1 No matter how accustomed she became to seeing them, no matter


1 No matter how accustomed she became to seeing them, no matter
Une seule fois, Sir Stephen invita avec O, à
Once, but only once, Sir Stephen invited O to lunch with two of his
déjeuner, deux de ses compatriotes de
compatriots who were passing through Paris. He came for her an hour
passage. Il vint la chercher une heure avant
before she was ready, and instead of having her driven to his place, he
qu’elle fût prête, quai de Béthune, au lieu de
came to the quai de Bethune.
la faire venir chez lui. O était baignée, mais
ni coiffée, ni maquillée, ni habillée. Elle vit
O had finished bathing, but she had not done her hair or put on her
avec surprise que Sir Stephen avait à la main
make-up, and was not dressed. To her surprise, she saw that Sir
une sacoche à clubs de golf. Mais son
Stephen was carrying a golf bag, though she saw no clubs in it. But she
étonnement passa vite : Sir Stephen lui dit
soon got over her surprise: Sir Stephen told her to open the bag. Inside
d’ouvrir la sacoche. Elle contenait plusieurs
were several leather riding crops, two fairly thick ones of red leather,
cravaches de cuir, deux de cuir rouge un peu
two that were long and thin of black leather, a scourge with long lashes
épaisses, deux très minces et longues en cuir
of green leather, each of which was folded back at the end to form a
noir, un fouet de flagellant à très longues
loop, a dog's whip made of a thick single lash whose handle was of
lanières, de cuir vert, chacune repliée et
braided leather and, last but not least, leather bracelets of the sort used
formant boucle à son extrémité, un autre de
at Roissy, plus some rope. O lad them outside by side on the unmade
cordelettes à noeuds, un fouet de chien fait
d’une seule et épaisse lanière de cuir, dont le
manche était de cuir tressé, enfin des
bracelets de cuir comme ceux de Roissy, et
des cordes. O rangea tout, côte à côte, sur le
lit ouvert. Quelque habitude ou quelque
No matter how accustomed she became to seeing them, no matter
résolution qu’elle eût, elle tremblait ; Sir
what resolutions she made about them, she could not keep from
Stephen la prit dans ses bras. « Qu’est-ce
trembling. Sir Stephen took her in his arms. "Which do you prefer, O?"
que tu préfères, O ? » lui dit-il. Mais elle
he asked her. But she could barely speak, and already could feel the
pouvait à peine parler, et, d’avance, sentait
sweat running down her arms. "Which do you prefer?" he repeated.
la sueur lui couler des aisselles. « Qu’est-ce
"All right," he said confronted by her silence, "first you're going to
help me."
que tu préfères ? » répéta-t-il. « Bon, dit-il
devant son silence, tu vas d’abord m’aider. »
Il lui réclama des clous, et ayant trouvé
He asked for some nails, and having found a way to arrange them in a
comment disposer, pour faire une manière
decorative manner, whips and riding crosses crossed, he showed O a
de décoration, fouets et cravaches
panel of wainscoting between her mirror and the fireplace, opposite
entrecroisés, montra à O qu’à droite de sa
her bed, which would be ideal for them. He hammered some nails into
psyché, et face à son lit, un panneau de
the wood. There were rings on the ends of the handles of the whips and
boiserie entre la psyché et la cheminée se
riding crops, by which they could be suspended from the nails, a
prêtait à les recevoir. Il fixa les clous. Aux
system which allowed each whip to be easily taken down and returned
extrémités des manches des fouets et des
to its place on the wall. Thus, together with the bracelets and the rope,
cravaches, il y avait des anneaux que l’on
O would have, opposite her bed, the complete array of her instruments
pouvait accrocher aux crochets des clous X,
of torture. It was a handsome panoply, as harmonious as the wheel and
ce qui permettait d’enlever et de reposer
spikes in the painting of Saint Catherine, the martyr, as the nails and
chaque fouet facilement ; avec les bracelets
hammer, the crown of thorns, the spear and scourges portrayed in the
et les cordes roulées, O aurait ainsi, face à
paintings of the Crucifixion. When Jacqueline came back... but all this
son lit, la panoplie complète de ses
involved Jacqueline, involved her deeply. She would have to reply to
instruments de supplice. C’était une jolie
Sir Stephen's question: O could not, he chose the dog whip himself.
panoplie, aussi harmonieuse que la roue et
les tenailles dans les tableaux qui
représentent sainte Catherine martyre, que le
marteau et les clous, la couronne épines, la
lance et les verges dans les tableaux de la
Passion.3 Lorsque Jacqueline reviendrait...
mais il s’agissait bien de Jacqueline.4 Il fallait
répondre à la question de Sir Stephen 5: O ne
le pouvait pas, il choisit lui-même le fouet à