

56(3), 2009, 420– 494
Les lecteurs de notre revue trouveront
ci-dessous la bibliographie internationale de sociologie des religions pour
l’année 2008.
Nous rappelons que notre bibliographie ne couvre de façon systématique que des revues spécialisées (à
l’exclusion des ouvrages). La liste de
celles-ci et leurs abréviations usuelles
figurent en tête de la bibliographie,
classées par langues.
The readers of our review will find
below the international bibliography
of sociology of religions for 2008.
We would remind our readers that
our bibliography is a systematic indexing only of specialized reviews (and
not of books). The list of these reviews
and the usual abbreviations precede
the bibliography and are classified
according to the language.
La bibliographie internationale a été réalisée avec la collaboration de/The
international bibliography was compiled with the collaboration of: E. Arweck
(University of Warwick), R. de Castro Menezes (ISER, Rio de Janeiro), J. Estruch
(Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona), M. Geoffroy & J. Hébert (Université
de Moncton), M. Koenig & N. Joppich (Universität Göttingen), E. Martin
(Universidad Nacional de San Martin, Buenos Aires), M. Maussen (Universiteit
van Amsterdam), E. Pace (Universitá di Padova), C. Polain (Université
catholique de Louvain).
Périodiques consultés et abréviations/Journals consulted
and abbreviations
* Revues partiellement ou non disponibles en 2008/Partially or not available journals
in 2008
Berliner Journal für Soziologie (Deutschland)
Historische Sozialforschung /Historical Social
Research (Deutschland)
Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und
Sozialpsychologie (Deutschland)
Leviathan (Deutschland)
DOI: 10.1177/0037768609343667
Berl. J. Soziol.
H. S. R.
K. Z. f. S. S.
© The Author, 2009. Reprints and permissions:
Bibliographie/Bibliography 421
Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie (Österreich)
Pastoraltheologie (Deutschland)
Praktische Theologie (Deutschland)
Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Soziologie (Schweiz)
Sociologia Internationalis (Deutschland)
Soziale Welt (Deutschland)
Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte
Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft (Deutschland)
Zeitschrift für Soziologie (Deutschland)
Ö. Z. f. S.
P. Th.
Schweiz. Z. f. Soziol.
Soc. Internat.
Soz. Welt
Z. R. G. G.
Z. f. R.
Z. f. S.
Acta Sociologica (Denmark)
American Journal of Sociology (USA)
American Sociological Review (USA)
The British Journal of Sociology (UK)
Canadian Journal of Sociology/Cahiers Canadiens de
Sociologie (Canada)
Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology/
Revue Canadienne
de Sociologie et d’Anthropologie (Canada)
Concilium (France)
Daedalus: Journal of the American Academy of
Arts and Sciences (USA)
European Journal of Sociology/Archives Européennes
de Sociologie (France)
European Sociological Review (UK)
Europe-Asia Studies (UK)
International Sociology (UK)
Japanese Journal for Religious Studies (Japan)
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion (USA)
Journal of Church and State (USA)
Journal of Contemporary Religion (UK)
Public Opinion Quarterly (USA)
Religious Studies (UK)
Review of Religious Research (USA)
Social Action (India)
Social Compass (Belgium)
Social Research (USA)
Sociological Perspectives (USA)
The Sociological Quarterly (USA)
Sociology (UK)
Sociology of Religion (USA)
Studies in Religion/Sciences Religieuses (Canada)
Theory and Society (Netherlands)
Topia. Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies (Canada)
Zygon. Journal of Religion and Science (USA)
Acta Soc.
Am. Jour. Soc.
Am. Soc. Rev.
Brit. Jour. Soc.
Cah. Can. Soc.
Can. Rev. Soc. Anthr.
Eur. Jour. Soc.
Eur. Soc. Rev.
Eur. As. Stud.
International Sociology
Jap. Jour. Rel. Studies
Jour. Sc. St. Rel.
Jour. Ch. St.
Jour. Cont. Rel.
Publ. Op. Quart.
Rel. Stud.
Rev. Rel. Res.
Soc. Act.
Soc. Comp.
Soc. Res.
Soc. Perspec.
Soc. Quart.
Soc. Rel.
St. Rel. Sc. Rel.
Theor. Soc.
Acta Sociológica (México)
Alteridades (México)
Acta Socio.
Social Compass 56(3)
Andes. Antropología e Historia (Argentina)
Anthropologica (Peru)
Antípoda. Revista de Antropología y Arqueología
Anuario de Antropología Social y Cultural del
Uruguay (Uruguay)
Apuntes de Investigación del CECYP (Argentina)
Avá (Argentina)
Claves de Razón Práctica (España)
Convergencia. Revista de Ciencias Sociales (México)
Cuadernos de Antropología Social (Argentina)
Cuadernos de Realidades Sociales (España)
Cuadernos del CLAEH (Uruguay)
Cuadernos del Instituto Nacional de Antropología
Cuadernos Interculturales (Chile)
Desacatos (México)
Entrepasados (Argentina)
Espiral (México)
Estudios Avanzados (Chile)
Estudios Fronterizos. Revista de Ciencias Sociales y
Humanidades (México)
Estudios Sociológicos (México)
Etnografías Contemporáneas (Argentina)
Historia Mexicana (México)
Iglesia Viva (España)
Ingurruak (España)
Intersecciones en Antropología (Argentina)
Isegoría (España)
Migraciones Internacionales (México)
Papers (España)
Política y Sociedad (España)
Qüestions de Vida Cristiana (España)
Relaciones. Estudios de historia y sociedad (México)
Revista Académica del Estudio de las Religiones
Revista Andina (Peru)
Revista Argentina de Sociología (Argentina)
Revista Colombiana de Antropología (Colombia)
Revista Cultura y Religión (Chile)
Revista de Ciencias Sociales (Chile)
Revista de Estudios Politicos (España)
Revista de Estudios Sociales (Colombia)
Revista de Fomento Social (España)
Revista de Investigaciones Folclóricas (Argentina)
Revista del Magíster en Antropología y Desarrollo
Revista Catalana de Sociologia (España)
Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociologicas
Revista Internacional de Sociologia (España)
Revista Mexicana de Sociología (México)
Revista Venezolana de Ciencias Sociales (Venezuela)
An. Ant. Uruguay
Ap. Inv. CECYP
Cuad. Ant. Soc.
Cuad. R.S.
Cuad. Ina.
Cuad. Interc.
Est. Av.
Est. Fronter.
Est. Soc.
Etno. Cont.
Hist. Mex.
Igl. Viva
Inter. Antrop.
Migra. Int.
Pol. y Soc.
Qüestions de V.C.
Rev. Acad. Estud. Rel.
Rev. Ar. Socio.
Rev. Col. Ant.
Rev. Cult. Rel.
Rev. Cien. Soc.
Rev. Est. Pol.
Rev. Est. Soc.
Rev. Fom. Soc.
Rev. Inv. Folc.
Rev. Mad.
Rev. Cat. Soc.
Rev. Inter. Soc.
Rev. Mex. Soc.
Rev. Ven. Ci. Soc.
Bibliographie/Bibliography 423
Sistema (España)
Sociedad y Religión (Argentina)
Sociedad y Utopía (España)
Temas de Historia Argentina y Americana (Argentina)
Soc. y Rel.
S. y U.
Actes de la Recherche en Sciences Sociales (France)
Annales (France)
L’année Sociologique (France)
Anthropologie et Sociétés (Canada)
Archives de Sciences Sociales des Religions (France)
Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie (France)
Cahiers de recherche sociologique (Canada)
Civilisations (Belgique)
Le Débat (France)
Diogène (France)
Esprit (France)
Ethnologie Française (France)
L’Homme (France)
L’Homme et la Société (France)
Information sur les Sciences Sociales (France)
Lumière et Vie (France)
Pouvoirs (France)
Projet (France)
Recherches Sociographiques (Canada)
Recherches Sociologiques (Belgique)
Religiologiques (Canada)
Revue Européenne des Sciences Sociales (Suisse)
Revue Française de Science Politique (France)
Revue Française de Sociologie (France)
Revue Internationale des Sciences Sociales (France)
Sociologie et Sociétés (Canada)
Act. Rech. Sc. Soc.
Année Soc.
Anthr. Soc.
Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel.
Cah. Int. Soc.
Cah. Rech. Soc.
Ethn. Franç.
Hom. Soc.
Inf. Sc. Soc.
Lumière et Vie
Rech. Sociogr.
Rech. Soc.
Rev. Eur. Sc. Soc.
Rev. Fr. Sc. Pol.
Rev. Franç. Soc.
Rev. Int. Sc. Soc.
Soc. Soc.
Aggiornamenti Sociali (Italia)
Critica marxista (Italia)
La Civiltà Cattolica (Italia)
La Critica Sociologica (Italia)
Humanitas (Italia)
Inchiesta (Italia)
Il Mulino (Italia)
Polis (Italia)
Quaderni di Sociologia (Italia)
Rassegna Italiani di Sociologia (Italia)
Religione e Società (Italia)
Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Sociali (Italia)
Sociologia (Italia)
Sociologia e Ricerca sociale (Italia)
Studi di Sociologia (Italia)
Studi Emigrazione (Italia)
Studium (Italia)
Agg. Soc.
Crit. Marx.
Civ. Catt.
Crit. Soc.
Quad. Soc.
Rass. It. Soc.
Rel. Soc.
Riv. Int. Sc.
Soc. Ric. Soc.
Studi Soc.
Studi Emigr.
Social Compass 56(3)
Testimonianze (Italia)
Vita e Pensiero (Italia)
Vita e Pensiero
Mens en Maatschappij (Nederland)
Religie en Samenleving (Nederland)
Sociologie (Nederland)
Tijdschrift voor Sociologie (België)
Mens. Maat.
Rel. Sam.
Tijd. Soc.
Análise Social (Portugal)
DADOS – Revista de Ciências Sociais (Brasil)
Estudos Históricos (Brasil)
Etnográfica (Portugal)
Horizontes Antropológicos (Brasil)
Mana (Brasil)
Novos Estudos CEBRAP (Brasil)
Religião e Sociedade (Brasil)
Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais (Brasil)
Revista Brasileira de História (Brasil)
Revista de Antropologia da USP (Brasil)
Revista Eclesiástica Brasileira (Brasil)
Sociologias (Brasil)
Tempo Social (Brasil)
Anal. Soc.
Est. Hist.
Hor. Antr.
Nov. Est. CEBRAP
Relig. e Soc.
Rev. Br. Cienc. Soc.
Rev. Bras. Hist.
Rev. Antr. USP
R. E. B.
Temp. Soc.
Organisation et développement de la recherche en sociologie
des religions
Organization and development of research in sociology
of religions
Bibliographies, annuaires, cartes, ouvrages de référence
Bibliographies, annuals, maps, reference works
HERMANN, Manuel A., Los libros parroquiales como fuentes complementarias
para la historia de la Mixteca, Desacatos, 2008, 27, 187–90.
HSU, Becky, REYNOLDS, Amy, HACKETT, Conrad, GIBBON, James,
Estimating the Religious Composition of All Nations: An Empirical Assessment
of the World Christian Database, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 4, 678–93.
LASSAVE, Pierre, Entre sociologie et anthropologie des religions (compte-rendu),
Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008, 142, 151–67.
Instituts, centres de recherche, congrès
Institutes, research centres, congresses
CARROLL, Jackson W., Special Editor’s Introduction, Rev. Rel. Res., 2008, 50,
Special, 5–8.
HJELM, Titus, To Study or Not to Study Religion and Society, Acta Soc., 2008,
51, 2, 91–102.
Bibliographie/Bibliography 425
Sociologues de la religion
Sociologists of religion
ÁLVAREZ, Carmelo, Del refugio de las masas al neopentecostalismo empresarial.
El aporte de Christian Lalive D’Epinay, Rev. Cult. Rel., 2008, 2, 2.
BASTIAN, Jean-Pierre, En dialogo con la obra de Lalive d’Epinay. Búsquedas
de una sociología histórica del cambio religioso en América Latina, Rev. Cult.
Rel., 2008, 2, 2.
CAMPOS, Leonildo Silveira, O discurso acadêmico de Rubem Alves sobre
“protestantismo” e “repressão”: algumas observações 30 anos depois, Relig.
e Soc., 2008, 28, 2, 102–37.
CARROLL, Jackson W., Introduction to Edmund de S. Brunner, “Harlan Paul
Douglass: Pioneer Researcher in the Sociology of Religion” (H. Paul Douglass
Lecture, 1958), Rev. Rel. Res., 2008, 50, Special, 9–29.
ESTRUCH, Joan, A Conversation with Thomas Luckmann, Soc. Comp., 2008,
55, 4, 532–40.
GARMA NAVARRO, Carlos, El dialogo inconcluso. Recepción de “El Refugio de
las Masas” de Christian Lalive d’Epinay en México, Rev. Cult. Rel., 2008, 2, 2.
HERVIEU-LEGER, Danièle, In Memoriam Jean Séguy (1925–2007), Arch. Sc.
Soc. Rel., 2008, 141, 155–8.
LEE, Raymond M., David Riesman and the Sociology of the Interview, Soc.
Quart., 2008, 49, 2, 285–307.
MANSILLA, Hugo Celso Felipe, La Crítica del Racionalismo y la Pertinencia de
la Religiosidad en el Mundo Moderno, Rev. Cult. Rel., 2008, 2, 1.
MANSILLA AGÜERO, Miguel Ángel, El refugio de las masas 1968–2008:
A cuarenta años de su publicación, Rev. Cult. Rel., 2008, 2, 2.
MARIANO, Ricardo, El refugio de las masas: recepción de la obra de Lavive
d’Epinay en Brasil, Rev. Cult. Rel., 2008, 2, 2.
PIERUCCI, Antônio Flávio, Economia e sociedade: últimos achados sobre a
“grande obra” de Max Weber, Rev. Br. Cienc. Soc., 2008, 23, 68, 41–51.
WYNARCZYK, Hilario, Un ensayo sobre sociología del pentecostalismo en
clave política a partir de Christian Lalive d ‘Epinay y El Refugio, Rev. Cult.
Rel., 2008, 2, 2.
Épistémologie et méthodologie en sociologie des religions
Epistemology and methodology in sociology of religions
Problèmes généraux/General problems
BEHRENT, Michael C., Le débat Guyau-Durkheim sur la théorie sociologique
de la religion, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008, 142, 9–26.
HOUTMAN, Dick, God in Nederland 1996–2006: Enkele godsdienstsociologische routines ter discussie, Rel. Sam., 2008, 3, 1, 17–35.
LASSAVE, Pierre, Entre sociologie et anthropologie des religions (compterendu), Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008, 142, 151–67.
PIERUCCI, Antônio Flávio, Economia e sociedade: últimos achados sobre a
“grande obra” de Max Weber, Rev. Br. Cienc. Soc., 2008, 23, 68, 41–51.
VUIJSJE, Herman, Old images never die, Rel. Sam., 2008, 3, 3, 159–72.
Social Compass 56(3)
Définitions de la religion/Definitions of religion
BURITY, Joanildo A., Religião, política e cultura, Temp. Soc., 2008, 20, 2, 83–113.
DA COSTA, Néstor, Sobre la teoría de la secularización, CLAEH, 2008, 31, 1–2,
KNOBLAUCH, Hubert, Spirituality and Popular Religion in Europe, Soc. Comp.,
2008, 55, 2, 140–53.
MANSILLA, Hugo Celso Felipe, La Crítica del Racionalismo y la Pertinencia de
la Religiosidad en el Mundo Moderno, Rev. Cult. Rel., 2008, 2, 1.
MASSENZIO, Marcello, Religion et religions. En marge du “Génie du paganisme”, L’Homme, 2008, 185–6, 313–32.
STAPLES, Anne, Fronteras del hinduismo: el Estado y la fe en la India moderna.
Ishita Banerjee (Book Review), Hist. Mex, 2008, 57, 1, 516–23.
GUTWIRTH, Jacques, L’ethnologie aux Archives: un témoignage, Arch. Sc. Soc.
Rel., 2008, 141, 159–64.
MARY, André, Henri Desroche: un anthropologue aux Archives, Arch. Sc. Soc.
Rel., 2008, 141, 167–75.
MENDEZ AGUIRRE, Víctor Hugo, Madre terrible. La diosa en la religión del
México Antiguo. Solares, Blanca (Book Review), Rev. Cien. Soc., 2008, 21, 95–9.
Méthodologie et techniques de recherche
Methodology and research techniques
Problèmes généraux/General problems
ARRIAGA, Rafael, Religión, grupos étnicos y procesos de estratificación social
en los Estados Unidos. El caso de los mexicanos y chinos desde una perspectiva comparativa, Est. Fronter., 2008, 9, 17, 107–47.
HOUTMAN, Dick, God in Nederland 1996–2006: Enkele godsdienstsociologische routines ter discussie, Rel. Sam., 2008, 3, 1, 17–35.
LYON, David, Possibilities for post-secular sociology?, Cah. Can. Soc., 2008,
33, 3, 693–6.
STOLZ, Jörg, Débats autour de la sécularisation, la “guerre des genres” et le
clivage entre qualitatif et quantitatif, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55, 2, 194–202.
Méthodes historiques/Historical methods
ALCÁZAR HERNÁNDEZ, Sonia, Un Lugar para los Muertos. Problemáticas de
Higiene en la Ciudad de México Durante la Década de 1870, Rev. Cult. Rel.,
2008, 2, 1.
CALVO, Thomas, Teatro eclesiástico de la primitiva Iglesia de las Indias occidentales, vidas de sus arzobispos, obispos, y cosas memorables de sus sedes. Nueva
España. Gil González Dávila(Book Review), Hist. Mex, 2008, 57, 2, 909–14.
CASILLAS DE LA VEGA, Akira Gustavo, Ensayo Acerca de la Supervivencia
o no del Culto a los Muertos Prehispánico en el México Actual, Rev. Cult. Rel.,
2008, 2, 1, 1–16.
CHRISTIANO, Kevin J., Clio Goes to Church: Revisiting and Revitalizing
Historical Thinking in the Sociology of Religion (2006 Association for the
Sociology of Religion Presidential Address), Soc. Rel., 2008, 69, 1, 1–28.
CORTÉS GUERRERO, José David, Las Nuevas Tribus y los indígenas de la
Amazonia. Historia de una presencia protestante, de Gabriel Cabrera Becerra
(Book Review), Rev. Col. Ant., 2008, 44, 1, 223–7.
HERMANN, Manuel A., Los libros parroquiales como fuentes complementarias
para la historia de la Mixteca, Desacatos, 2008, 27, 187–90.
Bibliographie/Bibliography 427
HERMANN, Manuel A., Religiosidad y bultos sagrados en la Mixteca Prehispánica, Desacatos, 2008, 27, 75–94.
IRIGOYEN LOPEZ, Antonio, Un obispado para la familia: Francisco Verdín
Molina, prelado de Guadalajara y Valladolid en la segunda mitad del siglo
XVII, Hist. Mex, 2008, 57, 2, 557–94.
LUNDBERG, Magnus, Relación de la visita pastora del arzobispado de México
de Juan de Mañozca y Zamora, 1646, Hist. Mex, 2008, 57, 2, 861–90.
MALVIDO, Elsa, La Muerte en la Lírica Infantil Colonial Mexicana, Rev. Cult.
Rel., 2008, 2, 1.
MANSILLA AGÜERO, Miguel Ángel, Morir . . . Dormir . . . Vivir . . . ¿Cual es
la diferencia? Las actitudes de la muerte en el pentecostalismo criollo chileno
(1909–1936), Rev. Cult. Rel., 2008, 2, 3.
MAURO, Diego, Católicos en la prensa profana. Nueva Época frente al reformismo liberal, Santa Fe, 1920–1923, Andes, 2008, 19, 93–117.
PIAZZA, Rosalba, Los “mártires” de San Francisco Cajonos: preguntas y respuestas ante los documentos de archivo, Hist. Mex, 2008, 57, 2, 657–752.
Cosmovisión mapuche y manifestaciones funerarias. Un viaje entre lo etéreo y
lo material, Rev. Cult. Rel., 2008, 2, 3.
SCHWARTZ, Daniel, Libra a los que son llevados a la muerte. La defensa de los
inocentes y la conquista de América, CLAEH, 2008, 31, 1–2, 76–89.
STAPLES, Anne, Fronteras del hinduismo: el Estado y la fe en la India moderna.
Ishita Banerjee (Book Review), Hist. Mex, 2008, 57, 1, 516–23.
ZANOLLI, Carlos Eduardo, Entre la coerción, la oportunidad y la salvación. Las
cofradías de Indios de San Antonio de Humauaca. Siglos XVII y XVIII, Andes,
2008, 19, 345–68.
Méthodes anthropologiques/Anthropological methods
ADLER, Patricia A., ADLER, Peter, Of Rhetoric and Representation: The Four
Faces of Ethnography, Soc. Quart., 2008, 49, 1, 1–30.
BATAILLON, Gilles, Trabajo del antropólogo y trabajo de los testigos, la
Mosquitia 1982–2007, Est. Soc., 2008, 26, 3, 509–55.
GARCÍA HERNÁNDEZ, Alfonso Miguel, Re-pensar la Muerte: Hacia un
Entendimiento de la Antropología de la Muerte en el marco de la Ciencia, Rev.
Cult. Rel., 2008, 2, 1.
MANSILLA AGÜERO, Miguel Ángel, Los albores de la Antropología de la
Muerte. La muerte en los escritos de Tylor y Frazer, Rev. Cult. Rel., 2008, 2, 1.
Méthodes linguistiques et analyse du discours/Linguistic methods
and speech analysis
GUIGOU, Nicolás, Religión, memoria y mitos: Las artes de narrar en la construcción de identidades, An. Ant. Uruguay, 2008, 107–24.
HASKELL, David M., PARADIS, Kenneth, BURGOYNE, Stephanie, Defending
the Faith: Easter Sermon Reaction to Pop Culture Discourses, Rev. Rel. Res.,
2008, 50, 2, 139–56.
Méthodes statistiques/Statistical methods
Méthodes expérimentales (tests, modèles, échelles, psycho-sociologie, etc.)/
Experimental methods (tests, models, scales, psycho-sociology, etc.)
CHAVES, Mark, ANDERSON, Shawna L., Continuity and Change in American
Congregations: Introducing the Second Wave of the National Congregations
Study, Soc. Rel., 2008, 69, 4, 415–40.
Social Compass 56(3)
TSCHANNEN, Olivier, La croyance comme ressource pratique, Arch. Sc. Soc.
Rel., 2008, 142, 131–49.
WRIGHT, Paul John, Predicting Reaction to a Message of Ministry: An Audience
Analysis, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 1, 63–81.
Techniques d’enquêtes (interview, observation, etc.)/Survey techniques
(interview, observation, etc.)
GREMY, Jean-Paul, Une enquête au début du Xème siècle: le questionnaire
synodal de Réginon de Prüm, Eur. Jour. Soc., 2008, 49, 2, 325–59.
Approches théoriques fondamentales
Fundamental theoretical approaches
Manuels, introductions
Textbooks, introductions
Systèmes théoriques fondamentaux
Fundamental theoretical systems
CHRISTIANO, Kevin J., Clio Goes to Church: Revisiting and Revitalizing
Historical Thinking in the Sociology of Religion (2006 Association for the
Sociology of Religion Presidential Address), Soc. Rel., 2008, 69, 1, 1–28.
PIERUCCI, Antônio Flávio, Economia e sociedade: últimos achados sobre a
“grande obra” de Max Weber, Rev. Br. Cienc. Soc., 2008, 23, 68, 41–51.
Analyses des concepts fondamentaux en sociologie de la religion
Analyses of the fundamental concepts in sociology of religion
BEHRENT, Michael C., Le débat Guyau-Durkheim sur la théorie sociologique
de la religion, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008, 142, 9–26.
CAMPOS, Leonildo Silveira, O discurso acadêmico de Rubem Alves sobre
“protestantismo” e “repressão”: algumas observações 30 anos depois, Relig. e
Soc., 2008, 28, 2, 102–37.
DEIN, Simon, DAWSON, Lorne L., The “Scandal” of the Lubavitch Rebbe:
Messianism as a Response to Failed Prophecy, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2008, 23, 2,
MARIANO, Ricardo, Usos e limites da teoria da escolha racional da religião,
Temp. Soc., 2008, 20, 2, 41–66.
OWNBY, David, Sect and Secularism in Reading the Modern Chinese Religious
Experience, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008, 144, 13–29.
La religion et la société globale
Religion and global society
Religion et structures sociales
Religion and social structures
Problèmes généraux/General problems
ALBUQUERQUE, Eduardo Basto de, Intellectuals and Japanese Buddhism in
Brazil, Jap. Jour. Rel. Studies, 2008, 35, 1, 61–79.
Bibliographie/Bibliography 429
CAMPOS, Leonildo Silveira, O discurso acadêmico de Rubem Alves sobre
“protestantismo” e “repressão”: algumas observações 30 anos depois, Relig.
e Soc., 2008, 28, 2, 102–37.
KARNER, Christian, PARKER, David, Religion versus Rubbish: Deprivation and
Social Capital in Inner-City Birmingham, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55, 4, 517–31.
KOENIG, Matthias, Introduction, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55, 4, 451–6.
LEHMANN, David, L’économie miraculeuse de la religion: essai sur le capital
social, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55, 4, 457–77.
PUZSTAI, Gabriella, Les bienfaits pédagogiques de la religiosité parmi les élèves
hongrois de trois pays, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55, 4, 497–516.
STROMSNES, Kristin, The Importance of Church Attendance and Membership
of Religious Voluntary Organizations for the Formation of Social Capital, Soc.
Comp., 2008, 55, 4, 478–96.
TOSCANO, Roberto, La religión y la violencia, Claves, 2008, 182.
Religion et stratification sociale/Religion and social stratification
ARRIAGA, Rafael, Religión, grupos étnicos y procesos de estratificación social
en los Estados Unidos. El caso de los mexicanos y chinos desde una perspectiva comparativa, Est. Fronter., 2008, 9, 17, 107–47.
BAKER, Joseph, Who Believes in Religious Evil? An Investigation of
Sociological Patterns of Belief in Satan, Hell, and Demons, Rev. Rel. Res.,
2008, 50, 2, 206–20.
DAVIDSON, James D., Religious Stratification: Its Origins, Persistence, and
Consequences (2007 Association for the Sociology of Religion Presidential
Address), Soc. Rel., 2008, 69, 4, 371–95.
DAWSON, Andrew, New Era Millenarianism in Brazil, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2008,
23, 3, 269–83.
DIALMY, Abdessamad, Les antinomies du port du voile, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55,
4, 561–80.
IRIGOYEN LOPEZ, Antonio, Un obispado para la familia: Francisco Verdín
Molina, prelado de Guadalajara y Valladolid en la segunda mitad del siglo
XVII, Hist. Mex, 2008, 57, 2, 557–94.
KASPERSEN, Lars Bo, LINDVALL, Johannes, Why No Religious Politics? The
Secularization of Poor Relief and Primary Education in Denmark and Sweden,
Eur. Jour. Soc., 2008, 49, 1, 119–43.
RABELO, Miriam C.M., Entre a casa e a roça: trajetórias de socialização no
candomblé de habitantes de bairros populares de Salvador, Relig. e Soc., 2008,
28, 1, 176–205.
SCHWADEL, Philip, Poor Teenagers’ Religion, Soc. Rel., 2008, 69, 2, 125–49.
STEENHUISEN, Lauve H., Feminist theology and embedded fundamentalism:
Re-imagining reconsidered, St. Rel. Sc. Rel., 2008, 37, 2, 311–33.
WYNARCZYK, Hilario, Un ensayo sobre sociología del pentecostalismo en
clave política a partir de Christian Lalive d ‘Epinay y El Refugio, Rev. Cult.
Rel., 2008, 2, 2.
Religion et intégration sociale/Religion and social integration
DROOGERS, André, Religião, identidade e segurança entre imigrantes luteranos
da Pomerânia, no Espírito Santo (1880–2005), Relig. e Soc., 2008, 28, 1, 13–41.
GARCES-FOLEY, Kathleen, Comparing Catholic and Evangelical Integration
Efforts, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 1, 17–22.
GARCIA ROMERAL, Gloria, FORTEZA, Maria, GRIERA, Maria del Mar,
Gestión de la diversidad religiosa en el ámbito sanitario catalán, Ingurruak,
2007, 43, 57–74.
Social Compass 56(3)
GRIERA, Maria del Mar, D’afinitats electives: pentecostalisme i immigració, el
cas de les esglésies africanes pentecostals a Catalunya, Rev. Cat. Soc., 2008, 23,
GRIERA, Maria M., “Are you a real Christian?” Stereotypes, distrust and distinction strategies between “new” and “old” Protestants in Catalonia, Etnografica,
2008, 12, 2, 403–23.
KARNER, Christian, PARKER, David, Religion versus Rubbish: Deprivation and
Social Capital in Inner-City Birmingham, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55, 4, 517–31.
MOKOKO-GAMPIOT, Aurélien, Les kimbanguistes en Europe. D’une génération à l’autre, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008, 143, 111–28.
SALAZAR, Carles, Prayer and symbolization in an Irish Catholic community,
Etnografica, 2008, 12, 2, 387–402.
USARSKI, Frank, “The Last Missionary to Leave the Temple Should Turn Off
the Light”: Sociological Remarks on the Decline of Japanese “Immigrant”
Buddhism in Brazil, Jap. Jour. Rel. Studies, 2008, 35, 1, 39–59.
Religion et identité sociale/Religion and social identity
ALGRANTI, Joaquín, De la sanidad del cuerpo a la sanidad del alma: estudio sobre la lógica de construcción de las identidades colectivas en el neopentecostalismo argentino, Relig. e Soc., 2008, 28, 2, 179–209.
AMMERMAN, Nancy T., Southern Baptist and the New Christian Right, Rev.
Rel. Res., 2008, 50, Special, 69–91.
BAGNOL, Brigitte, Lovolo e espíritos no sul de Moçambique, Anal. Soc., 2008,
43–2, 187, 251–72.
BASTIAN, Jean-Pierre, Religion, violence et politique chez les Mayas du
Chiapas, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008, 141, 93–111.
BAUER, Olivier, Bâtir des territoires culturels pour construire des identités,
St. Rel. Sc. Rel., 2008, 37, 2, 235–49.
BEAN, Lydia, KAUFMAN, Jason, GONZALEZ, Marco Jesus, Why Doesn’t
Canada Have an American-style Christian Right? A Comparative Framework
for Analyzing the Political Effects of Evangelical Subcultural Identity, Cah.
Can. Soc., 2008, 33, 4, 899–944.
BLANES, Ruy Llera, SARRÓ, Ramon, European Christianities at the turn of the
millennium: an introduction, Etnografica, 2008, 12, 2, 371–6.
BLEUZEN, Brigitte, “Africains” en paroisses de banlieues, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel.,
2008, 143, 215–34.
BOYER, Véronique, Passado português, presente negro e indizibilidade ameríndia: o caso de Mazagão Velho, Amapá, Relig. e Soc., 2008, 28, 2, 11–29.
DEMERA, Juan Diego, Trayectorias del protestantismo y redefiniciones étnicas
entre los indígenas Guambianos-Colombia, Rev. Cien. Soc., 2008, 20, 107–28.
DROOGERS, André, Religião, identidade e segurança entre imigrantes luteranos
da Pomerânia, no Espírito Santo (1880–2005), Relig. e Soc., 2008, 28, 1, 13–41.
DUARTE, Luiz F.D., DE M. JABOR, Juliana, GOMES, Edlaine C., LUNA,
Naara, Family, Reproduction and Religious Ethos in Brazil. Subjectivism and
Naturalism as Structuring Values, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008, 142, 113–30.
FANCELLO, Sandra, Les pentecôtismes “indigènes”. La double scène africaine
et européenne, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008, 143, 69–89.
GRIERA, Maria M., “Are you a real Christian?” Stereotypes, distrust and distinction strategies between “new” and “old” Protestants in Catalonia, Etnografica,
2008, 12, 2, 403–23.
GUIGOU, Nicolás, Religión, memoria y mitos: Las artes de narrar en la construcción de identidades, An. Ant. Uruguay, 2008, 107–24.
Bibliographie/Bibliography 431
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KONING, Juliette, Novo nascimento cristão: uma nova identidade? Conversão,
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LAURENT, Pierre-Joseph, FURTADO, Claudio, Le pentecôtisme brésilien au
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141, 113–31.
LICHTERMAN, Paul, Religion and the Construction of Civic Identity, Am. Soc.
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LINDSAY, D. Michael, Evangelicals in the Power Elite: Elite Cohesion
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LOCKWOOD, Renee D., Cults, Consumerism, and the Construction of Self:
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PACE, Enzo, Consumarsi d’amore divino. Stili di vita religiosa e attribuzione
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PARK, Jerry Z., Second-Generation Asian American Pan-Ethnic Identity:
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PETTENKOFER, Andreas, Weber’s Theory of Radical Movements: A Reappraisal,
Eur. Jour. Soc., 2008, 49, 2, 253–75.
ROELAND, Johan, Acceptation religieuse du moi: l’identité chez les jeunes néoévangélistes, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55, 1, 31–41.
SALAZAR, Carles, Prayer and symbolization in an Irish Catholic community,
Etnografica, 2008, 12, 2, 387–402.
SEGATO, Rita Laura, Closing Ranks: Religion, Society and Politics Today, Soc.
Comp., 2008, 55, 2, 203–15.
STEIGENGA, Timothy J., PALMA, S. Irene, GIRÓN, Carol L., El transnacionalismo y la movilización colectiva de la comunidad maya en Júpiter, Florida.
Ambigüedades en la identidad transnacional y la religión vivida, Migra. Int.,
2008, 4, 4, 37–71.
TER HAAR, Gerrie, Enchantment and Identity. African Christians in Europe,
Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008, 143, 31–48.
ZHEGHAL, Malika, Les toiles identitaires des jeunes musulmans américains,
Esprit, 2008, 350, 24–38.
ZINE, Jasmin, Honour and Identity: An Ethnographic Account of Muslim Girls
in a Canadian Islamic School, Topia, 2008, 19, 35–62.
Religion et ethnicité/Religion and ethnicity
ALBUQUERQUE, Eduardo Basto de, Intellectuals and Japanese Buddhism in
Brazil, Jap. Jour. Rel. Studies, 2008, 35, 1, 61–79.
ALBUQUERQUE, Marcos Alexandre dos Santos, O dom e a tradição indígena
Kapinawá (ensaio sobre uma noção nativa de autoria), Relig. e Soc., 2008, 28,
2, 56–79.
ALUMKAL, Antony W., Analyzing Race in Asian American Congregations, Soc.
Rel., 2008, 69, 2, 151–67.
Social Compass 56(3)
ARRIAGA, Rafael, Religión, grupos étnicos y procesos de estratificación social
en los Estados Unidos. El caso de los mexicanos y chinos desde una perspectiva comparativa, Est. Fronter., 2008, 9, 17, 107–47.
BAKER, Joseph, Who Believes in Religious Evil? An Investigation of Sociological Patterns of Belief in Satan, Hell, and Demons, Rev. Rel. Res., 2008, 50,
2, 206–20.
BAKER, Joseph O., An Investigation of the Sociological Patterns of Prayer
Frequency and Content, Soc. Rel., 2008, 69, 2, 169–85.
BARNES, Sandra L., Religion and Rap Music: An Analysis of Black Church
Usage, Rev. Rel. Res., 2008, 49, 3, 319–38.
BOYER, Véronique, Passado português, presente negro e indizibilidade ameríndia: o caso de Mazagão Velho, Amapá, Relig. e Soc., 2008, 28, 2, 11–29.
CHATTERS, Linda M., TAYLOR, Robert Joseph, BULLARD, Kai M.,
JACKSON, James S., Spirituality and Subjective Religiosity among African
Americans, Caribbean Blacks, and Non-Hispanic Whites, Jour. Sc. St. Rel.,
2008, 47, 4, 725–37.
COHEN, Martine, Les déclinaisons historiques du franco-judaïsme et ses critiques contemporaines. “Peut-on être un juif émancipé?” (Emmanuel Levinas),
Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008, 144, 141–61.
DEMERA, Juan Diego, Trayectorias del protestantismo y redefiniciones étnicas
entre los indígenas Guambianos-Colombia, Rev. Cien. Soc., 2008, 20, 107–28.
DOUGHERTY, Kevin D., HUYSER, Kimberley R., Racially Diverse Congregations: Organizational Identity and the Accommodation of Differences, Jour.
Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 1, 23–43.
EDWARDS, Korie L., Bring Race to the Center: The Importance of Race in
Racially Diverse Religious Organizations, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 1, 5–9.
ELLISON, Christopher G., MUSICK, Marc A., HENDERSON, Andrea K., Balm
in Gilead: Racism, Religious Involvement, and Psychological Distress among
African-American Adults, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 2, 291–309.
EMERSON, Michael O., Why a Forum on Racially and Ethnically Diverse
Congregations? (Introduction), Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 1, 1–4.
EMERSON, Michael O., YANCEY, George, African Americans in Interracial
Congregations: An Analysis of Demographics, Social Networks, and Social
Attitudes, Rev. Rel. Res., 2008, 49, 3, 301–18.
GARCES-FOLEY, Kathleen, Comparing Catholic and Evangelical Integration
Efforts, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 1, 17–22.
GONÇALVES, José Reginaldo Santos, CONTINS, Márcia, Entre o Divino e os
homens: a arte nas festas do Divino Espírito Santo, Hor. Antr., 2008, 14, 29, 67–94.
GRIERA, Maria del Mar, D’afinitats electives: pentecostalisme i immigració, el
cas de les esglésies africanes pentecostals a Catalunya, Rev. Cat. Soc., 2008, 23,
GRIERA, Maria M., “Are you a real Christian?” Stereotypes, distrust and distinction strategies between “new” and “old” Protestants in Catalonia, Etnografica,
2008, 12, 2, 403–23.
JAFFRELOT, Christophe, India, il nazionalismo indu e i conflitti etno-religiosi,
Vita e Pensiero, 2008, 1, 18–24.
KARNER, Christian, PARKER, David, Religion versus Rubbish: Deprivation and
Social Capital in Inner-City Birmingham, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55, 4, 517–31.
KONING, Juliette, Novo nascimento cristão: uma nova identidade? Conversão,
etnicidade e cidadania na Indonésia, Relig. e Soc., 2008, 28, 1, 42–68.
LINDSAY, D. Michael, Mind the Gap: Religion and the Crucible of Marginality
in the United States and Great Britain, Soc. Quart., 2008, 49, 4, 653–88.
Bibliographie/Bibliography 433
MARTI, Gerardo, Fluid Ethnicity and Ethnic Transcendence in Multiracial
Churches, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 1, 11–16.
MAVOR, Kenneth I., GALLOIS, Cindy, Social Group and Moral Orientation
Factors as Mediators of Religiosity and Multiple Attitude Targets, Jour. Sc. St.
Rel., 2008, 47, 3, 361–77.
MIN, Pyong Gap, Severe Underrepresentation of Women in Church Leadership
in the Korean Immigrant Community in the United States, Jour. Sc. St. Rel.,
2008, 47, 2, 225–41.
NAKAMAKI, Hirochika, Japanese Religions, Calendars, and Religious Culture
in Brazil, Jap. Jour. Rel. Studies, 2008, 35, 1, 145–59.
NEFF, James Alan, A New Multidimensional Measure of Spirituality-Religiosity
for Use in Diverse Substance Abuse Treatment Populations, Jour. Sc. St. Rel.,
2008, 47, 3, 393–409.
PARK, Jerry Z., Second-Generation Asian American Pan-Ethnic Identity:
Pluralized Meanings of a Racial Label, Soc. Perspec., 2008, 51, 3, 541–61.
PEREIRA, Luena Nunes, Crianças feiticeiras: reconfigurando família, igrejas
e estado no pós-guerra angolano, Relig. e Soc., 2008, 28, 2, 30–55.
PEREIRA, Ronan Alves, The Transplantation of Soka Gakkai to Brazil: Building
“the Closest Organization to the Heart of Ikeda-Sensei”, Jap. Jour. Rel. Studies,
2008, 35, 1, 95–113.
PETTS, Richard J., JOLLIFF, Anne, Religion and Adolescent Depression: The
Impact of Race and Gender, Rev. Rel. Res., 2008, 49, 4, 395–414.
READ, Jen’nan Ghazal, OSELIN, Sharon, Gender and Education-Employment
Paradox in Ethnic and Religious Contexts: The Case of Arab Americans, Am.
Soc. Rev., 2008, 73, 2, 296–313.
ROCHA, Cristina, All Roads Come from Zen: Busshinji as a Reference to
Buddhism, Jap. Jour. Rel. Studies, 2008, 35, 1, 81–94.
SEVERI, Carlo, Dame Sébastienne et le Christ Fléché: iconographie et mémoire
rituelle: le cas du Nouveau-Mexique, Hor. Antr., 2008, 14, 29, 43–66.
SHOHAT, Ella, Os sefarditas em Israel: o sionismo do ponto de vista das vítimas
judaicas, Nov. Est. CEBRAP, 2007, 79, 117–36.
SHOJI, Rafael, USARSKI, Frank, Japanese Religions in Brazil (Editors’
Introduction), Jap. Jour. Rel. Studies, 2008, 35, 1, 1–12.
STEIGENGA, Timothy J., PALMA, S. Irene, GIRÓN, Carol L., El transnacionalismo y la movilización colectiva de la comunidad maya en Júpiter, Florida.
Ambigüedades en la identidad transnacional y la religión vivida, Migra. Int.,
2008, 4, 4, 37–71.
TRANBY, Eric, HARTMANN, Douglas, Critical Whiteness Theories and the
Evangelical “Race Problem”: Extending Emerson and Smith’s Divided by
Faith, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 3, 341–59.
TRUZZI, Oswaldo, Sociabilidades e valores: um olhar sobre a família árabe
muçulmana em São Paulo, Dados, 2008, 51, 1, 37–74.
USARSKI, Frank, “The Last Missionary to Leave the Temple Should Turn Off
the Light”: Sociological Remarks on the Decline of Japanese “Immigrant”
Buddhism in Brazil, Jap. Jour. Rel. Studies, 2008, 35, 1, 39–59.
USARSKI, Frank, Declínio do budismo “amarelo” no Brasil, Temp. Soc., 2008,
20, 2, 133–53.
VILAÇA, Aparecida, Conversão, predação e perspectiva, Mana, 2008, 14, 1,
WATANABE, Masako, The Development of Japanese New Religions in Brazil
and Their Propagation in a Foreign Culture, Jap. Jour. Rel. Studies, 2008, 35,
1, 115–44.
Social Compass 56(3)
WERTSCH, James V., Collective Memory and Narrative Templates, Soc. Res.,
2008, 75, 1, 133–56.
WILLOUGHBY, Michael T., CADIGAN, R. Jean, BURCHINAL, Margaret,
SKINNER, Debra, An Evaluation of the Psychometric Properties and Criterion
Validity of the Religious Social Support Scale, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 1,
YANCEY, George, KIM, Ye Jung, Racial Diversity, Gender Equality, and SES
Diversity in Christian Congregations: Exploring the Connections of Racism,
Sexism, and Classism in Multiracial and Nonmultiracial Churches, Jour. Sc. St.
Rel., 2008, 47, 1, 103–11.
ZERUBAVEL, Yael, Memory, the Rebirth of the Native, and the “Hebrew
Bedouin” Identity, Soc. Res., 2008, 75, 1, 315–52.
Religion et économie
Religion and economy
Problèmes généraux/General problems
AMARASINGAM, Amarnath, Transcending Technology: Looking at Futurology
as a New Religious Movement, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2008, 23, 1, 1–16.
BAKER, Joseph O., An Investigation of the Sociological Patterns of Prayer
Frequency and Content, Soc. Rel., 2008, 69, 2, 169–85.
DAVIDSON, James D., Religious Stratification: Its Origins, Persistence, and
Consequences (2007 Association for the Sociology of Religion Presidential
Address), Soc. Rel., 2008, 69, 4, 371–95.
FOX, Jonathan, TABORY, Ephraim, Contemporary Evidence Regarding the
Impact of State Regulation of Religion on Religious Participation and Belief,
Soc. Rel., 2008, 69, 3, 245–71.
FRIGERIO, Alejandro, O paradigma da escolha racional: mercado regulado
e pluralismo religioso, Temp. Soc., 2008, 20, 2, 17–39.
KARNER, Christian, PARKER, David, Religion versus Rubbish: Deprivation and
Social Capital in Inner-City Birmingham, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55, 4, 517–31.
LINDSAY, D. Michael, Mind the Gap: Religion and the Crucible of Marginality
in the United States and Great Britain, Soc. Quart., 2008, 49, 4, 653–88.
LOCKWOOD, Renee D., Cults, Consumerism, and the Construction of Self:
Exploring the Religious within Fight Club, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2008, 23, 3,
LU, Yunfeng, JOHNSON, Byron, STARK, Rodney, Deregulation and the Religious
Market in Taiwan: A Research Note, Soc. Quart., 2008, 49, 1, 139–53.
MARIANO, Ricardo, Usos e limites da teoria da escolha racional da religião,
Temp. Soc., 2008, 20, 2, 41–66.
McBRIDE, Michael, Religious Pluralism and Religious Participation: A Game
Theoretic Analysis, Am. Jour. Soc., 2008, 114, 1, 77–106.
OLSON, Daniel V.A., Why Do Small Religious Groups Have More Committed
Members? (2006 Presidential Address), Rev. Rel. Res., 2008, 49, 4, 353–78.
OVIEDO, Lluis, Testing the Effects of Organizational Culture on a Catholic
Religious Order, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2008, 23, 2, 193–214.
PLAIDEAU, Charlotte, Les démons de la pauvreté. Ou la guerre néopentecôtiste
contre les démons afro-brésiliens à Bahia (Brésil), Rech. Soc., 2008, 39, 1, 165–78.
POLLACK, Detlef, Religious Change in Europe: Theoretical Considerations and
Empirical Findings, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55, 2, 168–86.
PUZSTAI, Gabriella, Les bienfaits pédagogiques de la religiosité parmi les élèves
hongrois de trois pays, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55, 4, 497–516.
Bibliographie/Bibliography 435
READ, Jen’nan Ghazal, OSELIN, Sharon, Gender and Education-Employment
Paradox in Ethnic and Religious Contexts: The Case of Arab Americans, Am.
Soc. Rev., 2008, 73, 2, 296–313.
SCHWADEL, Philip, Poor Teenagers’ Religion, Soc. Rel., 2008, 69, 2, 125–49.
STOLL, Laurie Cooper, PETERSEN, Larry R., Church Growth and Decline:
A Test of the Market-Based Approach, Rev. Rel. Res., 2008, 49, 3, 251–68.
SULLIVAN, Susan Crawford, Unaccompanied Children in Churches: LowIncome Urban Single Mothers, Religion, and Parenting, Rev. Rel. Res., 2008,
50, 2, 157–75.
VELLENGA, Sipco J., Hope for Healing: The Mobilization of Interest in Three
Types of Religious Healing in the Netherlands since 1850, Soc. Comp., 2008,
55, 3, 330–50.
Religion et vie économique/Religion and economic life
ARRIAGA, Rafael, Religión, grupos étnicos y procesos de estratificación social
en los Estados Unidos. El caso de los mexicanos y chinos desde una perspectiva comparativa, Est. Fronter., 2008, 9, 17, 107–47.
BAPTISTA, José Renato de Carvalho, Não é meu, nem é seu, mas tudo faz parte
do axé: algumas considerações preliminares sobre o tema da propriedade de
terreiros de candomblé, Relig. e Soc., 2008, 28, 2, 138–55.
CHISWICK, Barry R., HUANG, Jidong, The Earnings of American Jewish Men:
Human Capital, Denomination, and Religiosity, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 4,
DE THEIJE, Marjo, Ouro e Deus: sobre a relação entre prosperidade, moralidade
e religião nos campos de ouro do Suriname, Relig. e Soc., 2008, 28, 1, 69–83.
KEISTER, Lisa A., Conservative Protestants and Wealth: How Religion
Perpetuates Poverty, Am. Jour. Soc., 2008, 113, 5, 1237–71.
KOENIG, Matthias, Introduction, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55, 4, 451–6.
LADO, Ludovico, Il pentecostalismo in Africa, Civ. Catt., 2008, 3, 3798, 502–11.
LEHMANN, David, L’économie miraculeuse de la religion: essai sur le capital
social, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55, 4, 457–77.
LIMA, Diana Nogueira de Oliveira, “Prosperidade” na década de 1990: etnografia do compromisso de trabalho entre Deus e o fiel da Igreja Universal do
Reino de Deus, Dados, 2008, 51, 1, 7–35.
NELSON, John, Household Altars in Contemporary Japan: Rectifying Buddhist
“Ancestor Worship” with Home Décor and Consumer Choice, Jap. Jour. Rel.
Studies, 2008, 35, 2, 305–30.
UKAH, Asonzeh, Los pastores y la responsabilidad en el manejo de las finanzas
en la iglesia pentecostal de África Occidental, Antipo., 2008, 6, 41–70.
WOODHEAD, Linda, Gendering Secularization Theory, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55,
2, 187–93.
Religion et politique
Religion and politics
Problèmes généraux/General problems
AI CAMP, Roderic, Exercising Political Influence, Religion, Democracy, and the
Mexican 2006 Presidential Race, Jour. Ch. St., 2008, 50, 1, 49–72.
BASTIAN, Jean-Pierre, La vitalité religieuse contemporaine: entre régulation des
corps et réappropriation de l’espace public, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55, 2, 231–6.
BEAN, Lydia, KAUFMAN, Jason, GONZALEZ, Marco Jesus, Why Doesn’t
Canada Have an American-style Christian Right? A Comparative Framework
Social Compass 56(3)
for Analyzing the Political Effects of Evangelical Subcultural Identity, Cah.
Can. Soc., 2008, 33, 4, 899–944.
BENCHEIKH, Ghaleb, L’islam dans la laïcité, Projet, 2008, 306, 65–7.
BURITY, Joanildo A., Religião, política e cultura, Temp. Soc., 2008, 20, 2, 83–113.
CANIPE, Lee, Can a Baptist be President? Jimmy Carter and the Possibility
that John Smyth May Have Been Right After All, Jour. Ch. St., 2008, 50, 2,
DAVIDSON, James D., Religious Stratification: Its Origins, Persistence, and
Consequences (2007 Association for the Sociology of Religion Presidential
Address), Soc. Rel., 2008, 69, 4, 371–95.
DJUPE, Paul A., GILBERT, Christopher P., Politics and Church: Byproduct or
Central Mission?, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 1, 45–62.
DONEGANI, Jean-Marie, La sécularisation et ses paradoxes, Projet, 2008, 306,
FANTINO, Jacques, Ordre social et politique, temps et eschatologie: La lecture
de l’Apocalypse par Irénée, St. Rel. Sc. Rel., 2008, 37, 3–4, 481–96.
GOMEZ I SEGALA, Joan, Une reconquista au XXIe siècle, Projet, 2008, 306,
GRIBBLE, Richard CSC, Roman Catholicism and U.S. Foreign Policy 1919–
1935: A Clash of Policies, Jour. Ch. St., 2008, 50, 1, 73–99.
HABERMAS, Jürgen, La voz pública de la religión. Respuesta a Flores D’Arcais,
Claves, 2008, 180.
HARING, Sabine A., Mysterium tremendum und mysterium fascinans, Ö. Z. f. S.,
2008, 33, 2, 43–62.
KOENIG, Matthias, Vitalité religieuse et mécanismes de sécularisation institutionnelle en Europe, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55, 2, 217–29.
LANKAUSKAS, Gediminas, Société civile religieuse et “effondrement moral”
de la nation lituanienne, Anthr. Soc., 2008, 32, 1–2, 173–91.
LARDINOIS, Roland, Entre monopole, marché et religion. L’émergence de
l’État colonial en Inde, années 1760–1810, Act. Rech. Sc. Soc., 2008, 171–172,
MARIANO, Ricardo, El refugio de las masas: recepción de la obra de Lavive
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Religion et État/Religion and State
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Religion, guerre et paix/Religion, war and peace
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JACOBS, Janet, Memorializing the Sacred: Kristallnacht in German National
Memory, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 3, 485–98.
JUERGENSMEYER, Mark, Martyrdom and Sacrifice in a Time of Terror, Soc.
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KALPAKIAN, Jack Vahram, A Tug-of-War over Islam: Religious Faith, Politics
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Social Compass 56(3)
Religion et globalisation/Religion and globalization
BASTIAN, Jean-Pierre, La vitalité religieuse contemporaine: entre régulation des
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BLANES, Ruy Llera, SARRÓ, Ramon, European Christianities at the turn of the
millennium: an introduction, Etnografica, 2008, 12, 2, 371–6.
BLOCH, Jon P., A Whisper toward Peace: A Theoretical Analysis of the Council
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KARNER, Christian, PARKER, David, Religion versus Rubbish: Deprivation and
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KONING, Juliette, Novo nascimento cristão: uma nova identidade? Conversão,
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LEWGOY, Bernardo, A transnacionalização do espiritismo kardecista brasileiro:
uma discussão inicial, Relig. e Soc., 2008, 28, 1, 84–104.
McLUHAN, Eirc, Dal villaggio al cyberspazio: una sfida per la fede, Vita e
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MEZIE, Nadège, Les évangéliques cartographient le monde. Le spiritual mapping, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008, 142, 63–85.
PARKER GUMUCIO, Cristián, Interculturality, Conflicts and Religion:
Theoretical Perspectives, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55, 3, 316–29.
PUCCIO-DEAN, Deborah, The Sicilian Máfia: transformation to a global evil,
Etnografica, 2008, 12, 2, 377–86.
ROUDOMETOF, Victor, Greek Orthodoxy, Territoriality, and Globality:
Religious Responses and Institutional Disputes, Soc. Rel., 2008, 69, 1, 67–91.
SCHREITER, Robert, Catholicity as a Framework for Addressing Migration,
Concilium, 2008, 5, 32–46.
SEGATO, Rita Laura, Closing Ranks: Religion, Society and Politics Today, Soc.
Comp., 2008, 55, 2, 203–15.
TOMASI, Silvano, Migration and Catholicism in a Global Context, Concilium,
2008, 5, 13–31.
VANDE BERG, Travis, KNISS, Fred, ISKCON and Immigrants: The Rise,
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1, 79–104.
WUTHNOW, Robert, OFFUTT, Stephen, Transnational Religious Connections,
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Religion et culture
Religion and culture
Problèmes généraux/General problems
AMEIGEIRAS, Aldo, “Culture populaire et religion”: Approches théoriques de
la religiosité populaire au sein des cultures populaires latino-américaines, Soc.
Comp., 2008, 55, 3, 304–15.
BAPTISTA, José Renato de Carvalho, Não é meu, nem é seu, mas tudo faz parte
do axé: algumas considerações preliminares sobre o tema da propriedade de
terreiros de candomblé, Relig. e Soc., 2008, 28, 2, 138–55.
BARNES, Sandra L., Religion and Rap Music: An Analysis of Black Church
Usage, Rev. Rel. Res., 2008, 49, 3, 319–38.
BAUM, Steven K., RUDSKI, Jeffrey M., Anti-Semitism and Superstition
(Research Note), Jour. Cont. Rel., 2008, 23, 1, 77–86.
BITTARELLO, Maria Beatrice, Shifting Realities? Changing Concepts of
Religion and the Body in Popular Culture and Neopaganism, Jour. Cont. Rel.,
2008, 23, 2, 215–32.
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Lecture), Brit. Jour. Soc., 2008, 59, 1, 1–23.
DIALMY, Abdessamad, Les antinomies du port du voile, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55,
4, 561–80.
EDGELL, Penny, We Still Don’t Know If Christianity “Works”, Much Less Why:
Response to Smith, Soc. Rel., 2008, 69, 4, 445–52.
FERRARI, Alessandro, Laïcité et multiculturalisme à l’italienne, Arch. Sc. Soc.
Rel., 2008, 141, 133–54.
FINKE, Roger, ADAMCZYK, Amy, Cross-National Moral Beliefs: The Influence
of National Religious Context, Soc. Quart., 2008, 49, 4, 617–52.
FOUCAULT, Michel, Le courage de la vérité: l’ascète, le révolutionnaire et
l’artiste, Esprit, 2008, 350, 51–60.
GUTIERREZ-MARTINEZ, Daniel, Croyances et religiosités en Amérique latine:
approche théorique du multiculturalisme, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55, 3, 275–89.
HASKELL, David M., PARADIS, Kenneth, BURGOYNE, Stephanie, Defending
the Faith: Easter Sermon Reaction to Pop Culture Discourses, Rev. Rel. Res.,
2008, 50, 2, 139–56.
HEFNER, Philip, Theory and Practice: Neural Buddhism, Ethics, and Cultural
Captivity (Editorial), Zygon, 2008, 43, 3, 535–9.
HUGHES, Philip, SUWANBUBBHA, Parichart, CHAISRI, Janram, The Nature
of Spirituality among Young People in Australia and Thailand, Soc. Comp.,
2008, 55, 3, 359–72.
KEISTER, Lisa A., Conservative Protestants and Wealth: How Religion
Perpetuates Poverty, Am. Jour. Soc., 2008, 113, 5, 1237–71.
KNOBLAUCH, Hubert, Spirituality and Popular Religion in Europe, Soc. Comp.,
2008, 55, 2, 140–53.
LORD, Karen, Implicit Religion: A Contemporary Theory for the Relationships
between Religion, State, and Society, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2008, 23, 1, 33–46.
MARIZ, Cecília L., MACHADO, Dores C., À propos de l’inculturation dans le
catholicisme brésilien contemporain, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55, 3, 290–303.
NAKAMAKI, Hirochika, Japanese Religions, Calendars, and Religious Culture
in Brazil, Jap. Jour. Rel. Studies, 2008, 35, 1, 145–59.
PALMER, Craig T., STEADMAN, Lyle B., CASSIDY, Chris, COE, Kathryn,
Totemism, Metaphor and Tradition: Incorporating Cultural Traditions into
Evolutionary Psychology Explanations of Religion, Zygon, 2008, 43, 3, 719–35.
PARK, Jerry Z., Second-Generation Asian American Pan-Ethnic Identity:
Pluralized Meanings of a Racial Label, Soc. Perspec., 2008, 51, 3, 541–61.
PARKER GUMUCIO, Cristián, Interculturality, Conflicts and Religion: Theoretical Perspectives, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55, 3, 316–29.
PARKER GUMUCIO, Cristián, Introduction, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55, 3, 259–63.
PETTIPIECE, Timothy, From Cybele to Christ: Christianity and the transformation of late Roman religious culture, St. Rel. Sc. Rel., 2008, 37, 1, 41–61.
PRANDI, Reginaldo, Converter indivíduos, mudar culturas, Temp. Soc., 2008,
20, 2, 155–72.
PRANDI, Reginaldo, Religions and Cultures: Religious Dynamics in Latin
America, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55, 3, 264–74.
ROSSON, Thomas, FIELDS, Dail, Cultural Influences on the Growth in
Evangelical Christianity: A Longitudinal Study of 49 Countries, Rev. Rel. Res.,
2008, 49, 3, 269–89.
SAINT-MARTIN, Isabelle, Du Spirituel dans l’art du XXème siècle (compterendu), Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008, 144, 125–39.
Social Compass 56(3)
SAROGLOU, Vassilis, MUNOZ-GARCIA, Antonio, Individual Differences in
Religion and Spirituality: An Issue of Personality Traits and/or Values, Jour. Sc.
St. Rel., 2008, 47, 1, 83–101.
SHARABY, Rachel, The Holiday of Holidays: A Triple-Holiday Festival for
Christians, Jews and Muslims, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55, 4, 581–96.
SUTTON, David, A Tale of Easter Ovens: Food and Collective Memory, Soc.
Res., 2008, 75, 1, 157–80.
TRANBY, Eric, HARTMANN, Douglas, Critical Whiteness Theories and the
Evangelical “Race Problem”: Extending Emerson and Smith’s Divided by
Faith, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 3, 341–59.
WATANABE, Masako, The Development of Japanese New Religions in Brazil
and Their Propagation in a Foreign Culture, Jap. Jour. Rel. Studies, 2008, 35,
1, 115–44.
WERTSCH, James V., Collective Memory and Narrative Templates, Soc. Res.,
2008, 75, 1, 133–56.
Religion et problèmes culturels/Religion and cultural problems
ALBUQUERQUE, Marcos Alexandre dos Santos, O dom e a tradição indígena
Kapinawá (ensaio sobre uma noção nativa de autoria), Relig. e Soc., 2008, 28,
2, 56–79.
BERZANO, Luigi, Lifestyles e partecipazione religiosa, Rel. Soc., 2008, 62, 9–25.
BOYER, Véronique, Passado português, presente negro e indizibilidade ameríndia: o caso de Mazagão Velho, Amapá, Relig. e Soc., 2008, 28, 2, 11–29.
DE SANRE, Italo, Stili di vita quotidiana e radici valoriali, Rel. Soc., 2008, 62,
GIUMBELLI, Emerson, A presença do religioso no espaço público: modalidades
no Brasil, Relig. e Soc., 2008, 28, 2, 80–101.
PACE, Enzo, Consumarsi d’amore divino. Stili di vita religiosa e attribuzione
d’identità, Rel. Soc., 2008, 62, 26–34.
PEREIRA, Luena Nunes, Crianças feiticeiras: reconfigurando família, igrejas
e estado no pós-guerra angolano, Relig. e Soc., 2008, 28, 2, 30–55.
SHOHAT, Ella, Os sefarditas em Israel: o sionismo do ponto de vista das vítimas
judaicas, Nov. Est. CEBRAP, 2007, 79, 117–36.
TRUZZI, Oswaldo, Sociabilidades e valores: um olhar sobre a família árabe
muçulmana em São Paulo, Dados, 2008, 51, 1, 37–74.
USARSKI, Frank, Declínio do budismo “amarelo” no Brasil, Temp. Soc., 2008,
20, 2, 133–53.
Religion et idéologies/Religion and ideologies
HARING, Sabine A., Mysterium tremendum und mysterium fascinans, Ö. Z. f. S.,
2008, 33, 2, 43–62.
SANCHEZ ARTEAGA, Juanma, O darwinismo e o sagrado na segunda metade
do século XIX: alguns aspectos ideológicos e metafísicos do debate, Rev. Bras.
Hist., 2008, 28, 56, 371–82.
Religion et science/Religion and science
AL-HAYANI, Fatima Agha, Muslim Perspectives on Stem Cell Research and
Cloning, Zygon, 2008, 43, 4, 783–95.
AMARASINGAM, Amarnath, Transcending Technology: Looking at Futurology
as a New Religious Movement, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2008, 23, 1, 1–16.
ARNOULD, Jacques, Space and Religion: An Interweaving of Influences, Zygon,
2008, 43, 1, 181–9.
Bibliographie/Bibliography 445
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2008, 23, 2, 215–32.
BRADNICK, David, A Pentecostal Perspective on Entropy, Emergent Systems,
and Eschatology, Zygon, 2008, 43, 4, 925–42.
BROWNING, Don, Love as Sacrifice, Love as Mutuality: Response to Jeffrey
Tillman, Zygon, 2008, 43, 3, 557–62.
CARVALHO, John J. IV, A Biologist’s Perspective on the Future of the ScienceReligion Dialogue in the Twenty-First Century, Zygon, 2008, 43, 1, 217–26.
CLAYTON, Philip, Hierarchies: The Core Argument for a Naturalistic Christian
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COSGROVE, Joseph K., Simone Weil’s Spiritual Critique of Modern Science:
An Historical-Critical Assessment, Zygon, 2008, 43, 2, 353–70.
DAVIS, Marjorie Hall, Structures of Evil Encountered in Pastoral Counseling,
Zygon, 2008, 43, 3, 665–80.
DELTETE, Robert J., Man of Science, Man of Faith: Pierre Duhem’s “Physique
de Croyant”, Zygon, 2008, 43, 3, 627–37.
GRASSIE, William, The New Sciences of Religion, Zygon, 2008, 43, 1, 127–58.
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2008, 43, 1, 3–8.
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HEFNER, Philip, The Challenge of Self-Conceiving: Bridging Myth and Science
(Editorial), Zygon, 2008, 43, 4, 765–9.
HEFNER, Philip, Theory and Practice: Neural Buddhism, Ethics, and Cultural
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HOLLINGSWORTH, Andrea, Implications of Interpersonal Neurobiology for a
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JACKELEN, Antje, An Intellectual Honest Theology, Zygon, 2008, 43, 1, 43–55.
JOHNSTONE, Brick, GLASS, Bret A., Support for a Neuropsychological Model of
Spirituality in Persons with Traumatic Brain Injury, Zygon, 2008, 43, 4, 861–74.
JONES, Nicholaos, Evidence and Falsification: Challenges to Gregory Peterson,
Zygon, 2008, 43, 3, 599–604.
JONES, Nicholaos, Is Theology Respectable as Metaphysics?, Zygon, 2008, 43,
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KARO, Roland, FRIEDENTHAL, Meelis, Kenosis, Anamnesis, and our Place in
History: A Neurophenomenological Account, Zygon, 2008, 43, 4, 823–36.
KING, Barbara J., Primates and Religion: A Biological Anthropologist’s Response
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KLASSEN, Chris, Rejecting Monotheism? Polytheism, Pluralism, and Battlestar
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Social Compass 56(3)
LEVINE, Daniel S., PERLOVSKY, Leonid I., Simplifying Heuristics versus
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McDONALD, Patrick, Naturalistic Methodology in an Emerging Scientific
Psychology: Lotze and Fechner in the Balance, Zygon, 2008, 43, 3, 605–25.
MURPHY, Nancy, Arthur Peacocke’s Naturalistic Christian Faith for the TwentyFirst Century: A Brief Introduction, Zygon, 2008, 43, 1, 67–73.
MUSTAFA, Tariq, Development of Objective Criteria to Evaluate the Authenticity
of Revelation, Zygon, 2008, 43, 3, 737–44.
NARTONIS, David K., How the Philosophy of Science Changed Religion at
Nineteenth-Century Harvard, Zygon, 2008, 43, 3, 639–50.
OVIEDO, Lluis, Is a Complete Biocognitive Account of Religion Feasible?,
Zygon, 2008, 43, 1, 103–26.
OVIEDO, Lluis, Steps Toward a Cognitive Science of Religion, Zygon, 2008, 43,
2, 385–93.
PALMER, Craig T., STEADMAN, Lyle B., CASSIDY, Chris, COE, Kathryn,
Totemism, Metaphor and Tradition: Incorporating Cultural Traditions into
Evolutionary Psychology Explanations of Religion, Zygon, 2008, 43, 3, 719–35.
PEDERSON, Ann Milliken, The Centrality of Incarnation, Zygon, 2008, 43, 1,
PETERS, Karl E., Some Correlations between Methods of Knowing and
Theological Concepts in Arthur Peacocke’s Personalistic Panentheism and
Nonpersonal Naturalistic Theism, Zygon, 2008, 43, 1, 19–26.
PETERS, Karl E., Understanding and Responding to Human Evil: A Multicausal
Approach, Zygon, 2008, 43, 3, 681–704.
PETERSON, Gregory R., In Praise of Folly? Theology and the University, Zygon,
2008, 43, 3, 563–77.
PETERSON, Gregory R., Maintaining Respectability: Response to Nicholaos
Jones, Zygon, 2008, 43, 3, 593–8.
PETERSON, Gregory R., Uniqueness, the Image of God, and the Problem of
Method: Engaging van Huyssteen, Zygon, 2008, 43, 2, 467–74.
REICH, K. Helmut, Science-and-Religion/Spirituality Dialogue: What for and by
Whom?, Zygon, 2008, 43, 3, 705–18.
RUSSELL, Allan Melvin, GERHART, Mary, The Divine Conjectures: A Contemporary Account of Human Origins and Destiny, Zygon, 2008, 43, 2, 395–410.
SANCHEZ ARTEAGA, Juanma, O darwinismo e o sagrado na segunda metade
do século XIX: alguns aspectos ideológicos e metafísicos do debate, Rev. Bras.
Hist., 2008, 28, 56, 371–82.
SCANDRETT-LEATHERMAN, Craig, Anthropology, Polanyi, and Afropentecostal Ritual: A Scientific and Theological Epistemology of Participation,
Zygon, 2008, 43, 4, 909–23.
SCHAAB, Gloria L., Evolutionary Theory and Theology: A Mutually Illuminative
Dialogue, Zygon, 2008, 43, 1, 9–18.
SCHAEFER, Lothar, Nonempirical Reality: Transcending the Physical and
Spiritual in the Order of the One, Zygon, 2008, 43, 2, 329–52.
SMITH, James K. A., Is the Universe Open for Surprise? Pentecostal Ontology
and the Spirit of Naturalism, Zygon, 2008, 43, 4, 879–96.
STUDEBAKER, Steven M., The Spirit in Creation: A Unified Theology of Grace
and Creation Care, Zygon, 2008, 43, 4, 943–60.
TILLING, Chris, Engaging Science in the Mode of Trust: Hans Kung’s The
Beginnings of All Things, Zygon, 2008, 43, 1, 201–16.
TILLMAN, J. Jeffrey, Sacrificial Agape and Group Selection in Contemporary
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WEEKS, Matthew, WEEKS, Kelly P., DANIEL, Mary R., The Implicit
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WOLOSCHAK, Gayle E., Chance and Necessity in Arthur Peacocke’s Scientific
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Religion, irréligion, athéisme/Religion, irreligion, atheism
BULLIVANT, Stephen, Sociology and the Study of Atheism (Research Note),
Jour. Cont. Rel., 2008, 23, 3, 363–8.
FARIAS, Miguel, LALLJEE, Mansur, Holistic Individualism in the Age of
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LAMINE, Anne-Sophie, Croyances et transcendances: variations en modes
mineurs, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55, 2, 154–67.
Religion et éducation/Religion and education
BAHR, Howard M., Finding Oneself among the Saints: Thomas F. O’Dea,
Mormon Intellectuals and the Future of Mormon Orthodoxy, Jour. Sc. St. Rel.,
2008, 47, 3, 463–84.
DE ROCHA, Rita, Educação e civilidade: as Servas do Espirito Santo e o projeto
educacional das missionárias viajantes (Brasil 1907–1930), Cuad. Interc., 2008,
6, 11, 115–26.
DICKIE, Maria Amelia Schmidt, Unspoken Ethics: A Multi-Religion Group and
Building a Public Identity, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2008, 23, 2, 147–62.
DRIESSEN, Geert, De verwachtingen waargemaakt? Twee decennia islamitische
basisscholen, Mens. Maat., 2008, 83, 2, 168–89.
GHERARDY, Eugène F.-X., La Vierge, les lycéens, la Corse. La “fête nationale”
du 8 décembre, Ethn. Franç., 2008, 38, 3, 479–88.
GLANVILLE, Jennifer L., SIKKINK, David, HERNANDEZ, Edwin I.,
Religious Involvement and Educational Outcomes: The Role of Social Capital
and Extracurricular Participation, Soc. Quart., 2008, 49, 1, 105–37.
GREEN, Todd, The Partnering of Church and School in Nineteenth-Century
Sweden, Jour. Ch. St., 2008, 50, 2, 331–49.
JONES, Nicholaos, Evidence and Falsification: Challenges to Gregory Peterson,
Zygon, 2008, 43, 3, 599–604.
Social Compass 56(3)
KASPERSEN, Lars Bo, LINDVALL, Johannes, Why No Religious Politics? The
Secularization of Poor Relief and Primary Education in Denmark and Sweden,
Eur. Jour. Soc., 2008, 49, 1, 119–43.
KRAUSE, Neal, Religious Doubt and Psychological Well-Being: A Longitudinal
Investigation, Rev. Rel. Res., 2008, 50, Special, 94–100.
MASSENGILL, Rebekah Peeples, Educational Attainment and Cohort Change
among Conservative Protestants, 1972–2004, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 4,
NAGY, Péter Tibor, The Problem of the Professional Recruitment of the Students
at the Faculties of the Humanities and Science of the Transylvanian University,
H. S. R., 2008, 33, 2, 127–53.
PETERSON, Gregory R., In Praise of Folly? Theology and the University, Zygon,
2008, 43, 3, 563–77.
PUZSTAI, Gabriella, Les bienfaits pédagogiques de la religiosité parmi les élèves
hongrois de trois pays, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55, 4, 497–516.
READ, Jen’nan Ghazal, OSELIN, Sharon, Gender and Education–Employment
Paradox in Ethnic and Religious Contexts: The Case of Arab Americans, Am.
Soc. Rev., 2008, 73, 2, 296–313.
SCHIEMAN, Scott, The Education-Contingent Association between Religiosity
and Health: The Differential Effects of Self-Esteem and the Sense of Mastery,
Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 4, 710–24.
THOMPSON, Don, MILLER-PERRIN, Cindy, Vocational Discernment and
Action: An Exploratory Study of Male and Female University Professors, Rev.
Rel. Res., 2008, 50, 1, 97–119.
UECKER, Jeremy E., Alternative Schooling Strategies and the Religious Lives
of American Adolescents, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 4, 563–84.
ZINE, Jasmin, Honour and Identity: An Ethnographic Account of Muslim Girls
in a Canadian Islamic School, Topia, 2008, 19, 35–62.
Religion et changement social
Religion and social change
Problèmes généraux/General problems
BERNTS, Ton, DEKKER, Gerard, DE HART, Joep, God in Nederland: inzichten
en vergezichten, Rel. Sam., 2008, 3, 1, 36–47.
BIBBY, Reginald W., The perils of pioneering and prophecy: A response to
Thiessen and Dawson, St. Rel. Sc. Rel., 2008, 37, 3–4, 417–26.
THIESSON, Joel, DAWSON, Lorne L., Is there a “renaissance” of religion in
Canada? A critical look at Bibby and beyond, St. Rel. Sc. Rel., 2008, 37, 3–4,
TITARENKO, Larissa, On the Shifting Nature of Religion during the Ongoing
Post-Communist Transformation in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, Soc. Comp.,
2008, 55, 2, 237–54.
Religion et développement/Religion and development
LAURENT, Pierre-Joseph, FURTADO, Claudio, Le pentecôtisme brésilien au
Cap-Vert. L’Église Universelle du Royaume de Dieu, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008,
141, 113–31.
Religion et nouveaux comportements sociaux/Religion and new social
BALLINAS, María Luisa, Religión, salud y género en la comunidad de El
Duraznal, Espiral, 2008, 14, 41, 141–67.
Bibliographie/Bibliography 449
DE THEIJE, Marjo, Ouro e Deus: sobre a relação entre prosperidade, moralidade
e religião nos campos de ouro do Suriname, Relig. e Soc., 2008, 28, 1, 69–83.
DROOGERS, André, Religião, identidade e segurança entre imigrantes luteranos
da Pomerânia, no Espírito Santo (1880–2005), Relig. e Soc., 2008, 28, 1, 13–41.
LEWGOY, Bernardo, A transnacionalização do espiritismo kardecista brasileiro:
uma discussão inicial, Relig. e Soc., 2008, 28, 1, 84–104.
LUNA, Naara, Religiosidade no contexto das terapias com células-tronco: uma
investigação comparativa entre pesquisadores “iniciantes e iniciados” e seus
pacientes, Relig. e Soc., 2008, 28, 2, 156–78.
PLESHOYANO, Alexandra, L’héritage spirituel d’Etty Hillesum: “Je me sens
comme une des nombreuses héritières d’un grand legs spirituel”, St. Rel. Sc.
Rel., 2008, 37, 1, 81–95.
TRUZZI, Oswaldo, Sociabilidades e valores: um olhar sobre a família árabe
muçulmana em São Paulo, Dados, 2008, 51, 1, 37–74.
UKAH, Asonzeh, Los pastores y la responsabilidad en el manejo de las finanzas
en la iglesia pentecostal de África Occidental, Antipo., 2008, 6, 41–70.
URIBE, Carlos Alberto, El yajé, el purgatorio y la faránbula, Antipo., 2008, 6, 113–31.
USARSKI, Frank, Declínio do budismo “amarelo” no Brasil, Temp. Soc., 2008,
20, 2, 133–53.
Religion et migration/Religion and migration
ADOGAME, Afeosemine, “I am married to Jesus!” The feminization of new
African diasporic religiosity, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008, 143, 129–49.
BALLINAS, María Luisa, Religión, salud y género en la comunidad de El
Duraznal, Espiral, 2008, 14, 41, 141–67.
BIDEGAIN, Ana Maria, Living a Trans-national Spirituality: Latin American
Catholic Families in Miami, Concilium, 2008, 5, 95–107.
BLEUZEN, Brigitte, “Africains” en paroisses de banlieues, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel.,
2008, 143, 215–34.
CONNOR, Phillip, Increase or Decrease? The Impact of the International
Migratory Event on Immigrant Religious Participation, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008,
47, 2, 243–57.
COYAULT, Bernard, Un Kilombo à Paris. L’itinéraire d’une prophétesse de
l’Église évangélique du Congo, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008, 143, 151–73.
ERRICHIELLO, Gennaro, Le donne arabo-musulmane immigrate, Studi Emigr.,
2008, 171, 945–66.
FANCELLO, Sandra, Les pentecôtismes “indigènes”. La double scène africaine
et européenne, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008, 143, 69–89.
GRIERA, Maria del Mar, D’afinitats electives: pentecostalisme i immigració, el cas
de les esglésies africanes pentecostals a Catalunya, Rev. Cat. Soc., 2008, 23, 59–77.
GRIERA, Maria M., “Are you a real Christian?” Stereotypes, distrust and distinction strategies between “new” and “old” Protestants in Catalonia, Etnografica,
2008, 12, 2, 403–23.
GRÜNHAGEN, Céline, Tod und Bestattung im Kontext religiöser Pluralität.
Probleme und Möglichkeiten bei der Umsetzung buddhistischer Bestattungen
in Deutschland, Z. R. G. G., 2008, 60, 4, 344–64.
GUIGOU, Nicolás, Religión, memoria y mitos: Las artes de narrar en la construcción de identidades, An. Ant. Uruguay, 2008, 107–24.
HARMSEN, E., Nieuwe Moslims in West-Europa, Bekering tot de Islam als
Keuzemogelijkheid in Hedendaagse Westerse Samenlevingen, Rel. Sam., 2008,
3, 3, 173–96.
HENRY, Christine, NORET, Joël, Le Christianisme Céleste en France et en
Belgique, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008, 143, 91–109.
Social Compass 56(3)
LUCA, Nathalie, Postface. Entre l’ethnie et la secte: les dérives de l’essentialisme,
Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008, 143, 235–51.
MARY, André, Introduction. Africanité et christianité: une interaction première,
Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008, 143, 9–30.
MASKENS, Maïté, Migration et pentecôtisme à Bruxelles. Expériences croisées,
Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008, 143, 49–68.
MIN, Pyong Gap, Severe Underrepresentation of Women in Church Leadership
in the Korean Immigrant Community in the United States, Jour. Sc. St. Rel.,
2008, 47, 2, 225–41.
MOKOKO-GAMPIOT, Aurélien, Les kimbanguistes en Europe. D’une génération à l’autre, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008, 143, 111–28.
MOSSIERE, Géraldine, Une congrégation pentecôtiste congolaise à Montréal.
Christianisme du Sud, bouture québécoise, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008, 143,
MOTTIER, Damien, Pentecôtisme et migration. Le prophétisme (manqué) de
“La Cité de Sion”, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008, 143, 175–93.
NAKAMAKI, Hirochika, Japanese Religions, Calendars, and Religious Culture
in Brazil, Jap. Jour. Rel. Studies, 2008, 35, 1, 145–59.
ODGERS, Olga, Construcción del espacio y religión en la experiencia de la
movilidad. Los Santos Patronos como vínculos espaciales en la migración
México/Estados Unidos, Migra. Int., 2008, 4, 3, 5–26.
PEREIRA, Ronan Alves, The Transplantation of Soka Gakkai to Brazil: Building
“the Closest Organization to the Heart of Ikeda-Sensei”, Jap. Jour. Rel. Studies,
2008, 35, 1, 95–113.
ROCHA, Cristina, All Roads Come from Zen: Busshinji as a Reference to
Buddhism, Jap. Jour. Rel. Studies, 2008, 35, 1, 81–94.
SCHREITER, Robert, Catholicity as a Framework for Addressing Migration,
Concilium, 2008, 5, 32–46.
SHOJI, Rafael, The Failed Prophecy of Shinto Nationalism and the Rise of
Japanese Brazilian Catholicism, Jap. Jour. Rel. Studies, 2008, 35, 1, 13–38.
SHOJI, Rafael, USARSKI, Frank, Japanese Religions in Brazil (Editors’
Introduction), Jap. Jour. Rel. Studies, 2008, 35, 1, 1–12.
STEIGENGA, Timothy J., PALMA, S. Irene, GIRÓN, Carol L., El transnacionalismo y la movilización colectiva de la comunidad maya en Júpiter, Florida.
Ambigüedades en la identidad transnacional y la religión vivida, Migra. Int.,
2008, 4, 4, 37–71.
TER HAAR, Gerrie, Enchantment and Identity. African Christians in Europe,
Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008, 143, 31–48.
TOMASI, Silvano, Migration and Catholicism in a Global Context, Concilium,
2008, 5, 13–31.
USARSKI, Frank, “The Last Missionary to Leave the Temple Should Turn Off
the Light”: Sociological Remarks on the Decline of Japanese “Immigrant”
Buddhism in Brazil, Jap. Jour. Rel. Studies, 2008, 35, 1, 39–59.
VANDE BERG, Travis, KNISS, Fred, ISKCON and Immigrants: The Rise,
Decline, and Rise Again of a New Religious Movement, Soc. Quart., 2008, 49,
1, 79–104.
WATANABE, Masako, The Development of Japanese New Religions in Brazil
and Their Propagation in a Foreign Culture, Jap. Jour. Rel. Studies, 2008, 35,
1, 115–44.
ZHEGHAL, Malika, Les toiles identitaires des jeunes musulmans américains,
Esprit, 2008, 350, 24–38.
Bibliographie/Bibliography 451
Religion et environnement écologique
Religion and ecological environment
Problèmes généraux/General problems
DAWSON, Andrew, New Era Millenarianism in Brazil, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2008,
23, 3, 269–83.
DESILETS, Caroline, La conquête des terres saintes en Amazonie péruvienne,
Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008, 141, 75–92.
GRULA, John W., Pantheism Reconstructed: Ecotheology as a Successor to the
Judeo-Christian, Enlightenment, and Postmodernist Paradigms, Zygon, 2008,
43, 1, 159–80.
SCHEITLE, Christopher P., DOUGHERTY, Kevin D., Density and Growth in a
Congregational Population: Reformed Churches in New York, 1628–2000, Rev.
Rel. Res., 2008, 49, 3, 233–50.
Religion et milieu urbain/Religion in the urban environment
DENNEY, David, GABE, Jonathan, O’BEIRNE, Maria, Anglican Clergy as
Victims of Routinized Violent Activities in Urban and Rural Localities, Sociology,
2008, 42, 1, 83–99.
URIBE, Carlos Alberto, El yajé, el purgatorio y la faránbula, Antipo., 2008, 6, 113–31.
Religion et milieu rural/Religion and the rural environment
DENNEY, David, GABE, Jonathan, O’BEIRNE, Maria, Anglican Clergy
as Victims of Routinized Violent Activities in Urban and Rural Localities,
Sociology, 2008, 42, 1, 83–99.
FIELDER, Caroline, The Growth of the Protestant Church in Rural China,
Concilium, 2008, 2, 47–57.
UKAH, Asonzeh, Los pastores y la responsabilidad en el manejo de las finanzas
en la iglesia pentecostal de África Occidental, Antipo., 2008, 6, 41–70.
Religion et vie humaine
Religion and human life
Problèmes généraux/General problems
ABRAHAM, Ibrahim, “Sodomized by Religion”: Fictional Representations of
Queer Muslims in the West, Topia, 2008, 19, 137–52.
AHN, Juhn Y., Zen and the Art of Nourishing Life: Labor, Exhaustion, and the
Malady of Meditation, Jap. Jour. Rel. Studies, 2008, 35, 2, 177–229.
BADE, Mary K., COOK, Stephen W., Functions of Christian Prayer in the
Coping Process, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 1, 123–33.
CARLETON, Russell A., ESPARZA, Patricia, THAXTER, Peter J., GRANT,
Kathryn E., Stress, Religious Coping Resources, and Depressive Symptoms in
an Urban Adolescent Sample, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 1, 113–21.
ELLISON, Christopher G., BARRETT, Jennifer B., MOULTON, Benjamin E.,
Gender, Marital Status, and Alcohol Behavior: The Neglected Role of Religion,
Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 4, 660–77.
FAUL, Fabien, Entre Dieu et l’empire, une figure récurrente, la barbarie, St. Rel.
Sc. Rel., 2008, 37, 3–4, 497–508.
GRANDJEAN, Didier, RENDU, Anne-Caroline, MACNAMEE, Terence,
SCHERER, Klaus R., The wrath of the gods: appraising the meaning of disaster, Inf. Sc. Soc., 2008, 47, 2, 187–204.
Social Compass 56(3)
HARDING, John S., Bodily crisis and religious conviction: Implications of
Kiyozawa Manshi’s illness, St. Rel. Sc. Rel., 2008, 37, 2, 211–35.
KNIBBE, Kim, The Role of Religious Certainty and Uncertainty in Moral
Orientation in a Catholic Province in the Netherlands, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55,
1, 20–30.
LUNA, Naara, Religiosidade no contexto das terapias com células-tronco: uma
investigação comparativa entre pesquisadores “iniciantes e iniciados” e seus
pacientes, Relig. e Soc., 2008, 28, 2, 156–78.
MINKJAN, Hanneke, Seeking Guidance from the Spirits: Neo-Shamanic
Divination Rituals in Modern Dutch Society, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55, 1, 54–65.
POLSON, Edward C., The Inter-Organizational Ties that Bind: Exploring the
Contributions of Agency-Congregation Relationships, Soc. Rel., 2008, 69, 1,
SMITH, Christian, Why “Why Christianity Works” Works, Soc. Rel., 2008, 69,
4, 473–88.
TSCHANNEN, Olivier, La croyance comme ressource pratique, Arch. Sc. Soc.
Rel., 2008, 142, 131–49.
VAN HARSKAMP, Anton, Existential Insecurity and New Religiosity: An Essay
on Some Religion-Making Characteristics of Modernity, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55,
1, 9–19.
VONARX, Nicolas, Vodou et pluralisme médico-religieux en Haïti: du vodou
dans tous les espaces de soins, Anthr. Soc., 2008, 32, 3, 213–31.
Religion et famille/Religion and family
BAGNOL, Brigitte, Lovolo e espíritos no sul de Moçambique, Anal. Soc., 2008,
43 – 2, 187, 251–72.
DUARTE, Luiz F.D., DE M. JABOR, Juliana, GOMES, Edlaine C., LUNA,
Naara, Family, Reproduction and Religious Ethos in Brazil. Subjectivism and
naturalism as structuring values, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008, 142, 113–30.
ERRICHIELLO, Gennaro, Le donne arabo-musulmane immigrate, Studi Emigr.,
2008, 171, 945–66.
FORCLAZ, Bertrand, Le foyer de la discorde? Les mariages mixtes à Utrecht au
XVIIème siècle, Annales, 2008, 63, 5, 1101–23.
GONZALES, Philippe, Reclaiming the (Swiss) nation for God: the politics of
charismatic prophecy, Etnografica, 2008, 12, 2, 425–51.
IRIGOYEN LOPEZ, Antonio, Un obispado para la familia: Francisco Verdín
Molina, prelado de Guadalajara y Valladolid en la segunda mitad del siglo
XVII, Hist. Mex, 2008, 57, 2, 557–94.
LEE, Richard, Custody Disputes and Alternative Religions in the Courts of
England and Wales, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2008, 23, 1, 63–76.
LEMAN, Johan, Kinship and Shifting Intra-Family Focalism among the ItaloBrussels Jehovah’s Witnesses, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55, 3, 351–8.
NELSON, John, Household Altars in Contemporary Japan: Rectifying Buddhist
“Ancestor Worship” with Home Décor and Consumer Choice, Jap. Jour. Rel.
Studies, 2008, 35, 2, 305–30.
PEREIRA, Luena Nunes, Crianças feiticeiras: reconfigurando família, igrejas
e estado no pós-guerra angolano, Relig. e Soc., 2008, 28, 2, 30–55.
RABELO, Miriam C.M., Entre a casa e a roça: trajetórias de socialização no
candomblé de habitantes de bairros populares de Salvador, Relig. e Soc., 2008,
28, 1, 176–205.
SULLIVAN, Susan Crawford, Unaccompanied Children in Churches: Low-Income
Urban Single Mothers, Religion, and Parenting, Rev. Rel. Res., 2008, 50, 2, 157–75.
Bibliographie/Bibliography 453
TRUZZI, Oswaldo, Sociabilidades e valores: um olhar sobre a família árabe
muçulmana em São Paulo, Dados, 2008, 51, 1, 37–74.
ZHAI, Jiexia Elisa, ELLISON, Christopher G., STOKES, Charles E., GLENN,
Norval D., “Spiritual, But Not Religious”: The Impact of Parental Divorce on
the Religious and Spiritual Identities of Young Adults in the United States, Rev.
Rel. Res., 2008, 49, 4, 379–94.
Religion et jeunesse/Religion and youth
BACQ, Philippe, Nouvelle génération et renaissance de l’Église, Projet, 2008,
305, 83–90.
CARLETON, Russell A., ESPARZA, Patricia, THAXTER, Peter J., GRANT,
Kathryn E., Stress, Religious Coping Resources, and Depressive Symptoms in
an Urban Adolescent Sample, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 1, 113–21.
GANZEVOORT, R. Ruard, Is heil te meten? Ietsisme op de PABO. Voorlopig
verslag van onderzoek naar religieuze duiding en coping bij jongeren, Rel.
Sam., 2008, 3, 2, 106–28.
GHERARDY, Eugène F.-X., La Vierge, les lycéens, la Corse. La “fête nationale”
du 8 décembre, Ethn. Franç., 2008, 38, 3, 479–88.
GLANVILLE, Jennifer L., SIKKINK, David, HERNANDEZ, Edwin I.,
Religious Involvement and Educational Outcomes: The Role of Social Capital
and Extracurricular Participation, Soc. Quart., 2008, 49, 1, 105–37.
Marcelo, Religious imaginary, morals and politics amongst Minas Gerais youth,
Est. Av., 2008, 6, 9, 31–42.
HUGHES, Philip, SUWANBUBBHA, Parichart, CHAISRI, Janram, The Nature
of Spirituality among Young People in Australia and Thailand, Soc. Comp.,
2008, 55, 3, 359–72.
PEREIRA, Luena Nunes, Crianças feiticeiras: reconfigurando família, igrejas
e estado no pós-guerra angolano, Relig. e Soc., 2008, 28, 2, 30–55.
PETTS, Richard J., JOLLIFF, Anne, Religion and Adolescent Depression: The
Impact of Race and Gender, Rev. Rel. Res., 2008, 49, 4, 395–414.
PUZSTAI, Gabriella, Les bienfaits pédagogiques de la religiosité parmi les élèves
hongrois de trois pays, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55, 4, 497–516.
ROELAND, Johan, Acceptation religieuse du moi: l’identité chez les jeunes néoévangélistes, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55, 1, 31–41.
SCHWADEL, Philip, Poor Teenagers’ Religion, Soc. Rel., 2008, 69, 2, 125–49.
UECKER, Jeremy E., Alternative Schooling Strategies and the Religious Lives
of American Adolescents, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 4, 563–84.
VAISEY, Stephen, SMITH, Christian, Catholic Guilt among U.S. Teenagers:
A Research Note, Rev. Rel. Res., 2008, 49, 4, 415–26.
ZHAI, Jiexia Elisa, ELLISON, Christopher G., STOKES, Charles E., GLENN,
Norval D., “Spiritual, But Not Religious”: The Impact of Parental Divorce on
the Religious and Spiritual Identities of Young Adults in the United States, Rev.
Rel. Res., 2008, 49, 4, 379–94.
ZONDERVAN, Ton, God op/in het spel. Anders kijken naar en denken over
jongeren en religie, Rel. Sam., 2008, 3, 2, 129–38.
Religion et sexualité/Religion and sexuality
ABRAHAM, Ibrahim, “Sodomized by Religion”: Fictional Representations of
Queer Muslims in the West, Topia, 2008, 19, 137–52.
ALI, Suki, Troubling Times: A Comment on Judith Butler’s “Sexual Politics,
Torture and Secular Time”, Brit. Jour. Soc., 2008, 59, 1, 35–9.
Social Compass 56(3)
BECKFORD, James A., Secularism and Coercive Freedoms, Brit. Jour. Soc.,
2008, 59, 1, 41–5.
BOISVERT, Donald L., “I seek my satisfaction in you”: The sexual discourses of
Eugène Prévost, religious founder, St. Rel. Sc. Rel., 2008, 37, 3–4, 427–45.
BUTLER, Judith, A Response to Ali, Beckford, Bhatt, Modood and Woodhead,
Brit. Jour. Soc., 2008, 59, 2, 255–60.
BUTLER, Judith, Sexual Politics, Torture, and Secular Time (BJS Annual
Lecture), Brit. Jour. Soc., 2008, 59, 1, 1–23.
CADGE, Wendy, OLSON, Laura R., WILDEMAN, Christopher, How Denominational Resources Influence Debate about Homosexuality in Mainline
Protestant Congregations, Soc. Rel., 2008, 69, 2, 187–207.
CADGE, Wendy, WILDEMAN, Christopher, Facilitators and Advocates: How
Mainline Protestant Clergy Respond to Homosexuality, Soc. Perspec., 2008,
51, 3, 587–603.
CAMPBELL, David E., MONSON, J. Quin, The Religion Card, Pub. Op. Quart.,
2008, 72, 3, 399–419.
CLAGUE, Julie, The Moral Values of Europe: Marks or Wounds of Civilization?,
Concilium, 2008, 1, 29–38.
CULBERTSON, Philip, MALIKO, Tavita, “A G-String is Not Samoan”: Exploring
a Transgressive Third Gender Pasifika Theology, Concilium, 2008, 1, 62–72.
DUARTE, Luiz F.D., DE M. JABOR, Juliana, GOMES, Edlaine C., LUNA,
Naara, Family, Reproduction and Religious Ethos in Brazil. Subjectivism and
naturalism as structuring values, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008, 142, 113–30.
MAK, Heather K., TSANG, Jo-Ann, Separating the “Sinner” from the “Sin”:
Religious Orientation and Prejudiced Behavior toward Sexual Orientation and
Promiscuous Sex, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 3, 379–92.
MAVOR, Kenneth I., GALLOIS, Cindy, Social Group and Moral Orientation
Factors as Mediators of Religiosity and Multiple Attitude Targets, Jour. Sc. St.
Rel., 2008, 47, 3, 361–77.
McDUFF, Elaine, Organizational Context and the Sexual Harassment of Clergy,
Soc. Rel., 2008, 69, 3, 297–316.
NEIHEISEL, Jacob R., DJUPE, Paul A., Intra-Organizational Constraints on
Churches’ Public Witness, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 3, 427–41.
RECK, Norbert, Dangerous Desires: Catholic Approaches to Same-Sex Sexuality,
Concilium, 2008, 1, 15–28.
ROSADO-NUNES, Maria José, Direitos, cidadania das mulheres e religião,
Temp. Soc., 2008, 20, 2, 67–81.
RYAN, Charles, Homosexuality in South Africa, Concilium, 2008, 1, 39–48.
VAN GEEST, Fred, Christian Denominational and Special Interest Political Action on
Public Policy Issues Related to Sexual Orientation, Soc. Rel., 2008, 69, 3, 335–54.
WOODHEAD, Linda, Secular Privilege, Religious Disadvantage, Brit. Jour. Soc.,
2008, 59, 1, 53–8.
Religion et mort/Religion and death
ALCÁZAR HERNÁNDEZ, Sonia, Un Lugar para los Muertos. Problemáticas de
Higiene en la Ciudad de México Durante la Década de 1870, Rev. Cult. Rel.,
2008, 2, 1.
ALI, Farhana, POST, Jerrold, The History and Evolution of Martyrdom in
the Service of Defensive Jihad: An Analysis of Suicide Bombers in Current
Conflicts, Soc. Res., 2008, 75, 2, 615–54.
BAGNOL, Brigitte, Lovolo e espíritos no sul de Moçambique, Anal. Soc., 2008,
43–2, 187, 251–72.
Bibliographie/Bibliography 455
CASILLAS DE LA VEGA, Akira Gustavo, Ensayo Acerca de la Supervivencia
o no del Culto a los Muertos Prehispánico en el México Actual, Rev. Cult. Rel.,
2008, 2, 1, 1–16.
CREPEAU, Robert R., Le rite comme contexte de la mémoire des origines, Arch.
Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008, 141, 57–73.
GARCÍA HERNÁNDEZ, Alfonso Miguel, Re-pensar la Muerte: Hacia un
Entendimiento de la Antropología de la Muerte en el marco de la Ciencia, Rev.
Cult. Rel., 2008, 2, 1.
KATEB, George, Morality and Self-Sacrifice: Martyrdom and Self-Denial, Soc.
Res., 2008, 75, 2, 353–94.
LEE, Raymond L.M., Modernity, Mortality and Re-Enchantment: The Death
Taboo Revisited, Sociology, 2008, 42, 4, 745–59.
LING, Fang, GOOSSAERT, Vincent, Les réformes funéraires et la politique religieuse de l’État chinois, 1900–2008, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008, 144, 51–73.
MALVIDO, Elsa, La Muerte en la Lírica Infantil Colonial Mexicana, Rev. Cult.
Rel., 2008, 2, 1.
MANSILLA AGÜERO, Miguel Ángel, Los albores de la Antropología de la
Muerte. La muerte en los escritos de Tylor y Frazer, Rev. Cult. Rel., 2008, 2, 1.
MANSILLA AGÜERO, Miguel Ángel, Morir . . . Dormir . . . Vivir . . . ¿Cual es
la diferencia? Las actitudes de la muerte en el pentecostalismo criollo chileno
(1909–1936), Rev. Cult. Rel., 2008, 2, 3.
MELO CARRASCO, Diego, Gloria, sacrificio y martirio en la tradición preislámica y en el Islam clásico, Rev. Cult. Rel., 2008, 2, 1, 1–12.
MENEZES, Rachel A., Cuidados Paliativos: ¿Aceptación Social de la Muerte?,
Rev. Cult. Rel., 2008, 2, 1.
PETERSON, Anna L., PETERSON, Brandt G., Martyrdom, Sacrifice, and
Political Memory in El Salvador, Soc. Res., 2008, 75, 2, 511–42.
Cosmovisión mapuche y manifestaciones funerarias. Un viaje entre lo etéreo
y lo material, Rev. Cult. Rel., 2008, 2, 3.
TAPIA-ADLER, Ana María, Concepción de la Muerte en el Judaísmo, Rev. Cult.
Rel., 2008, 2, 1, 1–16.
WHITEHEAD, Neil L., ABUFARHA, Nasser, Suicide, Violence, and Cultural
Conceptions of Martyrdom in Palestine, Soc. Res., 2008, 75, 2, 395–416.
Religion et femmes/Religion and women
ADOGAME, Afeosemine, “I am married to Jesus!” The feminization of new
African diasporic religiosity, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008, 143, 129–49.
ANDRADE CARDEMIL, Rosa, Manos que sanan. Experiencia de Salud en
Mujeres Pentecostales chilenas, Rev. Cult. Rel., 2008, 2, 3.
BAKER, Joseph, Who Believes in Religious Evil? An Investigation of Sociological Patterns of Belief in Satan, Hell, and Demons, Rev. Rel. Res., 2008, 50,
2, 206–20.
BALLINAS, María Luisa, Religión, salud y género en la comunidad de El
Duraznal, Espiral, 2008, 14, 41, 141–67.
BUTLER, Judith, Sexual Politics, Torture, and Secular Time (BJS Annual
Lecture), Brit. Jour. Soc., 2008, 59, 1, 1–23.
CARLETON, Russell A., ESPARZA, Patricia, THAXTER, Peter J., GRANT,
Kathryn E., Stress, Religious Coping Resources, and Depressive Symptoms in
an Urban Adolescent Sample, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 1, 113–21.
DIALMY, Abdessamad, Les antinomies du port du voile, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55,
4, 561–80.
Social Compass 56(3)
MIN, Pyong Gap, Severe Underrepresentation of Women in Church Leadership
in the Korean Immigrant Community in the United States, Jour. Sc. St. Rel.,
2008, 47, 2, 225–41.
MINKJAN, Hanneke, Seeking Guidance from the Spirits: Neo-Shamanic
Divination Rituals in Modern Dutch Society, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55, 1, 54–65.
PETTS, Richard J., JOLLIFF, Anne, Religion and Adolescent Depression: The
Impact of Race and Gender, Rev. Rel. Res., 2008, 49, 4, 395–414.
READ, Jen’nan Ghazal, OSELIN, Sharon, Gender and Education-Employment
Paradox in Ethnic and Religious Contexts: The Case of Arab Americans, Am.
Soc. Rev., 2008, 73, 2, 296–313.
ROSADO-NUNES, Maria José, Direitos, cidadania das mulheres e religião,
Temp. Soc., 2008, 20, 2, 67–81.
SOINTU, Eeva, WOODHEAD, Linda, Spirituality, Gender, and Expressive
Selfhood, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 2, 259–76.
STEENHUISEN, Lauve H., Feminist theology and embedded fundamentalism:
Re-imagining reconsidered, St. Rel. Sc. Rel., 2008, 37, 2, 311–33.
STOLZ, Jörg, Débats autour de la sécularisation, la “guerre des genres” et le clivage entre qualitatif et quantitatif, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55, 2, 194–202.
SULLIVAN, Susan Crawford, Unaccompanied Children in Churches: Low-Income
Urban Single Mothers, Religion, and Parenting, Rev. Rel. Res., 2008, 50, 2, 157–75.
THOMPSON, Don, MILLER-PERRIN, Cindy, Vocational Discernment and
Action: An Exploratory Study of Male and Female University Professors, Rev.
Rel. Res., 2008, 50, 1, 97–119.
WILLOUGHBY, Michael T., CADIGAN, R. Jean, BURCHINAL, Margaret,
SKINNER, Debra, An Evaluation of the Psychometric Properties and Criterion
Validity of the Religious Social Support Scale, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 1,
WILSON, Jeff, “Deeply Female and Universally Human”: The Rise of Kuan-yin
Worship in America, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2008, 23, 3, 285–306.
WOODHEAD, Linda, Gendering Secularization Theory, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55,
2, 187–93.
WOODHEAD, Linda, Secular Privilege, Religious Disadvantage, Brit. Jour.
Soc., 2008, 59, 1, 53–8.
YANCEY, George, KIM, Ye Jung, Racial Diversity, Gender Equality, and SES
Diversity in Christian Congregations: Exploring the Connections of Racism,
Sexism, and Classism in Multiracial and Nonmultiracial Churches, Jour. Sc. St.
Rel., 2008, 47, 1, 103–11.
Religion et corps/Religion and body
ANDRADE CARDEMIL, Rosa, Manos que sanan. Experiencia de Salud en
Mujeres Pentecostales chilenas, Rev. Cult. Rel., 2008, 2, 3.
BALLINAS, María Luisa, Religión, salud y género en la comunidad de El
Duraznal, Espiral, 2008, 14, 41, 141–67.
BITTARELLO, Maria Beatrice, Shifting Realities? Changing Concepts of
Religion and the Body in Popular Culture and Neopaganism, Jour. Cont. Rel.,
2008, 23, 2, 215–32.
BRADSHAW, Matt, ELLISON, Christopher G., Do Genetic Factors Influence
Religious Life? Findings from a Behavior Genetic Analysis of Twin Siblings,
Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 4, 529–44.
BRADSHAW, Matt, ELLISON, Christopher G., FLANNELLY, Kevin J., Prayer,
God Imagery, and Symptoms of Psychopathology, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47,
4, 644–59.
Bibliographie/Bibliography 457
CASTRO, Luis Carlos, Tecnologías terapéuticas: sistema de interpretación en la
regla de ocha y el espiritismo bogotano, Antipo., 2008, 6, 133–51.
DENNEY, David, GABE, Jonathan, O’BEIRNE, Maria, Anglican Clergy
as Victims of Routinized Violent Activities in Urban and Rural Localities,
Sociology, 2008, 42, 1, 83–99.
ELLISON, Christopher G., BARRETT, Jennifer B., MOULTON, Benjamin E.,
Gender, Marital Status, and Alcohol Behavior: The Neglected Role of Religion,
Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 4, 660–77.
ELLISON, Christopher G., LEE, Jinwood, BENJAMINS, Maureen R., KRAUSE,
Neal M., RYAN, Daniel Nicole, Congregational Support Networks, Health
Beliefs, and Annual Medical Exams: Findings from a Nationwide Sample of
Presbyterians, Rev. Rel. Res., 2008, 50, 2, 176–93.
ELLISON, Christopher G., MUSICK, Marc A., HENDERSON, Andrea K., Balm
in Gilead: Racism, Religious Involvement, and Psychological Distress among
African-American Adults, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 2, 291–309.
GUERRERO, Bernardo, Religión y salud: prohibido asistir a la fiesta de la tirana,
Rev. Cien. Soc., 2008, 20, 81–94.
KRAUSE, Neal, Religious Doubt and Psychological Well-Being: A Longitudinal
Investigation, Rev. Rel. Res., 2008, 50, Special, 94–100.
LUNA, Naara, Religiosidade no contexto das terapias com células-tronco: uma
investigação comparativa entre pesquisadores “iniciantes e iniciados” e seus
pacientes, Relig. e Soc., 2008, 28, 2, 156–78.
NEFF, James Alan, A New Multidimensional Measure of Spirituality-Religiosity
for Use in Diverse Substance Abuse Treatment Populations, Jour. Sc. St. Rel.,
2008, 47, 3, 393–409.
PETTS, Richard J., JOLLIFF, Anne, Religion and Adolescent Depression: The
Impact of Race and Gender, Rev. Rel. Res., 2008, 49, 4, 395–414.
RABELO, Miriam, A possessão como prática: esboço de uma reflexão fenomenológica, Mana, 2008, 14, 1, 87–117.
SCHIEMAN, Scott, The Education-Contingent Association between Religiosity
and Health: The Differential Effects of Self-Esteem and the Sense of Mastery,
Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 4, 710–24.
SEGATO, Rita Laura, Closing Ranks: Religion, Society and Politics Today, Soc.
Comp., 2008, 55, 2, 203–15.
SILVA, César Augusto de Assis, TEIXEIRA, Jacqueline Moraes, Entre a “cultura surda” e a cura da surdez: análise comparativa das práticas da Igreja
Batista e da Igreja Internacional da Graça de Deus no Brasil, Rev. Cult. Rel.,
2008, 2, 3.
SOINTU, Eeva, WOODHEAD, Linda, Spirituality, Gender, and Expressive
Selfhood, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 2, 259–76.
VONARX, Nicolas, Vodou et pluralisme médico-religieux en Haïti: du vodou
dans tous les espaces de soins, Anthr. Soc., 2008, 32, 3, 213–31.
Distribution géographique des religions dans le monde
Geographical distribution of religions in the world
Problèmes généraux
General problems
BLANES, Ruy Llera, SARRÓ, Ramon, European Christianities at the turn of the
millennium: an introduction, Etnografica, 2008, 12, 2, 371–6.
Social Compass 56(3)
HSU, Becky, REYNOLDS, Amy, HACKETT, Conrad, GIBBON, James,
Estimating the Religious Composition of All Nations: An Empirical Assessment
of the World Christian Database, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 4, 678–93.
ROBBINS, Joel, Sobre alteridade e o sagrado em uma época de globalização:
o “trans” em “transnacional” é o mesmo “trans” de “transcendente”?, Mana,
2008, 14, 1, 119–39.
ADOGAME, Afeosemine, “I am married to Jesus!” The feminization of new
African diasporic religiosity, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008, 143, 129–49.
BLEUZEN, Brigitte, “Africains” en paroisses de banlieues, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel.,
2008, 143, 215–34.
COYAULT, Bernard, Un Kilombo à Paris. L’itinéraire d’une prophétesse de
l’Église évangélique du Congo, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008, 143, 151–73.
ESSOMBA FOUDA, Antoine, Veneration of Mary in Africa, Concilium, 2008,
4, 87–95.
FANCELLO, Sandra, Les pentecôtismes “indigènes”. La double scène africaine
et européenne, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008, 143, 69–89.
HENRY, Christine, NORET, Joël, Le Christianisme Céleste en France et en
Belgique, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008, 143, 91–109.
LADO, Ludovico, Il pentecostalismo in Africa, Civ. Catt., 2008, 3, 3798, 502–11.
LAURENT, Pierre-Joseph, FURTADO, Claudio, Le pentecôtisme brésilien au
Cap-Vert. L’Église Universelle du Royaume de Dieu, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008,
141, 113–31.
LUCA, Nathalie, Postface. Entre l’ethnie et la secte: les dérives de l’essentialisme,
Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008, 143, 235–51.
MARY, André, Actualité du paganisme et contemporanéité des prophétismes,
L’Homme, 2008, 185–186, 365–86.
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Social Compass 56(3)
EVERS, Georg, Christianity in China – a Case of Missed Opportunities?,
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FIELDER, Caroline, The Growth of the Protestant Church in Rural China,
Concilium, 2008, 2, 47–57.
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PAPAS, Alexandre, Les tombeaux de saints musulmans au Xinjiang. Culte,
réforme, histoire, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008, 142, 47–62.
TANG, Edmond, The Changing Landscape of Chinese Christianity, Concilium,
2008, 2, 13–23.
XU, Jilin, Spiritual Crises and Renaissance of Religions in Contemporary China,
Concilium, 2008, 2, 38–46.
YING, Fuk-Tsang, Mutual Adaptation to Socialism: TSPM and Church-State
Relations, Concilium, 2008, 2, 71–87.
BACQ, Philippe, Nouvelle génération et renaissance de l’Église, Projet, 2008,
305, 83–90.
BERNTS, Ton, DEKKER, Gerard, DE HART, Joep, God in Nederland: inzichten
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Morphologie du champ religieux
Morphology of the religious field
Ensembles historiques et dénominationnels
Denominational and historical ensembles
Problèmes généraux/General problems
BLANCARTE, Roberto, Laicidad y laicismo en América Latina, Est. Soc., 2008,
26, 1, 139–54.
LIDA, Miranda, Las masas católicas en los años de la dictadura, 1976–1982,
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inocentes y la conquista de América, CLAEH, 2008, 31, 1–2, 76–89.
Religions dans les sociétés archaïques/Religions in archaic societies
Problèmes généraux/General problems
MENDEZ AGUIRRE, Víctor Hugo, Madre terrible. La diosa en la religión del
México Antiguo. Solares, Blanca (Book Review), Rev. Cien. Soc., 2008, 21, 95–9.
Les grandes religions dans le monde actuel – Études générales/
The great religions in today’s world – General studies
Problèmes généraux/General problems
AARTS, Olav, NEED, Ariana, TE GROTENHUIS, Manfred, DE GRAAF, Nan
Dirk, Does Belonging Accompany Believing? Correlations and Trends in
Western Europe and North America between 1981 and 2000, Rev. Rel. Res.,
2008, 50, 1, 16–24.
ANDRADE CARDEMIL, Rosa, Manos que sanan. Experiencia de Salud en
Mujeres Pentecostales chilenas, Rev. Cult. Rel., 2008, 2, 3.
BASTIAN, Jean-Pierre, En dialogo con la obra de Lalive d’Epinay. Búsquedas
de una sociología histórica del cambio religioso en América Latina, Rev. Cult.
Rel., 2008, 2, 2.
Social Compass 56(3)
BATAILLON, Gilles, Trabajo del antropólogo y trabajo de los testigos, la
Mosquitia 1982–2007, Est. Soc., 2008, 26, 3, 509–55.
BERG, Herbert, ROLLENS, Sarah, The historical Muhammad and the historical
Jesus: A comparison of scholarly reinventions and reinterpretations, St. Rel. Sc.
Rel., 2008, 37, 2, 271–92.
BLANCARTE, Roberto, Laicidad y laicismo en América Latina, Est. Soc., 2008,
26, 1, 139–54.
BOGLIONI, Pietro, Du paganisme au christianisme. La mémoire des lieux et des
temps, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008, 144, 75–92.
BORTOLINI, Matteo, Profezie e minoranze creative, Rel. Soc., 2008, 61, 42–55.
CORTÉS GUERRERO, José David, Las Nuevas Tribus y los indígenas de la
Amazonia. Historia de una presencia protestante, de Gabriel Cabrera Becerra
(Book Review), Rev. Col. Ant., 2008, 44, 1, 223–7.
DJUPE, Paul A., GILBERT, Christopher P., Politics and Church: Byproduct or
Central Mission?, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 1, 45–62.
EDGELL, Penny, We Still Don’t Know If Christianity “Works”, Much Less Why:
Response to Smith, Soc. Rel., 2008, 69, 4, 445–52.
EVERS, Georg, Christianity in China – a Case of Missed Opportunities?,
Concilium, 2008, 2, 24–37.
FIELDER, Caroline, The Growth of the Protestant Church in Rural China,
Concilium, 2008, 2, 47–57.
FLERE, Sergej, KLANJSEK, Rudi, Serbian Orthodox Religiousness: An
Empirical and Comparative Portrait, Rev. Rel. Res., 2008, 50, 1, 35–48.
FLERE, Sergej, Questioning the Need for a Special Methodology for the Study
of Eastern Orthodoxy, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55, 1, 84–100.
GARMA NAVARRO, Carlos, El dialogo inconcluso. Recepción de “El
Refugio de las Masas” de Christian Lalive d’Epinay en México, Rev. Cult.
Rel., 2008, 2, 2.
GUANG-HU, He, Three Generations of Chinese Christianity Researchers: from
the 1950s to 2007, Concilium, 2008, 2, 58–70.
HACKETT, Conrad, LINDSAY, D. Michael, Measuring Evangelicalism:
Consequences of Different Operationalization Strategies, Jour. Sc. St. Rel.,
2008, 47, 3, 499–514.
HOGE, Dean R., Interpreting Change in American Catholicism: The River and
the Floodgate, Rev. Rel. Res., 2008, 50, Special, 55–65.
LEFEBVRE, Solange, Sanctuaires catholiques au Québec, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel.,
2008, 141, 33–56.
LIDA, Miranda, La catedral en la Penitenciaría. Historia de un fastuoso proyecto
urbanístico para Buenos Aires (1934), Temas, 2008, 13, 125–52.
LYNCH, Thomas, Rephrasing the Question: A Response to Smith, Soc. Rel.,
2008, 69, 4, 459–65.
MANSILLA AGÜERO, Miguel Ángel, El refugio de las masas 1968–2008:
A cuarenta años de su publicación, Rev. Cult. Rel., 2008, 2, 2.
MANSILLA AGÜERO, Miguel Ángel, Morir . . . Dormir . . . Vivir . . . ¿Cual es
la diferencia? Las actitudes de la muerte en el pentecostalismo criollo chileno
(1909–1936), Rev. Cult. Rel., 2008, 2, 3.
MARIANO, Ricardo, El refugio de las masas: recepción de la obra de Lavive
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MARIZ, Cecília L., MACHADO, Dores C., A propos de l’inculturation dans le
catholicisme brésilien contemporain, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55, 3, 290–303.
MARY, André, Actualité du paganisme et contemporanéité des prophétismes,
L’Homme, 2008, 185–186, 365–86.
MARY, André, Introduction. Africanité et christianité: une interaction première,
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Bibliographie/Bibliography 463
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MEZIE, Nadège, Les évangéliques cartographient le monde. Le spiritual mapping, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008, 142, 63–85.
MITCHELL, Claire, TILLEY, James, Disaggregating Conservative Protestant
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MOBERG, David O., Protestantism as a Statistical Fiction and “The New
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SILVA, César Augusto de Assis, TEIXEIRA, Jacqueline Moraes, Entre a “cultura
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TOMASI, Silvano, Migration and Catholicism in a Global Context, Concilium,
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VARGUEZ, Luis A., Construyendo y reconstruyendo las fronteras de la tradición y la modernidad. La Iglesia católica y el Movimiento de Renovación
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Social Compass 56(3)
VILAÇA, Aparecida, Conversão, predação e perspectiva, Mana, 2008, 14, 1,
YAMANE, David, Forum on Christian Smith’s “Why Christianity Works”:
Editor’s Introduction, Soc. Rel., 2008, 69, 4, 441–3.
ZANOLLI, Carlos Eduardo, Entre la coerción, la oportunidad y la salvación. Las
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2008, 19, 345–68.
ABENANTE, Matteo, I sensi politici del sufismo, Rel. Soc., 2008, 61, 56–65.
AL-HAYANI, Fatima Agha, Muslim Perspectives on Stem Cell Research and
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Conflicts, Soc. Res., 2008, 75, 2, 615–54.
BACQ, Philippe, Nouvelle génération et renaissance de l’Église, Projet, 2008,
305, 83–90.
BENCHEIKH, Ghaleb, L’islam dans la laïcité, Projet, 2008, 306, 65–7.
BERG, Herbert, ROLLENS, Sarah, The historical Muhammad and the historical
Jesus: A comparison of scholarly reinventions and reinterpretations, St. Rel. Sc.
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BRAGUE, Rémi, GAUCHET, Marcel, SFEIR, Antoine, BARNAVI, Elie, Autour
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BRANCA, Paolo, Cristianesimo e islam. Conversioni di ieri e di oggi, Agg. Soc.,
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CAMPANINI, Massimo, Radicali e moderati nell’islamismo egiziano, Mulino,
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KALPAKIAN, Jack Vahram, A Tug-of-War over Islam: Religious Faith, Politics and
the Moroccan Response to Islamist Violence, Jour. Ch. St., 2008, 50, 1, 119–33.
LEWIS, Bernard, L’Europe et l’Islam, Débat, 2008, 150, 16–29.
MEDDEB, Abdelwahad, L’avenir de l’islam contemporain. Entretien avec
Abdelwahab Meddeb, Débat, 2008, 150, 4–15.
MELO CARRASCO, Diego, Gloria, sacrificio y martirio en la tradición preislámica y en el Islam clásico, Rev. Cult. Rel., 2008, 2, 1, 1–12.
PAPAS, Alexandre, Les tombeaux de saints musulmans au Xinjiang. Culte,
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TEZCUR, Gunes Murat, AZADARMAKI, Taghi, Religiosity and Islamic Rule in
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Confucianisme – Hindouisme – Bouddhisme/Confucianism –
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Social Compass 56(3)
WILSON, Jeff, “Deeply Female and Universally Human”: The Rise of Kuan-yin
Worship in America, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2008, 23, 3, 285–306.
WOOD, Martin, Divine Appetites: Food Miracles, Authority and Religious
Identities in the Gujarati Hindu Diaspora, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2008, 23, 3, 337–53.
BAUM, Steven K., RUDSKI, Jeffrey M., Anti-Semitism and Superstition
(Research Note), Jour. Cont. Rel., 2008, 23, 1, 77–86.
CHISWICK, Barry R., HUANG, Jidong, The Earnings of American Jewish Men:
Human Capital, Denomination, and Religiosity, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 4,
COHEN, Martine, Les déclinaisons historiques du franco-judaïsme et ses critiques contemporaines. “Peut-on être un juif émancipé?” (Emmanuel Levinas),
Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008, 144, 141–61.
COPPA, Frank J., Between Morality and Diplomacy: The Vatican’s “Silence”
during the Holocaust, Jour. Ch. St., 2008, 50, 3, 541–68.
DEIN, Simon, DAWSON, Lorne L., The “Scandal” of the Lubavitch Rebbe:
Messianism as a Response to Failed Prophecy, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2008, 23, 2,
KLEIN, Théo, Sortir de soi. Entretiens avec Théo Klein, Débat, 2008, 152,
MALKA, Victor, Judaïsme, modernité normative et modernité critique. Stéphane
Mosès, Esprit, 2008, 343, 211–15.
SHOHAT, Ella, Os sefarditas em Israel: o sionismo do ponto de vista das vítimas
judaicas, Nov. Est. CEBRAP, 2007, 79, 117–36.
TAPIA-ADLER, Ana María, Concepción de la Muerte en el Judaísmo, Rev. Cult.
Rel., 2008, 2, 1, 1–16.
ZAKOVITCH, Yair, Disgrace: The Lies of the Patriarch, Soc. Res., 2008, 75, 4,
Autres religions/Other religions
JACOBS, Janet, Memorializing the Sacred: Kristallnacht in German National
Memory, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 3, 485–98.
Analyse interne des systèmes religieux
Internal analysis of religious systems
Études générales/General studies
BERG, Herbert, ROLLENS, Sarah, The historical Muhammad and the historical
Jesus: A comparison of scholarly reinventions and reinterpretations, St. Rel. Sc.
Rel., 2008, 37, 2, 271–92.
BRODER, Anne, Mahikari in Context: Kamigakari, Chinkon kishin, and
Psychical Investigation on Omoto-lineage Religions, Jap. Jour. Rel. Studies,
2008, 35, 2, 331–62.
HACKETT, Conrad, LINDSAY, D. Michael, Measuring Evangelicalism:
Consequences of Different Operationalization Strategies, Jour. Sc. St. Rel.,
2008, 47, 3, 499–514.
MITCHELL, Claire, TILLEY, James, Disaggregating Conservative Protestant
Groups in Northern Ireland: Overlapping Categories and the Importance of a
Born-Again Self-Identification, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 4, 738–52.
MOBERG, David O., Protestantism as a Statistical Fiction and “The New
Denominationalism”, Rev. Rel. Res., 2008, 50, Special, 30–2.
Bibliographie/Bibliography 467
REPSTAD, Pål, From Sin to a Gift from God: Constructions of Change in
Conservative Christian Organizations, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2008, 23, 1, 17–31.
WEIR, Lorna, The Concept of Truth Regime, Cah. Can. Soc., 2008, 33, 2,
Rapports sociaux entre membres d’une confession/Social relationships
among members of one confession
Problèmes généraux/General problems
BACQ, Philippe, Nouvelle génération et renaissance de l’Église, Projet, 2008,
305, 83–90
BORTOLINI, Matteo, Profezie e minoranze creative, Rel. Soc., 2008, 61, 42–55.
SCHWARTZ, Daniel, Libra a los que son llevados a la muerte. La defensa de los
inocentes y la conquista de América, CLAEH, 2008, 31, 1–2, 76–89.
WOOD, Martin, Divine Appetites: Food Miracles, Authority and Religious
Identities in the Gujarati Hindu Diaspora, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2008, 23, 3,
Contrôle social/Social control
GREMY, Jean-Paul, Une enquête au début du Xème siècle: le questionnaire
synodal de Réginon de Prüm, Eur. Jour. Soc., 2008, 49, 2, 325–59.
SAINT-LARY, Maud, “S’il ment, que l’accusé soit maudit par la mosquée”.
Anthropologie d’une épreuve juratoire au Burkina Faso, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel.,
2008, 144, 93–108.
SALAZAR, Carles, Prayer and symbolization in an Irish Catholic community,
Etnografica, 2008, 12, 2, 387–402.
AARTS, Olav, NEED, Ariana, TE GROTENHUIS, Manfred, DE GRAAF, Nan
Dirk, Does Belonging Accompany Believing? Correlations and Trends in
Western Europe and North America between 1981 and 2000, Rev. Rel. Res.,
2008, 50, 1, 16–24.
BAKER, Joseph, Who Believes in Religious Evil? An Investigation of
Sociological Patterns of Belief in Satan, Hell, and Demons, Rev. Rel. Res.,
2008, 50, 2, 206–20.
BEKKERS, René, SCHUYT, Theo, And Who is Your Neighbor? Explaining
Denominational Differences in Charitable Giving and Volunteering in the
Netherlands, Rev. Rel. Res., 2008, 50, 1, 74–96.
BORGONOVI, Francesca, Divided We Stand, United We Fall: Religious
Pluralism, Giving, and Volunteering, Am. Soc. Rev., 2008, 73, 1, 105–28.
CHISWICK, Barry R., HUANG, Jidong, The Earnings of American Jewish Men:
Human Capital, Denomination, and Religiosity, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 4,
CONNOR, Phillip, Increase or Decrease? The Impact of the International
Migratory Event on Immigrant Religious Participation, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008,
47, 2, 243–57.
DISALVO, Katherine, Understanding an Outlier: How Parish Culture Matters in
a Highly Participatory Catholic Church, Rev. Rel. Res., 2008, 49, 4, 438–55.
ELLISON, Christopher G., LEE, Jinwood, BENJAMINS, Maureen R., KRAUSE,
Neal M., RYAN, Daniel Nicole, Congregational Support Networks, Health
Social Compass 56(3)
Beliefs, and Annual Medical Exams: Findings from a Nationwide Sample of
Presbyterians, Rev. Rel. Res., 2008, 50, 2, 176–93.
ELLISON, Christopher G., MUSICK, Marc A., HENDERSON, Andrea K., Balm
in Gilead: Racism, Religious Involvement, and Psychological Distress among
African-American Adults, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 2, 291–309.
EMERSON, Michael O., YANCEY, George, African Americans in Interracial
Congregations: An Analysis of Demographics, Social Networks, and Social
Attitudes, Rev. Rel. Res., 2008, 49, 3, 301–18.
FIELD, Clive D., A Shilling for Queen Elizabeth: The Era of State Regulation of
Church Attendance in England, 1552–1969, Jour. Ch. St., 2008, 50, 2, 213–53.
FOX, Jonathan, TABORY, Ephraim, Contemporary Evidence Regarding the
Impact of State Regulation of Religion on Religious Participation and Belief,
Soc. Rel., 2008, 69, 3, 245–71.
FROESE, Paul, BADER, Christopher, SMITH, Buster, Political Tolerance and
God’s Wrath in the United States, Soc. Rel., 2008, 69, 1, 29–44.
GLANVILLE, Jennifer L., SIKKINK, David, HERNANDEZ, Edwin I.,
Religious Involvement and Educational Outcomes: The Role of Social Capital
and Extracurricular Participation, Soc. Quart., 2008, 49, 1, 105–37.
GUERRERO, Bernardo, Religión y salud: prohibido asistir a la fiesta de la tirana,
Rev. Cien. Soc., 2008, 20, 81–94.
LIDA, Miranda, Las masas católicas en los años de la dictadura, 1976–1982,
Entrepasados, 2008, 17, 34, 55–73.
LINDSAY, D. Michael, Mind the Gap: Religion and the Crucible of Marginality
in the United States and Great Britain, Soc. Quart., 2008, 49, 4, 653–88.
McBRIDE, Michael, Religious Pluralism and Religious Participation: A Game
Theoretic Analysis, Am. Jour. Soc., 2008, 114, 1, 77–106.
MENCKEN, F. Carson, BADER, Christopher D., STARK, Rodney, Conventional
Christian Beliefs and Experimentation with the Paranormal, Rev. Rel. Res.,
2008, 50, 2, 194–205.
MITCHELL, Claire, TILLEY, James, Disaggregating Conservative Protestant
Groups in Northern Ireland: Overlapping Categories and the Importance of a
Born-Again Self-Identification, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 4, 738–52.
OLSON, Daniel V.A., Why Do Small Religious Groups Have More Committed
Members? (2006 Presidential Address), Rev. Rel. Res., 2008, 49, 4, 353–78.
OLSON, Paul J., Any Given Sunday: Weekly Church Attendance in a Midwestern
City, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 3, 443–61.
POLLACK, Detlef, Religious Change in Europe: Theoretical Considerations and
Empirical Findings, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55, 2, 168–86.
SCHIEMAN, Scott, The Education-Contingent Association between Religiosity
and Health: The Differential Effects of Self-Esteem and the Sense of Mastery,
Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 4, 710–24.
SCHLEHOFER, Michele M., OMOTO, Allen M., ADELMAN, Janice R., How
Do “Religion” and “Spirituality” Differ? Lay Definitions among Older Adults,
Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 3, 411–25.
STARK, Rodney, MAIER, Jared, Faith and Happiness, Rev. Rel. Res., 2008, 50,
1, 120–5.
STROMSNES, Kristin, The Importance of Church Attendance and Membership
of Religious Voluntary Organizations for the Formation of Social Capital, Soc.
Comp., 2008, 55, 4, 478–96.
WILLOUGHBY, Michael T., CADIGAN, R. Jean, BURCHINAL, Margaret,
SKINNER, Debra, An Evaluation of the Psychometric Properties and Criterion
Validity of the Religious Social Support Scale, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 1,
Bibliographie/Bibliography 469
WUTHNOW, Robert, LEWIS, Valerie, Religion and Altruistic U.S. Foreign
Policy Goals: Evidence from a National Survey of Church Members, Jour. Sc.
St. Rel., 2008, 47, 2, 191–209.
AZEVEDO, Ferdinand pe., Os antecedentes históricos do conflito entre dom
vital e o regalismo brasileiro e a sua resolução ineficaz, R. E. B., 2008, 68, 269,
CASTALDI, Carlo, A aparição do demônio no Catulé, Temp. Soc., 2008, 20, 1,
CHOU, Hui-Tzu Grace, The Impact of Congregational Characteristics on
Conflict-Related Exit, Soc. Rel., 2008, 69, 1, 93–108.
GARCIA ROCA, Joaquín, Claves y estrategias del tradicionalismo actual, Igl.
Viva, 2008, 235, 27–48.
MEDEIROS, Bartolomeu Tito Figueirôa de, Deslocamentos em dois cortejos
processionais católicos, Relig. e Soc., 2008, 28, 1, 125–45.
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actual y perspectiva de género, Igl. Viva, 2008, 235, 83–94.
SCHLEGEL, Jean-Louis, La révolution dans l’Église, Esprit, 2008, 343, 54–71.
VELASCO, Demetrio, El resurgimiento del tradicionalismo católico, Igl. Viva,
2008, 235, 7–26.
Croyances, attitudes et culture religieuse/Beliefs, attitudes
and religious culture
Problèmes généraux/General problems
BLANCARTE, Roberto, Laicidad y laicismo en América Latina, Est. Soc., 2008,
26, 1, 139–54.
VELLENGA, Sipco J., Hope for Healing: The Mobilization of Interest in Three
Types of Religious Healing in the Netherlands since 1850, Soc. Comp., 2008,
55, 3, 330–50.
Rites, liturgies, dévotions, sacrements/Rites, liturgies, devotions, sacrements
ADAMIAK, Elzbieta, Developments in Mariology, Concilium, 2008, 4, 34–43.
BOFF, Clodovis, Towards a Social Mariology, Concilium, 2008, 4, 44–56.
BRADSHAW, Matt, ELLISON, Christopher G., FLANNELLY, Kevin J., Prayer,
God Imagery, and Symptoms of Psychopathology, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47,
4, 644–59.
CHANTRE, Luc, Trois pèlerins à La Mecque. Mutation des formes de l’échange
au cœur des lieux saints de l’Islam, Esprit, 2008, 341, 52–63.
CLOONEY, Francis X., Mary, Mother of Mylapore: Symbolic Engagement as an
Inter-religious Transaction, Concilium, 2008, 4, 77–86.
COLLINS, Randall, The Four M’s of Religion: Magic, Membership, Morality
and Mysticism (H. Paul Douglas Lecture), Rev. Rel. Res., 2008, 50, 1, 5–15.
CREPEAU, Robert R., Le rite comme contexte de la mémoire des origines, Arch.
Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008, 141, 57–73.
ESSOMBA FOUDA, Antoine, Veneration of Mary in Africa, Concilium, 2008,
4, 87–95.
HAFNER, Johann, Monstranz – Gott zeigen. Das Fronleichnamsfest aus systemtheoretischer Perspektive, Z. R. G. G., 2008, 60, 1, 20–40.
Social Compass 56(3)
IRRAZABAL, Diego, Mary in Latin American Christianity, Concilium, 2008, 4,
KAUFMAN, Suzanne, Our Lady of Lourdes: Faith and Commerce at a Marian
Shrine, Concilium, 2008, 4, 116–25.
LING, Fang, GOOSSAERT, Vincent, Les réformes funéraires et la politique religieuse de l’État chinois, 1900–2008, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008, 144, 51–73.
MACAGNO, Lorenzo, Islã, transe e liminaridade, Rev. Antr. USP, 2007, 50, 1,
McCALLION, Michael J., BENNETT-CARPENTER, Benjamin, Displays of
Faith: Material/Visual Versus Cognitive/Verbal, Rev. Rel. Res., 2008, 49, 4,
PAPAS, Alexandre, Les tombeaux de saints musulmans au Xinjiang. Culte,
réforme, histoire, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008, 142, 47–62.
RODRIGUEZ, Jeanette, Tonanzin Guadelupe: from Passion, Death, to Resurrection, Concilium, 2008, 4, 106–15.
SALAZAR, Carles, Prayer and symbolization in an Irish Catholic community,
Etnografica, 2008, 12, 2, 387–402.
SHARABY, Rachel, The Holiday of Holidays: A Triple-Holiday Festival for
Christians, Jews and Muslims, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55, 4, 581–96.
SUAREZ, Hugo José, Peregrinacion barrial de la Virgen de San Juan de los
Lagos en Guanajuato. Agentes para-eclesiales, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008, 142,
TAPIA-ADLER, Ana María, Concepción de la Muerte en el Judaísmo, Rev. Cult.
Rel., 2008, 2, 1, 1–16.
VARGUEZ, Luis A., Construyendo y reconstruyendo las fronteras de la tradición y la modernidad. La Iglesia católica y el Movimiento de Renovación
Carismática en el Espíritu Santo, Conver., 2008, 15, 46, 195–224.
VERSTEEG, Peter, L’évolution liturgique comme réponse à la sécularisation: le
cas de deux Églises protestantes aux Pays-Bas, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55, 1, 42–53.
WARNER, R. Stephen, 2007 Presidential Address: Singing and Solidarity, Jour.
Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 2, 175–90.
WILSON, Jeff, “Deeply Female and Universally Human”: The Rise of Kuan-yin
Worship in America, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2008, 23, 3, 285–306.
ALGRANTI, Joaquín, De la sanidad del cuerpo a la sanidad del alma: estudio
sobre la lógica de construcción de las identidades colectivas en el neopentecostalismo argentino, Relig. e Soc., 2008, 28, 2, 179–209.
BAHR, Howard M., Finding Oneself among the Saints: Thomas F. O’Dea,
Mormon Intellectuals and the Future of Mormon Orthodoxy, Jour. Sc. St. Rel.,
2008, 47, 3, 463–84.
BRADNICK, David, A Pentecostal Perspective on Entropy, Emergent Systems,
and Eschatology, Zygon, 2008, 43, 4, 925–42.
DAVIS, Marjorie Hall, Structures of Evil Encountered in Pastoral Counseling,
Zygon, 2008, 43, 3, 665–80.
GRAY, Don, Beyond Orthodoxy: Social Theology and the Views of Protestant
Clergy on Social Issues, Rev. Rel. Res., 2008, 50, 2, 221–40.
GRULA, John W., Pantheism Reconstructed: Ecotheology as a Successor to the
Judeo-Christian, Enlightenment, and Postmodernist Paradigms, Zygon, 2008,
43, 1, 159–80.
JACKELEN, Antje, An Intellectual Honest Theology, Zygon, 2008, 43, 1, 43–55.
JONES, Nicholaos, Evidence and Falsification: Challenges to Gregory Peterson,
Zygon, 2008, 43, 3, 599–604.
Bibliographie/Bibliography 471
JONES, Nicholaos, Is Theology Respectable as Metaphysics?, Zygon, 2008, 43,
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History: A Neurophenomenological Account, Zygon, 2008, 43, 4, 823–36.
LASSAVE, Pierre, Code, codex et autres affaires (compte-rendu), Arch. Sc. Soc.
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LIMA, Diana Nogueira de Oliveira, “Prosperidade” na década de 1990: etnografia do compromisso de trabalho entre Deus e o fiel da Igreja Universal do
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MARIZ, Cecília L., MACHADO, Dores C., À propos de l’inculturation dans le
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MURPHY, Nancy, Arthur Peacocke’s Naturalistic Christian Faith for the TwentyFirst Century: A Brief Introduction, Zygon, 2008, 43, 1, 67–73.
MUSTAFA, Tariq, Development of Objective Criteria to Evaluate the Authenticity
of Revelation, Zygon, 2008, 43, 3, 737–44.
PEDERSON, Ann Milliken, The Centrality of Incarnation, Zygon, 2008, 43, 1,
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PETERS, Karl E., Understanding and Responding to Human Evil: A Multicausal
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REICH, K. Helmut, Science-and-Religion/Spirituality Dialogue: What for and by
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REPSTAD, Pål, From Sin to a Gift from God: Constructions of Change in
Conservative Christian Organizations, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2008, 23, 1, 17–31.
RHANI, Zakaria, Les récits abrahamiques dans les traditions judaïque et islamique, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008, 142, 27–46.
ROUDOMETOF, Victor, Greek Orthodoxy, Territoriality, and Globality:
Religious Responses and Institutional Disputes, Soc. Rel., 2008, 69, 1, 67–91.
ROUSSEL, Jean-François, ROBITAILLE, Steve, Libéraliser le communautarisme? Une proposition théologique de David G. Horrell examinée en contexte
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SCANDRETT-LEATHERMAN, Craig, Anthropology, Polanyi, and Afropentecostal Ritual: A Scientific and Theological Epistemology of Participation,
Zygon, 2008, 43, 4, 909–23.
SCHAAB, Gloria L., Evolutionary Theory and Theology: A Mutually Illuminative
Dialogue, Zygon, 2008, 43, 1, 9–18.
SCHLEGEL, Jean-Louis, L’eschatologie et l’apocalypse dans l’histoire: un bilan
controversé, Esprit, 2008, 343, 88–103.
SMITH, James K. A., Is the Universe Open for Surprise? Pentecostal Ontology
and the Spirit of Naturalism, Zygon, 2008, 43, 4, 879–96.
STUDEBAKER, Steven M., The Spirit in Creation: A Unified Theology of Grace
and Creation Care, Zygon, 2008, 43, 4, 943–60.
WILDMAN, Wesley J., Hand in Glove: Evaluating the Fit between Method and
Theology in van Huyssteen’s Interpretation of Human Uniqueness, Zygon,
2008, 43, 2, 475–91.
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Social Compass 56(3)
YONG, Amos, Divining “Divine Action” in Theology-and-Science: A Review
Essay, Zygon, 2008, 43, 1, 191–200.
YONG, Amos, Natural Laws and Divine Intervention: What Difference Does
Being Pentecostal or Charismatic Make?, Zygon, 2008, 43, 4, 961–89.
YONG, Amos, Pentecostalism, Science, and Creation: New Voices in the
Theology-Science Conversation (Introduction), Zygon, 2008, 43, 4, 875–7.
Croyances at attitudes/Beliefs and attitudes
Nan Dirk, Does Belonging Accompany Believing? Correlations and Trends in
Western Europe and North America between 1981 and 2000, Rev. Rel. Res.,
2008, 50, 1, 16–24.
AMMERMAN, Nancy T., Southern Baptist and the New Christian Right, Rev.
Rel. Res., 2008, 50, Special, 69–91.
Catherine, ADLER, Gary, CHAVES, Mark, Dearly Departed: How Often Do
Congregations Close?, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 2, 321–8.
BADE, Mary K., COOK, Stephen W., Functions of Christian Prayer in the
Coping Process, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 1, 123–33.
BAKER, Joseph, Who Believes in Religious Evil? An Investigation of Sociological
Patterns of Belief in Satan, Hell, and Demons, Rev. Rel. Res., 2008, 50, 2, 206–20.
BATSON, C. Daniel, DENTON, Drew M., VOLLMECKE, Jason T., Quest
Religion, Anti-Fundamentalism, and Limited Versus Universal Compassion,
Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 1, 135–45.
BAUM, Steven K., RUDSKI, Jeffrey M., Anti-Semitism and Superstition
(Research Note), Jour. Cont. Rel., 2008, 23, 1, 77–86.
BEKKERS, René, SCHUYT, Theo, And Who is Your Neighbor? Explaining
Denominational Differences in Charitable Giving and Volunteering in the
Netherlands, Rev. Rel. Res., 2008, 50, 1, 74–96.
BORGONOVI, Francesca, Divided We Stand, United We Fall: Religious
Pluralism, Giving, and Volunteering, Am. Soc. Rev., 2008, 73, 1, 105–28.
BRADSHAW, Matt, ELLISON, Christopher G., Do Genetic Factors Influence
Religious Life? Findings from a Behavior Genetic Analysis of Twin Siblings,
Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 4, 529–44.
BRADSHAW, Matt, ELLISON, Christopher G., FLANNELLY, Kevin J., Prayer,
God Imagery, and Symptoms of Psychopathology, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47,
4, 644–59.
BRAÑAS, Pablo, NEUMAN, Shoshana, Acciones y creencias religiosas.
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BULLIVANT, Stephen, Sociology and the Study of Atheism (Research Note),
Jour. Cont. Rel., 2008, 23, 3, 363–8.
CALFANO, Brian Robert, Christianity and the Common Good: Generating
Benevolence and Pursuing the Decent Equilibrium in International Fieldwork,
Jour. Ch. St., 2008, 50, 1, 101–17.
CASTRO, Luis Carlos, Tecnologías terapéuticas: sistema de interpretación en la
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CHATTERS, Linda M., TAYLOR, Robert Joseph, BULLARD, Kai M.,
JACKSON, James S., Spirituality and Subjective Religiosity among African
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2008, 47, 4, 725–37.
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ELLISON, Christopher G., LEE, Jinwood, BENJAMINS, Maureen R., KRAUSE,
Neal M., RYAN, Daniel Nicole, Congregational Support Networks, Health
Beliefs, and Annual Medical Exams: Findings from a Nationwide Sample of
Presbyterians, Rev. Rel. Res., 2008, 50, 2, 176–93.
EMERSON, Michael O., Why a Forum on Racially and Ethnically Diverse
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FARIAS, Miguel, LALLJEE, Mansur, Holistic Individualism in the Age of
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FINKE, Roger, ADAMCZYK, Amy, Cross-National Moral Beliefs: The Influence
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FRANCIS, Leslie J., CRAIG, Charlotte L., HALL, Gill, Psychological Type
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FROESE, Paul, BADER, Christopher, Unraveling Religious Worldviews: The
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approche théorique du multiculturalisme, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55, 3, 275–89.
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HASKELL, David M., PARADIS, Kenneth, BURGOYNE, Stephanie, Defending
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HUGHES, Philip, SUWANBUBBHA, Parichart, CHAISRI, Janram, The Nature
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Social Compass 56(3)
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Activities, Religious Orientation, and Aggressive Behavior, Jour. Sc. St. Rel.,
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LOVELAND, Matthew T., Pilgrimage, Religious Institutions, and the
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MAK, Heather K., TSANG, Jo-Ann, Separating the “Sinner” from the “Sin”:
Religious Orientation and Prejudiced Behavior toward Sexual Orientation and
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MAVOR, Kenneth I., GALLOIS, Cindy, Social Group and Moral Orientation
Factors as Mediators of Religiosity and Multiple Attitude Targets, Jour. Sc. St.
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MENCKEN, F. Carson, BADER, Christopher D., STARK, Rodney, Conventional
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MITCHELL, Claire, TILLEY, James, Disaggregating Conservative Protestant
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NEFF, James Alan, A New Multidimensional Measure of Spirituality-Religiosity
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SAROGLOU, Vassilis, MUNOZ-GARCIA, Antonio, Individual Differences in
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Social Compass 56(3)
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MAVOR, Kenneth I., GALLOIS, Cindy, Social Group and Moral Orientation
Factors as Mediators of Religiosity and Multiple Attitude Targets, Jour. Sc. St.
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PUCCIO-DEAN, Deborah, The Sicilian Máfia: transformation to a global evil,
Etnografica, 2008, 12, 2, 377–86.
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ROSADO-NUNES, Maria José, Direitos, cidadania das mulheres e religião,
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2008, 144, 93–108.
ZAKOVITCH, Yair, Disgrace: The Lies of the Patriarch, Soc. Res., 2008, 75, 4,
Doctrines sociales/Social doctrines
GRAY, Don, Beyond Orthodoxy: Social Theology and the Views of Protestant
Clergy on Social Issues, Rev. Rel. Res., 2008, 50, 2, 221–40.
HOLDEN, Robert H., Communism and Catholic Social Doctrine in the
Guatemalan Revolution of 1944, Jour. Ch. St., 2008, 50, 3, 495–517.
Art sacré/Religious art
AMARAL, Leila, In Conexione: a imaginação do sagrado na ciberarte de Diana
Domingues, Hor. Antr., 2008, 14, 29, 95–109.
GIUMBELLI, Emerson, A modernidade do Cristo Redentor, Dados, 2008, 51, 1,
GONÇALVES, José Reginaldo Santos, CONTINS, Márcia, Entre o Divino e os
homens: a arte nas festas do Divino Espírito Santo, Hor. Antr., 2008, 14, 29, 67–94.
HERMANN, Manuel A., Religiosidad y bultos sagrados en la Mixteca
Prehispánica, Desacatos, 2008, 27, 75–94.
JACOBS, Janet, Memorializing the Sacred: Kristallnacht in German National
Memory, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 3, 485–98.
LEFEBVRE, Solange, Sanctuaires catholiques au Québec, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel.,
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LIDA, Miranda, La catedral en la Penitenciaría. Historia de un fastuoso proyecto
urbanístico para Buenos Aires (1934), Temas, 2008, 13, 125–52.
MENDEZ AGUIRRE, Víctor Hugo, Madre terrible. La diosa en la religión del
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SAINT-MARTIN, Isabelle, Du Spirituel dans l’art du XXème siècle (compterendu), Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008, 144, 125–39.
CASTRO, Luis Carlos, Tecnologías terapéuticas: sistema de interpretación en la
regla de ocha y el espiritismo bogotano, Antipo., 2008, 6, 133–51.
NEGRÃO, Lísias Nogueira, Trajetórias do sagrado, Temp. Soc., 2008, 20, 2, 115–32.
Bibliographie/Bibliography 477
Problèmes généraux/General problems
BADE, Mary K., COOK, Stephen W., Functions of Christian Prayer in the
Coping Process, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 1, 123–33.
BAKER, Joseph O., An Investigation of the Sociological Patterns of Prayer
Frequency and Content, Soc. Rel., 2008, 69, 2, 169–85.
CAMPOS, Roberta Bivar Carneiro, Como Juazeiro do Norte se tornou a terra da
Mãe de Deus: penitência, ethos de misericórdia e identidade do lugar, Relig.
e Soc., 2008, 28, 1, 146–75.
LEACH, Mark M., BERMAN, Mitchell E., EUBANKS, Lea, Religious
Activities, Religious Orientation, and Aggressive Behavior, Jour. Sc. St. Rel.,
2008, 47, 2, 311–19.
McCALLION, Michael J., BENNETT-CARPENTER, Benjamin, Displays of
Faith: Material/Visual Versus Cognitive/Verbal, Rev. Rel. Res., 2008, 49, 4,
RABELO, Miriam, A possessão como prática: esboço de uma reflexão fenomenológica, Mana, 2008, 14, 1, 87–117.
SHAPIRO, Faydra L., To the Apple of God’s Eye: Christian Zionist Travel to
Israel, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2008, 23, 3, 307–20.
STEIL, Carlos Alberto, CARNEIRO, Sandra de Sá, Peregrinação, turismo e nova
era: caminhos de Santiago de Compostela no Brasil, Relig. e Soc., 2008, 28, 1,
Appartenance et catégories sociales, et âges/Belonging and social categories,
and ages
BRAÑAS, Pablo, NEUMAN, Shoshana, Acciones y creencias religiosas.
Regularidades españolas, Rev. Inter. Soc., 2008, 49, 33–45.
Éducation religieuse, catéchèse/Religious education, catechesis
DE ROCHA, Rita, Educação e civilidade: as Servas do Espirito Santo e o projeto
educacional das missionárias viajantes (Brasil 1907–1930), Cuad. Interc., 2008,
6, 11, 115–26.
Socialisation religieuse/Religious socialization
BRADSHAW, Matt, ELLISON, Christopher G., Do Genetic Factors Influence
Religious Life? Findings from a Behavior Genetic Analysis of Twin Siblings,
Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 4, 529–44.
RABELO, Miriam C.M., Entre a casa e a roça: trajetórias de socialização no
candomblé de habitantes de bairros populares de Salvador, Relig. e Soc., 2008,
28, 1, 176–205.
SALAZAR, Carles, Prayer and symbolization in an Irish Catholic community,
Etnografica, 2008, 12, 2, 387–402.
ZHAI, Jiexia Elisa, ELLISON, Christopher G., STOKES, Charles E., GLENN,
Norval D., “Spiritual, But Not Religious”: The Impact of Parental Divorce on
the Religious and Spiritual Identities of Young Adults in the United States, Rev.
Rel. Res., 2008, 49, 4, 379–94.
Organisations et institutions confessionnelles/Confessional organizations
and institutions
MACAGNO, Lorenzo, Islã, transe e liminaridade, Rev. Antr. USP, 2007, 50, 1,
Social Compass 56(3)
VARGUEZ, Luis A., Construyendo y reconstruyendo las fronteras de la
tradición y la modernidad. La Iglesia católica y el Movimiento de Renovación
Carismática en el Espíritu Santo, Conver., 2008, 15, 46, 195–224.
Mouvements de laïcs/Lay movements
BOFF, Clodovis, Towards a Social Mariology, Concilium, 2008, 4, 44–56.
BORTOLINI, Matteo, Profezie e minoranze creative, Rel. Soc., 2008, 61, 42–55.
LIDA, Miranda, Las masas católicas en los años de la dictadura, 1976–1982,
Entrepasados, 2008, 17, 34, 55–73.
REUTER, Julia, Jugendliche Papstpilger – emanzipierte Muslimas – reisende
Ordensfrauen: Neue Akteure der Religionssoziologie, Soc. Internat., 2008, 46,
1, 31–48.
Prosélytisme et missions/Proselytism and missions
AUBIN, Françoise, Missions et christianismes en Asie (comptes-rendus), Arch.
Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008, 142, 169–89.
BARNES, Sandra L., Religion and Rap Music: An Analysis of Black Church
Usage, Rev. Rel. Res., 2008, 49, 3, 319–38.
BOGLIONI, Pietro, Du paganisme au christianisme. La mémoire des lieux et des
temps, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008, 144, 75–92.
BOUSQUET, Marie-Pierre, MORISSSETTE, Anny, Inscrire la mémoire seminomade dans l’actualité sédentaire. Les églises de Pikowan et de Manawan,
Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008, 141, 9–32.
BRANCA, Paolo, Cristianesimo e islam. Conversioni di ieri e di oggi, Agg. Soc.,
2008, 59, 5, 356–66.
DE ROCHA, Rita, Educação e civilidade: as Servas do Espirito Santo e o projeto
educacional das missionárias viajantes (Brasil 1907–1930), Cuad. Interc., 2008,
6, 11, 115–26.
DEMERA, Juan Diego, Trayectorias del protestantismo y redefiniciones étnicas
entre los indígenas Guambianos-Colombia, Rev. Cien. Soc., 2008, 20, 107–28.
DESILETS, Caroline, La conquête des terres saintes en Amazonie péruvienne,
Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008, 141, 75–92.
HALE, Frederick, Adapting to Apartheid: The Church of Sweden Mission on the
Witwatersrand in the 1950s, Jour. Ch. St., 2008, 50, 3, 451–74.
HENRY, Christine, NORET, Joël, Le Christianisme Céleste en France et en
Belgique, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008, 143, 91–109.
LEMAN, Johan, Kinship and Shifting Intra-Family Focalism among the ItaloBrussels Jehovah’s Witnesses, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55, 3, 351–8.
McCALLION, Michael J., BENNETT-CARPENTER, Benjamin, Displays of
Faith: Material/Visual Versus Cognitive/Verbal, Rev. Rel. Res., 2008, 49, 4,
MEZIE, Nadège, Les évangéliques cartographient le monde. Le spiritual mapping, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008, 142, 63–85.
PHILLIPS, Rick, “De Facto Congregationalism” and Mormon Missionary
Outreach: An Ethnographic Case Study, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 4, 628–43.
SHOJI, Rafael, The Failed Prophecy of Shinto Nationalism and the Rise of
Japanese Brazilian Catholicism, Jap. Jour. Rel. Studies, 2008, 35, 1, 13–38.
SILVA, César Augusto de Assis, TEIXEIRA, Jacqueline Moraes, Entre a “cultura
surda” e a cura da surdez: análise comparativa das práticas da Igreja Batista
e da Igreja Internacional da Graça de Deus no Brasil, Rev. Cult. Rel., 2008, 2, 3.
USARSKI, Frank, “The Last Missionary to Leave the Temple Should Turn Off
the Light”: Sociological Remarks on the Decline of Japanese “Immigrant”
Buddhism in Brazil, Jap. Jour. Rel. Studies, 2008, 35, 1, 39–59.
Bibliographie/Bibliography 479
WRIGHT, Paul John, Predicting Reaction to a Message of Ministry: An Audience
Analysis, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 1, 63–81.
ZANOLLI, Carlos Eduardo, Entre la coerción, la oportunidad y la salvación. Las
cofradías de Indios de San Antonio de Humauaca. Siglos XVII y XVIII, Andes,
2008, 19, 345–68.
Mass media/Mass media
AMARAL, Leila, In Conexione: a imaginação do sagrado na ciberarte de Diana
Domingues, Hor. Antr., 2008, 14, 29, 95–109.
ANGELL, Olave Helge, Religion and the Media: The Cultural Role of a ChurchBased Welfare Agent in a Norwegian Local Community, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2008,
23, 2, 133–45.
GONÇALVES, Marcos, Missionários da ‘boa imprensa’: a revista Ave Maria
e os desafios da imprensa católica nos primeiros anos do século XX, Rev. Bras.
Hist., 2008, 28, 55, 63–84.
HASKELL, David M., PARADIS, Kenneth, BURGOYNE, Stephanie, Defending
the Faith: Easter Sermon Reaction to Pop Culture Discourses, Rev. Rel. Res.,
2008, 50, 2, 139–56.
KLASSEN, Chris, Rejecting Monotheism? Polytheism, Pluralism, and Battlestar
Galactica (Research Note), Jour. Cont. Rel., 2008, 23, 3, 355–62.
LAKHANI, Safia, Sporting the Veil: Representations of Asmahan Mansour in the
Canadian Media, Topia, 2008, 19, 85–98.
LOCKWOOD, Renee D., Cults, Consumerism, and the Construction of Self:
Exploring the Religious within Fight Club, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2008, 23, 3,
MAURO, Diego, Católicos en la prensa profana. Nueva Época frente al reformismo liberal, Santa Fe, 1920–1923, Andes, 2008, 19, 93–117.
McLUHAN, Eirc, Dal villaggio al cyberspazio: una sfida per la fede, Vita
e Pensiero, 2008, 3, 82–7.
PEREIRA, Ronan Alves, The Transplantation of Soka Gakkai to Brazil: Building
“the Closest Organization to the Heart of Ikeda-Sensei”, Jap. Jour. Rel. Studies,
2008, 35, 1, 95–113.
URIBE, Carlos Alberto, El yajé, el purgatorio y la faránbula, Antipo., 2008, 6,
Problèmes généraux/General problems
BURITY, Joanildo A., Religião, política e cultura, Temp. Soc., 2008, 20, 2, 83–113.
LINDSAY, D. Michael, Evangelicals in the Power Elite: Elite Cohesion
Advancing a Movement, Am. Soc. Rev., 2008, 73, 1, 60–82.
LOVELAND, Matthew T., Pilgrimage, Religious Institutions, and the Construction of Orthodoxy, Soc. Rel., 2008, 69, 3, 317–34.
NEGRÃO, Lísias Nogueira, Trajetórias do sagrado, Temp. Soc., 2008, 20, 2, 115–32.
Ministres, pasteurs, prêtres, personnel ecclésiastique/Ministers, pastors,
priests, ecclesiastical personnel
AZEVEDO, Ferdinand pe., Os antecedentes históricos do conflito entre dom
vital e o regalismo brasileiro e a sua resolução ineficaz, R. E. B., 2008, 68, 269,
Social Compass 56(3)
BARKER, Christine R., WERKNER, Ines-Jacqueline, Military Chaplaincy in
International Operations: A Comparison of Two Different Traditions, Jour.
Cont. Rel., 2008, 23, 1, 47–62.
CADGE, Wendy, OLSON, Laura R., WILDEMAN, Christopher, How
Denominational Resources Influence Debate about Homosexuality in Mainline
Protestant Congregations, Soc. Rel., 2008, 69, 2, 187–207.
CADGE, Wendy, WILDEMAN, Christopher, Facilitators and Advocates: How
Mainline Protestant Clergy Respond to Homosexuality, Soc. Perspec., 2008,
51, 3, 587–603.
CALVO, Thomas, Teatro eclesiástico de la primitiva Iglesia de las Indias occidentales, vidas de sus arzobispos, obispos, y cosas memorables de sus sedes.
Nueva España. Gil González Dávila (Book Review), Hist. Mex, 2008, 57, 2,
COPPA, Frank J., Between Morality and Diplomacy: The Vatican’s “Silence”
during the Holocaust, Jour. Ch. St., 2008, 50, 3, 541–68.
DENNEY, David, GABE, Jonathan, O’BEIRNE, Maria, Anglican Clergy
as Victims of Routinized Violent Activities in Urban and Rural Localities,
Sociology, 2008, 42, 1, 83–99.
DJUPE, Paul A., GILBERT, Christopher P., Politics and Church: Byproduct or
Central Mission?, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 1, 45–62.
FRANCIS, Leslie J., CRAIG, Charlotte L., HALL, Gill, Psychological Type
and Attitude towards Celtic Christianity among Committed Churchgoers in the
United Kingdom: An Empirical Study, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2008, 23, 2, 181–91.
GARCIA-RUIZ, Jesus, Acteurs locaux, acteurs globaux. Les néopentecôtistes en
Amérique latine, L’Homme, 2008, 185–186, 387–400.
GRAY, Don, Beyond Orthodoxy: Social Theology and the Views of Protestant
Clergy on Social Issues, Rev. Rel. Res., 2008, 50, 2, 221–40.
HASKELL, David M., PARADIS, Kenneth, BURGOYNE, Stephanie, Defending
the Faith: Easter Sermon Reaction to Pop Culture Discourses, Rev. Rel. Res.,
2008, 50, 2, 139–56.
IRIGOYEN LOPEZ, Antonio, Un obispado para la familia: Francisco Verdín
Molina, prelado de Guadalajara y Valladolid en la segunda mitad del siglo
XVII, Hist. Mex, 2008, 57, 2, 557–94.
LUNDBERG, Magnus, Relación de la visita pastora del arzobispado de México
de Juan de Mañozca y Zamora, 1646, Hist. Mex, 2008, 57, 2, 861–90.
McDUFF, Elaine, Organizational Context and the Sexual Harassment of Clergy,
Soc. Rel., 2008, 69, 3, 297–316.
MIN, Pyong Gap, Severe Underrepresentation of Women in Church Leadership
in the Korean Immigrant Community in the United States, Jour. Sc. St. Rel.,
2008, 47, 2, 225–41.
NEIHEISEL, Jacob R., DJUPE, Paul A., Intra-Organizational Constraints on
Churches’ Public Witness, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 3, 427–41.
Religieux, religieuses, moines/Members of religious orders
DE ROCHA, Rita, Educação e civilidade: as Servas do Espirito Santo e o projeto
educacional das missionárias viajantes (Brasil 1907–1930), Cuad. Interc., 2008,
6, 11, 115–26.
OVIEDO, Lluis, Testing the Effects of Organizational Culture on a Catholic
Religious Order, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2008, 23, 2, 193–214.
REUTER, Julia, Jugendliche Papstpilger – emanzipierte Muslimas – reisende
Ordensfrauen: Neue Akteure der Religionssoziologie, Soc. Internat., 2008, 46,
1, 31–48.
Bibliographie/Bibliography 481
Vocations et candidats au ministère/Vocations and candidates
to the ministry
IRIGOYEN LOPEZ, Antonio, Un obispado para la familia: Francisco Verdín
Molina, prelado de Guadalajara y Valladolid en la segunda mitad del siglo
XVII, Hist. Mex, 2008, 57, 2, 557–94.
THOMPSON, Don, MILLER-PERRIN, Cindy, Vocational Discernment and
Action: An Exploratory Study of Male and Female University Professors, Rev.
Rel. Res., 2008, 50, 1, 97–119.
L’organisation religieuse/Religious organization
Problèmes généraux/General problems
DOUGHERTY, Kevin D., MAIER, Jared, VANDER LUGT, Brian, When the
Final Bell Tolls: Patterns of Church Closings in Two Protestant Denominations,
Rev. Rel. Res., 2008, 50, 1, 49–73.
KOÇAK, Özgecan, CARROLL, Glenn R., Growing Church Organizations in
Diverse U.S. Communities, 1890–1926, Am. Jour. Soc., 2008, 113, 5, 1272–1315.
LEHMANN, David, L’économie miraculeuse de la religion: essai sur le capital
social, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55, 4, 457–77.
LINDSAY, D. Michael, Evangelicals in the Power Elite: Elite Cohesion
Advancing a Movement, Am. Soc. Rev., 2008, 73, 1, 60–82.
OVIEDO, Lluis, Testing the Effects of Organizational Culture on a Catholic
Religious Order, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2008, 23, 2, 193–214.
PHILLIPS, Rick, “De Facto Congregationalism” and Mormon Missionary
Outreach: An Ethnographic Case Study, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 4, 628–43.
SCHEITLE, Christopher P., DOUGHERTY, Kevin D., Density and Growth in a
Congregational Population: Reformed Churches in New York, 1628–2000, Rev.
Rel. Res., 2008, 49, 3, 233–50.
STROMSNES, Kristin, The Importance of Church Attendance and Membership
of Religious Voluntary Organizations for the Formation of Social Capital, Soc.
Comp., 2008, 55, 4, 478–96.
STURGIS, Paul W., Institutional Versus Contextual Explanations for the Growth
of the Jehovah’s Witnesses in the United States, 1945–2002, Rev. Rel. Res.,
2008, 49, 3, 290–300.
VAN GEEST, Fred, Christian Denominational and Special Interest Political
Action on Public Policy Issues Related to Sexual Orientation, Soc. Rel., 2008,
69, 3, 335–54.
YANCEY, George, KIM, Ye Jung, Racial Diversity, Gender Equality, and SES
Diversity in Christian Congregations: Exploring the Connections of Racism,
Sexism, and Classism in Multiracial and Nonmultiracial Churches, Jour. Sc. St.
Rel., 2008, 47, 1, 103–11.
Organismes centraux et supernationaux/Supernational and central
VARGUEZ, Luis A., Construyendo y reconstruyendo las fronteras de la tradición y la modernidad. La Iglesia católica y el Movimiento de Renovación
Carismática en el Espíritu Santo, Conver., 2008, 15, 46, 195–224.
Organismes nationaux/National organisms
LIDA, Miranda, Las masas católicas en los años de la dictadura, 1976–1982,
Entrepasados, 2008, 17, 34, 55–73.
Social Compass 56(3)
MICON, Joe, Limestone Prophets: Gauging the Effectiveness of Religious
Political Action Organizations that Lobby State Legislatures (2007 Paul Hanly
Furfey Lecture), Soc. Rel., 2008, 69, 4, 397–413.
ODGERS, Olga, Construcción del espacio y religión en la experiencia de la
movilidad. Los Santos Patronos como vínculos espaciales en la migración
México/Estados Unidos, Migra. Int., 2008, 4, 3, 5–26.
Organismes locaux/Local organisms
ALUMKAL, Antony W., Analyzing Race in Asian American Congregations, Soc.
Rel., 2008, 69, 2, 151–67.
ANGELL, Olave Helge, Religion and the Media: The Cultural Role of a ChurchBased Welfare Agent in a Norwegian Local Community, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2008,
23, 2, 133–45.
CADGE, Wendy, OLSON, Laura R., WILDEMAN, Christopher, How
Denominational Resources Influence Debate about Homosexuality in Mainline
Protestant Congregations, Soc. Rel., 2008, 69, 2, 187–207.
CHAVES, Mark, ANDERSON, Shawna L., Continuity and Change in American
Congregations: Introducing the Second Wave of the National Congregations
Study, Soc. Rel., 2008, 69, 4, 415–40.
CHOU, Hui-Tzu Grace, The Impact of Congregational Characteristics on
Conflict-Related Exit, Soc. Rel., 2008, 69, 1, 93–108.
DISALVO, Katherine, Understanding an Outlier: How Parish Culture Matters in
a Highly Participatory Catholic Church, Rev. Rel. Res., 2008, 49, 4, 438–55.
DOUGHERTY, Kevin D., HUYSER, Kimberley R., Racially Diverse
Congregations: Organizational Identity and the Accommodation of Differences,
Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 1, 23–43.
FRANCIS, Leslie J., CRAIG, Charlotte L., HALL, Gill, Psychological Type
and Attitude towards Celtic Christianity among Committed Churchgoers in the
United Kingdom: An Empirical Study, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2008, 23, 2, 181–91.
GREMY, Jean-Paul, Une enquête au début du Xème siècle: le questionnaire
synodal de Réginon de Prüm, Eur. Jour. Soc., 2008, 49, 2, 325–59.
MARTI, Gerardo, Fluid Ethnicity and Ethnic Transcendence in Multiracial
Churches, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 1, 11–16.
McDUFF, Elaine, Organizational Context and the Sexual Harassment of Clergy,
Soc. Rel., 2008, 69, 3, 297–316.
OLSON, Daniel V.A., Why Do Small Religious Groups Have More Committed
Members? (2006 Presidential Address), Rev. Rel. Res., 2008, 49, 4, 353–78.
POLSON, Edward C., The Inter-Organizational Ties That Bind: Exploring the
Contributions of Agency-Congregation Relationships, Soc. Rel., 2008, 69, 1,
Organes et conseils de participation ou consultation/Consultation
or participation organs and councils
BLOCH, Jon P., A Whisper toward Peace: A Theoretical Analysis of the Council
for a Parliament of the World Religions, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 4, 612–27.
DICKIE, Maria Amelia Schmidt, Unspoken Ethics: A Multi-Religion Group and
Building a Public Identity, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2008, 23, 2, 147–62.
La production religieuse spontanée
Spontaneous religious production
Problèmes généraux/General problems
Bibliographie/Bibliography 483
Animisme, naturalisme/Animism, naturalism
LUCA, Nathalie, Postface. Entre l’ethnie et la secte: les dérives de l’essentialisme,
Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008, 143, 235–51.
MANSILLA AGÜERO, Miguel Ángel, El refugio de las masas 1968–2008:
A cuarenta años de su publicación, Rev. Cult. Rel., 2008, 2, 2.
OWNBY, David, Sect and Secularism in Reading the Modern Chinese Religious
Experience, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008, 144, 13–29.
PALMER, David A., Les mutations du discours sur les sectes en Chine moderne.
Orthodoxie impériale, idéologie révolutionnaire, catégories sociologiques, Arch.
Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008, 144, 31–50.
Religiosité populaire/Popular religiosity
AMEIGEIRAS, Aldo, “Culture populaire et religion”: Approches théoriques de
la religiosité populaire au sein des cultures populaires latino-américaines, Soc.
Comp., 2008, 55, 3, 304–15.
BAUM, Steven K., RUDSKI, Jeffrey M., Anti-Semitism and Superstition
(Research Note), Jour. Cont. Rel., 2008, 23, 1, 77–86.
CASILLAS DE LA VEGA, Akira Gustavo, Ensayo Acerca de la Supervivencia
o no del Culto a los Muertos Prehispánico en el México Actual, Rev. Cult. Rel.,
2008, 2, 1, 1–16.
CASTRO, Luis Carlos, Tecnologías terapéuticas: sistema de interpretación en la
regla de ocha y el espiritismo bogotano, Antipo., 2008, 6, 133–51.
GONÇALVES, José Reginaldo Santos, CONTINS, Márcia, Entre o Divino e os
homens: a arte nas festas do Divino Espírito Santo, Hor. Antr., 2008, 14, 29, 67–94.
GUERRERO, Bernardo, Religión y salud: prohibido asistir a la fiesta de la tirana,
Rev. Cien. Soc., 2008, 20, 81–94.
HERMANN, Manuel A., Religiosidad y bultos sagrados en la Mixteca
Prehispánica, Desacatos, 2008, 27, 75–94.
KNOBLAUCH, Hubert, Spirituality and Popular Religion in Europe, Soc. Comp.,
2008, 55, 2, 140–53.
LEFEBVRE, Solange, Sanctuaires catholiques au Québec, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel.,
2008, 141, 33–56.
LORD, Karen, Implicit Religion: A Contemporary Theory for the Relationships
between Religion, State, and Society, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2008, 23, 1, 33–46.
NELSON, John, Household Altars in Contemporary Japan: Rectifying Buddhist
“Ancestor Worship” with Home Décor and Consumer Choice, Jap. Jour. Rel.
Studies, 2008, 35, 2, 305–30.
SEVERI, Carlo, Dame Sébastienne et le Christ Fléché: iconographie et mémoire
rituelle: le cas du Nouveau-Mexique, Hor. Antr., 2008, 14, 29, 43–66.
SHAPIRO, Faydra L., To the Apple of God’s Eye: Christian Zionist Travel to
Israel, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2008, 23, 3, 307–20.
SUAREZ, Hugo José, Peregrinacion barrial de la Virgen de San Juan de los Lagos
en Guanajuato. Agentes para-eclesiales, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008, 142, 87–111.
Rapports entre systèmes religieux différents
Relationships between different religious systems
Problèmes généraux/General problems
BRANCA, Paolo, Cristianesimo e islam. Conversioni di ieri e di oggi, Agg. Soc.,
2008, 59, 5, 356–66.
Social Compass 56(3)
DAVIDSON, James D., Religious Stratification: Its Origins, Persistence, and
Consequences (2007 Association for the Sociology of Religion Presidential
Address), Soc. Rel., 2008, 69, 4, 371–95.
FRANCIS, Leslie J., CRAIG, Charlotte L., HALL, Gill, Psychological Type
and Attitude towards Celtic Christianity among Committed Churchgoers
in the United Kingdom: An Empirical Study, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2008, 23, 2,
FRIGERIO, Alejandro, O paradigma da escolha racional: mercado regulado
e pluralismo religioso, Temp. Soc., 2008, 20, 2, 17–39.
MASSENZIO, Marcello, Religion et religions. En marge du “Génie du paganisme”, L’Homme, 2008, 185–186, 313–32.
PARAMORE, Kiri, Early Japanese Christian Thought Reexamined: Confucian
Ethics, Catholic Authority, and the Issue of Faith in the Scholastic Theories of
Habian, Gomez, and Ricci, Jap. Jour. Rel. Studies, 2008, 35, 2, 231–62.
PARKER GUMUCIO, Cristián, Interculturality, Conflicts and Religion:
Theoretical Perspectives, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55, 3, 316–29.
PIERRET, Thomas, Diplomatie islamique. À propos de la lettre de 138 responsables religieux musulmans aux chefs des Églises chrétiennes, Esprit, 2008, 347,
PIERUCCI, Antônio Flávio, De olho na modernidade religiosa, Temp. Soc., 2008,
20, 2, 9–16.
SHARABY, Rachel, The Holiday of Holidays: A Triple-Holiday Festival for
Christians, Jews and Muslims, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55, 4, 581–96.
BOUSQUET, Marie-Pierre, MORISSSETTE, Anny, Inscrire la mémoire seminomade dans l’actualité sédentaire. Les églises de Pikowan et de Manawan,
Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008, 141, 9–32.
CASILLAS DE LA VEGA, Akira Gustavo, Ensayo Acerca de la Supervivencia
o no del Culto a los Muertos Prehispánico en el México Actual, Rev. Cult. Rel.,
2008, 2, 1, 1–16.
CLOONEY, Francis X., Mary, Mother of Mylapore: Symbolic Engagement as an
Inter-religious Transaction, Concilium, 2008, 4, 77–86.
MARIZ, Cecília L., MACHADO, Dores C., À propos de l’inculturation dans le
catholicisme brésilien contemporain, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55, 3, 290–303.
MEDEIROS, Bartolomeu Tito Figueirôa de, Deslocamentos em dois cortejos
processionais católicos, Relig. e Soc., 2008, 28, 1, 125–45.
Le changement religieux
Religious change
Études générales
General studies
HOGE, Dean R., Interpreting Change in American Catholicism: The River and
the Floodgate, Rev. Rel. Res., 2008, 50, Special, 55–65.
KLASSEN, Chris, Rejecting Monotheism? Polytheism, Pluralism, and Battlestar
Galactica (Research Note), Jour. Cont. Rel., 2008, 23, 3, 355–62.
ROY, Olivier, Sécularisation et mutation du religieux, Esprit, 2008, 348,
TAMNEY, Joseph B., Catholicism 1986 and Today: Can You Tell the Difference?,
Rev. Rel. Res., 2008, 50, Special, 53–4.
Bibliographie/Bibliography 485
Mouvements religieux
Religious movements
Problèmes généraux/General problems
AMARASINGAM, Amarnath, Transcending Technology: Looking at Futurology
as a New Religious Movement, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2008, 23, 1, 1–16.
BAHR, Howard M., Finding Oneself among the Saints: Thomas F. O’Dea,
Mormon Intellectuals and the Future of Mormon Orthodoxy, Jour. Sc. St. Rel.,
2008, 47, 3, 463–84.
BITTARELLO, Maria Beatrice, Shifting Realities? Changing Concepts of
Religion and the Body in Popular Culture and Neopaganism, Jour. Cont. Rel.,
2008, 23, 2, 215–32.
BRODER, Anne, Mahikari in Context: Kamigakari, Chinkon kishin, and
Psychical Investigation on Omoto-lineage Religions, Jap. Jour. Rel. Studies,
2008, 35, 2, 331–62.
JENSEN, Gary F., THOMPSON, Ashley, “Out of the Broom Closet”: The Social
Ecology of American Wicca, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 4, 753–66.
LEE, Raymond L.M., La fin de la religion? Réenchantement et déplacement du
sacré, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55, 1, 66–83.
LEE, Richard, Custody Disputes and Alternative Religions in the Courts of
England and Wales, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2008, 23, 1, 63–76.
LEMAN, Johan, Kinship and Shifting Intra-Family Focalism among the ItaloBrussels Jehovah’s Witnesses, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55, 3, 351–8.
LOCKWOOD, Renee D., Cults, Consumerism, and the Construction of Self:
Exploring the Religious within Fight Club, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2008, 23, 3,
NAKAMAKI, Hirochika, Japanese Religions, Calendars, and Religious Culture
in Brazil, Jap. Jour. Rel. Studies, 2008, 35, 1, 145–59.
PEREIRA, Ronan Alves, The Transplantation of Soka Gakkai to Brazil: Building
“the Closest Organization to the Heart of Ikeda-Sensei”, Jap. Jour. Rel. Studies,
2008, 35, 1, 95–113.
PHILLIPS, Rick, “De Facto Congregationalism” and Mormon Missionary
Outreach: An Ethnographic Case Study, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 4,
STURGIS, Paul W., Institutional Versus Contextual Explanations for the Growth
of the Jehovah’s Witnesses in the United States, 1945–2002, Rev. Rel. Res.,
2008, 49, 3, 290–300.
VAN HARSKAMP, Anton, Existential Insecurity and New Religiosity: An Essay
on Some Religion-Making Characteristics of Modernity, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55,
1, 9–19.
WATANABE, Masako, The Development of Japanese New Religions in Brazil
and Their Propagation in a Foreign Culture, Jap. Jour. Rel. Studies, 2008, 35,
1, 115–44.
Vitalité, régression et expansion/Vitality, regression and expansion
Catherine, ADLER, Gary, CHAVES, Mark, Dearly Departed: How Often Do
Congregations Close?, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 2, 321–8.
BASTIAN, Jean-Pierre, En dialogo con la obra de Lalive d’Epinay. Búsquedas
de una sociología histórica del cambio religioso en América Latina, Rev. Cult.
Rel., 2008, 2, 2.
BASTIAN, Jean-Pierre, La vitalité religieuse contemporaine: entre régulation des
corps et réappropriation de l’espace public, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55, 2, 231–6.
Social Compass 56(3)
BOUMA, Gary D., The Real Reason One Conservative Church Grew, Rev. Rel.
Res., 2008, 50, Special, 45–52.
CASTILLA, Carmen, Regreso al pasado: el movimiento neocatecumenal como
paradigma del catolicismo conservador en la España actual, Sistema, 2008, 206,
CONNOR, Phillip, Increase or Decrease? The Impact of the International
Migratory Event on Immigrant Religious Participation, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008,
47, 2, 243–57.
DAVIDSON, James D., The 1970s and the Emerging Interest in Church Growth
and Decline, Rev. Rel. Res., 2008, 50, Special, 43–4.
DE GRAAF, Nan Dirk, TE GROTHENHUIS, Manfred, Traditional Christian
Belief and Belief in the Supernatural: Diverging Trends in the Netherlands between 1979 and 2005?, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 4, 585–98.
DOUGHERTY, Kevin D., MAIER, Jared, VANDER LUGT, Brian, When the
Final Bell Tolls: Patterns of Church Closings in Two Protestant Denominations,
Rev. Rel. Res., 2008, 50, 1, 49–73.
GARCIA ROCA, Joaquín, Claves y estrategias del tradicionalismo actual, Igl.
Viva, 2008, 235, 27–48.
HENRY, Christine, NORET, Joël, Le Christianisme Céleste en France et en
Belgique, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008, 143, 91–109.
KLAUTAU, Orion, Against the Ghosts of Recent Past: Meiji Scholarship and the
Discourse on Edo-Period Buddhist Decadence, Jap. Jour. Rel. Studies, 2008,
35, 2, 263–303.
KOÇAK, Özgecan, CARROLL, Glenn R., Growing Church Organizations in
Diverse U.S. Communities, 1890–1926, Am. Jour. Soc., 2008, 113, 5, 1272–1315.
KOENIG, Matthias, Vitalité religieuse et mécanismes de sécularisation institutionnelle en Europe, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55, 2, 217–29.
LADO, Ludovico, Il pentecostalismo in Africa, Civ. Catt., 2008, 3, 3798, 502–11.
LAURENT, Pierre-Joseph, FURTADO, Claudio, Le pentecôtisme brésilien au
Cap-Vert. L’Église Universelle du Royaume de Dieu, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008,
141, 113–31.
LEWGOY, Bernardo, A transnacionalização do espiritismo kardecista brasileiro:
uma discussão inicial, Relig. e Soc., 2008, 28, 1, 84–104.
LU, Yunfeng, JOHNSON, Byron, STARK, Rodney, Deregulation and the
Religious Market in Taiwan: A Research Note, Soc. Quart., 2008, 49, 1,
MASKENS, Maïté, Migration et pentecôtisme à Bruxelles. Expériences croisées,
Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008, 143, 49–68.
MOKOKO-GAMPIOT, Aurélien, Les kimbanguistes en Europe. D’une génération à l’autre, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008, 143, 111–28.
MOLLE, Andrea, Quali categorie sociologiche per l’analisi delle “nuove” formazioni religiose giapponesi, Rel. Soc., 2008, 62, 46–54.
MOSSIERE, Géraldine, Une congrégation pentecôtiste congolaise à Montréal.
Christianisme du Sud, bouture québécoise, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008, 143,
MOTTIER, Damien, Pentecôtisme et migration. Le prophétisme (manqué) de
“La Cité de Sion”, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008, 143, 175–93.
PACE, Enzo, Introduction, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55, 2, 107–9.
POLLACK, Detlef, Religious Change in Europe: Theoretical Considerations and
Empirical Findings, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55, 2, 168–86.
ROSSON, Thomas, FIELDS, Dail, Cultural Influences on the Growth in
Evangelical Christianity: A Longitudinal Study of 49 Countries, Rev. Rel. Res.,
2008, 49, 3, 269–89.
Bibliographie/Bibliography 487
SCHEITLE, Christopher P., DOUGHERTY, Kevin D., Density and Growth in a
Congregational Population: Reformed Churches in New York, 1628–2000, Rev.
Rel. Res., 2008, 49, 3, 233–50.
STOLL, Laurie Cooper, PETERSEN, Larry R., Church Growth and Decline:
A Test of the Market-Based Approach, Rev. Rel. Res., 2008, 49, 3, 251–68.
STURGIS, Paul W., Institutional Versus Contextual Explanations for the Growth
of the Jehovah’s Witnesses in the United States, 1945–2002, Rev. Rel. Res.,
2008, 49, 3, 290–300.
TER HAAR, Gerrie, Enchantment and Identity. African Christians in Europe,
Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008, 143, 31–48.
TITARENKO, Larissa, On the Shifting Nature of Religion during the Ongoing
Post-Communist Transformation in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, Soc. Comp.,
2008, 55, 2, 237–54.
VANDE BERG, Travis, KNISS, Fred, ISKCON and Immigrants: The Rise,
Decline, and Rise again of a New Religious Movement, Soc. Quart., 2008, 49,
1, 79–104.
VELASCO, Demetrio, El resurgimiento del tradicionalismo católico, Igl. Viva,
2008, 235, 7–26.
VILAÇA, Aparecida, Conversão, predação e perspectiva, Mana, 2008, 14, 1,
WOLF, Christof, How Secularized is Germany? Cohort and Comparative
Perspectives, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55, 2, 111–26.
Réveil, crises et dissidences/Awakening, crises and dissidences
ABENANTE, Matteo, I sensi politici del sufismo, Rel. Soc., 2008, 61, 56–65.
COYAULT, Bernard, Un Kilombo à Paris. L’itinéraire d’une prophétesse de
l’Église évangélique du Congo, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008, 143, 151–73.
CREPEAU, Robert R., Le rite comme contexte de la mémoire des origines, Arch.
Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008, 141, 57–73.
LASSAVE, Pierre, Code, codex et autres affaires (compte-rendu), Arch. Sc. Soc.
Rel., 2008, 144, 109–23.
SCHLEGEL, Jean-Louis, La révolution dans l’Église, Esprit, 2008, 343, 54–71.
XU, Jilin, Spiritual Crises and Renaissance of Religions in Contemporary China,
Concilium, 2008, 2, 38–46.
Messianismes, millénarismes, prophétismes/Messianisms, millenarisms,
BORTOLINI, Matteo, Profezie e minoranze creative, Rel. Soc., 2008, 61, 42–55.
CAMPOS, Roberta Bivar Carneiro, Como Juazeiro do Norte se tornou a terra da
Mãe de Deus: penitência, ethos de misericórdia e identidade do lugar, Relig.
e Soc., 2008, 28, 1, 146–75.
CASTALDI, Carlo, A aparição do demônio no Catulé, Temp. Soc., 2008, 20, 1,
COYAULT, Bernard, Un Kilombo à Paris. L’itinéraire d’une prophétesse de
l’Église évangélique du Congo, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008, 143, 151–73.
DAWSON, Andrew, New Era Millenarianism in Brazil, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2008,
23, 3, 269–83.
DEIN, Simon, DAWSON, Lorne L., The “Scandal” of the Lubavitch Rebbe:
Messianism as a Response to Failed Prophecy, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2008, 23, 2,
GARCIA-RUIZ, Jesus, Acteurs locaux, acteurs globaux. Les néopentecôtistes en
Amérique latine, L’Homme, 2008, 185–186, 387–400.
Social Compass 56(3)
MAIRE, Catherine, Les jansénistes et le millénarisme. Du refus à la conversion,
Annales, 2008, 63, 1, 7–36.
MARY, André, Actualité du paganisme et contemporanéité des prophétismes,
L’Homme, 2008, 185–186, 365–86.
MOTTIER, Damien, Pentecôtisme et migration. Le prophétisme (manqué) de
“La Cité de Sion”, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2008, 143, 175–93.
SCHLEGEL, Jean-Louis, L’eschatologie et l’apocalypse dans l’histoire: un bilan
controversé, Esprit, 2008, 343, 88–103.
La sécularisation
Problèmes généraux/General problems
AARTS, Olav, NEED, Ariana, TE GROTENHUIS, Manfred, DE GRAAF, Nan
Dirk, Does Belonging Accompany Believing? Correlations and Trends in
Western Europe and North America between 1981 and 2000, Rev. Rel. Res.,
2008, 50, 1, 16–24.
BAHR, Howard M., Finding Oneself among the Saints: Thomas F. O’Dea,
Mormon Intellectuals and the Future of Mormon Orthodoxy, Jour. Sc. St. Rel.,
2008, 47, 3, 463–84.
BASTIAN, Jean-Pierre, La vitalité religieuse contemporaine: entre régulation des
corps et réappropriation de l’espace public, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55, 2, 231–6.
BENCHEIKH, Ghaleb, L’islam dans la laïcité, Projet, 2008, 306, 65–7.
BERGER, Peter, Secolarizzazione, la falsa profezia, Vita e Pensiero, 2008, 5,
BERICAT, Eduardo, Duda y posmodernidad: el ocaso de la secularización en
Europa, R.E.I.S., 2008, 121, 13–53.
BLANCARTE, Roberto, Laicidad y laicismo en América Latina, Est. Soc., 2008,
26, 1, 139–154.
CAMACHO, Ildefonso, Iglesia y vida pública: un debate que sigue abierto, Rev.
Fom. Soc., 2007, 248, 589–621.
CHRISTIANO, Kevin J., Clio Goes to Church: Revisiting and Revitalizing
Historical Thinking in the Sociology of Religion (2006 Association for the
Sociology of Religion Presidential Address), Soc. Rel., 2008, 69, 1, 1–28.
DA COSTA, Néstor, Sobre la teoría de la secularización, CLAEH, 2008, 31, 1–2,
DONEGANI, Jean-Marie, La sécularisation et ses paradoxes, Projet, 2008, 306,
FLORES D’ARCAIS, Paolo, Onze thèses contre Habermas. La foi, la démocratie
et le rationalisme, Débat, 2008, 152, 16–26.
FRIGERIO, Alejandro, O paradigma da escolha racional: mercado regulado
e pluralismo religioso, Temp. Soc., 2008, 20, 2, 17–39.
GERVASI, Francesco, Morte, privatizzazione o mondializzazione della religione?,
Rel. Soc., 2008, 61, 66–76.
GIUMBELLI, Emerson, A presença do religioso no espaço público: modalidades
no Brasil, Relig. e Soc., 2008, 28, 2, 80–101.
GOMEZ I SEGALA, Joan, Une reconquista au XXIème siècle, Projet, 2008,
306, 58–64.
GONZALEZ ANLEO, Juan, El postcatólico español y el pluralismo religioso (I),
Igl. Viva, 2008, 233, 103–12.
GONZALEZ ANLEO, Juan, El postcatólico español y el pluralismo religioso
(II), Igl. Viva, 2008, 234, 105–16.
Bibliographie/Bibliography 489
HABERMAS, Jürgen, Qu’est-ce qu’une société “post-séculière”?, Débat, 2008,
152, 4–15.
HABERMAS, Jürgen, Retour sur la religion dans l’espace public. Une réponse à
Paolo Florès d’Arcais, Débat, 2008, 152, 27–31.
HARING, Sabine A., Mysterium tremendum und mysterium fascinans, Ö. Z. f. S.,
2008, 33, 2, 43–62.
HEELAS, Paul, La teoria della secolarizzazione sotto scacco. La crescita della
spiritualità di vita New Age, Rel. Soc., 2008, 62, 77–86.
HUGHES, Philip, SUWANBUBBHA, Parichart, CHAISRI, Janram, The Nature
of Spirituality among Young People in Australia and Thailand, Soc. Comp.,
2008, 55, 3, 359–72.
KASPERSEN, Lars Bo, LINDVALL, Johannes, Why No Religious Politics? The
Secularization of Poor Relief and Primary Education in Denmark and Sweden,
Eur. Jour. Soc., 2008, 49, 1, 119–43.
KNIBBE, Kim, The Role of Religious Certainty and Uncertainty in Moral
Orientation in a Catholic Province in the Netherlands, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55,
1, 20–30.
KOENIG, Matthias, Vitalité religieuse et mécanismes de sécularisation institutionnelle en Europe, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55, 2, 217–29.
LEE, Raymond L.M., La fin de la religion? Réenchantement et déplacement du
sacré, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55, 1, 66–83.
MANSILLA, Hugo Celso Felipe, La Crítica del Racionalismo y la Pertinencia de
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MUNERA, Luis Fernando, Quelle place dans l’espace public?, Projet, 2008, 306,
PACE, Enzo, Introduction, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55, 2, 107–9.
PECES BARBA, Gregorio, Reflexiones sobre religión y laicidad, Claves, 2008,
PICKARTZ, Thomas, Dialogue de l’Europe et des Églises, Projet, 2008, 306,
PIERUCCI, Antônio Flávio, De olho na modernidade religiosa, Temp. Soc., 2008,
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POLLACK, Detlef, Religious Change in Europe: Theoretical Considerations and
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SAUQUILLO, Julián, Revolución y secularización, Isegoría, 2008, 39, 13–18.
SCHLEGEL, Jean-Louis, Européens, avec ou sans racines?, Projet, 2008, 306,
SMITH, Lacey Baldwin, Can Martyrdom Survive Secularization?, Soc. Res.,
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STOLZ, Jörg, Débats autour de la sécularisation, la “guerre des genres” et le
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TER HAAR, Gerrie, Enchantment and Identity. African Christians in Europe,
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VAN HARSKAMP, Anton, Existential Insecurity and New Religiosity: An Essay
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VERSTEEG, Peter, Introduction, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55, 1, 5–8.
VERSTEEG, Peter, L’évolution liturgique comme réponse à la sécularisation:
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VUIJSJE, Herman, Old images never die, Rel. Sam., 2008, 3, 3, 159–72.
Secularization as Conflict, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55, 2, 127–39.
WOLF, Christof, How Secularized is Germany? Cohort and Comparative
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WOODHEAD, Linda, Gendering Secularization Theory, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55,
2, 187–193.
Pratiques signifiantes du changement
Significant change practices
Problèmes généraux/General problems
PRANDI, Reginaldo, Converter indivíduos, mudar culturas, Temp. Soc., 2008,
20, 2, 155–72.
TSCHANNEN, Olivier, La croyance comme ressource pratique, Arch. Sc. Soc.
Rel., 2008, 142, 131–49.
Les groupes informels/Informal groups
MEDEIROS, Bartolomeu Tito Figueirôa de, Deslocamentos em dois cortejos
processionais católicos, Relig. e Soc., 2008, 28, 1, 125–45.
SCHLEGEL, Jean-Louis, La révolution dans l’Église, Esprit, 2008, 343, 54–71.
Les comportements religieux non-institués/Non-institutionalized religious
AMARAL, Leila, In Conexione: a imaginação do sagrado na ciberarte de Diana
Domingues, Hor. Antr., 2008, 14, 29, 95–109.
CASTALDI, Carlo, A aparição do demônio no Catulé, Temp. Soc., 2008, 20, 1,
DE SANRE, Italo, Stili di vita quotidiana e radici valoriali, Rel. Soc., 2008, 62,
FARIAS, Miguel, LALLJEE, Mansur, Holistic Individualism in the Age of
Aquarius: Measuring Individualism/Collectivism in New Age, Catholic, and
Atheist/Agnostic Groups, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 2, 277–89.
GUTIERREZ-MARTINEZ, Daniel, Croyances et religiosités en Amérique latine:
approche théorique du multiculturalisme, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55, 3, 275–89.
HEELAS, Paul, La teoria della secolarizzazione sotto scacco. La crescita della
spiritualità di vita New Age, Rel. Soc., 2008, 62, 77–86.
JENSEN, Gary F., THOMPSON, Ashley, “Out of the Broom Closet”: The Social
Ecology of American Wicca, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2008, 47, 4, 753–66.
LEE, Raymond L.M., La fin de la religion? Réenchantement et déplacement du
sacré, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55, 1, 66–83.
MACAGNO, Lorenzo, Islã, transe e liminaridade, Rev. Antr. USP, 2007, 50, 1,
MEDEIROS, Bartolomeu Tito Figueirôa de, Deslocamentos em dois cortejos
processionais católicos, Relig. e Soc., 2008, 28, 1, 125–45.
MENCKEN, F. Carson, BADER, Christopher D., STARK, Rodney, Conventional
Christian Beliefs and Experimentation with the Paranormal, Rev. Rel. Res.,
2008, 50, 2, 194–205.
MINKJAN, Hanneke, Seeking Guidance from the Spirits: Neo-Shamanic
Divination Rituals in Modern Dutch Society, Soc. Comp., 2008, 55, 1, 54–65.
Bibliographie/Bibliography 491
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STEIL, Carlos Alberto, CARNEIRO, Sandra de Sá, Peregrinação, turismo e nova
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