Copie pour los ~embres de la troupe du Cercle at


Copie pour los ~embres de la troupe du Cercle at
Copie pour los
~embres de
la troupe du Cercle a t - Joachim.
li'.uS 1IVIJ~
Regional Festival at Ottawa
:Jate April 23rd .
Name o f Play " B01 SArG HE ME1'4-r PAS 8 pr esented by CERCLE :JRAl.ATIQUE
de ST.JOAc-"Il!.
ACTI~ ( 50
Variation of Tone
Gestur e
To tal 1 9 marks
A very interesting and sympathetic
attempt to convey a delica!! ~
s inc erel~ ce nceived piece of ork •
It fa iled, I f elt , chiefly--r~
--~ -o f e~erience . No doubt , as
mo re exper1enoe is acqu1rea, ~he
pro~se given by thio performance
will ripen into achievement .
Interp!'etati on
Te um work ·
Genae of Climax
F rop~rties
Stage ~e tting
Total 19 marks.
GRAlill T07AL 38
First French Play Is Entered
In Provincial Dramatic Festival
Intrinsic with the culture at Candrama which is especially cultivated in eastern Canada, and which
will be one ot the most interesting
:features ot the Provincial Dramatic
Festival in Calgary thb week is
the play, "Bon Sang Ne Ment Pas",
by Mme. Emma Marrier of Edmonton, to be present~d by the French
Canadian Dramatic Club of Edmonton on Friday evening.
This is the first time since the
commencement of the yearly dramatic festivals ln the province that
a French play has been entered in
the competilton, to be judged
against nine plays to be given in
English. The :fact, too, that tht!
piece is by an amateur playwright
lends greatly to the interest. especially when it 'is remembered
that a year ago a play by the well
known writer, E. J. Thor1axson of
Calgary was selected as the winning production and awarded the
highest marks in adjudication that
have ever been given by the critic,
Mr. Rupert Harvey, a! London,
England. In the cast are Madame
J . H. Tremblay, Madame Alphonse
Hervieux. Mlle. Gabrielle Hervieux
and M. Alpholl$e :a:ervieux.
Eleven dramatic organizations
throughout Alberta have entered
eleven plays in the Provincial
Dramatic Festival to be held in the
Grand theatre, Calgary on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings
ol this week. Three plays trom
Edmonton are entered in the coll)petitlon representing the Edmonton
L ittle Theatre. the University
Dramatic Club, and the French
Dramatic Society.
The program for the three nights its
as foUows:
Birthday Of
Dicken-s Is
Ce lebrated
To commemorate the birthday ot
the famous author, Charles Dickens.
members of the Edmonton Branch
or the Dickens Fellowship will hold
a dinner in the Y.W.C.A. dining
room Thursday evening at seven
Throughout the world more than
~00 branches of the Fellowship will
pay special tribute and honor to the
memory of the man whose novels
havQ bad such a wide appeal, and
who did so much to"-'-'relieve,_the con-
Unlversity of Alberta Dramatic Club,
"God Made the Country,u Elsie Park
_Junior College Players, Mount Royal
College, "'l'he Second Visit," John
Bourn·llInnisfail D ramatic Club, ''Pygmal-
ion," Act 2, G. B. Shaw.
Drumheller Dramateurr;, "Camberley Triangle," A. A. Milne.
Badminton And
Dramatics Take
Students South
Medicine liat Little Theatre Ass'n.,
''The \Var;p," Essex Dane.
· Joachim Dramatic Society, .Edmonton, "Bon Sang ne Ment Pas," Emma
Ban:£! Literary and Dramatic Club.
"Gara£elia's Husband," Esther W.
calgary Theatre Guild, "Sicilian
Limes," Pirandello.
A considerable representation o.f
Varsity students will spend the lat.- J
ter part of the current week in
Calgary. Carrying Varsity hopes in
the provincial dramatic festival will
be Margaret Aldwmkle, Parker
Kent and Jack Chalmers in EWe
Edmonton Little Theatre Associa- Park Gowan's "God Made the Countion, "The Artist," Miles Malleson.
Cardston Dramatic Club, "Vindica- try." Norah Young, Mrs. Cowan's
tion.'' Leonard J. Himes and F. King. sister. has succeeded in her dil·ecLethbridge l>Jaygoel"S Club, "Go~ torial capacit.y. in welding a strongly
Theatre,'' Christopher Morley.
dramatic offering. The piece will
""-- ~-ad .,__Ct~~.....- - - ~
~a'Cfifm"jj;~~it t::Iuli
Place~ in. ~lberta Festival
Annual Event Most Successful
In Six Years; Calgary to
Be Permanent Locale
OACHIM Dramatic Club of
Edmonton was awarded
first place in the sixth annual
Alberta Dramatic Festival by
Mr. Malcolm Morley at the
Grand theatre on Saturday
night bringing to an end the
three~day competition in which
eleven plays were entered.
Provincial festivals will be held
in Calgary in future, Mr. E. A.
Corbett announced in a brief ad·
dress, commenting on the enthusiastic support given locally. In
time, these would be precetled by
preliminarr contests in the north
and south of the province. The
festival this year had been the
most successful since the league's
incsption, h(l ~;aid, crediting much
of its success to the untiring ef·
forts of Mr. G. Edwards, secre·
Today to Wednesday
"J"he Meanest Gal
in Town"
Zasu Pitts - El Brendel
James Gleason
Skeets Gallagher
"Tile Avenger"
tary·treasurer of the Alberta
Dramatic League, and his com·
mittee~. For the smooth produc·
tion made poJ<sible by expert
back-stage management, a. vote of
thanks was given> Miss Nancy
The play, "Bon Sang Ne Ment
Pas," written in French by Mme.
Emma Morrier of Edmonton, was
awarded the decision because of its
well balanced east, Mr. Morley said,
stating that he intended to recommend the play for .first place in the
Dominion festival. Alphonse Hervieux directed as well as acted in
the play, with Mme. A. Hervieux,
Mme. J. T. Tremblay and Gavrlelle
Medicine Hat Little Theatre Association was placed second with its
presentation of "The Wasp," the
adjudicator considering the melodrama was very well .maintained,
with good setting and atmosphere,
Third pl11ce was given the Cal·
gary Theatre Guild's production
of "Sicilian Limes," which Mr.
Morley considered a very beauti·
ful play, worthy of second place,
had it not been for minor defects.
The play had one of the very best
actors in the person of Chalmers
Luckhart, th e adjudicator said.
"Good Theatre," by the Lethbridge Playgoers' Club, came fourth,
gaining high praise from the adjudicator because of the good performance and for the audabillty of
the actors. ''The first essential of an
actor is to be heard," Mr. Morley
pointed out. It was only because
this point had not been observed
by the production of the Banff LitDramatic Club that he did not rate
"Garafelia's Husband" higher than
fifth, Mr. Morley said. The production of the play was good, and Kenneth Runciman as the dying husband, gave one of the best performances in the festival.
"Vindication" by Cardston Little
Theatre, ranged a close seventh.
"Pygmalion" by the InnisfaU Amateur Players, was placed first on
the opening night performance.
Dominion Drama Festival.
Regional, Calgary, Feb. 8th, 1935
Naae of Play ; "Bon Sang Ne Ment Pas"
Andre -Very natural, a little Restless.
Marie-Alice - Good . Should be quicker.
Suzanne - Capital characterisation.
Paulette - Very good.
An artless (naturelle) little play of simple charm. Naive (sans artifice) and
novelettisb (Romantique)
It was delightly played. The cast was extremely well balanced, and every one of the players
was good. They acted with a natural ease, and their diction was by far the best in Calgary .
The production had a number of small faults - restless movements, and wrong timing of
effects. The song at the end was too long, although good to hear.
Acting (50 Marks) Marks.
Characterisation ••••••• l7
Variation of tone •••••• 8
Emphasis ••••••••••••••• 7
Gesture •••••••••••••••• 6
Movement •••••••• • •••••• 2
(50 marks for) Production and Stage Pre sent at ion.
Interpretation •••••••••• l3
Team work •••••• •••• ••••• 4
Tempo.•o• •••••••••• ••• •• 3
Grouping •• • ••••••••••••• 2
Movement •••••••••••••••• 1
Sense of Climax ••••••••• 1
Properties ••••• ••• •••• • • 2
Stage setting ••••••••••• 2
Lightning •••••••••••••• • 2
Costumes ••• • •••••••••••• 2
Make up. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2
Grand total 74
Les expositions
c{a cattiete
·Ce qu'on pcut fairc, l\~com­
plir, rca.Jiscr dans une vie bien
rcmpJie et qu'on p:1sse Lout droit
a l'ftge UC Ja I'Ctraile, On en a lli1C
i llustl'lllion etonn an lc en ecuulanl fm:n:~ !llorril'r parler cte ses
aell vlt!\s passees et de sa besogne aduelle.
~i l''el'lla vi e intc!Jcc·tuclle qui
a conserve a CCIIC grand-JlH!re
de iS ans, sa vit:.qitc d'csprit, son
entrain, sa joic de vi vre, (cUe
:1\'oue ignorer ce, que c'cst que
!'ennui) et son at·cicur au travail,
ell~ blcn toulcs les femmes <leHaicnt en prendre Ja recette,
surtout ecllcs qui s'accrochcnt
desrspercment a uue jeuncsse qui
les fuit...
l'\'-l!e n Ottawa, Mme ~!Tier a
preSQUe toujours ve~ d1JI1S
l'Ouest canadien, a Prince All>ert
et a Edmonton, .sauf des sejours
assez pt·olont(es en Europc. A Paris ellc ~tudia le chant avec Mmc
l•'orbcs-T:3re gnac, et la peinture
avec Louise Marerhal. De retour au pays elle ensciguc le
chant el prepare des eleves pour
le conscl'vatoiJ·e de Toronto, tout
en lh'Cil<Atll part ellc-mi\nH: A
plusieurs concc!'IS'. Elle a dirigi!
une chorale de 100 memb1·es cui
a remporte un II'Ophec au Festival deJa province. Elle ecrivil
i'gnlcmt.>nt des pieces de; tbef:h·c
pour le Festival dramatiQue
d'Aiherta et une de ses oieccs
ayanl ete -primee ce fut Ia premiere pii•ce jamais joure t n
fJ•an~;:ais n cet endroit et le recueil des qnatre pri~res de thr£!lre, k prc.>mier Jivre cdilc en Jun-.
guc fran!<tYSe dans cette provin- 1