Curriculum Vitae


Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
Karim Sehaba
Doctor in Computer Science
Postdoc in LIP6 - Paris
Mail: [email protected]
Web Site:
PhD in Computer Science of La Rochelle University
Master in Computer Science of La Rochelle University
Bachelor's degree in Engineering Computer Science of Oran University
Languages Abilities
Arabic native
Fluent in French and English
Professional Experiences
sep 05-aou 06: Teaching and Research Assistant at the University of La Rochelle (La Rochelle city,
France), 1 years, Tutorials and practical works in computer science.
oct 02-sep 05: PhD student, 3 years, L3i laboratory and the psychiatric service of La Rochelle Hospital (La Rochelle city, France). Programming of an adaptive system for children with
autism by using personalized games to needs, profile and behaviour of each children.
oct 02-sep 05: Assistant teaching, 3 years, University of La Rochelle and Institute of Technology (La
Rochelle city, France). Project manager in computer science - Tutorials and practical
works in computer science.
feb 00-jul 00: Master Project, 6 months, design and programming of simulator of decision-making
aid of the Robert&Camborde company (La Rochelle city, France),
sep 00-may 01: Computer programmer, 9 months, Oran University (Oran city, Algeria), Programming
of modelling and simulation tools for discrete vent system.
Computer Science Skills
DOS/Windows, Unix/Linux, VxWorks
C/C++, Java, Pascal, BlackBox, Delphi, MATLAB
Apache, DNS, Samba, Routing
XML, HTML (FrontPage, Dreamweaver), LaTeX (WinEdt, TeXnicCenter)
UML, Merise, Multi-agent System
Office XP, OpenOffice
Teaching Activities
Having done an engineer training, I have acquired knowledge in many different areas of computer
science that I have used during courses that I have carried out.
For 4 years I have taught various courses at the Institute of Technology and Department of Computer
Science of La Rochelle University for Bachelor's degree and Master students. The main task consists
in carried out courses, TD and TP, to correct exams and evaluate projects. The courses that I have
ensured are regrouped into 4 themes:
• Network and computing system
• Algorithmic and oriented object programming
• Interaction and intelligent system
• Methodology and usage
Research Subjects
The choice of research and teaching methods was made during the project that I carried out in the last
year of engineer school. The work that I carried out was related to formalisms of modelling and simulation of complex systems.
I have obtained a diploma in Computer Science Engineering in 2001 at Oran University, with the mention very good (highest class ranking), which enabled me to get a 4 year scholarship for the preparation of a Master and PhD that I did at La Rochelle University.
In the following paragraphs, we describe the abstract of these works.
Supervisor :
Adaptive execution by observing and analysing of behaviour. Application on interactive software for autistic children
Human-Machine Interaction, adaptive execution, Case-Based Reasoning, analysis of
behaviour, games, autism.
L3i Laboratory (La Rochelle University, La Rochelle city, France)
October 2002 to April 2005 (3 years and 2 months)
Pascal Estraillier
Taking into account of the user’s behaviour in the interactive applications, which include the human
user, appears obvious for the formation of a mechanism of fast decision-making and adapted to the
situation. It consists in extracting conclusions relating to user’s behaviour and provides in a real time
personal way adequate activities, keeping in mind the expert’s advice. Within this framework, we have
contributed to the problem of the adaptive execution by observation and analysis of behaviour.
The first part of our work is about behaviour analysis. We thus defined a formalism based on the
observation of the user’s behaviour. It consists in the observation carried out on the explicit and
implicit actions of the user. The first one, recovering the user’s actions carried out on: mouse, touch
screen keyboard. The second one concerns facial expression.
The second part of our work is about execution control of the activities by taking into account of the
user’s behaviour. We have defined a model based on the case-based reasoning that allows the
generation of activities answering the description of the user’s profile, his behaviour and these needs.
Our strategy of control consists in launching an episode of reasoning each time that a particular
behaviour is detected.
The last part of our work is devoted to the presentation of our system developed within the framework
of the Autism Project. It is about a system proposing the educational games intended for children with
autism. This system constituted a framework of application and validation of our contribution. This
application framework reflects significant characteristics of user-adapted interactions according to the
perceived behaviour, behaviour apprehended by various means (answers to the game and expressions
facial). Thus, the system in question, based on the multi-agents paradigm, includes the knowledge of
therapists, the children profiles and the dynamics of their interactions.
Management of the opening of multi-agent system
MAS Platform, aid decision-making, architecture
L3i Laboratory (La Rochelle University, La Rochelle city, France)
April 2002 to July 2002 (3 months)
Pascal Estraillier
The multi-agent system (MAS) gives a flexible and evolutionary solution to complex problems. Thus,
we are interested in open MAS that can add or remove new functionalities during the execution. We
have proposed a model for management of the open MAS based on broker agent. This last contains
knowledge that allows to him to manage the increase or remove functionalities of MAS during the
The application relates to the realization of a simulator of decision-making aid of the
Robert&Camborde company. The latter is a structure specialized in the delivery in residence of heavy
and cumbersome products.
Blackboard tool for an intelligent methodology of successive approximation of
DEVES model
modelling, simulation, discrete event systems, successive approximation methodology,
multi-agent system.
Department of Computer science (Oran University, La Rochelle Oran, Algeria)
September 2001 to June 2002
DEVS Formalism (Discrete EVent Specification system) introduced by B.P. Zeigler allows the modelling and the simulation of the discrete event systems. We proposed an approach of DEVS modelling
for complex systems. Work that we carried out consists in using a methodology of successive approximations in a multi-agent system where the interaction between the agents generates models DEVS
which can be simulated with DEVSJAVA tool.
This work gave place to the development of a software tool (EASYDEVS) allowing the generation of
DEVS models starting from a simple specification.
Participation in Research Projects
ACI Interdisciplinary (Action Concertée Incitative: Concerted Incentive Action Programmes) includes different academic partners working on children’s consumption.
The partners are specialised on computer science, marketing, anthropology, history,
cultural psychology and sociology.
Autism Project in partnership with the psychiatric service of La Rochelle Hospital.
The goal of project is to implement software and hardware system that could help children with autism during the rehabilitation process.
SADODEL Project with Robert&Camborde Company specialized on the delivery of
groceries product. The project goal is to design and implement a simulator based on
multi-agent paradigm in order to aid decision-making.
Research Supervisor
Jun 05-Sep 05: Crouzet Matthieu, Bourssaud Bastien and Morin Nicolas. Master students, La
Rochelle University. Production of the execution trace in interactive system.
Fab 05-May 05: Crochet Benoit et Tessoneau Pierre, Master students, La Rochelle University.
Exploitation in real time of execution trace.
Jan 04-Jun04: Dimitrios V. Mouchritsas, Faculty of Applied Technology, Dep. Of Applied Informatics and Multimedia, Technological Educational Institute of Crete (Greece).
New form of implementation of game dedicated to children with autism.
Students Project Supervisor
Jun 05-Sep 05: Arnaud Durif, Ingeneer 2nd years, International School of Science and Treatment of Information (Ecole Internationale des Sciences du Traitement de l’Information) Paris,
Analysis and conception of software environment of execution control of interactive
games for children with autism.
Fab 04-jul 04: Vincent Gratsac and Kevin Treussier, Master students, La Rochelle University,
Software games for rehabilitation of children with autism
Oct 05-Jun05: Maria Del Carmen Legran Gonzalez, Ingeneria Technica (L3), Cordoba University
(Spain). Web server with dynamic web html
Refereed Journal Articles and Book Chapters:
[1] K. Sehaba, V. Courboulay, and P. Estraillier. Observation and analysis of behaviour of autistic
children using an interactive system. Technology and Disability Journal, 18(4): 181-188, 2006.
[2] K. Sehaba, P. Estraillier. Contrôle d’exécution des jeux par analyse du comportement du joueur.
Intelligence Artificielle et Jeux, Hermès. Chapter 11, pp : 201-220, 2006.
Publications into International Conferences and Workshops:
[3] A. Ould Mohamed, V. Courboulay, K. Sehaba, M. Menard. Attention Analysis in Interactive
software for children with autism. The Eighth International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on
Computers & Accessibility. pages 133 - 140, October 2006, Portland Oregon, USA.
[4] K. Sehaba, P. Estraillier. Game Execution Control by Analysis of Player’s Behavior,
Proceedings of the ACM SIGCHI International Conference on Advances in Computer
Entertainment Technology (ACE 2005), 14-16 June 2006, Hollywood, California-USA.
[5] K. Sehaba, P. Estraillier, D. Lambert. Interactive Educational Games for Autistic Children with
Agent-Based System. 4th International Conference on Entertainment Computing (ICEC’05),
number 3711 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), pages 422–432, Springer. September
2005, Sanda, Japan.
[6] K. Sehaba, V. Courboulay, P. Estraillier. Interactive system by observation and
analysis of behavior for children with autism. 8th European conference for the advancement of
assistive technology in Europe (AAATE’05), pages 358–362, IOS Press. September 2005, Lille.
[7] K. Sehaba, P. Estraillier. A Multi-agent System for Rehabilitation of Children with Autism. In
AAMAS-05 Workshop on Agent-Based Systems for Human Learning (ABSHL’05). July 2005,
Utrecht, the Netherlands.
[8] F. Collé, K. Sehaba, P. Estraillier. A framework for business simulator: a first experience. In
proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Enterprise Information System (ICEIS’03),
vol. III, pp. 540-543. April 2003, Angers.
Publications into International and National French Conferences:
[9] K. Sehaba, P. Estraillier. Raisonnement à partir de cas pour la configuration de jeux
thérapeutiques destinés à des enfants autistes. 13th workshop on Case-Base Reasoning. May 2005,
[10] K. Sehaba, P. Estraillier. Exécution adaptative des jeux éducatifs pour des enfants autistes.
Colloque Ludovia’06, 5 au 7 juillet 2006, Saint-Lizier, Ariège.
[11] K. Sehaba, P. Estraillier, D. Lambert, V. Courboulay. Jeux éducatifs personnalisés pour
l’analyse du comportement des enfants autistes. Third meetings of the interdisciplinary Network
Autism-Science. Paris, November 2005.
[12] D. Lambert, P. Estraillier, K. Sehaba, V. Courboulay, E. Bouchaud, V. Gabet. Informatique
appliquée aux troubles autistiques. Présentation d'un projet de partenariat entre équipe de
pédopsychiatrie et le laboratoire universitaire d'informatique. In national colloque – SFPEADA.
Tours, June 2005.
[13] K. Sehaba, V. Courboulay, P. Estraillier. L'aide à la décision par observation et analyse de
comportement dans le contexte des jeux éducatifs. Artificial intelligence and games. june 2005,
[14] F. Collé, K. Sehaba. Scenario analysis based on Linear Logic. IMAGINA'05. Monaco, février
French Reports:
[15] K. Sehaba. Exécution adaptative par observation et analyse de comportements, Application à
des logiciels interactifs pour des enfants autistes. PhD, La Rochelle University. 7 december 2005.
[16] K. Sehaba. Gestion de l’ouverture des systèmes multi-agents., Master's thesis, La Rochelle
University. July 2002.
[17] K. Sehaba & F. Khébizet. EASYDEVS - Un outil Blackboard pour une méthodologie
intelligente d’approximations successives des modèles DEVS. Mémoire de fin d'études
d'ingénieur. Oran University. May 2001.
Realization of two featurettes (2004 and 2005) within the framework of 5th and 6th festivals
organized by the association of PhD students of La Rochelle University. Writing, shooting and
Secretary of the association of PhD student of La Rochelle University (2004).
French driving licence, personal car
Sport (badminton, soccer, swimming)