La Route vers le Nouveau Désordre Mondial


La Route vers le Nouveau Désordre Mondial
Peter Dale SCOTT
La Route vers
le Nouveau Désordre Mondial
50 ans d’ambitions secrètes
des États-Unis
Traduit de l’américain
par Maxime Chaix & Anthony Spaggiari
Éditions Demi-Lune
Collection Résistances
La Route vers le Nouveau Désordre Mondial
À la mémoire de ces nombreux pionniers d’une société saine
dont le message doit être redécouvert par chaque génération.
Parmi eux, notamment :
William Lloyd Garrison (1805-1879)
Léon Tolstoï (1828-1910)
Carl Schurz (1829-1906)
David Graham Phillips (1867-1911)
William E.B. DuBois (1868-1923)
Le Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948)
Scott Nearing (1883-1983)
Abraham J. Muste (1885-1967)
Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan (Badshah Khan) (1890-1988)
Franz Jägerstätter (1907-1943)
Isador F. Stone (1907-1989)
Simone Weil (1909-1943)
Czeslaw Milosz (1911-2004)
Nelson Mandela (1918-)
Paulo Freire (1921-1997)
Fred Shuttlesworth (1922-)
Martin Luther King Jr (1929-1968)
Mario Savio (1942-1996)
Adam Michnik (1946-)
Tiré du livre de Peter Dale SCOTT
paru aux éditions Demi-Lune
Bibliographie & Sources
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La Route vers le Nouveau Désordre Mondial
La Route vers le Nouveau DésOrdre mondial
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Chatterjee, Pratap. Iraq, Inc. A Profitable Occupation. (Seven Stories, New York, 2004).
Tiré du livre de Peter Dale SCOTT
paru aux éditions Demi-Lune
Chua, Amy. World on Fire: How Exporting Free Market Democracy Breeds Ethnic
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Cirules, Enrique. L’Europe des Parrains, La Mafia à l’assaut de l’Europe.
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---. Devil’s Game: How the United States Helped Unleash Fundamentalist Islam.
(Metropolitan Books/Henry Holt, New York, 2005).
La Route vers le Nouveau Désordre Mondial
La Route vers le Nouveau DésOrdre mondial
Durandin, Catherine. La CIA en guerre: Allende, Gorbatchev, Ben Laden, Saddam
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Ehrenfeld, Rachel. Funding Evil: How Terrorism is Financed—And How to Stop It.
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Engdahl, William. A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World
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Farah, Douglas. Blood from Stones: The Secret Financial Network of Terror.
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Feffer, John, (sous la direction de) Power Trip: U.S. Unilateralism and Global Strategy
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Fisk, Robert. The Great War for Civilisation: The Conquest of the Middle East.
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Ganser, Daniele. NATO’s Secret Armies: Operation Gladio and Terrorism in Western
Europe. (Frank Cass Publishers, Londres, 2005). Disponible en français sous le titre
Les Armées secrètes de l’OTAN. Réseaux Stay Behind, Gladio et Terrorisme en Europe
de l’Ouest, (Éditions Demi-Lune, Paris, 2007).
Gates, Robert. From the Shadows: The Ultimate Insider’s Story of Five Presidents and
How They Won the Cold War. (Simon & Schuster, New York, 1996).
Gavin, Francis J. Gold, Dollars, and Power: The Politics of International Monetary
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Gerges, Fawaz. America and Political Islam: Clash of Cultures or Clash of Interests?
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Goff, Stan. Full Spectrum Disorder: The Military in the New American Century.
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Goodman, Amy, with David Goodman. The Exception to the Rulers: Exposing Oily
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Greider, William. The Soul of Capitalism: Opening Paths to a Moral Economy.
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Griffin, David Ray. The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions about the Bush
Administration and 9/11. (Olive Branch Press, Northampton, 2004). Disponible en
français sous le titre Le Nouveau Pearl Harbor. Questions gênantes à l’Administration
Bush, (Éditions Demi-Lune, Paris, 2006).
Tiré du livre de Peter Dale SCOTT
paru aux éditions Demi-Lune
---. The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions.
(Olive Branch Press/Interlink, Northampton, 2004). Disponible en français sous le
titre Omissions et manipulations de la Commission d’enquête sur le 11-Septembre,
(Éditions Demi-Lune, Paris, 2006).
Griffin, Michael. Reaping the Whirlwind: The Taliban Movement in Afghanistan.
(Pluto Press, Londres, 2001).
Grose, Peter. Gentleman Spy: The Life of Allen Dulles.
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Halperin, Morton, Jerry Berman, Robert Borosage, et Christine Marwick. The Lawless
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Hammond, Thomas. Red Flag over Afghanistan: The Communist Coup, the Soviet
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Hanhimäki, Jussi. The Flawed Architect: Henry Kissinger and American Foreign Policy.
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Haqqani, Husain. Pakistan: Between Mosque and Military.
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Harris, David. The Crisis: The President, the Prophet, and the Shah: 1979 and the
Coming of Militant Islam. (Little Brown, New York, 2004).
Helms, Harry. Inside the Shadow Government: National Security and the Cult of
Secrecy. (Feral House, Los Angeles, 2003).
Helms, Richard avec William Hood, A Look Over My Shoulder: A Life in the Central
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Hersh, Burton. The Old Boys: The American Elite and the Origins of the CIA.
(Scribner’s, New York, 1992).
Hersh, Seymour. Chain of Command: The Road from 9/11 to Abu Ghraib.
(HarperCollins, New York, 2004).
---. The Price of Power: Kissinger in the White House. (Summit, New York, 1983).
Hicks, Sander. The Big Wedding: 9/11, the Whistle-Blowers and the Cover-Up.
(VOXPOP, Brooklyn, 2005).
Hiro, Dilip. Holy Wars: The Rise of Islamic Fundamentalism.
(Routledge, New York, 1989).
Hitchens, Christopher. The Trial of Henry Kissinger. (Verso, Londres, 2001).
Hougan, Jim. Secret Agenda: Watergate, Deep Throat and the CIA.
(Random House, New York, 1984).
Isaacson, Walter. Kissinger: A Biography. (Simon & Schuster, New York, 1992).
Johnson, Chalmers. The Sorrows of Empire: Militarism, Secrecy and the End of the
Republic. (Metropolitan/Henry Holt, New York, 2004).
Jones, Adam, (sous la direction de). Genocide, War Crimes and the West: History and
Complicity. (Zed Books, Londres, 2004).
Jordan, David C. Drug Politics: Dirty Money and Democracies.
(University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, 1999).
Jordan, Hamilton. Crisis: The Last Year of the Carter Presidency.
(Putnam, New York, 1982).
Judah, Tim. Kosovo: War and Revenge. (Yale University Press, New Haven, 2002).
La Route vers le Nouveau Désordre Mondial
La Route vers le Nouveau DésOrdre mondial
Judis, John. The Folly of Empire: What George W. Bush Could Learn from Theodore
Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson. (Scribner’s, New York, 2004).
Kaplan, Robert D. Soldiers of God: With Islamic Warriors in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
(Random House, New York, 1990).
Kepel, Gilles. Jihad: The Trail of Political Islam. (Belknap Press, Cambridge, 2002).
Ouvrage original en français sous le titre Jihad : expansion et déclin de l’islamisme,
(Gallimard, Paris, 2000).
Kessler, Ronald. The Richest Man in the World. (Warner Books, New York, 1986).
Khalidi, Rashid. Resurrecting Empire: Western Footprints and America’s Perilous Path
in the Middle East. (Beacon, Boston, 2004).
Kissinger, Henry. White House Years. (Little, Brown, Boston, 1979).
---. Years of Renewal. (Simon & Schuster, New York, 1999).
Klare, Michael T. Blood and Oil: The Dangers and Consequences of America’s Growing
Dependency on Imported Petroleum (The American Empire Project).
(Metropolitan Books, New York, 2004).
---. Resource Wars: The New Landscape of Global Conflict.
(Metropolitan/ Henry Holt, New York, 2001).
Kochan, Nick. The Washing Machine: How Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing
Soils Us. (Thomson, Mason, 2005).
Kohlmann, Evan F. Al-Qaeda’s Jihad in Europe: The Afghan-Bosnian Network.
(Berg Publishers, Oxford & New York, 2004).
Kutler, Stanley I. The Wars of Watergate: The Last Crisis of Richard Nixon.
(Norton, New York, 1990).
Kux, Dennis. The United States and Pakistan, 1947-2000: Disenchanted Allies.
(Woodrow Wilson Center Press, Washington, 2000).
Labévière, Richard. Dollars for Terror: The United States and Islam.
(Algora Publishing, New York, 2000). Ouvrage original en français sous le titre Les
Dollars de la terreur : les États-Unis et les islamistes, (Grasset, Paris, 1999).
Lacey, Robert. The Kingdom: Arabia & the House of Sa’ud. (Avon, New York, 1981).
Lamb, Christina. Waiting for Allah: Pakistan’s Struggle for Democracy.
(H. Hamilton, Londres, 1991).
Lance, Peter. 1000 Years for Revenge. (Regan Books, New York, 2003).
---. Cover Up: What the Government Is Still Hiding about the War on Terror.
(Regan Books, New York, 2004).
Laurent, Frédéric. L’Orchestre noir. (Stock, New York, 1978). Ouvrage original en
français sous le même titre, (Stock, Paris, 1978).
Ledeen, Michael, et William Lewis. Debacle: The American Failure in Iran.
(Knopf, New York, 1981).
Leeb, Stephen. The Oil Factor: Protect Yourself—and Profit—from the Coming Energy
Crisis. (Warner Business Books, New York, 2004).
Lerner, Michael. The Left Hand of God: Taking Back our Country from the Religious
Right. (HarperSanFrancisco, San Francisco, 2006).
Little, Douglas. American Orientalism: The United States and the Middle East since
1945. (University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, 2002).
Tiré du livre de Peter Dale SCOTT
paru aux éditions Demi-Lune
Loftus, John et Mark Aarons. The Secret War against the Jews.
(St. Martin’s Press, New York, 1994).
Looney, Robert. “From Petrodollars to Petroeuros: Are the Dollar’s Days as an
International Reserve Currency Drawing to an End?” Center for Contemporary
Conflict, 3 novembre 2003.
Mann, James. The Rise of the Vulcans: The History of Bush’s War Cabinet.
(Viking, New York, 2004).
Marshall, Jonathan, Peter Dale Scott, et Jane Hunter. The Iran-Contra Connection:
Secret Teams and Covert Operations in the Reagan Era.
(South End Press, Boston, 1987).
McCoy, Alfred W. The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia.
(Lawrence Hill Books/ Chicago Review Press, Chicago, 2001).
McQuaig, Linda. It’s the Crude, Dude: War, Big Oil, and the Fight for the Planet.
(Doubleday Canada, Toronto, 2004).
Merry, Robert M. Sands of Empire: Missionary Zeal, American Foreign Policy, and the
Hazards of Global Ambition. (Simon & Schuster, New York, 2005).
Michnik, Adam. The Church and the Left. Trans. David Ost.
(University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1993).
Micklethwait, John et Adrian Wooldridge. The Right Nation: Conservative Power in
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Morgan, Rowland et Ian Henshall. 9/11 Revealed: The Unanswered Questions.
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Moss, Robert. “Who’s Meddling in Iran?” New Republic, 2 décembre 1978.
Murphy, Paul. The Wolves of Islam: Russia and the Faces of Chechen Terror.
(Brassey’s Inc., Washington, 2004).
Mylroie, Laurie. The War Against America. (AEI Press, Washington, 2000).
---. Bush vs. the Beltway: How the CIA and the State Department Tried to Stop the War
on Terror. (Regan Books, New York, 2003).
Nitzan, Jonathan et Shimshon Bichler. The Global Political Economy of Israel.
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Odell, John S. U.S. International Monetary Policy,
(Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1982).
Palast, Greg. The Best Democracy Money Can Buy: An Investigative Reporter Exposes
the Truth about Globalization, Corporate Cons, and High-Finance Fraudsters.
(Plume, New York, 2004).
Parmar, Inderjeet. Think Tanks and Power in Foreign Policy: A Comparative Study of
the Role and Influence of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Royal Institute of
International Affairs. 1939-1945. (Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 2004).
Parry, Robert. Lost History: Contras, Cocaine, and Other Crimes.
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---. Secrecy and Privilege: Rise of the Bush Dynasty from Watergate to Iraq.
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---. Trick or Treason: The October Surprise Mystery. (Sheridan Square, New York, 1993).
Pelletiere, Stephen C. Iraq and the International Oil System: Why America Went to War
in the Gulf. (Maisonneuve Press, Washington, 2004).
La Route vers le Nouveau Désordre Mondial
La Route vers le Nouveau DésOrdre mondial
Perkins, John. Confessions of an Economic Hit Man.
(Berrett-Koehler Publishers, San Francisco, 2004). Disponible en français sous le titre
Les Confessions d’un assassin financier (Al Terre / Ariane, Québec, 2005).
Persico, Joseph E. Casey: From the OSS to the CIA. (Viking/Penguin, New York, 1991).
---. The Imperial Rockefeller: A Biography of Nelson A. Rockefeller.
(Simon & Schuster, New York, 1982).
Phillips, Kevin. American Dynasty: Aristocracy, Fortune, and the Politics of Deceit in
the House of Bush. (Viking, New York, 2004).
---. American Theocracy: The Peril and Politics of Radical Religion, Oil, and Borrowed
Money in the 21st Century. (Viking, New York, 2006).
---. Wealth and Democracy: A Political History of the American Rich.
(Broadway Books, New York, 2002).
Pisani, Sallie. The CIA and the Marshall Plan.
(University Press of Kansas, Lawrence, 1996).
Porter, Gareth. Perils of Dominance: Imbalance of Power and the Road to War in
Vietnam. (University of California Press, Berkeley & Los Angeles, 2005).
Posner, Gerard. Why America Slept: The Failure to Prevent 9/11.
Random House, New York, 2003).
Potts, Mark, Nick Kochan, et Robert Whittington. Dirty Money: BCCI, the Inside Story
of the World’s Sleaziest Bank. (National Press Books, Washington DC, 1992).
Powers, Thomas. Intelligence Wars. (New York Review Books, New York, 2004).
---. The Man Who Kept the Secrets: Richard Helms & the CIA. (Knopf, New York, 1979).
Prestowitz, Clyde. Rogue Nation: American Unilateralism and the Failure of Good
Intentions. (Basic Books, New York, 2003).
Ranelagh, John. The Agency: The Rise and Decline of the CIA.
(Simon & Schuster, New York, 1986).
Rashid, Ahmed. Jihad: The Rise of Militant Islam in Central Asia.
(Yale University Press, New Haven, 2002).
---. Taliban: Militant Islam, Oil and Fundamentalism in Central Asia.
(Yale University Press, New Haven, 2001).
Reeve, Simon. The New Jackals: Ramzi Yousef, Osama bin Laden and the Future of
Terrorism. (Northeastern University, Boston, 1999).
Ressa, Maria A. Seeds of Terror: An Eyewitness Account of Al-Qaeda’s Newest Center of
Operations in Southeast Asia. (Free Press, New York, 2003).
Ridenhour, Ron avec Arthur Lubow. “Bringing the War Home”. New Times,
28 novembre 1975.
Ridgeway, James. The March to War. (Four Walls Eight Windows, New York, 1991).
Ritter, Scott. Iraq Confidential: The Untold Story of the Intelligence Conspiracy to
Undermine the UN and Overthrow Saddam Hussein. (Nation Books, New York, 2005).
Rockefeller, David. Memoirs. (Random House, New York, 2002).
Rothkopf, David J. Running the World: The Inside Story of the National Security Council
and the Architects of American Power. (Public Affairs/Perseus, New York, 2005).
Rowse, Arthur E. “Gladio: The Secret U.S. War to Subvert Italian Democracy”.
Covert Action Quarterly, N°49, Été 1994.
Tiré du livre de Peter Dale SCOTT
paru aux éditions Demi-Lune
Rubin, Barnett. The Search for Peace in Afghanistan: From Buffer State to Failed State.
(Yale University Press, New Haven, 1995).
---. Paved with Good Intentions: The American Experience in Iran.
(Oxford University Press, New York, 1980).
Ruppert, Michael C. Crossing the Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the
End of the Age of Oil. (New Society Publishers, Gabriola Island, 2004). Disponible en
français en 2 tomes, Franchir le Rubicon. Le déclin de l’Empire américain à la fin de
l’âge du pétrole, (Nouvelle Terre, Lopérec, 2006 et 2007).
Sageman, Marc. Understanding Terror Networks.
(University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphie, 2004).
Saighal, Général Vinod. Dealing with Global Terrorism: The Way Forward.
(Sterling, New Delhi, 2003).
Salinger, Pierre. America Held Hostage: The Secret Negotiations.
(Doubleday, Garden City, 1981).
Sampson, Anthony. The Arms Bazaar: from Lebanon to Lockheed. (Viking, NY, 1977).
---. The Seven Sisters: The Great Oil Companies and the World They Shaped.
(Viking, New York, 1975).
Sanders, Jerry. Peddlers of Crisis: The Committee on the Present Danger and the
Politics of Containment. (South End Press, Boston, 1983).
Saunders, Frances Stonor. Who Paid the Piper. (Granta, Londres, 1999).
Schell, Jonathan. The Unconquerable World: Power, Nonviolence, and the Will of the
People. (Metropolitan Books/Henry Holt, New York, 2003).
Schroen, Gary. First In: An Insider’s Account of How the CIA Spearheaded the War on
Terrorism in Afghanistan. (Presidio/Ballantine, New York, 2005).
Schwartz, Stephen. The Two Faces of Islam: The House of Sa’ud from Tradition to
Terror. (Doubleday, New York, 2002).
Schweizer, Peter. Victory—The Reagan Administration’s Secret Strategy that Hastened
the Collapse of the Soviet Union. (Atlantic Monthly Press, New York, 1994).
Scott, Peter Dale. Deep Politics and the Death of JFK.
(University of California Press, Berkeley, 1998).
---. Drugs, Oil, and War: The United States in Afghanistan, Colombia, and Indochina.
(Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham, 2003).
--- et Jonathan Marshall. Cocaine Politics: The CIA, Drugs, and Armies in Central
America. (University of California Press, Berkeley & Los Angeles, 1991).
Secord, Richard avec Jay Wurts. Honored and Betrayed: Irangate, Covert Affairs, and
the Secret War in Laos. (John Wiley, New York, 1992).
Sharma, Rajeev. Pak Proxy War: A Story of ISI, bin Laden and Kargil.
(Kaveri Books, New Delhi, 2002).
Shawcross, William. The Shah’s Last Ride: The Fate of an Ally.
(Simon & Schuster, New York, 1988).
Shevtsova, Lilia. Putin’s Russia. Trans. Antonina Bouis.
(Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Washington, 2003).
Shoup, Laurence H. And William Minter. The Imperial Brain Trust: The Council on
Foreign Relations and United States Foreign Policy.
(Monthly Review Press, New York, 1977).
La Route vers le Nouveau Désordre Mondial
La Route vers le Nouveau DésOrdre mondial
Sick, Gary. All Fall Down: America’s Tragic Encounter with Iran.
(Random House, New York, 1985).
---. October Surprise: America’s Hostages in Iran and the Election of Ronald Reagan.
(Times Books, New York, 1991).
Simpson, Christopher. Blowback: America’s Recruitment of Nazis and Its Effect on the
Cold War. (Collier Books/Macmillan, New York, 1988).
Sklar, Holly, (sous la direction de). Trilateralism: The Trilateral Commission and Elite
Planning for World Management. (South End Press, Boston, l980).
Smucker, Philip. Al Qaeda’s Great Escape: The Military and the Media on Terror’s
Trail. (Brassey’s, Washington, 2004).
Solomon, Robert. The International Monetary System, 1945-1981.
(Harper & Row, New York, 1982).
Sullivan, William H. Mission to Iran. (W.W. Norton, New York, 1981).
Summers, Anthony avec Robbyn Swann. The Arrogance of Power: The Secret World of
Richard Nixon. (Viking, New York, 2000).
--- et Robbyn Swann. Sinatra: The Life. (Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 2005).
Teacher, David. “The Pinay Circle and Destabilisation in Europe”. Lobster N°18,
octobre 1989.
Tether, C. Gordon. The Banned Articles of C. Gordon Tether Hetheringstok.
(Goodhead News Press, Bicester, UK, 1977).
Thompson, Paul. The Terror Timeline: Year by Year, Day by Day, Minute by Minute.
(HarperCollins/Regan Books, New York, 2004).
Thorn, Victor. 9-11 on Trial: The World Trade Center Collapse.
(Sisyphus Press, State College, Pennsylvanie, 2005). Disponible en français sous le
titre Le Procès du 11-Septembre. Le 11-Septembre à l’épreuve des faits, avec une
postface de David Ray Griffin, (Éditions Demi-Lune, Paris, 2006).
Trento, Josephy J. Prelude to Terror: The Rogue CIA and the Legacy of America’s
Private Intelligence Network. (Carroll & Graf, New York, 2005).
---. The Secret History of the CIA. (Forum/Prima/Random House, New York, 2001).
Trento, Susan B. The Power House: Robert Keith Gray and the Selling of Access and
Influence in Washington. (St. Martin’s Press, New York, 1992).
Truell, Peter et Larry Gurwin. False Profits: The Inside Story of BCCI, the World’s Most
Corrupt Financial Empire. (Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1992).
Unger, Craig. House of Bush, House of Saud: The Secret Relationship between the
World’s Two Most Powerful Dynasties. (Scribner, New York, 2004).
Van der Pijl, Kees The Making of an Atlantic Ruling Class. (Verso, Londres, 1984).
Vance, Cyrus. Hard Choices: Critical Years in America’s Foreign Policy.
(Simon & Schuster, New York, 1983).
Willan, Philip. Puppetmasters: The Political Use of Terrorism in Italy.
(Constable & Company, Londres, 1991).
Williams, Paul L. Al Qaeda: Brotherhood of Terror.
(Alpha/ Pearson Education, Upper Saddle River, 2002).
Winks, Robin. Cloak & Gown: Scholars in the Secret War, 1939-1961.
(William Morrow, New York, 1987).
Tiré du livre de Peter Dale SCOTT
paru aux éditions Demi-Lune
Woodward, Bob. Veil: The Secret Wars of the CIA, 1981-1987.
(Simon & Schuster, New York, 1987). Existe en français sous le titre CIA : Guerres
secrètes 1981-1987, (Stock, Paris, 1987).
---. Plan of Attack. (Simon & Schuster, New York, 2004). Existe en français sous le titre
Plan d’attaque, (Denoël, Paris, 2004).
---. Shadow: Five Presidents and the Legacy of Watergate.
(Simon & Schuster, New York, 1999).
Yergin, Daniel. The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money, and Power.
(Simon & Schuster, New York, 1991).
Yousaf, Mohammed et Mark Adkin. The Bear Trap: Afghanistan’s Untold Story.
(Leo Cooper, Londres, 1992).
Al-Zayyat, Montasser. The Road to Al-Qaeda: The Story of Bin Laden’s Right-Hand Man.
(Pluto Press, Londres, 2004).
Zepezauer, Mark. Boomerang!: How Our Covert Wars Have Created Enemies across the
Middle East and Brought Terror to America. (Common Courage Press, Monroe, 2003).
Zinn, Howard. A People’s History of the United States: 1492–Present.
(HarperPerennial, New York, 1984). Disponible en français sous le titre Une histoire
populaire des États-Unis. De 1492 à nos jours, (Agone, Marseille, 2002).
Church Committee Report: U.S. Congress, Senate, Select Committee to Study
Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities. Final Report, April
26, 1976. 94th Cong., 2nd Sess., Senate Report N°94-755.
Iran-Contra Affair: U.S. House Select Committee to Investigate Covert Arms Transactions
with Iran, U.S. Senate Select Committee on Secret Military Assistance to Iran and the
Nicaraguan Opposition. Iran-Contra Affair: Report of the Congressional Committees
Investigating the Iran-Contra Affair: With Supplemental, Minority, and Additional Views.
100th Cong., 1st Sess., House Report N°100-433, Senate Report N°100-216.
Kerry-Brown BCCI Report: U.S. Congress, Senate. The BCCI Affair: A Report to the
Senate Committee on Foreign Relations from Senator John Kerry, Chairman, and
from Senator Hank Brown, Ranking Member, Subcommittee on Terrorism, Narcotics,
and International Operations. (…) December 1992, 102nd Cong., 2nd Sess., Senate
Report N°102-140.
9/11 Commission Report: The 9/11 Commission Report: Final Report of the National
Commission on Terrorist Attacks on the United States. Authorized Edition. (W.W.
Norton, New York, 2004). Disponible en français sous le titre 11-Septembre, Rapport
final de la Commission d’enquête sur les attaques terroristes contre les États-Unis,
(Équateurs, Paris, 2004). Il existe aussi une autre édition française, maintenant
épuisée, chez Alban éditions.
Pike Report: Un rapport soumis au Congrès en 1974, par la Commission spéciale de
la Chambre des Représentants sur le Renseignement. Le Congrès a décidé par 246
voix contre 124 de ne pas diffuser le Rapport Pike, si le Président ne garantissait pas
qu’il ne contenait aucune information classifiée. Toutefois, The Village Voice le publia
intégralement dans son édition du 16 février 1976. Il fut ensuite publié en Angleterre
sous le titre : CIA: Pike Report, (Spokesman Books Nottingham, 1977). Ce livre n’est
plus disponible aux États-Unis, ni sur le site ni sur
La Route vers le Nouveau Désordre Mondial
Éditions Demi-Lune
Déjà parus dans la collection Résistances
Le Nouveau Pearl Harbor
de David R. GRIFFIN
Omissions et Manipulations
de la Commission d’enquête sur le 11-Septembre
de David R. GRIFFIN
Le Procès du 11-Septembre
La vérité sur l’effondrement des 3 tours du WTC
de Victor THORN
La Guerre contre la Vérité
de Nafeez M. AHMED
La Terreur Fabriquée, Made in USA
de Webster G. TARPLEY
L’Effroyable Imposture & Le Pentagate
de Thierry MEYSSAN
11-Septembre, la Faillite des Médias
de David R. GRIFFIN
Guerre Biologique et Terrorisme
de Francis A. BOYLE
Les Dessous du TERRORisme
Qui dirige le monde par la peur‑?
de Gerhard WISNEWSKI
Les Armées Secrètes de l’OTAN
de Daniele GANSER
Pétrole : la fête est finie !
de Richard HEINBERG
Yasser Arafat, intime
La passion de la Palestine
d’Isabel PISANO
Agent Orange
Apocalypse Viêt Nam
d’André BOUNY
La Colonie française d’Algérie
200 Ans d’inavouable. Rapines & péculats
de Lounis AGGOUN
Tiré du livre de Peter Dale SCOTT
paru aux éditions Demi-Lune
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