Vanessa Safavi Education Shows


Vanessa Safavi Education Shows
Vanessa Safavi
Phone : +41 (0)78 860 5024
[email protected]
Swiss, French, Iranian artist.
Lives and Works in Fribourg, Lausanne and Geneva.
2003 - 2007
HES Certificat of Visual Arts
Cantonal School of Art, ECAL, Lausanne
If it’s a bird, shoot it ! In Practice project, with Aurelien Gamboni,
Damien Navarro, Benjamin Lavigne and Konstantin Sgouridis, curated
by Sarina Basta, Sculpture Center, Long Island, New York
Un Art du Feu, with Stephane Devidal, Jean Crotti, Luc Andrié curated
by Guillaume Pilet, Espace Bellevaux, Lausanne
Projections CCSP, projerction dans la vitrine du CCSP, curated by
Léa Fluck, Paris
“X”, Une exposition de multiples, with Stéphane Dafflon, Fabrice
Gygi, Delphine Coindet, etc, curated by 1M3, Lausanne
Black Diaspora, with Pierre Verger, Athénée Galiciadis, Körner Union,
etc,curated by Nathalie Rehbolz, Espace Out Of This Word,Territet
Joseph Hanniblal Now!, with Stéphane Dafflon, Genêt Mayor,
Benjamin Valenza, etc
Sijang Jeon Eun Neomu Ileo , with Vanessa Billy, Joëlle Flumet,
Alexandre Bianchini,
Karim Noureldin, Philippe
crated by Aurelien Gamboni, Forde, Geneva
Even anti-heroes need their mum, Invitation of Kim Soeb Boninsegni,
with Konstatin Sgouridis, curated by Samuel Gross, Galerie Guy
Bärtschi, Genève
Diplomes, exhibition of final certificates, curated by Gloria Friedmann,
Ecal, Lausanne
Anathema, with Lauris Paulus and Fabian Marti, curated by Boris
Magrini, Fri- Art, Fribourg
Der Tanz der Doppelgänger, curated by Klat, Shark, Genève
Sublime, with Amy O’Neil, Vidya Gastaldon, Mai-Thu Perret, Pierre
Vadi, etc. Curated
Kim Soeb Bongnisegni, Atelier, Usine,
Solal , curated by Francis Baudevin, Arsenic, Lausanne
Morgenstern, with Claudia Comte, Guillaume Pilet, Phillippe
Daerdinger, Stéphane
Stettler, Château de Morges, Morges
Da Vidy Code, Roman Museum, Lausanne - Vidy
The Monkey Show, with Konstantin Sgouridis, curated by the artists,
Atelier, Usine Geneva
Our House in the Middle of Our Street , curated by Sarah Zürcher,
Fri-Art, Fribourg
Biennale de la sculpture très jeune », Epalinges
Les Urbaines, off projection, Flon, Lausanne
Sculpture Academy, curated by Pierre Vadi, Atelier, Usine Geneva
Cent Artists, collaboration with PAC, curated by Adrein Laubscher,
Le poisson rouge», youngs fribourgois artists, Ilford House, Marly

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