Update No. 3 December 2002


Update No. 3 December 2002
Slender-billed Curlew Numenius tenuirostris Bibliography
Update no. 3 December 2002
BirdLife International
Slender-billed Curlew Numenius tenuirostris Bibliography
Update No. 3 December 2002
The aim of this document is to build up a bibliography of references on the Slender-billed Curlew
and for the bibliography to be distributed amongst the members of the Slender-billed Curlew
Working Group, established under the Bonn Convention.
The list present list is the updated version of the one distributed in January 2000. As the previous
one, it does not represent a complete record of all references concerning the Slender-billed Curlew.
The document will be continuously updated to take account of new material. BirdLife welcomes
comments and references for inclusion in the bibliography. Please send information of references
that should be included in this bibliography to:
Tim Cleeves
Slender-billed Curlew Database and Fieldwork Coordinator
E-mail: [email protected]
Slender-billed Curlew Numenius tenuirostris Bibliography
Update no. 3 December 2002
BirdLife International Slender-billed Curlew Numenius tenuirostris
el Agbani M.A. & Dakki M. (1994) Prospections sur l'hivernage du Courlis à bec grêle Numenius tenuirostris
dans les zones cotieres du Centre-Atlantique et du Sud du Maroc. In: Preparation d'un plan sauvetage
pour Numenius tenuirostris. Final report. Annexes. Vol. 2. (in French)
Aksakov S.T. (1852) Notes on the game-hunter from Orenburg Region. 2nd edition ed. Moscow University
Printing House, Moscow. 415 pages. (in Russian)
Albrecht S. (1989) Identification of Slender-billed Curlew. Bulletin. Ornithological Society of the MiddleEast. (22): 49-51
Alleon A. (1886) Memoire sur les oiseaux dans la Dobrodja et la Bulgarie. Ornis 2: 397-428. (in French)
Allouse B.E. (1961) The birds of Iraq. Vol. 2. Iraq Natural History Museum, Baghdad.
Altenburg W., Engelmoer M., Piersma T. (1982) Wintering waders on the Banc d'Arguin, Mauritania.
Communication no. 6 of the Wadden Sea Working Group. Groningen. 283 pp.
Andersen K. (1905) Beobachtungen uber den Zug der Vogel in Sofia, Bulgarien. Aquila 12, 241-281. (in
Anon. (1986) War es ein Dunnschnabelbrachvogel. Orn. Mitt. 38(6), 140. (in German)
Anon. (1992) Proceedings: workshop on the Slender-billed Curlew, Numenius tenuirostris. Foundation Il
Nibbio, Florence.
Anon. (1992) Workshop. Slender-billed Curlew Numenius tenuirostris. Proceedings Arosio (I) 27-28-29 March
Anon. (1998) No title. Several letters on the Slender-billed Curlew. Birding World 11(7), 273-276.
Antal L., Fernbach J., Mikuska J., Pelle I. & Szlivka L. (1971) Namenverzeichnis der Vogel der Autonomen
Provinz Vojvodina. Larus 23, 73-127. (in German)
Arrigoni degli Oddi E. (1902) Atlante Ornitologico Uccelli Europei con notizie d'indole generale e
particolare., Milan. (in Italian)
Baccetti N. (1995) Revisione delle catture italiane di una specie giunta all'orlo dell'estinzione: Numenius
tenuirostris (Aves, Scolopacidae). Ric. Biol. Selvaggina 94:1-18. (in Italian)
Baccetti N. & Zenatello M. (1994) Preparation of a rescue plan for Numenius tenuirostris. In: Preparation d'un
plan de sauvetage de Numenius tenuirostris. Final report to the European Commission. Annex 8. Vol.
Bacescu M. (1961) Pasarile in Nomenclatura si viata Poporului Romin., Bucharest. 441 pages. (in Romanian)
Bainbridge I.P. & Minton C.D.T. (1978) The migration and mortality of the Curlew in Britain and Ireland.
Bird Study 25:39-50.
Bannerman D.A. & Bannerman W.M. (1971) Handbook of the birds of Cyprus. Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh
and London.
Bannikov A.S. (Ed.) (1978) ["Red Data Book of U.S.S.R.: rare and endangered species of animals and plants"].
Promyshlennot, Moscow. (In Russian)
Bauer W. & Muller G. (1969) Zur avifauna des Evros Delta. Beitr. Naturk. Forsch. Sudw. Dtl. 38, 33-52. (in
Slender-billed Curlew Numenius tenuirostris Bibliography
Update no. 3 December 2002
Bauer W., Helversen O,V, Hodge M. & Martens J. (1969) Catalogue of the fauna of Greece. 2: Birds.,
Thessaloniki. 1043; 2; 462
Beaman M. (1986) Turkey: Bird Report 1976-81. Sandgrouse 8, 1-41.
Beaubrun P. & Thevenot M. (1983) Recensement hivernal d'oiseaux d'eau au Maroc, janvier 1983. Rapport
Inst. Sci. et Direc. Eaux et Forets, Rabat. 22 pages. (in French)
Beaubrun P. & Thevenot M. (1984) Recensement hivernal d'oiseaux d'eau au Maroc. Documents de
l'Institute Sci. Rabat 8, 1-29. (in French)
Beaubrun P., Thevenot M. & Baouab R. (1986) Recensement hivernal d'oiseaux d'eau au Maroc, janvier 1985.
Documents de l'Institute Sci. Rabat 10, 1-21. (in French)
Belik V.P. (1994) Where does the Slender-billed Curlew Numenius tenuirostris breed. Information materials of
the Working Group on Waders 7(Ed: Tomkovitch,PS), 30-32. (in Russian)
Belik V.P. (1994) Where on earth does the Slender-billed Curlew breed? Wader Study Group Bull. 75, 37-38.
Bellatreche M., de Smet K., Malher F. & Ochando B. (1982) Recensements hivernaux d'oiseaux d'eau Algerie
1982. Institut National Agronomique, El-Harrach, Alger. (in French)
Bellemy P., Elliott G. & Trubridge M. (1990) Slender-billed Curlews in Algeria? An ornithological survey of
the Chotts Constantinois. Royal Society for the Protection of Birds.
Belov A.V., Gribova S.A., Karamysheva Z.V. & Kotova T.V. (1990) Vegetation of the USSR. Map for higher
education institutions. Moscow:GUGK. . Scale 1:4,000,000.
van den Berg A.B. (1988) Identification of Slender-billed Curlew and its occurrence in the winter of 1987-88.
Dutch Birding 10, 45-53.
van den Berg A.B. (1988) Le Courlis a bec grêle, la Sittelle algerienne et autres especes menacees. In:
L'Homme et L'Oiseau. (in French)
van den Berg A.B. (1988) Moroccan Slender-billed Curlew survey, winter 1987-88. (Study Rep., 29.)
International Council for Bird Preservation, Cambridge, U.K. 61 pages.
van den Berg A.B. (1989) Habitat of Slender-billed Curlews in Morocco. Brit. Birds 83, 1-7.
van den Berg A.B. (1990) Habitat of the Slender-billed Curlews in Morocco. Brit. Birds 83(1), 1-7.
van den Berg. A.B. (1988) Een laatste vlucht dunbekwulpen? Vogels 47, 212-215. (in Dutch)
van den Berg A.B. & Bosman C.A.W. 1999 Rare birds of the Netherlands with complete list of all species.
GMB Uitgeverij, Haarlem. Pp 160 -161.
Bergier P. (1987) Les rapaces diurnes du Maroc: statut, r‚partition et ecologie. [The diurnal raptors of
Morocco, status, distribution and ecology]. (Annales du CEEP, 3.) Centre d'etudes sur les ecosystemes
de Provence, Aix-en-Provence. (In French)
Bezzel E. & Muller G. (1964) Einige notizen zum Herbstzug in Nordgreichenland. Anz. Orn. Ges. Bayern 7,
190-196. (in German)
Blondel J. & Blondel C. (1964) Remarques sur l'hivernages des limocoles et autres oiseaux aquatiques au
Maroc. Alauda 32, 250-279. (in French)
Boere G.C. & Yurlov A. (1998) In search of the Slender-billed Curlew (Numenius tenuirostris). Preliminary
results of an expedition to wetlands and waterbirds of the Baraba and Karasuk steppe in the south of
West Siberia, Russian Federation, 17 May - 22 June 1997. Wader Study Group Bull. 85, 35-38.
Bojko G.W. & Nowak E. (1996) Observation of a Slender-billed Curlew Numenius tenuirostris in west Siberia.
Wader Study Group Bull. 81, 79.
Borodin A.M. (Ed.) (1984) [Red data book of the USSR: rare and endangered species of animals and plants, 1:
animals]. Second ed. Promyshlennost., Moscow. (in Russian)
Boyd H. (1962) Mortality and fecundity in European Charadrii. Ibis 104: 368-387.
Slender-billed Curlew Numenius tenuirostris Bibliography
Update no. 3 December 2002
Bradshaw, C. (2002) "Commentary, on behalf of the British Birds Rarities Committee". British Birds 95(6):
Brandolini A. (1953) Notizie sul Chiurlottello. Riv. Ital. Orn. 23, 32-33.
.Brederode N., Kersten M., Piersma T. & Zegers P. (1982) Netherlands wader expedition in Morocco 1982.
Some preliminary results. Wader Study Group Bull. 36, 12-14.
Brosselin M. (1968) Observation d'un Courlis à bec grêle Numenius tenuirostris en Vendee. Nos Oiseaux 29,
274. (in French)
Brosset A. (1956) Les oiseaux du Maroc oriental. Alauda 24, 161-205. (in French)
Brosset, A (1961) Ecologie des oiseaux du Maroc oriental. Travaux de l'Inst. Sci. Cherif., serie Zool Vol. 22.
(in French)
Bucknill, J. (1910) On the ornithology of Cyprus. Ibis (7): 385-435.
Buda A. (1882) Hunyad megye teruleten elofordulo madarak jegyzeke. A Hunyad megyei Tortenelmi es
Regeszeti Tarsulat Evkonye. 1: 105-138. (in Hungarian)
Chown D. & Linsley M. (1994) Wetlands in northern Algeria and coastal Tunisia. Royal Society for the
Protection of Birds, Sandy, U.K.
Chupin I., Nowak E. & Yurlov A. (1994) Search project in the breeding areas of the Slender-billed Curlew,
Numenius tenuirostris, in south-west Siberia. In: Preparation d'un plan de sauvetage pour Numenius
tenuirostris. Final report to the European Commission. Annex 35 ed. Vol. 2.
Czikeli H. (1976) Beobachtung eines Dünnschnabelbrachvogels (Numenius tenuirostris) in Steirischen
Emnstal. Egretta 19 (1-2): 61-62
Cleeves T. (1998) The accidental discovery of the decade? Birdwatch (73, July), 20-21.
Cleeves T. (1998) The Slender-billed Curlew in Northumberland - a new British bird. Birding World 11(5),
Cleeves, T. (2002) Slender-billed Curlew in Northumberland: new to Britain and Ireland. British Birds 95(6):
CMS (1996) Report on the current monitoring and conservation status of the Slender-billed Curlew,
Numenius tenuirostris. Report and memorandum of understanding conserving conservation measures
for the Slender-billed Curlew.
Collar N.J., Crosby M.J. & Stattersfield A.J. (1994) Birds to watch 2: the world list of threatened birds.
(BirdLife Conservation Series no., 4.) BirdLife International, Cambridge, U.K.
Cooper H. (1989) Slender-billed Curlew observations at Merja Zerga Bilogical Reserve, January-April 1989.
Unpublished manuscript.
Corso A. (1996) Slender-billed Curlew on Sicily in March 1996. Dutch Birding 18, 302.
Cramp S. & Simmons K.E.L. (Eds.) (1983) The birds of the western Palearctic. Vol. 3. Oxford University
Press, Oxford.
Csornai R. (1937-1940) Orntoloski izvjestai. Lovacki glasnik, Novi Sad. (in Hungarian)
Cyprus Ornithological Society (1972) Annual report.
Czikeli H. (1976) Beobachtung eines Dunnschabelbrachvogels Numenius tenuirostris im Steirischen Ennstal.
Egretta 19, 61-62. (in German)
Dakki M., Qninba A. & Benhoussa A. (1995). Faune de Merja Zerga, avec étude spécifique des Oiseaux
d’eau. Comité des Programmes de Conservation de la Nature, Témara, Morocco. (in French)
Danilenko A.K., Boere G.C. & Lebedeva E.A. (1996) Looking for the recent breeding grounds of Slenderbilled Curlew: a habitat-based approach. Wader Study Group Bull. 81, 71-78.
Slender-billed Curlew Numenius tenuirostris Bibliography
Update no. 3 December 2002
Davidson N.C. (1983) Formulae for estimating the lean weight and fat reserves of live shorebirds. Ringing
and Migration 4:159-166.
Delic A. (1988) Pitce mocvarice ribja car stva 'Koncanica'. Larus 40: 25-33. (in Serb)
Dementev G.P., Gladkow N.A. & Sprangenberg E.P. (1969) Small or Slender-billed Curlew, Numenius
tenuirostris. In: Birds of the Soviet Union. Vol. 3. Jerusalem, 346-349.
Dementiev G.P. & Gladkov N.A. (1951) [Birds of the Soviet Union, 3]. Sovetskaya Nauka, Moscow. (In
Devillers P. & Vangeluwe D. (1994) Slender-billed Curlew Numenius tenuirostris, a review of the available
data and conservation status. In: Preparation d'un plan de sauvetage pour Numenius tenuirostris. Final
report to the European Commission. Annex 2. Vol. 2.
Devillers P., Beudels R.C. & Harwood J. (1994) Population dynamic parameters for Numenius tenuirostris. In:
Preparation diun plan de sauvetage pour Numenius tenuirostris. Final report to the European
Commission. Annex 4. Vol. 2.
Dimitrijevic S. (1977) Sjukarice (Charadriiformes) na podrucju Vojvodine. Larus 29-30: 5-32. (in Serb)
Dolgushin I.A. (1962) Lesser Curlew - Numenius tenuirostris Vieill. In: Birds of Kazakhstan. Vol. 2. (Ed:
Dolgushin I.A.) Kazakhstan Academy of Sciences, Alma-Ata. (in Russian)
Dresser H.E. (1871) A history of the birds of Europe, 8., London.
Driscoll P.V. (1995) Development of telemetry techniques for tracking movements of Eastern Curlew
(Numenius madagascariensis). Report to the Queensland Department of Environment and Heritage,
von Dombrowski R. (1912) Ornis Romaniae; die Vogelwelt Rumanien's., Bucharest. (in German)
Dubois Ph. & Duhautois L. (1977) Notes sur l'ornithologie marocaine. Alauda 45: 285-291. (in French)
Dubois Ph. (1986) Rapport de mission d'etoudes hivernales de l'Echasse blanche Himantopus himantopus
sur les quartiers africans. Rapport preliminaire 1, LPO, SRETIE, 12 pages. (In French)
Elwes H.J. & Buckley T.E. (1870) A list of the birds of Turkey. Ibis 6, 327-341.
Engelmoer M., Piersma T., Altenburg W. & Mes R. (1984) The Banc d'Arguin. In: Coastal waders and
waterfowl in winter. (Eds: Evans, PR; Goss-Custard, JD; Hale, WG) Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge, U.K.
Ens B.J., Piersma T., Wolf W.J. & Zwarts L. (1990) Homeward bound: problems facing waders when
migrating from the Banc d’Arguin, Mauritania, to their northern breeding grounds in spring. Ardea
78: 1-16.
Eriksen J. & Sargeant D.E. (2000) Oman Bird List, Edition 5. Oman Bird records Committee, Muscat, Sultanat
of Oman
Evans P.R. (1991) Seasonal and annual patterns of mortality in migratory shorebirds: some conservation
implications. In: Bird Population Studies: Relevance to Conservation and Management (eds Perrins
C.M., Lebreton J-D. & Hirons G.J.M.) pp 346-259. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.
Ewins P.J. (1989) Slender-billed Curlews in Morocco in February 1979. Dutch Birding 11, 119-120.
Flach B. (1956) Fran nagra Fagellokaler I Grekland. Fauna och Flora 51, 122-139.
Flach B. (1960) Fran tva ornitologiska exkursioner till Grekland. Fauna och Flora 55, 229-263.
Floericke K. (1918) Forlcherfahrt in Feindesland. Kosmos, Stuttgart. 84 pages. (in German)
Franchimont J. (1994) Rapport de l'enquete Courlis à bec grêle (Numenius tenuirostris) en peninsule
Tingitane. In: Preparation d'un plan de sauvetage pour Numenius tenuirostris. Final report to the
European Commission. Annex 28. Vol. 2. (in French)
Slender-billed Curlew Numenius tenuirostris Bibliography
Update no. 3 December 2002
Fuhrer L. (1895) Daten uber den Fruhjahrzug 1895 an der Kuste Montenehros. Die Schwalbe (= Mitt. Orn.
Ver. Wien) 19(6), 86-87. (in German)
Fuhrer (von) L.(1901) Beitrage zur Ornis Montenegros und des angrenzenden Gabietes von Nordaibanien.
Orn. Jahrb. 11,12, 165-18, 1-20, 41-79. (in German)
Gallagher M. & Woodcock M.W. (1980) The birds of Oman. Quartet Books, London.
Garrido H., Mañez M. & Urdiales C. (1994) Curlews (Numenius spp.) survey: Andalusian Atlantic coast,
November 1993 - January 1994. In: Preparation d'un de sauvetage pour Numenius tenuirostris. Final
report to the European Commission. Annex 24. Vol. 2.
Gavrin V.F., Dolgushin I.D., Korelov M.N. & Kuzmina M.A. (1962) Ptitsy Kazakhstana. [Birds of
Kazakhstan, 2]. Izdat. Akad. Nauk Kazakhskoy SSR, Alma-Ata. (in Russian)
Geroudet P. (1983) Limicoles, Gangas et Pigeons d'Europe 2. Delachaux et Niestle, Paris. (in French)
Gjurason S. (1901) Ptice. Prirodopisne i kulurne crtice. 2., Zagreb. (in Croatian)
Gladkov N. (1951) Otrjat Kulili. Ptice Sovetskogo sojuza 3: 3-372.
Gluck H. (1893) Numenius tenuirostris Vieillot in Ungam erlegt. Orn. Jahrb. 4, 164. In German)
Glutz von Blotzheim U.N., Bauer K.M. & Bezzel E. (1977) Handbuch der Vogel Mitteleuropas:
Charadriiformes. [Handbook of the birds of Central Europe]. Vol. 7. Akademische
Verlagsgesellschaft, Wiesbaden. (in German)
Goodman S.M., Meininger P.L., Baha el Din S.M., Hobbs J.J. & Mulli W.C. (1989) The birds of Egypt. Oxford
University Press, Oxford.
Gorman G. (1996) Repulo vekonycsoru (Numenius tenuirostris) megfigyelese a Hortobagyon. Tuzok 1: 85-86.
(in Hungarian)
Gosney D. (1993) Finding birds in Greece. Gostours, Sheffield. 35 pages.
Goutner V. & Handrinos G. (1988) Conservation action for Anser erythropus and Numenius tenuirostris in
Evros Delta, Thrace, Greece. Hellenic Ornithological Society/Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
Unpublished report.
Goutner V. & Handrinos G. (1990) The occurrence of Slender-billed Curlews Numenius tenuirostris in Greece.
Biol. Conserv. 53, 47-60.
Gretton A. & Yurlov A.K. (1990) The conservation of Numenius tenuirostris. IWRB Spec. Publ. 12, 207-208.
Gretton A. (1990) Red Data Bird: Slender-billed Curlew. World Birdw. 12(3), 11.
Gretton A. (1991) The ecology and conservation of the Slender-billed Curlew (Numenius tenuirostris).
(Monogr., 6.) International Council for Bird Preservation, Cambridge, U.K.
Gretton A. (1994) An estimate of the current population of the Slender-billed Curlew. In: Preparation d'un
plan de sauvetage pour Numenius tenuirostris. Final report to the European Commission. Annex 5.
Vol. 2.
Gretton A. (1994) Slender-billed Curlew (ACNAT) project. Visit to Bulgaria, 25 Sept-2 Oct 1993. Summary
report. In: Preparation d'un plan de sauvetage pour Numenius tenuirostris. Final report to the
European Commission. Annex 19. Vol. 2.
Gretton A. (1994) Slender-billed Curlew database: an update. In: Preparation d'un plan sauvetage pour
Numenius tenuirostris. Final report to the European Commission . Annex 1. Vol. 2.
Gretton A. (1995) Europe's rarest bird? Birdwatch 37, 36-37.
Gretton A. (1996) International action plan for the Slender-billed Curlew Numenius tenuirostris. In: Globally
threatened birds in Europe: action plans. (Eds: Heredia B., Rose L. & Painter M.) Council of Europe,
and BirdLife International, Strasbourg, 271-288.
Slender-billed Curlew Numenius tenuirostris Bibliography
Update no. 3 December 2002
Gretton A., Yurlov A.K. & Boere G.C. (2002) Where does the Slender-billed Curlew nest and what future does it
have? British Birds 95, 7:334-344.
Gyngazov A.M. & Milovidov S.P. (1977) Ornitofauna Zapadno-Sibirskoy ravniny (Birds of the West Siberian
Plain), Tomsk. (in Russian)
Hagemeijer W.J.M. (Ed.) (1994) Wintering waterbirds in the coastal wetlands of Albania, 1993. (WIWO
Report, 49.) Werkgroep Internationaal Wad-en Watervogelonderzoek, Zeist, Netherlands. 113 pages.
Handrinos G. (1994) Slender-billed Curlew Numenius tenuirostris in Greece. In: Preparation d'un plan
sauvetage pour Numenius tenuirostris. Final report to the European Commission. Annex 9. Vol. 2.
Harrison J. & Pateff P. (1933) Contribution to the Ornithology of Bulgaria. Ibis 13(3), 494-521, 589-611.
Harwood. J. (1994) A preliminary population vulnerability analysis for Numenius tenuirostris. In: Preparation
d'un plan de sauvetage pour Numenius tenuirostris. Final report to the European Commission. Annex
3 ed. Vol. 2.
van der Have T.M. & Gallo-Orsi U. (2001) Population trend of the Slender-billed Curlew Numenius tenuirostris
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Netherlands 31 August - 2 September 2001.
van der Have T.M. (1993) Review of Gretton 1991. Dutch Birding 15, 6.
van der Have T.M., Baccetti N., Keijl G.O. & Zenatello M. (1997) Waterbirds in Kneiss, Tunisia. WIWOReport n. 54.
van der Have T.M., Keijl, G.O., Mansoori, J. & Morozov, V.V. (2001) Searching for Slender-billed Curlews in
Iran, January-February 2000. WIWO (Foundation Working Group International Wader and
Waterfowl Research) - report 72.
van der Have T.M., Keijl. G.O. & Ruiters P.S. (1998) Searching for Slender-billed Curlews in Tunisia,
February-March 1994. Wader Study Group Bull. 86, 36-39.
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Heredia B., Rose L. & Painter M. (Eds.) (1996) Globally threatened birds in Europe: action plans. Council of
Europe and BirdLife International, Strasbourg, France.
Hovette Ch. & Kowalski H. (1972) Denombrements de la sauvagine dans le Mahgreb, janvier-feverier 1972.
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Hristovic G. (1890) Materiali za izutschvane balgarskata fauna. Sb. narodni. umtov. 2: 185-225. (in Bulgarian)
Iankov P. (ed) (2002) Svetovno za stravenia bidobe ptisi b Bulgaria. BSPB & MoEF. Sofia.(in Bulgarian)
Ignatov A. (1994) The Slender-billed Curlew in Bulgaria. In: Preparation d'un plan sauvetage pour Numenius
tenuirostris. Final report to the European Commission. Annex 18 ed. Vol. 2.
van Ijzendoorn E.J. & van der Laan J. (1996) Herziening Nederlandse Avifaunistische Lijst 1800-1979:tweede
fase. Dutch Birding 18, 157-202. (in Dutch)
van Impe J. (1995) Considerations sur les causes de disparition du Courlis à bec grêle Numenius tenuirostris.
Alauda 63: 111-114. (in French)
van Impe J. (1995) Considerations sur les causes de la disparition de Courlis à Bec Grêle Numenius
tenuirostris. Alauda 63, 111-114. (in French)
Slender-billed Curlew Numenius tenuirostris Bibliography
Update no. 3 December 2002
Isenmann P. & A. Moali (2000). Oiseaux d'Algerie / Birds of Algeria. SEOF.
Ivanov A.I. (1976) Katalog Ptits SSSR [a catalogue of birds of the USSR]. Nauka, Leningrad. (in Russian)
Joyes A., Knight P.J., Leah R.T. & Pienkowski M.W. (1976) The blockage of the Oued Chebeika estuary and
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Kelemen A., Kiss J.B. & Sterbetz I. (1974) Beobachtungen uber den Vogelzug in dem Donaudelta, September
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Kersten M. & Peerenboom A.M. (1978) Watervogeltelligen in de Merja Zerga, Marokko, januari 1976.
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Kersten M., Piersma T., Smit C. & Zegers P. (1981) Wader migration along the Atlantic Coast of Morocco.
(Report of the Netherlands Morocco Expedition, 1981.) WIWO, Zeist.
Kirwan G.M. (1997) A list of bird specimens held in Robert's College, Bebek (Istanbul, Turkey) collection,
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Kistyakovskii A. (1957) Fauna Ukraini. Tom 4 Ptahi, Kiev. 432 pages. (in Russian?)
von Knorre D. (1977) Welchen Wert besitzt die Schnabellange fur die feldornithologische Unterscheidung
der Brachvogel in Mitteleuropea. Falke 24, 278-279. (in German)
Knotzsch G. (1965) Ornithologische Beobachtungen aus Nordgreichenland. Der Ornithologische Beobachter
62, 181-187. (in German)
Knystautas A. (1987) The natural history of the USSR. Century, London.
Knystautas A. (1993) Birds of Russia. Harper Collins, London. 256 pages.
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