CLOTHES (Fiche de vocabulaire) Actions (Un)dress (se (dé)habiller


CLOTHES (Fiche de vocabulaire) Actions (Un)dress (se (dé)habiller
(Fiche de vocabulaire)
✗ (Un)dress (se (dé)habiller) > At night you undress before having a shower and going to bed.
✗ Put on clothes (mettre des habits) > In the morning, you put on clothes.
✗ An article of clothing (un vêtement)
✗ Dress up (s'habiller pour une occasion)
✗ Try on (essayer) > You try on a jumper to make sure it fits you well.
✗ Fit well (bien aller à quelqu'un) > Does it fit?
It's too big. (grand)
It's too long.
It's too loose (ample).
It's too small. (petit)
It's too short. (court)
It's too tight(serré).
Look (paraître) > How do I look? You look
✔ elegant
✔ smart
Material (tissu)
woll (laine)
cotton (coton)
linen (lin)
silk (soie)
velvet (velours)
nylon (nylon)
waterproof (imperméable)
At night
a nightdress
(chemise de nuit)
a dressing gown
(robe de chambre)
Upper part of the body
a T-shirt
a shirt(chemise)
a blouse (chemisier)
a top (haut)
a suit (costume/tailleur)
a uniform
a dinner-jacket/a tuxedo (un smocking)
a waistcoat/a vest ( un gilet)
a jumper (pull)
a pullover (pull)
a cardigan (gilet)
a sweatshirt (sweat)
a hoodie (sweat avec une capuche)
a (leather) jacket (veste en cuir)
a coat (manteau)
a raincoat (un imperméable)
Lower part of the body (2)
overalls (salopette)
a tracksuit (un survêtement)
(a pair of ) shorts (shorts)
a skirt (jupe)
(a pair of ) trousers (pantalon)
(a pair of ) jeans
a dress (robe)
a cap (casquette)
a hat (chapeau)
a beret
a bowler ( un chapeau melon)
an umbrella (parapluie)
a belt(ceinture)
a handbag (sac à main)
scarf (scarves) (écharpe)
a handkerchief (foulard)
(sun)glasses (lunettes -de soleil)
watch(es) (montre)
glove(s) (gants)
a tie (cravate)
a bow tie (noeud papillon)
a wallet (un portefeuille)
(a pair of ) shoes (chaussures)
(a pair of ) trainers/sneakers (baskets)
(a pair of ) sandals (sandales)
(a pair of ) wellingtons (bottes de pluie)
(a pair of ) boots (bottes)
(a pair of ) high heels (talons hauts)
(a pair of ) slippers (pantoufles)
(a pair of ) flip-flops (tongs)
(a pair of ) socks (chaussettes)
(a pair of ) tights (bas)
Underclothing/underwear (sous vêtements)
boxer shorts (caleçon)
trunks (slip)
knickers (culotte)
a bra (soutien-gorge)
swimming trunks (maillot-homme)
swimming suit (maillot)
a bikini
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