Centre for Reviews and Dissemination


Centre for Reviews and Dissemination
Algorithmes d'investigation, de traitement et de suivi pour le cancer du colon (mise à jour).
[Colon cancer investigation, treatment and follow-up algorithm (update)]
Boily G, Boulanger J, Garneau H, Goulet S, Morneau M
Record Status
This is a bibliographic record of a published health technology assessment from a member of INAHTA. No evaluation
of the quality of this assessment has been made for the HTA database.
Boily G, Boulanger J, Garneau H, Goulet S, Morneau M. Algorithmes d'investigation, de traitement et de suivi pour le
cancer du colon (mise à jour).. [Colon cancer investigation, treatment and follow-up algorithm (update)] Quebec:
Institut national d'excellence en sante et en services sociaux (INESSS). 2016
Authors' objectives
This tool is an update of the September 2013 version of the colon cancer investigation, treatment and follow-up
algorithm. It is in keeping with a clinical relevance approach and serves to guide the management of colon cancer
patients, reflecting both the best available evidence and current clinical practice in Québec (expert consensus). This
interactive document is a partnership between the GEOQ, the DGC and the Institut national d'excellence en santé et en
services sociaux (INESSS)
Project page URL
=FICHE& amp;PublicationPluginController%5Buid%5D=441&
Final publication URL
https://www.inesss.qc.ca/fileadmin/doc/INESSS/Rapports/Oncologie/INESSS_ Algorithme_ traitement_ cancer_
Indexing Status
Subject indexing assigned by CRD
Humans; Algorithms; Colonic Neoplasms; Follow-Up Studies
Language Published
Country of organisation
Province or state
English summary
There is no English language summary available.
Address for correspondence
Institut national d'excellence en santé et en services sociaux (INESSS), 1195 avenue Lavigerie, bureau 60 Québec
(Québec) Canada, G1V 4N3 Email: [email protected]
Health Technology Assessment (HTA) database
Copyright © 2017 ©Gouvernement du Québec/Institut national
d'excellence en santé et en services sociaux
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Health Technology Assessment (HTA) database
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