Le Piaf - Alliance Française de Toledo


Le Piaf - Alliance Française de Toledo
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Bulletin bimestriel de l’Alliance Française de Toledo
Bimonthly newsletter of Toledo’s French Alliance
Numéro/Issue 3
Février/February 2009
Calendar of events
Bonjour à toutes et à tous ! Entre Amis
February 13, 2009
For many, the post‐holiday winter (2nd Friday of the month at noon at
season is often a time to stay the AFT suite)
home and wait for spring. Why not Soirée au restaurant
February 18, 2009
participate in an Alliance activity to (3rd Wednesday of the month at 6:30pm)
shake the winter doldrums ? French language classes for 4 Heures
February 24 and March 31, 2009
children and adults at all levels (last Tuesday of the month at 4:00 pm at the
continue throughout the winter. AFT suite)
Students are welcome at any time. Vendredi
Center for Visual of Arts-Museum, at 7:00 pm
See old friends or make new ones February 27, 2009:
at the monthly Soirée au "Madame
Brouette", Moussa Sene Absa
Restaurant. An easy night out in March
2009: L'Enfant:
these challenging economic times "L'Enfant",
Frères Dardenne
is a French language film at the Toledo Museum of Art. The films ?
Board Meeting at 7pm at the AFT suite
February 11, 2009
have subtitles and entry is gratuit winter 2009
do-it-yourself travelogue
(=free). You will hear more about a couple of events to be presented winter/spring 2009
speaker conference
in late winter. All you have to do is take advantage of these activities. For any comments and article BASTILLE DAY CELEBRATION 2008
contributions, please contact Toledo’s French Alliance celebrated Bastille Day with ‐ of course ‐ a gourmet "picnic". Christmas Dinner Saturday, July 12, 44 members and friends of the Alliance gathered at Un Coup de Rodolphe Jamet at AFT members and friends gathered for our annual French Country Main, near Dundee, Michigan, where Georgeann Brown maintains a cooking school. [email protected]. Thank you for Christmas Dinner, December 11, 2008. Walt Churchill’s Market in Several folks arrived early to help Ms Brown put together a great menu, your continued support of AFT. complemented with wines from Maumee Wines. Fortified with good food, good drinks Maumee graciously hosted the event this season. Seating in the À bientôt. ! (T.R.) and fine conversation, the group belted out the French National Anthem, La market was cozy enthusiasm than
and quaint finesse. as we dined in la cave and were Marseillaise, with more
greeted warmly by chef, Kolhoff and wine There is a little video of the Churchill’s event, along with the Bill menu, on the Alliance website guru, at http://www.aftoledo.com/BastileDay08.htm. Events like this one nourish the social life Austin Beeman. Guests enjoyed a meticulously prepared, five‐
of our little Francophile community. (D.B)
course gourmet meal. Among the chef’s selections were seafood The Alliance Française of
and saffron soup; salade Dijonnaise; roasted Cornish hen with Toledo is an educational,
chestnut cream sauce; leg of lamb with rosemary, roasted organization.
mushrooms and potatoes. The final course included a cheese and Its
fruit plate, followed by a traditional, bûche de Noël. French wines encourage and develop the
Le réseau des Alliances
La Chorale de l’AF de
L’Assemblée Générale
study and knowledge of the
de Chinecourse connaît for Providence,
were perfectly with each an amazing vient dining de
de paired la
un développement très
fêter ses 2 ans. Menés
French language and culture,
Fédération aura lieu à
experience. rapide. Depuis la première
par Mme Duvillers, les
Naples, Floride, du 22
and to promote friendship
25 choristes chantent
between the Francophone
il yoff a to maintenant
des morceaux
de food, la
The season was a great 10start with fabulous Les holiday sujets de discussion
and American peoples.
Alliances dont Pékin et
Renaissance ainsi que
porteront surtout sur les
stimulating conversation, and the company of friends. Thank you BOARD
Shanghai. Quatre autres
des chansons plus
changements apportés
Marci Cannon Fisher President
vontfor ouvrir
afin degenerous populaires.
En Juillet,and to parChurchill’s Market and staff their hospitality le gouvernement
Rodolphe Jamet
Vice President
ils sont allés chanter à
to Nicolas
Board members Tom Reed and Judy Reitzel for planning a Thomas Reed
croissante des Chinois pour
Québec pour le 400ème
Dave Barnes
anniversaire de la ville.
splendid event. (M.C.F)la culture Française.
Le Piaf
Page 2
* Selon l'Institut National de la Statistique et des Études Économiques, la France comptait 64,3 millions d'habitants le 1er À La rentrée des classes (=back to school) 2008 a eu lieu en
France début septembre. À part (=except for) une courte grève
Janvier 2009. La population a augmenté (=increased) de 366.500 (=strike) de certains enseignants à Paris, tous les écoliers,
personnes, grâce à (=thanks to) un taux de fécondité (= fertility rate) collégiens et lycéens ont repris les cours.
de 2,02 enfants par femme, le plus fort de l'Union Européenne. À Selon un sondage (=survey) de la SOFRES réalisé début
* La taxe douanière (=customs duty) américaine sur le fromage septembre 2008, 80% des Français interrogés préfèrent Barack
Roquefort va être multipliée par 3, à partir de mars 2009, à cause du Obama comme futur président des États-Unis. La plupart des
sondés (=surveyed persons) ont d’ailleurs une bonne opinion des
(=because of) refus (=rejection) des pays européens d'importer du Américains.
bœuf américain traité aux hormones. À Dans le cadre (=framework) de la lutte (=fight) contre les
* Le président Nicolas Sarkozy a annoncé fin janvier 2009 que son pandémies, les ministres européens de la santé, présidés par la
gouvernement allait débourser (= to spend) 600 millions d'Euros pour Française Roselyne Bachelot, et le secrétaire d’État américain à
aider la presse. Ainsi (= for example), l'État français prendra en charge la santé Michael Leavitt se sont réunis (=to get together) à
(= to take charge of) l'abonnement (= subscription) à un quotidien Angers début septembre 2008. Le but (=goal) était d’élargir (=to
expand) la coopération internationale en partageant (=sharing)
(= daily paper) de tous les jeunes Français(es) de 18 ans pendant un an. les connaissances (=knowledge) sur les virus.
Île Sainte Croix, the First French Settlement in the New World (last part) MARC MAILLOUX, SPEAKER OF 2007 Île Ste. Croix, located on the border between present day Maine and New Brunswick and the site of France’s first colony in the New World, In October 2007, the Alliance Française hosted reverend Marc suffered through the winter of 1604‐05. In the summer of 1605 Lt‐
Mailloux, and his wife Aline, for the presentation of his book “God Gov. Pierre Dugua relocated the settlement across the Bay of Fundy to still loves the French”. Nova Scotia, the site which Champlain named Port Royale. Dugua About 25 people attended the presentation. returned to France to defend his trade monopoly, never again to set an World enthusiastic and humorous tone, he described foot With on New soil. In 1606 and 1607 Champlain visited his Île life Ste. experiences, related in the book, from his youth on the North East Croix and noted that the gardens were still producing. coast of the US to his actual teaching in the Antilles. In 1613, Capt. Argall of the Virginia in order to drive Marc English read some passages and gave more colony, details about them, like the French from the coast, destroyed the remaining buildings on Île the anecdote about the Indian who gave him the bible when Marc Ste. went Croix in and burned down Royale. Île Ste. Croix preachy, disappeared India to find the Port Nirvana. Without being the from the records until a boundary dispute arose in the late 1700s. speaker was thoughtful and teasing. The anecdote about the French Robert Pagan of British Canada, using Champlain’s maps, located the road employees who took two hours for lunch and decided not to island and found ruins, French brick, and pottery, thus identifying go back to work because the rain was starting to fall was the most both the island and the river and establishing the international hilarious and in the same time very respectful toward the boundary. employees who offered him to share the food without questions. In 1949, Île Ste. Croix, on the US side of the border, was declared a US Through the insightful observations of the French people, Marc National Monument, and in 1968 Parks Canada joined in efforts to gave the audience some flavor of France, a land where the religious preserve the island. Both countries have park sites on their respective practice is not very significant but where God feels at home. banks of evening the river was overlooking the island identifying and explaining The a success and everybody went back home this early French presence in the New World.(H.H.)
delighted. (R.J) THE PALATE
Slices of duckling with raspberry sauce and
4 persons
4 boned breasts of duckling, about 9 ½oz each 4 tbsp chopped shallots, 1 tbsp lemon juice 3 tbsp all‐purpose flour, 4 tbsp clear honey ¾ cup fresh or thawed frozen raspberries ⅔ cup meat bouillon, 1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce 14oz fresh linguine, 2 tbsp butter, 1 tbsp olive oil, salt and pepper fresh parsley ‐ Season the duck breasts well all over, melt the butter in a skillet and cook the breasts until lightly colored on both sides. ‐ Add the shallots, the lemon juice, half of the bouillon, and simmer over low heat for 1 minute. Stir in half of the honey, half of the raspberries, sprinkle over half of the flour, and stir, while cooking, for 3 minutes. ‐ Add the remaining bouillon, cook for 1 minute, add the rest of the honey and raspberries, sprinkle over the remaining flour, and cook for 3 minutes. ‐ Remove the duck breasts and simmer the sauce over low heat. ‐ Meanwhile, bring a large pan of salted water to a boil. Add the linguine, the oil, and cook for 8‐10 minutes, or until tender but firm to the bite. ‐ Slice the duck breasts lengthwise into ¼ inch thick pieces. Pour a little sauce over drained pasta and arrange the slices on top. Garnish with parsley and raspberries.(C.J.)
Quelle est l’anagramme (mot
(des questions
dans Le Piafdes
#2) lettres
par transposition
d’un autre mot) de mare ?
Il faut donner sa langue au…chat,
Sunday lunch with a French family ANNUAL MEETING 2008
demander Éclisse
la réponse,
Reflecting back to those precious Sundays, during my year abroad in Tours, (fém.): que l'onplaque
On June 11, 2008, 43 members of the Alliance Française of Toledo gatheredpour
connaît pas,
where I was frequently invited to my "camarade de chambre" 's family, I servant à maintenir ensemble les
Georgio’s Café International in downtown Toledo for its annual meeting.
discovered that the French live to eat, not eat to live. fragments d’un membre brisé ;
Following a brief social period, Alliance members, Bruce Hammond and Cherie
quoi sert
un rouet : à filer le
When my internal clock set itself, after a few months, up by mealtimes, I was d’attelle.
Williams, entertained the gathering by singing several French songs, in Frenchtextile,
une sauce
ready, like everybody else, for the gastronomic marathon, starting with the :
un àlitattraper
de l’hôpital
apéritif around 11 am. Some aperitifs could be a meal in itself. After that, militaire, le soldat Jean avait la
A delightful dinner, exquisitely prepared by Georgio’s followed. Marci Cannon
est un mot ou
around noon, started the 5 courses meal: a lot of good food that the hostess jambe
droite immobilisée
Fisher, President of the Alliance, introduced the officers for the upcoming year.
phrase qui
se lit de gauche à droite et aussi
had cooked for hours, and excellent wine. The length of the lunch gave the éclisses.
Tom Reed, Treasurer, gave the treasurer’s report, and Popi Grecos reported de
on droite à gauche.
opportunity to everybody to speak just about everything at the same time. ex: Ésope reste iciQuelles
et se repose.
the school activities. Everyone found the evening to be most pleasant and
About 5 pm the coffee and "pousse‐café" (a strong liquor) signaled the end lettres faut-il ajouter
la même
of the meal and, for me, the end of the week‐end. à carpe pour
un petit
mère ?
Those Sundays lunches will always stay with me and make me hungry at noon. (C.J) Feel free to contribute any kind of article to Le Piaf
Feel free to contribute any kind of article to Le Piaf ALLIANCE FRANÇAISE
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