2011. The situation is continuing to deteriorate, with famine in the lower
Shabelle and Bakool regions of southern Somalia officially declared by the UN on 20 July.[1] Eight other
regions of southern Somalia are at risk of famine in the coming 1-2 months unless aid delivery increases in
proportion to needs. While the famine declaration pertains to Somalia only, large parts of Ethiopia, Kenya
and Djibouti are also suffering from severe food insecurity as a result of drought and high food prices, and are seeing
significant inflows of refugees fleeing the drought in Somalia.
+ info: http://ochaonline.un.org/humanitarianappeal/webpage.asp?Page=1955
PNUE : malgré la crise économique les énergies renouvelables sont en plein
Le secteur des énergies renouvelables continue de croître malgré la poursuite de la
récession économique, la réduction des incitations et la faiblesse du cours du gaz
naturel, selon le Rapport mondial sur les énergies renouvelables publié mercredi par le
réseau mondial REN21.
« La performance mondiale des énergies renouvelables, en dépit des vents contraires, a
été un facteur positif et stable en période de turbulences. Aujourd'hui, plus d'individus
que jamais obtiennent de l'énergie à partir de sources renouvelables au fur et à mesure que la capacité augmente, que les
prix baissent et que la part des énergies renouvelables dans l'énergie mondiale continue de progresser », a déclaré le
Président du Comité de direction de REN21, Mohamed El-Ashry dans un communiqué.
+ info: http://www.un.org/apps/newsFr/storyF.asp?NewsID=25839&Cr=%C3%A9nergie&Cr1
IRI (The International Research Institute for Climate and Society): Climate change threatens a fragile
ecosystem in the Andes
In the Andes mountains of Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela, tucked between the tree line and the line of
permanent snow, is the páramo, a unique and hauntingly beautiful mountainous wetland that is threatened by climate
change and growing temperature extremes.
The páramo of the Northern Andes is wet and cold. Temperatures can dip below freezing at night and soar above 60
degrees Farenheit during the day. But Daniel Ruiz Carrascal doesn't mind the extremes. He goes back to this ecosystem
any chance he gets, to study how the environment is changing.
+ info: http://portal.iri.columbia.edu/Production/Home/common/featureframer.html
Extreme weather link 'can no longer be ignored': Scientists to end 20-year reluctance with study into global
warming and exceptional weather events
Scientists to end 20-year reluctance with study into global warming and exceptional weather events.
Scientists are to end their 20-year reluctance to link climate change with extreme weather – the heavy storms, floods and
droughts which often fill news bulletins – as part of a radical departure from a previous equivocal position that many now
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see as increasingly untenable.
Climate researchers from Britain, the United States and other parts of the world have formed a new international alliance
that aims to investigate exceptional weather events to see whether they can be attributable to global warming caused by
greenhouse gas emissions.
+ info: http://hermanosgaspard.wordpress.com/2011/07/01/extreme-weather-link-can-no-longer-be-ignored/
CLAMER (Climate Change & European Marine Ecosystem Research): Prodigal Plankton Species Makes First
Known Migration from Pacific to Atlantic via Pole
Some 800,000 years ago - about the time early human tribes were learning to make fire - a
tiny species of plankton called Neodenticula seminae went extinct in the North Atlantic.
Today, that microscopic plant has become an Atlantic resident again, having drifted from
the Pacific through the Arctic Ocean thanks to dramatically reduced polar ice, scientists
The melting Arctic has opened a Northwest Passage across the Pole for the tiny algae. And
while it's a food source, it isn't being welcomed back by experts, who say any changes at the
base of the marine food web could, like an earthquake, shake or even topple the pillars of
existing Atlantic ocean life.
+ info: http://www.clamer.eu/images/stories/press_releases/CLAMER_Press_release2_2011-06-27.pdf
Long-term effects of ocean warming on the prokaryotic community: evidence from the vibrios
The long-term effects of ocean warming on prokaryotic communities are unknown because of lack of historical data. We
overcame this gap by applying a retrospective molecular analysis to the bacterial community on formalin-fixed samples
from the historical Continuous Plankton Recorder archive, which is one of the longest and most geographically extensive
collections of marine biological samples in the world. We showed that during the last half century, ubiquitous marine
bacteria of the Vibrio genus, including Vibrio cholerae, increased in dominance within the plankton-associated bacterial
community of the North Sea, where an unprecedented increase in bathing infections related to these bacteria was recently
reported. Among environmental variables, increased sea surface temperature explained 45% of the variance in Vibrio data,
supporting the view that ocean warming is favouring the spread of vibrios and may be the cause of the globally increasing
trend in their associated diseases.
+ info: http://www.sahfos.ac.uk/news/2011/7/21/long-term-effects-of-ocean-warming-on-the-prokaryotic-communityevidence-from-the-vibrios.aspx
FAO : les phénomènes météorologiques extrêmes menacent les forêts
Les phénomènes météorologiques extrêmes et les catastrophes naturelles menaceront de
plus en plus les forêts du monde dans les années à venir, ce qui va demander une
coopération régionale et internationale accrue, a averti mardi le Partenariat de collaboration
sur les forêts (PCF).
Le Partenariat de collaboration sur les forêts (PCF) réunit 14 organisations internationales et
secrétariats de conventions ayant un programme de travail sur les forêts.
+ info: http://www.un.org/apps/newsFr/storyF.asp?NewsID=26035&Cr=for%C3%
Economy, public seen key to climate deal - Bonn - Germany
Many nations at U.N. talks in Bonn from June 6-17 seem resigned to a long haul -- more like arms reduction talks or U.N.
trade negotiations -- after failure to agree a binding U.N. climate deal by an end-2009 deadline at a summit in Copenhagen.
"Public awareness is really going to be the key," to spur a deal to avert heatwaves, droughts, floods and rising seas, said
Rajendra Pachauri, head of the U.N. panel of climate scientists.
He told the Reuters Global Energy and Climate Summit that he believed many people, including in the United States, were
"gradually getting more concerned about the realities of climate change," partly because of extreme weather.
+ info: http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/06/15/us-climate-summit-idUSTRE75C4AS20110615
In Warming World, Critters Run to the Hills
A heat wave is sweeping the planet, and animals and plants are making a break for cooler climes. Or so scientists have
always assumed. It's been hard to tie a species' migration directly to climate change, particularly with human activity
destroying ecosystems every year. But researchers have now gathered more evidence for that link by compiling data from
54 scientific papers that collectively map the habitat ranges of more than 2000 species during the past 4 decades. On
average, the team finds, creatures move both up mountains and farther away from the equator at a speed that keeps pace
with the rate of climate change and at a pace that is far faster than previously predicted.
+ info: http://news.sciencemag.org/sciencenow/2011/08/in-warming-world-critters-run-to.html?ref=hp
Le chef du HCR demande de nouvelles mesures face au déplacement relatif au changement climatique - Oslo,
Le monde a besoin de redéfinir d'urgence ses mécanismes de réponse aux catastrophes naturelles et aux déplacements de
population, a indiqué le Haut Commissaire des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés António Guterres aujourd'hui, en exhortant
les pays à adopter de nouvelles mesures pour faire face aux déplacements de population – au sein d'un pays ou au-delà
des frontières – qui sont générés par le changement climatique.
António Guterres a lancé cet appel à Oslo lors de la Conférence Nansen sur le changement climatique et les déplacements
de population au 21e siècle. Il a qualifié ce problème de « défi majeur pour notre époque ». Il a par ailleurs affirmé que «
la communauté internationale a jusqu'ici manqué de volonté politique pour établir des mécanismes efficaces visant à
ralentir le rythme du changement climatique. »
Cette réunion de deux jours est une première mondiale et elle rassemble d'éminents spécialistes pour étudier
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Impacts du changement climatique sur le patrimoine culturel et naturel
spécifiquement la composante des déplacements de population relatifs au changement climatique.
+ info: http://www.unhcr.fr/4decc687fb4.html
Secrétaire exécutif de la Convention cadre sur les Changements Climatiques de les Nations Unies (CCNUCC) :
les gouvernements doivent s’engager à progresser rapidement vers l’atteinte des objectifs de 2011 en matière
de climat
Prenant la parole lors de la première journée de la Conférence des Nations Unies sur les changements climatiques à Bonn,
Allemagne, (6-17 juin), Christiana Figueres, secrétaire exécutif de la CCNUCC, a affirmé que les gouvernements devaient
inévitablement prendre les mesures qui s’imposent pour satisfaire les objectifs relatifs au nouveau régime climatique qu’ils
s’étaient eux-mêmes fixés à Cancún pour 2011.
L’appel de Mme Figueres survient dans le contexte de l’annonce d’une forte hausse, en volume et en concentration, des
émissions de gaz à effet de serre dans l’atmosphère.
+ info: http://unfccc.int/files/press/press_releases_advisories/application/pdf/pr20110606sbs-fr.pdf
Worst floods in 56 years inundate East China village - The People's Republic of
China has mobilized troops to help with flood relief and raised its disaster alert to the
highest level after days of downpours forced the evacuation of more than half a million
people in central and southern provinces.
The official China Daily said more than 555,000 people had been evacuated in seven
provinces and a municipality after rains in recently drought-stricken areas caused floods
and mudslides in the Yangtze River basin.
+ info: http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/06/17/us-china-floods-idUSTRE75F5W220110617
NASA Creates First Complete Map of Antarctica's Glacial Movements
After sifting through billions of data points and years of painstaking reconstruction,
three researchers have made a fundamental discovery about Antarctic glaciers that
promises to impact major theories in both glaciology and climate change sciences.
Using an amalgamation of radar observations garnered from European, Japanese and
Canadian satellites between 2007 and 2009, researchers from NASA’s Jet Propulsion
Laboratory in Pasadena and the University of California, Irvine stitched together a rough
map of Antarctica’s glacial features. They then picked through a mountain of data
points to eliminate artifacts like cloud cover and land features that would obscure their view.
+ info: http://www.gizmodo.com.au/2011/08/nasa-creates-first-complete-map-of-antarcticas-glacial-movements/
United Nations Foundation Board Points to Innovation and Partnership as Keys to
Solving Global Problems - Oslo - Norway
Twelve of the world’s leading voices for global progress and change are gathering this week for
the United Nations Foundation Board of Directors meeting in Norway. The semi-annual
meeting, presided over by UN Foundation Founder and Chairman Ted Turner, is taking place
June 19-25 in Oslo and the northernmost regions of the country. The Board is meeting with
government, corporate and nonprofit leaders to build support for UN efforts to improve global
health, catalyze innovations in international development and call for global action on climate
change. The Board’s discussions focus on ways to help new partners connect with the lifesaving work of the United Nations.
+ info: http://www.unfoundation.org/press-center/press-releases/2011/unf-board-points-to-innovation-partnership-keysto-solving-global-problems.html
Indonesia Welcomes NPS (National Parks Service- USA) Scientist
The tropical rainforests and coral reefs of Indonesia host globally unique species and provide essential services for human
well-being. Recognizing that climate change threatens ecosystems and people, the U.S. National Academy of Sciences and
the Indonesian Academy of Sciences invited an NPS climate change scientist to present the latest developments in climate
change science at the first Indonesian-American Kavli Frontiers of Science symposium in Bogor, Java, Indonesia. The Kavli
Frontiers of Science symposia bring together young scientists to discuss advances and opportunities in a broad range of
disciplines. In addition to learning about research at the frontiers of fields other than their own, the program is intended to
create a network of connections that can be maintained as participants advance in their careers. For more details, contact
Patrick Gonzalez, at [email protected]
+ info: http://www.nps.gov/oia/
Le Parlement vote contre une nouvelle résolution "climat"
Une majorité d'eurodéputés, sous l'impulsion du rapporteur Bas Eickhout (Verts/ALE, NL) a rejeté, mardi, un projet de
résolution concernant la politique climatique de l'UE. Un amendement en faveur d'une réduction, sous conditions, de 30 %
des émissions de gaz à effet de serre avait été adopté de justesse, de préférence à l'objectif unilatéral d'une réduction de
30% recommandé par le Parlement.
Lors du vote final, la résolution modifiée a recueilli 258 voix pour, 347 voix contre et 63 abstentions.
Dès lors, la position la plus récente adoptée par le Parlement en ce qui concerne la politique climatique figure dans la
résolution du mois de novembre 2010, qui recommande un objectif de réduction inconditionnelle de 30 % des émissions de
gaz à effet de serre d'ici 2020 (par rapport aux niveaux de 1990).
+ info: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/fr/pressroom/content/20110704IPR23285/html/Le-Parlement-vote-contre-unenouvelle-r%C3%A9solution-climat
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Drought in East Africa the result of climate change and conflict
Aid agencies say that weather in the region has become more erratic and
years of war leave populations especially vulnerable
Prolonged drought in the Horn of Africa is the immediate cause of the
severe food crisis already affecting around 10 million people in parts of
Kenya, Ethiopia, Djibouti and Somalia. Rains have failed over two
seasons, with a strong La Niña event having a dramatic impact across the
east coast of Africa. Now this year's wet season has officially ended, there
is little prospect of rain or relief before September.
+ info: http://sustainablesecurity.org/article/drought-east-africa-result-climate-change-and-conflict
Stability of the West Antarctic ice sheet in a warming world
Abstract by Ian Joughin & Richard B. Alley Ice sheets are expected to shrink in size as the world warms, which in turn will
raise sea level. The West Antarctic ice sheet is of particular concern, because it was probably much smaller at times during
the past million years when temperatures were comparable to levels that might be reached or exceeded within the next few
centuries. Much of the grounded ice in West Antarctica lies on a bed that deepens inland and extends well below sea level.
Oceanic and atmospheric warming threaten to reduce or eliminate the floating ice shelves that buttress the ice sheet at
present. Loss of the ice shelves would accelerate the flow of non-floating ice near the coast. Because of the slope of the sea
bed, the consequent thinning could ultimately float much of the ice sheet's interior. In this scenario, global sea level would
rise by more than three metres, at an unknown rate. Simplified analyses suggest that much of the ice sheet will survive
beyond this century. We do not know how likely or inevitable eventual collapse of the West Antarctic ice sheet is at this
stage, but the possibility cannot be discarded. For confident projections of the fate of the ice sheet and the rate of any
collapse, further work including the development of well-validated physical models will be required.
+ info: http://www.nature.com/ngeo/journal/v4/n8/full/ngeo1194.html
United Nations' top climate change official reports advances on key issues at June talks, notes issues needing
high-level political guidance - Bonn - Germany
Speaking on the final day of the UN Climate Change Conference in Bonn, Germany, the UNs climate change chief said that
the negotiations had made clear advances on key issues and were also identifying areas that will require high-level political
leadership ahead of the annual conference in Durban.
Referring to the link between negotiations on mitigation under the UN Climate Change Convention and mitigation under the
Kyoto Protocol, she said: Governments are realising that this link needs to be dealt with to get to a global solution and that
will require high-level leadership during the year.
+ info: http://unfccc.int/files/press/press_releases_advisories/application/pdf/pr20111706sb_close_eng.pdf
Première étude globale sur le rôle des forêts comme puits de carbone
Une étude internationale a compilé l'ensemble des mesures réalisées sur toute la planète des quantités de carbone
absorbées par les forêts, entre 1990 et 2007. Il s'agit d'une première référence globale chiffrée pour cette composante
majeure du cycle du carbone. Cette étude, à laquelle des chercheurs du Laboratoire des sciences du climat et de
l'environnement (LSCE, CNRS/CEA/UVSQ) ont participé, est publiée en ligne ce 14 juillet sur le site internet Science
+ info: http://www.insu.cnrs.fr/a3862,premiere-etude-globale-role-forets-comme-puits-carbone.html
Suite aux dislocations des plateformes antarctiques, les glaciers en amont s'amincissent rapidement et pour
Les démantèlements de plateformes de la péninsule antarctique observés depuis quelques décennies conduisent à une
accélération de l'écoulement vers l'océan des glaciers situés en amont, accélération qui se répercute sur la perte de masse
de la calotte glaciaire et sur la hausse du niveau marin. Une étude récente, menée par trois chercheurs de la NASA(1), du
LEGOS(2) et du NSIDC(3) et portant sur la région du nord de la péninsule, montre que cette accélération s'accompagne
d'un amincissement important et prolongé des glaciers. Les chercheurs ont pu estimer précisément l'amincissement au
cours du temps des différents glaciers ainsi que la hausse du niveau des mers à laquelle cette région a contribué. Cette
étude est publiée dans le Journal of Glaciology.
+ info: http://www.insu.cnrs.fr/a3871,suite-aux-dislocations-plateformes-antarctiques-glaciers-amont-s-amincissentrapidement-longtemps.html
L'augmentation de la température de la mer Méditerranée diminue la résistance des
coraux et des mollusques à son acidification
Certains organismes calcificateurs (moules, coquillages et coraux) protègent leur coquille ou
leur squelette de l'action corrosive de l'eau de mer. Cela leur confère une extraordinaire
capacité à résister à l'acidification croissante de l'eau de mer, liée aux rejets de gaz carbonique
(CO2) dans l'atmosphère. Malgré tout, celle-ci est amoindrie quand ces organismes sont
exposés à une température élevée (supérieure à 28,5°C) durant une longue période. C'est ce
que révèle une étude internationale (1) co-dirigée par Jean-Pierre Gattuso du Laboratoire
d'océanographie de Villefranche (CNRS/UPMC) et publiée dans la revue Nature Climate Change. Des résultats qui laissent à
penser que le réchauffement prévu de la mer Méditerranée, couplé à l'acidification de ses eaux, va accroître la fréquence
des épisodes de mortalité de ces organismes.
+ info: http://www.upmc.fr/fr/salle_de_presse/communiques/temperature_marine_et_resistance_a_son_acidification.html
Colloque "L'océan et les changements climatiques" du 27 mai 2011 au Collège de France - Paris - France Présentations vidéode l'Observatoire océanologique de Villefranche sur mer - France
David Antoine et Jean-Pierre Gattuso ont participé à une conférence "grand public" entitulée "L'océan et les changements
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Impacts du changement climatique sur le patrimoine culturel et naturel
climatiques" lors d'un colloque le 27 mai 2011 au Collège de France).
Les vidéos de leur présentation sont en ligne :
- "Changements récents de la biomasse océanique révélés par les observations satellitaires de la 'couleur de l'océan" par
David Antoine du Laboratoire d'Océanographie de Villefranche.
- "Acidification de l'océan et son impact sur les organismes et écosystèmes marins" par Jean-Pierre GATTUSO du
Laboratoire d'Océanographie de Villefranche.
+ info: http://www.obs-vlfr.fr/Actualites/juillet-2011/
Ministère de l'Ecologie, du Développement Durable, des Transports et du Logement: Plan National d'Adaptation
de la France aux Effets du Changement Climatique - France
Hausse des températures, périodes de canicule plus fréquentes, sécheresses plus sévères sont attendues à la fin du siècle.
Face à ce changement de climat qui affectera de nombreux secteurs d’activités (agriculture, tourisme, bâtiments et
infrastructures…), l’adaptation de notre territoire est le complément indispensable aux actions de réduction des émissions
de gaz à effet de serre.
Le plan national d’adaptation au changement climatique (PNACC), conformément à l’article 42 de la loi du 3 août 2009 sur
la programmation du Grenelle de l’environnement, a pour objectif de présenter des mesures concrètes, opérationnelles
pour préparer, pendant les cinq années à venir, de 2011 à 2015, la France à faire face et à tirer parti de nouvelles
conditions climatiques.
+ info: http://www.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/IMG/pdf/ONERC-PNACC-complet.pdf
IPCC (International Panel on Climate Change): The Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) is now underway
The AR5 will provide an update of knowledge on the scientific, technical and socio-economic aspects of climate change.
Information about the outline and other content to be addressed can be found in the AR5 reference document and SYR
Scoping document.
More than 800 authors, selected from around 3000 nominations, are involved in writing the reports. First Lead Authors
meetings have been held. For the schedule of AR5 related meetings, review periods, and other important dates, please
refer to the calendar.
+ info: http://www.ipcc.ch/index.htm#
Rapid sea-level rise and reef back-stepping at the close of the last interglacial highstand
By Paul Blanchon, Anton Eisenhauer, Jan Fietzke & Volker Liebetrau Widespread evidence of a +4–6-m sea-level highstand
during the last interglacial period (Marine Isotope Stage 5e) has led to warnings that modern ice sheets will deteriorate
owing to global warming and initiate a rise of similar magnitude by ad 2100 (ref. 1). The rate of this projected rise is based
on ice-sheet melting simulations and downplays discoveries of more rapid ice loss. Knowing the rate at which sea level
reached its highstand during the last interglacial period is fundamental in assessing if such rapid ice-loss processes could
lead to future catastrophic sea-level rise. The best direct record of sea level during this highstand comes from well-dated
fossil reefs in stable areas…
+ info: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v458/n7240/abs/nature07933.html
Contribution of Pacific wind stress to multi-decadal variations in upper-ocean heat content and sea level in the
tropical south Indian Ocean
By Franziska U. Schwarzkopf & Claus W. Böning
Leibniz-Institut für Meereswissenschaften an der Universität Kiel (IFM-GEOMAR), Kiel, Germany Reconstructions of the
spatial pattern of recent multi-decadal sea level trends in the Indian Ocean (IO) indicate a zonally-extended band in the
southern tropics where sea level has substantially fallen between the 1960s and 1990s; the decline is consistent with the
observed subsurface cooling associated with a shoaling thermocline in this region. Here the origin and spatio-temporal
characteristics of these trends are elucidated by a sequence of ocean model simulations. Whereas interannual variability in
the southwestern tropical IO appears mainly governed by IO atmospheric forcing, longer term changes in the south tropical
IO involve a strong contribution from the western Pacific via wave transmission of thermocline anomalies through the
Indonesian Archipelago, and their subsequent westward propagation by baroclinic Rossby waves. The late 20th-century IO
subsurface cooling trend reversed in the 1990s, reflecting the major regime shift in the tropical Pacific easterlies associated
with the Pacific Decadal Oscillation.
+ info: http://www.agu.org/pubs/crossref/2011/2011GL047651.shtml
Do blue-ice moraines in the Heritage Range show the West Antarctic ice sheet survived the last interglacial?
By Christopher J. Fogwilla, Andrew S. Heinb, Michael J. Bentleyc & David E. Sugdenb We present a hypothesis that best
explains cosmogenic isotope data on blue-ice moraines in the Heritage Range, West Antarctica. The age of the moraines
implies that they, and the related ice-sheet surface with which they are associated, have persisted on the flanks of
nunataks throughout at least the last interglacial/glacial cycle. The implication is that although the West Antarctic Ice Sheet
(WAIS) may have fluctuated in thickness during glacial cycles, the central dome has remained intact for at least 200 kyr
and possibly even for 400 kyr. Such a finding, if substantiated, would contribute to our understanding of the sensitivity of
the WAIS to climate change. Further it would be a powerful geomorphic constraint on models of the past behaviour of the
ice sheet during glacial cycles and thus those predicting the future of the ice sheet in a warming world.
+ info: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0031018211000423
La Convention de Ramsar sur les zones humides : 40 ans d’actions - Les Ateliers de la Terre
Le 2 février 2011 marque le 40eme Anniversaire de la Convention de Ramsar sur les Zones Humides, signée dans la ville
de Ramsar en Iran, le 2 févier 1971. La Convention de Ramsar sur les Zones Humides œuvre pour la conservation et
l'utilisation rationnelle des 42 types de Zones Humides comme atouts importants pour différents secteurs tels que
l'agriculture et la sécurité alimentaire, la foresterie, l'énergie, l'approvisionnement en eau, la santé, les agglomérations
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Impacts du changement climatique sur le patrimoine culturel et naturel
urbaines et rurales, l’industrie, le tourisme, la faune, le commerce et le transport qui contribuent au développement socioéconomique durable.
+ info: http://www.ramsar.org/cda/fr/ramsar-news-ateliersdelaterreplaneworkshopssept2011/main/ramsar/1-26%
G-WADI organise un atelier de formation concernant les impacts du changement
climatique sur les ressources en eau dans les régions arides et semi-arides
A l'initiative du Bureau de l'UNESCO de Téhéran et du PHI iranien, l'atelier de formation de
G-WADI sur les impacts du changement climatique sur les ressources en eau dans les
régions arides et semi-arides, a été organisé à Téhéran, en Iran, du 20 au 21 juin 2011,
en présence du président du Conseil intergouvernemental du PHI, M. Soontak Lee; du
président du Comité national iranien du PHI et ministre adjoint des Affaires relatives à
l'eau et aux eaux usées, du ministre de l'Energie, I.R. de l'Iran, M. Attarzade; du
secrétaire général de la Commission nationale iranienne pour l'UNESCO, le docteur Saeidabadi; du ministre adjoint à
l'Agriculture, le docteur Salajaghe; du directeur du bureau de l'UNESCO à Téhéran, M. Qunli Han; des membres du Comité
national iranien du PHI et des représentants de l'Afghanistan, de la Chine, de l'Inde, de l’Iran, du Japon, du Kazakhstan et
du Pakistan.
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/water/news/newsletter/252_fr.shtml#news_1
Les petites mais fréquentes éruptions volcaniques contribuent à refroidir le climat
Malgré l'absence d'éruptions volcaniques majeures, les fréquentes mais faibles éruptions volcaniques
qu'a connues notre planète au cours des dix dernières années ont injecté dans la stratosphère une
quantité d'aérosols suffisante pour réduire temporairement mais de manière significative le
réchauffement climatique dû aux émissions de gaz à effet de serre. C'est ce que révèlent deux études
franco-américaines récentes, auxquelles des chercheurs du Laboratoire atmosphères, milieux,
observations spatiales (LATMOS/IPSL, UVSQ / CNRS / Université Paris 6) ont participé. La prise en
compte de la quantité moyenne d'aérosols stratosphériques s'avère de ce fait importante pour la
simulation du climat à l'échelle décennale.
+ info: http://www.insu.cnrs.fr/a3879,petites-mais-frequentes-eruptions-volcaniques-contribuent-refroidir-climat.html
Le phénomène El Niño ne cesse de surprendre
Depuis une dizaine d'années, les évènements El Niño semblent impacter davantage le centre que l'est du Pacifique tropical
tout en étant moins intenses. Des chercheurs issus du Laboratoire d'études en géophysique et océanographie spatiales
(LEGOS/OMP, UPS / CNRS / CNES / IRD), de l'Institut géophysique du Pérou (IGP) et de l'Université de Concepción (Chili)
viennent de démontrer notamment que ce type d'El Niño, appelé El Niño Modoki, existait déjà dans le passé mais qu'il
survenait moins souvent qu'aujourd'hui. Serait-ce une conséquence du réchauffement climatique ? Rien ne permet encore
de l'affirmer catégoriquement.
+ info: http://www.insu.cnrs.fr/a3876,phenomene-el-nino-ne-cesse-surprendre.html
Les microalgues calcaires, témoins de l'acidification des océans
Le phytoplancton calcaire, maillon important du cycle du carbone océanique, apparait très sensible à
l'acidification océanique. Une étude internationale impliquant notamment des chercheurs du CNRS(1)
montre que la sécrétion du squelette calcaire d'une espèce de microalgues : les coccolithophores,
diminue quand les eaux marines deviennent plus acides, mais certaines souches hyper-calcifiées se
sont adaptées aux milieux les plus corrosifs. Leurs résultats sont publiés dans la revue Nature du 4
aout 2011.
+ info: http://www.insu.cnrs.fr/a3880,microalgues-calcaires-temoins-acidification-oceans.html
Stop Climate Chaos Scotland (SCCS) coalition: Climate Act Film - United
In 2009, the Scottish Parlament unanimously voted for the world's most ambitious
climate change legislation. This included a target to cut greenhouse gas emissions by
42% by 2020 (from 1990 levels).
This short film shows how the Stop Climate Chaos Scotland coalition helped influence
the legislation. We hope it will encourage other countries to match or exceed Scotland's
+ info: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85detT69Rrc&feature=youtu.be
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Impacts du changement climatique sur le patrimoine culturel et naturel
UNESCO Pacific World Heritage Workshop 'Pacific Heritage for Today and Tomorrow'
5 sep - 9 sep 2011 . Apia, Samoa
Organizateurs: UNESCO
Contact: Diana Roma, National Programme Officer (d.roma(at)unesco.org)
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/en/apia/culture/apia-world-heritage-workshop/
Bruce Museum Lecture: "Forests and the Changing Climate: Evolutionary Innovation"
16-sep-2011 . Greenwich, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Bruce Museum and UNESCO
Contact: [email protected] and [email protected]
+ info: http://www.un.org/en/events/iyof2011/
UNESCO Réunion d'experts sur l'éducation au changement climatique, au développement durable et
l'adaptation dans les États insulaires en développement
21 sep - 23 sep 2011 . Nassau, Bahamas
Organizateurs: UNESCO
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/unesco/events/education-events/?tx_browser_pi1[showUid]
Australia ICOMOS - Canberra Talks Series: Pacific Solutions towards World Heritage Island Abandonment,
Climate Change, and Tangible/Intangible Pasts
22-sep-2011 . Canberra, Australie
Organizateurs: Autralia ICOMOS
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://australia.icomos.org/e-news/australia-icomos-e-mail-news-no-502/#6.
Exposition : Les satellites observant l’impact du changement climatique sur les sites du patrimoine mondial Siège de l'UNESCO
26 sep - 11 nov 2011 . Paris, France
Organizateurs: The exhibition is organized in partnership with Planet Action, the European Space Agency, NASA, the
German Aerospace Centre and BELSPO, with support from the Permanent Delegation of the Kingdom of Belgium to
Contact: [email protected] / [email protected]
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/unesco/events/all-events/?tx_browser_pi1[showUid]=4534&cHash=866f6094b9
The United Nations Climate Change Conference, The 17th Conference of the Parties and The 7th Conference of
the Parties serving as the Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol
28 nov - 9 dic 2011 . Durban, Afrique du Sud
Organizateurs: United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Contact: [email protected].
+ info: http://unfccc.int/meetings/cop_17/items/6070.php
Sulfur stalls surface temperature rise: Findings explain decade without warming
By Nadia Drake
A new study demonstrates why global surface temperatures defied a decades-long trend and didn’t continue to rise
between 1998 and 2008: Pollution-spewing, coal-burning power plants in Asia, while emitting warming greenhouse gases,
simultaneously sent cooling sulfur particles into the atmosphere.
During that decade — sometimes cited as evidence to deny global warming — these Asian emissions mostly balanced one
another and dampened the effects of natural cooling cycles associated with the sun and ocean temperatures.
+ info: http://www.sciencenews.org/view/generic/id/332152/title/Sulfur_stalls_surface_temperature_rise_
Impact du changement climatique sur les disponibilités en eau pour l’agriculture
La FAO fait le point sur les avancées scientifiques et les zones d’ombre
Le changement climatique aura un impact majeur sur les disponibilités en eau pour l'agriculture et sur la productivité des
cultures au cours des prochaines décennies, met en garde un nouveau rapport de la FAO.
Le rapport Climate change, water and food security (Changement climatique, eau et sécurité alimentaire) est une étude
exhaustive des connaissances scientifiques actuelles sur les conséquences annoncées du changement climatique sur
l'utilisation de l'eau dans l'agriculture.
Il s'agit notamment de la réduction du débit des rivières et du rechargement en eau des aquifères en région Méditerranée
et dans les zones semi-arides des Amériques, d'Australie et d'Afrique australe, régions qui souffrent déjà de stress hydrique.
En Asie, de vastes zones de terres irriguées, qui tablent sur les glaciers de haute montagne et sur la fonte des neiges pour
leur approvisionnement en eau, seront également touchées, tandis que les deltas densément peuplés seront exposés à un
cocktail de risques: réduction des flux d'eau, augmentation de la salinité, montée du niveau des mers.
+ info: http://www.fao.org/news/story/fr/item/79968/icode/
Recovering with resilience: Pakistan floods one year on
The UN is committed to the continued support of the people affected by the floods in Pakistan and urges the international
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Impacts du changement climatique sur le patrimoine culturel et naturel
community to continue supporting early recovery and follow through on the response.
In collaboration with national response efforts the UN will continue to support communities recovering from the destruction
caused by the floods, and will strive to bolster resilience to the risks of future flooding.
The Pakistan Flood Relief and Early Recovery Response Plan is currently funded at 69.6 % (or US$1.3 billion) of the total
requirements of US$1.9 billion. More than US$600 million is still needed to support early recovery activities and achieve the
objectives set out in the floods response plan. The UN has released a report on the floods response titled Pakistan Floods
One Year On available at www.pakresponse.info.
+ info: http://floods2010.pakresponse.info/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=muLRssczAVU%3d&tabid=96&mid=668
Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation (SRREN)
The Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation (SRREN), agreed and released by the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) on May 9th in Abu Dhabi, assesses existing literature on the future
potential of renewable energy for the mitigation of climate change. It covers the six most important renewable energy
technologies, as well as their integration into present and future energy systems. It also takes into consideration the
environmental and social consequences associated with these technologies, the cost and strategies to overcome technical
as well as non-technical obstacles to their application and diffusion.
+ info: http://srren.ipcc-wg3.de/
Study Reveals Future "Hotspots" of Risk for Hundreds of Millions Whose Food Problems are on a
Collision Course with Climate Change
By Polly Ericksen, Philip Thornton, An Notenbaert, Laura Cramer, Peter Jones, Mario Herrero.
A new study has matched future climate change “hotspots” with regions already suffering chronic food
problems to identify highly-vulnerable populations, chiefly in Africa and South Asia, but potentially in China
and Latin America as well, where in fewer than 40 years, the prospect of shorter, hotter or drier growing
seasons could imperil hundreds of millions of already-impoverished people.
The report, "Mapping Hotspots of Climate Change and Food Insecurity in the Global Tropics" (PDF) was
produced by the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS). The work was
undertaken by a team of scientists responding to an urgent need to focus climate change adaptation efforts on people and
places where the potential for harsher growing conditions poses the gravest threat to food production and food security.
+ info: http://ccafs.cgiar.org/news/press-release/study-reveals-future-hotspots-climate-risk
NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) State of the Climate in 2010: 2010
one of the two warmest years on record
Worldwide, 2010 was one of the two warmest years on record according to the 2010 State of the Climate
report, which NOAA released today. The peer-reviewed report, issued in coordination with the American
Meteorological Society, was compiled by 368 scientists from 45 countries. It provides a detailed, yearly
update on global climate indicators, notable climate events and other climate information from every
+ info: http://www.noaanews.noaa.gov/stories2011/20110628_stateoftheclimate_2010.html
CNRS (Conseil national de la recherche scientifique) le journal - N°258 - 259 juillet - août
2011, La Méditerranée sous haute surveillance - France
Ce nouveau numéro de CNRS le journal vous invite en Méditerranée. Cette région, qui a vu naître de
grandes civilisations et qui abrite aujourd'hui plus de 450 millions de personnes, est devenue le point de
mire de nombreux chercheurs. L'enjeu est de taille : du changement climatique à la pollution, en passant
par la pression démographique ou l'appauvrissement de la biodiversité et des ressources naturelles, les
nuages s'amoncellent sur le Bassin méditerranéen. Alors les scientifiques veillent au grain.
Plus au sud, dans la région saharo-sahélienne dévastée par la sécheresse, un projet titanesque suscite de
nombreux espoirs. Partez avec notre envoyé spécial au Sénégal, à la découverte de la Grande Muraille verte.
Ce mois-ci également, remontez le temps de quelque 300 millions d'années. Vous y rencontrerez les stégocéphales,
créatures géantes qui ont régné sur la planète avant les dinosaures.
+ info: http://www2.cnrs.fr/journal/4774.htm
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Patrimoine Culturel
Patrimoine Culturel
California Chinatown Listed as Endangered Historic Place - HANFORD - CALIFORNIA - USA
When Chinese immigrants arrived in 1877 to the newly established San Joaquin Valley town of Hanford, Calif., they found
themselves in an unfamiliar place with no reminders of home, facing cultural barriers and often out-right racism. Despite
segregation and oppression, the Chinese community in Hanford flourished and developed a vibrant Chinatown, known as
China Alley, which soon boasted restaurants, herb stores, laundries, gambling houses, grocers and a Taoist temple—all
constructed of local California redwood and brick fired on site. A short, densely lined street, China Alley was a vibrant hub
where immigrants met to talk politics, share a meal, read Chinese newspapers and play mah-jong. Reaching its peak in the
pre-World War II years, China Alley increasingly served a more diverse population, especially as racial barriers were
challenged and eased.
+ info: http://www.preservationnation.org/travel-and-sites/sites/western-region/china-alley.html
CAP-HAITIEN CATHEDRALE NOTE ISPAN (Institut de Sauvegarde du Patrimoine National)
Après les actes de vandalisme perpétrés contre le Monument aux Héros de la Bataille de Vertière à l’entrée du Cap-Haïtien,
au courant du mois juin écroulé, c’est la Cathédrale Notre-Dame de l’Assomption de cette même ville qui a été profanée
dans la nuit du 6 au 7 août dernier par des inconnus.
La Direction générale de l’ISPAN proteste énergiquement contre cette profanation d’un monument historique et religieux de
la plus haute importance et qui a tant coûté au peuple haïtien.
+ info: http://universidadypatrimonio.net/doc/CAP_CATHDRALE_NOTE.pdf
Prof Gray Brechin, a keynote speaker at the forthcoming Australia ICOMOS/National Trust conference ‘Watermarks, Water’s
Heritage’, has written an article that appeared in the Guardian about the fate of post offices in the US. To read the item
click on the link below.
Those interested in this issue should also visit the Save the Post Office website: http://www.savethepostoffice.com/newdeal-post-offices
For further information about the forthcoming Australia ICOMOS/National Trust conference ‘Watermarks, Water’s Heritage’,
visit the conference website. Early bird registration is available until 8 September 2011.
+ info: http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/cifamerica/2011/aug/02/us-post-office-new-deal
BULLETIN DE L'ISPAN - Institut de Sauvegarde du Patrimoine National de Haïti. No 26 (juillet 2011)
Merci d'encourager vos ami(e)s à s'inscrire à l'abonnement du BULLETIN DE L'ISPAN à l'adresse suivante :ispan.
[email protected] L’Institut de Sauvegarde du Patrimoine National (ISPAN) est un organisme technique autonome du
Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication. Il a pour mission de dresser l’inventaire et de procéder au classement des
monuments, de sites et d’ensembles historiques de la République d’Haïti, de réaliser des études de projets de protection,
de restauration et de mise en valeur de monuments, de sites et d’ensemble historiques, d’assurer la direction et le contrôle
des travaux d’exécution de tels projets, d’aider à la promotion et au développement d’activités publiques ou privées visant
à sauvegarder le Patrimoine National et, enfin, de recueillir, organiser et diffuser toutes informations et documentations
relatives au Patrimoine architectural et monumental, national et international.
+ info: http://universityandheritage.net/doc/ISPAN_No26.pdf
Journée du Patrimoine de Pays et Journée des Moulins 2011: le patrimoine caché - France
...Le voyage dans le temps peut commencer par ce qui a été creusé dans la terre ou dans la roche par les troglodytes.
Depuis que les hommes habitent notre pays, ils ont laissé des vestiges un peu partout. L'archéologie ne cesse d'aller de
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Patrimoine Culturel
découverte en découverte, de la grotte préhistorique à la villa gallo-romaine ou au four à briques abandonné depuis les
débuts du moyen âge. On connaît des puits autrefois situés en surface, que l'accumulation séculaire de ruines et de
bâtiments a enfoui aujourd'hui à deux ou trois niveaux sous le rez de chaussée ! Au fond des caves, des celliers ou du chai,
peut se cacher peut-être le lieu jalousement gardé où sont conservées les bouteilles les plus poussiéreuses. Bien des
châteaux, témoins de guerres de vengeances, de cruautés, possèdent des échappées souterraines, des cachettes, des
prisons, sans oublier…les oubliettes ! Le sol de beaucoup d'églises recouvre des cryptes. Les persécutions religieuses, les
grandes pestes nous ont laissé des catacombes et des ossuaires…
+ info: http://www.journeedupatrimoinedepays.com/theme.htm
PRIZES - Winners of 2011 EU Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Awards: Grand Prix
The 27 winners of the 2011 European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Awards were
honoured yesterday evening during a ceremony at Amsterdam's historic concert hall, the 'Concertgebouw'.
The awards were presented by Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture,
Multilingualism and Youth, and Plácido Domingo, the world-renowned tenor and president of Europa Nostra.
Six of the 27 winners were named last night as 'Grand Prix' laureates in recognition of their outstanding
heritage achievements. The ceremony was attended by an audience of some 1500 people including H.R.H.
Princess Margriet of The Netherlands.
+ info: http://www.europanostra.org/laureates-2011/
Conservation of Villa dei Vescovi Completed - Padua - Italy
Villa dei Vescovi represents the Renaissance revival of antiquity and a concern for strict
attention to proportion and humanistic ideals. As the property remained in the hands of the
bishops of Padua for over 400 years, it provides a unique view of the artistic values of the early
sixteenth century. The villa’s architect, Giovanni Maria Falconnetto, was one of the most
prominent and artistic visionaries of his time and was well known for his Renaissance design
principles and accomplishments.
+ info: http://www.wmf.org/project/villa-dei-vescovi
Restoring and Reconstructing the Interiors of the Chancellerie d'Orleans - Paris France
The restoration and reassembly of the interiors of Chancellerie d’Orléans are crucial to the
broader acknowledgement and public appreciation of this historic monument. The décor of the
hôtel, which was among the most significant of its time, has been inaccessible to the public
since the early 1920s. The opportunity to present the restored interiors in rooms of the Hôtel de
Rohan-Strasbourg will present features comparable to the Chancellerie d’Orléans allowing for an
immediate setting that is close to their original location.
+ info: http://www.wmf.org/project/chancellerie-dorleans
New content on Significance International website - RESOURCES PAGES
Significance International is pleased to announce the launch of its Resources webpages. These new offerings have grown
out of the Risk Management for Collecting Organisations (RMCO) workshop in February 2011.
A further page arising from the RMCO workshop concerns Official Standards. On this page you will find a selection of
standards and guidelines relevant to cultural heritage (particularly collecting organisations) arranged under eight headings,
beginning with ‘Risk analysis and management’.
By clicking on an individual standard you will be taken to the official Australian Standards website ‘SAI Global’ where you
can learn more about the chosen standard and proceed to purchase it if you wish.
Also available on the Official Standards page (at right) are the free SAI Global ‘Guides to Standards’ which place groups of
standards into easily understandable contexts.
+ info: http://www.significanceinternational.com/Resources/OfficialStandards
Journée internationale du souvenir de la traite négrière et de son abolition
...La traite négrière transatlantique compte parmi les plus extrêmes violations des droits de l’homme à travers l’histoire. La
durée, l'étendue et l'ampleur de cette entreprise de déshumanisation ont conduit à sa condamnation unanime. La Journée
internationale du souvenir de la traite négrière nous invite à revenir sur cette tragédie et à saluer la contribution de celles
et ceux qui luttèrent pour son abolition à la reconnaissance universelle des droits de l’homme.
Cette commémoration revêt cette année une importance particulière. 2011 est l’année du dixième anniversaire de la
conférence mondiale de Durban contre le racisme, la discrimination raciale, la xénophobie et l'intolérance, qui a reconnu le
commerce des esclaves comme un crime contre l'humanité…
+ info: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0021/002110/211095f.pdf
Les Actualités de l'Achac - Juillet 2011 (12) - MISSION GOUVERNEMENTALE - « EXPOSITIONS
Ce collectif de chercheurs travaille depuis 1989 sur les représentations et les imaginaires coloniaux et post-coloniaux, ainsi
que sur les immigrations des « Suds » en France. Constitué autour d’un réseau de compétences, en partenariat avec
différentes institutions, groupes de recherches ou universités, sa démarche consiste à mettre en œuvre des activités de
recherches (avec la constitution d’un fonds iconographique), d’édition (livres, articles, catalogues, brochures pédagogiques,
partenariats…), de manifestations scientifiques (colloques, conférences, séminaires, forums…) ou ouvertes au grand public
(programmes pédagogiques, expositions, documentaires…).
+ info: http://www.achac.com/?L=lastNews
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Patrimoine Culturel
AD Classics: Moscow Metro / Robert Pogrebnoi and Yuriy Zenkivich - 1935 - 1959 - The Russian Federation
The city of Moscow experienced a huge size and population boom following the industrial development and railway
construction of the late 19th century. At this time, horse-drawn cars and trams were the main form of transportation, but
soon the horses were not enough to fuel the city’s rapid expansion. As a result, plans were made for development of a new
peripheral ring railway that would carry freight throughout the city. Many years later, underground lines for passengers
were linked to the original railway. These lines quickly turned the railway into a booming metropolitan transit center,
eventually becoming what is today known as the Moscow Metro. More on the development of the Moscow Metro after the
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/157480
Indian Supreme Court Orders Security for Hindu Temple Treasure Worth Billions - Thiruvananthapuram Kerala - India
India's Supreme Court ordered Friday that a security plan be drawn up to protect a Hindu temple where devotees left
billions worth of treasures over the centuries.
The state of Kerala and the former royal rulers of the region were directed by the court to explain how they plan to
safeguard the gold, silver and precious stones that were stored in vaults at the 16th century Sree Padmanabhaswamy
The temple, dedicated to the Hindu god Vishnu, was built by the maharajas who ruled the then-kingdom of Travancore.
The former royal family has remained the trustees of the temple after India's independence in 1947.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=48959
AD Classics: Lotus Temple / Fariborz Sahba - 1976-1986 - New Dehli - India
Popularly known as the Lotus Temple, the Bahá’í House of Worship in New Delhi, India is a house of worship that was
designed by Iranian architect Fariborz Sahba and completed in 1986. The temple is one of eight Bahá’í House of Worship
facilities in the world and has welcomed over 70 million visitors since its completion, making it one of the most frequented
architectural landmarks in the world. From a denominational standpoint, the Lotus temple is open to all practitioners
regardless of religious affiliation and functions more as a gathering place of worship to interested visitors.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/158522/
Nostalgia 2.0: Has Historic Preservation Become a Spectator Sport?
Nostalgia is suddenly under siege - particularly in the guise of historic preservation. Nostalgia,
once roused by the demolition of New York's Penn Station, was a great motivator in saving
Grand Central Terminal. Today, however, the form of nostalgia we know as historic
preservation is getting beaten up on all sides. (This strikes me as ironic at a time when Woody
Allen is finding commercial success with his dreamy and nostalgia-ladenMidnight in Paris).
National and state level budgets are being shredded, a recent exhibition at the New Museum
in New York City demonized it, and recent pieces in the New York Times offered convenient
and strange characterizations of its intent, import and impact. Mind you, the modern historic preservation movement isn't a
blameless victim and certainly suffers from many self-inflicted wounds. But, this pile on is unprecedented, and more
troubling, people seem to be content to sit on the sidelines and watch the slaughter (if they even bother to care).
+ info: http://education.apwg.org/r/
LAMIC (Laboratoire de Muséologie et d'Ingénierie de la Culture) - Infolettre - juillet 2011
Le Laboratoire de muséologie et d’ingénierie de la culture (LAMIC) est une infrastructure de recherche spécialisée en
muséologie expérimentale qui centre ses activités scientifiques sur la question des modalités de transmission de la culture
en contexte muséal. Il s’agit d’une plate- forme technologique qui explore les relations entre l’objet, le visiteur et l’espace
dans lequel les protagonistes se retrouvent pour une rencontre inédite à travers un parcours appelé exposition. C’est cette
dimension particulière qui nous intéresse et que nous explorons de différentes manières, sous et à partir de divers angles.
L’ethnographie de l’expérience muséale résume en quelque sorte notre approche face à un phénomène qui n’est pas encore
parfaitement élucidé.
+ info: http://www.lamic.ulaval.ca/presentation/archives/infolettres/
El IAPH (Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico), promotor del LECU (Laboratorio de Empleos Culturales) Seville - España
El Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico, entidad científica de la Consejería de Cultura, celebra del 10 al 11 de junio el
primer taller del Laboratorio de Empleos Culturales LECU. Con este proyecto, se trata de potenciar las posibilidades del
patrimonio cultural para crear empleo y desarrollar nuevas profesiones y oportunidades laborales, así como mejorar las
condiciones de empleabilidad de los profesionales vinculados al ámbito del patrimonio cultural…
+ info: http://www.iaph.es/web/portal/actualidad/contenido/lecu_junio2011
Lettre d'information n. 19 de la Convention France-UNESCO
La Convention France-UNESCO pour le patrimoine (CFU), signée en 1997 et entrée en vigueur en 1999, est un outil de
coopération technique et financière entre l'UNESCO, le Gouvernement français, et tous les acteurs impliqués en France
dans la gestion du patrimoine.
+ info: http://whc.unesco.org/fr/actualites/785/
COMPETITIONS - BERKELEY PRIZE 2012 COMPETITION - Architecture is a Social Art - 2012 Theme:
Architecture for the Public Good - Starting 15 September 2011 - Deadline for submission: 1 November 2011
Professor Raymond Lifchez, Chair of the international Berkeley Undergraduate Prize for Architectural Design Excellence
announces that the 2012 BERKELEY PRIZE launches on September 15, 2011.
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Patrimoine Culturel
Each year the PRIZE, whose primary goal is to foster a larger awareness and understanding of the social art of architecture,
sponsors an Essay Competition, a Travel Fellowship Competition, and an Architectural Design Fellowship Competition. All
are open to undergraduates studying architecture throughout the world.
+ info: http://www.berkeleyprize.org/
La Directrice générale de l’UNESCO appelle à prendre toutes les mesures pour
protéger l’héritage culturel lybien pendant la période de transition
La Directrice générale de l’UNESCO, Irina Bokova, a lancé aujourd’hui un appel au peuple de
Lybie et à toutes les personnes impliquées dans le commerce international de l’art et des
antiquités à protéger l’héritage culturel du pays. Elle a également rappelé que le pillage, le vol
et le trafic illicite constituaient une violation de la Convention de l’UNESCO de 1970 portant sur
les mesures à prendre pour interdire et empêcher l'importation, l'exportation et le transfert de
propriété illicites des biens culturels*, seul instrument international dédié exclusivement à la
lutte contre le trafic illicite de la propriété culturelle.
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/media-services/single-view/news/
The National Trust for Historic Preservation announces program to give away $1
Million USD - Saint Paul Twin Cities Area - Michigan - USA
American Express and the National Trust for Historic Preservation announced that the Twin
Cities area has been chosen for the community-based Partners in Preservation program,
which provides preservation grants for local historic places. American Express is committing
$1 million in preservation grants to the seven-county Twin Cities metropolitan area and will
be encouraging local residents to participate by voting for their favorite historic place from a
diverse group of 25 sites on Facebook.com/PartnersinPreservation beginning on Sept. 20.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=50076
Ce collectif de chercheurs travaille depuis 1989 sur les représentations et les imaginaires coloniaux et post-coloniaux, ainsi
que sur les immigrations des « Suds » en France. Constitué autour d’un réseau de compétences, en partenariat avec
différentes institutions, groupes de recherches ou universités, sa démarche consiste à mettre en œuvre des activités de
recherches (avec la constitution d’un fonds iconographique), d’édition (livres, articles, catalogues, brochures pédagogiques,
partenariats…), de manifestations scientifiques (colloques, conférences, séminaires, forums…) ou ouvertes au grand public
(programmes pédagogiques, expositions, documentaires…).
+ info: http://www.achac.com/
L’Institut de Sauvegarde du Patrimoine National (ISPAN) est un organisme technique autonome du Ministère de la Culture
et de la Communication. Il a pour mission de dresser l’inventaire et de procéder au classement des monuments, de sites et
d’ensembles historiques de la République d’Haïti, de réaliser des études de projets de protection, de restauration et de mise
en valeur de monuments, de sites et d’ensemble historiques, d’assurer la direction et le contrôle des travaux d’exécution de
tels projets, d’aider à la promotion et au développement d’activités publiques ou privées visant à sauvegarder le Patrimoine
National et, enfin, de recueillir, organiser et diffuser toutes informations et documentations relatives au Patrimoine
architectural et monumental, national et international.
+ info: http://www.iccrom.org/fra/news_fr/2011_fr/field_fr/07_25_bulletinISPAN25-HTI_fr.pdf
Looking Back at the 11 Most: Boston's Historic Theaters - Boston - Massachusetts USA
Sixteen years ago, when Boston Mayor Tom Menino (an Advisor Emeritus of the National
Trust) nominated Boston’s historic theaters to the National Trust’s list of 11 Most
Endangered Historic Places, never would we have imagined what twisty-turny path historic
preservation would take. Or, how long it would take!
This preservation saga is a great reminder of the adages: Good things take time. Rome
wasn’t built in a day. Persistence pays off. And, patience is a virtue.
+ info: http://blog.preservationnation.org/2011/06/29/looking-back-at-the-11-most-bostons-historic-theaters/
Ask President Obama to take historic action for Fort Monroe - Hampton - Virginia - USA
As a concerned citizen who believes we need to be careful stewards of our heritage and save historic places, I am writing to
express my support for designating Fort Monroe a National Monument.
This fortification has been the scene of several pivotal moments in U.S. history. Some of the first enslaved Africans in the
New World were introduced at the fortification in 1619, and 242 years later, the first runaway slaves were protected as
Contraband there, giving rise to its name “Freedom’s Fortress.” Fort Monroe, considered one of the most important historic
sites in America, deserves a special place in our consciousness, yet the Army’s decommissioning of the fort in September
2011 leaves the site’s future in peril.
+ info: http://my.preservationnation.org/site/Survey
SOUTH AFRICA: Antarctic Legacy Project takes shape
The considerable role South African researchers have played in scientific, biological and meteorological discoveries in the
sub-Antarctic Ocean lacks full recognition. But memories that lay scattered in national archives, personal diaries and
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Patrimoine Culturel
mementos will now be accessible through a project to identify, digitise and archive this historical heritage online.
More than 100,000 pages of records - including an estimated 30,000 maps, drawings, photographs, slides and oral history
interviews - will become accessible in the global public domain when the Antarctic Legacy Project becomes fully operational
by the end of 2012.
+ info: http://www.universityworldnews.com/article.php?story=2011082718161724
EUROCLIO: Launch of a new partner project on transatlantic slavery in The Hague
On September 22nd the first meeting will take place within the Dynamic Heritage Education
Project coordinated by the Center for Historical Culture (of Erasmus University) with the support
of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research. Dynamic Heritage Education aims to
promote cultural and historical awareness amongst youth by critical reflection on tangible and
intangible legacies from the past. This project will apply this methodology on the development
educational material and the training of teachers on the controversial topic of transatlantic
slavery. The material will be included in the Historiana programme of EUROCLIO. For questions
about this new project please contact Steven Stegers - [email protected]
+ info: http://www.euroclio.eu/new/index.php/news-mainmenu-730/newsletters-a-monthly-issues-roundup
Explore 160,000 portraits from the 16th Century to the present day - National Portrait Gallery - London United Kingdom
The Gallery holds the most extensive collection of portraits in the world. The Collection is displayed in London and in a
number of locations around the United Kingdom, including several houses managed by the National Trust. The Gallery is
increasingly keen to find new ways to share the Collection through the National Programmes, as well as through this
+ info: http://www.npg.org.uk/collections.php
Laboratoire d'emplois culturels LECU: le patrimoine culturel - Séville - Espagne (10-11 juin 2011)
Le premier atelier du Laboratoire d'emplois culturels LECU s'est tenu à Séville les 10 et 11 juin. L'initiative, organisée par
l'Institut Andalou du Patrimoine Historique du Ministère de la Culture du Gouvernement autonome de l'Andalousie cherche
à valoriser le potentiel du patrimoine culturel comme créateur d'emplois, car c'est l'un des principaux leviers de tourisme
culturel. Les participants à l'atelier ont eu l'occasion d'examiner les possibilités d'interaction et de transversalité entre les
différents métiers liés au patrimoine culturel et d'analyser les outils, technologies et techniques apparus récemment dans
ce domaine. LECU est financé par le Service Andalou de l'Emploi d'Andalousie et le Fonds social européen en collaboration
avec la Ville de la Corogne, l'Institut des biens artistiques, culturels et naturels de la Région Emilie Romagne (Italie) et la
Direction Régionale de la Culture du Nord (Portugal).
+ info: http://www.iaph.es/web/portal/actualidad/contenido/lecu_junio2011
Un colloque sur le Népal et les Routes de la Soie - Lalitpur - Népal (28-30 juillet 2011)
Un atelier national est organisé avec le soutien du Département d’archéologie du Népal en vue de la préparation d’un
dossier de candidature en série pour le patrimoine mondial des « Routes de la Soie ».
Deux experts des « Routes de la Soie », Susan Denyer et Mark Aldenderfer, recommandés respectivement par le Centre du
patrimoine mondial et le Département d’archéologie, partageront leurs connaissances sur les procédures à suivre dans la
préparation d'un dossier de candidature en série à la lumière de la situation actuelle dans la région de l’Asie du Sud et de
l'Asie centrale et entameront à cet effet des discussions stratégiques avec les autorités nationales.
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/unesco/events/culture-events/?tx_browser_pi1[showUid]
Université de Versailles Saint Quentin (UVSQ) - PATRIMA ((Patrimoines matériels : savoirs,
conservation, transmission), le laboratoire d'excellence reconnu par le Commissariat
général à l'investissement (France)
Mis en œuvre par les universités de Cergy-Pontoise (UCP) et de Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines
(UVSQ), ce laboratoire est un projet de portée internationale qui rassemble sciences de l’homme et
sciences exactes. Son objectif : développer au cours des dix prochaines années des programmes
internationaux de recherche et de formation dans le domaine du patrimoine matériel (objets de
musées, bâtiments, archives, livres et manuscrits…).
+ info: http://www.uvsq.fr/toute-l-actualite/patrima-le-laboratoire-d-excellence-reconnu-par-le-commissariat-general-a-linvestissement-118516.kjsp?RH=1184672073070
13-sep-2011 . New York City, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Storefront for Art and Architecture
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://sacredspacesinprofanebuildings.com/
Une pierre sacrée provenant d'Australie retirée d'une vente organisée en Angleterre
Mercredi 7 septembre 2011, au Royaume-Uni, une pierre aborigène a été retirée d’une vente
aux enchères, conformément aux souhaits de l’Australie. Cette pierre était mise en vente par
une Britannique, via l’auctioneer Canterbury Auction Galleries. Après intervention de
l’ambassade d’Australie et d’experts en patrimoine, la propriétaire et son mandataire ont
préféré annuler la vente afin de n’ « offenser personne dans la communauté aborigène ». Les
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Patrimoine Culturel
représentants et défenseurs de cette culture avaient attiré leur attention sur le fait que ces
artefacts ont une valeur telle que même les musées australiens refusent de les exposer.
+ info: http://www.artclair.com/site/archives/docs_article/88249/une-pierre-sacree-provenant-d-australie-retiree-d-unevente-organisee-en-angleterre.php
Fondation du Patrimoine - Newsletter bimensuelle N° 13 - 02/09/2011
La Fondation du Patrimoine a pour but essentiel de sauvegarder et de valoriser le patrimoine rural non protégé. Maisons,
églises, ponts, lavoirs, moulins, patrimoine industriel, mobilier, naturel… tous les types de patrimoine de proximité sont
éligibles à l'action de la Fondation. Aux côtés de l'Etat et des principaux acteurs du secteur, elle aide les propriétaires
publics et associatifs à financer leurs projets, permet aux propriétaires privés de défiscaliser tout ou partie de leurs
travaux, et mobilise le mécénat d’entreprise.
+ info: http://fondation-patrimoine.org/
CAMRA (Cultural Asset Mapping in Regional Australia)
CAMRA (Cultural Asset Mapping in Regional Australia) is a major Australian Research Council and
industry funded project running from 2008 to 2013 as a partnership between seventeen organisations,
including four universities.
CAMRA aims to provide planners, policy- makers and communities with the knowledge they need to
make better-informed planning decisions for more effective development of their local arts and cultural
+ info: http://camra.culturemap.org.au/about-camra
ACTIVIDADES DE SUPERACIÓN PROFESIONAL en la Conservación del Patrimonio Cultural Tangible, mueble e
inmueble, y del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial: Año Académico 2011
La web principal del CENCREM es http://www.cencrem.co.cu/. La que he puesto en la base de datos es un PDF . La
Habana, Cuba
Organizateurs: Centro Nacional de Conservación, Restauración y Museología (CENCREM)
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.iccrom.org/eng/news_en/2011_en/field_en/02_14trainingCRECI_es.pdf
Public Seminar Series - The Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
1 août - 30 nov 2011 . Melbourne, Australie
Organizateurs: Deakin University
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.deakin.edu.au/arts-ed/chcap/seminars/index.php
II Jornada del Patrimonio de la Boca del Riachuelo
26-août -2011 . Buenos Aires, Argentine
Organizateurs: Cátedra UNESCO de Turismo Cultural Untref/Aamnba
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.aamnba.com.ar/esp/unesco.html
UNESCO Pacific World Heritage Workshop 'Pacific Heritage for Today and Tomorrow'
5 sep - 9 sep 2011 . Apia, Samoa
Organizateurs: UNESCO
Contact: Diana Roma, National Programme Officer (d.roma(at)unesco.org)
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/en/apia/culture/apia-world-heritage-workshop/
Journées du Patrimoine à la BnF (Bibliothèque nationale de France)
17 sep - 18 sep 2011 . Paris, France
Organizateurs: Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF)
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.bnf.fr/fr/la_bnf/anx_actu_bib/a.journee_patrimoine.html
Conference - Economics of Cultural Heritage and Museums - How to Face the Challenges of the New Economy Het Toneel Speelt
21 sep - 24 sep 2011 . Amsterdam, Pays-Bas
Organizateurs: CREARE Foundation
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.crearefoundation.nl/Economics_of_Cultural_Heritage_and_Museums
'The best in Heritage 2011'
22 sep - 24 sep 2011 . Dubrovnik, Croatie
Organizateurs: European Heritage Association
Contact: [email protected] and [email protected]
+ info: http://www.thebestinheritage.com/conference/about/
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Patrimoine Culturel
Table ronde - Les relations entre ethnologie patrimoniale et anthropologie générale : pistes pour une
comparaison internationale
23-sep-2011 . Paris, France
Organizateurs: Association française d'ethnologie et d'anthropologie
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.mcm.asso.fr/site02/afea.htm
Hunter Heritage Network Seminar
30-sep-2011 . Newcastle - New South Wales, Australie
Organizateurs: University of Newcastle Cultural Collections
Contact: Sarah Cameron, [email protected]
+ info: http://hunterheritagenetwork.org/
Seminario Internacional "Difusión y Protección del Patrimonio Religioso en América latina"
3 oct - 5 oct 2011 . Buenos Aires, Argentine
Organizateurs: La Cátedra UNESCO de Turismo Cultural Untref/Aamnba
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 9 mai 2011
+ info: http://trabajadoresdemuseos.blogspot.com/2011/04/seminario-internacional-difusion-y.html
Seminario Internacional "Difusión y Protección del Patrimonio Religioso en América latina"
3 oct - 5 oct 2011 . Buenos Aires, Argentine
Organizateurs: La Cátedra UNESCO de Turismo Cultural, la Universidad de Tres de Febrero y la Asociación Amigos del
Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 9 mai 2011
+ info: http://www.iaa.fadu.uba.ar/?p=1541
Evénements des Journées européennes du patrimoine
10 oct - 12 oct 2011 . Wrocław, Pologne
Organizateurs: Council of Europe and the European Union
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 19 août 2011
+ info: http://www.coe.int/t/dg4/cultureheritage/heritage/ehd/2011/wroclaw_FR.asp
Symposium: The challenges of the conservation of artworks in churches
11-oct-2011 . Londrés, Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: Westminster Abbey. The Curch of England
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.churchcare.co.uk/pdf_view.php?id=220
14th International Conference of National Trusts: 'Connecting People, Places and Stories: New Strategies for
Conservation in a Changing World'
La web de francés no se ve 12 oct - 15 oct 2011 . Victoria, Canada
Organizateurs: The Land Conservancy of British Columbia (TLC) and by the Heritage Canada Foundation (HCF)
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 12 sep 2011
+ info: http://intoconference.org/fr/
27 oct - 30 oct 2011 . Fehérvárcsurgó, Hongrie
Organizateurs: EUROCLIO
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://euroclio.eu/new/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2701:rigalatvia-one-more-inspiringhistoriana-seminar&catid=1105:exploring-european-history-a-heritage&Itemid=93
WCCE - ECCE - TCCE Joint Conference on "Seismic Protection of Cultural Heritage"
31 oct - 1 nov 2011 . Antalya, Turquie
Organizateurs: World Council of Civil Engineers (WCCE), the European Council of Civil Engineers (ECCE) and the Turkish
Chamber of Civil Engineers (TCCE)
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.imo.org.tr/spch
Convocatoria 6° Encuentro de Estudiantes de Arte y Patrimonio Cultural
9-nov-2011 . Máxico D.F., Mexique
Organizateurs: La Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México (UACM) a través de la Coordinación Académica , del
Colegio de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales y de la Academia de Arte y Patrimonio Cultural
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 23 sep 2011
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Patrimoine Culturel
+ info: http://gestioncultural.org.mx/encuentro.php
Historical Lab 3: Nature, Creativity and Production in Art Nouveau
16-nov-2011 . Milano, Italie
Organizateurs: The Réseau Art Nouveau Network, in the framework of the project Art Nouveau & Ecology supported by the
programme Culture 2007-2013 of the European Commission
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 30 sep 2011
+ info: http://universidadypatrimonio.net/doc/Flash_Info/LAB3/CallPapers.pdf
17th ICOMOS General Assembly and Scientific Symposium - registration open
27 nov - 2 dic 2011 . Paris, France
Organizateurs: ICOMOS
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 27 sep 2011
+ info: http://www.icomos-paris2011.com/
Colloque SHS(Sciences humaines & sociales)- Méditerranée : appropriation des ressources naturelles et
patrimoniales : compétitions et droits d'accès en Méditerranée
28 nov - 30 nov 2011 . BEYROUTH, Liban
Organizateurs: Association Française d'ethnologie et d'anthopologie
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 20 sep 2011
+ info: http://asso-afea.fr/Deadline-etendue-pour-Colloque-SHS.html
COLLOQUIUM - Donald Horne Institute for Cultural Heritage: Heritage without borders: making critical
9-dic-2011 . Canberra, Australie
Organizateurs: Donald Horne Institute for Cultural Heritage. University Of Camberra
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://australia.icomos.org/wp-content/uploads/Heritage-without-borders.pdf
TKWRM (Traditional Knowledge for Water Resources Management): 2012 International Conference
21 fév - 23 fév 2012 . Yazd, Iran (République islamique d')
Organizateurs: International Centre on Qanats and Historic Hydraulic Structures (ICQHS)
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://conference.icqhs.org/Index.php/tkwrm/2012
Call for papers : The Art of Neighbouring : Old Crossroads and New Connections along the Peoples Republic of
China's Borders 1 mar - 2 mar 2012 . Singapore, Singapour
Organizateurs: Asian Migration Cluster and the Open Cluster, Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 15 oct 2011
+ info: http://asso-afea.fr/Call-for-papers-The-Art-of,393.html
XIV Jornadas Internacionales Misiones Jesuítas
7 août - 10 août 2012 . San Ignacio de Velasco, Bolivie
Organizateurs: Universidad Católica Boliviana - Chiquitos
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.ucbch.edu.bo/index.php/71
Colloque international 'Patrimoine de l'Ecologie et Ecologie du Patrimoine'
11 oct - 12 oct 2012 . Grignon, France
Organizateurs: Centre d’histoire culturelle des sociétés contemporaines (Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-enYvelines), Musée du Vivant, Musée international sur l’écologie (AgroParisTech) et HISTECOLOGIA, Réseau de recherche
international sur l’histoire de l’écologie
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 31 dic 2011
+ info: http://www.chcsc.uvsq.fr/colloques/appelEcologiePatrimoine.pdf
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Patrimoine Culturel
Photography book 'Stone Walls: Personal Boundaries'
By artist Mariana Cook
Damiani, $50, 192 pages, ISBN 978-88-6208-169-6
A new photography book Stone Walls: Personal Boundaries (Damiani, $50, 192 pages, ISBN 978-886208-169-6) by artist Mariana Cook examines in stunning detail one of man’s earliest and most
enduring methods of defining territories – the stone wall. Sculptural and practical, majestic and
humble, the dry stone walls showcased in the book capture a fundamental relationship between
human beings and the landscape. The book will be published October 1, 2011.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49907
INHERIT Newsletter - Heritage Victoria - Australia - Migration Heritage - July 2011
Heritage Council of Victoria provides the highest level of legal protection for cultural heritage places and objects in Victoria.
As an independent statutory authority, Heritage Council of Victoria is the State's main decision-making body on cultural
(non-Indigenous) heritage issues. 10 members are appointed by the Governor-in-Council upon the recommendation of the
Minister for Planning. Heritage Council of Victoria receives professional advice and administrative support from Heritage
Victoria, and both organisations work together on a range of committees. The newsletter is available as PDF download or
subscribe [email protected] and receive as a monthly email.
+ info: http://www.dpcd.vic.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0018/76032/Inherit-48-July-11.pdf
UN OUVRAGE COLLECTIF - Zoos humains et exhibitions coloniale - 150 ans d'invention de l'Autre
By Nicolas Bancel
ISBN : 9782707144010
Parution : août 2004
Sous la direction de Pascal Blanchard, Nicolas Bancel, Gilles Boëtsch, Éric Deroo et Sandrine Lemaire. Les «
zoos humains », symboles oubliés de l'histoire contemporaine, ont été totalement refoulés de notre
mémoire collective. Ces exhibitions de « sauvages », aussi bien des « exotiques » que des « monstres »,
ont pourtant été, en Europe, aux États-Unis et au Japon, une étape majeure du passage progressif d'un
racisme scientifique à un racisme populaire. Au carrefour du discours savant, des cultures de masse et de l'intérêt des
puissances coloniales, ces exhibitions ont touché plus d'un milliard quatre cent millions de visiteurs depuis l'exhibition en
Europe de la Vénus hottentote au début du XIXe siècle.
Êtres difformes, populations exotiques et étrangetés de la nature se retrouvent sur scène côte à côte comme appartenant à
un univers de l’anormalité, séparés des visiteurs par une barrière réelle ou imaginaire. Véritable ouvrage de synthèse sur la
question, rassemblant les meilleurs spécialistes internationaux, les contributions proposées ici mettent en perspective la «
spectacularisation » de l'Autre, à l'origine de bien des stéréotypes actuels.
+ info: http://www.editionsladecouverte.fr/catalogue/index-Zoos_humains-9782707144010.html
Return(ed) to Paradise: The Deportation Experience in Samoa and Tonga
By Natalia Pereira
ISBN 978-92-3-104200-3
Published in 2011
UNESCO has long recognized the importance of contributing to peace and security by promoting
collaboration amongst nations through education, science and culture. Through these media we foster
universal respect for justice, the rule of law and for the human rights and fundamental freedoms for the
peoples of the world.
The issue of forced repatriation has been the focus of many debates amongst international organizations, governments and
those in the academic and intellectual fields. An effective response will require the cooperation of all social actors, without
exception, to provide a long-term perspective on the resettlement of those who are returned to their country of origin. It is
for this reason that decision-making procedures include the affected populations and policies are specially designed to
ensure co- ordination and effectiveness for those being repatriated.
+ info: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0019/001928/192858e.pdf#192858
American Journal of Archaeology Online Reviews (July 2011)
The American Journal of Archaeology publishes quarterly open access book and museum reviews. These reviews are listed
in the table of contents of the respective printed issue of the Journal and are available for free download on the Journal's
Below is a list of book and museum exhibition reviews published in tandem with our printed July 2011 issue (volume 115,
number 3). See the Current Table of Contents or click the links below to access the free PDFs.
+ info: http://www.ajaonline.org/toc/1153-0
MUSEUM International N°248: Haiti, Cultural Heritage and Reconstruction
La revue, publiée par lUNESCO depuis 1948, se consacre à léchange dinformations scientifiques et
techniques sur les musées et le patrimoine dans une perspective de collaboration internationale.
MUSEUM International cherche à renforcer la relation entre la communauté professionnelle internationale
des musées et du patrimoine et les experts chinois dans le but de développer des méthodes diversifiées et
de renforcer la solidarité internationale.
+ info: http://portal.unesco.org/culture/fr/ev.phpURL_ID=41688&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html
Architecture and Innovation for Heritage
Giuseppe De Giovanni, Emanuele Walter Angelico
ISBN: 978-88-548-3837-6
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Patrimoine Culturel
Gli articoli, raccolti in questo volume, si rivolgono essenzialmente a quell´aspetto del ?senso del passato?
(sense of past) che tende alla valorizzazione e alla conservazione del Patrimonio Culturale (Heritage),
tramandato dalle civiltà e dalle culture del passato, attraverso l´attivazione di processi innovativi per la sua
salvaguardia, la sua protezione e fruizione e, infine, per la sua conoscenza. La collettività deve considerare
lo Heritage, la cui natura è materiale e immateriale, non come oggetto di culto ma come promotore di
nuovi artifici e di nuove attività, ovvero d´innovazione.
+ info: http://www.esempidiarchitettura.it/ebcms2.lm.php?mod=pagina&o_nome=pagina&o_id=3
Secrétaire général de Nations Unies : Rapport sur la Culture et développement
Le présent rapport a été établi par l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’éducation, la science et la culture (UNESCO); il
rend compte de l’application de la résolution 65/166 de l’Assemblée générale intitulée « Culture et développement » et
propose une évaluation de l’utilité et de l’opportunité d’organiser une conférence des Nations Unies sur la culture et le
développement. Il récapitule à cette fin les activités de 18 entités des Nations Unies qui démontrent l’apport de la culture
au développement. Il expose aussi les paramètres de l’organisation d’une telle conférence, dont il évalue l’objectif, la
portée, le moment, le format et les incidences financières. Il recommande par ailleurs des mesures à prendre pour mieux
intégrer la culture dans les politiques et pratiques de développement
+ info: http://www.un.org/ga/search/view_doc.asp?symbol=A/66/187&referer=/english/&Lang=F
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Paysages culturels
Paysages culturels
Theme of Relationship Between Human and Nature Explored in Exhibition at
Rosphoto - Saint Petersburg - Russian Federation - 15 June - 20 July 2011
The exhibition by Mathias Kessler(Austria) at ROSPHOTO is result of the author's research
into the theme of relationship between human and nature.
"In 2004, after a string of natural disasters and as a result of the ongoing media focus on
global warming, I undertook to develop a second "look" at nature in order to better show
how we perceive and encounter it today. After conducting research on the Western
perception and historical representation of nature, I developed different bodies of work that
examine and update Western landscape traditions, in order to better reveal how the depiction of landscape is also the
matter of its production, and show how historical changes in these representations relate to contemporary images of the
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=48411
Landscapes of Cohabitation / doxiadis+ - Antiparos - Greece
The Aegean islands are known for their great and dramatic beauty. Significantly, this beauty is the result of the interaction
of natural and human agents, both in its creation and in its perception and representation: the white chapel on top of a hill,
the traditional village overlooking the sunset, the golden wheat-fields overlooking the sea. These elements were not
constructed with any attempts or notion of the picturesque; however, they are the result of self-organizing systems of
structures and processes developed over millennia.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/142310/landscapes-of-cohabitation-doxiadis/?
Comment préserver les paysages viticoles et développer l'oenotourisme - France
Le vendredi 27 mai 2011, une centaine de personnes ont assisté à la journée organisée par la
Mission Val de Loire, en partenariat avec InterLoire et la Chambre d’agriculture du Loir-et-Cher.
Elus et agents des collectivités locales, professionnels du tourisme et de la viticulture, ont pu
découvrir des expériences du Val de Loire et des vignobles du patrimoine mondial (réseau
+ info: http://www.valdeloire.org/Actualites/Articles/Tous/Comment-preserver-les-paysagesviticoles-et-developper-l-oenotourisme
Boustrophedon Garden / PLANT Architect - Québec City - Québec - Canada
The Boustrophedon Garden weaves these ideas together to create a three-dimensional landscape “cloth” that registers all
observations of growth and change in its warp and weft, creating a three-dimensional garden journal as if in anticipation of
improving next year’s garden. The public was able to scrutinize and be part of the changing patterns of growth and bloom
recorded over the summer. Increasing in complexity and volume throughout the summer, recorded data and vegetation
proceeded to engulf the visitor, while creating a dialogue with the plants that continued to change during their growth
trajectory. The garden made a playful connection between food production, dynamism of plant processes, and the careful
science of understanding growth necessary to our future survival.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/149284/
Arapahoe Acres Design Intent Threatened by Unsympathetic
Renovations - Englewood - Colorado - USA
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Paysages culturels
During the late 1940s, Edward Hawkins had a vision to develop a
community of contemporary homes in Denver’s burgeoning postwar housing market. A tract of farmland south of the University of
Denver, then the hinterlands of the city, became Arapahoe Acres.
Today, the neighborhood of low-slung roofed homes and curvilinear
streets topped by a mature tree canopy continues to be a unique
enclave in the Denver suburbs. However, cumulative changes to the designed landscape now threaten the community’s
consistent planned aesthetic.
+ info: http://tclf.org/landslides/arapahoe-acres-design-intent-threatened
Garfield Park Conservatory Heavily Damaged by Hailstorm Chicago - Illinois - USA
On June 30, 2011, the National Register-listed Garfield Park
Conservatory in Chicago was heavily damaged in a passing
hailstorm, causing officials to close the facility until further notice.
While select rooms have been reopened, the conservatory’s
centerpiece, the Fern Room, was heavily damaged and only a
portion of the outside gardens are now accessible.
+ info: http://tclf.org/landslides/garfield-park-conservatory-heavily-damaged-by-hailstorm
V Curso De Especializacion Rehabilitacion De Jardines Y Parques Historicos/ Paisajes Culturales - Madrid España
Impartido en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, dentro del marco de su
programa de postgrado, y con la colaboración del Ministerio de Cultura, la quinta edición de este curso de especialización
pretende responder a la creciente demanda social por la protección del paisaje que tras la ratificación por España (febrero,
2008) del Convenio Europeo del Paisaje (Florencia, 2000) esta suscitando una necesidad real de especialistas para la
conservación de parques, jardines históricos y paisajes culturales.
+ info: http://www.iaph.es/paisajecultural/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=1059
Les Jardins du précambrien - À venir / Coming up / Próximo - Val David - Quebec - Canada
Le 11e Symposium international d’art in situ, sous le thème du LEGS, sera l’événement le plus significatif
de nos symposiums depuis 1995. Les mémoires des lieux, des œuvres et des créateurs passés se
superposent dans nos sentiers depuis plus de quinze ans. De ces passages successifs, qui se sont
accumulés tels des palimpsestes, naît une réflexion sur la question de l’héritage et de la pérennité :
qu’allons-nous léguer à nos enfants comme environnement et comme culture dans une société du jetable
et de la consommation à outrance, où règnent l’éphémère et le virtuel, sans mémoire de l’histoire ? Les
artistes, poètes, compositeurs et conférenciers invités participent à cette réflexion et interrogent chacun à
leur manière le sens du LEGS.
+ info: http://www.jardinsduprecambrien.com/
Kunstmuseum Receives a Place of Contemplation: Japan Garden - KunstmuseumWolfsburg - Lower Saxony - Germany
When he assumed his new post in January 2006, Dr. Markus Brüderlin already pointed to a
future project that lay close to his heart: to turn the unused sculpture court planned by Peter
Schweger, the architect of the Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, into a Zen garden. Schweger's idea
of a sculpture court was not followed up on after the museum's opening in 1994. The
courtyard lay idle and was used for the most diverse purposes.
+ info: http://www.kunstmuseum-wolfsburg.de/special/8/Japan_Garden
Wyvernwood: Los Angeles Garden City Complex Threatened Boyle Heights - Los Angeles - California - USA
Located in the Boyle Heights neighborhood, Wyvernwood Garden
Apartments was the first large-scale, garden-style housing
development constructed in East Los Angeles. Inspired by Clarence
Stein and Henry Wright’s innovative Radburn, New Jersey, plan
principles, the landscape for the development of 143 buildings and
large swathes of open space was designed by landscape architect
Hammond Sadler.
+ info: http://tclf.org/landslides/wyvernwood-losangeles-garden-city-complex-threatened
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Paysages culturels
Florence Griswold Museum Hosts Renowned Collection of American Landscapes
1 juill - 18 sep 2011 . Old Lyme, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Florence Griswold Museum
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.flogris.org/exhibitions_11Parrish.php
Cheekwood Botanical Garden & Museum of Art Presents "Drawn to Nature"
16 juill - 2 oct 2011 . Nashville, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Cheekwood Botanical Garden & Museum of Art
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49092
Exhibition - Painting the American Vision
30 juill - 6 nov 2011 . Salem, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Peabody Essex Museum
+ info: http://www.pem.org/exhibitions/132-painting_the_american_vision
What's Out There Weekend
17 sep - 18 sep 2011 . San Francisco, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: The Cultural Landscape Foundation
+ info: http://tclf.org/landscapes/wot-weekend-sanfrancisco
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Routes et itinéraires culturels (routes, canaux, voies ferrées, fleuves...)
Routes et itinéraires culturels (routes, canaux, voies ferrées,
La ruta de la orfebrería - Boletín digital diario AÑO IX No. 196
Múltiples son las razones que llevaron a Ignacio, Mirtha, Juan Alfredo, Aniela, Frank Antonio,
Concepción... a participar en el proyecto recreativo Rutas y Andares para descubrir en
familia, de la Oficina del Historiador (OH), que despierta en los visitantes el conocimiento,
respeto y cuidado de la Villa de San Cristóbal de La Habana.
Ellos, al igual que cientos de personas visitan cada año su centro histórico, gracias a esta
opción cultural creada en el 2000, que incluye en su oncena edición cinco rutas y andares
diferentes cada semana.
+ info: http://granma.co.cu/2011/08/18/nacional/artic02.html
In Progress: King's Cross Station / John McAslan + Partners - London - United Kingdom
“It’s incredible to watch the reinvention of the station taking shape into a compelling piece of place-making for London. You
can already see how the Western Concourse – Europe’s largest single span station structure and the heart of the
development – reconnects this much-loved Victorian terminus to its context. It’s immensely satisfying to see the project
move forward at such pace and we look forward to celebrating the project’s completion in 2012 for the London Olympics.”John McAslan, Chairman John McAslan + Partners
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/162461
Atelier/consultation nationale : 'Le Népal et la route de la soie'
6-sep-2011 . Lalitpur, Népal
Organizateurs: Kathmandu
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/unesco/events/all-events/?tx_browser_pi1[showUid]=4447&cHash=bf39f7f552
Sauver le patrimoine de la Compagnie Internationale des Wagons lits
Cette pétition a pour but, de tenter de raisonner le groupe Accor de renoncer à la vente publique, prévue le 27 septembre
prochain, chez Christies à Paris,d’une grande partie du patrimoine de la Compagnie Internationale des Wagons Lits.
Précision importante : il ne s'agit pas de voitures (vendues à une filiale de la SNCF) mais d'objets, tableaux, affiches...
conservés au fil des ans depuis la création de la CIe - voir le lien en dessous du texte.
Et peut être ensuite par ce biais de trouver un mécène, ou de convaincre les institutions Wallonnes, Belges ou Européennes
de sauvegarder, par l’achat global préalable, cet exceptionnel patrimoine (La majorité d’entre eux ont déjà été prévenus de
l’urgence) qui représente un intérêt général dans le domaine éducatif, culturel et historique.
+ info: http://www.lapetition.be/en-ligne/Sauver-le-patrimoine-de-la-Compagnie-Internationale-des-Wagons-lits-10266.
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Routes et itinéraires culturels (routes, canaux, voies ferrées, fleuves...)
Rivers 2011: 3rd International Conference on Managing Rivers in the 21st Century
6 dic - 9 dic 2011 . Penang, Malaisie
Organizateurs: River Engineering and Urban Drainage Research Centre (REDAC) - Universiti Sains Malaysia
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://rivers2011.eng.usm.my/
La Loire, mémoire d’un fleuve - France
Par Jean-Mary Couderc
Mai 2011
Cet ouvrage de Jean-Mary Couderc, réalisé en partenariat avec la Mission Val de Loire, est le premier de la
nouvelle collection « Les patrimoines » éditée par la Nouvelle République.
Sommaire :
Le plus grand fleuve français
La vallée des rois
Un conservatoire naturel unique
Vingt et un siècle de navigation
La Loire reconquise
Il est disponible chez les marchands de journaux de la zone de diffusion de la Nouvelle République du Centre-Ouest.
+ info: http://www.valdeloire.org/Actualites/Articles/Tous/La-Loire-memoire-d-un-fleuve
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G-WADI organise un atelier de formation concernant les impacts du changement
climatique sur les ressources en eau dans les régions arides et semi-arides
A l'initiative du Bureau de l'UNESCO de Téhéran et du PHI iranien, l'atelier de formation de
G-WADI sur les impacts du changement climatique sur les ressources en eau dans les
régions arides et semi-arides, a été organisé à Téhéran, en Iran, du 20 au 21 juin 2011,
en présence du président du Conseil intergouvernemental du PHI, M. Soontak Lee; du
président du Comité national iranien du PHI et ministre adjoint des Affaires relatives à
l'eau et aux eaux usées, du ministre de l'Energie, I.R. de l'Iran, M. Attarzade; du
secrétaire général de la Commission nationale iranienne pour l'UNESCO, le docteur Saeidabadi; du ministre adjoint à
l'Agriculture, le docteur Salajaghe; du directeur du bureau de l'UNESCO à Téhéran, M. Qunli Han; des membres du Comité
national iranien du PHI et des représentants de l'Afghanistan, de la Chine, de l'Inde, de l’Iran, du Japon, du Kazakhstan et
du Pakistan.
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/water/news/newsletter/252_fr.shtml#news_1
Fading borders: Growing Reforestation - Quisqueya Verde Programme - The
Dominican Republic
The visit of Mr. Gnacadja comes at a crucial time, especially when the reforestation efforts from
the Dominican government are gaining traction. The government has been promoting the
reforestation programs through its flagship national program called the Quisqeya Verde
Program. During his two-day visit on 7-8 July 2011, Mr. Gnacadja planted saplings in the fields
and met with local communities. The government plans to plant 30 million trees in 4 years
under the project.
This is part of the Ministry of Environment's "Green Border" initiative to promote ideas and actions on the border zone with
Haiti under the Quisqeya program. The initiative includes reforestation along the borders of Haiti and the Dominican
Republic and it involves the participation from the local communities in the region.
+ info: http://www.unccd.int/publicinfo/partners/stories.php?newch=Fading%20borders
UNCCD (United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification): Stories from local communities
The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification fosters the creation of an enabling environment that promotes
action at the local level, the implementation of a cooperation framework built upon partnership agreements and the
promotion of activities integrated into a coherent development strategy with a view to enhancing the involvement of civil
society in the intergovernmental and decision-making process.
To date, more than 900 civil society organisations have been accredited with observer status to the Conference of the
Parties. The participation of these entities in the implementation of the Convention and their contribution to the various
meetings is a necessary component of the successful implementation of the Convention through its Ten Year Strategic Plan.
+ info: http://www.unccd.int/cso/menu.php?newch=l8
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Patrimoine documentaire, audiovisuel et numérique. Archives
Patrimoine documentaire, audiovisuel et numérique. Archives
The British Library and Google to make 250,000 books available to all - London - United
The British Library and Google today announced a partnership to digitise 250,000 out-of-copyright books
from the Library’s collections. Opening up access to one of the greatest collections of books in the world,
this demonstrates the Library’s commitment, as stated in its 2020 Vision, to increase access to anyone
who wants to do research.
Selected by the British Library and digitised by Google, both organisations will work in partnership over
the coming years to deliver this content free through Google Books (http://books.google.co.uk) and the
British Library’s website (www.bl.uk). Google will cover all digitisation costs.
+ info: http://pressandpolicy.bl.uk/Press-Releases/The-British-Library-and-Google-to-make-250-000-books-available-to-all4fc.aspx
Appel à partenariat pour la numérisation et la valorisation des collections BnF (Bibliothèque Nationale de
France) et Appel à partenariat pour la valorisation du système de préservation et d'archivage réparti (SPAR) Paris - France
La BnF, le Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication et le Commissariat général à l’Investissement ont lancé, mercredi
6 juillet 2011, un appel à partenariat dans le cadre des Investissements d’Avenir pour la numérisation et la valorisation des
collections de la BnF.
Depuis une dizaine d’années, la BnF s’est engagée dans une politique de numérisation de ses collections qui permet
d’enrichir sa bibliothèque numérique Gallica, composée actuellement d’un million et demi de documents. Ceux-ci sont
également accessibles via Europeana, la bibliothèque numérique européenne dont la BnF est l’un des tout premiers
contributeurs. Ces programmes de numérisation sont financés par une subvention du Centre national du Livre (CNL) et par
le budget propre de la BnF.
+ info: http://www.bnf.fr/fr/la_bnf/anx_actu_bib/a.appel_partenariat.html
Tug-of-War Over Iraqi Jewish Trove of Books and Other Materials in United States Hands
A trove of Jewish books and other materials, rescued from a sewage-filled Baghdad basement during the 2003 invasion, is
now caught up in a tug-of-war between the U.S. and Iraq.
Ranging from a medieval religious book to children's Hebrew primers, from photos to Torah cases, the collection is
testimony to a once vibrant Jewish community in Baghdad. Their present-day context is the relationship, fraught with
distrust, between postwar Iraq and its Jewish diaspora.
Discovered in a basement used by Saddam Hussein's secret police, the collection was sent to the U.S. for safekeeping and
restoration, and sat at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) in Maryland until last year, when Iraqi
officials started a campaign to get it back.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=48979
Priceless Manuscript Stolen from Spanish Cathedral in Santiago de Compostela - Spain
A priceless collection of 12th-century religious manuscripts was stolen from a cathedral in the northwestern Spanish city of
Santiago de Compostela, police said Friday.
Galicia regional police inspector Benigno Roca said a special unit has been set up to try to recover the Calixtinus Codex,
which went missing from a strongbox in the cathedral's archive room last week. He said there were no signs of a break-in.
Roca said European police forces had been alerted.
Cathedral dean Jose Maria Diaz said the richly-decorated tome was of incalculable value. He said whoever took it knew this
and knew where to find it.
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_71/10_2011.html (1 de 5) [26/09/2011 16:24:41]
Patrimoine documentaire, audiovisuel et numérique. Archives
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=48950
Lincoln Document Returned to National Archives
A letter to President Abraham Lincoln from three military surgeons requesting a chaplain to tend to the wounded and dying
soldiers after the Battle of Antietam, accompanied by the president's signed response, were returned to the National
Archives on Thursday.
Bill Panagopulos, president of Alexander Historical Auctions, in Stamford, Conn., helped negotiate the return and handed
the documents over to David Ferriero, archivist of the United States, at a ceremony at the National Archives.
"I'm not just returning it to the Archives, I'm returning it to the United States," Panagopulos said. "This building is where it
belongs. It's coming home."
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49970
Black Seaman's 1861 Heroics Recalled in New Film by New York-Based Documentary Producers - USA
The Union's first black hero of the Civil War wasn't one of the African-American soldiers of the 54th Massachusetts Infantry
Regiment, famously depicted in the 1989 film "Glory," but rather a merchant ship's cook who took up arms to prevent
being sold into slavery after a Confederate raider captured his vessel.
At least that's the reckoning of some historians and a pair of upstate New York-based documentary producers who have
included William Tillman's story in their new film on the short-but-prolific wartime record of the brig Jefferson Davis, a
Southern privateer that seized several Union ships in the opening months of the war.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=48954
Address by Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO on the occasion of the inauguration of the exhibition for
the Day of Slavic cultures - 31 May 2011
...I am delighted to come here for the opening of this exhibition dedicated to Slavic cultures.
I wish to congratulate and thank foremost the Permanent Delegations of the Russian Federation and Slovenia for this
I am aware that this follows a successful meeting of the Forum of Slavic Cultures at UNESCO Headquarters on 24 May, the
Day of Slavic Alphabet and Culture.
This pays tribute to the dedication of the Member States of the Forum for Slavic Cultures, who initiated this exhibition, to
preserving and promoting the values that are shared by Slavic-speaking countries…
+ info: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0019/001928/192891e.pdf
Exposition en ligne - "Rouge. Des costumes de scène (XVIIIe - XXIe siècles)
vus par Christian Lacroix" - Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) - Paris France
L'exposition intitulée "Rouge. Des costumes de scène (XVIIIe – XXIe siècles) vus par
Christian Lacroix" a été pour la première fois présentée en 2005 à la Bibliothèque-Musée
de l’Opéra, Palais Garnier. Les documents rassemblés en ligne sur le site de la BNF ne se
limitent pas au traitement de "la première des couleurs" ( Adamus, le nom latin d'Adam
signifiant "fait de terre rouge") dans le seul cadre de la mode et du théâtre. L'exposition
aborde en effet la couleur la plus vive sous de multiples coutures.
+ info: http://cursus.edu/institutions-formations-ressources/formation/17451/opulence-rouge/
Exhibition - Wisdom Builds Her House: The Architecture and History of Libraries at Architekturmuseum
14 juil - 16 oct 2011 . Munich, Allemagne
Organizateurs: Architekturmuseum der Technischen Universität München
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.architekturmuseum.de/en/ausstellungen/index.php
Cérémonie de remise du Prix UNESCO/Jikji Mémoire du monde
2-sep-2011 . Cheongju, République de Corée
Organizateurs: Permanent Delegation of the Republic of Korea to UNESCO
Contact: Joie Springer ([email protected])
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/unesco/events/all-events/?tx_browser_pi1[showUid]=4360&cHash=290d44ed8b
FELLOWSHIPS - Scholars Association. Onassis cultural Centre (Greece) International Online Magazine. Issue
The Onassis Cultural Centre-Athens was inaugurated in December 2010, as a new cultural site accessible to all. Its mission
is the promotion of modern cultural expression, the support of new Greek artists, the cultivation of international
collaborations, the education and lifelong learning, as well as the co-existence and interaction of sciences, innovation and
+ info: http://www.onassis.gr/online-magazine/issue-19/
Only Copy of Magna Carta in the United States - National Archives - Washington D.C. - USA
A painstaking conservation effort to remove old patches and repair weak spots in a 714-year-old copy of the Magna Carta
has revealed that the full text of that English declaration of human rights remains intact even though some words are faded
and illegible to the eye, the National Archives said Tuesday.
A $13.5 million gift from philanthropist David Rubenstein — owner of the handwritten document — is funding the
conservation effort as well preparations for an upcoming exhibit.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=11&int_new=49230
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Patrimoine documentaire, audiovisuel et numérique. Archives
New Digital Resources Added to Victorian Veterans Virtual Museum - Victoria - Australia
The Victorian Veterans Virtual Museum has been launched! It contains a number of new resources for veterans, students,
historians and others with an interest in Australian war history. The Virtual Museum hosts the Victorian War Heritage
Inventory and other important sources of information about war-related heritage in Victoria.
+ info: http://www.dpcd.vic.gov.au/veterans/veterans-heritage
National Museum of Korea - All 297 Oegyujanggak Uigwe books return from France - Seoul Republic of Korea
A total of 297 Oegyujanggak (the Ganghwa Island branch of Gyujanggak, the royal library of the Joseon
Dynasty) Uigwe (records of the State rites of the Joseon Dynasty) books were returned to Korea from
France with the completion of the fourth delivery on Friday, May 27. Thus, the uigwe books of the Joseon
Dynasty returned to Korea after 145 years. Most of them are uigwe books for ‘royal inspection’, meaning
that they were specially produced to be examined by the king. Thirty out of the 297 books are one-of-akind, so they have very high cultural and academic value.
+ info: http://www.museum.go.kr/program/board/detail.jsp?menuID=002006006&boardTypeID=80&boardID=15959
The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) Selects Singapore for 2013 World
It’s official! Singapore is scheduled to host the 2013 World Library and Information Congress (WLIC) of the International
Federation of Library Associations and Institutions.
+ info: http://www.ifla.org/en/news/ifla-selects-singapore-for-2013-world-congress
ISEE: un linguaggio comune per archiviare e condividere informazioni sui
beni culturali
L’uso delle nuove tecnologie nei Beni Culturali ha cambiato la percezione e
l’interazione con l’oggetto che analizziamo. Le tecnologie cercano di migliorare la
comunicazione tra chi produce ed archivia l’informazione e chi sviluppa programmi per
trattare e garantire una futura accessibilità.
Inoltre, il trattamento della terza dimensione ha contribuito ad un nuovo approccio sia
nelle tecniche di diagnostica che nella visualizzazione tridimensionale…
+ info: http://www.tafter.it/2011/08/31/isee-alla-ricerca-di-un-linguaggio-comune-per-archiviare-e-condividereinformazioni-sui-beni-culturali/
SOUTH AFRICA: Antarctic Legacy Project takes shape
The considerable role South African researchers have played in scientific, biological and meteorological discoveries in the
sub-Antarctic Ocean lacks full recognition. But memories that lay scattered in national archives, personal diaries and
mementos will now be accessible through a project to identify, digitise and archive this historical heritage online.
More than 100,000 pages of records - including an estimated 30,000 maps, drawings, photographs, slides and oral history
interviews - will become accessible in the global public domain when the Antarctic Legacy Project becomes fully operational
by the end of 2012.
+ info: http://www.universityworldnews.com/article.php?story=2011082718161724
Canadian Architectural Archives Release Toronto City Hall Design Proposals
The first modern building in Toronto, City Hall built in 1965 and designed by Viljo Revell, was just
one of 500 proposals that enter the international design competition between 1957 and 1958.
Ideas to expand the Old City Hall began in 1925, followed by an array of proposals for a new
place to house the municipal government and courts. Mark Osbaldeston’s Unbuilt Toronto: A
History of the City that Might Have Been covers in detail the design proposals for Toronto, and in
particular, those proposals not selected for the new city hall. In 1955, before an international
design competition was announced, the Toronto city council allowed citizens to vote on proposals
by the firms Marani & Morris, Mathers & Haldenby, and Shore & Moffat. The general attitude toward the proposal was that
it was drab and boxy and the public refused to support it. In response to this criticism, the city opened up the design of the
new city hall in 1957. By April of 1958, 500 entries were submitted, filling CNE’s Horticulture Building with numerous
models. The number was widdled down to eight finalists and finally Revell’s design was selected to be built. Viljo Revell’s
design was the first iconic modern building to be built in Toronto, preceding Mies Van der Rohe’s TD Centre by a few years.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/162330/what-torontos-city-hall-may-have-looked-like/
Museum and Archive - Jabotinsky Center / Chyutin Architects Ltd - RamatGan - Israel
The Jabotinsky Institute, designed by Chyutin Architects Ltd, engages an archival
collation and display of materials connected with Ze’ev Jabotinsky and with the
underground Jewish nationalist movements prior to the establishment of the State
of Israel. The building will be erected on a triangular plot with roads on either side
of it and its apex pointing to an intersection.
The base of the triangle faces a public space to be shared by two other public
buildings whose function has as yet not been decided. The building is designed as a spearhead pointing towards the
intersection, from which it rises towards the urban expanse, bursting out of the depths of the ground. The volume design
projects power and momentum as well as an ascetic simplicity devoid of ornamentation.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/153988/museum-and-archive-jabotinsky-center-chyutin-architects-ltd/
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Patrimoine documentaire, audiovisuel et numérique. Archives
Explore 160,000 portraits from the 16th Century to the present day - National Portrait Gallery - London United Kingdom
The Gallery holds the most extensive collection of portraits in the world. The Collection is displayed in London and in a
number of locations around the United Kingdom, including several houses managed by the National Trust. The Gallery is
increasingly keen to find new ways to share the Collection through the National Programmes, as well as through this
+ info: http://www.npg.org.uk/collections.php
NEWS - Digitization Project Brings Ancient Near Eastern Inscriptions into 21st Century - Freer Gallery of Art
and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery Archives - Washington DC - USA
The Freer Gallery of Art and the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery Archives announce a new 3-D digital resource that will enable
scholars and the public to learn more about the ancient Near East through a unique group of pressed-paper molds called
squeezes. This resource provides unparalleled access to the archives' collection of squeezes from ancient Near Eastern
archaeological sites.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49380
"Lux in arcana: The Vatican Secret Archives reveals itself": an event of unprecedented scientific and media
1-fév -2011 . El Vaticano, Italie
Organizateurs: Vatican: the Holy See
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.luxinarcana.org/en
Exhibition - Illustrated Title Pages: 1500 - 1900
13 avr - 16 oct 2011 . Stanford, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Cantor Arts Centre at Stanford University
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://museum.stanford.edu/news_room/title_pages.html
Exhibition - Norway 1910 - In Colour
16 jui 2011 - 31 Jan 2012. Oslo, Norway
Organizers: Norsk Folkemuseum and l’Institut Français d'Oslo
+ info: http://www.norskfolkemuseum.no/en/Exhibits/Current-exhibits/Norway-1910--in-Colour/
EXHIBITION - On Eagle's Wings - King James' Bible Turns 400
8 juill - 16 oct 2011 . New York, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: MOBIA (Museum of Biblical Art)
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://mobia.org/exhibitions/on-eagles-wings#slideshow1
Exhibition - Civil War Redux: Pinhole Photographs by Willie Anne Wright
9 juill - 4 sep 2011 . Augusta, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: The Morris Museum of Art
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.themorris.org/wright.html
World Library and Information Congress : 77th IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations) General
Conference and Assembly
13 août - 18 août 2011 . San Juan, Puerto Rico (Territoire des États-Unis)
Organizateurs: IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations)
+ info: http://conference.ifla.org/ifla77
Journées du Patrimoine à la BnF (Bibliothèque nationale de France)
17 sep - 18 sep 2011 . Paris, France
Organizateurs: Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF)
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.bnf.fr/fr/la_bnf/anx_actu_bib/a.journee_patrimoine.html
Organizateurs: MUSEE ALBERT KAHN
+ info: http://albert-kahn.hauts-de-seine.net/musee/actualites/journees-europeennes-du-patrimoine-2011/
Journée mondiale du patrimoine audiovisuel. 27 octobre : date de commémoration
27-oct-2011 . ,
Organizateurs: UNESCO
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Patrimoine documentaire, audiovisuel et numérique. Archives
+ info: http://portal.unesco.org/ci/fr/ev.php-URL_ID=30908&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html
Exhibition - "Royal Manuscripts: The Genius of Illumination"
11-nov-2011 . London, Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: British Library
+ info: http://www.bl.uk/whatson/exhibitions/royalman/index.html
2eme Conférence Internationale sur les Bibliothèques et Archives Numériques Africaines (ICADLA-2) : Appels
à communications
14 nov - 18 nov 2011 . Johannesburg, Afrique du Sud
Organizateurs: Coalition pour la diversité culturelle
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.cdc-ccd.org/2eme-Conference-Internationale-sur?lang=fr
Exhibition - Out of Museum of London's Archives and Into the Light, Charles Dickens Revealed
9-dic-2011 . London, Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: Museum of London
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.museumoflondon.org.uk/London-Wall/Whats-on/Exhibitions-Displays/Dickens+and+London.htm
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Architecture de terre
Architecture de terre
Exchange programme of American trainers for conservation works at Iglesias de Arica
Parinacota - Chile
These churches reflect the traditions of art and faith in their local communities, and have
remained predominately intact due to their rural locations. However, ever since the free port of
Arica was built in the 1960s, there has been steady emigration toward urban centers in search
of work. Local traditions and materials for maintenance are being replaced by inappropriate
modern repair, and loss of population has diminished the workforce available for caring for the
churches. A proposal for regional capacity building, site maintenance, and community training
has been developed, in order to document the churches, strengthen local constituencies and opportunities, and renew the
value of these adobe structures.
+ info: http://www.wmf.org/project/iglesias-de-arica-parinacota-churches-arica-parinacota
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_71/11_2011.html [26/09/2011 16:24:42]
Education, formation, jeunesse et volontariat
Education, formation, jeunesse et volontariat
Programme court en gestion des ressources fauniques - TELUQ - Université à distance de l'Université du
Québec à Monréal (UQAM)
Objectifs: Comprendre les effets des interventions dans le domaine de la gestion des ressources fauniques et de leurs
habitats en relation avec les problématiques environnementales. Relier les activités scientifiques et socio-économiques à la
base de l'utilisation rationnelle des ressources renouvelables.
Contact: Louise Provencher, coordonnatrice à l'encadrement, Québec, poste 5408 [email protected]
+ info: http://www.teluq.uquebec.ca/sed/xml/sabplXml.php
PRIZES - Prix Acteurs Economiques et Handicap 2011 pour un cours sur l'Art pour les malvoyants
La mallette « Les sens de l'art », conçue par le Cned avec le soutien de la MAIF, a été primée dans la catégorie « éducationformation » lors de la remise des trophées du 4e Prix Acteurs Economiques & Handicap 2011, organisée par l'OCIRP
(Organisme commun des institutions de rente et de prévoyance). Ce concours permet de distinguer des « actions
exemplaires pour le bien-être et le mieux-vivre des personnes en situation de handicap ».
+ info: http://portail.cned.fr/journalistes/communiques-presse/2011/prix-acteurs-economiques-et-handicap-2011.aspx?
Erasmus: un nombre record d'étudiants bénéficient d’une aide de l’UE pour étudier et se former à l’étranger
Plus de 213 000 étudiants ont obtenu une bourse Erasmus pour étudier ou se former à l'étranger au cours de l'année
académique 2009-2010. Il s'agit d'un nouveau record et d'une augmentation de 7,4 % par rapport à l'an dernier. Erasmus
est le programme d'échange d'étudiants qui connaît le plus de succès dans le monde entier et, si la tendance actuelle se
confirme, l'Union européenne atteindra son objectif, à savoir aider 3 millions d'étudiants entre le lancement du programme
en 1987 et l'année académique 2012/2013. En 2009-2010, les destinations les plus populaires auprès des étudiants ont été
l'Espagne, la France et le Royaume-Uni. C'est l'Espagne qui a envoyé le plus d'étudiants à l'étranger, suivie de la France et
de l'Allemagne. 61 % des étudiants Erasmus étaient des étudiantes au cours de l'année en question. L'Union européenne a
investi 415 millions d'euros dans le programme Erasmus en 2009-2010.
+ info: http://europa.eu/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do
Cours en ligne - Introduction au système climatique et à son fonctionnement - Université Laval - Québec Canada
Introduction au système climatique et à son fonctionnement. Bilan et caractéristiques des principaux gaz à effet de serre.
Introduction à la modélisation climatique, aux scénarios et aux prévisions des modèles. Analyse des impacts des
changements climatiques sur l'environnement physique et humain. Mesures d'adaptation envisagées pour atténuer les
changements climatiques. Accords internationaux et situation du Canada.
+ info: http://www.distance.ulaval.ca/fad/cours/GGR-1006.htm
New Website Targets Teachers and Students to Study Native Responses to Environmental Challenges
Developed in collaboration with the Akwesasne Mohawk of northern New York, the Campo Kumeyaay Nation of southern
California, the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe of northern Minnesota and the Lummi Nation of Washington state, the
Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian launches a new educational website, “American Indian Responses
to Environmental Challenges,” that will target middle and high school teachers, students and the general public. Users can
see how tribes use their traditional culture, values and indigenous knowledge in combination with contemporary science
and technologies to inform their environmental work.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49839
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Education, formation, jeunesse et volontariat
Journée internationale de la jeunesse
Message de Mme Irina Bokova, Directrice générale de l’UNESCO à l’occasion de la Journée internationale de la jeunesse, 12
août 2011 …En cette Journée internationale de la jeunesse 2011, je tiens à saluer la contribution des jeunes femmes et des
jeunes hommes qui, de par le monde, luttent en faveur de la dignité humaine et des libertés fondamentales.
Le « séisme jeune » qui a secoué l’ensemble du monde arabe a montré la capacité des jeunes à susciter le changement. Le
combat pour la participation démocratique a ébranlé des régimes et mis en évidence le pouvoir des aspirations aux droits
de l’homme et aux libertés fondamentales…
+ info: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0021/002108/210888f.pdf
Cours en ligne - Introduction à l'Industrie du Tourisme - Collège universitaire de Saint Boniface - Winnipeg Manitoba - Canada
Le cours Introduction à l’industrie du tourisme fait partie du programme Tourisme offert par l’École technique et
Le cours veut initier les étudiantes et étudiants à l’industrie du tourisme en offrant un survol de l’évolution, des
perspectives et des tendances du marché dans les différents secteurs qui s’y rattachent. La clientèle devra être capable de
définir et de reconnaître ces différents éléments et d’en comprendre la portée générale. Elle devra acquérir les
connaissances, les habiletés et les attitudes dans le domaine du tourisme, et ce, dans un contexte individuel, familial, social
et professionnel.
+ info: http://cursus.edu/institutions-formations-ressources/formation/10928/introduction-industrie-tourisme/
La Directrice générale s’adresse au Forum mondial des présidents d’universités
S’adressant à quelque 170 présidents d’universités de 80 pays réunis à Shenzhen, Chine, le 13
août, la Directrice générale de l’UNESCO Irina Bokova a appelé à une collaboration active en
vue de mettre en place des systèmes d’enseignement supérieur de qualité, condition essentielle
pour atteindre les Objectifs du Millénaire pour le développement
« La mondialisation signifie une intensification de la concurrence. Il nous faut bâtir des
systèmes d’éducation de classe mondiale et pas seulement des établissements de classe
mondiale – des systèmes qui soient adaptés au développement des sociétés et aux besoins des
marchés du travail, qui favorisent la pensée critique et la dignité individuelle, qui forment les enseignants et qui assurent le
progrès scientifique nécessaire pour relever les défis d’aujourd’hui et de demain » a dit Mme Bokova. Elle a souligné que
l’enseignement supérieur est un bien public qui présente un caractère stratégique pour tous les pays et implique une forte
responsabilité éthique envers la société.
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/media-services/single-view/news/
Université panafricaine : ouverture de 3 centres d'excellence en septembre 2011
L’université panafricaine va démarrer ses programmes au mois de septembre prochain, avec l’ouverture de trois centres
d’excellence en Afrique de l’Est, dans la zone ouest-africaine et en Afrique centrale, a annoncé Amadou Lamine Ndiaye,
président du groupe de haut niveau sur la création de ladite université.
L’université panafricaine est une idée que mûrit l’Union Africaine (UA) depuis des années dans le but de faire de la mobilité
des étudiants et des enseignants ainsi que l’harmonisation des programmes et des diplômes, une réalité.
+ info: http://www.aps.sn/aps.php?page=articles&id_article=83492
Exchange programme of American trainers for conservation works at Iglesias de Arica
Parinacota - Chile
These churches reflect the traditions of art and faith in their local communities, and have
remained predominately intact due to their rural locations. However, ever since the free port of
Arica was built in the 1960s, there has been steady emigration toward urban centers in search
of work. Local traditions and materials for maintenance are being replaced by inappropriate
modern repair, and loss of population has diminished the workforce available for caring for the
churches. A proposal for regional capacity building, site maintenance, and community training
has been developed, in order to document the churches, strengthen local constituencies and opportunities, and renew the
value of these adobe structures.
+ info: http://www.wmf.org/project/iglesias-de-arica-parinacota-churches-arica-parinacota
Mastère spécialisé en Management de l'Environnement : de nouvelles ambitions à l'INSA Lyon - Lyon - France
Le Mastère spécialisé de l’INSA Lyon, auparavant baptisé Management de l’Environnement et de la Sécurité Industriels,
évolue. Pour répondre à la demande du marché, la formation intègre une dimension énergétique dans sa pédagogie, dès la
rentrée 2011/2012.
+ info: http://me4.insa-lyon.fr/
CICOP Argentina - Curso sobre Inventario y Documentación del Patrimonio - Agosto de 2011
Análisis integral de los relevamientos, registros e inventarios.
Los Inventarios como estrategia de gestión.
Criterios y pautas de acciones. Objetivos y alcances de los Inventarios y
Registros Patrimoniales. Gestión estratégica de las acciones.
Inventario como herramienta potencial de información y evaluación en programas culturales. Capacitación de recursos
Nuevas tecnologías: documentación electrónica, sistemas redes y unidades documentales.
La documentación gráfica: las fototecas.
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Education, formation, jeunesse et volontariat
Los catálogos de Planeamiento: herramienta básica de protección.
Muestreo de fichas de aplicación en los distintos campos del patrimonio cultural.
Casos: patrimonio industrial, poblados, patrimonio natural-ambiental, yacimientos arqueológicos, bienes muebles,
patrimonio rural urbano.
Aplicación de los inventarios de Bienes en las entidades locales y regionales. Creación de Centros de Documentación y
Bases de datos de bienes.
El museo como sede.
Características de la documentación del Patrimonio Histórico, como fuentes de información.
+ info: http://www.cicopar.com.ar/11ago4.htm
CICOP Argentina - Curso sobre la Humedad como Proceso Patológico - Agosto de 2011
El agua y la humedad como factores patológicos del degrado construido; formas de accionar; estados físicos transitorios y
El agua y la humedad como vehículo biológico degradante; fases físicas y químicas de influencia antrópica.
Metodologías de detección por medios electrónicos, con indicadores químicos.
Técnicas somáticas de raciocinio para la determinación de los procesos degradantes.
Prevenciones para obras nuevas o en revitalización.
Metodologías de intervención. Aprovechamiento de estadios contradictorios. Técnicas de viabilización de materiales. Terapia
y usufructo de herramientas convencionales.
Metodologías de intervención encubiertas, muros verticales y sustratos.
+ info: http://www.cicopar.com.ar/11ago3.htm
CCBP ( Programme de Renforcement des Capacités dans les Caraïbes ) GESTION DU
UNESCO La Havane, Bureau Régional de la Culture pour la Amérique Latine et les Caraïbes, à le
plaisir de présenter le nouveau module 6 du Programme de Renforcement des Capacités dans
les Caraïbes (CCBP), du Patrimoine Mondial, concernant la Gestion du patrimoine naturel
+ info: http://whc.unesco.org/fr/activites/475/
CICOP Argentina - Curso sobre Historias y Teorias de la Conservación - Agosto de 2011
Viernes 5 y sábado 6 de agosto de 2011 de 9.30 hs a 13,30 hs Los objetivos del curso son introducir en el campo de las
teorías de la conservación del
patrimonio cultural, rescatar los postulados y propuestas más destacadas de los siglos
XIX y XX y reflexionar en torno a la restauración; sus límites y posibilidades.
+ info: http://www.cicopar.com.ar/11ago1.htm
Memorial to the Ancestors / Spirit of Place-Spirit of Design - Namje-Thumki - Nepal
Travis Price, FAIA (Principal of Travis Price Architects, Washington, DC) and Kathleen Lane, Assoc. AIA, of Travis Price
Architects and Spirit of Place-Spirit of Design, Inc., led 18 architecture students from The Catholic University of America in
Washington, DC and two students from Aalto University in Helsinki, Finland on a design-build expedition to Nepal. Over 9
intensive days, students constructed a Memorial to the Magar Ancestors at the remote villages of Namje-Thumki in the
eastern foothills of the Himalayas.
+ info:
Création de la Fondation des Centres de Culture Européenne - Appel au soutien
Aujourd'hui, le Centre de Culture Européenne, fort de son expérience, poursuit son oeuvre. Il s'engage promouvoir une
Europe du "vivre ensemble". Les multiples témoignages de ces jeunes -devenus adultes- nous confortent dans l'idée que
leur séjour au Centre de Culture Européenne a profodément modifié leur vision du monde et de l'Europe. Une Europe qui
60 ans après sa fondation reste encore trop fragile. Ce sont sussi ces jeunes qui nous ont convaincus de la nécessité
d'amplifier largement notre expérience, de lui donner écho au-delà du territoire national et de créer la Fondation des
Centres de Culture Européenne. Il s'agit là d'une iniciative essentielle, indispensable et urgente, une exigence d'avenir.
+ info: http://www.cceangely.org/
Barefoot College - India's women solar engineers light up rural life - Tilonia Rajasthan - India
Mira Bai frowns in concentration at the complicated zigzag of wires on the panel in front of
her. Unfathomable to most, they speak loud and clear to the 60-year-old grandmother.
Despite being illiterate, she now knows exactly which wires to connect to create the magical
connection between the sun and the panel so it absorbs and transfers rays to the battery that
will later light up her house.
Bai is one of 15,000 solar engineers who have attended a six-month training course at a rural
college in India’s northwest state of Rajasthan, enabling them to bring renewable power to their villages.
Bai’s classmates are similar to her in many ways. They are over 35 years of age, illiterate or semi-literate, and have never
left their villages.
+ info: http://www.trust.org/alertnet/news/indias-women-solar-engineers-light-up-rural-life/
CICOP Argentina - Curso sobre La Madera y su Conservación - Agosto de 2011
Miércoles 3, jueves 4, viernes 5 de agosto de 2011 de 19 a 22 hs. APROXIMACION AL PROBLEMA DE LA PATOLOGÍA DEL
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Education, formation, jeunesse et volontariat
+ info: http://www.cicopar.com.ar/11ago2.htm
Réunions des instances de l'Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie : les faits saillants - Rabat - Maroc
Le Conseil scientifique, le Conseil associatif et le Conseil d’administration de l’AUF se sont réunis du 25 au 27 mai 2011 à
l’Université Mohammed V Souissi de Rabat, au Maroc, sur l’invitation de son président, M. Radouane Mrabet.
La conseil d’administration, qui s’est tenu le 27 mai, a décidé de renouveler à l’unanimité et par acclamations, pour une
ultime période de quatre ans, le mandat du Recteur M. Bernard Cerquiglini.
+ info: http://www.auf.org/communication-information/actualites/instances-2011.html?var=lettre_AUF_73
Actualités Conservation Volunteers - Août 2011 (en anglais)
Conservation Volunteers s’est associé avec des individus, des entreprises et des gouvernements pour la conservation de
notre environnement unique depuis 1982. Pendant tout ce temps, nous avons donné la bienvenue à des centaines de
milliers de volontaires procédant de toute l’Australie et du monde entier, et nous avons soutenu leur participation dans des
projets divers dans le but de protéger et d’améliorer notre environnement.
Conservation Volunteers a grandi depuis ses commencements dans la région de Victoria pour devenir une organisation
nationale dans 30 lieux en Australie et en Nouvelle-Zélande et présente dans beaucoup de pays du monde entier.
+ info: http://www.conservationvolunteers.com.au/
Commemorating the great work of Rangers around the world
(31 July)
World Ranger Day is observed on the 31st of July each year.
It is the day to commemorate the many Rangers killed or injured in the
line of duty.
It is also the day to celebrate Rangers and the work they do to protect
the world’s natural and cultural treasures.
World Ranger Day is promoted by the 54 member associations of the
International Ranger Federation (IRF), by our partner the Thin Green Line Foundation, and by individuals who support the
work of Rangers and the IRF. The first World Ranger Day was observed in 2007 on the 15th anniversary of the founding of
the IRF.
+ info: http://www.int-ranger.net/whatsnew.html
V Curso De Especializacion Rehabilitacion De Jardines Y Parques Historicos/ Paisajes Culturales - Madrid España
Impartido en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, dentro del marco de su
programa de postgrado, y con la colaboración del Ministerio de Cultura, la quinta edición de este curso de especialización
pretende responder a la creciente demanda social por la protección del paisaje que tras la ratificación por España (febrero,
2008) del Convenio Europeo del Paisaje (Florencia, 2000) esta suscitando una necesidad real de especialistas para la
conservación de parques, jardines históricos y paisajes culturales.
+ info: http://www.iaph.es/paisajecultural/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=1059
One more inspiring Historiana Seminar - Riga - Latvia
Participants from more than 20 countries convened in Riga, Latvia for three days to
discuss new approaches to History Education within the EUROCLIO Historiana
Seminar. Two very inspiring talks of Joke van der Leeuw-Roord, EUROCLIO
Executive Director, and Sandra Kalniete, Latvian Member of the European
Parliament opened the Seminar. Interactive and practiical workshops on the
development, usage and assessment of multiperspectivity and inclusiveness as
significant parameters in educational materials took place led by Dr. Robert
Stradling, Dr. Ineke Veldhuis-Meester, Ruth Fisher, Mire Mladenovski and Chris Rowe.
+ info: http://euroclio.eu/new/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2701:rigalatvia-one-more-inspiringhistoriana-seminar&catid=1105:exploring-european-history-a-heritage&Itemid=93
Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC) : Classement de Shanghaï 2011
Il est évident que malgré ses biais pour la science et la médecine, le classement de ShanghaïNouvelle fenêtre a le mérite
de l’indépendance, nonobstant les efforts du ministère qui, aux frais du contribuable français, a reçu en grandes pompes
l’équipe de Jiao Tong en espérant leur faire prendre PSL pour une Université (voir dépêche AEF). C’est tout de même
choquant de constater que les étudiants les plus subventionnés de France, de l’ordre de sept fois plus que les étudiants de
l’UPMC utilisent en plus, avec la complicité du ministère, l’argent du contribuable pour essayer d’évincer les Universités de
la tête du classement. Quand le jeune médaillé Fields Ngo Bao Chau est arrivé en France, il est bienheureux qu’une
université, l’UPMC, l’ait inscrit et lui ait donné ses premiers cours, car il n’avait pas passé de concours.
+ info: http://www.upmc.fr/fr/salle_de_presse/communiques/classement_shanghai_2011.html
E-learning : La FNH (Fondation pour la Nature et l'Homme) lance sa première formation ''La biodiversité au
cœur du développement durable''
Entreprises, particuliers, collectivités, associations : découvrez comment repenser vos activités pour qu'elles soient
compatibles avec le fonctionnement de la planète, grâce à cette formation en ligne proposée par la Fondation pour la
Nature et l’Homme (FNH).
+ info: http://www.actu-environnement.com/ae/pdt/elearning-biodiversite-developpement-durable-fnh-302.
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Education, formation, jeunesse et volontariat
Streetwise Asia Update - Progress on Philippines Heritage Schools Conservation Program - The Republic of the
Ongoing thanks to all ICOMOS members who continue to support the Streetwise Asia initiative. We have recently had some
generous pre June 30 donations, and these, together with the proceeds from the Xmas Card initiative (which raised
$3,400) enables the Streetwise AsiaProgram to continue to undertake its work.
In 2010, the Kuguita heritage school building in the Southern Philippines was upgraded and conserved and opened in May
by the Australian Ambassador and received wide media attention…
+ info: http://australia.icomos.org/e-news/australia-icomos-e-mail-news-no-494/#8
The Internet has transformed education dramatically, and in a very fundamental way: the grasp of power has shifted from
the hands of the institution those of the student. Whether enrolled at your local university or simply looking to deepen your
knowledge of a subject, the options for education have been more diverse. Education is more accessible than ever before in
human history, thanks entirely to the Internet.
+ info: http://images.onlineeducation.net.s3.amazonaws.com/internet-revolutionizing-education.jpg
Short Course on "Modeling of River Migration at Multiple Scales: A GIS-based toolbox for river restoration"
3 sep - 5 sep 2011 . Beijing, Chine
Organizateurs: International Sediment Initiative (ISI) of UNESCO and International Research and Training Center on
Erosion and Sedimentation (IRTCES)
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.irtces.org/isi/WebNews_View-en2.asp?WebNewsID=706
Le Courrier de l'UNESCO 2011/3 - Changer le monde : comment s’y prennent les jeunes
L’Année internationale de la jeunesse (aout 2010 - aout 2011) aura été plus révolutionnaire que prévu.
Début 2011, les jeunes se sont révoltes en Tunisie et en Egypte, puis le mouvement a gagné d'autres pays
de la région, réveillant aussi des pays européens comme l'Espagne. Ailleurs dans le monde, les jeunes se
mobilisent pour des causes aussi variées que les moyens qu’ils emploient. Beaucoup plus engagés qu’on
avait tendance à le croire, les jeunes ont décidé de prendre les choses en main. Et dans ce numéro du
Courrier, ce sont eux qui ont pris la parole pour s’exprimer sur leurs préoccupations et actions.
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/unesco-courier/
AFRICA: Pan-African University to open first centres
The Pan-African University will start operations in September with the opening of three centres of excellence in Kenya,
Nigeria and Cameroon, Amadou Lamine Ndiaye, president of the high-level panel overseeing the university's creation,
announced in an interview with SudonLine of Dakar.
The PAU was proposed by the African Union in 2008 to provide advanced graduate training and postgraduate research
opportunities for high-performing African students, and also aims to promote mobility of students and teachers and
harmonisation of programmes and degrees.
+ info: http://www.universityworldnews.com/article.php?story=20110827185108753
LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA: New regime plans to reopen universities soon
Libya's new government, the National Transitional Council (NTC), has said it plans to restart higher education this coming
month. But the country's universities remain unsure when doors will actually reopen for students. Many universities across
the country have been closed or operating shoestring services, since Libya's rebellion started in February.
Most universities say it is too soon to tell whether they will be able to resume their autumn semester classes on schedule.
+ info: http://www.universityworldnews.com/article.php?story=20110831125409314
Academy of Art
University Offers
a MFA (Master of
Fine Arts) in
Architecture San Francisco California - USA
The Academy of Art University, the nation’s largest private accredited art and design university, continues to grow their
Landscape Architecture program. Earlier this year the University announced the addition of the School of Landscape
Architecture with an accredited Associate’s (AA) and Bachelor’s (BFA) degree programs as well as continuing art education
courses. Now the Academy of Art will additionally launch both a 3-year and 4-year MFA degree program. For more
information about the new MFA program click on the link below..
+ info: http://www.academyart.edu/landscape-architecture-school/outline.html?AP=MFA-LAN&ASP=MFA-LAN1
Nouvelles en ligne du mois de septembre de Conservation Volunteers (en
Conservation Volunteers s’est associé avec des individus, des entreprises et des
gouvernements pour la conservation de notre environnement unique depuis 1982.
Pendant tout ce temps, nous avons donné la bienvenue à des centaines de milliers de
volontaires procédant de toute l’Australie et du monde entier, et nous avons soutenu
leur participation dans des projets divers dans le but de protéger et d’améliorer notre
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_71/12_2011.html (5 de 10) [26/09/2011 16:24:54]
Education, formation, jeunesse et volontariat
Conservation Volunteers a grandi depuis ses commencements dans la région de Victoria pour devenir une organisation
nationale dans 30 lieux en Australie et en Nouvelle-Zélande et présente dans beaucoup de pays du monde entier.
+ info: http://www.conservationvolunteers.com.au/
Nouvelles en ligne du mois de juillet de Conservation Volunteers
Conservation Volunteers s’est associé avec des individus, des entreprises et des
gouvernements pour la conservation de notre environnement unique depuis 1982.
Pendant tout ce temps, nous avons donné la bienvenue à des centaines de milliers de
volontaires procédant de toute l’Australie et du monde entier, et nous avons soutenu
leur participation dans des projets divers dans le but de protéger et d’améliorer notre
Conservation Volunteers a grandi depuis ses commencements dans la région de
Victoria pour devenir une organisation nationale dans 30 lieux en Australie et en Nouvelle-Zélande et présente dans
beaucoup de pays du monde entier.
+ info: http://www.conservationvolunteers.com.au/
Promotion de l’Enseignement du patrimoine culturel chez les Jeunes - Magelang - Indonésie (23 juillet 2011)
La « Promotion de l’Enseignement du patrimoine culturel chez les jeunes » à Borobudur, site du
Patrimoine mondial, est un programme réalisé dans le cadre de l’activité de l’UNESCO intitulé « Sauvez
Borobudur, site du Patrimoine Mondial : Opération d’urgence pour la sauvegarde de l’Enceinte du Temple
de Borobudur à la suite des dégâts causés par l’éruption du Mont Merapi par la revitalisation des moyens
de subsistance des communautés locales à travers l’industrie culturelle et le patrimoine touristique.
Ce programme donnera à environ 200 élèves de la « EF English First» école de langue de l'Indonésie,
l'occasion de visiter pendant deux jour le Temple de Borobudur et ses villages environnants, afin de participer à des
conférences, des circuits et des opérations de réparation/assainissement. Ce programme éducatif immersif aura lieu les 2
et 3 juillet 2011 et is'adressera à des élèves âgés de 10-18 issus de toute l'Indonésie.
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/unesco/events/culture-events/?tx_browser_pi1[showUid]=4153&cHash=fed345e33d
Cours en ligne - Aménagement durable du territoire - Université Laval - Québec - Canada
Le cours vise à initier l'étudiant à la problématique et aux modes d'organisation de l'aménagement du territoire,
particulièrement dans le contexte québécois et dans une perspective de développement durable. Il cherche à amener
l'étudiant à comprendre pourquoi et comment une société planifie et contrôle l'occupation, l'utilisation et la transformation
de son territoire. Après avoir exploré l'histoire, les acteurs, les grands objectifs et enjeux de l'aménagement du territoire, le
cours poursuit l?étude de ses principales composantes : le cadre législatif, le zonage et les instruments de contrôle de
l'usage du sol, le transport, la protection de l'environnement et l'exploitation des ressources naturelles, la notion de
planification ainsi que les outils et les données qu'elle comporte, les rapports entre l'aménagement du territoire et le
développement durable.
+ info: http://www.distance.ulaval.ca/fad/cours/DDU-2000.htm
EUROPARC Successful project application: Action for Youth in Parks
This month the EUROPARC Federation starts a new international project on
environmental education: Action for Youth in Parks. This project, which is
co-financed with the support of the “Youth in Action Programme” of the
European Union, has been developed together with the International
Ranger Federation and will be implemented in partnership with the Danish,
the Romanian and the Scottish Ranger Associations.
+ info: http://www.europarc.org/successful-project-a/
Asia Development Bank - Development Asia Magazine No.10 - World-Class Challenge
for Asian Universities
By John Otis Asian nations struggle to create elite universities without leaving behind the
millions of their citizens who just need a college education
+ info: http://development.asia/PDF/issue10/devasia10.pdf#page=16
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Education, formation, jeunesse et volontariat
Australia ICOMOS Executive Committee (EC) - Expressions of Interest sought for Working Group on heritage
trades and training
Organizateurs: ICOMOS Australia
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 16 sep 2011
+ info: http://australia.icomos.org/e-news/australia-icomos-e-mail-news-no-502/#5.
The European Commission proposes to raise the budget education, training and youth
. Brussels, Belgique
Organizateurs: EUROCLIO
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://euroclio.eu/new/index.php/eucis-lll/2679-the-european-commission-raises-the-budget-education-trainingand-youth
ACTIVIDADES DE SUPERACIÓN PROFESIONAL en la Conservación del Patrimonio Cultural Tangible, mueble e
inmueble, y del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial: Año Académico 2011
La web principal del CENCREM es http://www.cencrem.co.cu/. La que he puesto en la base de datos es un PDF . La
Habana, Cuba
Organizateurs: Centro Nacional de Conservación, Restauración y Museología (CENCREM)
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.iccrom.org/eng/news_en/2011_en/field_en/02_14trainingCRECI_es.pdf
Corsi Base e Avanzato GIS Sistemi Informativi Geografici
settembre/ottobre 2011 . Edolo, Italie
Organizateurs: L’Associazione VAL.TE.MO in collaborazione con il Centro Interdipartimentale per la Gestione Sostenibile e la
Difesa della Montagna Ge.S.Di.Mont
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 19 sep 2011
+ info: http://www.valtemo.it/
International Course on Wood Conservation Technology (ICWCT)
23-mai -2011 . Oslo, Norvège
Organizateurs: ICCROM - International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property).
Riksantikvaren - The Directorate for Cultural Heritage, Norway. NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technolog
Contact: wood2012@iccrom .org and [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 30 sep 2011
+ info: http://www.iccrom.org/eng/01train_en/announce_en/2012_05woodNor_en.shtml
1-août -2011 . Buenos Aires, Argentine
Organizateurs: Asociación Amigos del Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.enfoquespositivos.com.ar/front.php?id=6480
Un curso del Arq. Carlos Moreno
A partir del 1º de agosto, los lunes, de 18.30 a 20.30. 1 août - 19 sep 2011 . Buenos Aires, Argentine
Organizateurs: Asociación Amigos del Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes (AAMNBA)
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.aamnba.org.ar/esp/cursosytalleres_patrimoniocultural.html
Réunion de concertation pour l'Utilisation pédagogique de l’Histoire générale de l’Afrique et les équipes de
rédaction des contenus pédagogiques communs
4 sep - 9 sep 2011 . Harare, Zimbabwe
Organizateurs: UNESCO
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/unesco/events/culture-events/
Post Graduate Programme - Economics and techniques for the conservation of the architectural and
environmental heritage 2011/2012
12-sep-2011 . Venice, Italie
Organizateurs: University of Nova Gorica and Università Iuav di Venezia
Contact: [email protected] and [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 18 sep 2011
+ info: http://www.iuav.it/Didattica1/master/corsi-in-p/ETCAEH/index.htm
Course on Microbic Infestation of Objects of Art and Cultural Heritage
19 sep - 13 nov 2011 . Hildesheim, Allemagne
Organizateurs: Hornemann Isntitute
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Education, formation, jeunesse et volontariat
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.hornemann-institut.de/english/course_microbiology.php
World Youth and Student Travel Conference
20 sep - 23 sep 2011 . Barcelona, Espagne
Organizateurs: WYSE Travel Confederation.
Contact: [email protected] and [email protected]
+ info: http://www.wystc.org/
UNESCO Réunion d'experts sur l'éducation au changement climatique, au développement durable et
l'adaptation dans les États insulaires en développement
21 sep - 23 sep 2011 . Nassau, Bahamas
Organizateurs: UNESCO
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/unesco/events/education-events/?tx_browser_pi1[showUid]
Exposition - L’Université de Santo Tomás : 400e anniversaire de l’Université de Santo Tomás (1611)
21 sep - 23 sep 2011 . Paris, France
Organizateurs: UNESCO Headquarters
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/unesco/events/all-events/
Atelier de renforcement des capacités sur la ratification de la Convention du patrimoine culturel immatériel
22 sep - 23 sep 2011 . Dili, Timor-Leste
Organizateurs: UNESCO
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/unesco/events/all-events/
ADVANCED COURSE ON Restoration and Conservation of Underwater Archaeological Finds
26 sep - 24 dic 2011 . Zadar, Croatie
Organizateurs: UNESCO & International Centre for Underwater Archaeology (ICUA)
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.icua.hr/en/events/130-napredni-teaj-restauracije-i-konzervacije-podvodnih-arheolokih-nalazita
New IPPHA (Institute for Professional Practice in Heritage & the Arts ) professional development course on
Layout, Lighting and Labels: Designing and Delivering a Small Exhibition
28 sep - 29 sep 2011 . Canberra, Australie
Organizateurs: Institute for Professional Practice in Heritage & the Arts. The Australian National University
Contact: [email protected] and [email protected]
+ info: http://ippha.anu.edu.au/events/layout-lighting-and-labels-designing-and-delivering-small-exhibition
Skills Development Workshop "Layout, Lighting and Labels: Designing and Delivering a Small Exhibition"
28 sep - 29 sep 2011 . Canberra, Australie
Organizateurs: The Australian National University
Contact: Dr. Sandy Blair - [email protected]
+ info: http://ippha.anu.edu.au/events/layout-lighting-and-labels-designing-and-delivering-small-exhibition
Autumn Nordic-Baltic Section seminar 'Labour of Love: Volunteering for Parks'
5 oct - 7 oct 2011 . Tikkurila, Finlande
Organizateurs: Metsähallitus and the section secretariat and it is supported also by the Swedish Environmental Protection
Contact: Lasse Lovén - [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 16 sep 2011
+ info: http://www.europarc-nb.org/seminars-and-events/
Réseau des sites majeurs de Vauban : Formation sur l'interprétation du patrimoine
11 oct - 12 oct 2011 . Paris, France
Organizateurs: Réseau des sites majeurs de Vauban en partenariat avex le Centre d'histoire des techniques et de
l'environnement (CDHTE) - Conservatoire national des arts et métiers (CNAM)
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 9 sep 2011
+ info: http://www.sites-vauban.org/Formation-sur-l-interpretation-11
Victoria 2011: Heritage on the edge: sustaining buildings, landscapes and communities
11 oct - 16 oct 2011 . Victoria, Canada
Organizateurs: APT (Association for Preservation Technology International)
Contact: [email protected]
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Education, formation, jeunesse et volontariat
+ info: http://www.aptconference.org/index.cfm?pID=2508%3Etoday
International Greening Education Event 2011
19 oct - 21 oct 2011 . Karlsruhe, Allemagne
Organizateurs: Etech Germany & ADAPT and University of Modena & Reggio Emilia, Italy in cooperation with:
Creative City Challenge and Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Research and Transfer Center "Applications of Life
Sciences" Hamburg, Germany
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.etechgermany.com/IGEE2011.pdf
"National Archaeology Day"
22-oct-2011 . , États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Archaeological Institute of America National Events
+ info: http://www.archaeological.org/NAD
Managing World Heritage Sites: Integrating Disaster Risk Reduction Strategies
5 dic - 16 dic 2011 . México DF, Mexique
Organizateurs: ICCROM - International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property) and
Coordinación Nacional de Conservación del Patrimonio Cultural - Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (CNCPCINAH), Mexico
Contact: course_mexico@iccrom . Org
DATE LIMITE: 30 sep 2011
+ info: http://www.iccrom.org/eng/01train_en/announce_en/2011_12managingWHsitesMEX_en.shtml
COLLOQUIUM - Donald Horne Institute for Cultural Heritage: Heritage without borders: making critical
9-dic-2011 . Canberra, Australie
Organizateurs: Donald Horne Institute for Cultural Heritage. University Of Camberra
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://australia.icomos.org/wp-content/uploads/Heritage-without-borders.pdf
The Royal Collection's First Book for Children: Does The Queen Wear Her Crown in Bed?
By Marion McAuley, illustrations by Katy Sleight
Royal Collection Publications, July 2011
ISBN 978-1-905686-41-1
Does The Queen wear her crown in bed and who walks the corgis when she’s busy? Those are the sort of
details children really want to know about life at Buckingham Palace.
Inspired by the many questions that children have asked her, Marion McAuley, a former Head of
Education at the Royal Collection, decided to provide the answers in the Royal Household’s first children’s
book about The Queen’s London home.
In this 32-page book, illustrated by Katy Sleight, a footman guides two children around the Palace, showing them some of
its rooms and explaining The Queen’s most important duties – and what you should do if you meet her.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49802
Financing education: redesigning national strategies and the global aid architecture: a report
from the IWGE (International Working Group on Education Meeting)
Author: Varghese, N.V.; Buchert, Lene
UNESCO. IIEP; International Working Group on Education
ISBN: 978-92-803-1357-4
The International Working Group on Education Meeting (IWGE) is an informal network of aid agencies and
foundations. Since its inception in 1972 it has provide a forum for donor agencies to exchange information
and work closely together on education issues. The IWGE is guide by a Planning Commitee, whose
members are the Aga Khan Foundation, Sida, UNESCO, UNICEF, USAID and the World Bank. Its Secretary, the
International Institut for Educational Planning (IIEP), corrdinates the Group's activities.
+ info: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0019/001937/193755e.pdf
UNESCO & the International Social Science Council (ISSC): Rapport mondial sur les sciences
sociales 2010 - Divisions dans les savoirs
Contributions d'auteurs du CCHS (Línea MADE_SPRI): Koen Jonkers (IPP); Luis Sanz Menéndez (IPP);
Félix de Moya Anegón (IPP); Laura Cruz Castro (IPP) et Elea Giménez Toledo (IEDCYT)
Si les sciences sociales des pays occidentaux continuent d’exercer la plus grande influence au niveau
mondial, ces disciplines connaissent une rapide expansion en Asie et en Amérique latine, notamment en
Chine et au Brésil. En Afrique subsaharienne, les spécialistes en sciences sociales sud-africains, nigérians
et kenyans produisent 75% des publications académiques. En Asie du Sud, à l’exception de quelques
centres d’excellence situés en Inde, les sciences sociales dans leur ensemble se voient accorder une faible priorité. Telles
sont quelques-unes des conclusions du Rapport mondial sur les sciences sociales 2010 : Divisions dans les savoirs, qui a
été présenté, le 25 juin 2010, au Siège de l’UNESCO à Paris (France).
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/social-and-human-sciences/resources/reports/world-social-science-report/
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Education, formation, jeunesse et volontariat
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Reboiser ne résoudra pas le problème du réchauffement climatique
Même si les forêts sont des puits de carbone, les projets de reboisement n'auront qu'un impact
très limité sur le changement climatique, affirme une étude scientifique publiée dimanche dans la
revue Nature Geoscience.
Vivek Arora de l'Université de Victoria en Colombie britannique (Canada) et Alvaro Montenegro
de l'université de St. Francis Xavier en Nouvelle-Ecosse (Canada) ont modélisé cinq scénarios de
reboisement sur 50 ans, de 2011 à 2060.
Ils ont alors examiné les effets sur la terre, l'eau et l'air si la température à la surface de la terre
augmentait de 3 degrés d'ici 2100, par rapport aux niveaux préindustriels de 1850.
+ info: http://www.sciencesetavenir.fr/depeche/nature-environnement/20110619.AFP4700/reboiser-ne-resoudra-pas-leprobleme-du-rechauffement-climatique.html
Changement climatique : la forêt méditerranéenne en première ligne- Projet
scientifique "Drought"
Comment la sécheresse affecte-t-elle la forêt méditerranéenne ? C’est pour répondre à cette
question que les chercheurs du projet Drought ont réalisé une étude originale consistant à
suivre en continu un écosystème de 4 étages de végétation (pins d’Alep, chênes verts,
filaires à grandes feuilles et chênes kermès).
Le Cemagref, qui assure dans ce projet le suivi phénologique des arbres, leur développement
saisonnier, peut se prévaloir de résultats inédits. L’architecture de l’arbre, sa forme typique
qui découle de règles strictes de croissance, n’est pas immuable comme on le pensait jusqu’à présent. Elle est modifiée de
façon persistante par le réchauffement climatique.
+ info: http://www.cemagref.fr/30-ans/echos-nb03-sedyvin-1/changement-climatique-la-foret-mediterraneenne-enpremiere-ligne
Shouf Cedar forests lead Lebanon eco-tourism boom - Lebanon
Shouf, Lebanon (CNN) -- Lebanon's 2,000 hectares of cedar forest are a peaceful oasis for hikers, mountain bikers and birdwatchers, a world away from the hustle and bustle of Beirut.
In the Shouf Cedar Reserve, the country's largest natural forest, villagers make a living selling home-made jam, honey,
pickled olives and wine to tourists.
The area was declared was declared a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve in 2005. While sustainable tourism is booming, the
ancient forests are under threat from climate change.
Nizar Hani, manager of Shouf Cedar Reserve, said: "Right now we have a new challenge for the cedar forest in Lebanon,
which is the climate change.
"The expected threat to the cedar forest is (that) the natural regeneration will be affected, because the cedar seeds need to
be under snow for two months minimum."
+ info: http://shoufcedar.org/showarticle.asp?id=36
Lumberjacks carve a living out of Democratic Republic of Congo rainforest Democratic Republic of Congo
Simon Kesangana used to be an assistant nurse in a hospital in the Democratic Republic
of Congo, but he gave up his poorly paid job to become a lumberjack.
Without wearing gloves or shoes, he works with a team of woodcutters at the edge of
the rainforest sawing trunks from large trees into rafters for use by the local
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construction industry.
Afterwards they carry the planks out of the forest one by one, on their heads.
DR Congo has the world's second largest area of rainforest after Brazil - about 150 million hectares of dense forest - and
boasts half of Africa's rainforests.
But there is widespread concern about how to protect them in this huge, war-ravaged country where the state is struggling
to impose its writ.
The deforestation rate is estimated to be 0.2% each year.
+ info: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-13650711
UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) Bonn negotiating session makes progress
on REDD+ (United Nations Collaborative initiative on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest
Degradation) - Bonn - Germany
The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) held a full negotiating session in Bonn, Germany
from 6-17 June. Over 3,500 participants came to Bonn, from Governments, Inter-Governmental organizations, Non
Governmental Oranizations (NGOs), academia, the private sector, and media.
+ info: http://redd-plus.com/drupal/unfccc-redd-plus-bonn-conclusions
Forest Elephants of Central Africa Are Running Out of Space
The survival of the forest elephants of Central Africa depends on limiting access to rain forests via roads, settlements, and
other entry points to otherwise inaccessible habitat, according to a new study by the Wildlife Conservation Society and
other partners
The study says that entry points to the rain forests facilitated by roads, rivers, or other access points have led to more
hunters and fewer elephants. Furthermore, roads and other forms of infrastructure construction in the countries where
forest elephants still exist usually lack adequate, or any, anti- poaching efforts, putting the future of Africa’s lesser known
cousin of the savanna elephant in peril.
+ info: http://www.wcs.org/wcs-org/press/press-releases/access-points-in-rainforests-bad-for-forest-elephants.aspx
FAO : les phénomènes météorologiques extrêmes menacent les forêts
Les phénomènes météorologiques extrêmes et les catastrophes naturelles menaceront de
plus en plus les forêts du monde dans les années à venir, ce qui va demander une
coopération régionale et internationale accrue, a averti mardi le Partenariat de collaboration
sur les forêts (PCF).
Le Partenariat de collaboration sur les forêts (PCF) réunit 14 organisations internationales et
secrétariats de conventions ayant un programme de travail sur les forêts.
+ info: http://www.un.org/apps/newsFr/storyF.asp?NewsID=26035&Cr=for%C3%
Mineral mining surge threatens India's forests - Orissa State - India
India faces a tough choice between preserving its forests and digging up the valuable
minerals that lie beneath them. Nowhere is this more obvious than in Orissa State - home to
35 percent of India’s iron ore resources, which it is exploiting fast.
Orissa’s production of iron ore alone increased seven times in the decade to 2009, topping 77
million tonnes as global demand, particularly from China, drove export prices higher. The
state is also rich in bauxite, chromites and coal, holding 55 percent, 95 percent and 24
percent of India's total deposits respectively.
+ info: http://www.trust.org/alertnet/news/mineral-mining-surge-threatens-indias-forests/
DETER (Real Time Deforestation Detection System) indicates 225 km2 of Amazon
deforested area in July - Brazil
The numbers demonstrated by DETER are important indicators for Control and Supervision
Organizations. However, to compute an annual rate of forest removal by clearcutting on
Amazon, INPE works with PRODES (www.obt.inpe.br/prodes), which uses high resolution
images capable of showing small deforestation points.
Even if DETER is important to indicate deforestation trends, its results are not proportional to
PRODES. The estimate of forest loss computed by PRODES in August 2010-July 2011 period, is
going to be released by INPE at the end of this year.
+ info: http://www.inpe.br/ingles/news/news_20110817_01.php
Senegal farmers fight desertification with trees - Senegal
Dame Diop looks at the green leaves of trees growing on the sandy Sahelian soil of his
Senegal village, Khatre Sy, and talks with modesty about the community’s effort to restore
fertility to their degraded soil.
The people of Khatre Sy, about 130km north of Senegal’s capital, Dakar, decided to pool their
farmlands together and zone off sections to allow trees – mainly varieties of the African
acacia – to regenerate. They used some of the regeneration sites as farmlands where they
planted crops – groundnuts, millet and sorghum.
+ info: http://www.trust.org/alertnet/news/senegal-farmers-fight-desertification-with-trees/
Madagascar: new species discovered, but already in danger - Madagascar
Scientists identified over 600 new species, including 41 mammals, on the island between 1999 and
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2010 – that’s a new species every week. But many of these newly identified plants and animals are
already under threat.
You can discover the new species for yourself in a report we’ve just released – Treasure Island: New
biodiversity in Madagascar.
In total, there are: 385 plants, 69 amphibians, 61 reptiles, 42 invertebrates, 41 mammals, 17 fish.
+ info: http://www.wwf.org.uk/news_feed.cfm?4980/Madagascar-new-species-discovered-but-already-in-danger
Brazil's Amazon settlers 'scratching out a living' - Brazil
The charred tree stumps in the Amazon rain forest tell their own story.
Even though the trees here are probably the best-protected anywhere on earth - at
least in theory - someone is still cutting them down and burning them. For several
years now, the Brazilian government has insisted that the rate of deforestation in the
Amazon has declined sharply. But earlier this year, it suddenly jumped again, to a rate
five times higher than last year. These trees play a vital part in the management of
global weather patterns.
They absorb carbon dioxide, which otherwise would contribute to climate change. That is why Brazil is under pressure to
protect the forest.
+ info: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-13981614
In Mexico, forests fall prey to crime mafias - Mexico
By Anne-Marie O’Connor and William Booth,
The Washington Post. Published: July 6, 2011 When outlaw loggers with automatic weapons
invaded the mountains and cut down the ancient woods — and once again the government
failed to stop them — this town said enough.
Now every stranger entering Cheran is stopped at barricades made of logs, guarded by locals
who cover their faces in masks. In the surrounding forest, a homegrown militia toting rifles
creeps through the underbrush, signaling the way forward with birdcalls, on daily patrols to protect the timber.
+ info: http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/in-mexico-forests-fall-prey-to-crime-mafias/2011/07/03/gIQAUApL0H_story.
GoodPlanet et Agrisud lancent un nouveau projet d’agroécologie et de foresterie à Madagascar - Madagascar
Partenaires depuis 2008, le programme Action Carbone de la fondation GoodPlanet et l'association Agrisud International
s'associent au travers d'un nouveau projet d’agroécologie et de foresterie à Madagascar. Grâce, en particulier, à une
subvention de l'AFD (Agence Française de Développement), les premiers travaux seront lancés dès le mois de juillet 2011.
Le 24 mai 2011, le Comité ONG, délégation du Conseil d’Administration de l’AFD pour l’appui aux initiatives des ONG
(Organisations Non Gouvernementales), a approuvé l’attribution d’une subvention de 504 521 € au profit du projet de
foresterie et d’agroforesterie paysannes à Madagascar porté par la Fondation GoodPlanet (soit 50% du budget total).
+ info: http://www.agrisud.org/images/PDF/projetitasy%20goodplanet%20ai.pdf
Les Clés de forêt, dans votre poche - Application pour les portables pour reconnaître 29 essences d'arbres
français, par leurs feuilles, leurs fruits, leurs graines, leur écorce.
L’Office national des forêts, le ministère du Développement durable et la fondation GoodPlanet (fondation d'intérêt public
créée par Yann Arthus-Bertrand) ont réalisé une application pour les portables sous iOS ou Android, pour identifier 29
essences d’arbres feuillus et résineux présents en France.
+ info: http://cursus.edu/institutions-formations-ressources/formation/17458/les-cles-foret-dans-votre-poche/
Grèce: 10% du territoire frappés par des incendies en 25 ans - Grèce
Les incendies de forêts ont dévasté plus d'un dixième du territoire grec entre 1983 et 2008,
surtout dans le Péloponnèse (sud), selon un rapport d'un institut grec et de la section
grecque du WWF (Fonds mondial de la nature), publié jeudi.
L'ensemble de la superficie dévastée en vingt-cinq ans s'élève à 1,3 million d'hectares,
souligne le rapport de l'Institut de recherche agricole (Ethiage) et du WWF, publié par
l'Agence de presse d'Athènes (Ana).
+ info: http://www.goodplanet.info/eng/Contenu/Depeche/Grece-10-du-territoire-frappespar-des-incendies-en-25-ans
Première étude globale sur le rôle des forêts comme puits de carbone
Une étude internationale a compilé l'ensemble des mesures réalisées sur toute la planète des quantités de carbone
absorbées par les forêts, entre 1990 et 2007. Il s'agit d'une première référence globale chiffrée pour cette composante
majeure du cycle du carbone. Cette étude, à laquelle des chercheurs du Laboratoire des sciences du climat et de
l'environnement (LSCE, CNRS/CEA/UVSQ) ont participé, est publiée en ligne ce 14 juillet sur le site internet Science
+ info: http://www.insu.cnrs.fr/a3862,premiere-etude-globale-role-forets-comme-puits-carbone.html
Asia: Indigenous people gain greater forest rights
More and more Asian governments are giving indigenous people greater control over their
natural resources and habitat in a bid to stem deforestation, a new report states.
Countries such as China, India and Vietnam are making "dramatic" progress, not only in
stopping deforestation, but also in expanding their forests, thanks to reforms that include
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giving more rights to communities and indigenous groups, according to the report by the
Washington-based Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI) released on 12 July.
+ info: http://www.irinnews.org/report.aspx?reportid=93203
TerraClass mapeia uso e cobertura da terra da Amazônia
Nesta sexta-feira (2/9), em Brasília, serão apresentados resultados inéditos do mapeamento do uso
e cobertura da terra das áreas desflorestadas da Amazônia. Os estudos do projeto TerraClass são
resultado da parceria entre o Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE) e a Empresa Brasileira
de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa).
O TerraClass mapeou os 18% do bioma Amazônico já desmatados, gerando uma classificação dos
diversos usos e situações, em cada um dos nove estados da região. As análises foram feitas a partir
de informações resultantes do levantamento detalhado do desflorestamento ocorrido até 2008,
obtidas pelo Prodes (Projeto de Monitoramento do Desflorestamento na Amazônia Legal), do INPE.
+ info: http://www.inpe.br/noticias/noticia.php?Cod_Noticia=2645
2011, année des forêts : La revanche des mangroves
Les mangroves ont longtemps été perçues par les hommes comme des marécages
malodorants, inutiles et sans valeur. Souvent infestées de moustiques, avec la particularité
d’être inondées et inondables par la mer et les eaux continentales, ces forêts que l’on
trouve le long des côtes des régions tropicales n’ont pas bonne réputation. Pourtant, elles
sont un des écosystèmes les plus riches et les plus productifs de la planète.
Les racines enchevêtrées des palétuviers, l’arbre emblématique des mangroves, offrent un
précieux refuge pour les espèces vulnérables et constituent une nurserie pour les poissons
juvéniles, à l’abri des prédateurs. À l’interface entre la terre et la mer, ces forêts amphibies abritent également de
nombreuses espèces terrestres. On y rencontre des oiseaux, des singes, des reptiles, des biches et au Bengladesh, les
Sundarbans, la plus grande mangrove du monde, sont même l’un des derniers refuges pour le tigre du Bengale, loin de
+ info: http://www.goodplanet.info/Contenu/Focus/2011-annee-des-forets-La-revanche-des-mangroves
Fading borders: Growing Reforestation - Quisqueya Verde Programme - The
Dominican Republic
The visit of Mr. Gnacadja comes at a crucial time, especially when the reforestation efforts from
the Dominican government are gaining traction. The government has been promoting the
reforestation programs through its flagship national program called the Quisqeya Verde
Program. During his two-day visit on 7-8 July 2011, Mr. Gnacadja planted saplings in the fields
and met with local communities. The government plans to plant 30 million trees in 4 years
under the project.
This is part of the Ministry of Environment's "Green Border" initiative to promote ideas and actions on the border zone with
Haiti under the Quisqeya program. The initiative includes reforestation along the borders of Haiti and the Dominican
Republic and it involves the participation from the local communities in the region.
+ info: http://www.unccd.int/publicinfo/partners/stories.php?newch=Fading%20borders
Bruce Museum Lecture: "Forests and the Changing Climate: Evolutionary Innovation"
16-sep-2011 . Greenwich, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Bruce Museum and UNESCO
Contact: [email protected] and [email protected]
+ info: http://www.un.org/en/events/iyof2011/
La situation des forêts dans le bassin amazonien,le bassin du Congo et l’Asie du Sud-Est
Brazzaville, République du Congo | 31 mai–3 juin, 2011
Le présent rapport a été préparé comme document d’information pour le Sommet des trois bassins
forestiers tropicaux qui se tiendra à Brazzaville, République du Congo, du 31 mai au 3 juin 2011. Il tire
parti du travail accompli par le Département des forêts de la FAO et l’Organisation internationale des bois
tropicaux (OIBT), deux organisations internationales spécialisées dans la fourniture d’informations sur ces
forêts et la promotion de leur gestion durable.
+ info: http://www.fao.org/forestry/fra/70893/fr/
A National and International Analysis of Changing Forest Density
By Aapo Rautiainen, Iddo Wernick, Paul E. Waggoner, Jesse H. Ausubel, Pekka E. Kauppi
Like cities, forests grow by spreading out or by growing denser. Both inventories taken steadily by a single nation and other
inventories gathered recently from many nations by the United Nations confirm the asynchronous effects of changing area
and of density or volume per hectare. United States forests spread little after 1953, while growing density per hectare
increased national volume and thus sequestered carbon. The 2010 United Nations appraisal of global forests during the
briefer span of two decades after 1990 reveals a similar pattern: A slowing decline of area with growing volume means
growing density in 68 nations encompassing 72% of reported global forest land and 68% of reported global carbon mass.
To summarize, the nations were placed in 5 regions named for continents. During 1990–2010 national density grew
unevenly, but nevertheless grew in all regions. Growing density was responsible for substantially increasing sequestered
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carbon in the European and North American regions, despite smaller changes in area. Density nudged upward in the African
and South American regions as area loss outstripped the loss of carbon. For the Asian region, density grew in the first
decade and fell slightly in the second as forest area expanded. The different courses of area and density disqualify area as
a proxy for volume and carbon. Applying forestry methods traditionally used to measure timber volumes still offers a
necessary route to measuring carbon stocks. With little expansion of forest area, managing for timber growth and density
offered a way to increase carbon stocks.
+ info: http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0019577
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Généalogie et héraldique
Généalogie et héraldique
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Patrimoine géologique
Patrimoine géologique
Newly Unveiled Plesiosaur Fossil Suggests Ancient Sea Reptile Gave Birth, didn't Lay Eggs
The remains of a giant sea creature are providing the first proof that these prehistoric reptiles gave birth to their young
rather than laying eggs.
Plesiosaurs, which lived at the time of dinosaurs, were large carnivorous sea animals with broad bodies and two pairs of
flippers. Researchers have long questioned whether they would have been able to crawl onto land and lay eggs like other
reptiles or gave birth in the water like whales.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49797
Coseismic and postseismic slip of the 2011 magnitude-9 Tohoku-Oki earthquake
By Shinzaburo Ozawa, Takuya Nishimura, Hisashi Suito, Tomokazu Kobayashi, Mikio Tobita & Tetsuro Imakiire Most large
earthquakes occur along an oceanic trench, where an oceanic plate subducts beneath a continental plate. Massive
earthquakes with a moment magnitude, Mw, of nine have been known to occur in only a few areas, including Chile, Alaska,
Kamchatka and Sumatra. No historical records exist of a Mw = 9 earthquake along the Japan trench, where the Pacific
plate subducts beneath the Okhotsk plate, with the possible exception of the ad 869 Jogan earthquake, the magnitude of
which has not been well constrained. However, the strain accumulation rate estimated there from recent geodetic
observations is much higher than the average strain rate released in previous interplate earthquakes.
+ info: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v475/n7356/full/nature10227.html
Il n'y a plus de preuve géologique du rôle du méthane pour expliquer la fin de la Terre
boule de neige, il y a 635 millions d'années
L'existence de dépôts glaciaires caractéristiques, retrouvés à plusieurs endroits du globe aux basses
latitudes, nous indiquent qu'il y a 635 millions d'années (époque Marinoene), les calottes polaires
auraient atteint l'équateur, c'est la théorie de la « Terre boule de neige ». Depuis, de telles
glaciations extrêmes ne se sont pas reproduites, ce qui a permis le développement de formes de vie
de plus en plus évoluées. Une des hypothèses invoquées pour expliquer la fin de cette « Terre boule
de neige » (et donc une déglaciation) est le relargage de méthane dans l'atmosphère, provenant de
la déstabilisation de clathrate (hydrates de méthane) des sédiments océaniques ou du permafrost. La seule preuve
géologique derrière cette hypothèse était l'existence de veines de calcite pauvres en 13C (le méthane étant en effet pauvre
en 13C) dans les dolomites de Chine qui surmontent les dépôts glaciaires. Les travaux d'une équipe de chercheurs français
et américains montrent que ces veines de calcites se sont formées bien après la fin de l'âge glaciaire et sont dues à une
activité hydrothermale. Si le méthane a eu le rôle que certains lui imputent pour la sortie de la Terre boule de Neige, alors
il n'aurait pas laissé de trace. Une étude parue dans la revue Nature.
+ info: http://www.insu.cnrs.fr/co/terre-solide/origine-evolution-histoire/il-n-y-a-plus-de-preuve-geologique-du-role-dumethane-pour-e
Exercice grandeur nature d’alerte au tsunami dans les Caraïbes
Au lendemain du tsunami qui vient de frapper très durement le Japon, trente-trois pays* s’apprêtent à participer le 23
mars à un premier exercice grandeur nature d’alerte au tsunami dans les Caraïbes. L’objectif de cette simulation est de
tester le Système d’alerte rapide aux tsunamis et aux autres risques côtiers pour la mer des Caraïbes et des régions
adjacentes, mis en place en 2005 sous l’égide de la Commission océanographique intergouvernementale (COI) de
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/media-services/single-view/news/full_scale_simulated_tsunami
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Patrimoine géologique
Japan tsunami caused icebergs to break off in Antarctica
The effects of the March 2011 earthquake and subsequent tsunami that devastated areas of
Japan can be seen as far away as Antarctica. Satellite images show new icebergs were
created after the tsunami hit the Sulzberger Ice Shelf.
Using radar images acquired by ESA’s Envisat satellite, a NASA team was able to spot the
icebergs – the largest measuring about 6.5 by 9.5 km in surface area and about 80 m in
+ info: http://www.esa.int/esaCP/SEMV87JTPQG_index_0.html
Premier test réussi pour le système d'alerte aux tsunamis dans la Méditerranée
Le dispositif de communication du système d'alerte rapide aux tsunamis et d'atténuation de leurs effets dans l'Atlantique du
Nord-Est, la Méditerranée et les mers adjacentes (NEAMTWS) a été testé pour la première fois avec succès le 10 août.
Cette étape constitue bond en avant pour le système qui a été lancé en 2005 sous l'égide de la Commission
océanographique intergouvernementale (COI).
Les points focaux d'alerte aux tsunamis de 31 pays participants* de la région ont reçu un message de test à 10h36 GMT,
par courrier électronique, télécopie et par le Système mondial de télécommunications (SMT) ** de l’Observatoire et Institut
de Recherche Sismique Kandilli d’Istanbul (KOERI, Turquie). Les premiers résultats montrent que les messages ont été bien
reçus quelques minutes à peine après leur envoi.
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/media-services/single-view/news/successful_first_test_of_tsunami_warning_system
Exhibition - World's Most Comprehensive Collection of Vesta Meteorites - Royal Ontario Museum - Toronto Ontario - Canada
n celebration of the arrival of NASA’s Dawn mission to the asteroid Vesta, the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) presents the
world’s most comprehensive collection of meteorites thought to be from that asteroid. On temporary exhibition in the Vale
Gallery of Minerals, inside the Teck Suite of Galleries: Earth’s Treasures, the display houses 30 diverse specimens from
Vesta, the second most massive asteroid in our solar system.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=48871
Hebrew University Cave Researchers Explore Stream-Filled Cavern at Entrance to Jerusalem - Jerusalem
Hebrew University of Jerusalem researchers have conducted an initial survey of what appears to be an important, ancient
water source in a cave that was been discovered during excavation work for a new train station being constructed at the
entrance to Jerusalem.
The work was done by members of the Cave Research Unit of the university, headed by Prof. Amos Frumkin of the
Department of Geography. The cave was exposed near the base of a deep service shaft that was dug for the train tunnel
leading into the new station, located opposite the main bus station in Jerusalem. The full length of the cave is as yet
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=48293
Guadeloupe : création de la réserve naturelle nationale de la Désirade - Guadeloupe - France
Première réserve naturelle à caractère essentiellement géologique de l’outre-mer, son classement a fait
l’objet d’un large consensus et a bénéficié d’un fort soutien des collectivités territoriales qui ont été parties
prenantes de ce projet dès son lancement.
Les sites retenus dans le périmètre de la réserve constituent un concentré de ce qui fait l’originalité de la
Désirade : ce paysage étonnant, sculpté par l’érosion marine, abrite un site géologique emblématique, cette
île constituant un élément clé dans la reconstitution des premières phases de l’évolution de l’arc antillais.
+ info: http://www.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/spip.php?page=article&id_article=23746
World's Oldest Fossils Found in Ancient Australian Beach
When Martin Brasier discovered what looked like fossil cells in between the cemented sand
grains of an ancient beach in Western Australia, he knew he had his work cut out for him. One
of the biggest challenges for geologists is deciding when a fossil is really a fossil, particularly
when it comes to early life. There are no bones to go by, and the mineralized spheres
representing simple cells and sometimes filaments could easily be crystals or other irregularities
in the sediment itself. What's more, Brasier, a geologist at the University of Oxford in the
United Kingdom, has been one of the most vocal critics of many of the most ancient fossils
other researchers have found.
+ info: http://news.sciencemag.org/sciencenow/2011/08/worlds-oldest-fossils-found-in-a.html?ref=hp
Malaysia Stalls New Project: Rare-Earth Metals Plant Has Become Mired in
Environmental Considerations - Malaysia
A plan to break China's dominance over rare-earth metals suffered a setback as Malaysia's
government put restrictions on a plant due to start producing thousands of tons of the
materials within months.
The 700 million ringgit, or roughly $230 million, processing plant under construction by
Australia's Lynas Corp. is intended to produce about a sixth of the world's supply of rareearth elements when it hits full production, which is expected for as early as next year.
+ info: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702304450604576417243688119506.html?mod=dist_smartbrief
Fossils of Earth's Oldest Trees Donated to New York State Museum - Albany - New York State - USA
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Patrimoine géologique
Fossils of the Earth’s oldest trees have been donated to the New York State Museum after workers uncovered them during
a project to reconstruct the Gilboa Dam in Schoharie County.
Engineers for the New York City Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) discovered 35 Gilboa stump specimens in
the same location where similar Gilboa stumps were uncovered in 1920 when the dam was constructed. Other smaller
discoveries were made in the 1850s and in 1869. Twelve new stumps will be added to what is now the world’s largest
collection of Gilboa stumps at the State Museum. The stumps are widely cited as evidence of the world’s oldest forest.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=48942
China launches campaign to regulate rare earth production - People's Republic of China
China has launched a five-month inspection campaign that aims to crack down on rare earth production that is not in line
with government regulations, the country's industry ministry said on Monday.
Rare earth producers that have no directive production plan, exceed production quotas or continue to use outdated or
environmentally destructive production techniques will be forced to halt operation or face cancellation of quotas and
licenses, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said in a statement on its website.
The campaign, which starts from August 1 to December 31, will also clamp down on the sale or purchase of rare earth
products from mines that violate industry regulations, the statement said.
+ info: http://english.gov.cn/2011-08/09/content_1922201.htm
ERBE Symposium / XI Simposio Internacional Del Legado Cultural Minero y de las Ciencias de la Tierra Mexico City, México (29 August - 2 September 2011)
Se presentaron trabajos relacionados con los Intercambios internacionales de cultura y tecnología minera y teorías
geológicas; Viajes mineralógicos y geológicos; Investigación interdisciplinaria en la historia de las ciencias de la Tierra;
Patrimonio industrial, conservación de patrimonio y minería y Archivos de minería.
La sede, durante los primeros tres días, fue la Biblioteca Antonio M. Anza del Palacio de Minería en la Ciudad de México,
arribando a Pachuca el 1 de septiembre para realizar visitas a la mina de San Juan Pachuca y la planta procesadora de
Loreto, así como al Archivo Histórico Museo de Minería.
En conferencia de prensa, Belem Oviedo Gámez, directora del AHMM, resaltó la importancia de que este tipo de eventos de
talla internacional se lleven a cabo en el país.
+ info: http://www.11erbesymposium.org/
Observatório Nacional descobre indícios de um Rio Subterrâneo debaixo do Rio Amazonas - Brazil
Em agosto de 2011, os pesquisadores da Coordenação de Geofísica do Observatório Nacional – ON apresentaram um
trabalho no 12o Congresso Internacional da Sociedade Brasiliera de Geofísica, no Rio de Janeiro, apontando indícios da
existência de um rio subterrâneo debaixo do Rio Amazonas.
Esta fantástica descoberta faz parte de um trabalho de doutorado da aluna Elizabeth Tavares Pimentel, sob orientação do
pesquisador Valiya Hamza. O trabalho é baseado na análise de dados de temperaturas de 241 poços profundos perfurados
pela PETROBRAS, nas décadas de 1970 e 1980, na região Amazônica. A área de estudo abrange as bacias sedimentares de
Acre, Solimões, Amazonas, Marajó e Barreirinhas.
Os resultados obtidos permitiram identificação de movimentação das águas subterrâneas em profundidades de até 4000
metros nesta região. A metodologia utilizada baseia-se na identificação de sinais térmicos típicos de movimentos de fluidos
em meios porosos.
+ info: http://www.on.br/conteudo/noticias/2011/Pimentel_Hamza_SBGF_2011.pdf
An Archaeopteryx-like theropod from China and the origin of Avialae - The People's Republic of China
Xing Xu, Hailu You, Kai Du & Fenglu Han Archaeopteryx is widely accepted as being the most basal bird, and accordingly it
is regarded as central to understanding avialan origins; however, recent discoveries of derived maniraptorans have
weakened the avialan status of Archaeopteryx. Here we report a new Archaeopteryx-like theropod from China. This find
further demonstrates that many features formerly regarded as being diagnostic of Avialae, including long and robust
forelimbs, actually characterize the more inclusive group Paraves (composed of the avialans and the deinonychosaurs).
Notably, adding the new taxon into a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis shifts Archaeopteryx to the Deinonychosauria.
Despite only tentative statistical support, this result challenges the centrality of Archaeopteryx in the transition to birds. If
this new phylogenetic hypothesis can be confirmed by further investigation, current assumptions regarding the avialan
ancestral condition will need to be re-evaluated.
+ info: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v475/n7357/full/nature10288.html
Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County Opens New Dinosaur Hall - Los Angeles - California - USA
The Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County (NHM) opened its all-new, 14,000-square-foot Dinosaur Hall, marking
the halfway point of the Museum’s seven-year transformation. Twice the size of the Museum’s old dinosaur galleries, the
new permanent exhibition features over 300 fossils and 20 complete mounts of dinosaurs and sea creatures. The hall rivals
the world’s leading dinosaur halls for the number of individual fossils displayed, the size and spectacular character of the
major mounts, including the world’s only Tyrannosaurus rex growth series, and the accessible integration of recent
scientific discoveries and research into the displays.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49136
L'étude de fossiles de poissons explique l'apparition des mâchoires chez les
Comment les mâchoires, facteur essentiel dans le succès évolutif des vertébrés et la diversité
de leur adaptation, sont-elles apparues subitement chez les poissons il y a 435 millions
d’années ? Une équipe de chercheurs a réussi à expliquer ce phénomène grâce à une étude
poussée de l’anatomie interne de fossiles de galéaspides, poissons sans mâchoires.
L’apparition des mâchoires chez les vertébrés aurait été rendue possible grâce à une
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Patrimoine géologique
réorganisation du cerveau et des organes du sens bien avant l’origine des mâchoires. Cette
étude menée par des chercheurs de l’Université de Bristol, de l’Académie chinoise des Sciences, du CNRS, du Muséum
national d’Histoire naturelle, de l’Institut suisse Paul Scherrer et l’Université ETH de Zurich a été publiée le 18 août dernier
dans Nature.
+ info: http://www.insu.cnrs.fr/co/terre-solide/terre-et-vie/l-etude-de-fossiles-de-poissons-explique-l-apparition-desmachoires-chez-l
Une source jeune pour le panache à l'origine des volcans d'Hawaii - USA
En analysant la composition isotopique du strontium des verres magmatiques emprisonnés en
inclusion dans des cristaux d’olivines contenus dans les laves du Mauna Loa, volcans d’Hawaii, un
chercheur de Grenoble (IsTerre, CNRS-INSU, Univ Joseph Fourier) et ses collègues du Max Planck
Institute for Chemistry (Germany), de l’Académie des sciences de Russie (Moscou, Novosibirsk) et
du Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory (USA) montrent que les roches qui ont alimenté le panache
du manteau, responsable des volcans d’Hawaii, sont héritées de roches océaniques contaminées
par de l’eau de mer pas plus ancienne que 200 à 650 millions d’années. Ces travaux ont été
publiés dans la revue Nature le 25 août 2011.
+ info: http://www.insu.cnrs.fr/co/terre-solide/dynamique-interne/une-source-jeune-pour-le-panache-a-l-origine-desvolcans-d-hawaii
Les petites mais fréquentes éruptions volcaniques contribuent à refroidir le climat
Malgré l'absence d'éruptions volcaniques majeures, les fréquentes mais faibles éruptions volcaniques
qu'a connues notre planète au cours des dix dernières années ont injecté dans la stratosphère une
quantité d'aérosols suffisante pour réduire temporairement mais de manière significative le
réchauffement climatique dû aux émissions de gaz à effet de serre. C'est ce que révèlent deux études
franco-américaines récentes, auxquelles des chercheurs du Laboratoire atmosphères, milieux,
observations spatiales (LATMOS/IPSL, UVSQ / CNRS / Université Paris 6) ont participé. La prise en
compte de la quantité moyenne d'aérosols stratosphériques s'avère de ce fait importante pour la
simulation du climat à l'échelle décennale.
+ info: http://www.insu.cnrs.fr/a3879,petites-mais-frequentes-eruptions-volcaniques-contribuent-refroidir-climat.html
Exhibition - Titanosaur Nest on View
16-avr -2011 . New York City, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: American Museum of Natural History
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49352
Presentazione della Mostra di minerali rocce e suoli
20-sep-2011 . Edolo, Italie
Organizateurs: Università degli Studi di Milano. Facoltà di Agraria Sede di Edolo
Contact: [email protected] / Prof. Franco Previtali - [email protected]
+ info: http://www.istruzione.lombardia.it/mostra_minerali_edolo/
Guide des curiosités géologiques du Pays bigouden - France
Par Sylvain BLAIS, Michel BALLEVRE, Pierrick GRAVIOU et Joël ROLET
Collection : Guides Géologiques Régionaux
ISBN : 978-2-7159-2509-0
Le Pays bigouden présente une grande variété de roches et de paysages : le granite de Pont-l'Abbé, si
bien exposé de la Pointe de la Torche à l'embouchure de l'Odet, la baie d'Audierne avec son cordon de
galets et ses nombreux étangs littoraux, et surtout - une rareté en Bretagne - des témoins d'un océan
Autant de sites remarquables que ce guide des curiosités géologiques du Pays bigouden vous invite à parcourir.
Ce patrimoine naturel vous permettra de retracer l'histoire géologique du Pays bigouden, histoire qui voit la création d'un
océan puis sa disparition lors de la formation d'une chaîne de montagne aujourdh'hui érodée. Le long du littoral comme au
fil des sentiers, ce choix de sites sera prétexte à un dépaysement dans le lointain passé, où les âges se comptent en
millions d'années.
Bon voyage en compagnie de ce guide, qui se conclut par quelques pages sur les milieux naturels de la région.
+ info: http://www.brgm.fr/Livres/detail.jsp?id=EDV-ART-225
Guide Géologique: Jura - France
Auteur(s) : Patrick MARCEL et Didier QUESNE
Collection : Guides Géologiques Régionaux
ISBN : 978-2-7159-2511-3
Le Bureau de recherches géologiques et minières (BRGM), qui fait référence en France pour les
sciences de la Terre, lance une série de guides touristiques destinés aux randonneurs souhaitant «
comprendre par leur géologie les paysages qu’ils traversent ». Publié conjointement avec les éditions
Omniscience, le premier guide de la collection « Guides géologiques » est consacré au Jura et «
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Patrimoine géologique
présente des itinéraires de randonnée détaillés retenus pour leur qualité scientifique, pédagogique et esthétique ». Après
un chapitre consacré à l’histoire géologique du Jura, l’ouvrage présente dix itinéraires avec carte IGN et une fiche technique
avec des conseils pratiques (distance, durée, dénivelé, difficulté, matériel requis, etc.) et des descriptions détaillées et
illustrées. Des encadrés sont consacrés à la culture, la flore, la faune, l’architecture, l’agriculture et aux activités humaines
de la région. Des adresses utiles complètent l’ouvrage, comme dans tout bon guide touristique.
+ info: http://www.brgm.fr/Livres/detail.jsp?id=EDV-ART-226#%22
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Législation (nationale et internationale), conventions, chartes et déclarations
Législation (nationale et internationale), conventions, chartes et
Rhinos Latest Victims of the Illicit Trade in Art and Wildlife
Following a recent surge in museum heists targeting rhinoceros horn, conservation and
preservation organizations warn that the illegal trafficking of art and wildlife is a threat to the
public, as well as the world’s natural and cultural heritage.
The Lawyers’ Committee for Cultural Heritage Preservation (LCCHP), the International Fund for
Animal Welfare (IFAW), Save the Rhino International, and Saving Rhinos issued the following
statement. (go to the link).
+ info: http://www.culturalheritagelaw.org/rhino
Newsletter - Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Underwater Cultural Heritage
This is the monthly Newsletter/Press Release for August for the Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Underwater Cultural
Please feel free to circulate it as widely as possible to your colleagues and friends.
+ info: http://universidadypatrimonio.net/doc/Augustpressrelease.pdf
L'implantation d'éoliennes en zones Natura 2000 peut être
Une réglementation interdisant l'implantation d'éoliennes en zones Natura
2000 n'est pas contraire au droit de l'UE selon une décision de la Cour de
justice rendue le 21 juillet dernier. Certaines conditions s'imposent
es directives "habitats" et "oiseaux", de même que celles relatives à la
promotion de l'énergie renouvelable, ne s'opposent pas à une
réglementation qui prévoit, indépendamment de toute étude d'impact, l'interdiction absolue de réaliser des éoliennes non
destinées à l'autoconsommation sur des sites appartenant au réseau Natura 2000.
L'interdiction doit toutefois respecter les principes de non-discrimination et de proportionnalité.
+ info: http://www.actu-environnement.com/ae/news/eoliennes-implantation-Natura-2000-interdiction-CJUE-13253.
CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna
and Flora) to explore new financial sources to tackle the decline in wildlife
during its 61st Standing Committee meeting (Geneva, Switzerland-15- 19
August 2011)
The Secretariat of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild
Fauna and Flora (CITES) has announced today the withdrawal of a recommendation to
suspend trade with Nigeria that had been in place since 2005 because of increasing
illegal wildlife trade and a lack of adequate enforcement.
The decision to lift the suspension was adopted during the 61st meeting of the CITES Standing Committee held in Geneva
last week (SC61). Nigeria has designated the National Environmental Standards and Regulations Enforcement Agency
(NESREA) as the country’s new CITES enforcement authority and has enacted new wildlife regulations that fully comply
with CITES requirements and can now be ranked in Category 1 under the CITES legislation project.
+ info: http://www.cites.org/eng/news/press_release.php
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Législation (nationale et internationale), conventions, chartes et déclarations
UNESCO Director-General regrets the announcement of Thailand's intention to denounce the 1972 World
Heritage Convention
The Director-General of UNESCO Irina Bokova has expressed her deep regret following the declaration of the Thai Minister
Suwit Khunkitti during the 35th session of the World Heritage Committee being held at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris from
19 to 29 June 2011, on the intention of Thailand to denounce the 1972 World Heritage Convention.
Irina Bokova reiterated that "The World Heritage Convention of 1972 is not only the foremost international instrument for
the preservation and protection of the world’s cultural and natural properties which have Outstanding Universal Value, but
also widely recognized as an important and indispensable tool to develop and encourage international cooperation and
+ info: http://whc.unesco.org/en/news/772
Protecting Cultural Patrimony in the Americas
Mexico’s Secretary of Public Education and the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH), the Foundation of
Spanish-American History (Colombia) and the Agency for International Development and Cooperation (Spain) recently
organized an international symposium - Primer Seminario Iberoamericano de Periodismo y Patrimonio Cultural - aimed at
addressing archaeological looting and trafficking issues in Mexico, Central and South America. Much of the looted preColumbian and colonial material ends up in the United States and Europe. The NPS has extensive experience managing
cultural resources and investigating archaeological looting, hence the request for NPS’s participation. This was the first in a
planned series of seminars designed to improve the protection of cultural patrimony and included members of the media as
well as those in the cultural resources profession. For more details, contact Todd Swain at [email protected]
+ info: http://www.nps.gov/oia/
La Directrice générale de l’UNESCO appelle à prendre toutes les mesures pour
protéger l’héritage culturel lybien pendant la période de transition
La Directrice générale de l’UNESCO, Irina Bokova, a lancé aujourd’hui un appel au peuple de
Lybie et à toutes les personnes impliquées dans le commerce international de l’art et des
antiquités à protéger l’héritage culturel du pays. Elle a également rappelé que le pillage, le vol
et le trafic illicite constituaient une violation de la Convention de l’UNESCO de 1970 portant sur
les mesures à prendre pour interdire et empêcher l'importation, l'exportation et le transfert de
propriété illicites des biens culturels*, seul instrument international dédié exclusivement à la
lutte contre le trafic illicite de la propriété culturelle.
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/media-services/single-view/news/
La Dame à l’hermine revient en Allemagne
Le Ministère de la Culture polonais avait accepté la demande de prêt de La Dame à l’hermine de Léonard de Vinci en avril
dernier. Le Portrait de Cecilia Gallerani, peint en 1490, a commencé son voyage, son premier arrêt se situant Allemagne et
plus précisément à Berlin qui met en vedette les chefs-d’œuvre de la peinture de portrait de la Renaissance.
La Dame à l’hermine avait été volée par les nazis pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale et c’est la première fois que l’œuvre
retourne en Allemagne depuis sa restitution à la Pologne. L’œuvre est peinte sur une planche de châtaignier et appartient à
la famille Czartoryski depuis le début du XIXe siècle. Elle sera visible au Bode Museum de Berlin qui clôturera son
exposition « Visages de la Renaissance — chefs-d’œuvre de l’art du portrait italien » le 20 novembre sans l’oeuvre de
Léonard de Vinci, car son œuvre est attendue à Londres le 9 novembre.
+ info: http://www.artmediaagency.com/24920/la-dame-a-lhermine-revient-en-allemagne/
Ratification par la Jamaïque de la Convention sur la protection du patrimoine culturel subaquatique (Paris, 2
novembre 2001)
Le 9 août 2011, la Jamaïque a déposé auprès de la Directrice générale son instrument de ratification de la Convention sur
la protection du patrimoine culturel subaquatique.
Conformément aux dispositions de son article 27, ladite Convention entrera en vigueur à l’égard de la Jamaïque trois mois
après le dépôt de cet instrument, c’est-à-dire le 9 novembre 2011.
+ info: http://portal.unesco.org/fr/ev.php-URL_ID=48608&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html
Ratification par le Benin de la Convention sur la protection du patrimoine culturel subaquatique (Paris, 2
novembre 2001)
Le 4 août 2011, le Benin a déposé auprès de la Directrice générale son instrument de ratification de la Convention sur la
protection du patrimoine culturel subaquatique.
Conformément aux dispositions de son article 27, ladite Convention entrera en vigueur à l’égard du Benin trois mois après
le dépôt de cet instrument, c’est-à-dire le 4 novembre 2011.
+ info: http://portal.unesco.org/fr/ev.php-URL_ID=48607&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html
67 Artefacts Returned to the Dominican Republic by U.S. Immigration and Customs
Enforcement's (ICE) and U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP)
A collection of 67 artifacts illegally imported into the United States were returned to the
Dominican Republic during a joint repatriation ceremony in Santo Domingo. The repatriation of
these artifacts is the result of a series of seizures and several investigations conducted by U.S.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement's (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) and U.S.
Customs and Border Protection (CBP).
ICE HSI Assistant Director for International Affairs Luis Alvarez, Dominican Republic Minister of
Culture Jose Rafael Lantigua and U.S. Ambassador to the Dominican Republic Raul H. Yzaguirre participated in the
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Législation (nationale et internationale), conventions, chartes et déclarations
+ info: http://www.ice.gov/news/releases/1108/110818santodomingo.htm
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Homeland Security
Investigations (HSI) help Egyptian law enforcement agencies counter antiquities
Egyptian archaeological sites, storerooms and other locations are under serious threats of pillage,
theft and illicit trafficking. That's why U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)
Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) joined forces with the U.S. Embassy to Egypt to present
a four day workshop titled "Countering Antiquities Trafficking at Egypt's Ports and Borders."
The workshop was designed to help improve Egypt's capacity to prevent the illegal export of
cultural property through more effective implementation of export controls and law enforcement resources. The conference
also aimed to increase dialogue and cooperation between Egyptian law enforcement agencies and provide a basis for a
continued working relationship between ICE's attaché office in Cairo and Egyptian law enforcement.
+ info: http://www.ice.gov/news/releases/1108/110801cairo.htm
New York's Met to Return 10 Artifacts to Egypt - New York City - New York State - USA
New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art has agreed to return to Cairo 19 artifacts dating back to the time of ancient Egypt's
teenage king Tutankhamen, the state news agency MENA said on Saturday. Egypt has been pushing for the repatriation of
major pharaonic treasures it says were plundered by foreign powers, including the Rosetta Stone now in the British
Museum and Queen Nefertiti's bust from Berlin's Neues Museum. The agreement between the New York museum and
Egypt's antiquities council on the return of the artifacts was signed in November after a series of negotiations, MENA said.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49471
La Convention de Ramsar sur les zones humides : 40 ans d’actions - Les Ateliers de la Terre
Le 2 février 2011 marque le 40eme Anniversaire de la Convention de Ramsar sur les Zones Humides, signée dans la ville
de Ramsar en Iran, le 2 févier 1971. La Convention de Ramsar sur les Zones Humides œuvre pour la conservation et
l'utilisation rationnelle des 42 types de Zones Humides comme atouts importants pour différents secteurs tels que
l'agriculture et la sécurité alimentaire, la foresterie, l'énergie, l'approvisionnement en eau, la santé, les agglomérations
urbaines et rurales, l’industrie, le tourisme, la faune, le commerce et le transport qui contribuent au développement socioéconomique durable.
+ info: http://www.ramsar.org/cda/fr/ramsar-news-ateliersdelaterreplaneworkshopssept2011/main/ramsar/1-26%
Convention d’Aarhus : L'Union européenne et la France doivent accepter d'ouvrir les portes de la démocratie
Depuis hier, les Etats signataires de la Convention d’Aarhus sur l’information, la participation du public et l’accès à la justice
en matière environnementale sont réunis à Chisinau, Moldavie. L’adhésion de nouveaux pays non membres de la
Commission économique des Nations Unies pour l’Europe (UNECE), appelée de ses vœux par France Nature Environnement
et les Amis de la terre France, est en négociation. Inquiétudes.
Une décision qui restreindrait l’accès de pays volontaires à la démocratie environnementale
La Convention d’Aarhus se rattache directement aux droits de l’homme de nature politique et est un outil puissant de mise
en œuvre du Principe 10 de la Déclaration de Rio de 1992 pour la démocratie environnementale.
+ info: http://www.fne.asso.fr/fr/convention-d-aarhus-l-union-europeenne-et-la-france-doivent-accepter-d-ouvrir-lesportes-de-la-democratie-environnementale.html?cmp_id=33&news_id=12370
Réunion d'experts pour la révision de la loi haïtienne sur la protection du
patrimoine bâti - Paris - France (11-12 juillet 2011)
La réunion rassemblera une équipe d'experts juridiques pour lancer le processus de révision
de la loi sur la protection du patrimoine bâti dans le cadre des projets entrepris par
l'UNESCO et ses partenaires pour atteindre l'objectif de faire de la culture un élément
essentiel pour la reconstruction d'Haïti.
L'activité a été fixée comme une priorité clé du gouvernement haïtien, et sera organisée
avec le soutien financier du Fonds-en-dépôt espagnol pour le patrimoine mondial. Elle
s'insère dans le cadre des projets 1 et 3 pour Port-au-Prince tels que présentés dans la brochure « Haïti - Faire de la
culture un moteur pour la reconstruction ».
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/unesco/events/culture-events/?tx_browser_pi1[showUid]
Réunion du groupe de travail intergouvernemental ouvert sur le traitement des candidatures à la Liste
représentative par le Comité, l’Organe subsidiaire et le Secrétariat - Siège de l'UNESCO - Paris - France ( 12-14
septembre 2011)
Le Comité intergouvernemental pour la sauvegarde du patrimoine culturel immatériel a décidé (décision 5.COM 7) de
convoquer un groupe de travail intergouvernemental ouvert avant la sixième session du Comité pour débattre de possibles
mesures pour améliorer le traitement des candidatures à la Liste représentative par le Comité, l’Organe subsidiaire et le
Ce groupe de travail intergouvernemental ouvert a été créé par le Comité lors de sa cinquième session à la suite du débat
concernant l’établissement d’un organe subsidiaire chargé d’examiner les dossiers de candidatures à la Liste représentative,
au cours duquel le Comité a eu à se prononcer sur le nombre de candidatures qu’il aurait à examiner durant le cycle 2011,
ainsi que sur les méthodes de travail de l’organe subsidiaire. La réunion du groupe de travail aura lieu grâce au soutien
financier du Japon.
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/unesco/events/culture-events/?tx_browser_pi1[showUid]
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Législation (nationale et internationale), conventions, chartes et déclarations
UNCCD (United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification): Stories from local communities
The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification fosters the creation of an enabling environment that promotes
action at the local level, the implementation of a cooperation framework built upon partnership agreements and the
promotion of activities integrated into a coherent development strategy with a view to enhancing the involvement of civil
society in the intergovernmental and decision-making process.
To date, more than 900 civil society organisations have been accredited with observer status to the Conference of the
Parties. The participation of these entities in the implementation of the Convention and their contribution to the various
meetings is a necessary component of the successful implementation of the Convention through its Ten Year Strategic Plan.
+ info: http://www.unccd.int/cso/menu.php?newch=l8
Fading borders: Growing Reforestation - Quisqueya Verde Programme - The
Dominican Republic
The visit of Mr. Gnacadja comes at a crucial time, especially when the reforestation efforts from
the Dominican government are gaining traction. The government has been promoting the
reforestation programs through its flagship national program called the Quisqeya Verde
Program. During his two-day visit on 7-8 July 2011, Mr. Gnacadja planted saplings in the fields
and met with local communities. The government plans to plant 30 million trees in 4 years
under the project.
This is part of the Ministry of Environment's "Green Border" initiative to promote ideas and actions on the border zone with
Haiti under the Quisqeya program. The initiative includes reforestation along the borders of Haiti and the Dominican
Republic and it involves the participation from the local communities in the region.
+ info: http://www.unccd.int/publicinfo/partners/stories.php?newch=Fading%20borders
COLLOQUE MÉMOIRE AFRICAINE EN PÉRIL Pillages et restitutions du patrimoine culturel et anthropologique
15 sep - 16 sep 2011 . Genève, Suisse
Organizateurs: Musées d’art et d’histoire
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.ville-ge.ch/mah/index.php?content=
Mixed decisions on Hungarian looted art lawsuits
The heirs of a Jewish art collector can proceed with a lawsuit against Hungary seeking the return of art seized during the
Holocaust that is worth more than $100 million, a federal judge ruled.
But, as Hungary requested, other heirs of Baron Mor Lipot Herzog with older lawsuits over the art, cannot proceed, the U.S.
District Court judge in Washington decided Thursday.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=50224
Greek police recover stolen Rubens painting - Athens - Greece
Greek police recovered a 17th century painting by Flemish master Pieter Paul Rubens stolen from a museum in Belgium a
decade ago, authorities said Thursday. Two people, both Greeks, were arrested in the operation, he said. Neither the police
nor the Culture Ministry would give further information on the raid, the painting or which Belgian museum it was stolen
from, saying investigations were still ongoing into the case.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=50217
UNESCO - Prévention et lutte contre le trafic illicite des biens culturels en Afrique du Sud - Situation actuelle et
action future
14 sep - 15 sep 2011 . Windhoek, Namibie
Organizateurs: UNESCO
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/unesco/events/all-events/?tx_browser_pi1[showUid]=4573&cHash=2874937912
Capacity Building Workshop on the Ratification of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Convention (2003)
22 sep - 23 sep 2011 . Dili, Timor-Leste
Organizateurs: UNESCO
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/en/unesco/events/all-events/?tx_browser_pi1[showUid]=4381&cHash=07d98e533b
Atelier de renforcement des capacités sur la ratification de la Convention du patrimoine culturel immatériel
22 sep - 23 sep 2011 . Dili, Timor-Leste
Organizateurs: UNESCO
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/unesco/events/all-events/?tx_browser_pi1[showUid]=4381&cHash=07d98e533b
Neuvième réunion des Hautes parties contractantes à la Convention de La Haye de 1954 pour la protection des
biens culturels en cas de conflit armé
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Législation (nationale et internationale), conventions, chartes et déclarations
12-dic-2011 . Paris, France
Organizateurs: UNESCO Headquarters
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/unesco/events/all-events/?tx_browser_pi1[showUid]=4387&cHash=ebdd2f9f43
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Villes et centres historiques. Paysages urbains historiques
Villes et centres historiques. Paysages urbains historiques
Director of UNESCO Havana Office inaugurates IX International Meeting on
Management and Administration of Historic Centers - Havana - Cuba - 20 May
In the opening ceremony of the IX International Meeting on Management of Historic
Centers, which will be in session in Havana until May 20 Herman van Hooff emphasized
the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the World Heritage Convention and of the
first 30 years since 1982, when Old Havana and its system of fortifications were
inscribed in the World Heritage List.
The meetings on Management and Administration of Historic Centers had been held since 1995 with support from UNESCO
for their international dissemination. Each conference debates the achievements and deficiencies on a specific topic of
cultural heritage. The central topic of this conference is The right of citizens to urban landmarks: great ancient structures
serving new purposes.
+ info: http://www.unesco.lacult.org/noticias/showitem.php?uid_ext=&getipr=MTcyLjI0LjEwLjIy&lg=2&id=3060
Forum Montevideo 2011- Urban Management and Intangible Cultural Heritage - Montevideo - Uruguay - 7-8
April 2011
The Forum Montevideo 2011- Urban Management and Intangible Cultural Heritage will be held on April 7 and 8, 2011 in
Montevideo, Uruguay. The meeting is being jointly organized by the Montevideo City Council (IM), the Bank for Inter
American Development (BID), the Agency for the Comprehensive Renovation of the Historic Town of Vitoria-Gasteiz
(ARICH) and the Basque Institute Etxepare. It will also have the support of the INESCO Office in Montevideo. The Forum
will be organized in lectures, reflection workshops and art manifestations around the topic of heritage and historic cities.
In this context, the Culture Sector of the UNESCO Office in Montevideo will count on the participation of well-known
architect Alfredo Conti (UNESCO Consultant), who will teach a master lecture on Historic Urban Landscapes.
+ info: http://www.unesco.lacult.org/noticias/showitem.php?uid_ext=&getipr=MTcyLjI0LjEwLjIy&lg=2&id=3020
Revitalization of Historic Center of Craco (Centro Storico di Craco) - Craco - Italy
Towering above its mesmerizing landscape, the town of Craco, Italy, dates to 1000 A.D., when
its magnificent Norman tower was erected. Archaeological discoveries, however, have found
that Mycenaean settlements developed the land between the 10th and 9th centuries B.C.
Perched atop a ridge of rolling hills carved out by the serpentine Cavone River, Craco was used
in Norman times as an outpost, scouting the vast expanse for oncoming Saracen invasions.
By 1500, the small town had begun to take shape. White stone buildings, reflecting the lighttan clay of the surrounding earth, began to emerge around the original tower, clinging to the
sloping hill. The local population continued to climb, reaching 2,600 by 1561. In 1630, Craco established a permanent
monastic order with the construction of the Monastery of St. Peter. The monastery was an important addition to the
community, influencing science, religion, and the economy in a society sustained through the production of grains,
vegetables, wine, oil, and cotton.
+ info: http://www.wmf.org/project/historic-center-craco-centro-storico-di-craco
World Summit ECOCITY 2011: Les persones, L'écologie, L'Urbanité - Cap vers les Écocités (Montreal, Québec. Canada. 22-26 aout 2011)
At the closing ceremony of the ninth Ecocity World Summit, held for the first time in Canada and
organized by the Montréal Urban Ecology Centre (MUEC), Jayne Engle-Warnick, vice-president of the
MUEC, said: "The Ecocity Summit brought together 1,500 delegates from 280 cities and 70 countries.
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Villes et centres historiques. Paysages urbains historiques
Based on what we heard from experts during the conference, cities in Canada and all over the world
are facing enormous challenges with limited resources. But we also heard that cities are the key to
solving global issues such as climate change, the fight against poverty, and social exclusion."
+ info: http://www.ecocity2011.com/
Rotterdam Historic Housing Project / Sputnik - Rotterdam - The Netherlands
In the historic Delfshaven district of Rotterdam (The Netherlands), an exciting new housing project is recently completed
named Achterhaven. The project, designed by Sputnik Architecture Urbanism Research from Rotterdam, is the result of a
competition held in 2004 by Woonbron Housing Corporation.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/149080/
Architecture City Guide: London
This week, with the help of our readers, our Architecture City Guide is headed to London. This is our second stop in Europe,
and once again I had to capitulate and double the number of buildings that we normally feature. We could not feature all of
the suggestions, and will be adding to the list in the near future. We really appreciate those readers who offered their
suggestions and the use of their pictures to make up this list.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/148522/
Lettre d'information n. 19 de la Convention France-UNESCO
La Convention France-UNESCO pour le patrimoine (CFU), signée en 1997 et entrée en vigueur en 1999, est un outil de
coopération technique et financière entre l'UNESCO, le Gouvernement français, et tous les acteurs impliqués en France
dans la gestion du patrimoine.
+ info: http://whc.unesco.org/fr/actualites/785/
OVPM (Organisation des Villes du patrimoine mondial): Quelques brèves nouvelles
Les objectifs principaux de l'Organisation visent à favoriser la mise en oeuvre de la Convention du patrimoine mondial,
encourager la coopération et l'échange d'information et d'expertise ayant trait à la conservation et à la gestion du
patrimoine et à développer un sens de la solidarité parmi ses villes membres. À cet égard, l'OVPM organise des congrès
mondiaux, des conférences, des séminaires et des ateliers de formation portant sur les défis à relever en matière de
gestion ainsi que sur les stratégies de mise en valeur et de conservation des ensembles historiques.
+ info: http://www.ovpm.org/
Architecture City Guide: Beijing
This week, with the help of our readers, our Architecture City Guide is headed to Beijing. Beijing has a range of
architectural styles, but the three most prevalent are the traditional imperial style (the Forbidden City), the “Sino-Sov”
style (boxy structures built between the 1950s and 70s), and lastly the explosion of a modern corporate style that is
punctuated with Starchitect buildings like OMA’s CCTV TV Station HQ. We put together a list of 12 modern/contemporary
buildings that we feel provides a good starting point. It is far from complete. There are dozens of other great buildings that
are not our list, and we are looking to add to the list in the near future. Please add your favorites in the comment section
below so we can add them on the second go around. Again thank you to all our readers who sent in their suggestions and
photographs. The city guides would not be possible without your help.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/162944/
Post Office in Ben Franklin's House in Philadelphia's Historic Old City May Close - Philadelphia - Pennsylvania USA
A post office in a building that Benjamin Franklin once owned is on the Postal Service's list of branches that could close.
The post office in Philadelphia's historic Old City neighborhood is the only one in the country that doesn't fly a U.S. flag.
That's because there wasn't one in 1775, when Franklin founded what has evolved into today's Postal Service.
There's also a postal museum upstairs from the so-called B. Free Franklin Post Office, located in a house once owned by
Franklin. It opened as a U.S. post office in 1975, the 200th anniversary of Franklin's appointment by the Continental
Congress as the country's first postmaster general.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49383
Architecture City Guide: Paris - Paris - France
This week, with the help of our readers, our Architecture City Guide is headed to Paris. For centuries Paris has been the
laboratory where innovative architects and artists have come to test their ideas. This has created a city that has bit of
everything. Where the architecture of some cities seems to undergo phases of punctuated equilibrium, Paris’s architectural
fossil record gives an impression of gradualism; all the missing links are there. This makes it easy to trace the origins of
the most contemporary ideas throughout history. Nothing seems to come out of nowhere. If you look around you kind find
the design’s inspiration running through the city’s Roman, Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Rocco, Neo-Classical,
Empire, Art Nouveau, Art Deco, Modern, Post-Modern, and Contemporary Architecture. Seen in another context, many of
Paris’s buildings might seem out of place, but the bones of this city support the newest iterations on the oldest and most
profound questions. The 24 contemporary designs that comprise our list probably should not be viewed outside of this
context, even though that is the stated goal of some of the designs.
+ info: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:W8QSiOabxD8J:www.archdaily.com/149901/architecturecity-guide-paris/+city+guide+parisd%2Barchdaily&cd=1&hl=es&ct=clnk&gl=es&client=firefox-a
Looking Back at the 11 Most: Boston's Historic Theaters - Boston - Massachusetts USA
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Villes et centres historiques. Paysages urbains historiques
Sixteen years ago, when Boston Mayor Tom Menino (an Advisor Emeritus of the National
Trust) nominated Boston’s historic theaters to the National Trust’s list of 11 Most
Endangered Historic Places, never would we have imagined what twisty-turny path historic
preservation would take. Or, how long it would take!
This preservation saga is a great reminder of the adages: Good things take time. Rome
wasn’t built in a day. Persistence pays off. And, patience is a virtue.
+ info: http://blog.preservationnation.org/2011/06/29/looking-back-at-the-11-most-bostons-historic-theaters/
Elsbethen Area Restoration - Memmingen's Historic District - Swabia - Germany
Following the recent historical renovation of the market place and wine market in the northern and
central part of Memmingen’s historic district, the Elsbethen area has now been restored. Extensive
redevelopment of this area in the south of the old town and its characteristic Schrannenplatz will
furnish this space with the vibrancy that will once again provide the neighbourhood with the urban
impetus it needs.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/165225/elsbethen-site-trint-kreuder-d-n-a/
AD Classics: Haas Haus by Hans Hollein - 1987 - 1990 - Vienna - Austria
The modern Hass Haus, designed by Hans Hollein, was controversial from its initiation in 1987.
The intrusion of a contemporary glass and stone building was met with a resistance, much to do
with its location in the shadow of Vienna’s oldest and greatest architectural masterpieces – St.
Stephen’s Cathedral. If anything, the building’s locale in St. Stephens Square is most
complementary to the antique cathedral; the contours of the church are brilliantly mirrored on
the Hass Haus’ façade and display that modern architecture can be momentous, as well as
unobtrusive to its historical context.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/157395/ad-classics-haas-haus-hans-hollein/
SoMa Historic District Transformation - San Francisco - California - USA
In 2009, the Uptown Tenderloin Historic District was created in an attempt to preserve
the rich history of the buildings, neighborhoods and communities that lay north of San
Francisco’s Market Street. It has not only kept developers from modifying or even
eradicating key buildings that have shaped the city of San Francisco, but has also
helped to prevent the process of gentrification, enabling middle and lower-class
inhabitants to continue living in the city at reasonable rates. Although building projects
north of Market Street are now heavily restricted, not all of San Francisco is off limits.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/151549/the-transformation-of-the-soma-district/
Jorge Palacios: Sculptures in Dialogue with the City of Toledo and Exhibition at Canal Foundation, Madrid Spain
Toledo hosts the exhibition project of Jorge Palacios (Madrid, 1979) "The dialogues of the curve: urban sculptures in the
streets of Toledo" conceived as a itinerary through different places representative of the city, including the environment of
the Bisagra Gate, the Sun Gate, the Santa Cruz Museum or the Fuensalida Palace. The traveling exhibition of Jorge Palacios
"The dialogues of the curve" will stay in Toledo until August.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=48267
Wyvernwood: Los Angeles Garden City Complex Threatened Boyle Heights - Los Angeles - California - USA
Located in the Boyle Heights neighborhood, Wyvernwood Garden
Apartments was the first large-scale, garden-style housing
development constructed in East Los Angeles. Inspired by Clarence
Stein and Henry Wright’s innovative Radburn, New Jersey, plan
principles, the landscape for the development of 143 buildings and
large swathes of open space was designed by landscape architect
Hammond Sadler.
+ info: http://tclf.org/landslides/wyvernwood-losangeles-garden-city-complex-threatened
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Villes et centres historiques. Paysages urbains historiques
Un curso del Arq. Carlos Moreno
A partir del 1º de agosto, los lunes, de 18.30 a 20.30. 1 août - 19 sep 2011 . Buenos Aires, Argentine
Organizateurs: Asociación Amigos del Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes (AAMNBA)
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.aamnba.org.ar/esp/cursosytalleres_patrimoniocultural.html
1-août -2011 . Buenos Aires, Argentine
Organizateurs: Asociación Amigos del Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.enfoquespositivos.com.ar/front.php?id=6480
Seminário com juill ia Ruchter - Berlin depois do muro: a cidade reunida?
5-sep-2011 . Natal, Brésil
Organizateurs: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.sistemas.ufrn.br/portalufrn/PT/noticia/5970516
V Jornadas Internacionales sobre Experiencias de Revitalización de Cascos Históricos
13 sep - 14 sep 2011 . Buenos Aires, Argentine
Organizateurs: La Dirección General del Casco Histórico del Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://agendacultural.buenosaires.gob.ar/evento/v-jornadas-internacionales-revitalizacion-de-cascoshistoricos/2015
World Heritage Tourism Expo - Unesco cities and sites
16 sep - 18 sep 2011 . Assisi, Italie
Organizateurs: World tourism expo
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.worldheritagetourismexpo.com/default1.asp
Conférence midi à la Chambre de commerce du Montréal métropolitain
4-oct-2011 . Montreal, Canada
Organizateurs: La Chaire UNESCO en paysage et environnement de l’Université de Montréal (CUPEUM) avec le Bureau de
design de la Ville de Montréal
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.ccmm.qc.ca/fr/
ICOMOS - Thailand International Conference 'Asian Urban Heritage'
15 oct - 17 oct 2011 . Phuket Town, Thaïlande
Organizateurs: ICOMOS Thailand
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 16 sep 2011
+ info: http://www.icomosthai.org/
XIV International Convention on Regional and Urban Planning "Culture, Territory & City" Cultural Dimensions
of Territories and Human Settlements
31 oct - 4 nov 2011 . Havana, Cuba
Organizateurs: The Physical Planning Institute
Contact: Miselis Bob Babastro - [email protected]
+ info: http://www.convencion-otu-cuba.com/
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Villes et centres historiques. Paysages urbains historiques
Financiamento da Regeneração de Áreas Urbanas Patrimoniais na América Latina
escrito pelo professor Silvio Mendes Zancheti
O Ceci lançou o seu primeiro e-book. Trata-se do livro Financiamento da Regeneração de Áreas Urbanas
Patrimoniais na América Latina escrito pelo professor Silvio Mendes Zancheti, diretor geral da instituição.
Esse trabalho originou-se do ensaio apresentado no concurso de professor titular do Departamento de
Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco em 2010.
Leia mais sobre o livro e faça um dowload grátis.
+ info: http://www.ceci-br.org/ceci/br/noticias/596-novo-livro-sobre-financiamento-da-regeneracaourbana.html
The Transition Handbook: From oil dependency to local resilience - Transition Towns:
avanposti del futuro
By Rob Hopkins
Published by Green Books
We live in an oil-dependent world, and have got to this level of dependency in a very short space of
time, using vast reserves of oil in the process - without thinking ahead to plan for when the supply is
not so plentiful. Most of us avoid thinking about what happens when oil runs out (or becomes
prohibitively expensive), but The Transition Handbook shows how the inevitable and profound
changes ahead can have a positive outcome. These changes can lead to the rebirth of local communities, which will grow
more of their own food, generate their own power, and build their own houses using local materials. They can also
encourage the development of local currencies, keeping money in the local area.
There are now over 35 formal Transition Initiatives in the UK, including towns, cities, islands, villages and peninsulas, with
over 500 globally at the earlier stages of launching this process. With little proactivity at government level, communities
are taking matters into their own hands and acting locally. Within peak oil and climate change is the potential for the
greatest economic, social and cultural renaissance we have ever seen. If your community has not yet become a Transition
Initiative, this guide offers you the tools to get started.
+ info: http://www.tafter.it/2011/09/08/transition-towns-avanposti-del-futuro/
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Forum UNESCO - University and Heritage
Patrimoine scientifique, astronomique, technologique et industriel
FELLOWSHIPS - BECAS DE DOCTORADO III EDICIÓN. Fecha limite : 30 de Septiembre de 2011
La Fundación Juanelo Turriano es una institución docente privada reconocida por el Ministerio de Cultura (B.O.E. de 15 de
marzo de 1989). Su objeto fundacional es la promoción y coordinación del estudio histórico de la Técnica y de la Ciencia en
sus diversas vertientes. Un medio eficaz de cumplir con los fines fundacionales es la financiación, en forma de becas, de
trabajos de investigación dirigidos a la realización de Tesis Doctorales en los campos de la Historia de la Ciencia o de la
Técnica. Por ello, y por decisión del Patronato tomada en su reunión de 26 de Mayo de 2011, la Fundación Juanelo Turriano
convoca dos Becas para la realización de Tesis Doctorales, dotadas con 14.400 euros anuales brutos cada una, con arreglo
a las condiciones que se definen en esta convocatoria.
+ info: http://www.juaneloturriano.com/admin/agenda/winarcdoc.php?id=181
Bezos (Founder and CEO of Seattle based Amazon.com) Supports Innovation at the New MOHAI (Museum of
History and Industry) - Seattle - Washington State - USA
Today, MOHAI announced a history-making $10 million grant from Bezos (it’s the largest in the museum’s 59-year history)
that will be used to establish the “Center for Innovation” at the new MOHAI opening in late fall of 2012 in the historic Naval
Reserve Building (Armory) at Lake Union Park. MOHAI’s new home is just a few blocks from the new Amazon.com campus
in the South Lake Union neighborhood, and Amazonians are expected to be frequent visitors to the new museum.
+ info: http://seattlehistory.org/blog/2011/08/innovation/
AD Classics: Moscow Metro / Robert Pogrebnoi and Yuriy Zenkivich - 1935 - 1959 - The Russian Federation
The city of Moscow experienced a huge size and population boom following the industrial development and railway
construction of the late 19th century. At this time, horse-drawn cars and trams were the main form of transportation, but
soon the horses were not enough to fuel the city’s rapid expansion. As a result, plans were made for development of a new
peripheral ring railway that would carry freight throughout the city. Many years later, underground lines for passengers
were linked to the original railway. These lines quickly turned the railway into a booming metropolitan transit center,
eventually becoming what is today known as the Moscow Metro. More on the development of the Moscow Metro after the
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/157480
The Printing Factory Lofts / Montgomery Sisam Architects - Toronto - Ontario - Canada
Originally built to house the printing presses of Rolph Clark Stone, 201 Carlaw Avenue has been a Leslieville landmark since
its completion in 1913 when this community was at the heart of industry in Toronto.
The Printing Factory Lofts project preserves three facades and incorporates significant portions of the original factory
building into the project including the classical main entrance portico that opens to a grand wooden staircase below vaulted
ceilings. In addition, the original “sawtooth” industrial skylights were rebuilt and integrated into the two storey loft units.
The centre portion of the factory building was carved out to accommodate an eight storey glass tower, two garden courts
and a series of townhouses facing Boston Avenue, the residential street to the east.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/148969/
ERBE Symposium / XI Simposio Internacional Del Legado Cultural Minero y de las Ciencias de la Tierra Mexico City, México (29 August - 2 September 2011)
Se presentaron trabajos relacionados con los Intercambios internacionales de cultura y tecnología minera y teorías
geológicas; Viajes mineralógicos y geológicos; Investigación interdisciplinaria en la historia de las ciencias de la Tierra;
Patrimonio industrial, conservación de patrimonio y minería y Archivos de minería.
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Forum UNESCO - University and Heritage
La sede, durante los primeros tres días, fue la Biblioteca Antonio M. Anza del Palacio de Minería en la Ciudad de México,
arribando a Pachuca el 1 de septiembre para realizar visitas a la mina de San Juan Pachuca y la planta procesadora de
Loreto, así como al Archivo Histórico Museo de Minería.
En conferencia de prensa, Belem Oviedo Gámez, directora del AHMM, resaltó la importancia de que este tipo de eventos de
talla internacional se lleven a cabo en el país.
+ info: http://www.11erbesymposium.org/
AD Classics: Olivetti Showroom / Carlo Scarpa - 1957-1958 - Venice - Italy
The Olivetti Showroom by Carlo Scarpa has recently come full circle. In the late 1950s Adriano Olivetti commissioned
Scarpa to design a display space for his Olivetti products. The resulting Olivetti Showroom was a beautiful space used for
decades by Olivetti before changing owners. In April of 2011 Scarpa’s Olivetti Showroom re-emerged once again as the
display space for Olivetti products. Though this time Scarpa’s design of the space is what is truly on display.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/155074/
In Progress: King's Cross Station / John McAslan + Partners - London - United Kingdom
“It’s incredible to watch the reinvention of the station taking shape into a compelling piece of place-making for London. You
can already see how the Western Concourse – Europe’s largest single span station structure and the heart of the
development – reconnects this much-loved Victorian terminus to its context. It’s immensely satisfying to see the project
move forward at such pace and we look forward to celebrating the project’s completion in 2012 for the London Olympics.”John McAslan, Chairman John McAslan + Partners
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/162461
Mystery of Alaska's Missing Moon Rocks has Been Solved; Former Resident Sues - Juneau - Alaska - USA
The mystery of Alaska's missing moon rocks has been solved. Getting them back to a state museum likely will depend on a
judge. Alaska officials are contesting a lawsuit filed by a former resident who claims he rescued the moon rocks from a
garbage heap 38 years ago.
Coleman Anderson, who now lives in Texas, sued for formal title to the rocks in December. If he doesn't receive title, he's
asking to be compensated for finding and returning the rocks, which are valued by collecto
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49124
The Eucalyptus Distillery Museum Has Officially Opened - Inglewood - Victoria - Australia
The ceremony was preceed by the launch of the Inglewood's Self-Drive CD project by the Mayor of Loddon Shire, Councillor
Gavan Holt. Mayor spoke of the significance of tourism in the shire, the need to have facilities such as the new museum
and the benefits to the Shire and townships of tourists staying and increasing the average spend. Councillor Holt thanked
the members of the Inglewood Development & Tourism Committee who provided the material and worked with the Loddon
Shire to develop the CD.
+ info: http://inglewood.vic.au/museum-opening
Seoul Declaration on Industrial Heritage in Asia 2011 - Modern Asian Architecture Network (mAAN)
This declaration is announced in the mAAN Seoul 2011 International Conference on “Our Living Heritage: Industrial
Buildings and Sites of Asia” organized by mAAN International and mAAN Korea, in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture,
Sports and Tourism of Korea, Seoul Museum of History, ICOMOS Korea, ICOMOS Shared Built Heritage Commission, and
TICCIH (International Committee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage), in Seoul, 25-27 August, 2011.
+ info: http://australia.icomos.org/wp-content/uploads/mAAN-Seoul-Declaration-2011-on-Industrial-Heritage-in-Asia.pdf
Colloque « Sauvegarde du patrimoine astronomique » - Paris - France (20-22 septembre 2011)
En 1879, l'amiral Mouchez propose la création d'observatoires en province dans le but de décentraliser les travaux
effectués à l'Observatoire de Paris. C'était une idée que Le Verrier avait essayé de promouvoir en modifiant le
fonctionnement des observatoires de Marseille et de Toulouse et en créant une station astronomique à Alger.
A la même époque, bon nombre des meilleurs opticiens du monde – Léon Foucault, les frères Henry… – produisent en
France des dizaines de miroirs et d'objectifs de toutes tailles, collaborent avec des constructeurs d'instruments pour
amateurs comme Secrétan, Mailhat, Lutz, Bardou et bien d'autres. Nous retrouvons aujourd'hui ces objets et ces matériels,
de même que les observations menées à l'époque, dans les grands observatoires, chez des particuliers, dans les
établissements scolaires.
+ info: http://www.palais-decouverte.fr/index.php?id=sauvegarde-patrimoine-astronomiq
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Forum UNESCO - University and Heritage
Exhibition: The Bridge at Hoover Dam: Photographs by Jamey Stillings
13 août - 4 dic 2011 . Phoenix, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Phoenix Art Museum
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.phxart.org/exhibition/exhibitionJameyStillings.php
Historic Locomotive Arrives in Coventry's Electric Railway Museum
10 sep - 11 sep 2011 . London, Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: Coventry’s Electric Railway Museum
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.electricrailwaymuseum.co.uk/
5th International meeting of E-FAITH (European Federation of Associations of Industrial & Technical Heritage)
- Industrial Heritage 2011
5e Rencontre Européenne de la E-FAITH (Fédération Européenne des Associations du Patrimoine Industriel et Technique) Patrimoine industriel 2011 14 oct - 16 oct 2011 . Tilburg, Pays-Bas
Organizateurs: E-FAITH
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.e-faith.org/home/?q=content/european-industrial-and-technical-heritage-weekends
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Patrimoine immatériel
Patrimoine immatériel
International Seminar on Intangible Heritage: Cultural Heritage, Our Memory,
Our Responsibility - Santiago de Chile - Chile - 29 May 2011
On 26 and 27 May was held the International Seminar on Intangible Heritage: Cultural
Heritage, Our Memory, Our Responsibility in the Cultural Centre Gabriela Mistral in
Santiago de Chile. The Seminar sparked a lot on interest among the civil society which
crowded the conference hall.
The Minister and president of the National Council for Culture and Arts of Chile (CNCA),
Luciano Cruz-Coke, attended the opening ceremony and underlined the importance of
preserving and reclaiming the intangible cultural heritage of the country.
+ info: http://www.lacult.org/noticias/showitem.php?uid_ext=&getipr=MTcyLjI0LjEwLjIy&lg=2&id=3076
Multinational Project "Safeguarding the Guaraní Cultural Universe"
On 13 and 14 April 2011, was held in La Paz (Bolivia) the IV Meeting "Workshop
for the Drafting of a Methodology on Inventory, Register and Planning on
Safeguarding for the Project "Guaraní Cultural Universe" with representatives from
Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay, representatives of the Guaraní
nation of Bolivia, Paraguay, Brazil and the Executive Director and technical Team
of the Programme of Regional Projects of the Regional Center for the Safeguarding
of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Latin America (CRESPIAL).
The Project "Guaraní Cultural Universe" considered the progress obtained since 2006 (when the Project started) and the
fulfillment of commitments by State Parties according to the 2003 UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the
Intangible Cultural Heritage, trying to obtain the widest participation of the communities who create, maintain and transmit
the Guarani cultural heritage and ensuring its responsible involvement in safeguarding actions.
+ info: http://www.unesco.lacult.org/noticias/showitem.php?uid_ext=&getipr=MTcyLjI0LjEwLjIy&lg=2&id=3044
Third Mercosur Meeting on Intangible Heritage - Mar del Plata - Argentina - 1316 de Abril de 2011
On 13 to 16 April 2011, the International Center for the Conservation of Cultural
Heritage, the University of Mar del Plata, and the Municipality of Mar del Plata, will
organize in Mar del Plata, Argentina, the Third Mercosur Meeting on Intangible Heritage
aimed at continuing the reflection and exchange initiated in 1997 with the first meeting
on Intangible Heritage in the sub-region.
UNESCO is sponsoring the event and providing technical advice with the participation of
experts. The meeting will convene specialists on Intangible Cultural Heritage, civil organizations, national and international
agencies, government and non-government organizations to facilitate and promote the Exchange and adjust mechanisms,
as well as making the most of technical resources in the knowledge, assessment and safeguarding of this heritage.
+ info: http://www.unesco.lacult.org/noticias/showitem.php?uid_ext=&getipr=MTcyLjI0LjEwLjIy&lg=2&id=3021
Japan's Tsunami-Hit Towns Fight to Sustain Folk Arts; Artists Determined to Go On
The Urahama district of this northeastern Japanese coastal city had for centuries marked religious ceremonies, and
mourned their dead, with a dynamic sword dance by masked men, accompanied by drums and flutes.
But everything changed after the March 11 tsunami tore into Japan's northeastern coast, sweeping away homes,
performers and precious equipment in coastal areas, like Urahama, that had long treasured their traditional performing folk
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Patrimoine immatériel
Now, people in many of the tightly-knit coastal communities fear the disaster may prove to be the final blow for some 100
troupes that had already been struggling to survive as the towns where they were based aged and young people left to
seek work.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49883
Memorial to the Ancestors / Spirit of Place-Spirit of Design - Namje-Thumki - Nepal
Travis Price, FAIA (Principal of Travis Price Architects, Washington, DC) and Kathleen Lane, Assoc. AIA, of Travis Price
Architects and Spirit of Place-Spirit of Design, Inc., led 18 architecture students from The Catholic University of America in
Washington, DC and two students from Aalto University in Helsinki, Finland on a design-build expedition to Nepal. Over 9
intensive days, students constructed a Memorial to the Magar Ancestors at the remote villages of Namje-Thumki in the
eastern foothills of the Himalayas.
+ info:
Bulletin Nº 10 du Centre Régional pour la Sauvegarde du Patrimoine Culturel Immatériel de l'Amérique latine CRESPIAL
Le CRESPIAL a été créé en février 2006, à partir de l'abonnement à Paris de l'Accord de Constitution du CRESPIAL, signé
entre l'UNESCO et le Gouvernement du Pérou dans le but de promouvoir et de soutenir des actions de sauvegarde et de
protection du vaste patrimoine culturel immatériel des peuples de l'Amérique latine. Étant un Centre de Catégorie 2, il est
sous les auspices de l'UNESCO.
Le CRESPIAL a pour but de contribuer à la formulation de politiques publiques dans les pays de la Région, à partir de
l'identification, l’évaluation et la diffusion de leur culture vivante, des actions qui aboutiront à l'enrichissement de la
diversité culturelle de l'Amérique latine, et qui sont en accord avec l'esprit de la Convention pour la Sauvegarde du
Patrimoine Culturel Immatériel (2003).
+ info: http://www.crespial.org/boletin/boletin_11.php
China invests heavily on protection of Tibet's intangible cultural heritage - China
China has invested more than 60 million yuan (9.38 million U.S dollars) on the preservation and development of Tibet's
intangible cultural heritage (ICH) over the past six years, a senior cultural official said Sunday.
The Ministry of Culture has allocated 32.58 million yuan for the preservation and inheritance of Tibet's ICH, said Yang
Zhijin, vice minister of culture, at the 3rd China Tibetan Culture Forum that opened in Lhasa on Saturday.
The government of Tibet Autonomous Region also invested nearly 30 million yuan for its ICH, said Yang, who is also vice
president of the Chinese Association for Preservation and Development of Tibetan Culture.
+ info: http://www.gov.cn/english/2011-08/21/content_1929593.htm
Sauvés par leurs ancêtres
Pour le Premier ministre Naoto Kan, le séisme, le tsunami et la crise nucléaire qui ont dévasté le Japon en
mars constituent « la pire crise depuis la Deuxième guerre mondiale ». Dans la mesure où il compare cette
tragédie au largage des bombes atomiques sur Hiroshima et Nagasaki en 1945, sa déclaration est lourde
de sens. Bien que le chiffre provisoire des morts – 25 000 – n’atteigne que le dixième de celui du séisme et
du tsunami de l’océan Indien de 2004 ainsi que celui du séisme de Haïti de l’année dernière, la tragédie a
provoqué un profond traumatisme dans la population. Il est possible, par ailleurs, que cela devienne la
catastrophe la plus coûteuse du monde à ce jour, le gouvernement estimant son coût à environ 300
milliards de dollars.
+ info: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0019/001938/193840F.pdf
Bulletin Nº 11 du Centre Régional pour la Sauvegarde du Patrimoine Culturel Immatériel de l'Amérique latine CRESPIAL
Le CRESPIAL a été créé en février 2006, à partir de l'abonnement à Paris de l'Accord de Constitution du CRESPIAL, signé
entre l'UNESCO et le Gouvernement du Pérou dans le but de promouvoir et de soutenir des actions de sauvegarde et de
protection du vaste patrimoine culturel immatériel des peuples de l'Amérique latine. Étant un Centre de Catégorie 2, il est
sous les auspices de l'UNESCO.
Le CRESPIAL a pour but de contribuer à la formulation de politiques publiques dans les pays de la Région, à partir de
l'identification, l’évaluation et la diffusion de leur culture vivante, des actions qui aboutiront à l'enrichissement de la
diversité culturelle de l'Amérique latine, et qui sont en accord avec l'esprit de la Convention pour la Sauvegarde du
Patrimoine Culturel Immatériel (2003).
+ info: http://www.crespial.org/boletin/boletin_12.php
Réunion du groupe de travail intergouvernemental ouvert sur le traitement des candidatures à la Liste
représentative par le Comité, l’Organe subsidiaire et le Secrétariat - Siège de l'UNESCO - Paris - France ( 12-14
septembre 2011)
Le Comité intergouvernemental pour la sauvegarde du patrimoine culturel immatériel a décidé (décision 5.COM 7) de
convoquer un groupe de travail intergouvernemental ouvert avant la sixième session du Comité pour débattre de possibles
mesures pour améliorer le traitement des candidatures à la Liste représentative par le Comité, l’Organe subsidiaire et le
Ce groupe de travail intergouvernemental ouvert a été créé par le Comité lors de sa cinquième session à la suite du débat
concernant l’établissement d’un organe subsidiaire chargé d’examiner les dossiers de candidatures à la Liste représentative,
au cours duquel le Comité a eu à se prononcer sur le nombre de candidatures qu’il aurait à examiner durant le cycle 2011,
ainsi que sur les méthodes de travail de l’organe subsidiaire. La réunion du groupe de travail aura lieu grâce au soutien
financier du Japon.
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Patrimoine immatériel
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/unesco/events/culture-events/?tx_browser_pi1[showUid]
EUROMED/HERITAGE : MEDLIHER (Sauvegarder le patrimoine Méditerranéen
La stratégie envisagée prévoit trois phases dont la première sera consacrée à dresser un état
des lieux des structures et programmes existants en matière de sauvegarde du patrimoine
immatériel dans ces Etats, la deuxième au développement de projets nationaux selon les
besoins des pays partenaires, et la dernière à la mise en oeuvre de ces projets et à la
préparation de candidatures aux Listes de la Convention UNESCO.
Le projet, qui s’adresse aux communautés et institutions gouvernementales des pays
partenaires, s’achèvera par la sauvegarde du patrimoine immatériel régional selon les critères de la Convention, ainsi que
le renforcement des capacités des institutions gouvernementales. Il est dirigé par l’Unesco, en partenariat avec l’association
«Maison des cultures du Monde » et les Ministères compétents en Egypte, Jordanie, Liban et Syrie.
+ info: http://www.euromedheritage.net/intern.cfm?lng=fr&menuID=12&submenuID=13&idproject=50
1-août -2011 . Buenos Aires, Argentine
Organizateurs: Asociación Amigos del Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.enfoquespositivos.com.ar/front.php?id=6480
Un curso del Arq. Carlos Moreno
A partir del 1º de agosto, los lunes, de 18.30 a 20.30. 1 août - 19 sep 2011 . Buenos Aires, Argentine
Organizateurs: Asociación Amigos del Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes (AAMNBA)
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.aamnba.org.ar/esp/cursosytalleres_patrimoniocultural.html
EXPOSITION - Artisanat traditionnel, beauté enchanteresse de la Corée
19 sep - 28 sep 2011 . Paris, France
Organizateurs: UNESCO Headquarters
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/unesco/events/all-events/?tx_browser_pi1[showUid]=4537&cHash=68e227e7a4
Australia ICOMOS - Canberra Talks Series: Pacific Solutions towards World Heritage Island Abandonment,
Climate Change, and Tangible/Intangible Pasts
22-sep-2011 . Canberra, Australie
Organizateurs: Autralia ICOMOS
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://australia.icomos.org/e-news/australia-icomos-e-mail-news-no-502/#6.
Atelier de renforcement des capacités sur la ratification de la Convention du patrimoine culturel immatériel
22 sep - 23 sep 2011 . Dili, Timor-Leste
Organizateurs: UNESCO
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/unesco/events/all-events/?tx_browser_pi1[showUid]=4381&cHash=07d98e533b
Capacity Building Workshop on the Ratification of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Convention (2003)
22 sep - 23 sep 2011 . Dili, Timor-Leste
Organizateurs: UNESCO
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/en/unesco/events/all-events/?tx_browser_pi1[showUid]=4381&cHash=07d98e533b
Traditions des Seto et de l'île de Kihnu
14-oct-2011 . Paris, France
Organizateurs: Maison des cultures du monde- Estonie
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.mcm.asso.fr/site02/setos.htm
COLLOQUE INTERNATIONAL - Organisé par le Centre de Recherches sur les Arts et le Langage (CRAL, EHESSCNRS)
27 oct - 29 oct 2011 . Paris, France
Organizateurs: Maison des cultures du monde et Centre de Recherches sur les Arts et le Langage
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.mcm.asso.fr/site02/tango.htm
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Patrimoine immatériel
CONFERENCE - Spiritual Values in European Protected Areas: Implications for management and
communication. International Academy for Nature Conservation
2 nov - 6 nov 2011 . Ilse of Vilm, Allemagne
Organizateurs: German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN)
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.bfn.de/0603_kalender.html
UNESCO 6e session du Comité intergouvernemental de sauvegarde du patrimoine culturel immatériel
22 nov - 29 nov 2011 . Bali, Indonésie
Organizateurs: UNESCO
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/unesco/events/all-events/?tx_browser_pi1[showUid]=4396&cHash=c774ba664d
MUSEUM International N°248: Haiti, Cultural Heritage and Reconstruction
La revue, publiée par lUNESCO depuis 1948, se consacre à léchange dinformations scientifiques et
techniques sur les musées et le patrimoine dans une perspective de collaboration internationale.
MUSEUM International cherche à renforcer la relation entre la communauté professionnelle internationale
des musées et du patrimoine et les experts chinois dans le but de développer des méthodes diversifiées et
de renforcer la solidarité internationale.
+ info: http://portal.unesco.org/culture/fr/ev.phpURL_ID=41688&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html
Le patrimoine culturel immatériel - Premières expériences en France
EDITION - Revue Internationale de l'imaginaire
Babel n° 1034
ISBN : 978-2-7427-8977-1 (Papier)
Le Patrimoine culturel immatériel, premières expériences en France est un livre édité en mars 2011 aux
éditions Actes Sud, collection Babel. Quatre ans après la ratification par la France de la convention de
l'Unesco pour la sauvegarde du patrimoine culturel immatériel, ce premier bilan s'appuie sur des études
théoriques et des exemples pratiques pour mieux comprendre cette nouvelle notion du patrimoine.
+ info: http://www.mcm.asso.fr/site02/edition/idi_le_patrimoine_culturel_n25.htm
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Langues et toponymie
Langues et toponymie
La Société linguistique de l'Afrique de l'Ouest veut promouvoir les langues africaines
APA-Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire) La Société de Linguistique de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (SLAO) a souhaité à l’issue de son 27è
congrès tenu du 15 au 20 août à Abidjan, la définition d’un cadre juridique approprié et une planification linguistique
rigoureuse pour faire des langues africaines le moteur du développement du continent.
Pour réussir son pari, la SLAO entend mener des activités d’alphabétisation dans les langues africaines menacées de
disparition et prévoit de faire adopter une politique linguistique claire en faveur de l’introduction des langues dans
+ info: http://www.afriqueavenir.org/2011/08/21/la-societe-linguistique-de-l%E2%80%99afrique-de-l%E2%80%99ouestveut-promouvoir-les-langues-africaines/
Cinquantenaire de l'Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) : Une célébration
riche et variée à Brazzaville - Brazzaville - République du Congo (Juillet 2011)
Du 6 au 7 juillet 2011, plus de 400 personnes, recteurs, enseignants et étudiants des
universités francophones d’Afrique et de l’Océan indien se sont retrouvés à Brazzaville pour
célébrer les 50 ans de l’Agence universitaire de la Francophonie.
+ info: http://www.auf.org/communication-information/actualites/cinquantenaire.html?
Réunions des instances de l'Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie : les faits saillants - Rabat - Maroc
Le Conseil scientifique, le Conseil associatif et le Conseil d’administration de l’AUF se sont réunis du 25 au 27 mai 2011 à
l’Université Mohammed V Souissi de Rabat, au Maroc, sur l’invitation de son président, M. Radouane Mrabet.
La conseil d’administration, qui s’est tenu le 27 mai, a décidé de renouveler à l’unanimité et par acclamations, pour une
ultime période de quatre ans, le mandat du Recteur M. Bernard Cerquiglini.
+ info: http://www.auf.org/communication-information/actualites/instances-2011.html?var=lettre_AUF_73
Address by Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO on the occasion of the inauguration of the exhibition for
the Day of Slavic cultures - 31 May 2011
...I am delighted to come here for the opening of this exhibition dedicated to Slavic cultures.
I wish to congratulate and thank foremost the Permanent Delegations of the Russian Federation and Slovenia for this
I am aware that this follows a successful meeting of the Forum of Slavic Cultures at UNESCO Headquarters on 24 May, the
Day of Slavic Alphabet and Culture.
This pays tribute to the dedication of the Member States of the Forum for Slavic Cultures, who initiated this exhibition, to
preserving and promoting the values that are shared by Slavic-speaking countries…
+ info: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0019/001928/192891e.pdf
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Langues et toponymie
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Biodiversité marine et côtière
Biodiversité marine et côtière
NASA Sets Sail on Second Leg of Arctic Ocean Research Voyage
Scientists embark this week from Alaska on the second and final campaign of a NASA field
campaign to study how changing conditions in the Arctic affect the ocean's chemistry and
On June 25, the ICESCAPE mission, or "Impacts of Climate on Ecosystems and Chemistry of the
Arctic Pacific Environment," resumes its shipborne investigation of the impacts of climate
change in the Chukchi and Beaufort seas along Alaska's western and northern coasts. Research
teams depart from Dutch Harbor, Alaska, aboard the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Healy.
+ info: http://www.nasa.gov/topics/earth/features/icescape2011-finalleg.html
Michel Rocard s'inquiète de l'augmentation vertigineuse du tourisme en Antarctique Buenos Aires - Argentine
L'ex-Premier ministre socialiste français Michel Rocard, ambassadeur chargé des négociations sur
les pôles Arctique et Antarctique, s'est inquiété mardi à Buenos Aires de l'augmentation
"vertigineuse" du tourisme en Antarctique.
"Le problème qui pointe, c'est le tourisme : parti de zéro il y a trente ans, il atteint les 55.000
personnes par an", a déclaré à la presse M. Rocard, qui participe dans la capitale argentine à la
34e réunion consultative sur le Traité de l'Antarctique.
+ info: http://www.sciencesetavenir.fr/depeche/nature-environnement/20110622.AFP4955/rocard-s-inquiete-de-laugmentation-vertigineuse-du-tourisme-en-antarctique.html
Parc marin des estuaires picards : ouverture de l'enquête publique - France
Une enquête publique sera ouverte du 16 août au 16 octobre concernant le projet finalisé de parc naturel marin des
estuaires picards. Le projet initié depuis 2008, concerne un périmètre allant du Tréport en Seine-Maritime jusqu'à Escalles
dans le Pas-de-Calais. Il comprend les estuaires de la Bresle, de la Somme, de l'Authie, de la Canche, de la Liane, du
Wimereux et de la Slack.
Habitants, vacanciers, collectivités, instances professionnelles, services de l'Etat et établissements publics, sont invités à
donner leur avis et leur suggestion sur ce projet ayant un périmètre de 2.290 km2.
42 mairies du littoral sont concernées. La commission d'enquête qui assurera des permanences dans chaque mairie
concernée, rendra son rapport et la synthèse des avis en fin d'année au ministère en charge de l'Ecologie.
Ce parc marin est initialement prévu pour fin 2011 aux côtés des parcs de Côte Vermeille et des Glorieuses. Ils succèdent à
ceux de l'Iroise en 2007 et de Mayotte début 2010.
+ info: http://www.actu-environnement.com/ae/news/enquete-publique-parc-marin-estuaires-picard-13126.php4
Un rapport historique montre les impacts environnementaux de l'aquaculture et démontre que
la culture durable de fruits de mer est la clé de la future sécureté alimentaire globale
Une nouvelle et complète analyse publiée par WorldFish Center et Conservation International (CI) a
étudié l'impact environnemental des espèces et des systèmes de production de l'aquaculture principale
mondiale, et offre aujourd'hui une première estimation globale des tendances et des incidences des fruits
de mer cultivés. L'analyse a constaté que, des 75 systèmes d'espèce-production passés en revue, une
plus grande production entraîne une incidence plus écologique, et que, si comparée aux autres formes de
production de protéines animales telles que le bétail, l'aquaculture s'avère plus efficace.
+ info: http://www.conservation.org/newsroom/pressreleases/Pages/Un-rapport-historique-montre-les-impactsenvironnementaux-de-laquaculture.aspx
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Biodiversité marine et côtière
Promoting responsible recreational fisheries on a global scale
Experts agree on the first global guidelines on responsible recreational fisheries.
An International Expert Consultation convened by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
agreed today on the first global guidelines on responsible recreational fisheries. The Technical Guidelines, which will be
brought to the attention of the FAO Committee on Fisheries (COFI), support sustainable recreational fisheries by translating
the relevant provisions of the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries into specific advice for sustainable recreational
fisheries. They are directed at fisheries policy-makers and managers, other decision makers, NGOs, recreational fishers and
other stakeholders and were prepared following calls from FAO member states for guidance on recreational fisheries as a
rapidly rising form of use of wild fish populations.
+ info: http://www.fao.org/fishery/nems/39974/en
Troisième révision de la charte du futur parc national des Calanques : « Tu me fends le cœur ! » - Marseille France
Suite à la parution de la version 3 de la charte du parc national des Calanques et avant l'Assemblée générale du
Groupement d'intérêt public (GIP) Calanques du 27 juin 2011, FNE et sa fédération régionale URVN, l'UDVN 13, la LPO et la
Ligue ROC estiment que certains aspects de ce projet demeurent encore très insatisfaisants, voici le principaux :
S'inquiétant d'un cœur de parc en dentelle, reflétant les conflits d'intérêts, les associations environnementales demandent
notamment que l'archipel du Frioul, qui constitue une composante importante du caractère du parc, soit inclus, non pas
dans l'aire optimale d'adhésion, mais dans le cœur terrestre et marin du parc afin de protéger au mieux sa richesse
faunistique et floristique. C'est un non-sens de reconnaître ce territoire comme étant exceptionnel, et de ne pas l'intégrer
en cœur de parc !
+ info: http://www.lpo.fr/communique/troisieme-revision-de-la-charte-du-futur-parc-national-des-calanques-tu-me-fendsle-coeur
Premier test réussi pour le système d'alerte aux tsunamis dans la Méditerranée
Le dispositif de communication du système d'alerte rapide aux tsunamis et d'atténuation de leurs effets dans l'Atlantique du
Nord-Est, la Méditerranée et les mers adjacentes (NEAMTWS) a été testé pour la première fois avec succès le 10 août.
Cette étape constitue bond en avant pour le système qui a été lancé en 2005 sous l'égide de la Commission
océanographique intergouvernementale (COI).
Les points focaux d'alerte aux tsunamis de 31 pays participants* de la région ont reçu un message de test à 10h36 GMT,
par courrier électronique, télécopie et par le Système mondial de télécommunications (SMT) ** de l’Observatoire et Institut
de Recherche Sismique Kandilli d’Istanbul (KOERI, Turquie). Les premiers résultats montrent que les messages ont été bien
reçus quelques minutes à peine après leur envoi.
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/media-services/single-view/news/successful_first_test_of_tsunami_warning_system
Exercice grandeur nature d’alerte au tsunami dans les Caraïbes
Au lendemain du tsunami qui vient de frapper très durement le Japon, trente-trois pays* s’apprêtent à participer le 23
mars à un premier exercice grandeur nature d’alerte au tsunami dans les Caraïbes. L’objectif de cette simulation est de
tester le Système d’alerte rapide aux tsunamis et aux autres risques côtiers pour la mer des Caraïbes et des régions
adjacentes, mis en place en 2005 sous l’égide de la Commission océanographique intergouvernementale (COI) de
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/media-services/single-view/news/full_scale_simulated_tsunami_alert_in_caribbean/
Japan tsunami caused icebergs to break off in Antarctica
The effects of the March 2011 earthquake and subsequent tsunami that devastated areas of
Japan can be seen as far away as Antarctica. Satellite images show new icebergs were
created after the tsunami hit the Sulzberger Ice Shelf.
Using radar images acquired by ESA’s Envisat satellite, a NASA team was able to spot the
icebergs – the largest measuring about 6.5 by 9.5 km in surface area and about 80 m in
+ info: http://www.esa.int/esaCP/SEMV87JTPQG_index_0.html
The Virgin Oceanic submarine represents a transformational technological advance in
submarine economics and performance. The submarine provides the currently unequalled
capability to take humans to any depth in the oceans and to truly explore. It utilises the
latest in composite technology and a completely unique flying wing to literally fly within the
Ocean environment; creatures living here such as dolphins, whales and rays have shown us
this winged approach is the best and most elegant way to range the seas. The submarine is
many times less expensive to manufacture and operate than any of its less capable
counterparts and is in harmony with its environment…
+ info: http://www.virginoceanic.com/vehicles/submersible/
Future emissions from shipping and petroleum activities in the Arctic
G. P. Peters, T. B. Nilssen, L. Lindholt, M. S. Eide, S. Glomsrød, L. I. Eide, and J. S. Fuglestvedt The Arctic sea-ice is
retreating faster than predicted by climate models and could become ice free during summer this century. The reduced seaice extent may effectively “unlock” the Arctic Ocean to increased human activities such as transit shipping and expanded oil
and gas production.
Travel time between Europe and the north Pacific Region can be reduced by up to 50% with low sea-ice levels and the use
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Biodiversité marine et côtière
of this route could increase substantially as the sea-ice retreats. Oil and gas activities already occur in the Arctic region and
given the large undiscovered petroleum resources increased activity could be expected with reduced sea-ice…
+ info: http://www.atmos-chem-phys.net/11/5305/2011/acp-11-5305-2011.pdf
Et si les humains étaient aussi responsables des attaques de requins ?
Selon les experts, l'activité humaine ne serait pas étrangère à la récente augmentation des attaques de
requins sur des nageurs. Cette dernière refléterait surtout le développement du tourisme de masse, sur
des plages autrefois plus réservées.
+ info: http://www.maxisciences.com/requin/et-si-les-humains-etaient-aussi-responsables-desattaques-de-requins_art16437.html
L'ONU préoccupée par l'impact sonore des humains sur la faune marine
Le bruit généré par les activités humaines dans les océans à travers le monde aurait un
impact sur le bien-être de la faune marine, réduisant sa capacité à trouver de la nourriture, à
s'accoupler ou à éviter les prédateurs. Cette question sera au centre d'une réunion organisée
par l'Organisation des Nations unies pour l'éducation, la science et la culture (UNESCO) à
Paris du 30 août au 1er septembre.
« Beaucoup d'espèces marines dépendent principalement des sons comme source
d'informations sur leur environnement, de la même manière que les êtres humains
dépendent de leur vision », a souligné l'UNESCO dans un communiqué.
+ info: http://www.un.org/apps/newsFr/storyF.asp?NewsID=26091&Cr=UNESCO&Cr1
Bahamas signs anti-poaching legislation to protect sharks - The Bahamas
Anti-poaching legislation was signed July 5, 2011 to create a sanctuary that protects
sharks in Bahamian waters from being hunted down for their fins.
“The Bahamas’ prohibition on long line fishing gear 20 years ago protected the marine
resources of The Bahamas and ensured that our shark populations would remain
healthy,” said Eric Carey, executive director of The Bahamas National Trust (BNT).
Mr. Carey said, however, there were no specific laws in The Bahamas for the protection
of sharks, the crown jewels of ocean health. He said the new regulations signed by the
Minister of Agriculture and Marine Resources Larry Cartwright, ensure that sharks can continue to thrive for generations in
Bahamian waters.
+ info: http://www.bahamas.gov.bs/wps/portal/public/gov/government/news/bahamas%20signs%20anti-poaching%
Madagascar's 'tortoise mafia' on the attack - Madagascar
By Hannah McNeish
BBC News, Madagascar Madagascar's poachers, known in conservation circles as "the
tortoise mafia", are increasingly hunting down the Indian Ocean island's reptiles,
threatening them with extinction.
The tortoise mafia, who allegedly include corrupt government officials and smuggling
syndicates, are satisfying a growing demand locally for tortoise meat and abroad for
exotic pets and tortoise shells used in aphrodisiacs.
+ info: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-13799205
Madagascar: new species discovered, but already in danger - Madagascar
Scientists identified over 600 new species, including 41 mammals, on the island between 1999 and
2010 – that’s a new species every week. But many of these newly identified plants and animals are
already under threat.
You can discover the new species for yourself in a report we’ve just released – Treasure Island: New
biodiversity in Madagascar.
In total, there are: 385 plants, 69 amphibians, 61 reptiles, 42 invertebrates, 41 mammals, 17 fish.
+ info: http://www.wwf.org.uk/news_feed.cfm?4980/Madagascar-new-species-discovered-butalready-in-danger
IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) Red List of Threatened
Species: Increased protection urgently needed for tunas
For the first time, all species of scombrids (tunas, bonitos, mackerels and Spanish
mackerels) and billfishes (swordfish and marlins) have been assessed for the IUCN Red List
of Threatened Species™. Of the 61 known species, seven are classified in a threatened
category, being at serious risk of extinction. Four species are listed as Near Threatened and
nearly two-thirds have been placed in the Least Concern category.
+ info: http://www.iucnredlist.org/news/increased-protection-urgently-needed-for-tunas
Long-term effects of ocean warming on the prokaryotic community: evidence from the vibrios
The long-term effects of ocean warming on prokaryotic communities are unknown because of lack of historical data. We
overcame this gap by applying a retrospective molecular analysis to the bacterial community on formalin-fixed samples
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Biodiversité marine et côtière
from the historical Continuous Plankton Recorder archive, which is one of the longest and most geographically extensive
collections of marine biological samples in the world. We showed that during the last half century, ubiquitous marine
bacteria of the Vibrio genus, including Vibrio cholerae, increased in dominance within the plankton-associated bacterial
community of the North Sea, where an unprecedented increase in bathing infections related to these bacteria was recently
reported. Among environmental variables, increased sea surface temperature explained 45% of the variance in Vibrio data,
supporting the view that ocean warming is favouring the spread of vibrios and may be the cause of the globally increasing
trend in their associated diseases.
+ info: http://www.sahfos.ac.uk/news/2011/7/21/long-term-effects-of-ocean-warming-on-the-prokaryotic-communityevidence-from-the-vibrios.aspx
CLAMER (Climate Change & European Marine Ecosystem Research): Prodigal Plankton Species Makes First
Known Migration from Pacific to Atlantic via Pole
Some 800,000 years ago - about the time early human tribes were learning to make fire - a
tiny species of plankton called Neodenticula seminae went extinct in the North Atlantic.
Today, that microscopic plant has become an Atlantic resident again, having drifted from
the Pacific through the Arctic Ocean thanks to dramatically reduced polar ice, scientists
The melting Arctic has opened a Northwest Passage across the Pole for the tiny algae. And
while it's a food source, it isn't being welcomed back by experts, who say any changes at the
base of the marine food web could, like an earthquake, shake or even topple the pillars of
existing Atlantic ocean life.
+ info: http://www.clamer.eu/images/stories/press_releases/CLAMER_Press_release2_2011-06-27.pdf
Depletion of the body snatchers: bad news for marine environment
A recent study conducted for The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™ has determined that
20% of hagfish species are at an elevated risk of extinction*. Scientists warn that this figure
could be much higher.
The results of this research, carried out in association with Conservation International (CI),
indicate that the primary causes of hagfish declines are the direct and indirect effects of
+ info: http://www.iucnredlist.org/news/hagfishpaper
Des baleines radioactives au large de Fukushima
Au large des restes de la centrale de Fukushima, les éléments radioactifs apportés à l'océan par les fuites et les rejets d'eau
de refroidissement contaminent les organismes marins. Jusqu'aux baleines ! Du césium radioactif a en effet été trouvé dans
deux individus abattus près d'Hokkaido.
Quatre mois tout juste après le séisme et le tsunami qui ont ravagé les côtes nord-est du Japon, la centrale nucléaire de
Fukushima Dai-ichi, détruite, vomit encore chaque jour d’importantes quantités de radioactivité dans l’environnement. À
cause des tonnes d’eau déversées lors d’une improvisation de la dernière chance pour refroidir les réacteurs blessés, c’est
l’océan tout proche qui a surtout récupéré les radioéléments. Si des tentatives de Tepco et d’Areva sont encore en cours
pour limiter les rejets et colmater les fuites, la centrale ne peut pas être étanche. Or il faut continuer à refroidir les cœurs
et le combustible usé. Alors de l’eau radioactive s’écoule toujours en mer. Personne n’y peut rien.
+ info: http://www.futura-sciences.com/fr/news/t/oceanographie-1/d/des-baleines-radioactives-au-large-defukushima_31364/#xtor=RSS-8
La Commission européenne propose un nouveau plan pour la gestion durable du saumon de la mer Baltique
La Commission européenne a présenté une proposition de nouveau règlement du Conseil et du Parlement européen
établissant un plan pluriannuel pour la gestion durable du saumon de la mer Baltique.
Les avis scientifiques indiquent que les stocks abrités par certains des quelque 30 cours d’eau du bassin de la Baltique
colonisés par le saumon sauvage se situent en dehors des limites biologiques de sécurité et présentent un risque
d'appauvrissement génétique. Un plan de gestion non contraignant mis en place en 1997 par la Commission internationale
des pêches de la mer Baltique (CIPMB) est arrivé à expiration en 2010; à défaut de nouveau plan, la gestion future du
stock n'obéira à aucun objectif clair, ce qui contraindra pêcheurs et entreprises touristiques à opérer dans un contexte
dénué de toute prévisibilité.
+ info: http://europa.eu/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=IP/11/961&format=HTML&aged=0&language=FR
Sharing Lessons Learned on Coastal Restoration
Many coastal protected areas, like Spain’s Ebro River Delta National Park, are experiencing ever larger numbers of visitors
and increased threats from development along park boundaries, sea-level rise, and land subsidence.
The NPS experience with studying these impacts on coastal resources in our national parks and examples of what the NPS
has done to mitigate those impacts was shared with international scientists and natural resource managers from
throughout Europe, Asia, and the U.S. who attended the Joint Meeting of Society of Wetland Scientists, WETPOL, and
Wetlands Biogeochemistry in Prague, Czech Republic. An NPS researcher presented preliminary results of a coastal marsh
restoration experiment located in the Ebro River Delta in Catalonia, Spain at this meeting, which will be used to help inform
coastal marsh restoration and management within this unique and highly valued natural resource. For more details, contact
Peter Sharpe at [email protected]
+ info: http://www.nps.gov/oia/
COMPETITIONS - Lancement du premier concours IFRECOR (Initiative Française pour les Récifs Coralliens) Deadline for dubmission: 10 October 2011
Élu d’outre-mer, vous êtes un acteur clef de la préservation et de la gestion durable des récifs coralliens et des
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Biodiversité marine et côtière
écosystèmes associés
Au quotidien, vous agissez afin d’assurer aujourd’hui et pour les générations futures un patrimoine naturel riche et en
bonne santé, garant du bien-être des communautés liées à ces milieux exceptionnels.
Vous avez mis en place une gestion durable des activités de pêche, un protocole de suivi de l’état de santé des récifs, un
programme de restauration d’une mangrove, lancé un portail d’information, monté une exposition, organisé des
formations, créé un parcours découverte, mené des actions d’éducation ou de sensibilisation ….
+ info: http://www.ifrecor.fr/lancement-premier-concours-ifrecor
NSIDC (National Snow in Ice Data Center): Arctic sea ice at the crossroads
After a period of slow melt from late July through early August, Arctic ice extent is again declining at a
brisk pace, but remains higher than for 2007, the record low year. Data also indicate continued thinning
of the ice. With about a month left in the sea ice melt season, the amount of further ice loss will depend
mostly on weather patterns.
+ info: http://nsidc.org/arcticseaicenews/
Le journal de bord de Tara - Glider, bouées dérivantes et flotteur provbio... Les
précisions techniques de Pierre Testor
Glider, bouées dérivantes et flotteur provbio... Les précisions techniques de Pierre Testor sur
les nouveaux instruments du bord
Pierre Testor est le monsieur « glider » à bord, un des spécialistes mondiaux de cet appareil
de mesure. Il nous décrit les nouveaux instruments scientifiques utilisés aux Iles Marquises.
+ info: http://oceans.taraexpeditions.org/fr/glider-bouees-derivantes-et-flotteur-provbio-lesprecisions-techniques-de-pierre-testor.php?id_page=767
WEBSITE: Artic Stories
This site came about as a result of the friendship between three people - Peter Lourie, Paul and
Jody Shepson. Their passionate concern about climate change and love for the natural
environment, and a grant from the National Science Foundation to Paul, created the opportunity
to capture, in the form of "Video Storytelling," the voices of the Arctic, and the scientists who
study it.
Peter started taking photos for his nonfiction children's books and gradually got interested in
multimedia projects. Working with an atmospheric chemist like Dr. Shepson, while in the Arctic,
presented many wonderful opportunities to capture a special people in a magic environment.
Here we present a range of videos about the Arctic environment, how it is changing, how it is being studied, what the
impacts might be, and most importantly, what life in this beautiful part of the planet is all about.
+ info: http://www.arcticstories.net/wildlife.html
L' enquête publique concernant l'évolution du Parc national de Port-Cros est ouverte - Port-Cros - France
Afin d'informer le public et recueillir ses observations sur le projet de modification du décret de création du Parc national de
Port-Cros, une enquête publique d'un mois est ouverte à compter du 22 août 2011 dans les communes de Hyères-lesPalmiers, La Garde, Le Pradet, Carqueiranne, La Londe-les-Maures, Bormes-les-Mimosas, Le Lavandou, Le Rayol-Canadel,
Cavalaire-sur- Mer, La Croix-Valmer et Ramatuelle.
Toute personne souhaitant prendre connaissance du dossier et compléter le registre d'enquête pourra le faire dans l'un des
15 lieux signifiés dans l'arrêté préfectoral du 18 juillet 2011.
Vous pouvez également donner votre avis et prendre connaissance des pièces du dossier sur le site http://enquetepublique-pnpc2011.espaces-naturels.fr/
+ info: http://www.portcrosparcnational.fr/documentation/pdf/Synthese_Enquete_Publique.pdf
L'Expérience internationale de l'océan tranquille - Siège de l'UNESCO - Paris, France
(29 août - 1 septembre 2011)
Les activités humaines en haute mer ont considérablement augmenté au cours des dernières
décennies, contribuant ainsi à accroître les niveaux de bruit de l'océan. Les scientifiques
pensent que la situation peut affecter la santé et le comportement des animaux marins.
Face à cette inquiétude croissante, alimentée par le développement de l’industrialisation des
océans, d'éminents scientifiques du monde marin ainsi que des représentants du secteur privé
et des institutions militaires se réuniront à l'UNESCO du 30 août au 1 Septembre afin d'établir le
programme de l'Expérience internationale de l'océan tranquille (IQOE). Ce projet, d’une durée décennale, vise à combler
les considérables lacunes de connaissances dans ce domaine afin que la gestion du bruit océanique puisse être mieux
documentée et plus efficace.
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/media-services/single-view/news/the_international_quiet_ocean_experiment/
Les coraux des Caraïbes ravagés par un pathogène humain
Pour la première fois, une étude met au jour un lien entre l'épidémie de variole blanche qui touche le
corail corne d'élan dans les récifs des Caraïbes, et un pathogène humain. La maladie pourrait provenir
des égouts de Floride, ou des bateaux de touristes qui sillonnent les récifs.
+ info: http://www.maxisciences.com/corail/les-coraux-des-caraibes-ravages-par-un-pathogenehumain_art16472.html
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Biodiversité marine et côtière
France : un arrêté pour protéger les mammifères marins
La ministre de l’Ecologie, Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet, a indiqué jeudi en Corse qu’un arrêté visant à
interdire toute perturbation intentionnelle des mammifères marins avait été pris. Ceci concerne les
activités humaines, commerciales, scientifiques tout comme de loisirs.
+ info: http://www.maxisciences.com/mammif%e8re-marin/france-un-arrete-pour-proteger-lesmammiferes-marins_art16571.html
International Maritime Organization (IMO) declares the Strait of Bonifacio as a Particularly Sensitive Sea Area
The MEPC also designated the Strait of Bonifacio as a Particularly Sensitive Sea Area (PSSA) and adopted the first-ever
international recommendations to address biofouling of ships, to minimize the transfer of aquatic species.
In other matters, the MEPC approved a number of ballast water management systems and adopted guidelines related to
the implementation of both the ballast water management and ship recycling Conventions.
+ info: http://www.imo.org/mediacentre/pressbriefings/pages/43%20mepc62ends.aspx
L'augmentation de la température de la mer Méditerranée diminue la résistance des
coraux et des mollusques à son acidification
Certains organismes calcificateurs (moules, coquillages et coraux) protègent leur coquille ou
leur squelette de l'action corrosive de l'eau de mer. Cela leur confère une extraordinaire
capacité à résister à l'acidification croissante de l'eau de mer, liée aux rejets de gaz carbonique
(CO2) dans l'atmosphère. Malgré tout, celle-ci est amoindrie quand ces organismes sont
exposés à une température élevée (supérieure à 28,5°C) durant une longue période. C'est ce
que révèle une étude internationale (1) co-dirigée par Jean-Pierre Gattuso du Laboratoire
d'océanographie de Villefranche (CNRS/UPMC) et publiée dans la revue Nature Climate Change. Des résultats qui laissent à
penser que le réchauffement prévu de la mer Méditerranée, couplé à l'acidification de ses eaux, va accroître la fréquence
des épisodes de mortalité de ces organismes.
+ info: http://www.upmc.fr/fr/salle_de_presse/communiques/temperature_marine_et_resistance_a_son_acidification.html
Colloque "L'océan et les changements climatiques" du 27 mai 2011 au Collège de France - Paris - France Présentations vidéode l'Observatoire océanologique de Villefranche sur mer - France
David Antoine et Jean-Pierre Gattuso ont participé à une conférence "grand public" entitulée "L'océan et les changements
climatiques" lors d'un colloque le 27 mai 2011 au Collège de France).
Les vidéos de leur présentation sont en ligne :
- "Changements récents de la biomasse océanique révélés par les observations satellitaires de la 'couleur de l'océan" par
David Antoine du Laboratoire d'Océanographie de Villefranche.
- "Acidification de l'océan et son impact sur les organismes et écosystèmes marins" par Jean-Pierre GATTUSO du
Laboratoire d'Océanographie de Villefranche.
+ info: http://www.obs-vlfr.fr/Actualites/juillet-2011/
Mise en évidence d'un nouveau type d'horloge circadienne chez la picoalgue Ostreococcus
Un consortium international regroupant des chercheurs des université de Cambridge, d’Edimbourg, et de l'observatoire
océanologique de Banyuls/mer (UPMC-CNRS), a mis en évidence un nouveau type d’horloge circadienne chez la picoalgue
Les horloges biologiques jouent un rôle clé dans le contrôle de la physiologie et le succès écologique des organismes
vivants, des cyanobactéries aux plantes et animaux.
+ info: http://www.upmc.fr/fr/recherche/pole_3/nouveau_type_d_horloge_circadienne_picoalgue_ostreococcus.html
Rapid sea-level rise and reef back-stepping at the close of the last interglacial highstand
By Paul Blanchon, Anton Eisenhauer, Jan Fietzke & Volker Liebetrau Widespread evidence of a +4–6-m sea-level highstand
during the last interglacial period (Marine Isotope Stage 5e) has led to warnings that modern ice sheets will deteriorate
owing to global warming and initiate a rise of similar magnitude by ad 2100 (ref. 1). The rate of this projected rise is based
on ice-sheet melting simulations and downplays discoveries of more rapid ice loss. Knowing the rate at which sea level
reached its highstand during the last interglacial period is fundamental in assessing if such rapid ice-loss processes could
lead to future catastrophic sea-level rise. The best direct record of sea level during this highstand comes from well-dated
fossil reefs in stable areas…
+ info: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v458/n7240/abs/nature07933.html
Protection of coral reefs for sustainable livelihoods and development - Report of the Secretary-General of the
United Nations to the General Assembly
Often referred to as the “rain forests of the sea”, tropical coral reefs rank among the most biologically rich and productive
global ecosystems and are representing social, economic and environmental benefits for millions of people. Despite their
importance, coral reefs are facing numerous local and global threats caused by human activity and climate change.
Unsustainable fishing practices, coastal development, pollution, ocean warming and ocean acidification have already
damaged one fifth of the coral reefs beyond repair and predictions are alarming should no change occur…
+ info: http://www.un.org/esa/dsd/resources/res_pdfs/ga-66/SG%20report_Coral%20Reefs.pdf
Tara Oceans : Une troisième année dans l’hémisphère Nord !
Déjà deux ans que la goélette Tara navigue sur toutes les mers du monde, le 5 septembre
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Biodiversité marine et côtière
2011 marque le début de la troisième année de l’expédition Tara Oceans. Ce troisième acte
se jouera dans l’hémisphère Nord.
Au programme : Tara croisera les eaux d’Hawaï, explorera le "continent de plastique” du
Pacifique Nord, mettra le cap sur San Diego, puis passera le canal de Panamá avant
d'atteindre New York. En 2012, Tara traversera l’Océan Atlantique pour rejoindre Lorient, son
port d’attache, au printemps.
+ info: http://oceans.taraexpeditions.org/fr/tara-oceans-une-troisieme-annee-dans-l-hemisphere-nord.php?id_page=796
L'étang de Thau, une pelouse sous-marine sous surveillance - France
A côté des activités conchylicoles, l'étang de Thau, classé site d'intérêt européen pour son herbier de 2.400 hectares et ses
magnifiques hippocampes, va bénéficier à partir de septembre d'une protection rapprochée.
Sur les 19,5 km de cet étang entre Balaruc et Marseillan, l'étang de Thau, large de 4 km, est surtout connu pour la qualité
de ses huîtres, de Bouzigues. Mais cette réserve naturelle, mélange d'eau douce et d'eau de mer, est aussi un écrin.
+ info: photo_1312038398490-1-0.jpg
Oyster-Tecture and the Gowanus Canal - New York City - New York State - USA
The Gowanus Canal is one of America’s most polluted waterways, and its location in the New
York Harbor made it one of the many places that were effected by flooding as a result of
Hurricane Irene. If that isn’t enough to think about, last year the EPA declared the Gowanus
Canal as a Superfund site, “As a result of years of discharges, storm water runoff, sewer
outflows and industrial pollutants, the Gowanus Canal has become one of the nation’s most
extensively contaminated water bodies. Contaminants include PCBs, coal tar wastes, heavy
metals and volatile organics. The contamination poses a threat to the nearby residents who
use the canal for fishing and recreation.”
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/165568/oyster-tecture-and-the-gowanus-canal/
Bientôt la première réunion d'experts internationaux autour des aires marines protégées en haute mer Hyères - France - (8 et 9 septembre 2011)
L'année prochaine devrait être mis en place un réseau mondial d'aires marines protégées (AMP), qui recouvrera toutes les
zones biogéographiques [1] significatives en haute mer ainsi que leurs faunes et habitats. Le nombre d'AMP est en
constante augmentation. Néanmoins, l'objectif pour 2012 ne sera probablement pas atteint, les difficultés se multiplient
lorsqu'il s'agit de la haute mer. En ce qui concerne par exemple les "aires marines protégées de Méditerranée", seuls 0,5%
de la surface marine sont d'ores et déjà classés, alors que 10% sont prévus par la Convention sur la biodiversité (CBD) d'ici
à 2012. La question de savoir comment et qui doit décider de ce qui doit être protégé reste souvent ouverte dans ce cas de
figure. La législation ne semble pas encore tout à fait claire à ce sujet.
+ info: http://www.bulletins-electroniques.com/actualites/67577.htm
2011, année des forêts : La revanche des mangroves
Les mangroves ont longtemps été perçues par les hommes comme des marécages
malodorants, inutiles et sans valeur. Souvent infestées de moustiques, avec la particularité
d’être inondées et inondables par la mer et les eaux continentales, ces forêts que l’on
trouve le long des côtes des régions tropicales n’ont pas bonne réputation. Pourtant, elles
sont un des écosystèmes les plus riches et les plus productifs de la planète.
Les racines enchevêtrées des palétuviers, l’arbre emblématique des mangroves, offrent un
précieux refuge pour les espèces vulnérables et constituent une nurserie pour les poissons
juvéniles, à l’abri des prédateurs. À l’interface entre la terre et la mer, ces forêts amphibies abritent également de
nombreuses espèces terrestres. On y rencontre des oiseaux, des singes, des reptiles, des biches et au Bengladesh, les
Sundarbans, la plus grande mangrove du monde, sont même l’un des derniers refuges pour le tigre du Bengale, loin de
+ info: http://www.goodplanet.info/Contenu/Focus/2011-annee-des-forets-La-revanche-des-mangroves
Création de la réserve naturelle nationale de la Casse de la Belle Henriette en Vendée - France
Nathalie KOSCIUSKO-MORIZET, ministre de l’Écologie, du Développement durable, des Transports et du Logement, a salué
la création de la réserve naturelle nationale de la Casse de la Belle Henriette (Vendée), par décret du 31 août 2011 paru
aujourd’hui au Journal officiel.
Située sur les communes de la Tranche-sur-mer et de la Faute-sur-mer, la réserve naturelle nationale de la Casse de la
Belle Henriette s’étend sur près de 340 hectares situés essentiellement sur le domaine maritime. Ce classement trouve son
origine en 1996 dans le plan d'actions en faveur du Marais poitevin et marque la volonté des acteurs de préserver un site
de haute valeur écologique figurant parmi les rares témoins de l’évolution naturelle, depuis plus d’un siècle, du cordon
+ info: http://www.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/Creation-de-la-reserve-naturelle,24061.html
Environnement: Les Etats riverains de la Baltique manquent à leurs engagements
Les neuf Etats riverains de la Baltique ne tiennent pas leurs engagements pris pour
protéger cette mer très polluée, estime le Fonds mondial pour la nature (WWF) dans un
rapport publié mercredi.
Selon ce baromètre pour 2011, la Suède et l'Allemagne s'en sortent globalement mieux que
les autres, en obtenant 36 points chacune sur un maximum de 79. Ces pays "sont les
meilleurs pour appliquer les accords internationaux et régionaux portant sur
+ info: http://www.goodplanet.info/Contenu/News/Environnement-Etats-riverains-de-la-Baltique-manquent-a-leurshttp://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_71/21_2011.html (7 de 9) [26/09/2011 16:25:22]
Biodiversité marine et côtière
Les tétrapodes pourraient être apparus en milieu marin, dès la base du Dévonien (416 Ma)
A quel moment de l’histoire de la Terre et dans quel environnement les premiers vertébrés
munis de quatre pattes sont–il apparus ? La question est encore sujette à débats. En
utilisant les techniques de la biologie moléculaire et des données géobiologiques publiées
récemment, deux chercheurs de l’université de Chennai (ex-Madras, Inde) et de «
Géosystèmes » (CNRS-Insu, université Lille 1) invitent à repousser l’apparition des
tétrapodes vers – 416 millions d’années (base du Dévonien). Un événement évolutif qui se
serait déroulé en milieu marin. L’étude a été publiée récemment dans la revue PloS ONE.
+ info: http://www.insu.cnrs.fr/co/terre-solide/terre-et-vie/les-tetrapodes-pourraient-etre-apparus-en-milieu-marin-des-labase-du-devo
European Commission: Mediterranean Marine Protected Area provides fish larvae for neighbouring areas
New research has found evidence that a small Marine Protected Area (MPA) in the Mediterranean has the potential to
deliver larvae of some fish species to surrounding, non-protected areas. This is one of few studies to investigate this
desired role of MPAs and its design could be used to evaluate current and future MPAs elsewhere.
+ info: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/integration/research/newsalert/pdf/251na6.pdf
Les microalgues calcaires, témoins de l'acidification des océans
Le phytoplancton calcaire, maillon important du cycle du carbone océanique, apparait très sensible à
l'acidification océanique. Une étude internationale impliquant notamment des chercheurs du CNRS(1)
montre que la sécrétion du squelette calcaire d'une espèce de microalgues : les coccolithophores,
diminue quand les eaux marines deviennent plus acides, mais certaines souches hyper-calcifiées se
sont adaptées aux milieux les plus corrosifs. Leurs résultats sont publiés dans la revue Nature du 4
aout 2011.
+ info: http://www.insu.cnrs.fr/a3880,microalgues-calcaires-temoins-acidification-oceans.html
France Nature Environnement (FNE) : Thon rouge : il est toujours plus intéressant de frauder que de respecter
la loi
Demain, 9 septembre, le tribunal correctionnel de Marseille va juger deux affaires de pêche illégale de thons rouges. FNE et
l’URVN-FNE PACA, sa fédération régionale en PACA, se constituent parties civiles dans ces deux affaires dont l’une concerne
un pêcheur déjà condamné en mars 2010 pour des faits similaires.
Dans le premier cas, deux navires ont pêché près de 700 kg de thons rouges en Méditerranée avec un filet maillant
dérivant, outil de pêche interdit au niveau communautaire depuis 2002. Dans le second cas, un autre navire a, quant à lui,
pêché avec un engin interdit plus de 2 tonnes de thon rouge !
FNE et l’URVN-FNE PACA ont décidé d’agir. Non seulement parce que le thon rouge est une espèce vulnérable mais aussi
parce qu’elle fait l’objet d’une pêche intensive et incontrôlée stimulée par son prix très haut en rapport avec sa rareté
+ info: http://www.fne.asso.fr/imailer/lt/t_go.php?i=2880&e=MTA3NTYz&l=-http--www.fne.asso.fr/com/cp_en_pdf_2/cp080911-03.pdf
L'Expérience internationale de l'océan tranquille
30 août - 1 sep 2011 . Paris, France
Organizateurs: UNESCO Headquarters
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/media-services/single-view/news/the_international_quiet_ocean_experiment/
Coastal Management Geographic Information Systems (CoastGIS) Conference
5 sep - 8 sep 2011 . Oostende, Belgique
Organizateurs: CoastGIS
Contact: Dr. Roger Longhorn - [email protected]
+ info: http://www.coastgis.info/
Symposium on Phytoplankton Blooms in temperate coastal ecosystems
19 sep - 21 sep 2011 . Wimereux, France
Organizateurs: Laboratoire d’Océanologie et de Géosciences (Wimereux). Université Lille
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 15 sep 2011
+ info: http://log.univ-littoral.fr/-Symposium-on-Phytoplankton-Blooms
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Biodiversité marine et côtière
NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) State of the Climate in 2010: 2010
one of the two warmest years on record
Worldwide, 2010 was one of the two warmest years on record according to the 2010 State of the Climate
report, which NOAA released today. The peer-reviewed report, issued in coordination with the American
Meteorological Society, was compiled by 368 scientists from 45 countries. It provides a detailed, yearly
update on global climate indicators, notable climate events and other climate information from every
+ info: http://www.noaanews.noaa.gov/stories2011/20110628_stateoftheclimate_2010.html
CNRS (Conseil national de la recherche scientifique) le journal - N°258 - 259 juillet - août
2011, La Méditerranée sous haute surveillance - France
Ce nouveau numéro de CNRS le journal vous invite en Méditerranée. Cette région, qui a vu naître de
grandes civilisations et qui abrite aujourd'hui plus de 450 millions de personnes, est devenue le point de
mire de nombreux chercheurs. L'enjeu est de taille : du changement climatique à la pollution, en passant
par la pression démographique ou l'appauvrissement de la biodiversité et des ressources naturelles, les
nuages s'amoncellent sur le Bassin méditerranéen. Alors les scientifiques veillent au grain.
Plus au sud, dans la région saharo-sahélienne dévastée par la sécheresse, un projet titanesque suscite de
nombreux espoirs. Partez avec notre envoyé spécial au Sénégal, à la découverte de la Grande Muraille verte.
Ce mois-ci également, remontez le temps de quelque 300 millions d'années. Vous y rencontrerez les stégocéphales,
créatures géantes qui ont régné sur la planète avant les dinosaures.
+ info: http://www2.cnrs.fr/journal/4774.htm
Marine Important Bird Area (IBA) Toolkit: standardised techniques for identifying priority sites
for the conservation of seabirds at sea
BirdLife International, Cambridge UK. Version 1.2: February 2011
Editor: Ben Lascelles, Global Marine IBA Officer.
This document represents a culmination of these workshops, where the outputs from
them have been combined to create a toolkit for identifying and delimiting marine
IBAs1 in a consistent and comparable manner. It provides guidance on the treatment
and analysis of a range of data types that have proved useful in the marine IBA
process to date.
+ info: http://www.birdlife.org/eu/pdfs/Marinetoolkitnew.pdf
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Patrimoine cultural maritime et militaire/défensif
Patrimoine cultural maritime et militaire/défensif
Permanent Exhibition - Blackbeard's Queen Anne's Revenge -North Carolina Museum - Beaufort - North
Carolina - USA
The largest exhibit ever of artifacts from what's believed to be the remains of Blackbeard's flagship is opening at the North
Carolina Maritime Museum, with bells, cannon, lead shot and part of the hull among the items on display.
There won't, however, be any pirate treasure, says David Moore, the museum's nautical archaeologist. That's because the
Queen Anne's Revenge didn't wreck, but ran aground, giving the crew time to remove most of the valuables.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=48186
Permanent Exhibition - Civil War Flags - New York State Military Museum - Saratoga Springs - New York - USA
A Confederate flag with links to President Abraham Lincoln and the first Union officer killed in the Civil War will be the
centerpiece of an exhibit featuring New York's large collection of banners from the conflict, state officials said Thursday.
The 14-foot-by-24-foot flag Col. Elmer Ellsworth was carrying after removing it from the roof of the Marshall House in
Alexandria, Va. on May 24, 1861, will be part of an eight-flag exhibit opening July 12 in the "War Room" on the second
floor of the state Capitol. It's believed to be the first time the banner will be on public display since the war, according to
Christopher Morton, assistant curator at the New York State Military Museum.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=48178
Black Seaman's 1861 Heroics Recalled in New Film by New York-Based Documentary Producers - USA
The Union's first black hero of the Civil War wasn't one of the African-American soldiers of the 54th Massachusetts Infantry
Regiment, famously depicted in the 1989 film "Glory," but rather a merchant ship's cook who took up arms to prevent
being sold into slavery after a Confederate raider captured his vessel.
At least that's the reckoning of some historians and a pair of upstate New York-based documentary producers who have
included William Tillman's story in their new film on the short-but-prolific wartime record of the brig Jefferson Davis, a
Southern privateer that seized several Union ships in the opening months of the war.
+ info:
Lincoln Document Returned to National Archives
A letter to President Abraham Lincoln from three military surgeons requesting a chaplain to tend to the wounded and dying
soldiers after the Battle of Antietam, accompanied by the president's signed response, were returned to the National
Archives on Thursday.
Bill Panagopulos, president of Alexander Historical Auctions, in Stamford, Conn., helped negotiate the return and handed
the documents over to David Ferriero, archivist of the United States, at a ceremony at the National Archives.
"I'm not just returning it to the Archives, I'm returning it to the United States," Panagopulos said. "This building is where it
belongs. It's coming home."
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49970
McDonough's War of 1812 Shipyard Receives Grant from the National Park Service's American Battlefield
Protection Program (ABPP)- Lake Champlain Maritime Museum - Washington D.C. - USA
The Lake Champlain Maritime Museum has received a grant of $23,985 from the National Park Service's American
Battlefield Protection Program (ABPP) to undertake an archeological survey to determine the precise location and
established boundaries for MacDonough's War of 1812 Shipyard in Vergennes, Vermont.
This grant is one of 25 National Park Service grants totaling $1.2 million to preserve and protect significant battle sites
from all wars fought on American soil. Funded projects preserve battlefields from the Colonial-Indian Wars through World
War II and include site mapping (GPS/GIS data collection), archeological studies, National Register of Historic Places
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Patrimoine cultural maritime et militaire/défensif
nominations, preservation and management plans.
+ info: http://www.lcmm.org/museum_info/press_room/press_archive/2011/mcdonough-shipyard-archaeology-war-of1812-2011.html
Berlin's Bunkers - Berlin - Germany
When one mentions the architecture of Germany during World War Two, the first ideas that come to mind are not the
possibilities for new growth in the 21st century. But that is exactly what the Nazi bunkers that were built provide for us
today. In Berlin, these bunkers are a monolithic and often oppressive reminder of the past, but are also ripe for intelligent
thought about what they can be used for in the future.
+ info: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:UhZDejTw-iAJ:www.archdaily.com/153821/berlinsbunkers/+berlin+bunkers%2Barchdaily&cd=1&hl=es&ct=clnk&gl=es&client=firefox-a
Extension of the National Maritime Museum / C. F. Møller Architects - Greenwich - United Kingdom
C. F. Møller Architects has designed the extension of The National Maritime Museum in London, Britain’s seventh largest
tourist attraction and part of the Maritime Greenwich World Heritage Site.
The new wing, called The Sammy Ofer Wing – named after the international shipping magnate and philanthropist Sammy
Ofer, who has funded most of £36.5m extension – was inaugurated on the 12th of July with the participation of among
others the British Prince Philip. On Thursday 14th of July the extension opens to the public.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/150481/
Civil War Bullets Found in Gettysburg Tree - Gettysburg - Pennsylvania - USA
With Civil War commemorations planned throughout the nation for the next four years,
employees at Gettysburg National Military Park just got a reminder that the past is still with us.
Park maintenance employees were cutting through a fallen oak tree on Culp's Hill when the
chain saw hit bullets.
The discovery was made on August 4, 2011, as maintenance employees cut a fallen oak tree
that was resting on a boulder next to the Joshua Palmer marker on the east slope of Culp's Hill
summit. Two sections of the tree trunk where the bullets were discovered have been moved to
the park's museum collections storage facility. As a relic of the Battle of Gettysburg, the tree sections with bullets will be
treated to remove insects and mold and then added to the museum collections at Gettysburg National Military Park.
+ info: http://www.nps.gov/gett/parknews/bullets-in-tree-8-9-2011.htm
ONLINE EXHIBITION - The Cunards Queens Merseyside Maritime Museum. Liverpool, United Kingdom
When the steamer 'Britannia' left Coburg Dock at high tide on the evening of Saturday 4 July 1840 with Samuel Cunard
onboard it inaugurated an association with Cunard Line and Liverpool which continues to this day with the arrival of 'Queen
Elizabeth' and 'Queen Mary 2'.
The collections in the Maritime Archives and Library reflect this historical connection with the port. Click on the images
below to view items relating to the distinguished predecessors of today's modern cruise liners.
+ info: http://www.liverpoolmuseums.org.uk/maritime/archive/displays/cunard-queens/
Tourisme de mémoire: préparation du centenaire de la Première guerre mondiale - France
Dans le cadre de la préparation du centenaire de la Première guerre mondiale, le ministre de la défense et des anciens
combattants a organisé au Sénat un séminaire autour du thème du Tourisme de mémoire. De très nombreux sites ont
changé sur leurs projets, et sur la difficulté de transmission de la mémoire des conflits. Anne Vourc'h est intervenue sur
l'expérience des Grands Sites.
+ info: http://www.cheminsdememoire.gouv.fr/page/affichepage.php?idLang=fr&idPage=2784
Exhibition - Civil War Redux: Pinhole Photographs by Willie Anne Wright
9 juill - 4 sep 2011 . Augusta, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: The Morris Museum of Art
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.themorris.org/wright.html
As Defesas da Ilha de Santa Catarina e do Rio Grande de São Pedro em 1786 - Brazil
Obra de Roberto Tonera e Mário Mendonça de Oliveira
Obra publicada pela editora da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina foi viabilizada com recursos
da Prefeitura de Florianópolis e Fundação Franklin Cascaes, por meio da Lei Municipal de Incentivo à
Publicação ilustrada e multimídia de grande importância para reconstituição histórica da vida nas
cidades fortificadas de Santa Catarina e Rio Grande do Sul será distribuída para escolas, meios de
comunicação, instituições de memória
+ info: http://www.fortalezasmultimidia.com.br/novidades/
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Patrimoine cultural maritime et militaire/défensif
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Patrimoine moderne et contemporain
Patrimoine moderne et contemporain
Sangath / Balkrishna Doshi - 1979-1981 - Ahmedabad - India
Balkrishna Doshi‘s own studio, Sangath, features a series of sunken vaults sheathed in china mosaic as well as a small
grassy terraced amphitheater and flowing water details. Having been considered the building that fully describes himself,
Sangath is a complete combination of Doshi‘s architectural themes from his previous work including complex interiors and
structures, ambiguous edges, vaults and terraces. More about Sangath after the break.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/158300/ad-classics-sangath-balkrishna-doshi/?
Rusakov Workers' Club / Konstantin Melnikov - 1927-1928 - The Russian Federation
The collapse of the old regime in Russia that took place with the Revolution of 1917 was followed by an artistic period of
powerful activity in formal experimentation directed at the establishment of a creative language capable of expressing the
new ideals and aspirations of Soviet Society. Konstantin Melnikov’sRusakov Workers’ Club in Moscow shows an intense
fascination with dramatic structure, in this case through bold cantilevered seating constructed of reinforced concrete.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/155470/ad-classics-rusakov-workers-club-konstantin-melnikov/?
Torre Velasca - 1956-1958 - Milan - Italy
Mixed in with the Gothic Cathedrals, buildings, sculptures and domes of Milan, the Torre Velasca stands out as one of the
few modern buildings in the city’s ancient center. The Torre Velasca, planned to loom over its surrounding structures at a
height of nearly 1,000 meters, was to be an important addition to Milan’s skyline. For this reason, it was crucial that the
architects, BBPR, find ways to blend the design of the Torre Velasca, completed in 1958, with that of the classic
architectural beauties of historic Milan. More on the design of the Torre Velasca after the break
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/155121/ad-classics-torre-velasca-bbpr/
AD Classics: The Museum of Fine Arts Houston / Mies Van der Rohe - 1953, 1974 - Houston - Texas - USA
After completing a master plan for the site in 1953, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe was commissioned by The Museum of Fine
Arts Houston to do two additions to the Caroline Wiess Law Building. Cullinan Hall and Brown Pavilion were added in 1953
and 1974 respectively. See more after the break.The museum’s original building was designed in 1924 by William Ward
Watkin in the Neoclassical style. Here, the South facade features tall Greek columns. In contrast, Van der Rohe’s addition
on the North side of the museum stands as a renowned example of International style. Along with the National Gallery in
Berlin, the additions to MFAH is Mies van der Rohe’s only museum work
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/153819/ad-classics-the-museum-of-fine-arts-houston-mies-van-der-rohe/?
Robin Hood Gardens / Alison and Peter Smithson - 1972 - London - United Kingdom
Robin Hood Gardens was built in post-war Britain when residential towers were being built as a symbol of progress after
the war. Many were developed with concrete in the Brutalist style including Robin Hood Gardens and the nearby Balfron
Tower. Built within a decade of one another, the two buildings stand today with one major difference. The Balfron Tower’s
status as a listed building protects it from demolition as an important architectural work, whereas Robin Hood Gardens has
been denied.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/150629
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Patrimoine moderne et contemporain
ICOMOS - International Scientific Committee on Twentieth Century Heritage: "The Madrid Document"
In June, the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Twentieth Century Heritage – ISC20C met with the Architecture
faculty of ETSAM University in Madrid to discuss the need for the development of the “Intervention Principles for 20th
Century Architectural Heritage”. It was a very lively debate, with a wide range of international perspectives, some very
needful of such a text for consent authorities, others referring to existing charters as adequate. The engagement of
students from the University in the meetings and the professors as lecturers was very fruitful The conclusions of the
meeting and associated conference were expressed in “The Madrid Document”.
+ info: http://australia.icomos.org/e-news/australia-icomos-e-mail-news-no-499/#2.
Bank of China Tower / I.M. Pei - 1985-1990 - Hong-Kong - China
When commissioned to design the Bank of China Tower on an intricate inland site, I.M. Pei was requested to create an
unavoidably tall unique headquarters in a typhoon-prone region that would represent the aspirations of the Chinese people
yet also symbolize good will toward the British Colony. The solution assimilates architecture and engineering
simultaneously, involving an asymmetrical tower that informs both skyline and street. The Bank of China Tower stands 70
stories tall, reaching a height of 1,209 feet. At the time of its opening in May 1990, it was the tallest building in Asia and
still remains one of the tallest in Hong Kong.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/153297
Expo '58 + Philips Pavilion / Le Corbusier and Iannis Xenakis -1958 - Brussels - Belgium In 1956, preparations had begun for the 1958 World’s Fair in Brussels. This was to be the first World’s Fair held since the
end of World War II, the concept behind the Expo was to celebrate the rejuvenation of civilization from the destruction of
war through the use of technology. This World Fair is best known for the musical advances that was combined with
architecture, creating a gestalt through an experiential encounter where body meets sound and space
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/157658/
Trellick Tower / Erno Goldfinger - 1972 - London - United Kingdom
The Trellick Tower is an iconic structure located in west London, England. It has gone through numerous phases of public
perception, most notably its notorious nickname as the “Tower of Terror.” Designed as social housing for the local council,
it features numerous unconventional design elements. Architect Erno Goldfinger, drew inspiration from the modernist
principles of Le Corbusier’s Unite d’Habitation for the tower’s dwelling units
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/151227/
Makuhari Messe / Fumihiko Maki - 1989 - TOKYO - Japan
Formerly known as the Nippon Convention Center, the Makuhari Messe (derived from the German word meaning “trade
fair”) is the second largest convention center in Japan behind only Tokyo Big Sight. Makuhari Messe was designed by
famous Japanese architect Fumihiko Maki and was completed in 1989 with the intention of establishing the area of
Makuhari as an architectural destination separate from Tokyo proper.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/157693
Museum of Energy / Arquitecturia - 2010 - Tarragona - Spain
The site, a desolate land, where landscape and industry are juxtaposed, but not closely related, coexisting without tension.
There was no shelter between the Ebro and the typography or between the industry and the urban settlement. The need to
ancor this place was strong and we began by dusting off the grid. From the exterior to the interior, accidental spaces are
made with subtracting matter, and by altering the grid.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/164452
Suite aux dislocations des plateformes antarctiques, les glaciers en amont s'amincissent rapidement et pour
Les démantèlements de plateformes de la péninsule antarctique observés depuis quelques décennies conduisent à une
accélération de l'écoulement vers l'océan des glaciers situés en amont, accélération qui se répercute sur la perte de masse
de la calotte glaciaire et sur la hausse du niveau marin. Une étude récente, menée par trois chercheurs de la NASA(1), du
LEGOS(2) et du NSIDC(3) et portant sur la région du nord de la péninsule, montre que cette accélération s'accompagne
d'un amincissement important et prolongé des glaciers. Les chercheurs ont pu estimer précisément l'amincissement au
cours du temps des différents glaciers ainsi que la hausse du niveau des mers à laquelle cette région a contribué. Cette
étude est publiée dans le Journal of Glaciology.
+ info: http://www.insu.cnrs.fr/a3871,suite-aux-dislocations-plateformes-antarctiques-glaciers-amont-s-amincissentrapidement-longtemps.html
AD Classics: Mazar-e-Quaid (National Mausoleum) / Yahya Merchant - 1970 - Karachi - Pakistan
Otherwise known as the National Mausoleum, the Mazar-e-Quaid is the tomb of the founder of Pakistan, Muhammad Ali
Jinnah. Sited in the center of Karachi, Pakistan on a natural plateau, this marble structure was designed by the Indian
architect Yahya Merchant and was completed in 1970.
The mausoleum serves as the final resting place for Jinnah as well as Liaqat Ali Khan, (the first Prime Minister of Pakistan),
Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah (Jinnah’s sister), Abdur Rab Nishtar and Nurul Amin. Upon entrance through one of the four
pointed arches entering into the mausoleum, visitors enter into a grand octagonal space with a ceremonial sarcophagus in
its center (the actual tomb, expectedly, is in a subterranean chamber directly beneath the ceremonial sarcophagus). In
addition to its functional purpose as a mausoleum, Mazar-e-Quaid also serves as host to a variety of governmental and
military ceremonies.
+ info: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:kpPrHUf_YfwJ:www.archdaily.com/157683/ad-classicsmazar-e-quaid-national-mausoleum-yahya-merchant/+mazar-e-quaid%
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Patrimoine moderne et contemporain
AD Classics: De La Warr Pavilion - Erich Mendelsohn and Serge Chermayeff - 1935 Sussex - England
The persistence of design in the midst of even the severest persecution is one of the most
remarkable aspects of classic mid-century European Architecture. Even under forceful Nazi
discrimination during their rise to power between world wars, Erich Mendelsohn was able to
design the De La Warr Pavilion with Serge Chermayeff during his exodus to Britain before
both ultimately fled to the United States.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/165747/ad-classics-de-la-warr-pavilion-erich-mendelsohnand-serge-chermayeff/
AD Classics: Villa La Roche - Le Corbusier - 1923-1925 - Paris - France
Designed 1923-1925 as a residence for Swiss banker Raoul La Roche, Villa Roche is the
quintessence of Le Corbusier’s modern approach to housing. The Villa acted as an exhibition
space for Mr. Roche’s collection of avant-garde artwork, and is a pure assemblage of spatial
volumes that interlocks the dual programs of domicile and gallery.
The promenade through Villa Roche plays a significant role in linking these two programs into
one; its hierarchy is a theme inspired by Corbusier‘s visit to the Acropolis. The Villa was
imagined as a “spatial experience” and consists of a specifically deliberate path which guides
the inhabitant and unveils the artwork as an itinerary through history.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/151365/ad-classics-villa-roche-le-corbusier/
Restoring a Classic: Richard Meier's Douglas House - 1973 - Harbor Springs - Michigan
Referred to as one of Meier’s best works, the Douglas House hovers over the shores of Lake
Michigan placed upon a steep slope over the water almost as if it is floating amongst the trees.
The Douglas House was designed for clients Jim and Jean Douglas and was completed in 1973
after a three year construction period (1971-1973). Meier furnished the home with furniture
designed by Le Corbusier, Mies van der Rohe, and himself, and it needed no ornamentation
other than the nature it was designed around.
As is typical of Meier buildings, the house is completely white made with reinforced concrete and glass except for two steel
pipes that extend from the chimney up to the roof, framing views at the entry level. Taking the natural surroundings into
consideration during the construction, the house was positioned to remove as few trees as possible.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/165964/restoring-a-classic-richard-meiers-douglas-house/
AD Classics: Florey Building - James Stirling - 1971 - Oxford - United Kingdom
The Queen’s College Florey building is the third and last building of “The Red Trilogy” (the
Leicester Engineering Faculty building and the Cambridge History Faculty building being the first
two) designed by James Stirling, solidifying him as an irreplaceable facet in modern Architecture.
The Florey building was named after provost and 1945 Nobel Laureate Lord Howard Florey, who
sat on the committee in charge of choosing an architect for the project. Although Stirling was
not the most popular choice for lead architect on the project, Florey was an advocate of his, and
Stirling was ultimately agreed upon because of the promise and potential held in his reputation
at that time to deliver an iconic, modern building to boost the college’s reputation and enrollment.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/155430/ad-classics-florey-building-james-stirling/
AD Classics: The Pagoda - Miguel Fisac - 1965-1970 - Madrid - Spain
Laboratorios Jorba is commonly referred to as the Pagoda because its rotating floors create a shape
reminiscent of tiered eaves found in traditional pagodas. Built by Spanish architect Miguel Fisac, the
tower stood on the outskirts of Madrid between 1968 and 1999. The Pagoda was a strong example of
Fisac’s playfulness and skill as an architect, and a master of concrete.
Miguel Fisac is recognized as the leader of modern architecture in Spain in the second half of the 20th
century. His work spans six decades, and includes the construction of over 300 works in that time.
Fisac is also credited with projects in many other design fields such as industrial design, furniture
design, urban planning, and painting, but is most well known for his innovative buildings and his fascination with concrete.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/152936/ad-classics-the-pagoda-miguel-fisac/
AD Classics: St. Mark's Church - Sigurd Lewerentz - 1956-1960 - Bjorkhagen Stockholm - Sweden
After over a decade of absence from architecture, Sigurd Lewerentz reappeared with the
creation of St. Mark’s Church in Björkhagen, Stockholm. His winning design for the church
brought him back to the art of building, and his apt control of materiality brought the St.
Mark’s Church international attention.
Lewerentz received the commission for St. Mark’s Church through a competition. He was
invited, along with four other architects, to propose ideas for the new church. Lewerentz
submitted multiple ideas and was ultimately chosen as the designer for the new church in 1956.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/157478/ad-classics-st-marks-church-in-bjorkhagen-sigurd-lewerentz/
AD Classics: Riola Parish Church - Alvar Aalto - 1978 - Grizzana - Italy -
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Patrimoine moderne et contemporain
Designed by Finnish architect, Alvar Aalto, Riola Parrish Church is a stunning concrete form
which mimics and modulates with the contours of its Italian landscape. The magnificent
baptistery, completed in 1978, is located eight kilometers south of Bologna in the small town
of Riola. Aalto’s evocative modernist architecture captures the spirit of this mountain setting;
it is a spiritual structure which, inside and out, unassumingly expresses sanctity of faith and
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/161448/ad-classics-riola-parish-church-alvar-aalto/
Amsterdam Orphanage / Aldo van Eyck - 1955-1960 - Amsterdam - The Netherlands
Dutch Architect Aldo van Eyck built the Amsterdam Orphanage in 1960. His design focused on a balance of forces to create
both a home and small city on the outskirts of Amsterdam.As a member of CIAM and then a founding member of Team 10,
van Eyck held strong opinions on post-war architecture. The Amsterdam Orphanage was van Eyck’s opportunity to put his
opinions in practice through his first large scale built project. Van Eyck criticized early post-war architecture as lacking a
human element. In the Amsterdam Orphanage he sought to design a modern building with a new urban vision from those
of his CIAM predecessors
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/151566/
AD Classics: Royal Hotel - Arkady Mordvinov - 1949-1953 - Moscow - The Russian
Originally completed in 1953 as the Hotel Ukraina, the Royal Hotel was designed by Arkady
Mordvinov and Vyacheslav Oltarzhevsky and stands as one of the “Seven Sisters” of Moscow
(Mordvinov was acting as the Chairman of the Committee of Construction and Architecture at
the time). This five-star hotel complex was the tallest hotel in the world at its completion at
34 stories (650ft) and is sited on the banks of the Moskva River. This unique site required
considerable structural innovation during early construction, which will be discussed later in
the feature.
The Seven Sisters are skyscrapers built in the Stalin-era — the neoclassical Royal Hotel is one of the seven, accompanied
by the Kotelnicheskaya Embankment Apartments, the Kudrinskaya Square Building, the Hotel Leningradskaya, the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs, the main building of the Moscow State University, and the Red Gates Administrative Building. A massive
complex by any standards at almost one million square feet of floor area, the hotel boasts an array of lodging and
entertainment offerings including over five hundred hotel rooms, thirty-eight extended stay apartments, five restaurants, a
400-person conference center, a 1000-person banquet hall, spa, and a fleet of river yachts.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/157690/ad-classics-royal-hotel-arkady-mordvinov/
Exposition - Dietmar Feichtinger Architectes - Paris/Vienne
2 sep - 26 sep 2011 . Paris, France
Organizateurs: Galerie d'architecture
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.feichtingerarchitectes.com/news_detail.php/3/97
National Park of Mali - Kere Architecture - 2010 - Bamako - Mali
For the 50th anniversary of the Independence of Mali, the National Park in Bamako reopened
with new buildings such as an exclusive restaurant, a sport centre and several entrance
The restaurant is situated on top of a rock formation and is nestling up against the different
height levels. The building is separated in four cubes which are representing the different
functions. The concern was always to integrate the spectacular view over the park and the
nearby lake into the design. Following the example of the restaurant, the sport centre is
meeting with the same architectonical language. It consists of three pavilions which are situated around an ellipsoidal
playground. The buildings are situated in such a way that they give maximal shadow to the playground and also the interior
recreation spaces. Also here the relationships between interior and exterior spaces played a major role in the design.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/167020/national-park-of-mali-kere-architecture/
18-dic-2011 . ARIZONA, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Phoenix Art Museum
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.phxart.org/exhibition/FrankLloydWright.php
12th International Docomomo Conference - THE SURVIVAL OF MODERN, FROM COFFEE CUP TO GENERAL PLAN
7 août - 10 août 2012 . Espoo, Finlande
Organizateurs: Docomomo Suomi/Finland and Espoo City Museum
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 15 oct 2011
+ info: http://www.docomomo-fi.com/conference2012/
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Patrimoine moderne et contemporain
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Governance and Public Participation in PAs (Protected Areas): Case studies in Austria, Italy and Slovenia
The given report presents finding of the study tour carried out thanks to the Alfred Toepfer Natural Heritage Scholarship
and the EUROPARC Federation. The aim of the study tour was to analyse existing governance and public participation
practices in the three mountain protected areas in Europe: Biosphärenpark Großes Walsertal (Austria), Triglav National
Park (Slovenia) and Prealpi Giulie Nature Park (Italy). The gives general information on governance and public participation
issues; provides background information, governance aspects (including transboundary cooperation) and public
participation issues for each protected areas gather during the study tour.
+ info: http://www.europarc.org/uploaded/documents/705.pdf
Les causes de la fonte des glaciers tropicaux enfin identifiées
Les causes de la fonte des glaciers tropicaux sur les 10 000 dernières années sont enfin dévoilées par
une équipe de chercheurs français(1) du CNRS, du CEA, de l'IRD, de l'Université Joseph Fourrier et un
chercheur américain de l'Université d'Albany. Ils ont montré que le recul du glacier Telata en Bolivie
sur cette période est avant tout lié à une hausse de température atmosphérique de 3°C et au
réchauffement de l'océan Pacifique tropical en réponse à une augmentation de l'insolation(2). Les
travaux ont été publiés le 09 juin 2011 sur le site de la revue Nature.
+ info: http://www.insu.cnrs.fr/a3835,causes-fonte-glaciers-tropicaux-enfin-identifiees.html
NASA Creates First Complete Map of Antarctica's Glacial Movements
After sifting through billions of data points and years of painstaking reconstruction,
three researchers have made a fundamental discovery about Antarctic glaciers that
promises to impact major theories in both glaciology and climate change sciences.
Using an amalgamation of radar observations garnered from European, Japanese and
Canadian satellites between 2007 and 2009, researchers from NASA’s Jet Propulsion
Laboratory in Pasadena and the University of California, Irvine stitched together a rough
map of Antarctica’s glacial features. They then picked through a mountain of data
points to eliminate artifacts like cloud cover and land features that would obscure their view.
+ info: http://www.gizmodo.com.au/2011/08/nasa-creates-first-complete-map-of-antarcticas-glacial-movements/
(en italien) Firmato accordo di programma Università Statale di Milano - MIUR: nasce a Edolo l'Università della
Montagna - Il Polo di Edolo dell'Università Statale di Milano diventa punto di riferimento nazionale per tutte le
tematiche riguardanti il terr
Un accordo di programma con il Ministero firmato oggi a Roma prevede l’evoluzione della sede decentrata di Edolo della
Statale di Milano in un Centro universitario di eccellenza, che sarà denominato "Università della Montagna" e che fungerà
da punto di riferimento nazionale per l’analisi e lo studio di tutte le tematiche riguardanti il territorio montano.
Il Centro opererà in stretta connessione con istituzioni europee e internazionali, divenendo interlocutore privilegiato dei
competenti Organismi europei nell’individuazione e definizione delle azioni necessarie per lo sviluppo e la valorizzazione
dell’intera catena alpina…
+ info: http://www.valmont.unimi.it/italiano/home.html
Do blue-ice moraines in the Heritage Range show the West Antarctic ice sheet survived the last interglacial?
By Christopher J. Fogwilla, Andrew S. Heinb, Michael J. Bentleyc & David E. Sugdenb We present a hypothesis that best
explains cosmogenic isotope data on blue-ice moraines in the Heritage Range, West Antarctica. The age of the moraines
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implies that they, and the related ice-sheet surface with which they are associated, have persisted on the flanks of
nunataks throughout at least the last interglacial/glacial cycle. The implication is that although the West Antarctic Ice Sheet
(WAIS) may have fluctuated in thickness during glacial cycles, the central dome has remained intact for at least 200 kyr
and possibly even for 400 kyr. Such a finding, if substantiated, would contribute to our understanding of the sensitivity of
the WAIS to climate change. Further it would be a powerful geomorphic constraint on models of the past behaviour of the
ice sheet during glacial cycles and thus those predicting the future of the ice sheet in a warming world.
+ info: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0031018211000423
The journal "eco.mont" -Journal of protected mountain areas research- Volume 3 Number 1
Günter Köck - Axel Borsdorf
eco.mont Vol. 3 No. 1
ISBN-13 Online: 978-3-7001-7118-8
The new journal "Eco.mont" – Journal of protected mountain areas research – will be published for the first
time in June 2009. The journal was founded as a joint initiative of the Alpine Network of Protected Areas
(ALPARC), the International Scientific Committee on Research in the Alps (ISCAR), the Austrian Academy
of Sciences (ÖAW) and the University of Innsbruck.
The journal aims to emphasize research on and management issues in protected areas in the Alps without excluding other
protected mountain areas in Europe or overseas. Target audiences of the new journal are scientists from all related
disciplines, managers of protected areas and an interested public including practitioners, visitors, teachers, etc.
The journal presents peer-reviewed articles in English by authors who research on protected mountain areas and
management issues within these areas.
+ info: http://epub.oeaw.ac.at/eco.mont-3-1
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Musées, Muséologie et Patrimoine mobilier
Musées, Muséologie et Patrimoine mobilier
Rhinos Latest Victims of the Illicit Trade in Art and Wildlife
Following a recent surge in museum heists targeting rhinoceros horn, conservation and
preservation organizations warn that the illegal trafficking of art and wildlife is a threat to the
public, as well as the world’s natural and cultural heritage.
The Lawyers’ Committee for Cultural Heritage Preservation (LCCHP), the International Fund for
Animal Welfare (IFAW), Save the Rhino International, and Saving Rhinos issued the following
statement. (go to the link).
+ info: http://www.culturalheritagelaw.org/rhino
Penn Museum's Morton Collection of Skulls at Center of Controversy Philadelphia - Pennsylvania - USA
Samuel George Morton, a 19th-century physician and physical anthropologist, best
known for his measurement of human skulls, has long been held up as a prime example
of scientific misconduct. According to the late Stephen Jay Gould, one of the world’s
preeminent evolutionary biologists and scientific historians, Morton skewed his data
about cranial size to fit his preconceived and racist notions about human variation.
+ info: http://www.upenn.edu/pennnews/spotlights/penn-museum-skull-collection
A la découverte de l'Ecomusée du Lac d'Annecy - Annecy - France
En visite à Annecy, laissez-vous surprendre par l'histoire et le quotidien des Savoyards du 19e siècle,
dévoilés par la riche mise en scène d'objets et de vêtements anciens, la présentation des savoir-faire
d'antan, la projection d'un court-métrage "Les noces de François et Marie en 1850 ", des activités ludiques
pour les enfants...
Vous apprécierez l'intimité du lieu, le soin apporté à la mise en scène des collections et l'accueil toujours
+ info: http://www.ecomusee-savoie.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=section&id=5&Itemid=158
PRIZES - Prix Acteurs Economiques et Handicap 2011 pour un cours sur l'Art pour les malvoyants
La mallette « Les sens de l'art », conçue par le Cned avec le soutien de la MAIF, a été primée dans la catégorie « éducationformation » lors de la remise des trophées du 4e Prix Acteurs Economiques & Handicap 2011, organisée par l'OCIRP
(Organisme commun des institutions de rente et de prévoyance). Ce concours permet de distinguer des « actions
exemplaires pour le bien-être et le mieux-vivre des personnes en situation de handicap ».
+ info: http://portail.cned.fr/journalistes/communiques-presse/2011/prix-acteurs-economiques-et-handicap-2011.aspx?
MUSEUMNEXT - Free access to great presentations
While our next conference isn't until 2012, we are pleased to share some of the exciting presentations from our recent
event in Edinburgh.
+ info: http://www.museumnext.org/2010/blog
National Museum of the Marine Corps / Fentress Architects - Triangle - Virginia - USA
As the main focus of the 135-acre Semper Fidelis Memorial Park, The National Museum of the Marine Corps, just outside of
Washington D.C., opened in 2006 to coincide with the Marine Corps’ 231st anniversary. The primary building of the Marine
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Musées, Muséologie et Patrimoine mobilier
Corps Heritage Center contains 120,000 square feet of museum gallery space, an orientation theater, office space, gift
shop, and two restaurants, all welcoming visitors to explore the history and values of the Corps.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/144570
Shanghai Museum of Glass / Logon Architecture - Shanghai - China
Located in Shanghai’s Baoshan District, this former glass manufacturing site covers a total area of 29,612sqm including
thirty existing buildings varying in age and scale. logon developed the entire 20 year strategic development plan renaming
the site to G+ Glass Theme Park (Glass, Art, Research and Technology Park). Phase one includes the Shanghai Museum of
Glass and a hot glass show covering a total site area of 5,785sqm.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/144236/shanghai-museum-of-glass-logon-architecture/?
Philbrook Museum of Art Selects Gluckman Mayner Architects for Downtown Expansion - Tulsa - Oklahoma USA
Two transformational gifts—the Eugene B. Adkins Collection of Native American and Southwestern Art and the George R.
Kravis II Design Collection—combined with the support of the George Kaiser Family Foundation (GKFF), have spurred the
development of a new satellite facility of the Philbrook Museum of Art in Tulsa’s historic Brady District. GKFF’s generous
provision of approximately 30,000 square feet within the former Mathews Warehouse will house two distinct but
interrelated initiatives. The facility’s first level will be dedicated to presenting modern and contemporary art and design.
The second level will house the Adkins Collection & Study Center.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=48344
The Rijksmuseum: renovating, restoring, renewing - Amsterdam - The Netherlands
A first impression is often the most telling one. You start every journey with a first step and you never forget your first kiss.
Each year, the Rijksmuseum creates first impressions for hundreds of thousands of people: they get a first impression of
the museum as they stare a real Rembrandt ‘in the eye’ and get a taste of history. But it does not end there. In this day
and age, in our quickly-changing society, that is quite an important task. As the museum is renovated, it is, so to speak,
also being reinvented.
+ info: http://www.rijksmuseum.nl/verbouwing?lang=en
Metropolitan Museum Announces 5.68 Million Attendance, Highest in 40 Years - New York City - New York
State - USA
The Metropolitan Museum of Art announced today that 5.68 million people visited the Met during the fiscal year that ended
on June 30. The number, which includes attendance at The Cloisters museum and gardens, is the highest recorded in 40
years. The total was more than 400,000 greater than in Fiscal Year 2010.
+ info: http://www.metmuseum.org/press_room/full_release.asp?prid={B2FB6AF4-D7BF-41F6-BB0A-45E30D8EF8BE}
Metropolitan Museum and Egyptian Government Announce Initiative to Recognize
Egypt's Title to 19 Objects Originally from Tutankhamun's Tomb
Thomas P. Campbell, Director of The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, and Zahi
Hawass, Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities of Egypt, announced jointly
today that, effective immediately, the Museum will acknowledge Egypt's title to 19 ancient
Egyptian objects in its collection since early in the 20th century. All of these small-scale
objects, which range from study samples to a three-quarter-inch-high bronze dog and a
sphinx bracelet-element, can be attributed with certainty to Tutankhamun's tomb, which was
discovered by Howard Carter in 1922 in the Valley of the Kings. The Museum initiated this formal acknowledgment after
renewed, in-depth research by two of its curators substantiated the history of the objects.
+ info: http://www.metmuseum.org/press_room/full_release.asp?prid={C13C1810-152B-443D-AC7C-B62DB5AA71D2}
AD Classics: The Museum of Fine Arts Houston / Mies Van der Rohe - 1953, 1974 - Houston - Texas - USA
After completing a master plan for the site in 1953, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe was commissioned by The Museum of Fine
Arts Houston to do two additions to the Caroline Wiess Law Building. Cullinan Hall and Brown Pavilion were added in 1953
and 1974 respectively. See more after the break.The museum’s original building was designed in 1924 by William Ward
Watkin in the Neoclassical style. Here, the South facade features tall Greek columns. In contrast, Van der Rohe’s addition
on the North side of the museum stands as a renowned example of International style. Along with the National Gallery in
Berlin, the additions to MFAH is Mies van der Rohe’s only museum work
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/153819/ad-classics-the-museum-of-fine-arts-houston-mies-van-der-rohe/?
Bezos (Founder and CEO of Seattle based Amazon.com) Supports Innovation at the New MOHAI (Museum of
History and Industry) - Seattle - Washington State - USA
Today, MOHAI announced a history-making $10 million grant from Bezos (it’s the largest in the museum’s 59-year history)
that will be used to establish the “Center for Innovation” at the new MOHAI opening in late fall of 2012 in the historic Naval
Reserve Building (Armory) at Lake Union Park. MOHAI’s new home is just a few blocks from the new Amazon.com campus
in the South Lake Union neighborhood, and Amazonians are expected to be frequent visitors to the new museum.
+ info: http://seattlehistory.org/blog/2011/08/innovation/
Saint Louis Art Museum Begins a Unique and Ambitious Conservation Project - Saint Louis - Missouri - USA - 12
June - 21 August 2011
This summer the Saint Louis Art Museum will begin a unique and ambitious conservation project to restore a historic
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Musées, Muséologie et Patrimoine mobilier
treasure of local significance. Restoring an American Treasure: The Panorama of the Monumental Grandeur of the
Mississippi Valley, which opened June 12, will offer visitors a chance to see the massive 19th-century work, the last
surviving of its kind, as it is restored
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=48207
Since It Opened Four Weeks Ago, Museum of Liverpool has Welcomed 250,000 Visitors - Liverpool - United
More than 250,000 people have visited the Museum of Liverpool since it opened four weeks ago, equivalent to the
capacities of Anfield or Goodison Park 5 to 6 times over and more than half the population of the city as a whole. Crowds
have flocked to the new Museum with an average of 8,300 people a day through the doors. The Museum which is free entry
opened on 19 July and tells the story of the city and its people. Museum bosses had predicted 78,000 visitors in the first
month of opening, but the response from the public has been three times that.
Janet Dugdale, Director of the Museum of Liverpool said: ”The visitor figures are staggering. We are thrilled with the
success of the new Museum. To get a quarter of a million people through the doors in the first month is fantastic. There is a
real buzz of excitement in the Museum and it’s so nice to see so many people enjoying themselves.”
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49906
Dutch Museums May Sell Treasures to Make Ends Meet
Rotterdam's Wereldmuseum plans to sell its African and American treasures to cover funding shortfalls made more likely by
the economic crisis in Europe and a planned cut in state subsidies to the arts starting in 2013.
It is one of several Dutch museums under pressure to raise money from the public purse, and ideas being explored have
ranged from "adopting" star exhibits to opening a hotel on the premises.
"We are going to sell the entire Africa collection and the Americas collection, and will only keep the top pieces in the rest of
our collection so we can focus on Asian art," said Stanley Bremer, director at Wereldmuseum.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49912
Allied Works Reveals Competition Design for New Museum and Cultural District in Lausanne - Lausanne Switzerland
In October 2010, Allied Works was named one of eighteen international finalists to create the Pôle Muséal Lausanne, which
encompasses transforming an historic train shed and industrial site into a new cultural district. As part of the competition,
Allied Works created a master plan and completed the building design for the new Musée Cantonal des Beaux-Arts (MCBA).
Future institutions include the Musée de design et d’arts appliqués contemporains (MUDAC) and the Musée de l’Elysée.
Allied Works’ design was developed in collaboration with an international team of designers, including Latz+Partner for
Landscape, Resnicow Schroeder Associates for Cultural Planning, and Nicolet Chartrand Knoll for Structural and Civil.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=48276
OBITUARY - Director and Chief Curator of the Tel Aviv Museum of Art, Professor Mordechai Omer, Dies - Tel
Aviv - Israel
The Tel Aviv Museum of Art announced the passing away of Director and Chief Curator of the Tel Aviv Museum of Art on
Friday morning, 10 June 2011, after a brave battle against cancer.
Museum workers will sorely miss his leadership, his vision and guidance. He was a constant inspiration to all who had the
fortune to know him.
Professor Mordechai Omer served since January 1995 as the Director and Chief Curator of the Tel Aviv Museum of Art. He
simultaneously served as Professor of Art History at Tel Aviv University (a post he has held since 1986) and as the head of
the University’s Museum Studies Program.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=48278
Exhibition - World's Most Comprehensive Collection of Vesta Meteorites - Royal Ontario Museum - Toronto Ontario - Canada
n celebration of the arrival of NASA’s Dawn mission to the asteroid Vesta, the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) presents the
world’s most comprehensive collection of meteorites thought to be from that asteroid. On temporary exhibition in the Vale
Gallery of Minerals, inside the Teck Suite of Galleries: Earth’s Treasures, the display houses 30 diverse specimens from
Vesta, the second most massive asteroid in our solar system.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=48871
HAIMA Archaeological Museum of Punta Umbria / ETB Architects - Punta Umbria - Spain
This proposal new Archaeological Center of Punta Umbria, Spain is designed by ETB Architects. It is conceived of as a
simple and light architecture in the form of an Arab tent that is open to the surrounding landscape and to all society.
The site of the archeological museum is set in an important area of the city, which contains the ancient Roman remains as
well as the beautiful landscape of the “Ria.” These two elements contribute to the design of the building which is that of a
light pavilion that is lifted at points to reveal its precious contents. The tent almost doesn’t touch the ground which allows it
to be protective for its contents but inclusive to the public space surrounding it.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/141660/haima-archaeological-museum-of-punta-umbria-etb-architects/?
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Musées, Muséologie et Patrimoine mobilier
FELLOWSHIPS - Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology Wins $150,000 Grant for Archaeological
Collection - Cambridge - Massachussetts - USA
The Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology has been awarded a Museums for America grant of $150,000 from the
U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). Over the next two years, the Museum will catalog, document,
inventory, and photograph the Peabody's most important archaeological collections with the grant.
"Our collection will be more accessible to researchers, especially educators," says Senior Collections Manager David DeBono
Schafer, who will manage the project. "These are among our most requested materials. Now researchers will be able to
quickly determine exactly which archaeological objects are in the collection."
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49933
Permanent Exhibition - Civil War Flags - New York State Military Museum - Saratoga Springs - New York - USA
A Confederate flag with links to President Abraham Lincoln and the first Union officer killed in the Civil War will be the
centerpiece of an exhibit featuring New York's large collection of banners from the conflict, state officials said Thursday.
The 14-foot-by-24-foot flag Col. Elmer Ellsworth was carrying after removing it from the roof of the Marshall House in
Alexandria, Va. on May 24, 1861, will be part of an eight-flag exhibit opening July 12 in the "War Room" on the second
floor of the state Capitol. It's believed to be the first time the banner will be on public display since the war, according to
Christopher Morton, assistant curator at the New York State Military Museum.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=48178
New content on Significance International website - RESOURCES PAGES
Significance International is pleased to announce the launch of its Resources webpages. These new offerings have grown
out of the Risk Management for Collecting Organisations (RMCO) workshop in February 2011.
A further page arising from the RMCO workshop concerns Official Standards. On this page you will find a selection of
standards and guidelines relevant to cultural heritage (particularly collecting organisations) arranged under eight headings,
beginning with ‘Risk analysis and management’.
By clicking on an individual standard you will be taken to the official Australian Standards website ‘SAI Global’ where you
can learn more about the chosen standard and proceed to purchase it if you wish.
Also available on the Official Standards page (at right) are the free SAI Global ‘Guides to Standards’ which place groups of
standards into easily understandable contexts.
+ info: http://www.significanceinternational.com/Resources/OfficialStandards
9/11 Memorial to Begin Taking Ticket Reservations - New York City - New
York State - USA
The 9/11 Memorial will be dedicated on September 11, 2011 in a special
ceremony for victims’ families. The Memorial opens to the public on September
12, 2011 with the reservation of a visitor pass.
Visitors must reserve advance passes for a specific date and time. Visitor passes
are free and available through the Memorial's online reservation system.
When the 9/11 Memorial opens this September, it will be surrounded by ongoing
construction on other World Trade Center projects. In order to accommodate visitors during this period, we have instituted
a timed reservation system. The easiest and quickest way to make a reservation is online.
Click here to access the Memorial reservation system.
If you are a family member related to one of the 2,983 individuals listed on the Memorial, please click here.
Visit the Before You Arrive page to learn more information that will help you plan your visit to the 9/11 Memorial.
For groups of 10 or more, visit the Group information page.
+ info: http://www.911memorial.org/visit
Permanent Exhibition - Blackbeard's Queen Anne's Revenge -North Carolina Museum - Beaufort - North
Carolina - USA
The largest exhibit ever of artifacts from what's believed to be the remains of Blackbeard's flagship is opening at the North
Carolina Maritime Museum, with bells, cannon, lead shot and part of the hull among the items on display.
There won't, however, be any pirate treasure, says David Moore, the museum's nautical archaeologist. That's because the
Queen Anne's Revenge didn't wreck, but ran aground, giving the crew time to remove most of the valuables.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=48186
Over 500,000 visitors to the Riverside Museum in its First Weeks - Glasgow - Scotland - United Kingdom
In June we shared with you a first look at Zaha Hadid Architects‘ Riverside Museum in Glasgow, Scotland. Opened officially
on June 21st the museum in a short seven week time period has already welcomed over half a million visitors!
“It is wonderful to see that the new museum has captured everyone’s imagination,” said Zaha Hadid. “Such passion for
innovation and discovery from all members of the community is very exciting.”
“The Riverside Museum has been a huge hit since the day it opened to the public. We knew just how much visitors loved
the old Museum of Transport at Kelvin Hall but even so, the reaction to the Riverside Museum has been phenomenal. The
feedback from people has been overwhelmingly positive and we are already seeing visitors returning time and again to
enjoy Glasgow’s latest attraction,” shared Councillor Gordon Matheson
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/161343
First International Exhibitions Announced for National Museum of Scotland in 2012 - Edinburgh - United
Ancient Egyptians and a Russian Empress come to Scotland in 2012 as the first attractions in the redeveloped National
Museum of Scotland’s new exhibition space.
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Musées, Muséologie et Patrimoine mobilier
The first major new shows scheduled will be Fascinating Mummies from the National Museum of Antiquities in Leiden , the
Netherlands and Catherine the Great, a new exhibition co-developed by the State Hermitage Museum in St Petersburg ,
Russia and National Museums Scotland .
The transformed Museum will open on 29 July following a major £46.4 million redevelopment. A key element of the project
is a purpose-built 650 square metre exhibition space. The programme of international blockbuster exhibitions planned are
expected to attract audiences from across Scotland , the UK and overseas.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=48978
Moran Introduces "Melting Pot Museum" Bill - Washington DC - USA
Congressman Jim Moran, Northern Virginia Democrat, today introduced legislation to create a Presidential Commission to
study the establishment of a Museum of the American People devoted to the role immigration and migration played in
development of American society.
+ info: http://moran.house.gov/list/press/va08_moran/AmPplMuseum.shtml
Fossils of Earth's Oldest Trees Donated to New York State Museum - Albany - New York State - USA
Fossils of the Earth’s oldest trees have been donated to the New York State Museum after workers uncovered them during
a project to reconstruct the Gilboa Dam in Schoharie County.
Engineers for the New York City Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) discovered 35 Gilboa stump specimens in
the same location where similar Gilboa stumps were uncovered in 1920 when the dam was constructed. Other smaller
discoveries were made in the 1850s and in 1869. Twelve new stumps will be added to what is now the world’s largest
collection of Gilboa stumps at the State Museum. The stumps are widely cited as evidence of the world’s oldest forest.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=48942
COMPETITIONS - Serlachius Museum Gösta Extension Competition Proposal / XML - Mänttä - Finland
This proposal for the Serlachius Museum Extension in Mänttä, Finland was submitted by XML. The omnipresent landscape
provoked the architects to develop a scheme that became a median between the external world of nature and the internal
world of art.
The required program has been distributed along a continuous route that connects different programmatic clusters such as
galleries, storage, restaurant and office. The circulation between these clusters is bent into a circle allowing for two
experiential conditions: on the inside of the circle a series of enclosed exhibition spaces allows visitors to focus on the
experience of art whereas on the outside of the circle the continuous route that connects the programmatic clusters allows
for alternating these intimate experiences with views on the surrounding nature.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/147832
Clyfford Still Museum / Allied Works Architecture - Denver - Colorado - USA
The primary purpose of this building is to hold the work of Clyfford Still, to make room for the voice of a single artist. As a
museum it is a particular and intimate experience. Yet the site for the museum resides in a monumental context; at the
intersection of prairie and mountains, in the Civic Center, a cultural district inhabited by buildings of grand collective and
cultural narrative. All set against an urban neighborhood of parking lots, historic housing and new condominiums.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/141824/clyfford-still-museum-allied-works-architecture/
COMPETITIONS - New Mining Museum / HULTMANMAGNUSSON - Jøssingfjord - Norway
Young Swedish architects, HULTMANMAGNUSSON, won the competition to design a new mining museum in Jøssingfjord,
Norway, a city famous for its long history of mining and excavation of Titanium powder, used for white color pigment.
Located in the valley of the beautiful fjord, the 2000 m2 museum will exhibit the history, geology and technology of the
area, together with temporary exhibitions. Their proposal was called Varde, meaning a manmade pile of stones common in
this area of Norway. By using natures own material and arranging it a new shape, an important place is marked in the
The new building, called Jøssingfjordsenteret, is attached to an existing power station in one end making it a part of the
exhibition. The building stretches out 110 meters towards the ocean, finishing with a panorama view café.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/148484
LAMIC (Laboratoire de Muséologie et d'Ingénierie de la Culture) - Infolettre - juillet 2011
Le Laboratoire de muséologie et d’ingénierie de la culture (LAMIC) est une infrastructure de recherche spécialisée en
muséologie expérimentale qui centre ses activités scientifiques sur la question des modalités de transmission de la culture
en contexte muséal. Il s’agit d’une plate- forme technologique qui explore les relations entre l’objet, le visiteur et l’espace
dans lequel les protagonistes se retrouvent pour une rencontre inédite à travers un parcours appelé exposition. C’est cette
dimension particulière qui nous intéresse et que nous explorons de différentes manières, sous et à partir de divers angles.
L’ethnographie de l’expérience muséale résume en quelque sorte notre approche face à un phénomène qui n’est pas encore
parfaitement élucidé.
+ info: http://www.lamic.ulaval.ca/presentation/archives/infolettres/
Museum of Troy at Çanakkale / RTA-Office with DOME Partners - Çanakkale - Turkey
The design of the Museum of Troy at Çanakkale has been carried out by the atelier RTA-Office, led by Santiago Parramón
with offices in Barcelona and Shanghai, in collaboration with the Turkish atelier DOME Partners (Istanbul). The aim is that
the building rises in the Turkish area of Çanakkale but aspires to be a global focus through its expression and display of the
culture of a civilization. A project that will act as a generator for social activity, research and culture.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/149477/
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Musées, Muséologie et Patrimoine mobilier
Madison Children's Museum / The Kubala Washatko Architects - Madison - Wisconsin - USA
The new Madison Children’s Museum by the Kubala Washatko Architects is an imaginative, adaptive reuse project that was
completed in August 2010. The MCM now occupies the 1930’s multi-story historic building that originally housed a
Montgomery Ward’s department store on Madison’s Capitol Square. The reuse was implemented as a result of a need to
expand the museum’s capacity, thereby expanding the museum’s interdisciplinary capacity to serve the needs of its
audience. The end result is a creative and cost-efficient exercise that revamps outdated office space and transforms the
space into an interactive and dynamic learning environment.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/158137/
24,000 Visitor Passes Distributed for New York's 9/11 Memorial; Sold in a Few Hours - New York City - New
York State - USA
More than 24,000 visitor passes to the new Sept. 11 memorial are gone — distributed Monday in just the first hours after
the ticket website went live.
The online reservation system for the tickets was up at 9 a.m., and 5,000 were secured for various dates in just the first
hour of operation.
The quick response is "what we were hoping for — that people would be interested in the site the public has not set foot in
for 10 years," Joe Daniels, president and CEO of the National September 11 Memorial & Museum, told The Associated
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49014
Rare and Extremely Important Tibetan Painting Acquired by San Antonio Museum of Art - San
Antonio - Texas - USA
The San Antonio Museum of Art announces the acquisition of a rare and extremely important Tibetan
painting, Buddha Amitābha in Western Paradise.
According to John Johnston, the Coates-Cowden-Brown Curator of Asian Art, “This is the finest Tibetan
painting in our collection and one of the best paintings of its type in America.”
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49052
Tagwhat's New Mobile App Combines Storytelling Traditions and New Technology - USA
Ever since the first person chronicled life on his cave wall, great stories have been told vividly and shared widely. After cave
walls came scrolls, newspapers, and the internet. Meanwhile, the innate curiosity about the world and passion for
storytelling lives on.
Today, Tagwhat introduces an entirely new application and a unique way to tell and share great stories, combining the very
best of humanity's oldest traditions with the latest mobile technologies. Tagwhat "Great Stories at Places" is now available
for iPhone 3GS/4, Android, and on-line at www.tagwhat.com.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=48992
Murals to be Cleaned for the First Time in a Quarter of a Century - Scottish National Portrait Gallery Edinburgh - United Kingdom
A set of stunning murals, which decorates the entrance hall of the Scottish National Portrait Gallery in Edinburgh, is to be
cleaned for the first time in a quarter of a century, as part of a major conservation project funded byWREN, a not for profit
business that awards grants to community projects from funds donated by Waste Recycling Group (WRG) to the Landfill
Communities Fund.
The Scottish National Portrait Gallery opened in 1889, as the world’s first purpose-built portrait gallery. The decorative
scheme created by William Hole in the late 1890s for the Gallery’s magnificent entrance hall, is one of the building’s most
striking features. It comprises a dazzling, painted procession of famous Scots (including David Livingstone, James Watt,
Robert Burns, Adam Smith, David Hume, the Stuart monarchs, Robert the Bruce and Saint Ninian); a series of large-scale
murals, depicting scenes from Scottish history; and a beautifully detailed mapping of the night sky, which adorns the
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49057
Serlachius Museum Gösta Extension Proposal / studioBÄNG - Mänttä - Finland
Young German design team, studioBÄNG, shared with us their wooden piled up proposal for the Serlachius Museum Gösta
extension competition in Finland on a small island adjacent to the site.
Originally built as a home, Joenniemi Manor got restored and converted to a museum with a size of 500 sqm of exhibition
spaces. Due to the last use of the building, large scale travelling exhibitions cannot be conveniently displayed in the
exhibition facilities.The customer service facilities are insufficient, and the collection and office areas are cramped or
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/148840/serlachius-museum-gosta-extension-proposal-studiobang/
BBC (British Broadcasting Company) and Victoria & Albert Museum announce major new year-long partnership
- London - Unuted Kingdom
The BBC and V&A today announce Handmade in Britain, a year-long season of programming that will be the most wideranging and ambitious exploration of decorative arts ever to be undertaken on British Television.
Furthering the BBC’s commitment to building partnerships with the arts sector that go beyond broadcast, from sharing
expertise to widening public engagement in UK arts, from autumn 2011 to autumn 2012, Handmade in Britain will present
three, three-part series and a selection of individual hour-long films, focusing on a wide variety of art and design
disciplines: ceramics, wood, metalwork, textiles, stained glass and paper. The programmes will follow the development of
each of these media, unveiling stories about the objects that tell us about the social, political and cultural climate of Britain
at the time in which they were made. They will also reveal why, throughout the nation’s history, makers have created
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Musées, Muséologie et Patrimoine mobilier
objects that are beautiful as well as functional.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=50032
To Live Forever: Egyptian Treasures from the Brooklyn Museum on View at Nevada Museum of Art
11 jui - 4 sep 2011 . Reno, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Nevada Museum of Art and Brooklyn Museum
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.nevadaart.org/exhibitions/detail?eid=175
1-juil -2011 . New York, États-Unis d'Amérique
+ info: http://www.moma.org/visit/calendar/exhibitions/1188
Exhibition - Wisdom Builds Her House: The Architecture and History of Libraries at Architekturmuseum
14 juil - 16 oct 2011 . Munich, Allemagne
Organizateurs: Architekturmuseum der Technischen Universität München
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.architekturmuseum.de/en/ausstellungen/index.php
Three Quays update - Museum of London Archaeology - London - United Kingdom
Museum of London Archaeology are carrying out archaeological excavations, over a period of
about sixteen weeks, as part of the redevelopment of the Three Quays site on Lower Thames
Street. The work is being undertaken on behalf of Cheval Residences, who are fully funding the
archaeological investigations and subsequent analysis and publication of the results.
+ info: http://www.museumoflondonarchaeology.org.uk/News/ThreeQuaysUpdate.htm
Exposition en ligne - "Rouge. Des costumes de scène (XVIIIe - XXIe siècles)
vus par Christian Lacroix" - Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF) - Paris France
L'exposition intitulée "Rouge. Des costumes de scène (XVIIIe – XXIe siècles) vus par
Christian Lacroix" a été pour la première fois présentée en 2005 à la Bibliothèque-Musée
de l’Opéra, Palais Garnier. Les documents rassemblés en ligne sur le site de la BNF ne se
limitent pas au traitement de "la première des couleurs" ( Adamus, le nom latin d'Adam
signifiant "fait de terre rouge") dans le seul cadre de la mode et du théâtre. L'exposition
aborde en effet la couleur la plus vive sous de multiples coutures.
+ info: http://cursus.edu/institutions-formations-ressources/formation/17451/opulence-rouge/
Giant statues of Soviet dictators Vladimir Lenin and Josef Stalin. Paintings of enthusiastic socialist laborers. A huge red star
that graced Communist Party headquarters. As Europe marks the 20th anniversary of the Soviet collapse, this nation that's
still shaking off its troubled communist legacy is opening a museum dedicated to the totalitarian past.
A debate's raging on whether the museum romanticizes the Soviet era or teaches new generations about its horrors. Other
former communist countries like the Czech Republic and Hungary have long had similar museums; the fact it's taken
Bulgaria this long to open one is a sign of its fraught transition to democracy.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=50047
AD Classics: Olivetti Showroom / Carlo Scarpa - 1957-1958 - Venice - Italy
The Olivetti Showroom by Carlo Scarpa has recently come full circle. In the late 1950s Adriano Olivetti commissioned
Scarpa to design a display space for his Olivetti products. The resulting Olivetti Showroom was a beautiful space used for
decades by Olivetti before changing owners. In April of 2011 Scarpa’s Olivetti Showroom re-emerged once again as the
display space for Olivetti products. Though this time Scarpa’s design of the space is what is truly on display.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/155074/
FELLOWSHIPS - Scholars Association. Onassis cultural Centre (Greece) International Online Magazine. Issue
The Onassis Cultural Centre-Athens was inaugurated in December 2010, as a new cultural site accessible to all. Its mission
is the promotion of modern cultural expression, the support of new Greek artists, the cultivation of international
collaborations, the education and lifelong learning, as well as the co-existence and interaction of sciences, innovation and
+ info: http://www.onassis.gr/online-magazine/issue-19/
University of Sydney Exhibition Offers Clues on Mysterious Pre-Roman Civilisation Sydney - Australia
The Etruscans – based in what is now known as Tuscany – were the most powerful
Mediterranean people in the 6th century BC before being conquered by the Romans and
incorporated into the Roman Republic. Their empire was built on mineral wealth, enabling
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Musées, Muséologie et Patrimoine mobilier
the development of elaborate cities and a powerful oligarchy which greatly influenced the
Roman Empire.
While the Etruscans’ early dominance is undisputed, little is known about who they were and
where they came from. There language is like no other spoken then, or since, in Europe. No Etruscan literature or major
buildings survive, and much Etruscan art – mostly made from stone, wood and terracotta - was summarily destroyed by
the Romans.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=48801
Fort McHenry National Monument and Historic Shrine Visitor and Education Center / GWWO Architects - 2011 Baltimore - Maryland - USA
Fort McHenry National Monument and Historic Shrine is the birthplace of America’s national anthem and one of the nation’s
most significant historic landmarks. The Fort, the National Anthem and the flag, together and individually, help us to
understand how the United States was created, defended, and preserved. It was with this context and these rich national
symbols in mind that the design team conceived the expression for the new visitor center.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/164169/
Explorez d'autres mondes. Visitez un Musée
Museums need your support.
Join our campaign: Download the image you want and publish it in your sites.
Do you know a translation into another language? Send it to informacion@museodata.
com with your name.
But remember: Explore other worlds. Visit a Museum.
+ info: http://www.museodata.com/noticias/actualidad/1247-explore-other-worlds-visita-museum.html
CLUNY VISION : une visite inédite sur tablette tactile
Cluny offre en Europe l’une des plus importantes densités de maisons médiévales,
principalement romanes, encore en élévation. Près de 150 maisons érigées entre le XIe et le
XIVe siècle sont en place.
La visite géolocalisée de la cité médiévale « Cluny-Vision » permettra aux petits et aux
grands de découvrir en 1h30 les richesses de cette architecture et de mieux comprendre
comment la ville s’est développée dès le Xème siècle en lien étroit avec l'abbaye et a connu
une grande prospérité à l’époque romane.
+ info: http://www.cluny-tourisme.com/index.php?aid=892
Rodin Museum Gardens and Landscape Blooms After Three-Year Rejuvenation - Philadelphia - Pennsylvania USA
gloriously rejuvenated garden landscape surrounding the Rodin Museum was unveiled today by the Philadelphia Museum of
Art, which administers the Rodin Museum and Gardens; the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society; and Philadelphia Parks &
Recreation, completing a three- year collaboration that revitalizes the site’s extraordinary harmony of art and nature.
Leaders of the city’s cultural and philanthropic communities celebrated the rebirth of the Rodin Museum and Gardens’
grounds and toured the courtyard and exterior gardens, which now enhance the entire block between 21st and 22nd
Streets on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway. Bastille Day was chosen as the date on which to celebrate in order to honor
French sculptor Auguste Rodin as well as Paul Cret and Jacques Gréber, the original designers of the museum building,
landscape, and Parkway.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49123
Museum of Energy / Arquitecturia - 2010 - Tarragona - Spain
The site, a desolate land, where landscape and industry are juxtaposed, but not closely related, coexisting without tension.
There was no shelter between the Ebro and the typography or between the industry and the urban settlement. The need to
ancor this place was strong and we began by dusting off the grid. From the exterior to the interior, accidental spaces are
made with subtracting matter, and by altering the grid.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/164452
COMPETITIONS - Concorso "Premio ICOM Italia-Musei dell'anno 2011" - DEADLINE
E’ on-line il nuovo Bando di Concorso del premio rivolto a tutti i musei italiani “PremioICOM
Italia- Musei dell’anno 2011”.
Al via la seconda edizione del prestigioso riconoscimento attribuito ai migliori progetti dalla
comunità dei professionisti museali.
Forte del successo dello scorso anno, ICOM Italia – Comitato Nazionale Italiano
dell’International Council of Museums, la più importante associazione museale a livello mondiale
– bandisce la II Edizione del Premio ICOM Italia – Musei dell’anno 2011.
L’iniziativa, espressione del mondo dei musei e dei professionisti museali, ha l’obiettivo di valorizzare le buone pratiche
operative e gestionali dei musei italiani e farne emergere le eccellenze.
+ info: http://www.tafter.it/2011/08/29/25-09-11-concorso-%E2%80%9Cpremioicom-italia-musei-dell%E2%80%99anno2011%E2%80%9D/
La Dame à l’hermine revient en Allemagne
Le Ministère de la Culture polonais avait accepté la demande de prêt de La Dame à l’hermine de Léonard de Vinci en avril
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Musées, Muséologie et Patrimoine mobilier
dernier. Le Portrait de Cecilia Gallerani, peint en 1490, a commencé son voyage, son premier arrêt se situant Allemagne et
plus précisément à Berlin qui met en vedette les chefs-d’œuvre de la peinture de portrait de la Renaissance.
La Dame à l’hermine avait été volée par les nazis pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale et c’est la première fois que l’œuvre
retourne en Allemagne depuis sa restitution à la Pologne. L’œuvre est peinte sur une planche de châtaignier et appartient à
la famille Czartoryski depuis le début du XIXe siècle. Elle sera visible au Bode Museum de Berlin qui clôturera son
exposition « Visages de la Renaissance — chefs-d’œuvre de l’art du portrait italien » le 20 novembre sans l’oeuvre de
Léonard de Vinci, car son œuvre est attendue à Londres le 9 novembre.
+ info: http://www.artmediaagency.com/24920/la-dame-a-lhermine-revient-en-allemagne/
McDonough's War of 1812 Shipyard Receives Grant from the National Park Service's American Battlefield
Protection Program (ABPP)- Lake Champlain Maritime Museum - Washington D.C. - USA
The Lake Champlain Maritime Museum has received a grant of $23,985 from the National Park Service's American
Battlefield Protection Program (ABPP) to undertake an archeological survey to determine the precise location and
established boundaries for MacDonough's War of 1812 Shipyard in Vergennes, Vermont.
This grant is one of 25 National Park Service grants totaling $1.2 million to preserve and protect significant battle sites
from all wars fought on American soil. Funded projects preserve battlefields from the Colonial-Indian Wars through World
War II and include site mapping (GPS/GIS data collection), archeological studies, National Register of Historic Places
nominations, preservation and management plans.
+ info: http://www.lcmm.org/museum_info/press_room/press_archive/2011/mcdonough-shipyard-archaeology-war-of1812-2011.html
Smithsonian National Museum of American History Collects Objects from Rescue
Me - Washington D.C. - USA
In a special ceremony today, the National Museum of American History acquired objects
from the Sony Pictures Television drama series for FX, Rescue Me. The donation, presented
by Rescue Me co-creators Denis Leary (star of the series) and Peter Tolan, includes Leary’s
firefighter costume, firefighter helmets from the cast, photographs from the show’s firehouse
set and firefighting tools, including an axe, Halligan tools and a carbon monoxide detector.
The objects will join the museum’s popular culture history collections in the Division of
Culture and the Arts.
Rescue Me premiered in July 2004 and revolves around the lives of the men in a New York City firehouse—the crew of 62
Truck. Examining the fraternal nature and relationships of firefighters, the series tackles the daily drama of the life-anddeath situations associated with being a firefighter, while exploring the ways the men use dark humor to protect their
emotions. This television series is intended for mature audiences and deals with adult content.
+ info: http://americanhistory.si.edu/news/pressrelease.cfm?key=29&newskey=1372
Cross-Shaped Steel Beam Found Amid Trade Center Wreckage Moved to Permanent Home - New York City New York State - USA
A cross-shaped steel beam found amid the wreckage in the days following the Sept. 11 terrorist attack was a symbol of
hope for many working on rescue and recovery there, so much so that the construction worker who discovered it believes
he stumbled on to a miracle.
"I saw Calvary in the midst of all the wreckage, the disaster," Frank Silecchia recalled Saturday. "It was a sign ... that God
didn't desert us."
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49314
Sigmund Freud Museum in London Celebrates 25th Anniversary - London - United Kingdom
What was life like for the father of psychoanalysis who made a profession of analyzing the lives of others?
Insights into how Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis whose work on human sexual repression led to terms as
"Freudian slip" and "Oedipus complex," lived can be found at the Freud Museum London which celebrates its 25th
anniversary on Thursday.
The large brick, early 20th-century house in north London is where Freud spent his final year after fleeing Nazi-occupied
Vienna in 1938 before dying on September 23, 1939, at age 83.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49411
The Textile Museum Joins the George Washington University; New Museum to Open in Mid-2014 - Washington
- Washington DC - USA
The Textile Museum and the George Washington University announced an affiliation whereby The Textile Museum will move
to the George Washington University’s Foggy Bottom campus to become a cornerstone of a new museum scheduled to
open in mid-2014. Exhibitions and programs will be presented to the public in a custom-built, approximately 35,000 square
foot museum building located at G and 21st Streets, bearing the names of both The Textile Museum and the George
Washington University Museum.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49404
New Digital Resources Added to Victorian Veterans Virtual Museum - Victoria - Australia
The Victorian Veterans Virtual Museum has been launched! It contains a number of new resources for veterans, students,
historians and others with an interest in Australian war history. The Virtual Museum hosts the Victorian War Heritage
Inventory and other important sources of information about war-related heritage in Victoria.
+ info: http://www.dpcd.vic.gov.au/veterans/veterans-heritage
Exhibition - 'New Native Photography' - New Mexico Museum of Art - Santa Fe - New
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Musées, Muséologie et Patrimoine mobilier
Mexico - United States - 12 August - 2 October 2011
This showcase of new work by Native American artists, timed to coincide with the Southwestern
Association for Indian Arts’ ninetieth annual Indian Market, presents twenty-five photographs by
nineteen North American artists.
The exhibition was selected from a competition juried by the distinguished artists and educators Larry
McNeil and Hulleah J.Tsinhnahjinnie, along with the museum’s curator of photography Katherine
Ware. The competition was open to photographers from federally recognized United States and Canadian tribes, nations,
first nations and pueblos. More than thirty artists submitted work for consideration, which included everything from blackand-white portraits to staged and constructed images.
+ info: http://www.nmartmuseum.org/site/explore/current/new-native-photog.html
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Homeland Security
Investigations (HSI) help Egyptian law enforcement agencies counter antiquities
Egyptian archaeological sites, storerooms and other locations are under serious threats of pillage,
theft and illicit trafficking. That's why U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)
Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) joined forces with the U.S. Embassy to Egypt to present
a four day workshop titled "Countering Antiquities Trafficking at Egypt's Ports and Borders."
The workshop was designed to help improve Egypt's capacity to prevent the illegal export of
cultural property through more effective implementation of export controls and law enforcement resources. The conference
also aimed to increase dialogue and cooperation between Egyptian law enforcement agencies and provide a basis for a
continued working relationship between ICE's attaché office in Cairo and Egyptian law enforcement.
+ info: http://www.ice.gov/news/releases/1108/110801cairo.htm
67 Artefacts Returned to the Dominican Republic by U.S. Immigration and Customs
Enforcement's (ICE) and U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP)
A collection of 67 artifacts illegally imported into the United States were returned to the
Dominican Republic during a joint repatriation ceremony in Santo Domingo. The repatriation of
these artifacts is the result of a series of seizures and several investigations conducted by U.S.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement's (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) and U.S.
Customs and Border Protection (CBP).
ICE HSI Assistant Director for International Affairs Luis Alvarez, Dominican Republic Minister of
Culture Jose Rafael Lantigua and U.S. Ambassador to the Dominican Republic Raul H. Yzaguirre participated in the
+ info: http://www.ice.gov/news/releases/1108/110818santodomingo.htm
National Museum of Korea - All 297 Oegyujanggak Uigwe books return from France - Seoul Republic of Korea
A total of 297 Oegyujanggak (the Ganghwa Island branch of Gyujanggak, the royal library of the Joseon
Dynasty) Uigwe (records of the State rites of the Joseon Dynasty) books were returned to Korea from
France with the completion of the fourth delivery on Friday, May 27. Thus, the uigwe books of the Joseon
Dynasty returned to Korea after 145 years. Most of them are uigwe books for ‘royal inspection’, meaning
that they were specially produced to be examined by the king. Thirty out of the 297 books are one-of-akind, so they have very high cultural and academic value.
+ info: http://www.museum.go.kr/program/board/detail.jsp?menuID=002006006&boardTypeID=80&boardID=15959
Smithsonian's National Postal Museum Receives Donation for the William H. Gross Stamp Gallery - Washington
George Kramer, a well-known philatelist, has donated $100,000 to support the National Postal Museum’s expansion to
create the William H. Gross Stamp Gallery (www.postalmuseum.si.edu/StampGallery). The Smithsonian and the U.S. Postal
Service recently signed a lease agreement for the additional space to build the gallery. This new space will be added to the
museum’s existing 65,000 square feet and is scheduled to open in the next couple of years.
In addition, Kramer is donating for display in the new gallery, a piece of mail that was mailed to John Hancock from New
York via the Constitutional Post, a mail system created by American revolutionary leaders to compete with the British post
office. It was postmarked July 4, 1776, the date that the Second Continental Congress, meeting at the Pennsylvania State
House in Philadelphia, approved the Declaration of Independence. No postage was charged because Hancock was president
of the Congress.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49238
Heritage Victoria stories now on Culture Victoria - Ballarat - Victoria - Australia
Restoring St Nicholas is now live on Culture Victoria: http://www.cv.vic.gov.au/stories/restoring-st-nicholas/
Restoring St Nicholas is a short film about the restoration of a Greek Orthodox church in Ballarat. The restoration was a
unique partnership between Greek Orthodox community of St Nicholas, the City of Ballarat, the trade school at the
University of Ballarat and Heritage Victoria. This project allowed young apprentices to learn traditional trade skills and
practice the technique of mixing and using lime mortar.
+ info: http://australia.icomos.org/e-news/australia-icomos-e-mail-news-no-494/#4.
Serlachius Museum Gösta Extension Competition Proposal / MACA Estudio - Mäntäa - Finland
Young architecture office, MACA Estudio, based in Madrid, Spain, shared with us their proposal for the Serlachius Museum
Gösta Extension design competition. Their proposal plans to solve all the functional requirements of a museum, making the
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Musées, Muséologie et Patrimoine mobilier
most of the circulations, the sustainability and integration of the building in its environment and at the same time creating
a recognizable icon, a representative building worthy of the importance of this museum located in Mäntäa, Finland.
The formal and constructive references in the design comes from the environment, native materials, the landscape, and the
scale of the existing buildings. The chosen site respects practically all the existing woodland, minimizing the number of
trees to be eliminated within the possibilities that allow the construction of a building on this scale and functional
+ info:
The Museo de Arte de Ponce Presents Its Most Important Recent Acquisition: The Battle of Treviño - Ponce Puerto Rico - USA
With the unveiling of The Battle of Treviño, by Puerto Rican painter Francisco Oller y Cestero (1833–1917), the Museo de
Arte de Ponce celebrates the acquisition of a nineteenth-century masterpiece that has never before been exhibited publicly
— a painting whose very existence, in fact, was unsuspected until just a few years ago. The work was part of a private
collection that had been in the hands of a single family in Spain for over 130 years.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49083
Extension of the National Maritime Museum / C. F. Møller Architects - Greenwich - United Kingdom
C. F. Møller Architects has designed the extension of The National Maritime Museum in London, Britain’s seventh largest
tourist attraction and part of the Maritime Greenwich World Heritage Site.
The new wing, called The Sammy Ofer Wing – named after the international shipping magnate and philanthropist Sammy
Ofer, who has funded most of £36.5m extension – was inaugurated on the 12th of July with the participation of among
others the British Prince Philip. On Thursday 14th of July the extension opens to the public.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/150481/
Deutsches Bergbau-Museum / Benthem Crouwel Architekten - Bochum - Ruhr - Germany
The Deutsches Bergbau-Museum, a German Mining Museum, lies in the heart of the Ruhr Area, in the city of Bochum. The
museum is one of the most important mining museums and one of the most popular museums in Germany. Currently, the
museum draws around 400,000 visitors annually to its 12,000 sqm of exhibition space.
The new building, a 1,795 sqm extension, is linked to the existing structure by bridges. The extension houses temporary
exhibits (and research presentations) and the existing permanent collection devoted to Saint Barbara, the most important
guardian saint of miners. The new building reflects a cross-section of a mine: a solid, dark, black cube with illuminated
passages and mine shafts. Coal inspired the rough, black surface of the facade. The color of the passageways ranges from
white to light orange and deep red. The building looks like it was extracted straight from a mine. A clearly marked route
from inside to outside avoids any dead ends.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/148520
Extending the Louvre / Carl Fredrik Svenstedt Architecte - Paris - France
In response to a public debate about rebuilding the historic wing of the Louvre in Paris, Carl Fredrik Svenstedt Architecte
shared with us their initiative to extend the Louvre. Destroyed by the French Republic at the end of the 19th century as a
symbol of royal and imperial power, this proposal aims to build a more democratic building better suited to the site and our
The recent French debate surrounding the potential reconstruction of the Tuileries Palace demonstrates that the Louvre is
still a major symbolic and political issue. The historical Tuileries were burned down by the Commune in 1871 and
dismantled by the Republic many years later as the symbol of monarchical and imperial power. The project for the
extension of the Louvre positions itself in a historical continuum, with a firm conviction that it should mark the aspirations
of our time. The spatial representation of democracy is renewed with each inflexion of history.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/149375/
ArchDaily Round Up: Museums Part VIII
Many great museums for our 8th selection, including an AD Classic, and even a Tree Museum!
+ info: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:8Lw0iwXBqKwJ:www.archdaily.com/153146/ad-round-upmuseums-part-viii/+round-up-museums%2Barchdaily&cd=3&hl=es&ct=clnk&gl=es&client=firefox-a
Revivifier les musées de sites du Patrimoine mondial au Cambodge, Laos et Viet Nam
Ce projet du fonds-en-dépôt japonais auprès de l'UNESCO a été conçu comme un projet pilote
pour accompagner le processus de revitalisation des musées de site du patrimoine vivant et les
centres d’interprétation dédiés aux sites archéologiques des trois pays.
Le programme a pour objectif le développement des compétences professionnelles du personnel
de ces établissements - conservateurs et curateurs, mais aussi archéologues et gestionnaires
des sites du patrimoine mondial. L’ultime objectif est le renforcement du réseau régional des
musées et des professionnels des sites du patrimoine mondial.
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/culture/themes/dynamic-content-single-view/news/revitalising
Newark Museum Receives $1 Million Grant from the Mellon Foundation to Support Major African Art Initiative Newark - New Jersey - USA
The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation has awarded the Newark Museum a $1,000,000 grant to support a major collectionsbased initiative in African art. The grant will be used to fund new curatorial and research positions and the first-ever
catalogue on the museum’s highly respected and internationally recognized African art collection.
“We are profoundly grateful to the Mellon Foundation for its recognition of the Museum’s great strengths – scholarly
excellence combined with collections-based outreach to broad audiences,” said Mary Sue Sweeney Price, Director and CEO
of the Newark Museum . “Mellon support comes at a critical moment, as we galvanize our outreach efforts to create a new
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Musées, Muséologie et Patrimoine mobilier
suite of galleries for this important collection, and expand educational programming in African art and culture. The
Foundation’s generosity will assist the Museum as it forges new paths in the display and interpretation of African art.”
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49139
Pre-Columbian Gold and Jade Jewelry- Fabergé Museum - Baden-Baden - Germany
On July 16, the Fabergé Museum unveiled the latest edition to its collection, almost 100 very rare and exquisite treasures
of the ancient peoples of South America – the Aztecs, Incas, and Maya. These gold and jade jewelry items pre-date the
arrival of Columbus in the Americas, and they are now open to the public for the first time ever. Audiences will certainly be
enthralled by both their beauty and nearly one thousand-year history. The fabulous items once decorated royal courts, as
well as temples.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49110
FELLOWSHIPS - Henry Luce Foundation Grant to Advance Scholarship on Tibetan Painting Awarded to Rubin
Museum - New York City - New York State - USA
With the support of a three-year, $270,000 grant from the Henry Luce Foundation, Dr. David Jackson—the world’s
foremost scholar of Tibetan Buddhist painting and a consulting curator for the Rubin Museum—will publish a new series of
exhibition catalogues on Tibetan thangka paintings drawn primarily from the museum’s collection. This is the second grant
awarded to the Rubin Museum from the foundation; in 2007 the foundation supported the exhibition Bon: The Magic Word
and its catalogue.
Chief Curator of the Rubin Museum of Art Jan van Alphen expressed the museum’s gratitude to the Henry Luce Foundation
for its commitment to Asian art historical scholarship saying, “The foundation’s continued support of the museum’s efforts
to share ground-breaking research on the art and culture of Tibet will lead to greater appreciation for, and understanding
and preservation of, an endangered cultural heritage.”
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49239
Allentown Art Museum Reopening - Pennsylvania - United States
- 16 October 2011
The Allentown Art Museum is proud to introduce our new logo and
branding initiative. Designed by Klunk & Millan, our new visual identity is
a striking reflection of the Art Museum’s exterior facade and provides
viewers with a reassuring feeling of forward movement, both into the
future and into the spectrum of world-renowned art.
This new logo will serve as a critical piece of a new Art Museum branding
campaign and internet presence. The newly designed Art Museum website is scheduled for launch in October 2011.
+ info: http://www.allentownartmuseum.org/
ISEE: un linguaggio comune per archiviare e condividere informazioni sui
beni culturali
L’uso delle nuove tecnologie nei Beni Culturali ha cambiato la percezione e
l’interazione con l’oggetto che analizziamo. Le tecnologie cercano di migliorare la
comunicazione tra chi produce ed archivia l’informazione e chi sviluppa programmi per
trattare e garantire una futura accessibilità.
Inoltre, il trattamento della terza dimensione ha contribuito ad un nuovo approccio sia
nelle tecniche di diagnostica che nella visualizzazione tridimensionale…
+ info: http://www.tafter.it/2011/08/31/isee-alla-ricerca-di-un-linguaggio-comune-per-archiviare-e-condividereinformazioni-sui-beni-culturali/
The Eucalyptus Distillery Museum Has Officially Opened - Inglewood - Victoria - Australia
The ceremony was preceed by the launch of the Inglewood's Self-Drive CD project by the Mayor of Loddon Shire, Councillor
Gavan Holt. Mayor spoke of the significance of tourism in the shire, the need to have facilities such as the new museum
and the benefits to the Shire and townships of tourists staying and increasing the average spend. Councillor Holt thanked
the members of the Inglewood Development & Tourism Committee who provided the material and worked with the Loddon
Shire to develop the CD.
+ info: http://inglewood.vic.au/museum-opening
Ägyptisches Museum in Berlin Lends Colossal Statue of Pharaoh to Metropolitan Museum of Art for Ten Years New York City - New York State - USA
A monumental ancient Egyptian statue of a seated pharaoh —probably Amenemhat II —will be lent to The Metropolitan
Museum of Art by Berlin’s renowned Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin Preussischer Kulturbesitz for a period of ten years, beginning this month. The ten-foot-tall, nearly nine-ton, 4,000-year-old
sculpture entered the Berlin museum’s collection in 1837. Because of a construction project now underway —to renovate
the courtyard on Museumsinsel (Museum Island) where the artwork has most recently been displayed— the statue had to
be moved, thereby providing the opportunity for this long-term loan. The sculpture will go on view in the Metropolitan’s
Great Hall for approximately one year before it is moved into The Lila Acheson Wallace Galleries of Egyptian Art. The Middle
Kingdom sculpture is an outstanding example of ancient Egypt’s magnificent colossal statuary, of which very few examples
can be found in American museums.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49648
Gosta Museum Extension Competition proposal / Dellekamp Arquitectos + Periférica - Serlachius - Finland
Dellekamp Arquitectos + Periférica shared with us their proposal for the Gosta Museum Extension competition. The project
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Musées, Muséologie et Patrimoine mobilier
aims to preserve the historical value and prominence of the original building by smoothly integrating it to the new museum.
More images and architects’ description after the break.
The new museum is a linear sequence of buildings scaled to the original building. Its thread of volumes not only has a light
footprint but also confers an interweaving rhythm to its linear promenade. The space divisions functionally conform to all
aspects comprised in the program. Interior and exterior, empty space and exhibit space, nature and building are connected
through a series of passages, ramps and crossovers.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/156387/gosta-museum-extension-competition-proposal-dellekamp-arquitectosperiferica/
ArchDaily Classics: Museum of Modern Art, Gunma / Arata Isozaki - Takasaki - Japan
Considered one of Arata Isozaki’s greatest masterpieces, the Museum of Modern Art, Gunma stands
as a testimony to Isozaki’s architectural ideology and represents a summary of his achievements.
The form is a conceptual statement about the museum as void and frame. Utilizing a 12-meter cube
as a metaphorical form to express a frame, Isozaki turned the museum into a stage and a container
for displaying and isolating artwork.
Isozaki’s use of a pure cube makes the building weightless and dematerializes the architecture. No
dimensions have hierarchy within the cube, and therefore stillness and repose is manifested within
the structure. The equality of every member deteriorates the notion that any forces are acting upon the cubic forms, and
the aluminum squares that mask the façade hide the structure to further allude to a weightless figure.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/153449/ad-classics-museum-of-modern-art-gunma-arata-isozaki/
Libyan History Museum Suffers Setbacks / Jafar Tukan Architects - Tripoli Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
The Libyan Museum of History located in Tripoli, Libya proposes a unique twist on the
traditional museum typology. Consolidated Consultants/Jafar Tukan Architects has
taken an approach that blends the building experience into the existing urban fabric
through the integration of two surrounding pathways that define both experience and
building geometry and massing. Unfortunately, the project has suffered numerous
setbacks since concept approval including delays related to property issues, which was
followed by a six month delay. Construction of the project is currently undetermined as the current national conflict within
Libya continues.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/154249/libyan-history-museum-suffers-setbacks-jafar-tukan-architects/
National Museum of African Art Launches "Smithsonian: Artists in Dialogue 2" App for iPhone and iPod Touch Washington DC - USA
The Smithsonian’s National Museum of African Art has launched the “Smithsonian: Artists in Dialogue 2” app for iPhone and
iPod touch on the App Store. Designed in association with Tristan Interactives Inc. of Toronto, this is the first app available
by the Smithsonian in English and Portuguese.
“This app takes the exhibition beyond the traditional, physical boundaries of the building and makes it available in South
Africa, Brazil and to users around the world using iPhone and iPod touch,” said National Museum of African Art curator
Karen E. Milbourne.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49472
Exbition - Encounters: Religious Paintings from the 4th to the 18th Century - Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza Madrid - Spain (2 August - 4 September 2011)
Within its Permanent Collection of Old Master Paintings, the Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza has a group of works depicting
episodes from the life of Christ, from his childhood to the period after the Resurrection. Between 2 August and 4 September
and in conjunction with the celebration of World Youth Day 2011, the Museum will be presenting the exhibition Encounters.
It comprises a selection of nine of the above-mentioned paintings by 14th- to 18th-century artists including Albrecht Dürer,
Duccio di Buoninsegna, Giovanni Paolo Panini, Aert de Gelder, Il Guercino and Matthias Stom.
+ info: http://www.museothyssen.org/microsites/exposiciones/2011/encuentros/index_en.html
AD Classics: Vincent van Gogh Museum / Gerrit Rietveld - Amsterdam The Netherlands
The Rijksmuseum Vincent van Gogh was commissioned in 1963, but not
completed until over a decade later. Gerrit Rietveld was originally chosen to
spearhead the project, and provided the initial design. Tragically, however,
Rietveld died a year after the project began. Rietveld’s colleague on the project,
J. van Dillen, took over the commission as a result, sticking closely to Rietveld’s
previous sketches. When van Dillen died in 1966, the project was finally left to
be finished with a slightly adjusted design by J. van Tricht.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/153568/ad-classics-rijksmuseum-vincent-van-gogh-gerrit-rietveld/
Edmund Gardner Re-Opens at the Merseyside Maritime Museum - Liverpool - United Kingdom
The pilot cutter Edmund Gardner – one of the world’s 50 most important preserved ships – re-opens to the public for the
first time since 2006. The iconic ship, part of the Merseyside Maritime Museum’s historic vessels collection, is located in one
of the Canning graving docks. Free guided tours are held every Thursday and Saturday between 4 August and 1 October
2011. Edmund Gardner has been closed to the public for five years during building work linked to the new Museum of
Liverpool which opened on 19 July 2011. Volunteer guides take members of the public around the ship that was home to
River Mersey pilots between 1953 and 1981.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49546
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Museum and Archive - Jabotinsky Center / Chyutin Architects Ltd - RamatGan - Israel
The Jabotinsky Institute, designed by Chyutin Architects Ltd, engages an archival
collation and display of materials connected with Ze’ev Jabotinsky and with the
underground Jewish nationalist movements prior to the establishment of the State
of Israel. The building will be erected on a triangular plot with roads on either side
of it and its apex pointing to an intersection.
The base of the triangle faces a public space to be shared by two other public
buildings whose function has as yet not been decided. The building is designed as a spearhead pointing towards the
intersection, from which it rises towards the urban expanse, bursting out of the depths of the ground. The volume design
projects power and momentum as well as an ascetic simplicity devoid of ornamentation.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/153988/museum-and-archive-jabotinsky-center-chyutin-architects-ltd/
National Museum of Scotland Attracts 100,000 Visitors in Six Days - Edinburgh - Scotland - United Kingdom
The newly redeveloped National Museum of Scotland has attracted over 100,000 visitors in the first six days since it
opened to the public last Friday morning. Prior to opening, Museum staff predicted they might achieve the 100,000 mark
within two weeks of opening, but that target was smashed in less than half the time expected, with the first week’s tally
expected to reach around 120,000. Visitors have come from far and near, with locals and families well-represented in
addition to increasing volumes of tourists arriving for the Edinburgh Festivals.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49606
The Mead Art Museum Receives Grant to Fund Collection Digitization Project - Amherst - Massachussetts - USA
The Mead Art Museum at Amherst College has received a $148,256 Museums for America Program Grant from The Institute
of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) to digitize more than 10,000 objects in its collection, including prints, drawings,
photographs, sculpture, furniture, ceramics, and silver
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49670
South Song Museum Heritage Park / IAPA - China
The Australian architecture firm IAPA recently won the South Song Museum Heritage Park competition and
has wished to share their winning design with out readers here at ArchDaily. Follow after the break for an
accompanying description and images from the architects.
South Song Imperial City underwent many changes until it eventually surrendered and disappeared as
underground ruins. Today new infrastructure and buildings inhabit the place, and together it makes out the
history of the site. How do we find a way to combine and benefit from the content of today as well as
bringing back the memories of the past?
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/155006/south-song-museum-heritage-park-iapa/
Museo De Arte De Ponce Awarded Grant For Innovative Preservation of Three-Dimensional Works - Ponce Puerto Rico - USA
he National Endowment for the Humanities, under its “Sustaining Cultural Heritage Collections” program, has approved the
Museo de Arte de Ponce’s proposal for the purchase and installation of a high-density mobile storage unit that will store and
protect the museums collection of 1,259 three-dimensional art works. The grant is in the amount of $149,800.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49736
AD Classics: Everson Museum - I.M. Pei - 1968 - Syracuse - New York - USA
With a collection focused largely on American art and ceramics, the Everson Museum exists
as a structure that is more than just a vault for art. Designed in 1968 by I.M. Pei, the
structure sought to simultaneously challenge the traditional museum typology through its
innovative form while also existing as an object of modern art in its own right. Pei conceived
the Everson as an open structure with access to its interior from all of its exposed sides.
The building is primarily comprised of four opaque concrete volumes that surround an open
atrium that visitors move through to access the galleries. A library/lounge and an auditorium
exist as separate volumes that are accessed through the atrium. Each volume contains galleries of differing size and height
that when viewed from outside gives added hierarchy to the overall assemblage of forms that makeup the museum. A
cantilevered second story adds further differentiation to the building from the surrounding landscape.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/152899/ad-classics-everson-museum-i-m-pei/
Roving Exhibition - 'Virgin of the Rocks' together for the very first time: Historic Collaboration Between the
National Gallery, London, United Kingdom and the Louvre, Paris, France
The National Gallery and the Louvre announce a unique collaboration which brings both versions of the 'Virgin of the Rocks'
together for the very first time. The two pictures will be shown at The National Gallery’s exhibition, Leonardo da Vinci:
Painter of the Court of Milan from 9 November 2011 – 5 February 2012 in London.
Just a few months later, but this time at the Louvre in the exhibition, 'Leonardo da Vinci’s St Anne', Leonardo’s newly
cleaned and restored 'The Virgin and Child with Saint Anne' will be joined with the National Gallery’s version, The
Burlington House Cartoon - Virgin and Child with Saint Anne and John the Baptist, from 29 March – 25 June 2012.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49482
ABC Museum, Illustration and Design Center / Aranguren & Gallegos Architects - Madrid Spain
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_71/25_2011.html (14 de 27) [26/09/2011 16:25:44]
Musées, Muséologie et Patrimoine mobilier
The new ABC Center of Drawing and Illustration, comes with a willingness to be an artistic
international reference and a cultural symbol of Madrid. The installation in the old factory building in
Amaniel Street has to be a suitable intervention in a historic building without sacrificing the
character of expressing a contemporary center with a diverse range of cultural and artistic
The existing building has a possible dual access from two streets connecting them in an interior
court. Before the intervention, one of the entrances was through a longitudinal height body that closed the courtyard. From
this front we propose the principal access to the new Center ABC. To achieve this, the mentioned longitudinal body is
restructured as a great “girder” of translucent glass that operates as a lintel towards the interior court. Located inside is the
cafeteria, and under it, through a glass floor on which you enter the courtyard, the basement of the new center catche the
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/146168/abc-museum-illustration-and-design-center-aranguren-gallegos-architects/
GRANTS - Princeton University Art Museum Receives Grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
The Princeton University Art Museum has been awarded a major grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation that will
support development and execution of new strategies of engagement and interpretation for all of the Museum’s collections
galleries and study rooms.
The $500,000 award will fund, in part, a key new Museum initiative, Activating the Collections, including the establishment
of a new position, a Curatorial Fellow for Collections Engagement, who will work with curators, faculty, students, guest
scholars, artists and other experts across disciplines to develop and present compelling interpretative approaches and
materials. The grant also will establish the Museum Voices Colloquium, which will function as a visual arts think tank in
bringing together traditional and non-traditional experts to consider new ways of understanding art of the past and present.
+ info: http://artmuseum.princeton.edu/news/MellonFoundation/
ONLINE EXHIBITION - The Cunards Queens Merseyside Maritime Museum. Liverpool, United Kingdom
When the steamer 'Britannia' left Coburg Dock at high tide on the evening of Saturday 4 July 1840 with Samuel Cunard
onboard it inaugurated an association with Cunard Line and Liverpool which continues to this day with the arrival of 'Queen
Elizabeth' and 'Queen Mary 2'.
The collections in the Maritime Archives and Library reflect this historical connection with the port. Click on the images
below to view items relating to the distinguished predecessors of today's modern cruise liners.
+ info: http://www.liverpoolmuseums.org.uk/maritime/archive/displays/cunard-queens/
Explore 160,000 portraits from the 16th Century to the present day - National Portrait Gallery - London United Kingdom
The Gallery holds the most extensive collection of portraits in the world. The Collection is displayed in London and in a
number of locations around the United Kingdom, including several houses managed by the National Trust. The Gallery is
increasingly keen to find new ways to share the Collection through the National Programmes, as well as through this
+ info: http://www.npg.org.uk/collections.php
RENOVATED National Museum of Scotland reopens - Edinburgh - Scotland - United Kingdom
The new National Museum of Scotland is now open! Take a journey of discover through Scotish history, the natual world
cultures, science and technology and art and design as our new museum brings the world to Scotland and Scotland to the
+ info: http://www.nms.ac.uk/our_museums/national_museum/whats_on.aspx
TATE BLOG - Should museums be using social media more creatively? - Tate Museum - United Kingdom
It’s one thing to manage your profiles on the proliferating social networking and sharing sites as an individual, but as an
institution it’s quite another. So, we ask ourselves this question at Tate social media HQ all the time. We’d like to know how
you see it.
When you’re on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube Flickr, Foursquare, Google+ (or whatever’s new this month!), as yourself, you
you tend to know what you’re there for. When you’re there representing an institution, however, it’s much harder to define
exactly why you’re there – and what your fans or followers want from you being there! Even when you ask, of course,
different people want different things at different times…
+ info: http://blog.tate.org.uk/?p=7899
Museum of Memory and Tolerance / Arditti + RDT Architects - 2010 - Mexico D.F.
- Mexico
The Museum is constructed using a mixture of reinforced concrete and steel in a seven
level structure (three of permanent exhibit + four complimentary). It is set on a
continuous colonnade of the Plaza Juarez complex, designed by Legorreta + Legorreta
Architects on the site of the former “Hotel Alameda” (which fell during the 1985
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/154543/museum-of-memory-and-tolerance-arditti-rdtarchitects/
Galerie Remmert und Barth Finds Art by Expressionist Otto Dix - Dusseldorf - North Rhine-Westphalia Germany
A gallery has discovered four paintings by Otto Dix, the German expressionist whose art chronicled the horrors of World
War One, the depravity of the Weimar Republic and was labeled "degenerate" by Adolf Hitler.
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_71/25_2011.html (15 de 27) [26/09/2011 16:25:44]
Musées, Muséologie et Patrimoine mobilier
Famous for works critical of the darker side of German society in the 1920s, Dix's paintings were discovered among the
belongings of his wife, gallery owner Herbert Remmert told Reuters Wednesday.
The paintings were found in a portfolio untouched for decades on an estate in Bavaria owned by the ancestors of a
Duesseldorf doctor and art collector who remained close to Dix even after his wife left him for the artist.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=11&int_new=50175
Nearly 40 works by Japanese Artist Leonard Tsuguharu Foujita Found by POLA Museum of Art - Ashigarashimogun - Kanagawa - Japan
Nearly 40 previously unknown works by Japanese artist Leonard Foujita, who made a name for himself in pre-World War
Two Paris and was an acquaintance of Picasso and Matisse, have been discovered by a Japanese museum.
Combining Japanese ink techniques with Western-style painting, Foujita -- a noted cat lover -- became especially known for
his paintings of naked women and cats.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=50176
Stadel Museum discovers work by painter Jean-Léon Gérome - Frankfurt - Hesse - Germany
In the context of examining the Städel’s nineteenth-century holdings in view of the imminent reopening or new
presentation of the museum’s collections respectively, an important painting by the French academic painter Jean-Léon
Gérôme (1824–1904) has been discovered. The picture shows Saint Jerome reclining against a lion, his traditional
attribute. After its comprehensive restoration, the painting will be on display for the first time as part of the Städel’s new
permanent “Modern Art” (1800-1945) presentation. The work was last exhibited in London in 1882.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=50269
Kunstmuseum Receives a Place of Contemplation: Japan Garden - KunstmuseumWolfsburg - Lower Saxony - Germany
When he assumed his new post in January 2006, Dr. Markus Brüderlin already pointed to a
future project that lay close to his heart: to turn the unused sculpture court planned by Peter
Schweger, the architect of the Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, into a Zen garden. Schweger's idea
of a sculpture court was not followed up on after the museum's opening in 1994. The
courtyard lay idle and was used for the most diverse purposes.
+ info: http://www.kunstmuseum-wolfsburg.de/special/8/Japan_Garden
South Africa to Open New Museum Honoring Nelson Mandela
South African officials say they will build a dedicated museum honoring Nelson Mandela's struggle against apartheid, on the
site where he was arrested 49 years ago.
Mandla Mandela spoke Friday on behalf of his grandfather at the launch of an exhibition at the undeveloped museum site.
He said Mandela asked him to urge South Africans to remember all who were active in the struggle against apartheid, not
just him.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49645
China warns museums to tighten security after series of thefts
China has ordered its museums to tighten security after a series of embarrassing thefts, including at Beijing's Palace
Museum, and will temporarily shut those which don't meet standards, state media reported on Wednesday.
Curators at the Palace Museum, housed in the former home of China's last emperors in the Forbidden City, were left red
faced after several items loaned from a Hong Kong museum were stolen in May.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=50311
Kunsthaus Zürich extension to open in 2017 - Zurich - Switzerland
The preliminary design project for the extension to the Kunsthaus Zürich is now complete. The design by David
Chipperfield’s multi-award-winning team of architects has assumed its definitive form. The timetable provides for the
electorate to vote on the project in 2012, with the Kunsthaus extension opening in 2017. It will create space for a dynamic,
regularly changing presentation of the collection of post-1960 art, attractive temporary exhibitions, and the new speciality
of French painting and Impressionism.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=50315
Mixed decisions on Hungarian looted art lawsuits
The heirs of a Jewish art collector can proceed with a lawsuit against Hungary seeking the return of art seized during the
Holocaust that is worth more than $100 million, a federal judge ruled.
But, as Hungary requested, other heirs of Baron Mor Lipot Herzog with older lawsuits over the art, cannot proceed, the U.S.
District Court judge in Washington decided Thursday.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=50224
J. Paul Getty Museum acquires Abbey Bible considered a pinnacle of Gothic illumination - Los Angeles California - USA
The J. Paul Getty Museum announced the acquisition of the Abbey Bible, an Italian illuminated manuscript that exemplifies
the highest achievements of the Gothic era. The Bible is named for a previous owner, who was a celebrated collector of
Italian manuscripts.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=50303
Le Conseil général du Rhône regroupe ses trois musées - France
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_71/25_2011.html (16 de 27) [26/09/2011 16:25:44]
Musées, Muséologie et Patrimoine mobilier
Le 1er septembre 2011, le département du Rhône, a mutualisé la direction de trois de ses
musées : le Musée gallo-romain de Lyon-Fourvière, le Musée gallo-romain de Saint-Romainen-Gal et le futur Musée des Confluences. Cette nouvelle organisation doit permettre de
finaliser plus rapidement la construction de ce dernier. L’ouverture du Musée des
Confluences ne cesse, en effet, d’être retardée depuis plus de 10 ans.
+ info: http://www.artclair.com/site/archives/docs_article/88240/le-conseil-general-durhone-regroupe-ses-trois-musees.php
En Argentine, « Le Penseur » de Rodin crée la polémique - Buenos Aires - Argentine
A Buenos Aires, un exemplaire original du « Penseur », la célèbre sculpture d’Auguste Rodin (1840-1917),
a été vandalisé. Cette nouvelle fait polémique. Sa conservation et sa restauration posent problème, alors
que la valeur de cette statue est inestimable, d’autant qu’il s’agit de la seule œuvre du genre en Amérique
du Sud.
Cette sculpture, qui siège sur une place près du Parlement, a été recouverte de peinture et de graffiti. «
C’est scandaleux » a déclaré à l’AFP Teresa de Anchorena, membre de la Commission Nationale des
Monuments, car « il s’agit de l’édition n°3, réalisée du vivant de Rodin ». Or, cela n’aurait jamais dû
arriver ; la sculpture étant destinée à être installée dans le Congrès.
+ info: http://www.artclair.com/site/archives/docs_article/88248/en-argentine---le-penseuret160--de-rodin-cree-lapolemique.php
Greek police recover stolen Rubens painting - Athens - Greece
Greek police recovered a 17th century painting by Flemish master Pieter Paul Rubens stolen from a museum in Belgium a
decade ago, authorities said Thursday. Two people, both Greeks, were arrested in the operation, he said. Neither the police
nor the Culture Ministry would give further information on the raid, the painting or which Belgian museum it was stolen
from, saying investigations were still ongoing into the case.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=50217
Exhibition - Paintings from the 16th to 18th centuries - Dai Volti All'Anima - La Ricerca artistica nei volto dei
Agosto - Settembre 2011 . Edolo, Italie
Organizateurs: Oratorio dei Disciplini – Edolo
+ info: http://www.musaedolo.it/index.php/eventi/anteprima-2011
Louvre: DNP (Dai Nippon Printing) Porcelaines de Sèvres, un art de vivre au 18e siècle
mercredi 08 juin 2011 . Paris, France
Organizateurs: Louvre
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.louvre.fr/llv/oeuvres/presentation_alaune.jsp
Exposition - « La Norvège en couleurs, 1910 »
. Oslo, Norvège
Organizateurs: Norsk Folkemuseum and l’Institut Français d'Oslo
+ info: http://www.norskfolkemuseum.no/en/Exhibits/Current-exhibits/Norway-1910--in-Colour/
Exhibition : Masterpiece a month presiding genius
1 jan - 31 dic 2011 . London, Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: Dulwich Pictire Gallery
+ info: http://www.dulwichpicturegallery.org.uk/exhibitions/now_on_show/masterpiece_a_month.aspx
"Lux in arcana: The Vatican Secret Archives reveals itself": an event of unprecedented scientific and media
1-fév -2011 . El Vaticano, Italie
Organizateurs: Vatican: the Holy See
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.luxinarcana.org/en
EXHIBITION - 17th-century floral splendour at Rijksmuseum Annex in Schiphol Airport
6 avr - 5 sep 2011 . Amsterdam, Pays-Bas
Organizateurs: Rijksmuseum Schiphol
Contact: [email protected].
+ info: http://www.rijksmuseum.nl/tentoonstellingen/dutch-flowers-schiphol?lang=en
Exhibition - Illustrated Title Pages: 1500 - 1900
13 avr - 16 oct 2011 . Stanford, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Cantor Arts Centre at Stanford University
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://museum.stanford.edu/news_room/title_pages.html
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_71/25_2011.html (17 de 27) [26/09/2011 16:25:44]
Musées, Muséologie et Patrimoine mobilier
Exposition - 'Le papier à l’oeuvre', Seventy Works on Paper by Some Fifty Artists
9 jui - 5 sep 2011 . Paris, France
Organizateurs: Le Louvre
+ info: http://www.louvre.fr/llv/exposition/detail_exposition.jsp
Exhibition - Isamu Noguchi's Legacy in California
12 jui - 2 oct 2011 . Laguna Beach, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Laguna Art Museum
+ info: http://lagunaartmuseum.org/noguchi-california-legacy
Exhibition - The Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute Explores a Rarely Examined Side of Pissarro
12 jui - 2 oct 2011 . Williamstown, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute
+ info: http://www.clarkart.edu/exhibitions/pissarro/content/exhibition.cfm
Celebration of Italian 150th Unification Anniversary by Showcasing Objects
14-jui -2011 . Los Ángeles, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Getty Museum
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.getty.edu/news/press/center/italian_showcase.html
Florence Griswold Museum Hosts Renowned Collection of American Landscapes
1 juill - 18 sep 2011 . Old Lyme, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Florence Griswold Museum
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.flogris.org/exhibitions_11Parrish.php
Rome, Naples, Venice: Italian Masterworks from the BAM/PFA
6 juill - 15 oct 2011 . Berkeley, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Univeristy of California, Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.bampfa.berkeley.edu/exhibition/italianmasterworks
Devotion by Design: Italian Altarpieces Before 1500
6 juill - 2 oct 2011 . London, Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: National Gallery
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.nationalgallery.org.uk/whats-on/exhibitions/devotion-by-design
Exhibition - "Concealed/Revealed" - Celebration of 175th Anniversary
7 juill - 18 sep 2011 . Munich, Allemagne
Organizateurs: Alte Pinakothek
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.pinakothek.de/en/kalender/2011-07-07/10605/
Exhibition - Vermeer's "Woman with a Lute," on Loan from the Metropolitan
8 juill - 26 sep 2011 . Pasadena, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Norton Simon Museum
+ info: http://www.nortonsimon.org/vermeer-s-woman-with-a-lute-on-loan-from-the-metropolitan-museum-of-art
Exhibition - Out of the West: Art of Western Australia from the National Collection
8-juill -2011 . Canberra, Australie
Organizateurs: National Gallery of Australia
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://nga.gov.au/exhibition/OUTWEST/
Exhibition - Dynasty and Divinity: Ife Art in Ancient Nigeria
8-juill -2011 . Indianapolis, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Indianapolis Museum of Art
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.imamuseum.org/art/exhibitions/ife
EXHIBITION - On Eagle's Wings - King James' Bible Turns 400
8 juill - 16 oct 2011 . New York, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: MOBIA (Museum of Biblical Art)
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://mobia.org/exhibitions/on-eagles-wings#slideshow1
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_71/25_2011.html (18 de 27) [26/09/2011 16:25:44]
Musées, Muséologie et Patrimoine mobilier
Exhibition - Rarely Seen Masterworks from the Dutch Golden Age
9 juill - 2 oct 2011 . San Fransisco, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: The Legion of Honor. Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://legionofhonor.famsf.org/legion/exhibitions/dutch-and-flemish-masterworks-rose-marie-and-eijk-van-otterloocollection
Exhibition - Gabriel von Max: Be-tailed Cousins and Phantasms of the Soul
9 juill - 30 oct 2011 . Seattle, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Frye Art Museum
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://fryemuseum.org/exhibition/4055/
Exhibition - Civil War Redux: Pinhole Photographs by Willie Anne Wright
9 juill - 4 sep 2011 . Augusta, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: The Morris Museum of Art
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.themorris.org/wright.html
Great Spanish Masters from the Pérez Simón Collection
9 juill - 6 nov 2011 . San Diego, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: San Diego Museum of Art
+ info: http://www.sdmart.org/art/exhibit/el-greco-to-dali
Online Community Participates in Brooklyn Museum's Latest Exhibition "Split Second"
13-juill -2011 . Brooklyn, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Brooklyn Museum
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49074
Clark Art Institute Launches International Tour of Masterpieces in Giverny
13 juill - 31 oct 2011 . Giverny, France
Organizateurs: Tha Clark Art Institute
+ info: http://www.clarkart.edu/museum/exhibitions-international-detail.cfm?EID=3444
Exhibition - "Ostalgia," about Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Republics
14 juill - 25 sep 2011 . New York, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: New Museum Of Contemporary Art.
+ info: http://www.newmuseum.org/exhibitions/440/
Exhibition - Innovation in 19th-Century America
15-juill -2011 . Washington D.C., États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Smithsonian American Art Museum
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49120
Exhibition - "Soulful Stitching: Patchwork Quilts by Africans (Siddis) in India"
15 juill - 18 sep 2011 . San Francisco, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Museum of the African Diaspora
+ info: http://www.moadsf.org/exhibits/current.html
Exhibition - Mid-Columbia Indian Life between 1900 and the Late 1950s
16 juill - 15 nov 2011 . Goldendale, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Maryhill Museum of Art
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=48986
EXHIBITION - Bijoux: The Origins and Impact of Jewelry
16 juill - 11 mar 2011 . Greenwich, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: BRUCE MUSEUM
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://brucemuseum.org/site/exhibitions_detail/bijoux_its_origins_its_impacts/
Exhibition - Monet to Cézanne/Cassatt to Sargent: The Impressionist Revolution
16 juill - 9 oct 2011 . Memphis, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Memphis Brooks Museum of Art
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49131
Exhibition - Great Olmeca Treasures - National Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_71/25_2011.html (19 de 27) [26/09/2011 16:25:44]
Musées, Muséologie et Patrimoine mobilier
19 juill - 1 oct 2011 . Mexico City, Mexique
Organizateurs: National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH)
+ info: http://artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49267&b=INAH
Exhibition - Smithsonian's National Postal Museum Celebrates Owney the Postal Dog
20-juill -2011 . Washington DC, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: National Postal Museum
+ info: http://www.postalmuseum.si.edu/exhibits/2c1f_owney.html
Exhibition - Caravaggio's Entombment of Christ, on Loan from the Vatican Museums
21 juill - 18 sep 2011 . Madrid, Espagne
Organizateurs: Prado Museum
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49257
Exhibition - Archaeological Wonder of the World Teotihuacan
23 juill - 13 nov 2011 . Madrid, Espagne
Organizateurs: CaixaForum Madrid
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49370
Exhibition - Frans Hals Paintings
26 juill - 10 oct 2011 . New York City, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Metropolitan Museum
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49334
Exhibition - Art for the Nation: Acquisitions Made by Sir Charles Eastlake on View at the National Gallery London
27 juill - 30 oct 2011 . London, Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: National Gallery of London
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49407
Exhibition - Painting the American Vision
30 juill - 6 nov 2011 . Salem, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Peabody Essex Museum
+ info: http://www.pem.org/exhibitions/132-painting_the_american_vision
Works from 5000 Years of African Art and Culture on View in Enhanced Galleries for African Art
3-août -2011 . Standford, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Cantor Arts Center at Stanford University
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49573
Exhibition - Rembrandt and the Face of Jesus
3 août - 30 oct 2011 . Philadelphia, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Philadelphia Museum
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.philamuseum.org/exhibitions/409.html
Exhibition - The Elegant Image: Bronzes from the Indian Subcontinent in the Siddharth K. Bhansali Collection
5 août - 23 oct 2011 . New Orleans, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: New Orleans Luseum of Art
+ info: http://noma.org/elegant.html
EXHIBITION - Art of Science - Dual Nature: Science Illustrations of Dan Otte
6 août - 4 dic 2011 . Philadelphia, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Academy of Natural Sciences
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.ansp.org/museum/art-in-science.php
Exhibition - The Buddhist Heritage of Pakistan: Art of Gandhara
9 août - 30 oct 2011 . New York, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Asia Society
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://sites.asiasociety.org/gandhara/
Exhibition: African Innovations
12-août -2011 . New York, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Brooklyn Museum
Contact: [email protected].
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_71/25_2011.html (20 de 27) [26/09/2011 16:25:44]
Musées, Muséologie et Patrimoine mobilier
+ info: http://www.brooklynmuseum.org/exhibitions/african_innovations/
Exhibition: The Bridge at Hoover Dam: Photographs by Jamey Stillings
13 août - 4 dic 2011 . Phoenix, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Phoenix Art Museum
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.phxart.org/exhibition/exhibitionJameyStillings.php
EXHIBITION - Artistry of African Headwear
14-août -2011 . Dallas, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Dallas Museum of Art
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49843
Exhibition - Freedom from: modern slavery in the capital
23 août - 20 nov 2011 . London, Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: Museum of London & London Docklands
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.museumoflondon.org.uk/Docklands/Whats-on/Exhibitions-Displays/Freedom+from.htm
Symposium - Beyond Extinction: Consciousness of Taíno and Caribbean Indigeneity
26-août -2011 . Washington, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Smithsonian Institution - Latino Centre
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.latino.si.edu/newsevents/#/?i=3
Exhibition - Variety, Archeology, and Ornament - Renaissance Architectural Prints from Column to Cornice
26 août - 18 dic 2011 . Charlottesville, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: University of Virginia Art Museum
+ info: http://www.virginia.edu/artmuseum/on_view/exhibitions/Variety_Archeology_Ornament.php
Exhibition - Stylectrical. On Electro-Design That Makes History
26-août -2011 . Hamburg, Allemagne
Organizateurs: Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.mkg-hamburg.de/mkg.php/en/sonderausstellungen/aktuell/detail/~S000410/~P1/
Exhibition - "In the Beginning Was the Word: Medieval Gospel Illumination" En español no está 30 août - 27 nov 2011 . Los Angeles, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: The Getty Center
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.getty.edu/art/exhibitions/gospel_illuminations/
Le Louvre des Antiquaires Announces Exhibition Devoted to Opium Smoking in China
1 sep - 27 nov 2011 . Paris, France
Organizateurs: Le Louvre
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=11&int_new=48980
EXHIBITION - 19th-Century Modern
2-sep-2011 . Brooklyn, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Brooklyn Museum
Contact: [email protected].
+ info: http://www.brooklynmuseum.org/exhibitions/19th_century_modern/
Exhibition in Berlin unite most of the legendary Blue and Red Mauritius stamps
2 sep - 25 sep 2011 . Berlín, Allemagne
Organizateurs: The Blue Mauritius: Meeting of the Queens in Berlín
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.mauritius-in-berlin.de/english/ausstellung.html
Exhibition - Les célèbres timbres du Blue Penny Museum de Maurice à la « rencontre des Reines »
2 sep - 25 sep 2011 . Berlín, Allemagne
Organizateurs: Museum for Communication
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.mauritius-in-berlin.de/english/ausstellung.html
EXHIBITION - Palladio and His Legacy: A Transatlantic Journey
3 sep - 31 dic 2011 . Pittsburgh, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Carnegie Museum of Art
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Musées, Muséologie et Patrimoine mobilier
+ info: http://web.cmoa.org/?page_id=3379
EXHIBITION - Selected works from the François Pinault Collection: "Agony and Ecstacy"
3 sep - 9 nov 2011 . Seoul, République de Corée
Organizateurs: Songeun Artspace
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.songeunartspace.org/programs/user/space/space_en_start.asp
Company Organizes Murder-Mystery Scavenger Hunt
3-sep-2011 . New York, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Metropolitan Museum of Art
+ info: http://watsonadventures.com/
EXHIBITION - "Danish Masters 1800-1850" - Pushkin Museum
6 sep - 6 nov 2011 . Moscow, Fédération de Russie
Organizateurs: Thorvaldsens Museum and the National Gallery of Denmark
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.smk.dk/en/about-smk/press/press-releases/artikel/dansk-guldalder-paa-russisk/
The Madonna of Foligno meets the Sistine Madonna
6-sep-2011 . Dresden, Allemagne
Organizateurs: Staatliche Kunstsammlungen and L'Osservatore Romano, Vatican City
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.osservatoreromano.va/portal/dt
EXHIBITION - Franco Fontana
6 sep - 6 nov 2011 . Valencia, Espagne
Organizateurs: Institut Valencia d'Art Modern (IVAM)
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.ivam.es/en/exhibitions/2867-franco-fontana
EXHIBITION - Heavenly Splendour: Raphael, Dürer and Grünewald paint the Madonna
6-sep-2011 . Dresden, Allemagne
Organizateurs: Vatican Museums and the Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.skd.museum/en/special-exhibitions/preview/heavenly-splendour/index.html
EXHIBITION - Prints and the Pursuit of Knowledge in Early Modern Europe. Arthur M. Sackler Museum
6 sep - 10 dic 2011 . Cambridge, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Harvard Art Museums
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.harvardartmuseums.org/exhibitions/detail.dot?id=33226
EXHIBITION - The Art of Dissent in 17th-Century China: Masterpieces of Ming Loyalist Art from the Chih Lo Lou
7-sep-2011 . New York, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.metmuseum.org/special/se_event.asp?OccurrenceId={21B83B2A-9489-43C8-BCAE-85E3B475BD90}
Exhibition - "Reflections of the Buddha"
9-sep-2011 . Saint Louis, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Pulitzer Foundation for the Arts
+ info: http://buddha.pulitzerarts.org/
Historic Locomotive Arrives in Coventry's Electric Railway Museum
10 sep - 11 sep 2011 . London, Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: Coventry’s Electric Railway Museum
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.electricrailwaymuseum.co.uk/
Anoxia and Microfading: The impact on collection care
12 sep - 13 sep 2011 . London, Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: Modern TATE
Contact: [email protected].
+ info: http://www.tate.org.uk/modern/eventseducation/symposia/23903.htm
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Musées, Muséologie et Patrimoine mobilier
Exhibition: "T-Rex Encounter"
16-sep-2011 . Denver, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Denver Museum of Natural Science
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.dmns.org/featured-exhibition
EXHIBITION - Toulouse-Lautrec
17-sep-2011 . Copenhagen, Danemark
Organizateurs: National Gallery of Denmark
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://pressefotos.smk.dk/smkpress.nsf/webphotos!OpenForm&Seq=1#_RefreshKW_selectExhibition
Organizateurs: MUSEE ALBERT KAHN
+ info: http://albert-kahn.hauts-de-seine.net/musee/actualites/journees-europeennes-du-patrimoine-2011/
Course on Microbic Infestation of Objects of Art and Cultural Heritage
19 sep - 13 nov 2011 . Hildesheim, Allemagne
Organizateurs: Hornemann Isntitute
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.hornemann-institut.de/english/course_microbiology.php
Conference - Economics of Cultural Heritage and Museums - How to Face the Challenges of the New Economy Het Toneel Speelt
21 sep - 24 sep 2011 . Amsterdam, Pays-Bas
Organizateurs: CREARE Foundation
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.crearefoundation.nl/Economics_of_Cultural_Heritage_and_Museums
Joint Exhibition- Side by Side. Poland - Germany. 1000 Years - Martin Gropius Bau - Berlin - Germany and
Warsaw Royal Castle
23-sep-2011 . Warsaw, Pologne
Organizateurs: Royal Castle in Warsaw, and Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin, and funded by the Federal Government
Commissioner for Culture and Media, and the Minister of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.berlinerfestspiele.de/en/aktuell/festivals/11_gropiusbau/
Exhibition - The Life and Death of Buildings
23 sep - 6 nov 2011 . Princeton, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Princeton University Art Museum
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://artmuseum.princeton.edu/events/LifeandDeathofBuildingsAdditional/
Exhibition - Drawings by Rembrandt, his Students and Circle from the Maida and George Abrams Collection
24-sep-2011 . Greenwich, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Bruce Museum
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://brucemuseum.org/site/exhibitions_detail/rembrandt
Skills Development Workshop "Layout, Lighting and Labels: Designing and Delivering a Small Exhibition"
28 sep - 29 sep 2011 . Canberra, Australie
Organizateurs: The Australian National University
Contact: Dr. Sandy Blair - [email protected]
+ info: http://ippha.anu.edu.au/events/layout-lighting-and-labels-designing-and-delivering-small-exhibition
New IPPHA (Institute for Professional Practice in Heritage & the Arts ) professional development course on
Layout, Lighting and Labels: Designing and Delivering a Small Exhibition
28 sep - 29 sep 2011 . Canberra, Australie
Organizateurs: Institute for Professional Practice in Heritage & the Arts. The Australian National University
Contact: [email protected] and [email protected]
+ info: http://ippha.anu.edu.au/events/layout-lighting-and-labels-designing-and-delivering-small-exhibition
Expositions - La Cité interdite au Louvre - Empereurs de Chine et rois de France
29-sep-2011 . Paris, France
Organizateurs: Louvre
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.louvre.fr/llv/exposition/detail_exposition.jsp
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Musées, Muséologie et Patrimoine mobilier
Exhibition - Rodin and America: Influence and Adaptation 1876-1936
5-oct-2011 . Stanford, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Cantor Arts Centre at Stanford University
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://museum.stanford.edu/news_room/rodin-america.html
CONFERENCE - The Open and Learning Museum Conference
10 oct - 12 oct 2011 . Tampere, Finlande
Organizateurs: MUSEOLIITTO
Contact: [email protected] and [email protected]
+ info: http://www.museoliitto.fi/open-and-learning
Symposium: The challenges of the conservation of artworks in churches
11-oct-2011 . Londrés, Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: Westminster Abbey. The Curch of England
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.churchcare.co.uk/pdf_view.php?id=220
Réseau des sites majeurs de Vauban : Formation sur l'interprétation du patrimoine
11 oct - 12 oct 2011 . Paris, France
Organizateurs: Réseau des sites majeurs de Vauban en partenariat avex le Centre d'histoire des techniques et de
l'environnement (CDHTE) - Conservatoire national des arts et métiers (CNAM)
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 9 sep 2011
+ info: http://www.sites-vauban.org/Formation-sur-l-interpretation-11
EXHIBITION - Au royaume d'Alexandre le Grand - La Macédoine antique
13-oct-2011 . París, France
Organizateurs: Le Louvre
+ info: http://www.louvre.fr/llv/exposition/detail_exposition.jsp
Exhibition - Van Gogh in Antwerp and Paris
14-oct-2011 . Amsterdam, Pays-Bas
Organizateurs: Van Gogh Museum
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.vangoghmuseum.nl/vgm/index.jsp
Creative Collaboration Takes a New Look at Ulster Museum's Historic Treasures
14 oct - 29 oct 2011 . Belfast, Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: National Museums Northern Ireland
+ info: http://www.nmni.com/um/News/Creative-collaboration-takes-a-new-look-at-UlsterEXHIBITION -'AGE OF THE DINOSAUR
22-oct-2011 . LIVERPOOL, Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: WORLD MUSEUM
+ info: http://www.liverpoolmuseums.org.uk/wml/exhibitions/dinosaurs/
Exhibition - Niclaus Gerhaert. The Medieval Sculptor
27-oct-2011 . Liebighaus, Allemagne
Organizateurs: Liebieghaus Skulpturen Sammlung
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.liebieghaus.de/lh/index.php?StoryID=414
EXHIBITIONS - Le Louvre invite J. M. G. Le Clézio – Le musée monde
5-nov-2011 . Paris, France
Organizateurs: Le Louvre
+ info: http://www.louvre.fr/llv/exposition/detail_exposition.jsp
Exhibition - Da Vinci Discovered: Painting Gains Attribution After Careful Scholarship and Conservation
9-nov-2011 . London, Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: National Gallery
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.nationalgallery.org.uk/whats-on/exhibitions/leonardo-da-vinci-painter-at-the-court-of-milan
EXPOSITIONS - Dessins français de la collection Mariette
10-nov-2011 . Paris, France
Organizateurs: Le Louvre
+ info: http://www.louvre.fr/llv/exposition/detail_exposition.jsp
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Musées, Muséologie et Patrimoine mobilier
EXPOSITIONS - Giorgio Vasari - Dessins du Louvre
10-nov-2011 . Paris, France
Organizateurs: Le Louvre
+ info: http://www.louvre.fr/llv/exposition/detail_exposition.jsp
Cranbrook Art Museum to Reopen
11-nov-2011 . Bloomfield Hills, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Cranbrook Art Museum
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49413
EXHIBITIONS - Diego Rivera: Murals for The Museum of Modern Art
13-nov-2011 . New York, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: MOMA, Museum of Modern Art of New York
+ info: http://www.moma.org/visit/calendar/exhibitions/1168
Museums Australia and Interpretations Australia "At the Frontier" Conference
14 nov - 18 nov 2011 . Perth, Australie
Organizateurs: Museums Australia and Interpretation Australia
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 15 sep 2011
+ info: http://www.atthefrontier2011.com.au/index.html
Conference - "The Museum 2011. Building Identity: The Making of National Museums and Identity Politics"
16 nov - 18 nov 2011 . Taipei, Chine
Organizateurs: National Museum of History
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.mela-project.eu/events/details/conference-the-museum-2011-building-identity-the-making-of-nationalmuseums-and-identity-politics
Exposition "Exhibitions, L'Invention du Sauvage"
29-nov-2011 . Paris, France
Organizateurs: Musée du Quai Branly
Contact: Nathalie Mercier : [email protected]
+ info: http://netsolutionusa.com/Marcelo/pages/exhibitions.htm
Exhibition: "Renaissance: 15th & 16th Century Italian Paintings"
9-dic-2011 . Canberra, Australie
Organizateurs: National Gallery of Australia - Canberra - Australian Capital Territory
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://nga.gov.au/Renaissance/
Exhibition - Out of Museum of London's Archives and Into the Light, Charles Dickens Revealed
9-dic-2011 . London, Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: Museum of London
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.museumoflondon.org.uk/London-Wall/Whats-on/Exhibitions-Displays/Dickens+and+London.htm
SEMINAIRE EUROPEEN DES CONSERVATEURS -Le patrimoine religieux dans les musÉes, usages et
12 dic - 17 dic 2011 . , France
Organizateurs: Maison des Cultures du Monde
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 30 oct 2011
+ info: http://www.mcm.asso.fr/site02/courants/programme/seminaire.htm
Exhibition - Magic of Ancient Egypt to Transform the Museum of Fine Arts
17-dic-2011 . St. Petersburg, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Museum of Fine Arts, St. Petersburg
Contact: David Connelly, [email protected]
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=48455
18-dic-2011 . ARIZONA, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Phoenix Art Museum
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.phxart.org/exhibition/FrankLloydWright.php
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Musées, Muséologie et Patrimoine mobilier
Exhibition - African-American artist Henry Ossawa Tanner
27 jan - 15 avr 2012 . Philadelphia, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49135
Exhibition - "Edgar Degas: The Private Impressionist"
23 fév - 27 mai 2012 . Portland, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Portland Museum of Art
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.portlandmuseum.org/Content/5897.shtml
EXHIBITION - Becoming Van Gogh
21-oct-2012 . Denver, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Denver Art Museum
+ info: http://www.denverartmuseum.org/explore_art/temporaryExhibitionDetails/exhibitionId--210393/exhibitionType-Upcoming
The Royal Collection's First Book for Children: Does The Queen Wear Her Crown in Bed?
By Marion McAuley, illustrations by Katy Sleight
Royal Collection Publications, July 2011
ISBN 978-1-905686-41-1
Does The Queen wear her crown in bed and who walks the corgis when she’s busy? Those are the sort of
details children really want to know about life at Buckingham Palace.
Inspired by the many questions that children have asked her, Marion McAuley, a former Head of
Education at the Royal Collection, decided to provide the answers in the Royal Household’s first children’s
book about The Queen’s London home.
In this 32-page book, illustrated by Katy Sleight, a footman guides two children around the Palace, showing them some of
its rooms and explaining The Queen’s most important duties – and what you should do if you meet her.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49802
History Behind Monet's Water Lilies Triptych: Agapanthus - Saint Louis Art Museum - Missouri - USA The Saint Louis Art Museum announced the publication of Monet’s Water Lilies: The Agapanthus Triptych to accompany the
featured exhibition, Monet’s Water Lilies, which opens October 2, 2011. The fascinating and little-known history behind the
triptych, recognized as one of Monet’s most impressive accomplishments, is explored in this catalogue.
French artist Claude Monet is one of the most significant and best-known Impressionists, and his Water Lily paintings—
approximately 250 in the entire series —represent the culminating achievement of his career. The exhibition Monet’s Water
Lilies reunites the Agapanthus triptych for the first time in more than 30 years.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49412
American Journal of Archaeology Online Reviews (July 2011)
The American Journal of Archaeology publishes quarterly open access book and museum reviews. These reviews are listed
in the table of contents of the respective printed issue of the Journal and are available for free download on the Journal's
Below is a list of book and museum exhibition reviews published in tandem with our printed July 2011 issue (volume 115,
number 3). See the Current Table of Contents or click the links below to access the free PDFs.
+ info: http://www.ajaonline.org/toc/1153-0
History's Shadow: New Book Examines Art and Artifacts through Museum
Conservation X-Rays
History’s Shadow, a new photography book by artist David Maisel (Nazraeli Press, $75,
hardcover, 72 pages, ISBN 978-1-59005-278-4), examines art and artifacts through
museum conservation x-rays. Like spectral transmissions conveying messages across time,
the images in History’s Shadow make the invisible visible – expressing the shape-shifting
nature of time itself and the continuous presence of the past contained within us. The book
will be published October 1, 2011 and includes an essay by David Maisel and a short story by
Jonathan Lethem.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49539
MUSEUM International N°248: Haiti, Cultural Heritage and Reconstruction
La revue, publiée par lUNESCO depuis 1948, se consacre à léchange dinformations scientifiques et
techniques sur les musées et le patrimoine dans une perspective de collaboration internationale.
MUSEUM International cherche à renforcer la relation entre la communauté professionnelle internationale
des musées et du patrimoine et les experts chinois dans le but de développer des méthodes diversifiées et
de renforcer la solidarité internationale.
+ info: http://portal.unesco.org/culture/fr/ev.phpURL_ID=41688&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html
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Musées, Muséologie et Patrimoine mobilier
Technical Vocabulary for Cultural Property Conservation: English-Arabic
By Fatma Marii and Usam Ghaidan
©UNESCO, 2011
UNESCO Iraq Office – Culture Unit
After reviewing the reports presented to NRICP and UNESCO by the Iraqi experts at the
conclusion of their respective training courses, they were found to be so rich and
interesting that UNESCO proposed to keep a record of this experience so that they could
be shared with other museums in Iraq. This publication, The English-Arabic Technical
Vocabulary for Museum Conservation, is the fruit of that effort; all the terms found within are taken from the abovementioned reports, they will stand over time as an unexpected but valued result of this initiative.
+ info: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0019/001937/193734m.pdf
Trésors insolites des musées de France (Visite par l'insolite des collections françaises)
Par Jean-Jacques Breton et Dominique Williatte
Publisher: Flammarion (6 April 2011)
ISBN : 978-2-08-124269-2
Ces trésors ont été choisis pour leur caractère inattendu lié à leur auteur, à leur sujet, à leurs secrets
ou à leur étrange destin. Dans le livre cohabitent ainsi Les Joueurs de cartes des frères Le Nain, qui
offrent une synthèse unique des leçons flamandes et du Caravage au XVIIe siècle, avec la palette de
Delacroix, qui dévoile les rapports de tons auxquels s’astreignait l’artiste avant de peindre. Ailleurs,
c’est un tableau de Degas, conservé à Pau, qui est dévoilé comme l’un des rares exemples d’une œuvre impressionniste
réalisée en Amérique.
La thématique des trésors insolites constitue un sujet fort intéressant, même si peu original. Il subsiste cependant un
regret face à un discours parfois recherché : pourquoi l’avoir doté d’une présentation académique ?
+ info: http://www.artclair.com/oeil/archives/docs_article/88025/tresors-insolites-des-musees-de-france.php
The RA Collection of Chinese Ceramics: A Collector's Vision
The most important new reference book on Chinese export porcelain to have been published for many years reveals for the
first time comprehensive details of what is probably the world’s best private collection of pieces intended primarily for the
European market. The RA Collection of Chinese Ceramics: A Collector’s Vision by Maria Antónia Pinto de Matos, a
distinguished academic and museum director, also contains much new research into the entire subject of Chinese export
porcelain. Published by Jorge Welsh Books, this magnificent limited edition three- volume boxed set is a work of art in its
own right.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=50213
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Patrimoine naturel et environnement
Patrimoine naturel et environnement
Les similitudes entre l'homme et l'animal vues par le World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
Si l'homme oublie qu'il est un animal, la nouvelle vidéo mise en ligne par le WWF le lui rappellera
très certainement. Intitulée "The World is Where We Live", elle circule depuis quelques jours sur
Internet et met en images plusieurs similitudes frappantes entre l'humain et les autres espèces qui
vivent dans la nature.
+ info: http://wwf.panda.org/wwf_news/multimedia/
Successful conclusion of the First Meeting of the Andes on "Reserves of the Biosphere,
sites inscribed in the UNESCO World Heritage and Climate Change List"
The sectors of Culture and Natural Sciences at UNESCO/Quito, with the cooperation from the
Bolivian National UNESCO Commission and sponsorship from the Ministries of Cultures and
Environment and Waters of Bolivia organized the First Meeting of the Andes on “Reserves of the
Biosphere, sites inscribed in the UNESCO World Heritage and Climate Change List” held on April
24 to 26 in La Paz, Bolivia.
Several Bolivian governmental authorities participated in the meeting, namely the Minister of
Cultures, Elizabeth Salguero Carrillo, the Minister of Environment and Waters, Julieta Mabel Monje Villa, the Vice Minister of
Environment, Cynthia Silva Maturana, teh Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, Juan Carlos Alurralde, the Vice Minister for
Science and Technologies (Ministry of Education), Pedro Arturo Crespo Alvizuri, and the Director of the UNESCO Quito,
Office Edouard Matoko.
+ info: http://www.unesco.lacult.org/noticias/showitem.php?uid_ext=&getipr=MTcyLjI0LjEwLjIy&lg=2&id=3073
Projet de décret relatif aux chartes des parc nationaux - France
La politique des parcs nationaux français a fait l’objet d’une réforme législative en 2006. La loi prévoit l’élaboration pour
chaque parc national d’un projet de territoire, périodiquement révisé, dénommé charte du parc national. La présente
consultation porte sur une modification du code de l’environnement qui a pour objet de préciser d’une part, que les chartes
des parcs nationaux font l’objet d’une évaluation environnementale et d’autre part, que la formation d’autorité
environnementale du Conseil général de l’environnement et du développement durable est chargée de donner un avis sur
le rapport environnemental sur chacune de ces chartes. La consultation est ouverte jusqu’au 12 juillet 2011 à l’adresse :
[email protected]
+ info: http://www.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/spip.php?page=article&id_article=23256
Introducing Europe's Protected Natural Areas: Etna Regional Park Italy
In this section we give you a more in depth look at our members and how they
manage Europe's natural heritage. Each month we will upload information about
a different EUROPARC member. This month (August 2011) we take a closer look
at Etna Regional Park, Italy. Information on protected areas who have
previously been featured on this page can be downloaded below.
+ info: http://www.europarc.org/who-we-are/introducing-europe
Troisième révision de la charte du futur parc national des Calanques : « Tu me fends le cœur ! » - Marseille France
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Patrimoine naturel et environnement
Suite à la parution de la version 3 de la charte du parc national des Calanques et avant l'Assemblée générale du
Groupement d'intérêt public (GIP) Calanques du 27 juin 2011, FNE et sa fédération régionale URVN, l'UDVN 13, la LPO et la
Ligue ROC estiment que certains aspects de ce projet demeurent encore très insatisfaisants, voici le principaux :
S'inquiétant d'un cœur de parc en dentelle, reflétant les conflits d'intérêts, les associations environnementales demandent
notamment que l'archipel du Frioul, qui constitue une composante importante du caractère du parc, soit inclus, non pas
dans l'aire optimale d'adhésion, mais dans le cœur terrestre et marin du parc afin de protéger au mieux sa richesse
faunistique et floristique. C'est un non-sens de reconnaître ce territoire comme étant exceptionnel, et de ne pas l'intégrer
en cœur de parc !
+ info: http://www.lpo.fr/communique/troisieme-revision-de-la-charte-du-futur-parc-national-des-calanques-tu-me-fendsle-coeur
Météo: des satellites pour mieux comprendre la pluie au Sahel
Mieux comprendre pourquoi et où la pluie tombe au Sahel afin d'aider les paysans
d'Afrique de l'Ouest à assurer leur subsistance: c'est dans ce but que des scientifiques
ont analysé par satellites les orages qui s'abattent sur cette région aride.
Sans surprise, ils ont confirmé qu'un sol déjà humide favorisait, par évaporation,
l'arrivée de la pluie. Mais leurs travaux, publiés dimanche dans la revue britannique
Nature Geoscience, montrent aussi que les orages n'éclatent pas nécessairement là où
on les attend.
+ info: http://www.sciencesetavenir.fr/depeche/sciences/20110612.AFP4074/meteo-des-satellites-pour-mieuxcomprendre-la-pluie-au-sahel.html
NASA'S "Age of Aquarius" Dawns With Launch From California - USA
NASA's 'Age of Aquarius' dawned Friday with the launch of an
international satellite carrying the agency-built Aquarius instrument that will measure the
saltiness of Earth's oceans to advance our understanding of the global water cycle and
improve climate forecasts.
The Aquarius/SAC-D observatory rocketed into space from Vandenberg Air Force Base in
California atop a United Launch Alliance Delta II rocket at 7:20:13 a.m. PDT. Less than 57
minutes later, the observatory separated from the rocket's second stage and began
activation procedures, establishing communications with ground controllers and unfurling
its solar arrays.
Initial telemetry reports show the observatory is in excellent health. The SAC-D (Satélite de
Aplicaciones Científicas) observatory is a collaboration between NASA and Argentina's
space agency, Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (CONAE).
+ info: http://aquarius.nasa.gov/pdfs/11-181_Aquarius_Launch_SC.pdf
Programme court en gestion des ressources fauniques - TELUQ - Université à distance de l'Université du
Québec à Monréal (UQAM)
Objectifs: Comprendre les effets des interventions dans le domaine de la gestion des ressources fauniques et de leurs
habitats en relation avec les problématiques environnementales. Relier les activités scientifiques et socio-économiques à la
base de l'utilisation rationnelle des ressources renouvelables.
Contact: Louise Provencher, coordonnatrice à l'encadrement, Québec, poste 5408 [email protected]
+ info: http://www.teluq.uquebec.ca/sed/xml/sabplXml.php
Parc marin des estuaires picards : ouverture de l'enquête publique - France
Une enquête publique sera ouverte du 16 août au 16 octobre concernant le projet finalisé de parc naturel marin des
estuaires picards. Le projet initié depuis 2008, concerne un périmètre allant du Tréport en Seine-Maritime jusqu'à Escalles
dans le Pas-de-Calais. Il comprend les estuaires de la Bresle, de la Somme, de l'Authie, de la Canche, de la Liane, du
Wimereux et de la Slack.
Habitants, vacanciers, collectivités, instances professionnelles, services de l'Etat et établissements publics, sont invités à
donner leur avis et leur suggestion sur ce projet ayant un périmètre de 2.290 km2.
42 mairies du littoral sont concernées. La commission d'enquête qui assurera des permanences dans chaque mairie
concernée, rendra son rapport et la synthèse des avis en fin d'année au ministère en charge de l'Ecologie.
Ce parc marin est initialement prévu pour fin 2011 aux côtés des parcs de Côte Vermeille et des Glorieuses. Ils succèdent à
ceux de l'Iroise en 2007 et de Mayotte début 2010.
+ info: http://www.actu-environnement.com/ae/news/enquete-publique-parc-marin-estuaires-picard-13126.php4
New Website Targets Teachers and Students to Study Native Responses to Environmental Challenges
Developed in collaboration with the Akwesasne Mohawk of northern New York, the Campo Kumeyaay Nation of southern
California, the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe of northern Minnesota and the Lummi Nation of Washington state, the
Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian launches a new educational website, “American Indian Responses
to Environmental Challenges,” that will target middle and high school teachers, students and the general public. Users can
see how tribes use their traditional culture, values and indigenous knowledge in combination with contemporary science
and technologies to inform their environmental work.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49839
Un rapport historique montre les impacts environnementaux de l'aquaculture et démontre que
la culture durable de fruits de mer est la clé de la future sécureté alimentaire globale
Une nouvelle et complète analyse publiée par WorldFish Center et Conservation International (CI) a
étudié l'impact environnemental des espèces et des systèmes de production de l'aquaculture principale
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Patrimoine naturel et environnement
mondiale, et offre aujourd'hui une première estimation globale des tendances et des incidences des fruits
de mer cultivés. L'analyse a constaté que, des 75 systèmes d'espèce-production passés en revue, une
plus grande production entraîne une incidence plus écologique, et que, si comparée aux autres formes de
production de protéines animales telles que le bétail, l'aquaculture s'avère plus efficace.
+ info: http://www.conservation.org/newsroom/pressreleases/Pages/Un-rapport-historique-montre-les-impactsenvironnementaux-de-laquaculture.aspx
Transboundary parks meet for discussions in Krkonoše National Park - Czech
It was with great pleasure that the EUROPARC Director, Carol Ritchie, had the opportunity to
attend the third TransParcNet meeting in the Krkonoše (Czech Republic) - Karkonosze
(Poland) Mountains transboundary National Parks.
Despite the park names being a bit of a tongue twister, the scenery , mountain air, excellent
accommodation and hospitality were appreciate by all the 35 representatives of
transboundary protected areas from across Europe. Meeting in the historical Lu?ní bouda
Chaet, at 1410m one of the highest and oldest huts in the region, gave us firsthand experience of the mountains , in every
possible kind of weather imaginable in just two days!
+ info: http://www.europarc.org/what-we-do/transboundary-parks/current-transboundar/
Enquête « Natura 2000 » de FNE : des sites naturels dégradés au menu des
vacances - France
La directive européenne dite "Habitats" de mai 1992 a été instituée pour préserver la
biodiversité européenne, notamment en créant un réseau de sites naturels appelé
"Natura 2000" . Attentive à la mise en œuvre de ces directives, France Nature
Environnement vient de réaliser une nouvelle enquête sur les sites Natura 2000 en
France, dégradés ou menacés par des projets d’aménagement. Ceux qui ont la chance
de partir en vacances cet été pourront mesurer, sur le terrain, l’ampleur des dégâts…
+ info: http://www.fne.asso.fr/fr/enquete-natura-2000-de-fne-des-sites-naturels-degrades-au-menu-des-vacances.html?
Une première en Europe : la France présente son plan d’adaptation au changement climatique
Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet a présenté mercredi 20 juillet 2011 en présence de Jean Jouzel, vice-président du Groupe
d’Experts Intergouvernemental sur l’Evolution du Climat (GIEC), le plan français d’adaptation au changement climatique,
premier plan de cette ampleur dans l’Union européenne. Ce plan fera l’objet d’un suivi annuel et d’une évaluation finale fin
2015, afin de préparer la suite.
+ info: http://www.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/spip.php?page=article&id_article=23696
Shouf Cedar forests lead Lebanon eco-tourism boom - Lebanon
Shouf, Lebanon (CNN) -- Lebanon's 2,000 hectares of cedar forest are a peaceful oasis for hikers, mountain bikers and birdwatchers, a world away from the hustle and bustle of Beirut.
In the Shouf Cedar Reserve, the country's largest natural forest, villagers make a living selling home-made jam, honey,
pickled olives and wine to tourists.
The area was declared was declared a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve in 2005. While sustainable tourism is booming, the
ancient forests are under threat from climate change.
Nizar Hani, manager of Shouf Cedar Reserve, said: "Right now we have a new challenge for the cedar forest in Lebanon,
which is the climate change.
"The expected threat to the cedar forest is (that) the natural regeneration will be affected, because the cedar seeds need to
be under snow for two months minimum."
+ info: http://shoufcedar.org/showarticle.asp?id=36
Le Président de la Commission européenne s'exprime en faveur d'un budget pour la stratégie Europe 2020 axé
sur l'écologie
L'Union européenne oeuvre chaque jour à la réalisation des aspirations de ses 500 millions d’habitants. Je suis convaincu
que ces efforts peuvent être une force en faveur du renouveau de l'économie sociale de marché hautement compétitive
tant en Europe que sur le plan mondial. Pour y parvenir, nous avons besoin d’un budget novateur. D'un budget qui soit en
adéquation avec les nouvelles réalités de la mondialisation, qui corresponde aux enjeux actuels et qui ouvre des
perspectives pour demain.
+ info: http://ec.europa.eu/budget/library/biblio/documents/fin_fwk1420/MFF_COM-2011-500_Part_I_fr.pdf
Landscapes of Cohabitation / doxiadis+ - Antiparos - Greece
The Aegean islands are known for their great and dramatic beauty. Significantly, this beauty is the result of the interaction
of natural and human agents, both in its creation and in its perception and representation: the white chapel on top of a hill,
the traditional village overlooking the sunset, the golden wheat-fields overlooking the sea. These elements were not
constructed with any attempts or notion of the picturesque; however, they are the result of self-organizing systems of
structures and processes developed over millennia.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/142310/landscapes-of-cohabitation-doxiadis/?
Guadeloupe : création de la réserve naturelle nationale de la Désirade - Guadeloupe - France
Première réserve naturelle à caractère essentiellement géologique de l’outre-mer, son classement a fait
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Patrimoine naturel et environnement
l’objet d’un large consensus et a bénéficié d’un fort soutien des collectivités territoriales qui ont été parties
prenantes de ce projet dès son lancement.
Les sites retenus dans le périmètre de la réserve constituent un concentré de ce qui fait l’originalité de la
Désirade : ce paysage étonnant, sculpté par l’érosion marine, abrite un site géologique emblématique, cette
île constituant un élément clé dans la reconstitution des premières phases de l’évolution de l’arc antillais.
+ info: http://www.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/spip.php?page=article&id_article=23746
Mastère spécialisé en Management de l'Environnement : de nouvelles ambitions à l'INSA Lyon - Lyon - France
Le Mastère spécialisé de l’INSA Lyon, auparavant baptisé Management de l’Environnement et de la Sécurité Industriels,
évolue. Pour répondre à la demande du marché, la formation intègre une dimension énergétique dans sa pédagogie, dès la
rentrée 2011/2012.
+ info: http://me4.insa-lyon.fr/
FELLOWSHIPS - The 2011 Eco-innovation call for proposals - Deadline for call for proposals: 8 September 2011
Got a great business project that could make Europe greener but don't know how to get it off the ground? The 2011 Ecoinnovation call for proposals may be for you!
The European Commission grants an additional 2 Million Euros to finance green ideas: the total budget available for the
2011 Call is 38 Million Euros.
This call is open to all legal persons that are based in eligible countries but the priority will be given to Small- and Mediumsized Enterprises (SMEs). Clusters of applicants and projects which demonstrate a European added value and have a high
potential for market replication are strongly encouraged.
+ info: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/eco-innovation/getting-funds/call-for-proposals/index_en.htm
Future emissions from shipping and petroleum activities in the Arctic
G. P. Peters, T. B. Nilssen, L. Lindholt, M. S. Eide, S. Glomsrød, L. I. Eide, and J. S. Fuglestvedt The Arctic sea-ice is
retreating faster than predicted by climate models and could become ice free during summer this century. The reduced seaice extent may effectively “unlock” the Arctic Ocean to increased human activities such as transit shipping and expanded oil
and gas production.
Travel time between Europe and the north Pacific Region can be reduced by up to 50% with low sea-ice levels and the use
of this route could increase substantially as the sea-ice retreats. Oil and gas activities already occur in the Arctic region and
given the large undiscovered petroleum resources increased activity could be expected with reduced sea-ice…
+ info: http://www.atmos-chem-phys.net/11/5305/2011/acp-11-5305-2011.pdf
The knock-on effects of Germany's nuclear phase-out - Germany
Policy change promises more renewable energy and electricity price hike.
Germany announced on 30 May that it will shut down all of its nuclear power stations by
2022. This leaves the country looking for ways to keep the lights on while meeting targets to
cut carbon emissions. Nature explains the impact of the nuclear phase-out.
+ info: http://www.nature.com/news/2011/110603/full/news.2011.348.html
Three Gorges Dam problems revealed - People's Republic of China
The central government has for the first time acknowledged downsides to the Three Gorges
Project, but vowed to correct the mishaps and improve disaster prevention mechanisms, as
a severe drought in central and southern China threatens millions of people.
In a statement issued after a meeting presided over by Premier Wen Jiabao, the State
Council said the project had played a key role in flood prevention and power generation, but
admitted it had caused severe problems to the environment, shipping, agricultural irrigation
and water supplies in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, an area of 633,000 square
kilometers shared by eight provinces.
+ info: http://china.globaltimes.cn/society/2011-05/657185.html
The Hawai'i Wildlife Center / Ruhl Walker Architects - Halaula - Hawai'i - USA
The Hawai’i Wildlife Center, a non-profit organization, is Hawaii’s first wildlife recovery center dedicated to the recovery and
conservation of the islands’ unique wildlife. Through three integrated design components, this structure by Ruhl Walker
Architects serves to fulfill the mission of the organization to serve as an institution devoted to research, the rehabilitation of
animals, and the education and training of the general public.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/159928/
Le génome du kangourou enfin décrypté
Pour la première fois, des chercheurs sont parvenus à séquencer le génome du kangourou. Un travail
qui leur a permis entre autres, d'identifier les gènes responsables des fantastiques sauts de ces
marsupiaux, selon une étude publiée vendredi.
Marsupial emblématique de l'Australie, le kangourou a déjà fait l'objet de nombreuses études
scientifiques qui se sont intéressées à son comportement mais aussi à ses étonnantes capacités de
saut. Mais, jusqu'ici, aucune n'avait été consacrée à décrypter le génome de l'animal sauteur. C'est
désormais chose faite grâce à un consortium de scientifiques de cinq pays différents : Australie, ÉtatsUnis, Japon, Angleterre et Allemagne. Plus précisément, c'est en fait le génome du Macropus eugenii, petit kangourou
australien, que les chercheurs ont séquencé et détaillé dans la revue Genome biology.
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Patrimoine naturel et environnement
+ info: http://www.maxisciences.com/kangourou/le-genome-du-kangourou-enfin-decrypte_art16444.html
North Mountain Visitor Center / John Douglas Architects - 2008 - PHOENIX - ARIZONA - USA
What was once merely a trail head parking lot, now serves as a gateway to the vast and rugged North Mountain Park. The
North Mountain visitor center by John Douglas Architects educates locals, tourists and youth, on the significance of the
mountain preserve and its Sonoran desert ecology. 20,000 visitors have toured the center over the past year and have
taken with them a new sense of understanding on the importance of open-space preservation in our bustling metropolis.
Prior to beginning design studies, specific research was conducted to ensure that the design of the facility would be
responsive to its desert environment. One of the key contributors to the design team’s understanding of the site was a
team of geologists from Arizona State University. Their explanation of the hidden forces that shape the terrain, led directly
to the form and materials of the Center.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/160341
International Concessions Management Workshop Co-organized by the NPS (National Parks Service - USA)
At the 2010 Convention on Biological Diversity, nations committed to set aside 17% of the globe's land as parks and other
protected areas. New parks and preserves, joining 120,000 that already exist, will be created to meet that target. How will
budget-constrained governments accomplish this task? This question and possible solutions provided the context for an
international workshop held at Golden Gate National Recreation Area and Yosemite National Park. The meeting was
sponsored by the National Park Service's Office of International Affairs and the Commercial Services Program, in
conjunction with Colorado State University's Center for Protected Area Management. Representatives from Asia, Africa,
Latin America, Australia, New Zealand and Europe joined U.S. and Canadian counterparts, including NPS staff, to discuss
the benefits and challenges of engaging the private sector in partnerships to help manage national parks and other
protected areas, including World Heritage Sites, which are the most significant places on the planet. The UNESCO World
Heritage Centre and IUCN's World Commission on Protected Areas were also represented at the meeting. For more
information, contact Jon Putnam at [email protected]
+ info: http://www.nps.gov/oia/
STEPPA (Sustainable Tourism in Enterprises, Parks and Protected Areas): Customer and
business surveys completed
The survey on visitors to protected areas for STEPPA has now been completed. Parks from Italy,
Spain, Germany, Latvia, the Slovak Republic, the United Kingdom and Finland participated in the
survey. Two different questionnaires were used in the survey: one for customers currently visiting a
protected area and one for potential and previous visitors of protected areas. The data from the
survey is currently being analysed. The results will provide information on customer's views on
sustainability in protected landscapes and their willingness to behave in a sustainable way whilst
traveling. They will be presented at the Sustainable Tourism Conference 2011: Relationships in sustainable tourism
development, held in Savonlinna, Finland, in October 2011. The final report of the survey will be available to all later this
+ info: http://www.europarc.org/what-we-do/steppa/news-from-the-steppa/
Commemorating the great work of Rangers around the world
(31 July)
World Ranger Day is observed on the 31st of July each year.
It is the day to commemorate the many Rangers killed or injured in the
line of duty.
It is also the day to celebrate Rangers and the work they do to protect
the world’s natural and cultural treasures.
World Ranger Day is promoted by the 54 member associations of the
International Ranger Federation (IRF), by our partner the Thin Green Line Foundation, and by individuals who support the
work of Rangers and the IRF. The first World Ranger Day was observed in 2007 on the 15th anniversary of the founding of
the IRF.
+ info: http://www.int-ranger.net/whatsnew.html
GoodPlanet et Agrisud lancent un nouveau projet d’agroécologie et de foresterie à Madagascar - Madagascar
Partenaires depuis 2008, le programme Action Carbone de la fondation GoodPlanet et l'association Agrisud International
s'associent au travers d'un nouveau projet d’agroécologie et de foresterie à Madagascar. Grâce, en particulier, à une
subvention de l'AFD (Agence Française de Développement), les premiers travaux seront lancés dès le mois de juillet 2011.
Le 24 mai 2011, le Comité ONG, délégation du Conseil d’Administration de l’AFD pour l’appui aux initiatives des ONG
(Organisations Non Gouvernementales), a approuvé l’attribution d’une subvention de 504 521 € au profit du projet de
foresterie et d’agroforesterie paysannes à Madagascar porté par la Fondation GoodPlanet (soit 50% du budget total).
+ info: http://www.agrisud.org/images/PDF/projetitasy%20goodplanet%20ai.pdf
Intergovernmental Committee on Cooperation for Wilderness and Protected Areas Conservation in Oaxaca Mexico
North American Cooperation on Protected Areas NPS staff participated in the 2011 meeting of the North American
Intergovernmental Committee on Cooperation for Wilderness and Protected Areas Conservation in Oaxaca, Mexico, a
trilateral body that brings wildlife conservation professionals from Canada, the United States and Mexico together in an
effort to protect wilderness areas across North America.
Representatives from each national park/wildlife agency agreed to create three new subcommittees: The Role of Protected
Areas in Responding to Climate Change, Ensuring Relevance of Protected Areas in a Changing World, and Understanding
and Communicating the Value of Ecological Services. The meeting also marked the transition of leadership from Canada
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Patrimoine naturel et environnement
(Parks Canada) to the US (NPS). For more details, contact Garry Oye, at [email protected]
+ info: http://www.nps.gov/oia/
Sequoia - Kings Canyon National Park (USA) Looks to Renew US-Cambodia Sister Park
Management staff from Sequoia-Kings Canyon National Park (SEKI) visited its Cambodian sister park, Samlaut Protected
Area to acquire a better understanding of the sister park relationship which was established in 2006, thanks to the auspices
of the Maddox-Jolie-Pitt Asia Foundation (MJP-Asia), to discuss the sister-park relationship with U.S. Embassy staff and
with senior Cambodian Ministry of Environment personnel, and to discuss goals and objectives for future cooperation. SEKI,
Cambodian and MJP-Asia staff all agreed that past efforts in park ranger training and development should continue, with
adaptation of training to local needs and the introduction of new instruction topics. Future cooperation may include
assistance to the Ministry of Environment in the development of national protected area management systems and
programs. For more details, contact Kevin Hendricks, at [email protected]
+ info: http://www.nps.gov/oia/
Crimes contre l'environnement : 12 Etats membres de l'Union européenne n'ont pas transposé la législation
Depuis 2008, la législation européenne prévoit que les Etats membres disposent de mesures de droit pénal pour réagir aux
graves infractions environnementales. Une liste d'infractions pénales a été dressée (transport illicite de déchets, commerce
illicite d'espèces menacées d'extinction…). Ce texte devait être transposé en droit national avant le 26 décembre 2010. Dix
Etats membres (l'Allemagne, Chypre, la Grèce, l'Italie, la Lituanie, Malte, le Portugal, la République tchèque, la Roumanie
et la Slovénie) ne sont toujours pas en conformité.
+ info: http://www.actu-environnement.com/ae/news/infraction-environnemental-pollution-navire-droit-europeen-12805.
NSIDC (National Snow in Ice Data Center): Arctic sea ice at the crossroads
After a period of slow melt from late July through early August, Arctic ice extent is again declining at a
brisk pace, but remains higher than for 2007, the record low year. Data also indicate continued thinning
of the ice. With about a month left in the sea ice melt season, the amount of further ice loss will depend
mostly on weather patterns.
+ info: http://nsidc.org/arcticseaicenews/
WEBSITE: Artic Stories
This site came about as a result of the friendship between three people - Peter Lourie, Paul and
Jody Shepson. Their passionate concern about climate change and love for the natural
environment, and a grant from the National Science Foundation to Paul, created the opportunity
to capture, in the form of "Video Storytelling," the voices of the Arctic, and the scientists who
study it.
Peter started taking photos for his nonfiction children's books and gradually got interested in
multimedia projects. Working with an atmospheric chemist like Dr. Shepson, while in the Arctic,
presented many wonderful opportunities to capture a special people in a magic environment.
Here we present a range of videos about the Arctic environment, how it is changing, how it is being studied, what the
impacts might be, and most importantly, what life in this beautiful part of the planet is all about.
+ info: http://www.arcticstories.net/wildlife.html
NOUVEAU SITE INTERNET: La faune et la flore du Gabon à portée de clic
Pays de 267.667 km2, le Gabon a la particularité d'être faiblement peuplé (environ 1,5
millions d'habitants) et d'abriter une immense faune et flore apparemment bien
Le pays dispose à lui seul de treize parcs nationaux couvrant 11% du territoire, lesquels
regorgent de nombreuses espèces d'animaux, notamment la plus grande population au
monde de tortues luths, 30.000 éléphants, 15.000 gorilles de la forêt tropicale…
+ info: http://cursus.edu/dossiers-articles/articles/17465/faune-flore-gabon-portee-clic/
L' enquête publique concernant l'évolution du Parc national de Port-Cros est ouverte - Port-Cros - France
Afin d'informer le public et recueillir ses observations sur le projet de modification du décret de création du Parc national de
Port-Cros, une enquête publique d'un mois est ouverte à compter du 22 août 2011 dans les communes de Hyères-lesPalmiers, La Garde, Le Pradet, Carqueiranne, La Londe-les-Maures, Bormes-les-Mimosas, Le Lavandou, Le Rayol-Canadel,
Cavalaire-sur- Mer, La Croix-Valmer et Ramatuelle.
Toute personne souhaitant prendre connaissance du dossier et compléter le registre d'enquête pourra le faire dans l'un des
15 lieux signifiés dans l'arrêté préfectoral du 18 juillet 2011.
Vous pouvez également donner votre avis et prendre connaissance des pièces du dossier sur le site http://enquetepublique-pnpc2011.espaces-naturels.fr/
+ info: http://www.portcrosparcnational.fr/documentation/pdf/Synthese_Enquete_Publique.pdf
Natura 2000 : un nouveau régime d'autorisation est défini dans le
code de l'environnement français
Un nouveau régime d'autorisation administrative propre à Natura 2000
est créé dans le Code de l'environnement. Le dispositif réglementaire
français, ainsi complété, saura-t-il satisfaire la Commission européenne ?
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_71/26_2011.html (6 de 12) [26/09/2011 16:25:53]
Patrimoine naturel et environnement
La France vient de compléter son dispositif réglementaire portant sur le
réseau écologique européen Natura 2000 par la publication d'un nouveau
décret au Journal officiel du 18 août. Son but : créer un régime
d'autorisation administrative spécifique. L'Etat français avait été condamné à plusieurs reprises pour mauvaise
transposition des directives créant ce réseau.
+ info: http://www.actu-environnement.com/ae/news/Natura-2000-autorisation-nouveau-regime-13270.php4#xtor=EPR-1
Observatório Nacional descobre indícios de um Rio Subterrâneo debaixo do Rio Amazonas - Brazil
Em agosto de 2011, os pesquisadores da Coordenação de Geofísica do Observatório Nacional – ON apresentaram um
trabalho no 12o Congresso Internacional da Sociedade Brasiliera de Geofísica, no Rio de Janeiro, apontando indícios da
existência de um rio subterrâneo debaixo do Rio Amazonas.
Esta fantástica descoberta faz parte de um trabalho de doutorado da aluna Elizabeth Tavares Pimentel, sob orientação do
pesquisador Valiya Hamza. O trabalho é baseado na análise de dados de temperaturas de 241 poços profundos perfurados
pela PETROBRAS, nas décadas de 1970 e 1980, na região Amazônica. A área de estudo abrange as bacias sedimentares de
Acre, Solimões, Amazonas, Marajó e Barreirinhas.
Os resultados obtidos permitiram identificação de movimentação das águas subterrâneas em profundidades de até 4000
metros nesta região. A metodologia utilizada baseia-se na identificação de sinais térmicos típicos de movimentos de fluidos
em meios porosos.
+ info: http://www.on.br/conteudo/noticias/2011/Pimentel_Hamza_SBGF_2011.pdf
Website Africannaturalheritage.org
Discover Africa's UNESCO-designated world heritage sites - some of the most spectacular places on
Earth. This site aims to raise awareness of the 38 sites in Africa designated under the world heritage
convention's natural criteria - iconic places such as Serengeti, Kilimanjaro, Victoria Falls and Land of the
Dogons, as well as less well-known sites such as the Djoudj wetlands, the deserts of Air Tenere, and the
fabulous fossil sites of Lake Turkana.
+ info: http://www.africannaturalheritage.org/
Parc naturel régional du Marais Poitevin - Newsletter n°1 - Juillet 2011 (France)
Le Parc naturel régional du Marais poitevin, Val de Sèvre et Vendée est un parc naturel régional
français créé en 1979, qui fut déclassé au 31 décembre 1996 en raison de l'échec de sa mission
de préservation de l'environnement d'une grande zone humide. La structure de gestion (un
syndicat mixte) a été maintenue sous l'appellation de parc interrégional du Marais poitevin.
Il s'agit du seul cas de déclassement d'un parc naturel régional depuis la création de ces
+ info: http://www.parc-marais-poitevin.fr/
Russia bids to expand Arctic border to seek gas - Naryan-Mar - Russian Federation
Russia will submit a claim to the United Nations to expand its Arctic borders, a top official
said Wednesday, as scientists embarked on a new expedition to prove its ownership of
energy-rich territory.
"I expect that next year we will present a well-based scientific claim about expanding the
borders of our Arctic shelf," Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov said in the Far Northern
town of Naryan-Mar in the Arctic Circle.
Ivanov was speaking as Russian scientists embarked on a new expedition aimed at proving
its claims to territory on the Arctic shelf, in the latest exploration venture that risks sparking tensions with neighbours like
+ info: http://www.france24.com/en/20110706-russia-bids-expand-arctic-border-seek-gas
Parc naturel régional du Marais Poitevin - Newsletter n°1 - Août 2011 (France)
Le Parc naturel régional du Marais poitevin, Val de Sèvre et Vendée est un parc naturel régional
français créé en 1979, qui fut déclassé au 31 décembre 1996 en raison de l'échec de sa mission
de préservation de l'environnement d'une grande zone humide. La structure de gestion (un
syndicat mixte) a été maintenue sous l'appellation de parc interrégional du Marais poitevin.
Il s'agit du seul cas de déclassement d'un parc naturel régional depuis la création de ces
+ info: http://www.parc-marais-poitevin.fr/
La délinquance environnementale sera aussi au menu des tribunaux correctionnels citoyens - France
Le Parlement a définitivement adopté, le 6 juillet dernier, le projet de loi sur la participation des citoyens au
fonctionnement de la justice pénale. Supprimées en première lecture par l'Assemblée nationale, les infractions
environnementales ont été réintroduites par la commission mixte paritaire, chargée de trouver un compromis sur le projet
de texte, dans le champ de compétence des "tribunaux correctionnels dans leur formation citoyenne".
+ info: http://www.assemblee-nationale.fr/13/pdf/ta/ta0706.pdf
The State of America's National Parks: A Response - USA
Last week, the National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA) released their report on The
State of America’s National Parks, calling for major improvements in the management of
natural, historic and cultural resources in advance of the 2016 centennial of the Park Service.
NPCA’s report, based on 10 years of research on 80 park units, finds that the Park Service lacks
the professional and financial capacity to care for the 27,000 historic structures, 4 million
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Patrimoine naturel et environnement
archaeological sites, 123 million museum objects and archival documents in park units it is
responsible for protecting. Historic structures were found to be in fair to poor condition in the
parks studied. None were in excellent condition. In fact, $3 billion of the $10.5 billion deferred maintenance budget for
National Parks is needed for park historic structures. Additionally, overall funding and priority for the protection of cultural
resources is not on par with funding for the protection of natural resources even though two thirds of the parks were
created because of their historic and cultural significance.
+ info: http://blog.preservationnation.org/2011/07/08/the-state-of-america%E2%80%99s-national-parks-a-response/
Conférence EUROPARC 2011 « La qualité compte – Bénéfices pour la nature et pour l'homme »
21 sep - 25 sep 2011 . Bad Urach, Allemagne
Organizateurs: Fédération EUROPARC
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 31 août 2011
+ info: http://www.europarc2011.com/fr/bienvenue.html
Décret n° 2011-1030 du 29 août 2011 relatif aux chartes des parcs nationaux - France
Publics concernés : établissements publics des parcs nationaux et groupements d'intérêt public (GIP) de préfiguration des
parcs nationaux.
Objet : soumission des chartes des parcs nationaux à une procédure d'évaluation environnementale.
Entrée en vigueur : le texte entre en vigueur le lendemain de sa publication et s'applique à l'ensemble des chartes en cours
d'élaboration dans les parcs existants ou dans les parcs en voie de création. Toutefois, s'agissant des parcs en cours de
création, l'obligation faite aux GIP de préfiguration de joindre le rapport environnemental au projet de charte soumis pour
avis aux collectivités territoriales n'est applicable qu'aux projets de charte adressés aux collectivités à compter du 1er
janvier 2012.
+ info: http://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/affichTexte.do?cidTexte=JORFTEXT000024518993&dateTexte=&categorieLien=id
Convention d’Aarhus : L'Union européenne et la France doivent accepter d'ouvrir les portes de la démocratie
Depuis hier, les Etats signataires de la Convention d’Aarhus sur l’information, la participation du public et l’accès à la justice
en matière environnementale sont réunis à Chisinau, Moldavie. L’adhésion de nouveaux pays non membres de la
Commission économique des Nations Unies pour l’Europe (UNECE), appelée de ses vœux par France Nature Environnement
et les Amis de la terre France, est en négociation. Inquiétudes.
Une décision qui restreindrait l’accès de pays volontaires à la démocratie environnementale
La Convention d’Aarhus se rattache directement aux droits de l’homme de nature politique et est un outil puissant de mise
en œuvre du Principe 10 de la Déclaration de Rio de 1992 pour la démocratie environnementale.
+ info: http://www.fne.asso.fr/fr/convention
La Convention de Ramsar sur les zones humides : 40 ans d’actions - Les Ateliers de la Terre
Le 2 février 2011 marque le 40eme Anniversaire de la Convention de Ramsar sur les Zones Humides, signée dans la ville
de Ramsar en Iran, le 2 févier 1971. La Convention de Ramsar sur les Zones Humides œuvre pour la conservation et
l'utilisation rationnelle des 42 types de Zones Humides comme atouts importants pour différents secteurs tels que
l'agriculture et la sécurité alimentaire, la foresterie, l'énergie, l'approvisionnement en eau, la santé, les agglomérations
urbaines et rurales, l’industrie, le tourisme, la faune, le commerce et le transport qui contribuent au développement socioéconomique durable.
+ info: http://www.ramsar.org/cda/fr/ramsar-news-ateliersdelaterreplaneworkshopssept2011/main/ramsar/1-26%
Nouvelles en ligne du mois de juillet de Conservation Volunteers
Conservation Volunteers s’est associé avec des individus, des entreprises et des
gouvernements pour la conservation de notre environnement unique depuis 1982.
Pendant tout ce temps, nous avons donné la bienvenue à des centaines de milliers de
volontaires procédant de toute l’Australie et du monde entier, et nous avons soutenu
leur participation dans des projets divers dans le but de protéger et d’améliorer notre
Conservation Volunteers a grandi depuis ses commencements dans la région de
Victoria pour devenir une organisation nationale dans 30 lieux en Australie et en Nouvelle-Zélande et présente dans
beaucoup de pays du monde entier.
+ info: http://www.conservationvolunteers.com.au/
Brésil : un fleuve souterrain découvert sous l'Amazone
Des scientifiques brésiliens ont découvert un fleuve souterrain qui coule sous l'Amazone, à
4.000 mètres de profondeur, et comme lui, d'ouest en est, a annoncé l'Observatoire
national, un organisme lié au ministère des Sciences et des technologies, dans un
Le travail de la scientifique Elizabeth Pimentel s'est fondé sur l'analyse des températures de
241 puits forés par le géant pétrolier brésilien Petrobras en Amazonie, dans les bassins de
l'Acre, du Solimoes, de l'Amazonas, de Marajo et de Barreirinhas.
+ info: http://www.goodplanet.info/Contenu/News/Bresil-un-fleuve-souterrain-decouvert-sous-l-Amazone/%28theme%
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Patrimoine naturel et environnement
Google Maps va ouvrir aux internautes les recoins de
Explorer les recoins de la forêt vierge depuis son ordinateur de
bureau? Google Earth est en train de filmer au coeur de l'Amazonie
pour ouvrir au monde entier une fenêtre sur la biodiversité de la
forêt tropicale.
Au fin fond de l'Amazonie brésilienne, deux femmes sont en train
de faire leur lessive dans les eaux sombres du Rio Negro, quand
passe, sur un bateau, l'incongru tricycle Google, équipé d'un mat bardé de caméras pour prendre des vues à 360 degrés.
Le géant de l'internet Google l'a inventé pour remplacer la voiture afin de filmer des scènes de rue ou des endroits
inaccessibles comme des sentiers de randonnées.
+ info: http://www.goodplanet.info/Contenu/Depeche/Google-Maps-va-ouvrir-aux-internautes-les-recoins-de-l-Amazonie/%
République islamique d'Iran: une catastrophe écologique menace le Lac
Un haut responsable iranien a dénoncé une politisation de la catastrophe écologique
menaçant le lac d'Oroumieh, dans le nord-ouest de l'Iran, après des manifestations de la
population locale dénonçant l'inaction du gouvernement.
Le lac d'Oroumieh, l'un des plus grands lacs salés du monde, a perdu la moitié de sa surface
au cours des 20 dernières années du fait de la multiplication des barrages sur les rivières qui
l'alimentent, et risque de disparaître à brève échéance si rien n'est fait pour le sauver.
+ info: http://www.goodplanet.info/Contenu/News/Iran-une-catastrophe-ecologique-menace-le-Lac-d-Oroumieh/%28theme
EUROPARC News from the Parks & Benefits Project
Parks & Benefits wants to ensure the sustainable regional development in eight
large protected areas in six countries around the Baltic Sea. The project's main
instrument will be the transfer of the “European Charter For Sustainable
Tourism In Protected Areas to the Baltic Sea Region and its joint
implementation in National, Regional and Nature Parks and a Biosphere
Parks & Benefits will result in a network of certified Charter Parks around the
Baltic Sea, new nature tourism products and enlarged commitment of citizens and tourism entrepreneurs to the Charter
and their protected Parks. The workload is grouped into three major work packages.
+ info: http://www.europarc.org/what-we-do/parks-and-benefits/news-from-the-parks/
EUROPARC Successful project application: Action for Youth in Parks
This month the EUROPARC Federation starts a new international project on
environmental education: Action for Youth in Parks. This project, which is
co-financed with the support of the “Youth in Action Programme” of the
European Union, has been developed together with the International
Ranger Federation and will be implemented in partnership with the Danish,
the Romanian and the Scottish Ranger Associations.
+ info: http://www.europarc.org/successful-project-a/
National Park of Mali - Kere Architecture - 2010 - Bamako - Mali
For the 50th anniversary of the Independence of Mali, the National Park in Bamako reopened
with new buildings such as an exclusive restaurant, a sport centre and several entrance
The restaurant is situated on top of a rock formation and is nestling up against the different
height levels. The building is separated in four cubes which are representing the different
functions. The concern was always to integrate the spectacular view over the park and the
nearby lake into the design. Following the example of the restaurant, the sport centre is
meeting with the same architectonical language. It consists of three pavilions which are situated around an ellipsoidal
playground. The buildings are situated in such a way that they give maximal shadow to the playground and also the interior
recreation spaces. Also here the relationships between interior and exterior spaces played a major role in the design.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/167020/national-park-of-mali-kere-architecture/
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Patrimoine naturel et environnement
EXHIBITION - Bijoux: The Origins and Impact of Jewelry
16 juill - 11 mar 2011 . Greenwich, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: BRUCE MUSEUM
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://brucemuseum.org/site/exhibitions_detail/bijoux_its_origins_its_impacts/
UNESCO Pacific World Heritage Workshop 'Pacific Heritage for Today and Tomorrow'
5 sep - 9 sep 2011 . Apia, Samoa
Organizateurs: UNESCO
Contact: Diana Roma, National Programme Officer (d.roma(at)unesco.org)
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/en/apia/culture/apia-world-heritage-workshop/
Post Graduate Programme - Economics and techniques for the conservation of the architectural and
environmental heritage 2011/2012
12-sep-2011 . Venice, Italie
Organizateurs: University of Nova Gorica and Università Iuav di Venezia
Contact: [email protected] and [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 18 sep 2011
+ info: http://www.iuav.it/Didattica1/master/corsi-in-p/ETCAEH/index.htm
Conference - SXSW (South by Southwest) Eco: Solutions for a Sustainable World
4 oct - 6 oct 2011 . Austin, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: SXSW (South by Southwest)
DATE LIMITE: 2 sep 2011
+ info: http://sxsweco.com/
Autumn Nordic-Baltic Section seminar 'Labour of Love: Volunteering for Parks'
5 oct - 7 oct 2011 . Tikkurila, Finlande
Organizateurs: Metsähallitus and the section secretariat and it is supported also by the Swedish Environmental Protection
Contact: Lasse Lovén - [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 16 sep 2011
+ info: http://www.europarc-nb.org/seminars-and-events/
International Greening Education Event 2011
19 oct - 21 oct 2011 . Karlsruhe, Allemagne
Organizateurs: Etech Germany & ADAPT and University of Modena & Reggio Emilia, Italy in cooperation with:
Creative City Challenge and Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Research and Transfer Center "Applications of Life
Sciences" Hamburg, Germany
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.etechgermany.com/IGEE2011.pdf
CONFERENCE - Spiritual Values in European Protected Areas: Implications for management and
communication. International Academy for Nature Conservation
2 nov - 6 nov 2011 . Ilse of Vilm, Allemagne
Organizateurs: German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN)
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.bfn.de/0603_kalender.html
Rivers 2011: 3rd International Conference on Managing Rivers in the 21st Century
6 dic - 9 dic 2011 . Penang, Malaisie
Organizateurs: River Engineering and Urban Drainage Research Centre (REDAC) - Universiti Sains Malaysia
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://rivers2011.eng.usm.my/
Sixième Congrès International Geotunis « L’utilisation et les applications des SIG, de télédétection et de
modélisation numérique dans le domaine de l’environnement et dans la gestion des ressources et des risques
naturels »
26 mar - 30 mar 2012 . Tunis, Tunisie
Organizateurs: L’association Tunisienne de l’Information Géographique Numérique, l’Union Euro-Arabe de Géomatique, La
fédération FEMER, LRNAT, le Réseau Euromaghrébin de la géomatique à l’action territoriale et l’université UTECH
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 15 nov 2011
+ info: http://www.geotunis.org/2011/?lang=fr
CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS - National Parks Institute executive leadership seminar
17 avr - 28 avr 2012 . San Francisco, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: University of California, Merced
Contact: [email protected] and [email protected]
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Patrimoine naturel et environnement
DATE LIMITE: 7 oct 2011
+ info: http://parkleadership.ucmerced.edu/
Colloque international 'Patrimoine de l'Ecologie et Ecologie du Patrimoine'
11 oct - 12 oct 2012 . Grignon, France
Organizateurs: Centre d’histoire culturelle des sociétés contemporaines (Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-enYvelines), Musée du Vivant, Musée international sur l’écologie (AgroParisTech) et HISTECOLOGIA, Réseau de recherche
international sur l’histoire de l’écologie
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 31 dic 2011
+ info: http://www.chcsc.uvsq.fr/colloques/appelEcologiePatrimoine.pdf
IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature) Report on Important Plant Areas of
the south and east Mediterranean region: Priority sites for conservation
This report describes a rapid assessment of Important Plant Areas in the south and east Mediterranean; a
project designed to provide the ‘wild plant perspective’ for the regional investment strategy of the Critical
Ecosystem Partnership Fund. The project partnership of IUCN, Plantlife International and WWF with
botanical teams from Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Tunisia, Syria and
Albania, was supported by the French Development Agency.
+ info: http://data.iucn.org/dbtw-wpd/edocs/2011-014.pdf
by Graham Watkins, Pete Oxford, Renee Bish, Abbie Williams (Editor)
The northern Rupununi has intrigued explorers, travellers, historians, and scientists for centuries,
dating back to Sir Walter Ralegh s search for the mythical El Dorado. But for the past three decades
this extraordinary region, with its breathtaking landscape and astonishing wildlife, has been out of the
public eye. Rupununi Rediscovering a Lost World inspires WWF and other conservation agencies to
continue their work to protect the global environment. It also reminds us that we need to be ever
vigilant if we are to overcome the threats that confront humanity so that we can bequeath to our
children a lasting legacy.
+ info: http://www.ilcp.com/publications/rupununi#
CNRS (Conseil national de la recherche scientifique) le journal - N°258 - 259 juillet - août
2011, La Méditerranée sous haute surveillance - France
Ce nouveau numéro de CNRS le journal vous invite en Méditerranée. Cette région, qui a vu naître de
grandes civilisations et qui abrite aujourd'hui plus de 450 millions de personnes, est devenue le point de
mire de nombreux chercheurs. L'enjeu est de taille : du changement climatique à la pollution, en passant
par la pression démographique ou l'appauvrissement de la biodiversité et des ressources naturelles, les
nuages s'amoncellent sur le Bassin méditerranéen. Alors les scientifiques veillent au grain.
Plus au sud, dans la région saharo-sahélienne dévastée par la sécheresse, un projet titanesque suscite de
nombreux espoirs. Partez avec notre envoyé spécial au Sénégal, à la découverte de la Grande Muraille verte.
Ce mois-ci également, remontez le temps de quelque 300 millions d'années. Vous y rencontrerez les stégocéphales,
créatures géantes qui ont régné sur la planète avant les dinosaures.
+ info: http://www2.cnrs.fr/journal/4774.htm
Association Robin des Bois: Atlas des sites pollués aux PCB (polychlorobiphényles) - France
L’atlas confirme que les bassins de la Seine et du Rhône, les lacs alpins, le Rhin, la Moselle, la Somme et leurs affluents, de
même que le Nord/Pas-de-Calais et ses canaux recèlent des agrégats de sites PCB ; ils se recoupent souvent avec la
contamination des sédiments aquatiques et la contamination des poissons telles qu’elles sont relevées par le Ministère de
l’Ecologie. Il y a aussi une certaine analogie avec les pollutions par hydrocarbures cartographiées par Robin des Bois dans
l’Atlas des pollutions par hydrocarbures dans les eaux intérieures. Rappelons que dans ce document il était précisé que «
Les hydrocarbures (….) peuvent masquer des contaminants plus persistants comme des huiles de transformateurs
électriques ou des huiles de coupe industrielle ». Aucune région n’est épargnée.
+ info: http://www.robindesbois.org/PCB/PCB_hors_serie/ATLAS_PCB.html#atlas
The Green Belt of Europe: From Vision to Reality
Andrew Terry, Karin Ullrich and Uwe Riecken
Published by: IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK
ISBN-13: 978-2-8317-0945-1
The Iron Curtain, running from the Barents Sea to the Black Sea, divided Europe for almost 40 years and
no activity was allowed in this "forbidden" zone. When it fell in 1989, it left a strip of land that runs the
entire length of Europe and that has remained comparatively undisturbed – a green belt. The Green Belt
initiative aims to integrate this entire strip of land with its key habitats and ecological areas as part of an
international network of valuable ecosystems. This book provides background information on the initiative, reviews current
activities in a number of case studies and looks at how the initiative can fit into current and future global efforts to protect
European biodiversity.
+ info: http://www.iucn.org/about/union/secretariat/offices/europe/resources/?478/The-green-belt-of-Europe-from-visionto-reality
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Patrimoine naturel et environnement
Dealing with Conflicts in the Implementation and Management of the Natura 2000 Network: A
review of 24 Best Practice case studies
DG Environment contract 07.0310/2008/515147/SER/B2 as part of Preparatory Actions for Natura 2000
Final report for task 2
The overall objective of the project was to promote best practices for achieving an appropriate balance
between potentially conflicting interests and uses of Natura 2000 sites in order to ensure both the
engagement of the population and the respect of the ecological value of the sites.
+ info: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/nature/natura2000/management/docs/report%20LOT3_Task%202-Best_cases.
European Atlas of Soil Biodiversity
European Atlas of Soil Biodiversity
Catalogue Number: LB-NA-24375-EN-C
ISBN: 978-92-79-15806-3, ISSN: 1018-5593
The Atlas of Soil Biodiversity is also available for download. Atlas pages are to be downloaded individually
(129 pages in total), either in PDF format (higher quality) or JPEG format. The user can navigate the Atlas
by using the Navigation Buttons and/or selecting a section from the Contents Menu. There are 129 files for
download, covering all the pages.
This atlas is the result of a collaboration between the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre in Ispra, Italy and
world leading experts in soil biodiversity from Europe and beyond. The authors gratefully acknowledge the assistance of the
following individuals and organisations. We also thank and offer our apologies if we have inadvertently and unintentionally
omitted anybody. For meetings and discussions before the drafting phase we would like to acknowledge the effort of Ljibert
Brussard, Carlo Jacomini, Olaf Schmidt and Siliva Pieper, as well as the other members of the Soil Biodiversity Working
Group, most of whom have made important contributions to this atlas and so are listed by name under the authors and
contributors. Vit Penziek has provided support with regard to ArcGIS, cartography and advice concerning soil taxonomy.
+ info: http://eusoils.jrc.ec.europa.eu/library/maps/Biodiversity_Atlas/Download.cfm
European Environment Agency (EEA) - Report on Landscape Fragmentation in Europe Increasing fragmentation of landscape threatens European wildlife
Published by EEA (European Environment Agency)
ISBN: 978-92-9213-215-6
The report illustrates how roads, motorways, railways, intensive agriculture and urban developments are
breaking up landscapes, with potentially devastating consequences for flora and fauna across the
continent. The report concludes that, although the situation is critical, there are several proactive policies
that could provide more effective protection of remaining unfragmented areas: wildlife corridors could
successfully reverse the trend of fragmentation; planners should aim to upgrade old roads instead of building new roads,
and to "bundle" new infrastructure, for example by building bypasses close to settlements or constructing road and rail
routes next to each other; where the volume of traffic has fallen, roads should be reduced in size or dismantled completely;
and cumulative effects need to be considered more effectively, based on the precautionary principle, to avoid repeating
mistakes of the past.
+ info: http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/increasing-fragmentation-of-landscape-threatens
Living Parks: 100 Years of National Parks in Europe
oekom verlag, München 2009
ISBN-13: 978-3-86581-187-5
Europe’s national Parks are part of the continents complex system of protected areas. The
reason for their creations, their purpose and history, their management, size and the species
that they protect may differ – Yet for the past 100 years they have been reservoirs of
biodiversity; sources of water, cultural and economic assets; and places of recreation and
spiritual replenishment. They all face similarchallenges in their management today but remain
the living repositories of Europe’s natural and cultural heritage for future generations.
This book was created by the EUroPArC federation to celebrate 100 Years of national Parks in Europe. it marks a centenary
of European national Parks since the first nine were established in 1909 in sweden.
The book takes its readers on a journey through the last 100 year’s of national park history. it looks at what national parks
are and examines their past, present and future. detailed profiles of the first parks founded in many European countries
highlight the diversity, beauty and complexity of these green gems.
+ info: http://www.oekom.de/nc/buecher/themen/politikgesellschaft/archiv/buch/living-parks.html
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Recherche en physique et chimie des matériaux
Recherche en physique et chimie des matériaux
International Course on Wood Conservation Technology (ICWCT)
23-mai -2011 . Oslo, Norvège
Organizateurs: ICCROM - International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property).
Riksantikvaren - The Directorate for Cultural Heritage, Norway. NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technolog
Contact: wood2012@iccrom .org and [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 30 sep 2011
+ info: http://www.iccrom.org/eng/01train_en/announce_en/2012_05woodNor_en.shtml
International Conference on Preventive Conservation of Architectural Heritage (PRECOMOS 2011)
29 oct - 30 oct 2011 . Nanjing and Suzhou, Chine
Organizateurs: Key Laboratory of Urban and Architectural Heritage Conservation (Southeast University), Ministry of
Education, China; The School of Architecture, Southeast University, China and UNESCO Asia-Pacific World Heritage Training
and Research Sub-center in Suzhou, China
Contact: WU Meiping, LI Xinjian - [email protected], [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 30 août 2011
+ info: http://precomos.org/index.php/news/
27 juill - 29 juill 2012 . Wuyishan, Chine
Organizateurs: Fuzhou University and WuYiSan University
+ info: http://www.cipremier.com/
Aún no hay nada es le web. Está la 36 y esta es la 37… 29 août - 31 août 2012 . Singapore, Singapour
Organizateurs: National University of Singapore
+ info: http://www.cipremier.com/
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Recherche en physique et chimie des matériaux
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Restauration et conservation
Restauration et conservation
GHF (Global Heritage Fund) Set to Begin Preservation of Ancient Ur - Iraq
In May, at GHF’s Seminar on Global Heritage Conservation and Sustainable Development in
New York, archaeologist Abdulamir Hamdani delivered a comprehensive report on one of Iraq’s
most important heritage sites—the ancient city of Ur, home to the world’s largest and oldest
Hamdani told the story of the ancient city from its earliest beginnings to its time as capital of a
Mesopotamian empire, to the threats facing it today and the measures needed to protect it. A
month later, Hamdani and the site were featured in an excellent AFP article, and this summer
he will begin leading conservation work as Project Director for GHF Ur.
+ info: http://globalheritagefund.org/onthewire/blog/preservation_of_ancient_ur
BULLETIN DE L'ISPAN - Institut de Sauvegarde du Patrimoine National de Haïti. No 26 (juillet 2011)
Merci d'encourager vos ami(e)s à s'inscrire à l'abonnement du BULLETIN DE L'ISPAN à l'adresse suivante :ispan.
[email protected] L’Institut de Sauvegarde du Patrimoine National (ISPAN) est un organisme technique autonome du
Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication. Il a pour mission de dresser l’inventaire et de procéder au classement des
monuments, de sites et d’ensembles historiques de la République d’Haïti, de réaliser des études de projets de protection,
de restauration et de mise en valeur de monuments, de sites et d’ensemble historiques, d’assurer la direction et le contrôle
des travaux d’exécution de tels projets, d’aider à la promotion et au développement d’activités publiques ou privées visant
à sauvegarder le Patrimoine National et, enfin, de recueillir, organiser et diffuser toutes informations et documentations
relatives au Patrimoine architectural et monumental, national et international.
+ info: http://universityandheritage.net/doc/ISPAN_No26.pdf
Saint Louis Art Museum Begins a Unique and Ambitious Conservation Project - Saint Louis - Missouri - USA - 12
June - 21 August 2011
This summer the Saint Louis Art Museum will begin a unique and ambitious conservation project to restore a historic
treasure of local significance. Restoring an American Treasure: The Panorama of the Monumental Grandeur of the
Mississippi Valley, which opened June 12, will offer visitors a chance to see the massive 19th-century work, the last
surviving of its kind, as it is restored
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=48207
Restoration of the Statue of Liberty in progressIn May of 1982, President Ronald Reagan
appointed Lee Iacocca to head up a private sector effort to restore the Statue of Liberty.
Fundraising began for the $87 million restoration under a public/private partnership between the
National Park Service and the Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation, Inc., to date the most
successful such partnership in American history. In 1984, at the start of the Statue’s restoration,
the United Nations designated the Statue of Liberty as a World Heritage Site…
+ info: http://statueofliberty.net/historical-facts/restoration/
Celebration of the 450th Anniversary of St. Basil's Cathedral After $14 Million Restoration - Moscow - Russian
Russia will celebrate the 450th anniversary of St. Basil's Cathedral by opening an exhibition dedicated to the so-called "holy
fool" who gave his name to the soaring structure of bright-hued onion domes that is a quintessential image of Russia.
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Restauration et conservation
The eccentrically devout St. Basil wore no clothes even during the harsh Russian winters and was one of the very few
Muscovites who dared to lambast tyrannical Czar Ivan the Terrible.
Ivan, whose gory purges claimed tens of thousands of lives, feared St. Basil as "a seer of people's hearts and minds,"
according to one chronicle. He personally carried St. Basil's coffin to a grave right outside the Kremlin. The cathedral,
constructed to commemorate Ivan's victory over Mongol rulers, was built on the burial site.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=48926
Restoring and Reconstructing the Interiors of the Chancellerie d'Orleans - Paris France
The restoration and reassembly of the interiors of Chancellerie d’Orléans are crucial to the
broader acknowledgement and public appreciation of this historic monument. The décor of the
hôtel, which was among the most significant of its time, has been inaccessible to the public
since the early 1920s. The opportunity to present the restored interiors in rooms of the Hôtel de
Rohan-Strasbourg will present features comparable to the Chancellerie d’Orléans allowing for an
immediate setting that is close to their original location.
+ info: http://www.wmf.org/project/chancellerie-dorleans
Exchange programme of American trainers for conservation works at Iglesias de Arica
Parinacota - Chile
These churches reflect the traditions of art and faith in their local communities, and have
remained predominately intact due to their rural locations. However, ever since the free port of
Arica was built in the 1960s, there has been steady emigration toward urban centers in search
of work. Local traditions and materials for maintenance are being replaced by inappropriate
modern repair, and loss of population has diminished the workforce available for caring for the
churches. A proposal for regional capacity building, site maintenance, and community training
has been developed, in order to document the churches, strengthen local constituencies and opportunities, and renew the
value of these adobe structures.
+ info: http://www.wmf.org/project/iglesias-de-arica-parinacota-churches-arica-parinacota
CICOP Argentina - Curso sobre Inventario y Documentación del Patrimonio - Agosto de 2011
Análisis integral de los relevamientos, registros e inventarios.
Los Inventarios como estrategia de gestión.
Criterios y pautas de acciones. Objetivos y alcances de los Inventarios y
Registros Patrimoniales. Gestión estratégica de las acciones.
Inventario como herramienta potencial de información y evaluación en programas culturales. Capacitación de recursos
Nuevas tecnologías: documentación electrónica, sistemas redes y unidades documentales.
La documentación gráfica: las fototecas.
Los catálogos de Planeamiento: herramienta básica de protección.
Muestreo de fichas de aplicación en los distintos campos del patrimonio cultural.
Casos: patrimonio industrial, poblados, patrimonio natural-ambiental, yacimientos arqueológicos, bienes muebles,
patrimonio rural urbano.
Aplicación de los inventarios de Bienes en las entidades locales y regionales. Creación de Centros de Documentación y
Bases de datos de bienes.
El museo como sede.
Características de la documentación del Patrimonio Histórico, como fuentes de información.
+ info: http://www.cicopar.com.ar/11ago4.htm
CICOP Argentina - Curso sobre Historias y Teorias de la Conservación - Agosto de 2011
Viernes 5 y sábado 6 de agosto de 2011 de 9.30 hs a 13,30 hs Los objetivos del curso son introducir en el campo de las
teorías de la conservación del
patrimonio cultural, rescatar los postulados y propuestas más destacadas de los siglos
XIX y XX y reflexionar en torno a la restauración; sus límites y posibilidades.
+ info: http://www.cicopar.com.ar/11ago1.htm
The Printing Factory Lofts / Montgomery Sisam Architects - Toronto - Ontario - Canada
Originally built to house the printing presses of Rolph Clark Stone, 201 Carlaw Avenue has been a Leslieville landmark since
its completion in 1913 when this community was at the heart of industry in Toronto.
The Printing Factory Lofts project preserves three facades and incorporates significant portions of the original factory
building into the project including the classical main entrance portico that opens to a grand wooden staircase below vaulted
ceilings. In addition, the original “sawtooth” industrial skylights were rebuilt and integrated into the two storey loft units.
The centre portion of the factory building was carved out to accommodate an eight storey glass tower, two garden courts
and a series of townhouses facing Boston Avenue, the residential street to the east.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/148969/
CICOP Argentina - Curso sobre la Humedad como Proceso Patológico - Agosto de 2011
El agua y la humedad como factores patológicos del degrado construido; formas de accionar; estados físicos transitorios y
El agua y la humedad como vehículo biológico degradante; fases físicas y químicas de influencia antrópica.
Metodologías de detección por medios electrónicos, con indicadores químicos.
Técnicas somáticas de raciocinio para la determinación de los procesos degradantes.
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Restauration et conservation
Prevenciones para obras nuevas o en revitalización.
Metodologías de intervención. Aprovechamiento de estadios contradictorios. Técnicas de viabilización de materiales. Terapia
y usufructo de herramientas convencionales.
Metodologías de intervención encubiertas, muros verticales y sustratos.
+ info: http://www.cicopar.com.ar/11ago3.htm
CICOP Argentina - Curso sobre La Madera y su Conservación - Agosto de 2011
Miércoles 3, jueves 4, viernes 5 de agosto de 2011 de 19 a 22 hs. APROXIMACION AL PROBLEMA DE LA PATOLOGÍA DEL
+ info: http://www.cicopar.com.ar/11ago2.htm
LAMIC (Laboratoire de Muséologie et d'Ingénierie de la Culture) - Infolettre - juillet 2011
Le Laboratoire de muséologie et d’ingénierie de la culture (LAMIC) est une infrastructure de recherche spécialisée en
muséologie expérimentale qui centre ses activités scientifiques sur la question des modalités de transmission de la culture
en contexte muséal. Il s’agit d’une plate- forme technologique qui explore les relations entre l’objet, le visiteur et l’espace
dans lequel les protagonistes se retrouvent pour une rencontre inédite à travers un parcours appelé exposition. C’est cette
dimension particulière qui nous intéresse et que nous explorons de différentes manières, sous et à partir de divers angles.
L’ethnographie de l’expérience muséale résume en quelque sorte notre approche face à un phénomène qui n’est pas encore
parfaitement élucidé.
+ info: http://www.lamic.ulaval.ca/presentation/archives/infolettres/
Murals to be Cleaned for the First Time in a Quarter of a Century - Scottish National Portrait Gallery Edinburgh - United Kingdom
A set of stunning murals, which decorates the entrance hall of the Scottish National Portrait Gallery in Edinburgh, is to be
cleaned for the first time in a quarter of a century, as part of a major conservation project funded byWREN, a not for profit
business that awards grants to community projects from funds donated by Waste Recycling Group (WRG) to the Landfill
Communities Fund.
The Scottish National Portrait Gallery opened in 1889, as the world’s first purpose-built portrait gallery. The decorative
scheme created by William Hole in the late 1890s for the Gallery’s magnificent entrance hall, is one of the building’s most
striking features. It comprises a dazzling, painted procession of famous Scots (including David Livingstone, James Watt,
Robert Burns, Adam Smith, David Hume, the Stuart monarchs, Robert the Bruce and Saint Ninian); a series of large-scale
murals, depicting scenes from Scottish history; and a beautifully detailed mapping of the night sky, which adorns the
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49057
In Progress: King's Cross Station / John McAslan + Partners - London - United Kingdom
“It’s incredible to watch the reinvention of the station taking shape into a compelling piece of place-making for London. You
can already see how the Western Concourse – Europe’s largest single span station structure and the heart of the
development – reconnects this much-loved Victorian terminus to its context. It’s immensely satisfying to see the project
move forward at such pace and we look forward to celebrating the project’s completion in 2012 for the London Olympics.”John McAslan, Chairman John McAslan + Partners
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/162461
De La Beche Manor / VW+BS - 2010 - Berkshire - United Kingdom
An entrepreneurial couple approached us with 5 children, a sixth on the way and a number of pets, to help them refurbish
the house they had just bought on a 20-acre estate in Berkshire. The house, dating from the 19th century, had been added
on to in a piece meal fashion by various owners with very mixed results. This resulted in a series of awkwardly arranged
and disconnected rooms that were very dark and did not suit modern family life.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/162904/
UNITAR (United Nations Institute for Training and Research) World Heritage Training Workshop (Hiroshima Japan - July 2011)
The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) organised its ninth training workshop on the management
and conservation of World Heritage Sites in Hiroshima, Japan, on 4 to 8 July 2011. ICOMOS is a partner organisation in this
In broad terms, the workshop:
* presented participants with key information about the World Heritage system, especially nominations
* also presented useful information about general heritage issues and practices
* focused particular attention on the relatively new World Heritage nominations manual, and on the comparative analysis
part of nominations
* created the opportunity for networking amongst international participants and resource persons
The workshop benefitted from study tours to the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park and A-Bomb Dome, and to Miyajima
Itsukushima Shinto Shrine – both World Heritage sites.
+ info: http://australia.icomos.org/e-news/australia-icomos-e-mail-news-no-494/#3.
Chatelard / Clermont Architectes - Ferney-Voltaire - France
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_71/28_2011.html (3 de 7) [26/09/2011 16:25:58]
Restauration et conservation
This farm building dating back to the 16th century has a particularly rich history. Today, this adventure is continued by the
rehabilitation of the Theatre du Châtelard.
The farm, composed of dwelling places, barns, stables, ovens, gardens and orchards, became Voltaire’s property in 1759;
the latter undertook improvements in order to house there the domestics of his nearby castle.
Requisitioned by the army during the Revolution , the buildings were used as a guard-room and a bakery. During the 19th
century, the farm went back to its agricultural purpose, until it stopped its activity in 1988.
In 1991, the Theatre du Châtelard was created and set up inside the main barn ; it was then closed in 2001, for security
reasons. A project was launched in order to entirely restructure the theater.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/148667/chatelard-clermont-architectes/
Streetwise Asia Update - Progress on Philippines Heritage Schools Conservation Program - The Republic of the
Ongoing thanks to all ICOMOS members who continue to support the Streetwise Asia initiative. We have recently had some
generous pre June 30 donations, and these, together with the proceeds from the Xmas Card initiative (which raised
$3,400) enables the Streetwise AsiaProgram to continue to undertake its work.
In 2010, the Kuguita heritage school building in the Southern Philippines was upgraded and conserved and opened in May
by the Australian Ambassador and received wide media attention…
+ info: http://australia.icomos.org/e-news/australia-icomos-e-mail-news-no-494/#8
Only Copy of Magna Carta in the United States - National Archives - Washington D.C. - USA
A painstaking conservation effort to remove old patches and repair weak spots in a 714-year-old copy of the Magna Carta
has revealed that the full text of that English declaration of human rights remains intact even though some words are faded
and illegible to the eye, the National Archives said Tuesday.
A $13.5 million gift from philanthropist David Rubenstein — owner of the handwritten document — is funding the
conservation effort as well preparations for an upcoming exhibit.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=11&int_new=49230
Two Year Town Hall Preservation Complete - Provincetown - Massachusetts - USA
In March 2008, officials in Provincetown, Mass., received grim news about the state of the 1886
town hall. The building was so structurally compromised that assessors identified only two options:
repair it by the end of the year or vacate it promptly.
It didn't take much to convince town officials to spring into action. This 284-year-old community on
the tip of Cape Cod wears its history proudly. The Pilgrims sailed the Mayflower into Provincetown
Harbor in 1620 and stayed for five weeks while drafting the Mayflower Compact. In the 19th
century, Provincetown was a thriving maritime center, and a century later, the town became a
magnet for writers, painters, and aspiring actors.
+ info: http://www.preservationnation.org/magazine/2011/september-october/restoring-provincetowns.html
ISEE: un linguaggio comune per archiviare e condividere informazioni sui
beni culturali
L’uso delle nuove tecnologie nei Beni Culturali ha cambiato la percezione e
l’interazione con l’oggetto che analizziamo. Le tecnologie cercano di migliorare la
comunicazione tra chi produce ed archivia l’informazione e chi sviluppa programmi per
trattare e garantire una futura accessibilità.
Inoltre, il trattamento della terza dimensione ha contribuito ad un nuovo approccio sia
nelle tecniche di diagnostica che nella visualizzazione tridimensionale…
+ info: http://www.tafter.it/2011/08/31/isee-alla-ricerca-di-un-linguaggio-comune-per-archiviare-e-condividereinformazioni-sui-beni-culturali/
Elsbethen Area Restoration - Memmingen's Historic District - Swabia - Germany
Following the recent historical renovation of the market place and wine market in the northern and
central part of Memmingen’s historic district, the Elsbethen area has now been restored. Extensive
redevelopment of this area in the south of the old town and its characteristic Schrannenplatz will
furnish this space with the vibrancy that will once again provide the neighbourhood with the urban
impetus it needs.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/165225/elsbethen-site-trint-kreuder-d-n-a/
Museo De Arte De Ponce Awarded Grant For Innovative Preservation of Three-Dimensional Works - Ponce Puerto Rico - USA
he National Endowment for the Humanities, under its “Sustaining Cultural Heritage Collections” program, has approved the
Museo de Arte de Ponce’s proposal for the purchase and installation of a high-density mobile storage unit that will store and
protect the museums collection of 1,259 three-dimensional art works. The grant is in the amount of $149,800.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49736
ArchDaily Round Up: Refurbishment Part VII
All projects from mid-2009 for our seventh selection of previously featured refurbishment buildings.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/146693/ad-round-up-refurbishment-part-vii/
Oyster-Tecture and the Gowanus Canal - New York City - New York State - USA
The Gowanus Canal is one of America’s most polluted waterways, and its location in the New
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Restauration et conservation
York Harbor made it one of the many places that were effected by flooding as a result of
Hurricane Irene. If that isn’t enough to think about, last year the EPA declared the Gowanus
Canal as a Superfund site, “As a result of years of discharges, storm water runoff, sewer
outflows and industrial pollutants, the Gowanus Canal has become one of the nation’s most
extensively contaminated water bodies. Contaminants include PCBs, coal tar wastes, heavy
metals and volatile organics. The contamination poses a threat to the nearby residents who
use the canal for fishing and recreation.”
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/165568/oyster-tecture-and-the-gowanus-canal/
After Twenty-Seven Years and $45 Million, Taiwan Restores Ornate 19th Century Mansion - Taiwan - China
Twenty-seven years in the making, the $45 million renovation of a 150-year-old Taiwanese homestead is finally nearing
completion. The Lin Family Mansion — a complex of five buildings on 7.4 acres (3 hectares) — is one of Taiwan's most
important historical sites, a rare example of the ornate architectural style favored by nobles from southern China in the
waning years of the Qing dynasty.
The renovation has been a painstaking process, with workers facing a variety of challenges — not least a devastating
earthquake — to return the 19th-century structures to their original glory.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49517
Restoring a Classic: Richard Meier's Douglas House - 1973 - Harbor Springs - Michigan
Referred to as one of Meier’s best works, the Douglas House hovers over the shores of Lake
Michigan placed upon a steep slope over the water almost as if it is floating amongst the trees.
The Douglas House was designed for clients Jim and Jean Douglas and was completed in 1973
after a three year construction period (1971-1973). Meier furnished the home with furniture
designed by Le Corbusier, Mies van der Rohe, and himself, and it needed no ornamentation
other than the nature it was designed around.
As is typical of Meier buildings, the house is completely white made with reinforced concrete and glass except for two steel
pipes that extend from the chimney up to the roof, framing views at the entry level. Taking the natural surroundings into
consideration during the construction, the house was positioned to remove as few trees as possible.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/165964/restoring-a-classic-richard-meiers-douglas-house/
Funded by the NSW government through Arts NSW and the University of Technology, Sydney, to promote
short-term reuses of empty shops and spaces for creative and community development, this site publishes
tools for empty space coordinators to start a 'pop-up' initiative, success stories, information for landlords and
local government about creative space reuse for local development and an online community to share
+ info: http://emptyspaces.culturemap.org.au/page/about-empty-spaces
Chateau Barde-Haut Winery - Nadau Lavergne Architects - St Christophe Des
Bardes - Gironde - France
The Chateau Barde-Haut is a 17 hectare domain located in Saint-Emilion,France. Registered
in 1999 on the UNESCO world heritage, the jurisdiction of Saint-Emilion is a remarkable
example of a historic wine landscape which survived intact. In 2005, Nadau Lavergne
Architects rehabilitated a former winery in a building made of traditional stone. Sought again
in 2008 for a project of a bigger scale. The existing site is characteristic of the from the
Gironde wine landscape: an island of stone low houses of the 19th century, contain offices
and the other dependences, appear from rows of vineyards. In the North of this island gets loose a rangy volume: the wine
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/166598/chateau-barde-haut-winery-nadau-lavergne-architects/
International Course on Wood Conservation Technology (ICWCT)
23-mai -2011 . Oslo, Norvège
Organizateurs: ICCROM - International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property).
Riksantikvaren - The Directorate for Cultural Heritage, Norway. NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technolog
Contact: wood2012@iccrom .org and [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 30 sep 2011
+ info: http://www.iccrom.org/eng/01train_en/announce_en/2012_05woodNor_en.shtml
Anoxia and Microfading: The impact on collection care
12 sep - 13 sep 2011 . London, Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: Modern TATE
Contact: [email protected].
+ info: http://www.tate.org.uk/modern/eventseducation/symposia/23903.htm
Post Graduate Programme - Economics and techniques for the conservation of the architectural and
environmental heritage 2011/2012
12-sep-2011 . Venice, Italie
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Restauration et conservation
Organizateurs: University of Nova Gorica and Università Iuav di Venezia
Contact: [email protected] and [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 18 sep 2011
+ info: http://www.iuav.it/Didattica1/master/corsi-in-p/ETCAEH/index.htm
Construire la paix dans l’esprit des hommes et des femmess
15 sep - 30 oct 2011 . Cartagena, Espagne
Organizateurs: Spanish National Museum for Underwater Archaeology (ARQUA)
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/en/unesco/events/all-events/
Course on Microbic Infestation of Objects of Art and Cultural Heritage
19 sep - 13 nov 2011 . Hildesheim, Allemagne
Organizateurs: Hornemann Isntitute
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.hornemann-institut.de/english/course_microbiology.php
ADVANCED COURSE ON Restoration and Conservation of Underwater Archaeological Finds
26 sep - 24 dic 2011 . Zadar, Croatie
Organizateurs: UNESCO & International Centre for Underwater Archaeology (ICUA)
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.icua.hr/en/events/130-napredni-teaj-restauracije-i-konzervacije-podvodnih-arheolokih-nalazita
CONFERENCE - UNESCO & International Congress for Underwater Archaeology (IKUWA) - 'Managing the
Underwater Cultural Heritage'
29 sep - 2 oct 2011 . Zadar, Croatie
Organizateurs: University of Zadar
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.ikuwa4.com/ikuwa-4-conference
Victoria 2011: Heritage on the edge: sustaining buildings, landscapes and communities
11 oct - 16 oct 2011 . Victoria, Canada
Organizateurs: APT (Association for Preservation Technology International)
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.aptconference.org/index.cfm?pID=2508%3Etoday
PRECOMOS (Preventive Conservation Maintenance and Monitoring of Monuments and Sites) - International
Conference on Preventive Conservation
29 oct - 30 oct 2011 . Nanjing, Chine
Organizateurs: The School of Architecture, Southeast University
Contact: [email protected] and [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 15 oct 2011
+ info: http://precomos.org/index.php/news/
International Conference on Preventive Conservation of Architectural Heritage (PRECOMOS 2011)
29 oct - 30 oct 2011 . Nanjing and Suzhou, Chine
Organizateurs: Key Laboratory of Urban and Architectural Heritage Conservation (Southeast University), Ministry of
Education, China; The School of Architecture, Southeast University, China and UNESCO Asia-Pacific World Heritage Training
and Research Sub-center in Suzhou, China
Contact: WU Meiping, LI Xinjian - [email protected], [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 30 août 2011
+ info: http://precomos.org/index.php/news/
Workshop on Virtual Palaces
18 nov - 19 nov 2011 . Leuven, Belgique
Organizateurs: Raymond Lemaire International Centre for Conservation (RLICC), University of Leuven
Contact: Krista De Jonge - [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 30 sep 2011
+ info: http://www.courtresidences.eu/index.php/events/workshops-and-colloquia/Leuven2011/
International Conference on the Use of X-ray (and related) Techniques in Arts and Cultural Heritage
7 dic - 8 dic 2011 . Sharjah, Émirats Arabes Unis
Organizateurs: The American University of Sharjah
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 1 août 2011
+ info: http://www.aus.edu/conferences/XTACH11/index.php
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_71/28_2011.html (6 de 7) [26/09/2011 16:25:58]
Restauration et conservation
Studies in Conservation
Volume 56 (2011), 4 issues per year
Print ISSN: 0039-3630
Online ISSN: 2047-0584
The Journal of the International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works
Published on behalf of The International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works
+ info: http://www.maney.co.uk/index.php/journals/sic
Twelve houses restored in Japan and Italy
By Olimpia Niglio and Taisuke Kuroda
ISBN: 978-88-548-4148-2
The restoration of architecture in a nation is a project strictly connected to its culture, its society, as well as
to the weather conditions and to its political and economic background. The contemporary culture, in
particular, has developed an awareness of the fact that the main purpose of the conservation of
monuments and landscape is not only protecting the matter of social well but also its intrinsic values,
strongly connected to the sense of belonging to the place. The necessity of searching these values comes
from the need of knowledge of the different cultural references that permit to man to direct his choices as concerns
conservation and safeguard compared to popular areas of interest apparently of less importance but vivid from the cultural
and social point of view.
And this is the birth of the relationship between values and needs connected to the demand of transformation of urban and
housing contexts. On these assumptions the book Twelve houses restored in Italy and Japan focuses on restoration
projects of historical urban contexts, where the theme of living produced changes, influenced different intervention
methods and functional choices without changing the sign of history. The book wants to introduce restoration projects
comparing different cultural realities and architectonical methods that characterized the present situation in Italy and
Japan. The experiences described in the book notice an interesting sharing among the different methods of restoration.
+ info: http://www.aracneeditrice.it/pdf/4148.pdf
Hoi An World Heritage Site, VIET NAM - Heritage Homeowner's preservation manual
Authors: Tran Van An; Tran Anh; Nguyen Duc Minh; Nguyen Chi Trung; Tomoda, Hiromichi;
Nagumo, Ichiro; Chang, Mark & Fukukawa, Yuichi
Country: Thailand/ Publ Year: 2008
The Homeowner’s Manuals have been developed within the framework of the “Integrated
Community Development and Cultural Heritage Site Preservation in Asia and the Pacific
through Local Effort” programme (LEAP), which strengthens local community involvement in
heritage conservation. The manuals aim to build local capacity in heritage preservation by
training homeowners to maintain their historic properties using appropriate conservation approaches. The manuals present
a synthesis of traditional building techniques and modern conservation science. They codify time-tested methods adapted
to each type of structure using indigenous building materials and techniques. The manuals have been developed in
conjunction with local heritage managers and national conservation experts, who will also be involved in training local
The third volume in this series focuses on the World Heritage site of Hoi An, Viet Nam, an exceptionally well-preserved
example of a South-East Asian trading port dating back to the fifteenth century. Its buildings and its street plan reflect the
influences, both indigenous and foreign, that have combined to produce this unique heritage site. It is hoped that the Hoi
An Homeowner’s Manual will strengthen the local conservation ethic and contribute positively to the long-term
sustainability of this ancient town.
+ info: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0019/001930/193014m.pdf
Technical Vocabulary for Cultural Property Conservation: English-Arabic
By Fatma Marii and Usam Ghaidan
©UNESCO, 2011
UNESCO Iraq Office – Culture Unit
After reviewing the reports presented to NRICP and UNESCO by the Iraqi experts at the conclusion of their
respective training courses, they were found to be so rich and interesting that UNESCO proposed to keep a
record of this experience so that they could be shared with other museums in Iraq. This publication, The
English-Arabic Technical Vocabulary for Museum Conservation, is the fruit of that effort; all the terms
found within are taken from the above-mentioned reports, they will stand over time as an unexpected but valued result of
this initiative.
+ info: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0019/001937/193734m.pdf
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Peinture et art rupestre
Peinture et art rupestre
Le cinéaste allemand Werner Herzog est fasciné par la grotte Chauvet. Interviewé par le
journaliste-critique de cinéma Michel Ciment, il évoque avec tendresse et enthousiasme son
immersion dans la cavité ardéchoise, son émotion face aux peintures anciennes de 36 000
ans et son film "La grotte des rêves perdus".
Découvrez la vidéo de cette rencontre réalisée par Christian Tran.
+ info: http://www.grotte-chauvet.org/
Stone tools shed light on early human migrations
The discovery of stone axes in the same sediment layer as cruder tools indicates that hominins with
differing tool-making technologies may have coexisted.
The axes, found in Kenya by Christopher Lepre, a palaeontologist at Columbia University in New York,
and his team are estimated to be around 1.76 million years old. That's 350,000 years older than any
other complex tools yet discovered.
+ info: http://www.nature.com/news/2011/110831/full/news.2011.511.html
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_71/29_2011.html [26/09/2011 16:26:00]
Tourisme : tourisme culturel et écotourisme
Tourisme : tourisme culturel et écotourisme
Michel Rocard s'inquiète de l'augmentation vertigineuse du tourisme en Antarctique Buenos Aires - Argentine
L'ex-Premier ministre socialiste français Michel Rocard, ambassadeur chargé des négociations sur
les pôles Arctique et Antarctique, s'est inquiété mardi à Buenos Aires de l'augmentation
"vertigineuse" du tourisme en Antarctique.
"Le problème qui pointe, c'est le tourisme : parti de zéro il y a trente ans, il atteint les 55.000
personnes par an", a déclaré à la presse M. Rocard, qui participe dans la capitale argentine à la
34e réunion consultative sur le Traité de l'Antarctique.
+ info: http://www.sciencesetavenir.fr/depeche/nature-environnement/20110622.AFP4955/rocard-s-inquiete-de-laugmentation-vertigineuse-du-tourisme-en-antarctique.html
Cours en ligne - Introduction à l'Industrie du Tourisme - Collège universitaire de Saint Boniface - Winnipeg Manitoba - Canada
Le cours Introduction à l’industrie du tourisme fait partie du programme Tourisme offert par l’École technique et
Le cours veut initier les étudiantes et étudiants à l’industrie du tourisme en offrant un survol de l’évolution, des
perspectives et des tendances du marché dans les différents secteurs qui s’y rattachent. La clientèle devra être capable de
définir et de reconnaître ces différents éléments et d’en comprendre la portée générale. Elle devra acquérir les
connaissances, les habiletés et les attitudes dans le domaine du tourisme, et ce, dans un contexte individuel, familial, social
et professionnel.
+ info: http://cursus.edu/institutions-formations-ressources/formation/10928/introduction-industrie-tourisme/
Transboundary parks meet for discussions in Krkonoše National Park - Czech
It was with great pleasure that the EUROPARC Director, Carol Ritchie, had the opportunity to
attend the third TransParcNet meeting in the Krkonoše (Czech Republic) - Karkonosze
(Poland) Mountains transboundary National Parks.
Despite the park names being a bit of a tongue twister, the scenery , mountain air, excellent
accommodation and hospitality were appreciate by all the 35 representatives of
transboundary protected areas from across Europe. Meeting in the historical Lu?ní bouda
Chaet, at 1410m one of the highest and oldest huts in the region, gave us firsthand experience of the mountains , in every
possible kind of weather imaginable in just two days!
+ info: http://www.europarc.org/what-we-do/transboundary-parks/current-transboundar/
Argentina organizes symposium on Cultural Heritage
The UNESCO Chair on Cutural Tourism Untref /AAMNBA, a joint initiative of the Universidad Nacional de
Tres de Febrero and the Association of Friends of the National Museum of Fine Arts is organizing the
Symposium CULTURAL HERITAGE An Opportunity for Development, that will beheld on 16 May at the
Headquarters of the Association in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
The objective of the meeting, sponsored by the International Council of Museums and Sites, (ICOMOS)
Argentina chapter, is to disseminate among professionals, students, officials, managers and general public
the basic principles of the 1972 Convention on the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage
and the 2003 Convention on the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, as well as their opportunities and impact
for the economic, social and cultural development of the communities involved.
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Tourisme : tourisme culturel et écotourisme
+ info: http://www.lacult.org/noticias/showitem.php?uid_ext=&getipr=MTcyLjI0LjEwLjIy&lg=2&id=3031
Curso a Distancia: 10ma. Promoción Posgrado en Turismo Rural - Facultad de Agronomia - Universidad de
Buenos Aires - Argentina - Septiembre de 2011
Contacto: [email protected] Se espera que el alumno esté capacitado para diseñar e implementar un Plan de
Negocios o un Plan Estratégico destinado a poner en marcha una inversión privada o un proyecto institucional de Turismo
Rural, utilizando estrategias que permitan generar ventajas competitivas en la empresa y en el territorio.
El curso está dirigido a jóvenes emprendedores, mujeres empresarias que quieran desempeñarse en el ámbito rural, líderes
de Pueblos Rurales que buscan desarrollar su comunidad, interesados en el armado de rutas alimentarias, circuitos
turísticos, profesionales y directivos vinculados a organizaciones, empresas e instituciones del sector agropecuario y
turístico, funcionarios nacionales, provinciales y municipales del área económica, agropecuaria y turística y docentes y
capacitadores, entre otros.
+ info: http://epg.agro.uba.ar/posgr-turismorural/posgrado-de-alta-direccion-en-turismo-rural
Shouf Cedar forests lead Lebanon eco-tourism boom - Lebanon
Shouf, Lebanon (CNN) -- Lebanon's 2,000 hectares of cedar forest are a peaceful oasis for hikers, mountain bikers and birdwatchers, a world away from the hustle and bustle of Beirut.
In the Shouf Cedar Reserve, the country's largest natural forest, villagers make a living selling home-made jam, honey,
pickled olives and wine to tourists.
The area was declared was declared a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve in 2005. While sustainable tourism is booming, the
ancient forests are under threat from climate change.
Nizar Hani, manager of Shouf Cedar Reserve, said: "Right now we have a new challenge for the cedar forest in Lebanon,
which is the climate change.
"The expected threat to the cedar forest is (that) the natural regeneration will be affected, because the cedar seeds need to
be under snow for two months minimum."
+ info: http://shoufcedar.org/showarticle.asp?id=36
The Virgin Oceanic submarine represents a transformational technological advance in
submarine economics and performance. The submarine provides the currently unequalled
capability to take humans to any depth in the oceans and to truly explore. It utilises the
latest in composite technology and a completely unique flying wing to literally fly within the
Ocean environment; creatures living here such as dolphins, whales and rays have shown us
this winged approach is the best and most elegant way to range the seas. The submarine is
many times less expensive to manufacture and operate than any of its less capable
counterparts and is in harmony with its environment…
+ info: http://www.virginoceanic.com/vehicles/submersible/
Inauguration of Huaca de la Luna New Tourism Circuit - Peru
After the Spanish conquest, these ceremonial sites were abandoned and for the next four
centuries, they were not properly maintained, and lay exposed to the elements, suffering from
wind erosion and the El Niño phenomenon. Consequently the adobe structures deteriorated and
the upper-most platforms and superficial elements were lost. Huaca de la Luna is one of the
most significant pre-Columbian resources in the region, and it is a large site requiring
continuous conservation work including survey, documentation, consolidation, and stabilization
of excavated architectural and decorative fabric. The balanced excavation, conservation, and
interpretation strategies applied here have created an exponential increase in local and international tourism to the site,
bringing economic development and job opportunities to the local communities. Huaca de la Luna is a model for integrating
archaeology, conservation, and sustainable tourism development, and has received important international recognitions—it
was named one of the ten best- managed sites in Iberian-America by the Secretary of Tourism of Spain, and received the
IV Reina Sofía Award for Conservation and Restoration in 2006.
+ info: http://www.wmf.org/project/huaca-de-la-luna
Venice: City in Peril
Venice is commonly regarded as one of the wonders of the world, attracting over 17 million tourists each year. However,
the city of Venice faces ongoing problems that threaten its ability to stay above water. The city’s flooding issues are
notorious around the world. Every year water surges through its legendary labyrinth of streets wreaking havoc on
architectural gems such as the Palazzo San Marco. With its architecture under threat, and dwindling population as many
young people flock to the mainland, it is appropriate to think of Venice as a dying relic.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/158009/
Comment préserver les paysages viticoles et développer l'oenotourisme - France
Le vendredi 27 mai 2011, une centaine de personnes ont assisté à la journée organisée par la
Mission Val de Loire, en partenariat avec InterLoire et la Chambre d’agriculture du Loir-et-Cher.
Elus et agents des collectivités locales, professionnels du tourisme et de la viticulture, ont pu
découvrir des expériences du Val de Loire et des vignobles du patrimoine mondial (réseau
+ info: http://www.valdeloire.org/Actualites/Articles/Tous/Comment-preserver-les-paysagesviticoles-et-developper-l-oenotourisme
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Tourisme : tourisme culturel et écotourisme
PRIX - L'Evasion au naturel : un centre éco-touristique nominé au Trophée
Bol d'air SNCF (Société nationale des chemins de fer français)
Comme chaque année, Voyages-sncf.com organise son grand concours des Trophées
du Tourisme responsable. A cette occasion, Maxisciences a décidé de donner la
parole à l'un des candidats nominés, Frédéric Desautel qui nous présente son
projet : "l'Evasion au naturel" et sa vision du tourisme responsable.
Organisés par Voyages-sncf.com pour la cinquième année consécutive, les Trophées
du tourisme responsable "récompensent ceux et celles qui se mobilisent pour un
tourisme plus respectueux de l’environnement et des hommes". Ainsi, le concours souhaite montrer l'efficacité mais aussi
l'accessibilité du tourisme responsable qui offre une large palette de choix alors que les nominés sont divisés en cinq
catégories : bol d'air, urbain, solidaire, luxe & zen ou encore bons plans. Avec une nouveauté cette année : l'évènement
écolo devient participatif et prend désormais en compte le vote en ligne du public qui reste possible jusqu'au 5 septembre
et qui comptera pour moitié dans le choix final.
+ info: http://www.maxisciences.com/tourisme-durable/l-039-evasion-au-naturel-un-centre-eco-touristique-nomine-autrophee-bol-d-039-air_art16312.html
STEPPA (Sustainable Tourism in Enterprises, Parks and Protected Areas): Customer and
business surveys completed
The survey on visitors to protected areas for STEPPA has now been completed. Parks from Italy,
Spain, Germany, Latvia, the Slovak Republic, the United Kingdom and Finland participated in the
survey. Two different questionnaires were used in the survey: one for customers currently visiting a
protected area and one for potential and previous visitors of protected areas. The data from the
survey is currently being analysed. The results will provide information on customer's views on
sustainability in protected landscapes and their willingness to behave in a sustainable way whilst
traveling. They will be presented at the Sustainable Tourism Conference 2011: Relationships in sustainable tourism
development, held in Savonlinna, Finland, in October 2011. The final report of the survey will be available to all later this
+ info: http://www.europarc.org/what-we-do/steppa/news-from-the-steppa/
(en italien) Ecomuseo dei Campi Flegrei, tradizione e futuro del Golfo di Napoli Italy
La costa e le acque che circondano il nostro bel Paese saranno, nei prossimi anni, sempre più
al centro dell’attenzione turistica: il mare “diventa chiaro” per tutti gli addetti ai lavori.
Il settore turistico/balneare, grande risorsa economica del made in Italy, negli ultimi anni ha
conosciuto un forte ampliamento, con relativo trend positivo in ascesa, della rosa di offerte:
“vacanza sul mare”, “vacanza ecobalneare”, “vacanza balneoculturale” e.. di più.
Per parlare oggi di sviluppo turistico, infatti, non si può far a meno di considerare fortemente
il settore crocieristico, relativo alle grandi compagnie (MSC, Costa Crociere ecc.) – e ai grandi circuiti /itinerari
mediterranei, ma non bisogna sottovalutare la forza e la grande potenzialità offerta dai sub-settori turistico/marittimi locali.
+ info: http://www.tafter.it/2011/08/22/ecomuseo-dei-campi-flegrei-tradizione-e-futuro-del-golfo-di-napoli/
Art History UK Offers More in-Depth and Intimate Alternative to the Mass-Market Tourist Tours rt History UK is a specialist art historical tour company set up in the capital to provide a more in-depth and intimate
alternative to the mass-market tourist tours. Art History UK offers a uniquely intimate and tailor made tour service that will
leave each individual with an inspiring depth of understanding about London’s art and architecture, and the heroic, humble,
strange, sad, and often hilarious stories that this extraordinary city tells.
Founded by London cultural expert Rose Balston, Art History UK combines fresh enthusiasm with unrivaled knowledge and
the desire to share it, priding itself on combining this scholarship with extensive tour guiding experience, attention to
detail, intriguing tales, conversation, challenging ideas and a fascinating exploration of the hidden corners of London’s past.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49403
Création de la société publique locale « Tours Val de Loire Tourisme » - France
Cette société au capital de 270.000 € a pour actionnaire majoritaire Tour(s) plus, aux côtés de la ville de Tours et du
syndicat mixte interrégional Mission Val de Loire. Elle a pour objet le développement, pour le compte de ses actionnaires,
de la destination Tours Val de Loire sur la base d'une offre culturelle, patrimoniale et touristique.
+ info: http://www.valdeloire.org/Actualites/Articles/Tous/Creation-de-la-societe-publique-locale-Tours-Val-de-LoireTourisme
Dal marketing alla Cultura dell’Accoglienza
Leggendo l’articolo del Prof. Valerio Castronovo apparso recentemente sulle pagine de “Il Sole 24
Ore” ci si imbatte in un titolo così sintetico eppure così significativo come ”Al turismo non basta il
La caduta libera di una fonte di ricchezza che contribuisce per oltre il 10% alla formazione del
nostro Pil deve necessariamente allarmare le “buone menti” di un Paese maltrattato. Il recente
libro del duo Stella-Rizzo, ha messo nero su bianco il nuovo vandalismo che, come una malattia
autoimmune, distrugge i beni paesaggistici e culturali italiani. Siamo lontani oggi in Italia da una
vera cultura dell’accoglienza che invece sta prendendo piede nel mondo con esempi eclatanti di buona gestione e di buona
amministrazione. Forse anche lo stesso termine turismo oggi non rispecchia più le moderne esigenze. Paradossalmente
sembra più adeguato quello di Viaggio in Italia di poetica memoria dove il viaggiatore era colui che sognava il nostro Paese
e ci restava molti giorni alla ricerca del bello del gusto e del buon vivere. Con buona grazia dell’economia italiana.
+ info: http://www.tafter.it/2011/08/30/dal-marketing-alla-cultura-dellaccoglienza/
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_71/30_2011.html (3 de 5) [26/09/2011 16:26:03]
Tourisme : tourisme culturel et écotourisme
Council announces global call for entries. Deadline: 1 December 2011
The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) is inviting tourism businesses,
organizations, and destinations worldwide to apply for its 2012 Tourism for Tomorrow
Each year, WTTC recognizes best practices in sustainable tourism - its Tourism for
Tomorrow Awards are one of the highest accolades in the global travel and tourism
+ info: http://www.eturbonews.com/25024/world-travel-and-tourism-council-announces-global-call-entries
Tourisme de mémoire: préparation du centenaire de la Première guerre mondiale - France
Dans le cadre de la préparation du centenaire de la Première guerre mondiale, le ministre de la défense et des anciens
combattants a organisé au Sénat un séminaire autour du thème du Tourisme de mémoire. De très nombreux sites ont
changé sur leurs projets, et sur la difficulté de transmission de la mémoire des conflits. Anne Vourc'h est intervenue sur
l'expérience des Grands Sites.
+ info: http://www.cheminsdememoire.gouv.fr/page/affichepage.php?idLang=fr&idPage=2784
EUROPARC News from the Parks & Benefits Project
Parks & Benefits wants to ensure the sustainable regional development in eight
large protected areas in six countries around the Baltic Sea. The project's main
instrument will be the transfer of the “European Charter For Sustainable
Tourism In Protected Areas to the Baltic Sea Region and its joint
implementation in National, Regional and Nature Parks and a Biosphere
Parks & Benefits will result in a network of certified Charter Parks around the
Baltic Sea, new nature tourism products and enlarged commitment of citizens and tourism entrepreneurs to the Charter
and their protected Parks. The workload is grouped into three major work packages.
+ info: http://www.europarc.org/what-we-do/parks-and-benefits/news-from-the-parks/
TOURISME AUTREMENT - Je me prépare - Tu te prépares - Il se prépare …
Newsletter août-septembre 2011:
1. Salon du Tourisme durable, les news
2. Nos rendez-vous du mois de septembre
3. La clé verte, un éco-label international à découvrir
+ info: http://www.salondutourismedurable.be/mailing5/FR.html
BU (Bournemouth University) researcher questions Venice tourist tax
Bournemouth University academic Dr Neelu Seetaram has questioned the introduction
of a tourist tax in Venice, which will see visitors to the city paying an additional nightly
charge on hotel rooms and even campsites.
The tax was put in place by the Council for Tourism in Venice to contribute to
cleaning, transport, policing and other maintenance in lieu of recent government cuts
in Italy.
Speaking to Peter White on Radio 4’s ‘You and Yours’, Dr Seetaram cited her research
into tourism taxation in New York as evidence.
+ info: http://www.bournemouth.ac.uk/newsandevents/News/2011/sep/ne002-radio-four-tourism-taxation.html
Life after the Reisepavillon- the international platform for
sustainable tourism
The Reisepavillion was a successful and well-known trade-fair focusing on
sustainable tourism that took place annually in Germany from 1991 - 2010.
EUROPARC attended the fair regularly with a display about the European
Charter. The organiser Anke Biedenkapp took some time from her time-out
in England to tell us about the fair and why they decided to discontinue the
+ info: http://www.european-charter.org/news-and-events/news/life-after-the-reisepavillon/
AD Classics: Royal Hotel - Arkady Mordvinov - 1949-1953 - Moscow - The Russian
Originally completed in 1953 as the Hotel Ukraina, the Royal Hotel was designed by Arkady
Mordvinov and Vyacheslav Oltarzhevsky and stands as one of the “Seven Sisters” of Moscow
(Mordvinov was acting as the Chairman of the Committee of Construction and Architecture at
the time). This five-star hotel complex was the tallest hotel in the world at its completion at
34 stories (650ft) and is sited on the banks of the Moskva River. This unique site required
considerable structural innovation during early construction, which will be discussed later in
the feature.
The Seven Sisters are skyscrapers built in the Stalin-era — the neoclassical Royal Hotel is one of the seven, accompanied
by the Kotelnicheskaya Embankment Apartments, the Kudrinskaya Square Building, the Hotel Leningradskaya, the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs, the main building of the Moscow State University, and the Red Gates Administrative Building. A massive
complex by any standards at almost one million square feet of floor area, the hotel boasts an array of lodging and
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Tourisme : tourisme culturel et écotourisme
entertainment offerings including over five hundred hotel rooms, thirty-eight extended stay apartments, five restaurants, a
400-person conference center, a 1000-person banquet hall, spa, and a fleet of river yachts.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/157690/ad-classics-royal-hotel-arkady-mordvinov/
Public Seminar Series - The Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
1 août - 30 nov 2011 . Melbourne, Australie
Organizateurs: Deakin University
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.deakin.edu.au/arts-ed/chcap/seminars/index.php
Victoria Tourism Week
5 sep - 10 sep 2011 . Victoria, Australie
Organizateurs: The Victoria Tourism Industry Council (VTIC)
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.victoriatourismweek.com.au/
World Heritage Tourism Expo - Unesco cities and sites
16 sep - 18 sep 2011 . Assisi, Italie
Organizateurs: World tourism expo
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.worldheritagetourismexpo.com/default1.asp
World Youth and Student Travel Conference
20 sep - 23 sep 2011 . Barcelona, Espagne
Organizateurs: WYSE Travel Confederation.
Contact: [email protected] and [email protected]
+ info: http://www.wystc.org/
Tourism - Linking Cultures: UNWTO launches World Tourism Day 2011
27-sep-2011 . ,
Organizateurs: World Tourism Organization UNWTO
Contact: [email protected] and [email protected]
+ info: http://media.unwto.org/en/press-release/2011-06-20/tourism-linking-cultures-unwto-launches-world-tourism-day2011
Sustainable Tourism Conference 2011: Relationships in sustainable tourism development
19 oct - 21 oct 2011 . Savonlinna, Finlande
Organizateurs: University of Eastern Finland
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.uef.fi/mot/stc
Le guide pratique « Biodiversité & Tourisme, de nouvelles opportunités pour les entreprises et
les destinations ? »
Ce guide est l’un des outils qui permettent de décliner efficacement, dans la réalité concrète et quotidienne
des entreprises et destinations touristiques, la Stratégie nationale pour la biodiversité.
Publié en août 2011, son propos est d'apporter des clefs aux gestionnaires d'entreprises et de destinations
touristiques pour à la fois stimuler l'économie touristique et pérenniser notre patrimoine naturel.
Tous les acteurs du tourisme, publics et privés, sont concernés par cette publication. Elle vise en particulier
les dirigeants et les principaux responsables au sein de chaque structure, ainsi que tous les collaborateurs,
chacun peut s’impliquer en faveur de la biodiversité.
+ info: http://www.tourisme.gouv.fr/territoires/dev-durable/guide-biodiversite.php
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Patrimoine subaquatique. Archéologie subaquatique
Patrimoine subaquatique. Archéologie subaquatique
Newsletter - Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Underwater Cultural Heritage
This is the monthly Newsletter/Press Release for August for the Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Underwater Cultural
Please feel free to circulate it as widely as possible to your colleagues and friends.
+ info: http://universidadypatrimonio.net/doc/Augustpressrelease.pdf
The Virgin Oceanic submarine represents a transformational technological advance in
submarine economics and performance. The submarine provides the currently unequalled
capability to take humans to any depth in the oceans and to truly explore. It utilises the
latest in composite technology and a completely unique flying wing to literally fly within the
Ocean environment; creatures living here such as dolphins, whales and rays have shown us
this winged approach is the best and most elegant way to range the seas. The submarine is
many times less expensive to manufacture and operate than any of its less capable
counterparts and is in harmony with its environment…
+ info: http://www.virginoceanic.com/vehicles/submersible/
Roman wreck full of wine jars found off Albania by U.S.(United States) - Albanian
archaeological mission - RPM Nautical Foundation - Keywest - Florida - USA
Albanian archaeological mission said Monday it has found the well-preserved wreck of a
Roman cargo ship off Albania's coast, complete with some 300 wine jars — all empty, alas.
The 30-meter long (yard) wreck dates to the 1st century B.C. and its cargo is believed to
have been the produce of southern Albanian vineyards en route to western European
markets, including France.
A statement from the Key West, Florida-based RPM Nautical Foundation said the find was
made 50 meters (yards) deep near the port city of Vlora, 90 miles (140 kilometers) southwest of the capital, Tirana, early
this month.
The foundation, in cooperation with Albanian archaeologists, has been surveying a swathe of Albania's previously
unexplored coastal waters for the past five years. So far, experts have located 20 shipwrecks — including several relatively
modern ones.
+ info: http://rpmnautical.org/
Ratification par la Jamaïque de la Convention sur la protection du patrimoine culturel subaquatique (Paris, 2
novembre 2001)
Le 9 août 2011, la Jamaïque a déposé auprès de la Directrice générale son instrument de ratification de la Convention sur
la protection du patrimoine culturel subaquatique.
Conformément aux dispositions de son article 27, ladite Convention entrera en vigueur à l’égard de la Jamaïque trois mois
après le dépôt de cet instrument, c’est-à-dire le 9 novembre 2011.
+ info: http://portal.unesco.org/fr/ev.php-URL_ID=48608&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html
Ratification par le Benin de la Convention sur la protection du patrimoine culturel subaquatique (Paris, 2
novembre 2001)
Le 4 août 2011, le Benin a déposé auprès de la Directrice générale son instrument de ratification de la Convention sur la
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Patrimoine subaquatique. Archéologie subaquatique
protection du patrimoine culturel subaquatique.
Conformément aux dispositions de son article 27, ladite Convention entrera en vigueur à l’égard du Benin trois mois après
le dépôt de cet instrument, c’est-à-dire le 4 novembre 2011.
+ info: http://portal.unesco.org/fr/ev.php-URL_ID=48607&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html
September Press Release - Asian Academy for Heritage Management (AAHM)
For the September press release, we are pleased to include an interview with keynote speaker Emad
Khalil, Director of the Alexandria Centre for Maritime Archaeology and Underwater Cultural Heritage.
+ info: http://www.uri.edu/artsci/his/mua/documents/apconf_sept.pdf
Construire la paix dans l’esprit des hommes et des femmess
15 sep - 30 oct 2011 . Cartagena, Espagne
Organizateurs: Spanish National Museum for Underwater Archaeology (ARQUA)
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/en/unesco/events/all-events/?tx_browser_pi1[showUid]=4177&cHash=8988b60e93
ADVANCED COURSE ON Restoration and Conservation of Underwater Archaeological Finds
26 sep - 24 dic 2011 . Zadar, Croatie
Organizateurs: UNESCO & International Centre for Underwater Archaeology (ICUA)
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.icua.hr/en/events/130-napredni-teaj-restauracije-i-konzervacije-podvodnih-arheolokih-nalazita
CONFERENCE - UNESCO & International Congress for Underwater Archaeology (IKUWA) - 'Managing the
Underwater Cultural Heritage'
29 sep - 2 oct 2011 . Zadar, Croatie
Organizateurs: University of Zadar
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.ikuwa4.com/ikuwa-4-conference
3rd Annual Lawyers' Committee for Cultural Heritage Preservation (LCCHP) Conference: 'Keeping the Lid on
Davy Jones' Locker
Registration opens 1 September 2011 3-nov-2011 . Washington DC, États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: The Lawyers' Committee for Cultural Heritage Preservation (LCCHP
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.culturalheritagelaw.org/2011conference
UNESCO Conférence régionale pour l'Asie et le Pacifique sur le patrimoine culturel subaquatique
8 nov - 12 nov 2011 . Manila, Philippines
Organizateurs: UNESCO
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/unesco/events/all-events/?tx_browser_pi1[showUid]=3373&cHash=5e34c81492
Conserving Marine Cultural Heritage
ISSN 1350-5033
Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites
Volume 11, Number 1, 2009
+ info: http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/maney/cma/2009/00000011/00000001#issue
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Activités de la Directrice générale dans le domaine du patrimoine
Activités de la Directrice générale dans le domaine du patrimoine
La Directrice générale découvre les sites culturels modernes de Shenzhen
Il y a trente ans, Shenzhen était une ville de pêcheurs de quelque 30 000 habitants.
Aujourd’hui, cette métropole, qui compte plus de 10 millions de résidents permanents, peut
s’enorgueillir de posséder un réseau moderne d’équipements culturels publics et d’être la ville la
plus jeune à accueillir les 26e Jeux universitaires mondiaux, qui débuteront le 12 août.
Shenzhen est certes une ville nouvelle, mais ses racines remontent à plus de 3 000 ans, comme
en témoignent les bronzes exposés au Musée de la ville, que Mme Bokova a visité en
compagnie de son directeur et de hauts responsables de la municipalité de Shenzhen. Le musée
retrace l’histoire de la ville, de l’ère préhistorique à l’époque contemporaine, et présente des reconstitutions grandeur
nature de scènes évoquant les traditions et le patrimoine culturels de la région.
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/media-services/single-view/news/
UNESCO Director-General regrets the announcement of Thailand's intention to denounce the 1972 World
Heritage Convention
The Director-General of UNESCO Irina Bokova has expressed her deep regret following the declaration of the Thai Minister
Suwit Khunkitti during the 35th session of the World Heritage Committee being held at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris from
19 to 29 June 2011, on the intention of Thailand to denounce the 1972 World Heritage Convention.
Irina Bokova reiterated that "The World Heritage Convention of 1972 is not only the foremost international instrument for
the preservation and protection of the world’s cultural and natural properties which have Outstanding Universal Value, but
also widely recognized as an important and indispensable tool to develop and encourage international cooperation and
+ info: http://whc.unesco.org/en/news/772
Address by Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO on the occasion of the inauguration of the exhibition for
the Day of Slavic cultures - 31 May 2011
...I am delighted to come here for the opening of this exhibition dedicated to Slavic cultures.
I wish to congratulate and thank foremost the Permanent Delegations of the Russian Federation and Slovenia for this
I am aware that this follows a successful meeting of the Forum of Slavic Cultures at UNESCO Headquarters on 24 May, the
Day of Slavic Alphabet and Culture.
This pays tribute to the dedication of the Member States of the Forum for Slavic Cultures, who initiated this exhibition, to
preserving and promoting the values that are shared by Slavic-speaking countries…
+ info: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0019/001928/192891e.pdf
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Patrimoine vernaculaire
Patrimoine vernaculaire
Journée du Patrimoine de Pays et Journée des Moulins 2011: le patrimoine caché - France
...Le voyage dans le temps peut commencer par ce qui a été creusé dans la terre ou dans la roche par les troglodytes.
Depuis que les hommes habitent notre pays, ils ont laissé des vestiges un peu partout. L'archéologie ne cesse d'aller de
découverte en découverte, de la grotte préhistorique à la villa gallo-romaine ou au four à briques abandonné depuis les
débuts du moyen âge. On connaît des puits autrefois situés en surface, que l'accumulation séculaire de ruines et de
bâtiments a enfoui aujourd'hui à deux ou trois niveaux sous le rez de chaussée ! Au fond des caves, des celliers ou du chai,
peut se cacher peut-être le lieu jalousement gardé où sont conservées les bouteilles les plus poussiéreuses. Bien des
châteaux, témoins de guerres de vengeances, de cruautés, possèdent des échappées souterraines, des cachettes, des
prisons, sans oublier…les oubliettes ! Le sol de beaucoup d'églises recouvre des cryptes. Les persécutions religieuses, les
grandes pestes nous ont laissé des catacombes et des ossuaires…
+ info: http://www.journeedupatrimoinedepays.com/theme.htm
Preservation Napa Valley Annual Barn Tour
Preservation Napa Valley, in partnership with the Napa County Farm Bureau, presents the second annual Barn Tour-2010,
featuring historic barns, places of interest and hidden gems of the Carneros region.
Adastra Vineyards' barn will serve as the hub for the day's activities, including Brunch in a Barn, Appalachian bluegrass by
the Cobb Stompers, a make-your-own garden fresh tomato juice station, and talks by Preservation Napa Valley Director
Wendy Ward and the National Trust for Historic Preservation. Barns on the tour include V. Sattui's Henry Ranch, the Peters
Barn at Vine Village (also where a farm/rural-focused art show will be located) and the biggest barn in Carneros, the Sciligo
Barn. A very special part of this tour will be some of the 'old timers at two of the barns: listen to stories and incredible
memories from Peggy Meister, Herbie Henry, Glen Bauder and Bob Brown.
+ info: http://preservationnapavalley.org/upcomingevents/barntour.html
In Old Maine Farmhouse, The Real Christina's World of Andrew Wyeth Lives On - Cushing - Maine - USA
Andrew Wyeth's famous painting "Christina's World" shows a crippled woman dragging herself across a field toward a
farmhouse. A tour of the house, which was declared a National Historic Landmark June 30, offers a fascinating, in-depth
look at the real world of Christina Olson and her family, and also reveals the story of Wyeth's relationship with them.
Wyeth spent 30 years producing some 300 works of art depicting the Olsons and their home in Cushing, Maine. This
summer and fall offer a rare opportunity to see 50 of those paintings and drawings at the Farnsworth Art Museum's Wyeth
Center in the nearby town of Rockland, where they are on loan from Marunuma Art Park in Asaka, Japan, through Oct. 30,
in a show called "Andrew Wyeth, Christina's World and the Olson House."
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49121
Chatelard / Clermont Architectes - Ferney-Voltaire - France
This farm building dating back to the 16th century has a particularly rich history. Today, this adventure is continued by the
rehabilitation of the Theatre du Châtelard.
The farm, composed of dwelling places, barns, stables, ovens, gardens and orchards, became Voltaire’s property in 1759;
the latter undertook improvements in order to house there the domestics of his nearby castle.
Requisitioned by the army during the Revolution , the buildings were used as a guard-room and a bakery. During the 19th
century, the farm went back to its agricultural purpose, until it stopped its activity in 1988.
In 1991, the Theatre du Châtelard was created and set up inside the main barn ; it was then closed in 2001, for security
reasons. A project was launched in order to entirely restructure the theater.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/148667/chatelard-clermont-architectes/
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Patrimoine vernaculaire
Moving Heritage Preservation Forward in Rural Kentucky - Kentucky - USA
When Preservation Kentucky began the Rural Heritage Development Initiative pilot (RHDI) in
2006, one goal was to assist rural communities and property owners as their landscapes
underwent changes due to residential development and urbanization. In studying rural areas in
this region, it became clear that recommendations were needed to help strengthen the
commercial centers and economic focus of small communities, to maintain the character of the
rural landscape and preserve existing buildings that make the region distinctive.
+ info: http://blog.preservationnation.org/2011/07/06/moving-preservation-forward-in-ruralkentucky/
Vernacular Architecture and the 21st Century
Vernacular architecture, the simplest form of addressing human needs, is seemingly forgotten in
modern architecture. However, due to recent rises in energy costs, the trend has sensibly swung the
other way. Architects are embracing regionalism and cultural building traditions, given that these
structures have proven to be energy efficient and altogether sustainable. In this time of rapid
technological advancement and urbanization, there is still much to be learned from the traditional
knowledge of vernacular construction. These low-tech methods of creating housing which is perfectly
adapted to its locale are brilliant, for the reason that these are the principles which are more often
ignored by prevailing architects.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/155224/vernacular-architecture-and-the-21st-century/
Public Seminar Series - The Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific
1 août - 30 nov 2011 . Melbourne, Australie
Organizateurs: Deakin University
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.deakin.edu.au/arts-ed/chcap/seminars/index.php
Twelve houses restored in Japan and Italy
By Olimpia Niglio and Taisuke Kuroda
ISBN: 978-88-548-4148-2
The restoration of architecture in a nation is a project strictly connected to its culture, its society, as well as
to the weather conditions and to its political and economic background. The contemporary culture, in
particular, has developed an awareness of the fact that the main purpose of the conservation of
monuments and landscape is not only protecting the matter of social well but also its intrinsic values,
strongly connected to the sense of belonging to the place. The necessity of searching these values comes
from the need of knowledge of the different cultural references that permit to man to direct his choices as concerns
conservation and safeguard compared to popular areas of interest apparently of less importance but vivid from the cultural
and social point of view.
And this is the birth of the relationship between values and needs connected to the demand of transformation of urban and
housing contexts. On these assumptions the book Twelve houses restored in Italy and Japan focuses on restoration
projects of historical urban contexts, where the theme of living produced changes, influenced different intervention
methods and functional choices without changing the sign of history. The book wants to introduce restoration projects
comparing different cultural realities and architectonical methods that characterized the present situation in Italy and
Japan. The experiences described in the book notice an interesting sharing among the different methods of restoration.
+ info: http://www.aracneeditrice.it/pdf/4148.pdf
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Patrimoine mondial
Patrimoine mondial
La Tanzanie renonce à la route trans-Serengeti - République-Unie de Tanzanie
À la grande satisfaction des défenseurs de l’environnement, le gouvernement tanzanien a abandonné
son projet de tracer une voie express traversant le parc du Serengeti, route qui risquait de
compromettre tout l’écosystème du parc national et son attrait pour les touristes.
Sensible aux avertissements des scientifiques et des écologistes, le ministère des Ressources naturelles
et du tourisme tanzanien, dans une lettre envoyée au Centre du patrimoine mondial à Paris, a confirmé
l’abandon du projet de construction d’une grande route goudronnée à travers le Parc national du
Serengeti pour relier le lac Victoria aux ports côtiers, se contentant de l’actuelle piste caillouteuse de 50
kilomètres dédiée au tourisme et à l’administration.
+ info: http://www.maxisciences.com/serengeti/la-tanzanie-renonce-a-la-route-trans-serengeti_art15399.html
Worldwide Opposition To Serengeti Road Has Yet To Sway Tanzanian Government The United Republic of Tanzania
What began with science-based opposition by AWF and other conservation groups has grown
into a grassroots movement playing out across social media outlets and echoed by global
influencers such as the World Bank, UNESCO, and most recently, the Government of
Germany. This diverse coalition of scientists and conservationists, economists and
development experts has coalesced around a singular message: the construction of a road
through Serengeti National Park would gravely threaten the last great migration of hundreds
of thousands of wildebeest and erode one of the most pristine landscapes on earth. It would also establish a damaging
precedent that Africa’s ecological and wildlife assets hold little long-term economic value.
+ info: http://www.awf.org/content/headline/detail/4524
News from Our Place to your place: pictures of the World Heritage Sites
The last months have been very busy at Our Place as we have been preparing and testing our new public content
generated web site www.ourplacephotos.org. This site is now fully functioning so visit, join up, and then share your
photographs of your favourite World Heritage sites. We will be running competitions and special promotions at our place
photos as we work to promote “our place on our planet”.
+ info: http://www.ourplacephotos.org/my-photos.aspx
Successful conclusion of the First Meeting of the Andes on "Reserves of the Biosphere,
sites inscribed in the UNESCO World Heritage and Climate Change List"
The sectors of Culture and Natural Sciences at UNESCO/Quito, with the cooperation from the
Bolivian National UNESCO Commission and sponsorship from the Ministries of Cultures and
Environment and Waters of Bolivia organized the First Meeting of the Andes on “Reserves of the
Biosphere, sites inscribed in the UNESCO World Heritage and Climate Change List” held on April
24 to 26 in La Paz, Bolivia.
Several Bolivian governmental authorities participated in the meeting, namely the Minister of
Cultures, Elizabeth Salguero Carrillo, the Minister of Environment and Waters, Julieta Mabel Monje Villa, the Vice Minister of
Environment, Cynthia Silva Maturana, teh Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, Juan Carlos Alurralde, the Vice Minister for
Science and Technologies (Ministry of Education), Pedro Arturo Crespo Alvizuri, and the Director of the UNESCO Quito,
Office Edouard Matoko.
+ info: http://www.unesco.lacult.org/noticias/showitem.php?uid_ext=&getipr=MTcyLjI0LjEwLjIy&lg=2&id=3073
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Patrimoine mondial
Argentina organizes symposium on Cultural Heritage
The UNESCO Chair on Cutural Tourism Untref /AAMNBA, a joint initiative of the Universidad Nacional de
Tres de Febrero and the Association of Friends of the National Museum of Fine Arts is organizing the
Symposium CULTURAL HERITAGE An Opportunity for Development, that will beheld on 16 May at the
Headquarters of the Association in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
The objective of the meeting, sponsored by the International Council of Museums and Sites, (ICOMOS)
Argentina chapter, is to disseminate among professionals, students, officials, managers and general public
the basic principles of the 1972 Convention on the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage
and the 2003 Convention on the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, as well as their opportunities and impact
for the economic, social and cultural development of the communities involved.
+ info: http://www.lacult.org/noticias/showitem.php?uid_ext=&getipr=MTcyLjI0LjEwLjIy&lg=2&id=3031
Uruguay and Cuba strengthen their links in Cultural Heritage
Gabriela Gallardo and Norma Calgaro, officials of the Cultural Heritage Commission of the
Nation of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Uruguay participated in the VII International
Meeting City and Memory in Santiago de Cuba on 16 to 19 May, thanks to the support of the
UNESCO Montevideo Office. To take advantage of their visit in Havana, the specialists carried
out a programme of Exchange to learn about the structure, organization and experiences in the
management of Cultural Heritage in Cuba, coordinated by the UNESCO Havana Office.
In Santiago, visitors met with Omar López, Director of the Office of the Conservator, who
explained to them all the activities developed by the Office of Conservator in the city for the conservation of the World
Heritage Sites they manage. In Havana, on the other hand, María Teresa Padrón, specialist of the Master Plan for the
integrated renovation of the World Heritage Site Old Havana and its system of Fortifications, explained the challenges faced
by the first Cuban site inscribed in UNESCO's World Heritage List and an example in the conservation and restoration work
for the enjoyment of tourists and its population.
+ info: http://www.lacult.org/noticias/showitem.php?uid_ext=&getipr=NjYuMjQ5LjcyLjQ1&lg=2&id=3072
La Russie inaugure une immense digue contre les inondations - Saint Pétersbourg Fédération de Russie
Vendredi, le Premier ministre russe Vladimir Poutine a inauguré à Saint-Pétersbourg une immense digue
destinée à protéger la ville des inondations qui la frappent tous les ans. S'étendant sur 25 kilomètres,
elle doit résister à une montée des eaux jusqu'à 5 mètres au dessus des quais.
Près de 32 ans après le lancement de sa construction, la digue est enfin achevée. Vendredi, Vladimir
Poutine, Premier ministre de Russie, a inauguré à Saint-Pétersbourg, cet immense barrage visant à
protéger la ville des inondations dont elle est régulièrement victime.
+ info: http://www.maxisciences.com/inondation/la-russie-inaugure-une-immense-digue-contre-les-inondations_art16351.
Director of the UNESCO Office in Havana participates in subregional meeting for the
Caribbean - Bridgetown - Barbados - 4-8 April 2011
The Director of the UNESCO Regional Office for Culture in Latin America and the Caribbean,
Herman van Hooff, participated in the Meeting for Small Island Developing States (SIDS), and
in the Exercise on the Periodical Report on the Implementation of the Convention on the
Protection of the Cultural and Natural Heritage for the Caribbean sub-region, held in
Bridgetown, Barbados, on 4 to 8 April 2011.
+ info: http://www.unesco.lacult.org/noticias/showitem.php?
Le Nil ne s'est pas toujours écoulé au pied des temples égyptiens de Karnak - Egypte
Situés au cœur de la vallée du Nil, les temples de Karnak ont généré de nombreuses théories quant à leur implantation
originelle : ont-ils été construits sur des îles sableuses au milieu du fleuve ou étaient-ils localisés au pied du Nil comme
c'est le cas aujourd'hui ? Ni l'un ni l'autre : des études géomorphologiques, paléoenvironnementales et sédimentologiques
menées par Matthieu Ghilardi, chercheur au centre européen de recherche et d'enseignement des géosciences de
l'environnement (CEREGE) (CNRS/Universités de Provence et Paul Cézanne/IRD/Collège de France) montrent qu'au
moment de leur édification (en 2000 avant JC) le Nil en était distant de 400 à 500 mètres. Ce n'est que 400 ans plus tard
que le fleuve s'en rapprochera suite à un mouvement hydrodynamique. Ces travaux sont publiés dans la revue Journal of
Archaeological Science.
+ info: http://www2.cnrs.fr/presse/communique/2233.htm
Grotte de Lascaux : une première visite sous haute surveillance - France
Fermée depuis 1963 au grand public, la grotte de Lascaux a ouvert ses portes le 16 juin dernier, pour
une première visite placée sous haute surveillance. De multiples précautions sont nécessaires à la
préservation de la célèbre grotte vieille de quelque 17.000 années.
Le jeudi 16 juin, la Grotte de Lascaux a ouvert ses portes à une poignée de journalistes pour une visite
visant à mettre un terme au débat sur l'état de préservation du site préhistorique. Une visite organisée
en présence du préhistorien Jean Clottes et de la conservatrice du site, Muriel Mauriac. Comme le
rapporte le site du journal Sud-Ouest, il est désormais nécessaire de porter un équipement complet pour pouvoir pénétrer
dans la grotte. Vêtus d'une combinaison stérile, de gants en latex, de chaussures couvertes de deux protections, les
visiteurs doivent passer quatre sas fermés par de lourdes portes avant de pouvoir admirer les ornements de la grotte
préhistorique dont la température intérieure est soigneusement maintenue à 12,3 °C. Bien sûr, appareil photo et caméra
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Patrimoine mondial
sont proscrits.
+ info: http://www.maxisciences.com/grotte-de-lascaux/grotte-de-lascaux-une-premiere-visite-sous-hautesurveillance_art15290.html
Débat au musée du Quai Branly: Lascaux, Pompéi, Angkor. peut-on sauvegarder notre patrimoine
archéologique ? -CNRS (Centre national de la recherche scientifique) - France
Fresques des grottes de Lascaux, site de Pompéi, temples d’Angkor, notre patrimoine archéologique soulève constamment
des questions de sauvegarde, de restauration et de conservation. Doit-on tout sauvegarder ? Pourquoi restaurer un site
plutôt qu’un autre ? Comment protéger les sites archéologiques des dégâts liés à l’afflux de touristes ? La restitution
virtuelle peut-elle être une alternative à la conservation ? Autant de sujets passionnants auxquels vous êtes invités à
prendre part en compagnie de nos intervenants.
+ info: http://www.cnrs.fr/lesgrandsdebats/spip.php?article53
Point vert au milieu de l’océan, elle appartient à l’archipel des Mascareignes avec ses îles sœurs : Maurice et Rodrigues. A
800 km à l’Ouest, Madagascar la sépare du continent africain.
Ses atouts sont multiples : un climat agréable toute l’année, une population arc-en-ciel riche de ses métissages, des
activités de pleine nature pour tous, des paysages grandioses qui lui ont valu son classement au Patrimoine de l’Humanité
par l’Unesco, un volcan actif accessible Le Piton de La Fournaise, des plages de sable blanc ou noir et bien d’autres
découvertes à faire.
L’application « Visites virtuelles Réunion » vous permettra de découvrir ou redécouvrir ces sites et paysages grandioses
comme si vous y étiez. Les panoramas à 360° aériens vous transporteront à l’intérieur des trois cirques : Mafate, Cilaos et
Salazie. Plongez dans l’océan avec la visite sous-marine ou profitez du lagon naturel et des plages. Chacune de ces visites
360° vous proposerons descriptifs et points d’intérêts.
Avec le mode fenêtre virtuelle, vous serez projeté au cœur même du panorama. Tournez sur vous-même pour vous
déplacer dans l’image.
+ info: http://itunes.apple.com/fr/app/visites-virtuelles-reunion/id452983727?mt=8
Restoration of the Statue of Liberty in progressIn May of 1982, President Ronald Reagan
appointed Lee Iacocca to head up a private sector effort to restore the Statue of Liberty.
Fundraising began for the $87 million restoration under a public/private partnership between the
National Park Service and the Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation, Inc., to date the most
successful such partnership in American history. In 1984, at the start of the Statue’s restoration,
the United Nations designated the Statue of Liberty as a World Heritage Site…
+ info: http://statueofliberty.net/historical-facts/restoration/
La Directive « Oiseaux » 2009/147/du 30 novembre 2009 appliquée dans le
Parc national des Cévennes - France
Un grand nombre d’espèces d’oiseaux sauvages qui sont naturellement présentes sur le
territoire européen sont en déclin. Pour inverser cette tendance, l’Union européenne (UE)
met en place un régime général interdisant les pratiques qui constituent une menace pour
la conservation des espèces d'oiseaux. Le dispositif de protection mis en place comprend
également la désignation de zones de protection spéciale (ZPS) en faveur des oiseaux en
danger et des oiseaux migrateurs sur lesquelles sont prises des mesures de protection et
de gestion des habitats.
+ info: http://www.cevennes-parcnational.fr/
Since It Opened Four Weeks Ago, Museum of Liverpool has Welcomed 250,000 Visitors - Liverpool - United
More than 250,000 people have visited the Museum of Liverpool since it opened four weeks ago, equivalent to the
capacities of Anfield or Goodison Park 5 to 6 times over and more than half the population of the city as a whole. Crowds
have flocked to the new Museum with an average of 8,300 people a day through the doors. The Museum which is free entry
opened on 19 July and tells the story of the city and its people. Museum bosses had predicted 78,000 visitors in the first
month of opening, but the response from the public has been three times that.
Janet Dugdale, Director of the Museum of Liverpool said: ”The visitor figures are staggering. We are thrilled with the
success of the new Museum. To get a quarter of a million people through the doors in the first month is fantastic. There is a
real buzz of excitement in the Museum and it’s so nice to see so many people enjoying themselves.”
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=49906
Celebration of the 450th Anniversary of St. Basil's Cathedral After $14 Million Restoration - Moscow - Russian
Russia will celebrate the 450th anniversary of St. Basil's Cathedral by opening an exhibition dedicated to the so-called "holy
fool" who gave his name to the soaring structure of bright-hued onion domes that is a quintessential image of Russia.
The eccentrically devout St. Basil wore no clothes even during the harsh Russian winters and was one of the very few
Muscovites who dared to lambast tyrannical Czar Ivan the Terrible.
Ivan, whose gory purges claimed tens of thousands of lives, feared St. Basil as "a seer of people's hearts and minds,"
according to one chronicle. He personally carried St. Basil's coffin to a grave right outside the Kremlin. The cathedral,
constructed to commemorate Ivan's victory over Mongol rulers, was built on the burial site.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=48926
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Patrimoine mondial
NEWS - CALL FOR PROTECTION OF PEOPLE'S RIGHTS ALONG WITH HERITAGE CONSERVATION IN HAMPI Condemn the inhuman and illegal eviction and demolition at Hampi Bazaar - Deadline 25 August 2011
We hope you will join our call by endorsing this statement calling for protection of people’s rights along with heritage
conservation in Hampi. Write to us at [email protected] with your name and organisation by 25th August
2011. Do pass this around as well.
+ info: http://www.equitabletourism.org/campaign.php?AID=1050
EXPOSITION - 1000e anniversaire de la fondation de la cathédrale Sainte-Sophie de Kiev (1011)
5 sep - 9 sep 2011 . Paris, France
Organizateurs: Permanent Delegation of Ukraine to UNESCO
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/unesco/events/all-events/?tx_browser_pi1[showUid]=4519&cHash=82b07ca860
Atelier/consultation nationale : 'Le Népal et la route de la soie'
6-sep-2011 . Lalitpur, Népal
Organizateurs: Kathmandu
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/unesco/events/all-events/?tx_browser_pi1[showUid]=4447&cHash=bf39f7f552
UNESCO- World Heritage Centr: e Recherche avancée Réunion sur les sites mégalithiques et la Convention du
Patrimoine Mondial
20 sep - 24 sep 2011 . Antequera, Espagne
Organizateurs: Junta de Andalucía
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://whc.unesco.org/fr/evenements/767/
Venice: City in Peril
Venice is commonly regarded as one of the wonders of the world, attracting over 17 million tourists each year. However,
the city of Venice faces ongoing problems that threaten its ability to stay above water. The city’s flooding issues are
notorious around the world. Every year water surges through its legendary labyrinth of streets wreaking havoc on
architectural gems such as the Palazzo San Marco. With its architecture under threat, and dwindling population as many
young people flock to the mainland, it is appropriate to think of Venice as a dying relic.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/158009/
Le Parc national du Grand Canyon accueille un boursier du patrimoine mondial
M. John Zulu, gestionnaire du site du patrimoine mondial Mosi-oa-Tunya / Chutes Victoria, en
Zambie, est arrivé aux Etats-Unis le 5 août dernier pour y passer 6 semaines en immersion
dans la vie du Parc national du Grand Canyon, des populations locales, et de ses ressources de
gestion. M. Zulu est reçu à titre de « Boursier du patrimoine mondial américain », un
programme sponsorisé par le Service des parcs nationaux, avec le soutien de la Fondation des
Nations Unies et de la Fondation des parcs nationaux.
M. Zulu travaille pour la Commission pour la conservation du patrimoine national comme gestionnaire du site Mosi-oaTunya / Chutes Victoria, seul site du patrimoine mondial en Zambie. Situées sur la rivière Zambèze, les chutes enjambent
la frontière entre la Zambie et le Zambèze, et sont désignées pour cette raison site transfrontalier.
+ info: http://whc.unesco.org/fr/actualites/791/
La Tanzanie va exploiter l'uranium dans une réserve au patrimoine mondial République-Unie de Tanzanie
La Tanzanie va exploiter une mine d'uranium dans le parc de Selous, seconde réserve
animalière d'Afrique et site classé au patrimoine mondial de l'humanité par l'Unesco, a
déclaré mardi le ministère de l'Energie.
La société australienne Mantra Ressources souhaite débuter l'exploitation de la mine en
2012 dans la partie sud du parc de 54.600 km2 dont les réserves d'uranium sont
estimées à 24.400 tonnes.
+ info: http://www.sciencesetavenir.fr/depeche/nature-environnement/20110705.AFP6243/la-tanzanie-va-exploiter-luranium-dans-une-reserve-au-patrimoine-mondial.html
UNESCO Director-General regrets the announcement of Thailand's intention to denounce the 1972 World
Heritage Convention
The Director-General of UNESCO Irina Bokova has expressed her deep regret following the declaration of the Thai Minister
Suwit Khunkitti during the 35th session of the World Heritage Committee being held at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris from
19 to 29 June 2011, on the intention of Thailand to denounce the 1972 World Heritage Convention.
Irina Bokova reiterated that "The World Heritage Convention of 1972 is not only the foremost international instrument for
the preservation and protection of the world’s cultural and natural properties which have Outstanding Universal Value, but
also widely recognized as an important and indispensable tool to develop and encourage international cooperation and
+ info: http://whc.unesco.org/en/news/772
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Patrimoine mondial
La renaissance des "Marines et Ports de Loire" - France
180 acteurs du Val de Loire, principalement des élus et agents des collectivités locales,
représentants des services de l’Etat (DREAL, DDT) et représentants associatifs ont participé aux
deux sessions de cet atelier Unesco du paysage organisé par la Mission Val de Loire : deux
moments d’information, de partage d’expériences et de débat. Un cahier du paysage sera publié
pour reprendre les conclusions de cet atelier.
+ info: http://www.valdeloire.org/Actualites/Articles/Tous/La-renaissance-des-Marines-et-Portsde-Loire
CCBP ( Programme de Renforcement des Capacités dans les Caraïbes ) GESTION DU
UNESCO La Havane, Bureau Régional de la Culture pour la Amérique Latine et les Caraïbes, à le
plaisir de présenter le nouveau module 6 du Programme de Renforcement des Capacités dans
les Caraïbes (CCBP), du Patrimoine Mondial, concernant la Gestion du patrimoine naturel
+ info: http://whc.unesco.org/fr/activites/475/
Priceless Manuscript Stolen from Spanish Cathedral in Santiago de Compostela - Spain
A priceless collection of 12th-century religious manuscripts was stolen from a cathedral in the northwestern Spanish city of
Santiago de Compostela, police said Friday.
Galicia regional police inspector Benigno Roca said a special unit has been set up to try to recover the Calixtinus Codex,
which went missing from a strongbox in the cathedral's archive room last week. He said there were no signs of a break-in.
Roca said European police forces had been alerted.
Cathedral dean Jose Maria Diaz said the richly-decorated tome was of incalculable value. He said whoever took it knew this
and knew where to find it.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=48950
Lettre d'information n. 19 de la Convention France-UNESCO
La Convention France-UNESCO pour le patrimoine (CFU), signée en 1997 et entrée en vigueur en 1999, est un outil de
coopération technique et financière entre l'UNESCO, le Gouvernement français, et tous les acteurs impliqués en France
dans la gestion du patrimoine.
+ info: http://whc.unesco.org/fr/actualites/785/
OVPM (Organisation des Villes du patrimoine mondial): Quelques brèves nouvelles
Les objectifs principaux de l'Organisation visent à favoriser la mise en oeuvre de la Convention du patrimoine mondial,
encourager la coopération et l'échange d'information et d'expertise ayant trait à la conservation et à la gestion du
patrimoine et à développer un sens de la solidarité parmi ses villes membres. À cet égard, l'OVPM organise des congrès
mondiaux, des conférences, des séminaires et des ateliers de formation portant sur les défis à relever en matière de
gestion ainsi que sur les stratégies de mise en valeur et de conservation des ensembles historiques.
+ info: http://www.ovpm.org/
Le Louvre « partenaire privilégié de l'Etat » pour l'Hôtel de la Marine - Paris France
Le chef de l’Etat avait demandé à la Commission sur l’avenir de l’Hôtel de la Marine de lui
remettre « avant l’été » un rapport « sur la meilleure utilisation possible » de cet hôtel
particulier situé place de la Concorde. Comme attendu, celle-ci s’est prononcée en faveur
d’un partenariat entre l’Etat et le Louvre.
+ info: http://www.artclair.com/site/archives/docs_article/87021/le-louvre---partenaireprivilegie-de-l-etat---pour-l-hotel-de-la-marine.php
Serengeti Watch: Why We're Not Celebrating - The United Republic of Tanzania
Unfortunately, some in the media have claimed a great victory for conservation, believing that plans for a road across the
Serengeti have been stopped. Some conservation organizations have diplomatically praised President Kikwete for his
But we do not share this view, knowing that those who have pushed for a commercial route through the Serengeti can
claim their victory as well...
+ info: http://www.savetheserengeti.org/issues/the-serengeti-why-were-not-celebrating/#axzz1XM95th7O
La Villa Hadriana menace de s'écrouler - Tivoli - Italie
La Villa Hadriana est contrainte de fermer aux visiteurs l’accès à certaines zones de son site en
raison de risques d’écroulement. Une conséquence regrettable du manque de financement,
selon Il Corriere della Sera.
+ info: http://www.artclair.com/site/archives/docs_article/87060/la-villa-hadriana-menace-de-secrouler.php
AD Classics: Olivetti Showroom / Carlo Scarpa - 1957-1958 - Venice - Italy
The Olivetti Showroom by Carlo Scarpa has recently come full circle. In the late 1950s Adriano Olivetti commissioned
Scarpa to design a display space for his Olivetti products. The resulting Olivetti Showroom was a beautiful space used for
decades by Olivetti before changing owners. In April of 2011 Scarpa’s Olivetti Showroom re-emerged once again as the
display space for Olivetti products. Though this time Scarpa’s design of the space is what is truly on display.
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Patrimoine mondial
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/155074/
AD Classics: Hiroshima Peace Center and Memorial Park / Kenzo Tange - 1949 - 1955 - Hiroshima - Japan
On August 6th, 1945, a B-29 bomber dropped the first atomic bomb in history over Hiroshima, Japan, targeting the
intersection of bridges over the Honkawa and Motoyasu rivers. The bomb devastated Hiroshima within a radius of 5 km,
resulting in 140,000-150,000 deaths by December of that year. Kenzo Tange was commissioned with the challenge of
designing the reconstruction of Hiroshima. By designing the Hiroshima Peace Center and Memorial Park, Tange expressed
the solidarity of human kind as well as symbolizing a commitment to peace
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/160170
Extension of the National Maritime Museum / C. F. Møller Architects - Greenwich - United Kingdom
C. F. Møller Architects has designed the extension of The National Maritime Museum in London, Britain’s seventh largest
tourist attraction and part of the Maritime Greenwich World Heritage Site.
The new wing, called The Sammy Ofer Wing – named after the international shipping magnate and philanthropist Sammy
Ofer, who has funded most of £36.5m extension – was inaugurated on the 12th of July with the participation of among
others the British Prince Philip. On Thursday 14th of July the extension opens to the public.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/150481/
Vingt-cinq nouveaux sites inscrits sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO qui en compte désormais
Le Comité du patrimoine mondial a inscrit au total 25 sites sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO, dont 3 naturels,
21 culturels et 1 mixte. Un site a été retiré de la Liste du patrimoine mondial en péril et deux sites ont été ajoutés à cette
La Liste du patrimoine mondial compte désormais 936 sites : 183 sites naturels ; 725 sites culturels et 28 sites mixtes.
+ info: http://whc.unesco.org/fr/actualites/776/
Hidden Gems of Yemen
Yemen is a country rich with history. Its cities are full of architectural monuments that are constructed with a craft that
often goes overlooked. These cities merge seamlessly with the surrounding landscape, contextually complementing each
Al Hajjara is one such village that warrants a closer look. Built on the precipice of a mountain, the architecture clings to the
sides of the cliffs. Multi-story buildings rise up out of the ground and step their way to the top. It is quite amazing given the
fact that these buildings were constructed hundreds of years ago, and are still standing.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/162244/hidden-gems-of-yemen/
Création de la société publique locale « Tours Val de Loire Tourisme » - France
Cette société au capital de 270.000 € a pour actionnaire majoritaire Tour(s) plus, aux côtés de la ville de Tours et du
syndicat mixte interrégional Mission Val de Loire. Elle a pour objet le développement, pour le compte de ses actionnaires,
de la destination Tours Val de Loire sur la base d'une offre culturelle, patrimoniale et touristique.
+ info: http://www.valdeloire.org/Actualites/Articles/Tous/Creation-de-la-societe-publique-locale-Tours-Val-de-LoireTourisme
Revivifier les musées de sites du Patrimoine mondial au Cambodge, Laos et Viet Nam
Ce projet du fonds-en-dépôt japonais auprès de l'UNESCO a été conçu comme un projet pilote
pour accompagner le processus de revitalisation des musées de site du patrimoine vivant et les
centres d’interprétation dédiés aux sites archéologiques des trois pays.
Le programme a pour objectif le développement des compétences professionnelles du personnel
de ces établissements - conservateurs et curateurs, mais aussi archéologues et gestionnaires
des sites du patrimoine mondial. L’ultime objectif est le renforcement du réseau régional des
musées et des professionnels des sites du patrimoine mondial.
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/culture/themes/dynamic-content-single-view/news/revitalising
Success for African Heritage - Newsletter from the African World Heritage Fund
We are glad and proud to announce that five new African Sites were inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List during
this year's World Heritage Committee Meeting that took place in Paris June 19 - 29. This is the first year that as many as
five African Sites has been inscribed on the List - a development that we will continue to work hard to keep up.
+ info: http://www.awhf.net/index.php?option=com_acymailing&ctrl=archive&listid=1-mailinglist&Itemid=72&lang=en
UNITAR (United Nations Institute for Training and Research) World Heritage Training Workshop (Hiroshima Japan - July 2011)
The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) organised its ninth training workshop on the management
and conservation of World Heritage Sites in Hiroshima, Japan, on 4 to 8 July 2011. ICOMOS is a partner organisation in this
In broad terms, the workshop:
* presented participants with key information about the World Heritage system, especially nominations
* also presented useful information about general heritage issues and practices
* focused particular attention on the relatively new World Heritage nominations manual, and on the comparative analysis
part of nominations
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Patrimoine mondial
* created the opportunity for networking amongst international participants and resource persons
The workshop benefitted from study tours to the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park and A-Bomb Dome, and to Miyajima
Itsukushima Shinto Shrine – both World Heritage sites.
+ info: http://australia.icomos.org/e-news/australia-icomos-e-mail-news-no-494/#3.
Jorge Palacios: Sculptures in Dialogue with the City of Toledo and Exhibition at Canal Foundation, Madrid Spain
Toledo hosts the exhibition project of Jorge Palacios (Madrid, 1979) "The dialogues of the curve: urban sculptures in the
streets of Toledo" conceived as a itinerary through different places representative of the city, including the environment of
the Bisagra Gate, the Sun Gate, the Santa Cruz Museum or the Fuensalida Palace. The traveling exhibition of Jorge Palacios
"The dialogues of the curve" will stay in Toledo until August.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=48267
BU (Bournemouth University) researcher questions Venice tourist tax
Bournemouth University academic Dr Neelu Seetaram has questioned the introduction
of a tourist tax in Venice, which will see visitors to the city paying an additional nightly
charge on hotel rooms and even campsites.
The tax was put in place by the Council for Tourism in Venice to contribute to
cleaning, transport, policing and other maintenance in lieu of recent government cuts
in Italy.
Speaking to Peter White on Radio 4’s ‘You and Yours’, Dr Seetaram cited her research
into tourism taxation in New York as evidence.
+ info: http://www.bournemouth.ac.uk/newsandevents/News/2011/sep/ne002-radio-four-tourism-taxation.html
News and new photos from Our Place : WHY WE DO IT…
Sometimes we get asked, “Why do you take photos of World Heritage sites. How does that help with their conservation and
Our Answer is simple. If people aren’t aware of the world’s heritage, then how can they begin to care for it? You can’t like
or respect places that you don’t know about. There are some World Heritage sites which are well known globally and people
are made aware of any issues facing them by the world’s general media. But most sites on the WH list are relatively
unknown – particularly outside the country or region where they are located…
+ info: http://las.webconception.co.nz/t/ViewEmail/r/4246C9DBAE82C27B/1D5F921F7F09E9E23EDEEDC46EB9B960
Chateau Barde-Haut Winery - Nadau Lavergne Architects - St Christophe Des
Bardes - Gironde - France
The Chateau Barde-Haut is a 17 hectare domain located in Saint-Emilion,France. Registered
in 1999 on the UNESCO world heritage, the jurisdiction of Saint-Emilion is a remarkable
example of a historic wine landscape which survived intact. In 2005, Nadau Lavergne
Architects rehabilitated a former winery in a building made of traditional stone. Sought again
in 2008 for a project of a bigger scale. The existing site is characteristic of the from the
Gironde wine landscape: an island of stone low houses of the 19th century, contain offices
and the other dependences, appear from rows of vineyards. In the North of this island gets loose a rangy volume: the wine
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/166598/chateau-barde-haut-winery-nadau-lavergne-architects/
Libya's other wealth: Archaeological treasures - An interview of Mr. Francesco
Bandarin, UNESCO Assistant Director-General for Culture on CNN.com
UNESCO is like the world's watchdog for protecting historical cultural sites and property.
You might think the worst time for preserving cultural sites are when the shooting and
the bombing are under way. Not so, Bandarin said, from his office in Paris.
it's already happened in Libya. Bandarin said someone stole the most important
treasure of gold and silver from the time of Alexander the Great from Benghazi -- after
the city was liberated from Gadhafi.
Gadhafi's forces and the opposition fought around the Roman ruins at Leptis Magna and at the ancient theater and temples
at Sabratha. It's not yet clear how much damage there is.
+ info: http://edition.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/africa/09/03/libya.archaeological.sites/index.html
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Patrimoine mondial
UNESCO Pacific World Heritage Workshop 'Pacific Heritage for Today and Tomorrow'
5 sep - 9 sep 2011 . Apia, Samoa
Organizateurs: UNESCO
Contact: Diana Roma, National Programme Officer (d.roma(at)unesco.org)
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/en/apia/culture/apia-world-heritage-workshop/
World Heritage Tourism Expo - Unesco cities and sites
16 sep - 18 sep 2011 . Assisi, Italie
Organizateurs: World tourism expo
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.worldheritagetourismexpo.com/default1.asp
Australia ICOMOS - Canberra Talks Series: Pacific Solutions towards World Heritage Island Abandonment,
Climate Change, and Tangible/Intangible Pasts
22-sep-2011 . Canberra, Australie
Organizateurs: Autralia ICOMOS
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://australia.icomos.org/e-news/australia-icomos-e-mail-news-no-502/#6.
Exposition : Les satellites observant l’impact du changement climatique sur les sites du patrimoine mondial Siège de l'UNESCO
26 sep - 11 nov 2011 . Paris, France
Organizateurs: The exhibition is organized in partnership with Planet Action, the European Space Agency, NASA, the
German Aerospace Centre and BELSPO, with support from the Permanent Delegation of the Kingdom of Belgium to
Contact: [email protected] / [email protected]
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/unesco/events/all-events/?tx_browser_pi1[showUid]=4534&cHash=866f6094b9
Expositions - La Cité interdite au Louvre - Empereurs de Chine et rois de France
29-sep-2011 . Paris, France
Organizateurs: Louvre
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.louvre.fr/llv/exposition/detail_exposition.jsp
Réseau des sites majeurs de Vauban : Formation sur l'interprétation du patrimoine
11 oct - 12 oct 2011 . Paris, France
Organizateurs: Réseau des sites majeurs de Vauban en partenariat avex le Centre d'histoire des techniques et de
l'environnement (CDHTE) - Conservatoire national des arts et métiers (CNAM)
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 9 sep 2011
+ info: http://www.sites-vauban.org/Formation-sur-l-interpretation-11
5th International Conference of Euro-Asia World Heritage cities - Heritage of the Future Generations
27 oct - 29 oct 2011 . Istanbul, Turquie
Organizateurs: Organization of World Heritage Cities
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.ovpm.org/sites/ovpm/files/documents/announce_pdf.pdf
International Conference: The future of Venice and its lagoon in the context of global change
13 nov - 15 nov 2011 . Venice, Italie
Organizateurs: UNESCO
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 30 sep 2011
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/en/venice/special-themes/venice-its-lagoon/the-future-of-venice-its-lagoon/
Managing World Heritage Sites: Integrating Disaster Risk Reduction Strategies
5 dic - 16 dic 2011 . México DF, Mexique
Organizateurs: ICCROM - International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property) and
Coordinación Nacional de Conservación del Patrimonio Cultural - Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (CNCPCINAH), Mexico
Contact: course_mexico@iccrom . Org
DATE LIMITE: 30 sep 2011
+ info: http://www.iccrom.org/eng/01train_en/announce_en/2011_12managingWHsitesMEX_en.shtml
Colloque - « Val de Loire Patrimoine Mondial 2000-2010: identité, protection, valorisation »
7 dic - 8 dic 2011 . Orléans, France
Organizateurs: Sections Histoire de l’Administration et Droit des Collectivités territoriales, de l’urbanisme et de l’habitat
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.univ-orleans.fr/valdeloirepatrimoinedroit/
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_71/34_2011.html (8 de 9) [26/09/2011 16:26:12]
Patrimoine mondial
La Loire, mémoire d’un fleuve - France
Par Jean-Mary Couderc
Mai 2011
Cet ouvrage de Jean-Mary Couderc, réalisé en partenariat avec la Mission Val de Loire, est le premier de la
nouvelle collection « Les patrimoines » éditée par la Nouvelle République.
Sommaire :
Le plus grand fleuve français
La vallée des rois
Un conservatoire naturel unique
Vingt et un siècle de navigation
La Loire reconquise
Il est disponible chez les marchands de journaux de la zone de diffusion de la Nouvelle République du Centre-Ouest.
+ info: http://www.valdeloire.org/Actualites/Articles/Tous/La-Loire-memoire-d-un-fleuve
Hoi An World Heritage Site, VIET NAM - Heritage Homeowner's preservation manual
Authors: Tran Van An; Tran Anh; Nguyen Duc Minh; Nguyen Chi Trung; Tomoda, Hiromichi;
Nagumo, Ichiro; Chang, Mark & Fukukawa, Yuichi
Country: Thailand/ Publ Year: 2008
The Homeowner’s Manuals have been developed within the framework of the “Integrated
Community Development and Cultural Heritage Site Preservation in Asia and the Pacific
through Local Effort” programme (LEAP), which strengthens local community involvement in
heritage conservation. The manuals aim to build local capacity in heritage preservation by
training homeowners to maintain their historic properties using appropriate conservation approaches. The manuals present
a synthesis of traditional building techniques and modern conservation science. They codify time-tested methods adapted
to each type of structure using indigenous building materials and techniques. The manuals have been developed in
conjunction with local heritage managers and national conservation experts, who will also be involved in training local
The third volume in this series focuses on the World Heritage site of Hoi An, Viet Nam, an exceptionally well-preserved
example of a South-East Asian trading port dating back to the fifteenth century. Its buildings and its street plan reflect the
influences, both indigenous and foreign, that have combined to produce this unique heritage site. It is hoped that the Hoi
An Homeowner’s Manual will strengthen the local conservation ethic and contribute positively to the long-term
sustainability of this ancient town.
+ info: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0019/001930/193014m.pdf
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_71/34_2011.html (9 de 9) [26/09/2011 16:26:12]
Documento sin título
Forum UNESCO-Université et Patrimoine (FUUP) est un Projet de l'UNESCO pour la mise en oeuvre d'activités visant à protéger et à sauvegarder le
patrimoine culturel, par le biais d'un réseau informel d'institutions de l'enseignement supérieur. FUUP est placé sous la responsabilité commune du
Centre du Patrimoine Mondial de l'UNESCO et de l'Université Polytechnique de Valencia (UPV), Espagne. Ce site web n'est pas un site officiel d'UNESCO,
mais un site créé et géré par l'UPV dans le cadre du projet FUUP.
Accueil - Liens - Contact
UNESCO – Centre de Patrimoine Mondial (WHC)
7, place de Fontenoy
75352 Paris 07 SP (FRANCE)
Tel: +33 1 45 68 10 25
Fax: +33 1 45 68 55 70
Courriel: [email protected]
WHC: http://whc.unesco.org
UNESCO: http://portal.unesco.org
Programme universités : http://whc.unesco.org/fr/activites/45/
Université Polytechnique Valence (UPV)
Camino de Vera, s/n 46022
Valence (ESPAGNE)
Tel: +34 96 387 77 80
Fax: +34 96 387 77 89
Courriel : [email protected]
internet: http://universiteetpatrimoine.net
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