blurb Film of Life 570032


blurb Film of Life 570032
 Tony Allen ©2014 Jazz Village 570032 release Film of Life VERSION LONGUE Pour son dixième album, l'horloger de l'afrobeat frappe un grand coup. Il est entouré
des Jazzbastards, un trio de producteurs à la pointe des sons d'aujourd'hui, et de
compagnons de route au premier rang desquels Damon Albarn pionnier des ponts
entre l'Afrique et les musiques actuelles. Tony Allen livre un disque qui sonne comme
un autoportrait, un résumé de sa carrière riche et exemplaire qui brasse be bop,
afrobeat jazz et pop psyché. Pour le sorcier de Lagos qui a toujours pensé sa batterie
comme un orchestre et qui aime faire chanter ses fûts, ce Film Of Life est un
Long version
For his tenth album, the human metronome of afrobeat has pulled out all the
stops. At his side are The Jazzbastards, a trio of producers at the cutting edge of
contemporary sound, and fellow world-class musicians, including Damon Albarn, who
continues to build pioneering bridges between Africa and today’s music scene. Tony
Allen has given us an album that has the ring of a true self-portrait, an overview of his
rich and exemplary career that brings together bebop, afrobeat jazz and psychedelic
pop. For the wizard of Lagos, who has always thought of his drums “as an orchestra”
and who likes “to make them sing”, Film of Life marks the pinnacle of his
VERSION COURTE Pour son dixième album, l'horloger de l'afrobeat est entouré de compagnons de route au premier rang desquels Damon Albarn pionnier des ponts avec l'Afrique. Le sorcier de Lagos livre un disque qui lui ressemble et qui brasse jazz, afrobeat et pop psyché. Pour Tony Allen qui a toujours pensé sa batterie comme un orchestre et qui aime la faire chanter, Film Of Life est un aboutissement. Short Version For his tenth album, the human metronome of afrobeat is in the company of fellow world-­‐class musicians, including Damon Albarn, who continues to build pioneering bridges with Africa. The wizard of Lagos has given us an album equal to his legendary reputation that brings together jazz, afrobeat and psychedelic pop. For Tony Allen, who has always thought of his drums “as an orchestra” and who likes “to make them sing”, Film of Life marks the pinnacle of his achievement.